From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy SEAL Way - Way of the Warrior Kid

ByJocko Willink

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan ley
We read this as a family read-aloud. Everyone, including my husband, 5 kids and I, LOVED this book. It is everything my husband and I have been trying to teach them for years in a better, more organized fashion. We had a great time trying the things that Marc was being taught in the book. My 17 and 15 year old sons have now started getting up earlier and working out consistently. I've been trying to get them to do this for a very long time. The story in this book inspired them. But they also realize that feelings are fleeting, and that motivation is not always going to be there. Self-Discipline does in fact equal freedom and they are realizing this for the first time. All my kids are training their pull-ups more than ever before, and their jiu jitsu class has taken on a new meaning for them. They started a couple of months before we found this book, so it was absolutely perfect for them.

We have read a ton of read-alouds over the years. Novels, non-fiction, etc. This book will hold a special place in our hearts because of the character and values taught, the lessons explained so well, and because of the hands on interaction we did as a family imitating Uncle Jake's plan for Marc. They are even working on their own Warrior Kid Codes.

We will read it again and buy any of Jocko's future books asap. My kids hope there's a movie. It would be so much fun! I really want my sister to read this book to my nieces and nephews, but I don't think I can loan this one out. So I'll have to get it for them for Christmas or something.

Thanks, Jocko, for your service to this great country. And thanks for the work you're doing now. Every kid should read your book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
genevieve anders
Fantastic book for young boys. My 9 year old wanted me to read it to him every night and my 11 year old read it himself in 2 nights! Now they want me to train them this summer so they can be strong next year. Gonna be a great summer!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We read this as a family read-aloud. Everyone, including my husband, 5 kids and I, LOVED this book. It is everything my husband and I have been trying to teach them for years in a better, more organized fashion. We had a great time trying the things that Marc was being taught in the book. My 17 and 15 year old sons have now started getting up earlier and working out consistently. I've been trying to get them to do this for a very long time. The story in this book inspired them. But they also realize that feelings are fleeting, and that motivation is not always going to be there. Self-Discipline does in fact equal freedom and they are realizing this for the first time. All my kids are training their pull-ups more than ever before, and their jiu jitsu class has taken on a new meaning for them. They started a couple of months before we found this book, so it was absolutely perfect for them.

We have read a ton of read-alouds over the years. Novels, non-fiction, etc. This book will hold a special place in our hearts because of the character and values taught, the lessons explained so well, and because of the hands on interaction we did as a family imitating Uncle Jake's plan for Marc. They are even working on their own Warrior Kid Codes.

We will read it again and buy any of Jocko's future books asap. My kids hope there's a movie. It would be so much fun! I really want my sister to read this book to my nieces and nephews, but I don't think I can loan this one out. So I'll have to get it for them for Christmas or something.

Thanks, Jocko, for your service to this great country. And thanks for the work you're doing now. Every kid should read your book.
Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity - Radical Candor :: Think Like An Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed - The Way of the SEAL :: A Navy SEAL's Guide to Unconventional Training for Physical and Mental Toughness :: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World - Team of Teams :: Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level (Third Edition)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim principe
Fantastic book for young boys. My 9 year old wanted me to read it to him every night and my 11 year old read it himself in 2 nights! Now they want me to train them this summer so they can be strong next year. Gonna be a great summer!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
casey panell
I received my copy of Way Of The Warrior Kid today in the mail. I thought our normal mail carrier had been replaced by a massive BJJ blue belt but when she approached the door I saw that it was our same ol' mail carrier...just JACKED! She said that she read the book, I asked her what she thought of it...barely audibly she replied, "good". As soon as I took the book from her hand my forearms were noticeably larger and considerably hairier. I was surprised that our Shih-Tzu pup had not barked his head off at the mail carrier and when I turned around, our pup, Coop, closely resembled a bull mastiff...gains. Our son is super excited to settle in and get after reading his new book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kyle zimmerman
My pre-teen son loved this book.

As a single mom, I give my son books like this to empower him and support his masculinity, in a world that increasingly hostile toward boys and men.

This book reads like the loving advice of the coolest uncle in the world.
The pictures drove home the message and made it identifiable to my son.

