Blind Faith (Sin Brothers)

ByRebecca Zanetti

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Audrey the daughter of Dr. Madison, was involved with Nate and he believed she had betrayed him. Considering how he grew up Nate's belief seems childish and dies a quick death. The motivations of the Commander are exposed and I wish the author had explored that more. They gave intense depth to a rather shallow plot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is one of my top favorite series right now in the Alpha Male category! I absolutely LOVE these brothers/engineered soldiers who are fiercely loyal to one another. This is book three... and best NOT read as a stand alone. You will want to start with book one Forgotten Sins.
In book three the focus is primarily on Nate and his re-connection with Audrey, a young woman he fell in love with while he was being held captive and trained in the military compound. His relationship with Audrey was planned and organized as an experiment by Isobel, the commanders right hand scientist and also Audrey's mother. Audrey broke up with Nate right before they escaped the compound and he never really got over her. Nate has to hunt Audrey down because he needs her help to access vital information to their survival and they are running out of time. When they come together truths are revealed, love is re-ignited and the steam level is HOT! Gosh, these guys do know how to put a smile on my face. :)
My heart really went out to Audrey in this book. Her mother Isobel is so cold hearted and puts the needs of science and the commander above her daughter. Her mother betrays her in the worst way and it brought out my hostile protective mothering instincts... I think my blood pressure went up a little. I wanted to reach into the book and punch her! arrgghhhhh I hope karma comes back onto that woman... I really, really do.
The best part of this series for me is watching all of these brothers experience true intimacy and love for the first time. This is something they were always denied having grown up in such a cold, dangerous and hostile environment. Love and compassion was not something they were allowed. Now that they are free, they embrace love tightly and it makes them fiercely protective, loyal and devoted to the ladies that have captured their hearts.
Strong, protective, intelligent, sexy Alpha Males with a soft and tender heart... yes, I'll have more of that please! :)
There is still some work to do before these brothers can finally be rid of the commander for good so I will be anxiously waiting for the next book. I want these guys to have their well deserved HEA.
Sadly, the next book doesn't come out until March 2015... sighhhhh... I hate waiting... :( An earlier release for the next book would be music to my ears!
This is such an engaging series with characters you both love and hate. It has a nice mixture of moments that sometimes touch your heart strings, sometimes raises your blood pressure and sometimes makes you smile. A little bit of everything I love... :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa johnson
Just when you think this series could NOT get better, here comes Nate!!! There is definitely something to be said for lab created hot alpha men! If you have been following this series, you KNOW what I'm talking about. If you haven't, you MUST read the first two books in the Sin Brothers series. This book works well as a stand-alone, but you will definitely want to get more details on Matt and Shane after you read this one.

I think Nate might be my favorite Dean brother. He is lethal, but beneath that layer of scary is a gentle, sweet man who cares about his family, and his one true love, Audrey Madison. They haven't seen each other in five years, but the minute he gets near her, he knows he has to protect her. He doesn't know why she ended their relationship. It truly broke his heart, though he will not admit it to her. Audrey broke up with Nate to protect him...or so she thought. As it turns out, there was no protecting Nate - or his brothers. They all have a kill chip inserted near their spine that is set to go off in three weeks. Nate HAS to obtain the codes to disarm these chips to save his brothers. He thinks Audrey may have information that will help him. Does she? Can they get to it in time? The suspense is killer! The pages fly in this impossible to put down thriller...and the only thing that could possibly make it better is the romance between Nate and, steamy and unforgettable! I love Rebecca Zanetti's voice as an author. She keeps you hooked from the beginning to the very end, and leaves you wanting more...RIGHT NOW! She is an auto-click author for me.

I can't say enough good things about Blind Faith. It was definitely a 5+ amazing stars read for me! I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book.

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for the opportunity to read this wonderful book.
Shadowed (Dark Protectors Book 6) :: Deadly Silence: Blood Brothers Book 1 :: Lethal Lies: Blood Brothers Book 2 :: Shadow Falling (The Scorpius Syndrome) :: Fated (Dark Protectors Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin krein
The Sin brothers are back in this riveting action packed romance that keeps readers on the edge of their seat. Time is running out for genetically engineered Nate Dean and his brothers and there’s only one person who can save them – the very woman Nate swore to never trust again. When Nate asks for help, Audrey can’t refuse, but she has her own secrets that may cost them both their lives.

This fast paced and smooth flowing plot is one thrill after the other as enemies come from every direction, secrets are revealed and danger escalates. The author brings the story to live with well written words and details that inspire vivid images and well orchestrated action scenes and events that are believable and make the reader feel as if they are a part of the story. The strong compelling characters are easily related to and grab the reader’s attention from the very beginning and keep it throughout.

The attraction between Nate and Audrey is clearly hot enough to melt the coldest heart, except for the bad guys of course, and the sex scenes are hot and steamy, but the relationship has sparks flying as both try to ignore their attraction and stay alive, not to mention there’s a little matter of trust on both their parts that will have to be overcome. The reader can’t help but get emotionally caught up in the story as it inspires tears, smiles, anger, outrage, happiness throughout the book. Audrey pure heart is a little naïve but she is loyal to those she loves and Nate is the ultimate alpha male that takes the reader’s breath away.

I was totally caught up in the story from the very beginning and the author kept me guessing with lots of twists and surprises that I didn’t see coming. She also spices things up by bringing in new players in the brothers battle against the Commander and I can’t wait to read the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nate is the second oldest of the Dean brothers and he's always taken on the role of protector of the youngest two alongside his Matt. In fact in some ways Nate was the one who worked hardest to give them as much of a childhood as they could have growing up on an army base where they were being trained as super-soldiers. Matt did the hard jobs to keep them safe but Nate was the centre of their family all the same. We've seen in the previous books what a horrific childhood they suffered thanks to the Commander and we also know they all have bombs literally ticking away inside their skulls waiting to destroy them if they can't be disarmed in time. In the last book we found out that the girl who broke Nate's heart may be the one person who has the answers they need so Nate goes in search of Audrey and answers.

Audrey's mother is doctor and scientist who plays a key role in the Commander's off the books programs including the creation and training of the Dean brothers. She threw Audrey and Nate together deliberately because she wanted to see how the boys would react to falling in love and she betrayed both of them deeply with her actions. Audrey never really had anyone who loved her before Nate and she was heartbroken when the Commander forced them apart but she was proud of the brothers for escaping and has always imagined them living a happy life somewhere without her. She only stayed behind because she was determined to put a stop to the Commander's experiments once and for all. When Audrey sees Nate all of her old feelings immediately come rushing back but there are so many secrets and misunderstandings between them that it is hard for either of them to trust each other fully.