Sometimes a boy just needs to hear it from someone other than mom.
I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh how I wish I had an Uncle Jake growing up! The good thing is now I have Jocko to help point the way. Seriously, I am a 48 year old woman and I have learned so much from Jocko since I discovered his podcast! His words and lessons are blunt and simple. Do the work. This book is no different. I pre-ordered and I had it waiting for me after I got back from vacation ("vacation" where I got after it daily!). I read it in one sitting before dinner and was cheering for Marc at the end. I wish I had these lessons when I was young or when I was raising my daughter. We both turned out great, but I can't help but thinking what fears I may have conquered earlier in life! Before Jocko I don't think I fully understood what discipline meant. This is a great read for all ages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My pre-teen son loved this book.

As a single mom, I give my son books like this to empower him and support his masculinity, in a world that increasingly hostile toward boys and men.

This book reads like the loving advice of the coolest uncle in the world.
The pictures drove home the message and made it identifiable to my son.

Sometimes a boy just needs to hear it from someone other than mom.
I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie pomeroy
Oh how I wish I had an Uncle Jake growing up! The good thing is now I have Jocko to help point the way. Seriously, I am a 48 year old woman and I have learned so much from Jocko since I discovered his podcast! His words and lessons are blunt and simple. Do the work. This book is no different. I pre-ordered and I had it waiting for me after I got back from vacation ("vacation" where I got after it daily!). I read it in one sitting before dinner and was cheering for Marc at the end. I wish I had these lessons when I was young or when I was raising my daughter. We both turned out great, but I can't help but thinking what fears I may have conquered earlier in life! Before Jocko I don't think I fully understood what discipline meant. This is a great read for all ages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlene wolfbrandt
Bought this for my nephew and he read through it in 2 hours, normally it's just a few chapters and then onto something else, but something clicked with him and this well thought-out book. Side note: I'm almost done reading this book too, there are some passages/paragraphs that I've read multiple times, especially the chapter dealing with fear, page 154-156. Great read for adults too!

**Purchased because Jocko was a guest on the Joe Rogan Podcast and they mentioned this book, it's a must buy for children/teens and even some adults!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fernando corzantes
Great read. Raising my 7 year old granddaughter, and have read many child development books, but this one is by far, the most practical. Best section to me was the part on the warrior code and how the kid should develop this themselves. At first I thought it would be more prescriptive in this section, but it allows for that creative freedom for the kid to create his/her own set of virtues. I remember in my youth before joining the army at 17, doing the same thing before I enlisted, similar codes that Jocko provided, plus many by American Indians and explorer/climbing teams I admired. I love how Jocko in a kids POV, celebrates the journey of change and how its all in our control, no one else's. We have long backpacking trip scheduled out in the wilds of this great country and think we'll use that week in the back-country to help develop her code while we explore nature and continue to learn from each other. She's on her journey to a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and has a great do-jang and master that is very similar to Jocko in using martial arts as a form of leadership development. This book will be a tool in her future until she's ready to venture off on her own. Thanks for this great gift and dilligence in relating to kids and the kids in all of us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel mariano
I gave this book a five star review because it was a amazing book with a really inspiring storyboard for kids all around the world.IT REALLY WAS A GOOD BOOK!!!! It took me two days to read the whole thing. Thank you for writing such a marvelous and inspiring story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandy frasier
My copy arrived yesterday and it has transformed my children's lives, along with my own. Getting after it commenced immediately upon the arrival of the book. This morning my 4 year old daughter completed a set of 41 pullups, and my 10 year old is still going as I write this review. Also, my daughter awoke with full knowledge of how to do a double leg, armbar and kimura, which she demonstrated on me just before I tapped. Also, I've noticed that my son and I both have more squared off jawlines and we tend to smile less, even though we're obviously much happier.

Ok, minuscule exaggerations aside, I thought the book was very well written and the message is one that not only our kids need to hear, but adults as well: Hard work, leading by example, and refusing to make excuses changes your life for the better. Period. Whatever your limitations, whatever your circumstances, you can improve and move forward. It's not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you are right now. Get this book. Get after it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john dittrich
Received the book today and giving it to my nephew. After reading the first two chapters, I know it will be highly beneficial. This should be a mandatory read for all school age troopers.
Warning, kids will become smarter, faster, stronger, and better after reading this book. Parents, do not be surprised if you become outwitted and out worked by your child. Also, don't be surprised if you wake up via a Berimbolo thanks to little Johnny.
Trust me, your kid needs Uncle Jake.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My son LOVES this book!! I bought this for my 10 year old son and he read it in one night. He left me 4 pages so I can read him the end because I told him I wanted to read it to him. I thought he just breezed through the book but I was asking him questions about the book and he remembered it really well. Now we can apply the lessons he learned in real life.

Thanks Jocko!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gerald haley
I purchased this book for my three kids (ages 10-14). All of us have loved the book and the results have been amazing. They've all doubled the number of pull-ups that they can do and now, instead of sprinkling sugar on their cereal, they use gunpowder and wash it down with a 50/50 blend of whole milk and diesel fuel. Easily the best kids book that I've ever purchased.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kalisa owens
Like I stated in the header, this was a book intended for children, but has bits of wisdom for people of any age who want to make the most of life. With ideas like "Discipline Equals Freedom" and examples of character (humility, courage, respect), this is a book we could all learn from, not only improving our own lives, but taking steps to be leaders and examples to the world around us.

I would HIGHLY recommend this book to anybody. It's an easy read and packed full of wisdom. 5 stars from me! Now, time to GET AFTER IT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina tunia
I was going to write some inside joke review for the Jocko fans, like "this book with be like gasx for your kids brain." But after thinking about it, those who follow Jocko and Echo will love this, and they don't need a sell. It is right in line with the themes in the Jocko podcast and Extreme Ownership.

But I write his review for those who don't know anything about Jocko, or for those looking for a motivating read for their kids. I preordered this thinking that I might be able to reinforce with my 6 year old daughter some of the lessons we are already applying at home. When I first started the book, I had my doubts. Marc seemed really negative, and put himself down a bunch. It was not what I was expecting. I was more than surprised when my daughter kept making me read the next chapter ... and the next ... and the next.

We continued on, and she continued to want to get back to the book. She surprised me more when she began anticipating what Uncle Jake was going to teach Marc. The next day, she brought the book over to me, and asked that rather than watch TV, could we read more about Marc and Uncle Jake. I was floored - she only gets TV for two hours a week, and she highly values it. Now she was giving it up to read - something we do all the time, something she enjoys, but not something she will volunteer for.

We finished the book, she let out a big Hoo Yah - again, not something I have taught her. Upon finishing, she asked if we could read it again. I have had the book a week, and we have now gone through it almost twice. She refers back to the book. I even caught her making her bed yesterday - saying she needs to keep her room clean and organized. I'm not making this up, or trying to be funny. She is 6. She loves this book. She is pushing herself more after reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book for kids as well as adults. Basically teaches kids that their future is in their own hands by hard work and dedication. Nothing comes for free and it's shown in this book in a positive motivational way
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aadil bandukwala
Received the book today and giving it to my nephew. After reading the first two chapters, I know it will be highly beneficial. This should be a mandatory read for all school age troopers.
Warning, kids will become smarter, faster, stronger, and better after reading this book. Parents, do not be surprised if you become outwitted and out worked by your child. Also, don't be surprised if you wake up via a Berimbolo thanks to little Johnny.
Trust me, your kid needs Uncle Jake.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My son LOVES this book!! I bought this for my 10 year old son and he read it in one night. He left me 4 pages so I can read him the end because I told him I wanted to read it to him. I thought he just breezed through the book but I was asking him questions about the book and he remembered it really well. Now we can apply the lessons he learned in real life.

Thanks Jocko!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased this book for my three kids (ages 10-14). All of us have loved the book and the results have been amazing. They've all doubled the number of pull-ups that they can do and now, instead of sprinkling sugar on their cereal, they use gunpowder and wash it down with a 50/50 blend of whole milk and diesel fuel. Easily the best kids book that I've ever purchased.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Like I stated in the header, this was a book intended for children, but has bits of wisdom for people of any age who want to make the most of life. With ideas like "Discipline Equals Freedom" and examples of character (humility, courage, respect), this is a book we could all learn from, not only improving our own lives, but taking steps to be leaders and examples to the world around us.