I've loved every book in this series but I have to admit I think Blind Faith was my favourite so far, this series really does have everything I want from romantic suspense - fantastic action packed storylines, lots of twists and betrayals, a great cast of characters (I'm a sucker for a group of brothers who care about each other as much as the Deans do!) and hot but sweet romances. Nate and Audrey have brilliant chemistry but they were friends first and that shines through in every interaction between them along with a deep sense of caring and protectiveness. Throw in the chance to catch up with the other brothers and a few more hints about what could have become of the youngest Jory and I was on cloud nine reading this. I absolutely can't wait to read the next book but I have to admit I'm kind of sad the series is coming to an end!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my absolute favorite of the series thus far.... I adore Nate and Audrey together. This continues the wonderfully written and briliant story of the Dean Brothers and their lives. All the brothers are mentioned or show up in this book. There are new characters added to love, who are amazingly funny and add depth to the story. Senator Nash being one of them. He is a great add to this patch-worked family. The familial bond between these men continues in great love with this story. Shane, Matt and Nate fall hard when they fall for their women. They also never forget Jory. The battle continues with the Commander who has been a constant in their lives and has created the life they are trying to escape. All the brothers want is a normal life with loved ones.

I couldn't wait to read the last in the Sin Brothers series.... This book left me dying to know how this ends. So lucky for me I am a late comer to the game and it was already published. Read the entire series in like four maybe five days. I did have to work in between reading :) Highly recommended. Great writing and a fabulous story line. Really grabbed this lady and I am shocked.Blind Faith (Sin Brothers Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the bad witch mckay
“I love you. I love this baby, and nobody is going to hurt either one of you.” – Audrey Madison

Third book in the series and the story gets even better as it goes. I had taken a break from the Deans - shame on me, I know - but now I'm back, stronger than ever! And Nate's book was just what I needed to get back on track - STAT!

Now, we all know that something went wrong - after being so right - between Nathan Dean and Audrey Madison, the daughter of that bitch of a scientist we all want to see skewered (or maybe that's just me *shurgs* ). As we saw in the previous book, Audrey ended up pregnant with Nate's kid. So of course our dear sarcastic Dean decides to go after her - that, and the fact the brothers don't have much time left and he needs intel on the killing chips. Old sparks - as expected - fly, and the lovers-turned-enemies will find it much too hard to concentrate not only on their respective missions, but also on keeping their broken hearts intact.

I'm not gonna rant about how much I want Audrey's mother dead - because I obviously do. The woman can go jump off a cliff to land on a minefield while attached to C4 packets and I'll still won't be satisfied with the outcome. Noooo, instead I'm gonna focus on Audrey herself.

Audrey was a serious badass as a heroine. The kind of badass I've come to expect from this series, and yet quite different. She wasn't the quiet force Laney was, nor was she the loud tomboy Josie proved to be. No, Audrey was much more mature than those two, seeing as she was forced to actively participate in her mother's experiments without her consent (of-freaking-course), and she was an active member of a team trying to bring the commander down. She was not only an academic genius, but she also possessed street smarts and knew how to defend herself just fine. Maybe maternity made her that way, but, like I said, she was a much more mature deal to what we've been shown before.

And that made her perfect for Nate.

Speaking of Nate, it was about time he got his sort of HEA. I've lost count of the times the poor guy had to act as a brother AND a mother for his brothers, not to mention how he, miraculously, always ended up sacrificing himself so that the younger ones would experience SOME sort of happy childhood. Nate was so used to putting others first, a fact that not anyone can see when he puts his shields up and acts like a suspicious jackass. Having Audrey by his side, a woman who made him her priority, was much appreciated by yours truly - I felt like justice had finally been delivered or something.

Now I'm itching to see how Jory's book will go. I've aready started it and I'm seriously biting my nails clean off with all the stuff going on!

“I’ve loved you since the first second you smiled at me on that dismal training field so long ago.” – Nathan Dean

***I was given an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinion stated in this review is solely mine, and no compensation was given or taken to alter it.***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Although the beginning was a little slow because of all the political machinations, as soon as Zanetti got back into her usual romantic suspense groove, the book was great. Nate's mission of finding and disarming the chips is clear and straightforward. I love his close relationship with his brothers and their friendly bantering. His long-standing feelings for Audrey complicate matters, but he's determined to both solve the kill chip issue and win the girl. The book ended up being very exciting and full of action, and both characters showed their strength, both physically and mentally. Emotionally, the sexual relationship part of the story was hot and totally erotic. I look forward to reading the final book in this series.
(I received this book for free and voluntarily reviewed it.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series’ main plot arc got kicked into overdrive in this installment, some political intrigue was added, and we got the inside scoop on the third Dean brother, Nate. I really enjoyed how Rebecca Zanetti set-up the misunderstanding thread between the main couple; it was plausible, was settled after a reasonable delay, and didn’t create unnecessary drama as is so often the case in these types of scenarios. Similarly to the previous books, the story blasted out of the gates with an unrelenting suspense component, and Karen White rocked the narration for a third time.

In BLIND FAITH, we learn more about the middle sibling’s past as well as his character traits, each brother brings something different to the mix, and Nate’s main focus has always been keeping his family happy. Sounds simple enough, however when you’re a genetically engineered soldier trained from birth to kill without a shred of normal in your life, it becomes a colossal task. Dean is the kind of man that’ll throw himself on the executioner’s block just to give his bros the chance at having a real Christmas. I adored him from the prologue onward.

The plot took several startling turns in this installment; one being that the love interest was none other than the Commander’s pet scientist’s daughter, Audrey, and the other was the political nature of the story line. Both made singling out who was on what side, and working for whom a challenging game of pin-the-tail-on-the-bad-guy. There were of course the obvious culprits: the Commander and Dr. Isabel Madison—I DESPISE her!—but also several grey characters which had me flip flopping all over the place. The brothers gain a crucial advantage, however they aren’t out of the woods yet.

I’m now unequivocally under Karen White’s spell after listening to BLIND FAITH. Her male voices are one of the best in the industry, and I had no trouble discerning which member of the Dean family was talking because her inflections promptly brought me back to books 1 and 2 when Shane and Matt were the dominant POVs. Her breakneck pacing transforms an already suspenseful audio into a Formula One worthy performance that’ll have you double checking to see if you pressed the playback speed option by accident.

BLIND FAITH has me praying to the audiobook gods for a fast forward button that’ll make March get here sooner, and with it TOTAL SURRENDER. ~4.5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aimee long
Blind Faith by Rebecca Zanetti is a total adventure of suspense, heat, surprises and action. Rebecca Zanetti has created a storyline that totally captured my interest. Four genetically engineered brothers that are on the run and trying to avoid capture from their old commander. Time is running out for them because they have a microchip implanted in their back that could kill them in 6 weeks if not deactivated. Blind Faith is the third book in this series and this one brings the action to a head when Nate has to face his past and find Audrey Madison, the girl he loved 5 years ago but betrayed him.

This book totally rocked. It had me at the edge of my seat and I was totally engrossed in it from beginning to end. There are twists and turns I never saw coming and characters completely shocked me. This isn’t your typical boy -getting -girl –back- after- being -dumped kind of story. Both main characters were used and it takes both of them to look beyond their past in order to deal with the bigger issue they have facing them.

Nate is all badass who takes a beating but doesn’t ever give up. Audrey was a strong character given her circumstance of being the daughter of the doctor who studied the brothers their whole life. She surprised me the most on how she developed and grew into a true heroine by the end of the story. The story may be plot driven but you can’t help but cheer for the good guys and can’t wait for the bad guys to get it in the end.

This series has really been an amazing ride and with each book Faith creates an individual story unlike the others. Time is running out for them so the suspense has been building gradually and the pace of the action just increases with each book. Blind Faith may be Nate’s individual story but both Shane and Matt help out when Nate needs it. What we learn at the end of this book is no surprise but it definitely makes the 4th and final story a much highly anticipated release. Rebecca Zanetti has created one thrilling suspense series with the Sins brothers and it has been a real pleasure to read. I strongly suggest reading them in order so you understand the circumstances of these men and it will definitely be worth your time.

Review copy provided for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sarah alharbi
Since it's second to last book in the series (my god, I hope it is, at least), you'd expect to have a bit of the main plot resolved so you can prepare for the big standoff in the final book where everything is over, the good prevails over evil and the Sin brothers and the women that love them get their HEAs.

Don't hold your breath for it. Out of all the things ever... you learn one thing (which you already knew unless you're an idiot and didn't pick up on the neon signs the author hung in all the other books).

The rest of the book had a ridiculous subplot of awkwardly handled non-consensual IVF and... a random perp that came pretty much out of nowhere as a whodunnit mystery.

The villains in the book are beyond ridiculous. The side mystery in this book about who was after Audrey only made me laugh. They come out of nowhere and just as fast they disappear and that part of the story is completely redundant.

I still don't get the motivation behind anything the commander or his organization does. He keeps mentioning things like... we have competition, or idk... we want the funding... that make no sense to me other than to show they really don't have motivation. The commander is a bully, and Dr Madison is a mad scientist, and they're both so freaking crazy and evil they need to do evil things so our Brady--errrr... Dean bunch have someone to fight.
That's it. That's all I got.

Much of the book is spent repeating the things you learned in the first two books. Yada yada, kill chips, yada yada, tattoo means freedom, yada yada, Matt found Laney, Shane is married to Josie, yada yada, we have to find Jory, yada yada, they have to break in and bring the organization and the commander down, yada yada... you get the point. Nothing you didn't know already. So don't let the book length fool you cause it's just rehashing old stuff over and over again.

I did very much like Nate and the romance in this book even if I felt there was room for more development of their relationship. Nate is such a fall guy! Seeing as his brothers found happiness he thought he never would have (because d'oh, there are no women in the world other than Audrey), he basically saw himself as the sacrifice they'd have to make in order for the rest of them to live.
I found this very sweet, that he was willing to die for his family.

Audrey, on the other hand. Seems like these heroines are all a variation on the theme with different appearances. They all get all buddy buddy with the villain who is after them and they surround themselves with crazy people with crazy hidden agendas. I mean... I don't know. Something is terribly wrong with these women. I think it's to show they are sooooooo naive and trusting and sweet and they need these big strong men to take care of them et cetera but really they just seem dumb to me.

I liked that Audrey and Nate continued right where they left off before they were separated. The drama the author could have fabricated between these two would have totally ruined the romance for me.

I skimmed the sex scenes. Blah blah, one long stroke something something... They were the same as in all the other books. At this point I think it may be the brothers' genes or something. Plus, I didn't want to bother trying to decipher what was going on seeing as the writing style remained the same as in the other two books.
Ditto to action scenes.

I have to say I did enjoy all three brothers working together again, so far these have been favorite parts of this series for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacy derikart
I had not read the other two books in the series and was able to jump right into the story. I am familiar with several storylines from other authors featuring super soldiers who are engineered to be stronger and have abilities beyond the average human. In this book series, you meet the Dean brothers who were created in a lab and developed a strong sense of family which helped protect them from being just machines designed to kill. They escaped the Commander who controlled them but realize they are not truly free yet.

Nate is the brother who was always willing to take punishment if it meant bringing some happiness to his brothers. The only other person he let into his life was Audrey. Five years have gone by since she broke his heart. He gets some information that means he needs to make contact with her again. Audrey is trying to protect Nate and his family as well as her mother who is a scientist working for the Commander. She is playing a very dangerous game and working for a Senator who is involved in approving funding for military projects like the one Nate has escaped from. It is not clear just whose side everyone is playing for and it becomes a deadly game for them all.

I really enjoyed the characters in the book. They are complex and not one-dimensional. It was clear from the first meeting that Nate and Audrey had very strong feelings for each other. Their chemistry was great. Their history was revealed at a good pace so that the reader is able to understand their later actions better. I particularly liked the dialogue between Nate and his brothers. Their interactions revealed how close they are and that they would be willing to risk their lives for one another. Audrey is a complex woman who is torn between her lover and her mother. She wants to have a loving relationship with her mother and is willing to take more risks than needed to protect her mother from the consequences of her actions. Her mother is a very emotionally distant woman who only seems to care only about the Commander and what her daughter can do for him. There is a big surprise for the couple and I enjoyed that twist very much. I don't like the story to be predictable and that surprise really changed everything for most of the characters.

I would recommend this book to those who like a good romance with a lot of action. This is a great story with well-developed characters. The chemistry is immediate and their interactions have a lot of heat. You don't have to have read the other two books but you will want to do so. The other brother's story is next and I will definitely check it out. I received a copy from the publisher in return for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Damn! Zanetti totally rocks some romantic suspense! Blind Faith...heart pounding...jaw dropping...make a girl swoon romance. Basically. It's a must read and bound to keep you up way past your bedtime. And it's so damn worth the missed sleep as Nate and Audrey get a second chance at romance and fight to stay alive.

The quick of it--and really this series is best read in order--is that Nate and his brothers were super soldiers created by some really screwed up people--including Audrey's mom--and since the day they were born their lives were bloody and violent. But they were finally able to escape and now they're racing against time to find a lost brother and stop kill switches that were implanted in them from going off in only a matter of weeks. And they're certain Audrey is key to getting all of the answers they need. Ahhhh!

These two! I really loved them both. They've had everything against them in life but still managed to turn into amazing people with good gentle hearts and that will do anything for the people they love and what's right.

So. Nate. He's hard and dangerous and utterly lickable. He could be a little scary but a whole lot sexy and gah my heart totally melted for him when emotions would get the best of him or his vulnerabilities would come out. And Audrey's a killer heroine. She may not look it but the woman's got backbone and inner strength and determination.

The romance is a little light but not in a bad way. The action is non-stop so there's no real time for flowers and wooing. But these two had known each other years ago and been in love before the Commander (the bad guy) ripped them apart and they never stopped loving each other. And they were great together. Tough, sweet, sexy. Heartbreaking at times and funny in others. There's a spot of heat and it's raw and powerful just like everything else between them.

The suspense was surprising as always. Zanetti has a way of throwing curve balls you just never see coming. And! You might *think* you know what's about to happen or who's behind everything, but, yeah,::snort:: you aren't even close. I seriously love that. It's rare for an author to really catch me by surprise but more than once I sat back with a 'oh s***!' flying across my lips.