I would HIGHLY recommend this book to anybody. It's an easy read and packed full of wisdom. 5 stars from me! Now, time to GET AFTER IT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was going to write some inside joke review for the Jocko fans, like "this book with be like gasx for your kids brain." But after thinking about it, those who follow Jocko and Echo will love this, and they don't need a sell. It is right in line with the themes in the Jocko podcast and Extreme Ownership.

But I write his review for those who don't know anything about Jocko, or for those looking for a motivating read for their kids. I preordered this thinking that I might be able to reinforce with my 6 year old daughter some of the lessons we are already applying at home. When I first started the book, I had my doubts. Marc seemed really negative, and put himself down a bunch. It was not what I was expecting. I was more than surprised when my daughter kept making me read the next chapter ... and the next ... and the next.

We continued on, and she continued to want to get back to the book. She surprised me more when she began anticipating what Uncle Jake was going to teach Marc. The next day, she brought the book over to me, and asked that rather than watch TV, could we read more about Marc and Uncle Jake. I was floored - she only gets TV for two hours a week, and she highly values it. Now she was giving it up to read - something we do all the time, something she enjoys, but not something she will volunteer for.

We finished the book, she let out a big Hoo Yah - again, not something I have taught her. Upon finishing, she asked if we could read it again. I have had the book a week, and we have now gone through it almost twice. She refers back to the book. I even caught her making her bed yesterday - saying she needs to keep her room clean and organized. I'm not making this up, or trying to be funny. She is 6. She loves this book. She is pushing herself more after reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
master of
This book is amazing! I found out about it through Joe Rogan and I immediately ordered it. I finished it and my son (9) is halfway through. It is the perfect package for the things I am trying to teach my kiddos....discipline, working hard, eating right, overcoming fears, confidence, etc. It's great for parents to model their parenting after to raise confident but humble kids. It's great for kids to read and show them that through discipline and hard work, they can accomplish anything. Implementing this "warrior" mindset into society is a great way to combat bullying and oddly enough, teach our kids (and parents, for that matter) how to overcome adversity and confront opposition. This will become a regular bedtime read in my household! I'm not familiar with the author but I like the way this book read...I'll be looking into more things from Jocko.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Actually a very good book for ALL ages. Had my son read it and discuss. Nice to see accountability and hard work being written about for our youth vs. video games / smart phones / entitlement mentality. Great reinforcement of the benefits of hard work, learning by failing, practice, discipline, standing your ground, building confidence, etc.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read this book myself, before giving it to my 8 and 9 year old Grandsons. Good book, except I didn't like the part where the kid jumps off a bridge and into the river to show he is not afraid and can swim. I didn't think it was too smart to put that idea into a kid's head. Outside of that, great book for young boys.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morva swift
My 8 year old daughter loved this book! She has read it many times. I have not read the book, and do not really know what it is about because my husband bought it for her and read it with her. I have noticed that she no longer argues that I don’t allow her to have junk foods and soda and she has started going for short daily runs! She attributes these things to this book and I am amazed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I heard of this book by finding out about Jocko from podcasts. He mentioned this book so i purchased it, read it, and then gave it to a family friend's oldest son. Unbeknownst to me, the boy enjoyed the book so much that he gave it to his friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My 7 year old son is fascinated with U.S. military - special operations, in particular. So, when I learned that Jocko Willink wrote a book it was a must have for our house. Not only was it written for young(er) children, it included many values and things our family live by. A great read for the young and their parents. Each night, we spent a night reading one to two chapters until done. And he loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nesey armstrong
Excellent book, especially for a family with young children! Mr. Willink knocked it out of the park with this one. My son is about the same age as the lead character in this book, and their experiences are so similar that my son was able to channel the personality of this character while reading the book to all of us during family reading time. His younger sisters really enjoyed the book and the simple artwork throughout. I highly recommend this read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading Extreme Owner ship by the same author and listening to Jocko's podcast I bought this book for my son. He is 6 and has been training jui jitsu for 2 yrs now. He loves the book and is inspired by the characters in it.
This is a great book for kids of all ages and is full of great wisdom for a growing boy or girl.
Hats off to you Jocko Willink in a world of PC culture books and podcasts like yours make all the difference! Shout out from Two Swords jui jitsu Newport,RI
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
warren acoose
There are several reasons I love this book. Here are some of them:
1. This is the book I wish I got when I was a kid.
2. It is for both kids and their parents
3. It is about how to be better self, without going sideways. Without easy solutions like "visualize you're strong and everything will be ok".
4. The way of the warrior kid is simple but not easy :-)
5. If you are into stories like "Karate Kid" then you are going to love it. For me, it is even better, as there is no direct violence. No kicking bully in the face. You can safely read it with your younger children.
6. It is not only about physical fitness. There is much more. I'm not as GOOD and as experienced as Echo Charles in explaining layers (see Jocko Podcast), so I'm not going to go into details here ;-).
7. I'm not a native English speaker, my son neither. I've translated it "on the fly" so it was not fluent and exact but still my son (eight years old) really loved the book.
8. The language is simple and adjusted to the target audience.
9. We've got a lot of laughts while reading the book. It is esspecially (but not limited to) because of the drawings.
10. If it was a required school reading the world would be a better place.