It was nearing 2am when I finished Blind Faith and I was eyeing book 4 something fierce. Sleep be damned! I need more of the Dean bothers. Sleeps overrated, right? These guys...not so much. Grab the series. From suspense to romance to heat and humor. It's one hell of a ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lydia ojuka
ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Blind Faith is one adrenaline pumping, heart stopping, wild ride that I didn't want to end. The Dean brothers are definitely back with this smoking hot read.

Nate Dean, a genetically engineered, black-ops solider, escaped with his brothers from the secret military organization that created them. He is on a mission to retrieve the program and codes that are set to detonate the ticking time bombs embedded close to their spines. The commander wants the Dean brothers back, and he will do anything to ensure that. Nate will do whatever it takes to complete his mission, and hopefully destroy the commander in the process. He didn't expect to encounter the one person who could turn his world upside down. Audrey Madison is the daughter of the woman that helped to torture Nate and his brothers, but she is also the woman who broke his heart. A heart he didn't know he had to break. Will Nate be able to complete his mission? Could a second chance at love be in the cards for Audrey and Nate?

Rebecca Zanetti really delivered with this installment. She grabbed my attention from the very first page and didn't let it go. It had me on the edge of my seat with all the non-stop action and twists and turns that I didn't see coming. Nate is the defender of his brothers. He is the one that made them a family. The chemistry between Nate and Audrey was at times sweet but always steamy. I really enjoyed this book, and can't wait to see what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
william iii
I got so excited to pick this one up. I am so vested in the series. I love how the author balances giving a new brother and his heroine their story even as the series story arc plows ahead with each book too. These books really needed to be read in order because of that.

This book opens up with the clock still ticking down for the Dean brothers on the microchips embedded in their backs that will kill them unless they access the computer programs and the codes for them. Nate is in DC pursuing the one person he is certain will have access to this information along with a few other things he wants to know and she is the last person he wants to be near after she broke his heart when she confessed that she was just part of one of the endless experiments run on him. She said her feelings were real, but how can he believe that when she chose the sadistic people running the experimental program over him. To help deal with the microchips and find Jory, he will confront Audrey Madison, the daughter of the scientist who brought him and his brothers into existence in a test tube and then treated them like science experiments.

Audrey can’t believe her eyes when she spots Nate. He can’t be there. The Commander’s men are watching her and he’ll be captured. She knows he must hate her for her part in hurting him. Nate confronts her about where their baby is, where Jory is and his need to get the code on the kill chips inside him and his brothers. Audrey has no answers for him, but she is determined to get them. She will help him any way she can because she never stopped caring, but she can’t let him discover her own secrets because he will try to stop her.

Nate isn’t sure how far he can trust Audrey, but the longer he is with her just proves that he can’t stay emotionally distant. He never got over her. Now someone is systematically killing people for either their involvement in the military allocation funds controlled by the senator Audrey works for or that it is something to do with Audrey herself since they seem to want her blamed for the murders. Secrets and plans start to be revealed and soon Nate and Audrey are scrambling for their very lives.

It’s almost par for the course that I’m going to pick a Sin Brothers book up and be engrossed from page one. There is always so much going on in a good way. There are the machinations of the Commander and Dr. Madison, the overall mission of the guys to find their brother and find away to prevent their own deaths, the romance and, if all that wasn’t enough, a bit of suspense and murder mystery are tossed in for good measure. While the last book had me clueless to the very end about the mystery, this one I figured out around the half-way point. This did not take any enjoyment away from the book for me because I was still left with the other plot threads that I had no idea how they were going to play out.

The pacing is good. With the build up of character development followed by a sudden action or passion sequence, there really aren’t any slow spots. I love the fight scenes and I’m glad the author doesn’t chintz on them. These guys are super-soldiers and it makes the story more credible when the challenges are bigger for them and they go through a lot including gritting out a torture or wound or two.

The other thing that moves along is the romance. There is a conflict in this one and they have to deal with the past, but these two don’t dink around repairing the damage. They deal with stuff like mature adults even as they acknowledge feelings and try to figure out where that leaves them in a seeming impossible circumstance.

Nate has his conflicting priorities as does Audrey. Nate’s made sense because its his brothers or Audrey when it comes to his choices, but Audrey, I got some of her issues, but I wanted her to get a clue about her mother.

The romance was so good and these two are a great team. Nate, just like his brothers, is more than the sum of his parts. He’s a trained, gifted, lethal killer who prizes family and the woman he loves. He is tender and protective toward Audrey and she frustrates him to no end because of the stuff she is involved in. He is scared for her. Nate is a passionate lover and an exciting fighter.

Audrey grew up nearly as loveless and deprived of good experiences as Nate because of who her mother is, but she doesn’t become like her mother. She falls in love with Nate the moment she sets eyes on him and never stops loving him. Audrey is a fighter in her own way too, but she has to rely on subterfuge to fight her battles. I cracked up when the guys were all trying to give her advice about a feminine matter with things they learned on the internet. It was a cute downtime moment.

This one felt like the set up for the big grand finale book. They are just a little closer to the end and it looks like everyone is going to converge on one place for the epic battle stuff with the clock ticking down. Can’t wait!

I recommend this series to those who enjoy Romantic Suspense and Contemporary Romance, but even Sci-Fi and Paranormal Romance lovers would enjoy it too because of the blend of elements.

My thanks to Net Galley for providing the book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If like me, you swooned over Shane in Forgotten Sins, fell in love with Mattie and his dirty, dirty mouth in Sweet Revenge, you will have been impatiently waiting for Nate Dean to step out of the sidelines and give us his story. Well you are in for without a shadow of a doubt an absolute treat.

He’d loved Audrey Madison from the first second she’d flashed those innocent baby blues at him, and wasn’t a guy who loved twice.

The Sin Brothers Series holds a very big place in my heart. Firstly because Forgotten Sins was the first book that I read by Rebecca Zanetti, and Secondly because you cannot help but fall in love with these boys, and their longing for a normal life, based on family, love and togetherness. Something that those in the world around them take for granted.

Audrey Madison has not played a huge part in the previous two books, going into Blind Faith you know that Nate and her have history, and that it didn’t end well. What you don't know are the reasons surrounding it and the subsequent fall-out after it ended. Dr. Madison being Audrey’s mother has had a huge impact on her life and although she still hopes that there is a shred of maternal feeling buried deep inside her mother for her, as the book progresses Audrey begins to understand just how warped her mother really is.

The real Nate Dean, the kind, gentle, man deep down... She saw him, the sexy soldier and hard-bodied charmer had intrigued her right from the start, but the man inside had stolen her soul.

Nate and Audrey have history, having initially met and got together whilst the Grey/Dean brothers were still working under the Commander. Their relationship much like everything else started out as an experiment, but developed into something real. Even after having his heart broken by Audrey, Nate still see’s their time together as one of the high points of his life.

Fear had no place between them, and yet it nearly choked him. She was the one person he’d truly been himself with, and she had to keep a thought of him alive. He had to matter to somebody.

Slipping out of bed, he secured his gun to go check on the threat. He, turned to go back to study the only woman he’d ever loved, the one he’d have to let go in order to save his brothers. For the first time in five years, he wondered if he could do it.