I'm looking forward to read the sequel :-)

- I don't know the authors personally or anyone directly involved in creating the book.
- I'm the Jocko Podcast listener and I like the way Jocko approaches life. I've also read "Extreme Ownership" book. This is why I've preordered the book. I knew it is going to be GOOD but I was wrong. It is actually awesome.
- I was able to read this book before the official release date thanks to the store Germany which sent books earlier (I've got mine on April 27th)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
crista wynne
My six year old daughter and I loved this book. It was great to see Marc learn the value of hard work and have my daughter buy into it. Granted this is a kid who does judo, goes on runs with me, and is used to being around the military. Regardless of her background I think that Marc's struggles and Uncle Jake's lessons can be applied to any kid. Don't just read the book and put it down. This is a great way to start help our kids develop good habits and build character. Thank you, Jocko!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather gibbons
I have a 10 year old son. He LOVES this book! It's so amazing. Growing up as a boy in 2017 can be tough and this allows parents to traverse these years teaching them about hard work, self discipline and so many amazing traits for boys to grow into men! Way to go Jocko!! BTW listen to his podcast where "Uncle Jake" answers questions from kids.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the store Pre-shipped the order and I got it a little early. Had it read by 10:30 the night before it came out. Worth every second of the time to read and will be reading it again soon to my three year old. A great Preteen, Teen and adult read. It took me 1 cup of Jocko tea, 2 sets of pull-ups and 3 new words learned. Also I have noticed a gain of 300% in child raising ability. My youngest is now memorizing his or her times tables. (We will find out if it is a him or her in a couple of months when the little one is born) Mom also confirms that there is some high level jiu jitsu going on in there.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan dymock
My 7 year old son loves this book. He looked forward to me reading this to him each night. I hope Jocko writes more books like this. There is an important message here and a good basic blueprint for kids to learn about discipline and accountability. I first heard Jocko on Tim Ferris' podcast, and I have a tremensous amount of respect for him as a man and as a Navy Seal Commander. I hope he keeps up up the work he's doing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A well written book emphasising discipline and a way of life that's most important to raising strong and efficient kids . The author is a reputed Navy Seal Leader and Leadership expert and he uses his experience to get his message across to kids in a indulgent and uncle like manner .Kids will gain from this book and ... let me be frank , I loved it as an adult . This is a good family read and emphasises a way of life that is forged on eternal values and ethics. This is a good read , but itvas an adult , pass it down to the kids .
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
fadi ghali
Eh... It was recommended to me, but honestly --
unless your kid is specifically being bullied or something -- it's a little sappy. The protagonist starts off kinda pitiful and my kids found him unrelatable as a result. It's obviously a personal opinion.
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