The kill-chips are still very much at the forefront of this story, and the race to get the codes to de-activate them, as well as trying to discover the truth about Jory. As you would expect the action comes thick and fast as the book develops, and no other author manages to drag you into the foray quite as well as Rebecca Zanetti does. Re-enter Shane and Mattie and its full shooting and explosions ahead!

It is safe to say that the emotional connection between Audrey and Nate, even after 5 years apart and everything they have been through together (and separately) is still strong.

He tasted of lonliness, anger and lust. Hard, needy, demanding lust.

I found Nate’s vulnerability over his emotions and feelings for her so endearing, that at points it bought me to tears. That and his total belief that he is not worthy of a happily-ever-after of his own, and that his sole purpose is to make sure his brothers do is heart-breaking.

Years of loneliness, years of uncertainty, all disappeared in the softness of her touch, in the gardenia scent of her skin.

”I need you alive. I need the Gray brothers alive.”
“Dean brothers.”
“Dean brothers. We took a last name years ago – only family gets to know it.”
“Good name.”
“Glad you like it. You’ll be wearing it soon.” ...

A lot of questions from the previous two books are answered in Blind Faith, but there are also a few new ones added into the mix, the Commander and Dr. Madison are still very much at large, but a few surprises are added into the suspense just to keep the reader on their toes. I don’t think I am offering a spoiler when I say that I cannot wait for Jory’s book in March 2015! The culmination of this series promises to be an absolute stunner, I just wish we were getting Total Surrender sooner!

My thanks go to Forever Publishing for finally allowing me the opportunity to review for them, with this ARC provided via Netgalley. In exchange it was my absolute pleasure to provide the above honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Overall Rating: 5 Rockin’ ★★★★★

Nate and the other Gray Brothers have been trained since birth to be the ultimate soldier. Five years ago they escaped and started new lives away from the Commander and his evil. Even though they had been taught to feel nothing but the missions that they are sent on Nate fell in love with Aubrey. Aubrey is the daughter of one of the scientist that had made Nate’s life hell as he grew up trying to protect his brothers from their horrible experiments.

“My mother brought me here,” she said. He didn’t understand. Audrey signed again and tried to tug her face away from his hold. Although he knew better, he kept her in place. She stopped struggling and met his eyes directly. “My mother is Dr. Madison.”

Nate is back to find his child that Aubrey had not told him about. He does not know that Aubrey miscarried the day he escaped with his brothers and she was severely wounded. Aubrey has agreed to work for the Commander for his help healing her injured body. Unknown to Aubrey she has been experimented on by her mother and the other scientist. She agrees to work with a powerful senator to help get funding for the Commander and his program. Aubrey has other plans, she wants to bring the Commander down and she will do whatever needs to be done to accomplish this!

“Want? I want to know what happened to the child you were carrying five years ago when you ripped out my heart. Where’s my baby, Audrey”

Aubrey is at a fund raiser with the senator when she senses Nate’s presence. He confronts her and they both feel the same need for each other that has always been there. She is afraid that the Commander’s men will see him and try to capture Nate.

Her gaze swept past the two imposing soldiers dressed in suits standing by the outside exit, pretending to chat. They’d been following her for weeks, and they were certainly owned by the commander.

Nate knows that they need to talk, he needs answers. He also needs to find a way to save his brothers’ lives. A year before they escaped from the Commander’s compound, a kill chip had been installed in each of them without their knowledge. Nate needs to find out how to remove it without killing all of them. Audrey does not know anything about the chip, but tells Nate that she will help him and his brothers.

How could her mother be so evil? The chips had been inserted and would certainly detonate…One more page. She clicked on it and finally hit pay dirt. All the details about the computer program that controlled the chips.

Audrey and Nate will face their worst nightmares together, a mother that was never a mother and an egomaniac that wants their lives to be under his control. There is only one way to win and that is with each other.

She needed the man. His courage, his strength, his gentleness with her. Only her. Even more so, while he might not realize it, he needed her.They were lost souls, without a doubt. Maybe they’d found each other for this brief time.

Hero –Nate Gray: 5 stars
Heroine –Audrey Madison: 5 stars
Steam: 5 stars
Plot: 5 stars
Cliffhanger: No

Would I recommend this book: Yes! Super soldiers’ vs mad scientist mixed with a hot love story makes this book a nail biting read that you cannot put down until it’s finished. It is also has lots of HAWT sex.

Would I read other books by this author: Yes! This is one of my favorite authors and I can’t wait for the next book in this series.

***Received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
richard handley
Blind Faith is the third book in the Forgotten Sins series by Rebecca Zanetti. This series must be read in order! The suspense portion of the story is not resolved by the end of each book, but rather carries over into the following books.
So let me just put it out there from the beginning---I am in love with the Dean Brothers. Their strength, both physically and mentally, their loyalty and protectiveness of one another, not to mention their confident and capable natures continue to endear themselves to me.
Blind Faith focuses on the romance between Nate, the second oldest Dean Brother, and Audrey, the girl he loved and lost years ago. It also follows the Dean Brothers as they continue to work towards finding their missing brother, Jory and figuring out how to disarm the kill chips implanted in their backs that will explode in a matter of weeks. The second chance romance between Nate and Audrey was both sweet and sexy. As a heroine, Audrey was a good one. She was extremely intelligent, capable and likable, and she proved to be a valuable asset to the Dean team. Nate is a kind, gentle man and a loyal brother who loves his brothers completely and sacrifices easily for them. He’s the brother who sought to balance their merciless training with hope and fun in efforts to give his two younger brothers a somewhat normal childhood, or as normal as could be considering their circumstances. Nate has always felt his sole purpose in life was to protect his brothers. He never believed that there would be a happily ever after for him and he was sure that he was destined to die alone. However, an unexpected turn of events in Blind Faith gave him a reason to live and it’s then that he decides to fight not only for the lives and futures of his brothers, but for his as well.
There are so many great things about this series, but I have to say, my favorite part is the love and tight bond between the Dean Brothers. “Never Alone” is the mantra they’d started as kids. A promise they made to one another years ago that still stands true today. It’s evident in everything they say and do. They love each other unconditionally and there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for one another.
In Blind Faith we finally, FINALLY learn more about what happened to Jory!!! It’s been a long time coming and I can’t wait to find out more!
As much as I enjoyed Blind Faith, I was not happy with how it ended. At 92% on my kindle, I was thinking there was a fair amount left, so when it ended I was so not prepared! And now we have to wait almost a year for the next book, Total Surrender?! I don’t know how I am going to wait that long!!
Blind Faith is another great addition to the Forgotten Sins series. This series combines sweet romance, hot alpha males, smoking sexy times and gripping suspense for some fantastic reads. I cannot recommend this series enough to fans of romantic suspense.

As Arc was provided to me through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cynthia anne mcleod
Damn! Zanetti totally rocks some romantic suspense! Blind Faith...heart pounding...jaw dropping...make a girl swoon romance. Basically. It's a must read and bound to keep you up way past your bedtime. And it's so damn worth the missed sleep as Nate and Audrey get a second chance at romance and fight to stay alive.

The quick of it--and really this series is best read in order--is that Nate and his brothers were super soldiers created by some really screwed up people--including Audrey's mom--and since the day they were born their lives were bloody and violent. But they were finally able to escape and now they're racing against time to find a lost brother and stop kill switches that were implanted in them from going off in only a matter of weeks. And they're certain Audrey is key to getting all of the answers they need. Ahhhh!

These two! I really loved them both. They've had everything against them in life but still managed to turn into amazing people with good gentle hearts and that will do anything for the people they love and what's right.

So. Nate. He's hard and dangerous and utterly lickable. He could be a little scary but a whole lot sexy and gah my heart totally melted for him when emotions would get the best of him or his vulnerabilities would come out. And Audrey's a killer heroine. She may not look it but the woman's got backbone and inner strength and determination.

The romance is a little light but not in a bad way. The action is non-stop so there's no real time for flowers and wooing. But these two had known each other years ago and been in love before the Commander (the bad guy) ripped them apart and they never stopped loving each other. And they were great together. Tough, sweet, sexy. Heartbreaking at times and funny in others. There's a spot of heat and it's raw and powerful just like everything else between them.

The suspense was surprising as always. Zanetti has a way of throwing curve balls you just never see coming. And! You might *think* you know what's about to happen or who's behind everything, but, yeah,::snort:: you aren't even close. I seriously love that. It's rare for an author to really catch me by surprise but more than once I sat back with a 'oh s***!' flying across my lips.

It was nearing 2am when I finished Blind Faith and I was eyeing book 4 something fierce. Sleep be damned! I need more of the Dean bothers. Sleeps overrated, right? These guys...not so much. Grab the series. From suspense to romance to heat and humor. It's one hell of a ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Blind Faith is one adrenaline pumping, heart stopping, wild ride that I didn't want to end. The Dean brothers are definitely back with this smoking hot read.

Nate Dean, a genetically engineered, black-ops solider, escaped with his brothers from the secret military organization that created them. He is on a mission to retrieve the program and codes that are set to detonate the ticking time bombs embedded close to their spines. The commander wants the Dean brothers back, and he will do anything to ensure that. Nate will do whatever it takes to complete his mission, and hopefully destroy the commander in the process. He didn't expect to encounter the one person who could turn his world upside down. Audrey Madison is the daughter of the woman that helped to torture Nate and his brothers, but she is also the woman who broke his heart. A heart he didn't know he had to break. Will Nate be able to complete his mission? Could a second chance at love be in the cards for Audrey and Nate?

Rebecca Zanetti really delivered with this installment. She grabbed my attention from the very first page and didn't let it go. It had me on the edge of my seat with all the non-stop action and twists and turns that I didn't see coming. Nate is the defender of his brothers. He is the one that made them a family. The chemistry between Nate and Audrey was at times sweet but always steamy. I really enjoyed this book, and can't wait to see what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike kowalczyk
I got so excited to pick this one up. I am so vested in the series. I love how the author balances giving a new brother and his heroine their story even as the series story arc plows ahead with each book too. These books really needed to be read in order because of that.

This book opens up with the clock still ticking down for the Dean brothers on the microchips embedded in their backs that will kill them unless they access the computer programs and the codes for them. Nate is in DC pursuing the one person he is certain will have access to this information along with a few other things he wants to know and she is the last person he wants to be near after she broke his heart when she confessed that she was just part of one of the endless experiments run on him. She said her feelings were real, but how can he believe that when she chose the sadistic people running the experimental program over him. To help deal with the microchips and find Jory, he will confront Audrey Madison, the daughter of the scientist who brought him and his brothers into existence in a test tube and then treated them like science experiments.

Audrey can’t believe her eyes when she spots Nate. He can’t be there. The Commander’s men are watching her and he’ll be captured. She knows he must hate her for her part in hurting him. Nate confronts her about where their baby is, where Jory is and his need to get the code on the kill chips inside him and his brothers. Audrey has no answers for him, but she is determined to get them. She will help him any way she can because she never stopped caring, but she can’t let him discover her own secrets because he will try to stop her.

Nate isn’t sure how far he can trust Audrey, but the longer he is with her just proves that he can’t stay emotionally distant. He never got over her. Now someone is systematically killing people for either their involvement in the military allocation funds controlled by the senator Audrey works for or that it is something to do with Audrey herself since they seem to want her blamed for the murders. Secrets and plans start to be revealed and soon Nate and Audrey are scrambling for their very lives.

It’s almost par for the course that I’m going to pick a Sin Brothers book up and be engrossed from page one. There is always so much going on in a good way. There are the machinations of the Commander and Dr. Madison, the overall mission of the guys to find their brother and find away to prevent their own deaths, the romance and, if all that wasn’t enough, a bit of suspense and murder mystery are tossed in for good measure. While the last book had me clueless to the very end about the mystery, this one I figured out around the half-way point. This did not take any enjoyment away from the book for me because I was still left with the other plot threads that I had no idea how they were going to play out.

The pacing is good. With the build up of character development followed by a sudden action or passion sequence, there really aren’t any slow spots. I love the fight scenes and I’m glad the author doesn’t chintz on them. These guys are super-soldiers and it makes the story more credible when the challenges are bigger for them and they go through a lot including gritting out a torture or wound or two.

The other thing that moves along is the romance. There is a conflict in this one and they have to deal with the past, but these two don’t dink around repairing the damage. They deal with stuff like mature adults even as they acknowledge feelings and try to figure out where that leaves them in a seeming impossible circumstance.

Nate has his conflicting priorities as does Audrey. Nate’s made sense because its his brothers or Audrey when it comes to his choices, but Audrey, I got some of her issues, but I wanted her to get a clue about her mother.

The romance was so good and these two are a great team. Nate, just like his brothers, is more than the sum of his parts. He’s a trained, gifted, lethal killer who prizes family and the woman he loves. He is tender and protective toward Audrey and she frustrates him to no end because of the stuff she is involved in. He is scared for her. Nate is a passionate lover and an exciting fighter.

Audrey grew up nearly as loveless and deprived of good experiences as Nate because of who her mother is, but she doesn’t become like her mother. She falls in love with Nate the moment she sets eyes on him and never stops loving him. Audrey is a fighter in her own way too, but she has to rely on subterfuge to fight her battles. I cracked up when the guys were all trying to give her advice about a feminine matter with things they learned on the internet. It was a cute downtime moment.

This one felt like the set up for the big grand finale book. They are just a little closer to the end and it looks like everyone is going to converge on one place for the epic battle stuff with the clock ticking down. Can’t wait!

I recommend this series to those who enjoy Romantic Suspense and Contemporary Romance, but even Sci-Fi and Paranormal Romance lovers would enjoy it too because of the blend of elements.

My thanks to Net Galley for providing the book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
crystal tompkins
If like me, you swooned over Shane in Forgotten Sins, fell in love with Mattie and his dirty, dirty mouth in Sweet Revenge, you will have been impatiently waiting for Nate Dean to step out of the sidelines and give us his story. Well you are in for without a shadow of a doubt an absolute treat.

He’d loved Audrey Madison from the first second she’d flashed those innocent baby blues at him, and wasn’t a guy who loved twice.

The Sin Brothers Series holds a very big place in my heart. Firstly because Forgotten Sins was the first book that I read by Rebecca Zanetti, and Secondly because you cannot help but fall in love with these boys, and their longing for a normal life, based on family, love and togetherness. Something that those in the world around them take for granted.

Audrey Madison has not played a huge part in the previous two books, going into Blind Faith you know that Nate and her have history, and that it didn’t end well. What you don't know are the reasons surrounding it and the subsequent fall-out after it ended. Dr. Madison being Audrey’s mother has had a huge impact on her life and although she still hopes that there is a shred of maternal feeling buried deep inside her mother for her, as the book progresses Audrey begins to understand just how warped her mother really is.

The real Nate Dean, the kind, gentle, man deep down... She saw him, the sexy soldier and hard-bodied charmer had intrigued her right from the start, but the man inside had stolen her soul.

Nate and Audrey have history, having initially met and got together whilst the Grey/Dean brothers were still working under the Commander. Their relationship much like everything else started out as an experiment, but developed into something real. Even after having his heart broken by Audrey, Nate still see’s their time together as one of the high points of his life.

Fear had no place between them, and yet it nearly choked him. She was the one person he’d truly been himself with, and she had to keep a thought of him alive. He had to matter to somebody.

Slipping out of bed, he secured his gun to go check on the threat. He, turned to go back to study the only woman he’d ever loved, the one he’d have to let go in order to save his brothers. For the first time in five years, he wondered if he could do it.

The kill-chips are still very much at the forefront of this story, and the race to get the codes to de-activate them, as well as trying to discover the truth about Jory. As you would expect the action comes thick and fast as the book develops, and no other author manages to drag you into the foray quite as well as Rebecca Zanetti does. Re-enter Shane and Mattie and its full shooting and explosions ahead!

It is safe to say that the emotional connection between Audrey and Nate, even after 5 years apart and everything they have been through together (and separately) is still strong.

He tasted of lonliness, anger and lust. Hard, needy, demanding lust.

I found Nate’s vulnerability over his emotions and feelings for her so endearing, that at points it bought me to tears. That and his total belief that he is not worthy of a happily-ever-after of his own, and that his sole purpose is to make sure his brothers do is heart-breaking.

Years of loneliness, years of uncertainty, all disappeared in the softness of her touch, in the gardenia scent of her skin.

”I need you alive. I need the Gray brothers alive.”
“Dean brothers.”
“Dean brothers. We took a last name years ago – only family gets to know it.”
“Good name.”
“Glad you like it. You’ll be wearing it soon.” ...

A lot of questions from the previous two books are answered in Blind Faith, but there are also a few new ones added into the mix, the Commander and Dr. Madison are still very much at large, but a few surprises are added into the suspense just to keep the reader on their toes. I don’t think I am offering a spoiler when I say that I cannot wait for Jory’s book in March 2015! The culmination of this series promises to be an absolute stunner, I just wish we were getting Total Surrender sooner!

My thanks go to Forever Publishing for finally allowing me the opportunity to review for them, with this ARC provided via Netgalley. In exchange it was my absolute pleasure to provide the above honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lady ozma
Overall Rating: 5 Rockin’ ★★★★★

Nate and the other Gray Brothers have been trained since birth to be the ultimate soldier. Five years ago they escaped and started new lives away from the Commander and his evil. Even though they had been taught to feel nothing but the missions that they are sent on Nate fell in love with Aubrey. Aubrey is the daughter of one of the scientist that had made Nate’s life hell as he grew up trying to protect his brothers from their horrible experiments.

“My mother brought me here,” she said. He didn’t understand. Audrey signed again and tried to tug her face away from his hold. Although he knew better, he kept her in place. She stopped struggling and met his eyes directly. “My mother is Dr. Madison.”

Nate is back to find his child that Aubrey had not told him about. He does not know that Aubrey miscarried the day he escaped with his brothers and she was severely wounded. Aubrey has agreed to work for the Commander for his help healing her injured body. Unknown to Aubrey she has been experimented on by her mother and the other scientist. She agrees to work with a powerful senator to help get funding for the Commander and his program. Aubrey has other plans, she wants to bring the Commander down and she will do whatever needs to be done to accomplish this!

“Want? I want to know what happened to the child you were carrying five years ago when you ripped out my heart. Where’s my baby, Audrey”

Aubrey is at a fund raiser with the senator when she senses Nate’s presence. He confronts her and they both feel the same need for each other that has always been there. She is afraid that the Commander’s men will see him and try to capture Nate.

Her gaze swept past the two imposing soldiers dressed in suits standing by the outside exit, pretending to chat. They’d been following her for weeks, and they were certainly owned by the commander.

Nate knows that they need to talk, he needs answers. He also needs to find a way to save his brothers’ lives. A year before they escaped from the Commander’s compound, a kill chip had been installed in each of them without their knowledge. Nate needs to find out how to remove it without killing all of them. Audrey does not know anything about the chip, but tells Nate that she will help him and his brothers.

How could her mother be so evil? The chips had been inserted and would certainly detonate…One more page. She clicked on it and finally hit pay dirt. All the details about the computer program that controlled the chips.

Audrey and Nate will face their worst nightmares together, a mother that was never a mother and an egomaniac that wants their lives to be under his control. There is only one way to win and that is with each other.

She needed the man. His courage, his strength, his gentleness with her. Only her. Even more so, while he might not realize it, he needed her.They were lost souls, without a doubt. Maybe they’d found each other for this brief time.

Hero –Nate Gray: 5 stars
Heroine –Audrey Madison: 5 stars
Steam: 5 stars
Plot: 5 stars
Cliffhanger: No

Would I recommend this book: Yes! Super soldiers’ vs mad scientist mixed with a hot love story makes this book a nail biting read that you cannot put down until it’s finished. It is also has lots of HAWT sex.

Would I read other books by this author: Yes! This is one of my favorite authors and I can’t wait for the next book in this series.

***Received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Blind Faith is the third book in the Forgotten Sins series by Rebecca Zanetti. This series must be read in order! The suspense portion of the story is not resolved by the end of each book, but rather carries over into the following books.
So let me just put it out there from the beginning---I am in love with the Dean Brothers. Their strength, both physically and mentally, their loyalty and protectiveness of one another, not to mention their confident and capable natures continue to endear themselves to me.
Blind Faith focuses on the romance between Nate, the second oldest Dean Brother, and Audrey, the girl he loved and lost years ago. It also follows the Dean Brothers as they continue to work towards finding their missing brother, Jory and figuring out how to disarm the kill chips implanted in their backs that will explode in a matter of weeks. The second chance romance between Nate and Audrey was both sweet and sexy. As a heroine, Audrey was a good one. She was extremely intelligent, capable and likable, and she proved to be a valuable asset to the Dean team. Nate is a kind, gentle man and a loyal brother who loves his brothers completely and sacrifices easily for them. He’s the brother who sought to balance their merciless training with hope and fun in efforts to give his two younger brothers a somewhat normal childhood, or as normal as could be considering their circumstances. Nate has always felt his sole purpose in life was to protect his brothers. He never believed that there would be a happily ever after for him and he was sure that he was destined to die alone. However, an unexpected turn of events in Blind Faith gave him a reason to live and it’s then that he decides to fight not only for the lives and futures of his brothers, but for his as well.
There are so many great things about this series, but I have to say, my favorite part is the love and tight bond between the Dean Brothers. “Never Alone” is the mantra they’d started as kids. A promise they made to one another years ago that still stands true today. It’s evident in everything they say and do. They love each other unconditionally and there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for one another.
In Blind Faith we finally, FINALLY learn more about what happened to Jory!!! It’s been a long time coming and I can’t wait to find out more!
As much as I enjoyed Blind Faith, I was not happy with how it ended. At 92% on my kindle, I was thinking there was a fair amount left, so when it ended I was so not prepared! And now we have to wait almost a year for the next book, Total Surrender?! I don’t know how I am going to wait that long!!
Blind Faith is another great addition to the Forgotten Sins series. This series combines sweet romance, hot alpha males, smoking sexy times and gripping suspense for some fantastic reads. I cannot recommend this series enough to fans of romantic suspense.

As Arc was provided to me through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
…And now we have Nate! *Fan Girl SQEEEEE*

If you couldn’t tell I love this series, I love these extremely HOT Alpha Males. These modified men with grey eyes are working hard and fast to find the code that will stop the kill switch implanted in their spine. In the first book we have Shane Dean who married Josie to try and get information on the nameless project run by the ruthless Commander and his bitch lover Dr. Madison. They didn’t find what they needed but they did find out that the youngest brother Jory who they believed to be dead might be alive. Next we have (my favorite) Matt Dean who is undercover looking for a doctor who worked on the project and just might be the key to the kill switch code. What he didn’t count on was falling in love with the Doctor. Elaine “Laine” didn’t know what she got herself in too but is more than willing to help save them. No new information was learned about Jory or the kill switches but they did learn Nate might be a father. And now we have Nate.

This series is action packed it makes you want to fit bump the air and smack characters in the back of their head Gibbs style for being idiots. The second chance romance, still one of my favorites, leads to some pretty hot sex… and a baby. Nate who came across like an ass in the previous books is shone in a different light as well as heartbreaker Audrey. Audrey who we learned previously broke Nate’s heart because as the daughter of Dr. “Bitch” Madison was just being used as an experiment to see what would happen between them.

The book opens up with Nate in disguise at a political function Audrey has attended. Reunited again Nate almost at once forgives Audrey when he learns she lost the baby to a miscarriage and was seriously injured in the explosion of the compound when they had escaped five years before. Audrey had several surgeries to repair the damage done and still has to watch how she walks so she doesn’t show a limp. Nate still believing she is working with the Commander tries to talk her out of what ever it is she is doing but what he doesn’t know is that Audrey is playing a double agent. Audrey is spying on the Commander for the Senator she works for.

Things go astray when Audrey witness a murder of a acquaintance who knows all about the project and the Commander and is willing to help shut it down, and know Audrey is targeted to be killed. Yes there is a baby coming into play but I will leave how a surprise. Now the Dean brothers work together to save Audrey and her unborn baby, try to destroy the Commander and this new group set to destroy everything, find the code to the kill switch and find out what happened to Jory.

So much happens in this book and it still leaves off (NO CLIFFHANGER) with one more book to go. I love Rebecca Zanetti everything thing of hers I have read I love from her paranormal romance the Dark Protectors series to her contemporary romance Maverick Montana series. She also is having a Dual Release Party over at Facebook for this book and Tamed. Lots of guest authors and giveaways. 5/6/14 5pm-11pm EST.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"This might be the most difficult job he’d ever take, but if he or his brothers were to survive, he needed to find the one woman he’d never thought he’d seek.

Only to save his brothers from their kill chips would he even attempt to speak with her again. She’d broken his heart once, and once was enough. He had never believed in second chances-for himself or anybody else."

Blind Faith is the third book in the Sin Brothers series by author Rebecca Zanetti. While each book focuses on one romance, there is an ongoing story line in the series and because of that, these books should be read in order and should not be considered stand-alones. For readers that haven’t read any of the Sin Brothers books, start with Forgotten Sins, the first book.

Blind Faith is the second chance romance readers of this series have been waiting for!

Nate’s heart was broken years earlier by Audrey but now he must find her, in the hopes that she has information that can save the Dean brothers from certain death. (Those pesky microchips!) Audrey never forgot the only man she ever loved and while it looks like she is working for the enemy, she has her own secret agenda…

When Audrey and Nate have to work together, can they put the past behind them in order to survive?

"He needed her to remember him. Even if he died in three weeks, he needed to bury himself so deeply insider her that a part of him always lived there.

Fear had no place between them, and yet it nearly choked him. She was the one person he’d truly been himself with, and she had to keep a thought of him alive. He had to matter to somebody."

Overall, this is a great read. The writing is on point, the chemistry between Nate and Audrey is hot, and the suspense is cranking up. I do have to admit though that I didn’t like Blind Faith as much as I liked Sweet Revenge which is completely unfair really. I think the main reason is because Matt Dean is just a hard act to follow. I absolutely loved him in Sweet Revenge and while Nate was a great hero, I’m not sure he measured up to Matt for me. I’ve also been anticipating Jory’s storyline for quite a while. So although I was glad to read Nate’s book, I kind of had Jory lurking around in the back of my mind the whole time. I liked Blind Faith but I didn’t love it. It was the book I had to read to get to the next book.

Speaking of Jory… I can’t wait to get the fourth book in this series, Total Surrender, which is confirmed to be Jory’s story! I’m also assuming that book four will wrap all major story lines and conclude the Sin Brother series. Rebecca Zanetti does give a sneak peak at Total Surrender at the end of Blind Faith but once I saw that the fourth book wasn’t expected to release until March 2015, I chose not to read it. I couldn’t handle a teaser like that- call me crazy!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I will have to start off by saying that if you have not read the previous two books in this series (Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge), it would be EXTREMELY helpful if you do before diving into Blind Faith so you will know what the heck is going on. I have not read the first two, so I was a little lost at the beginning, but slowly figured it out.

Five years prior, Audrey had broken up with Nate right before the brother’s big escape from the compound in which they were training and living in. Audrey’s mother, Isobel, had initially wanted Audrey to initiate the relationship with Nate as an experiment to see if he was capable of love. See, Nate and his brothers are engineered soldiers and had been held captive and trained to be killing machines in a military compound their entire life. But little did Isobel and the Commander know is that the brothers were very capable of love and emotions and are determined to live a normal life and be a family they only watched on the television. In Blind Faith, Nate goal is to find Audrey because he believes she has valuable information needed for the brother’s survival. Chips were inserted into the spine of each brother while they were at the compound and if the codes aren't found in three weeks, the chips will be detonated and the brothers will die. When Nate and Audrey finally reconnect, they find that true love never disappears and they are determined to never be apart again.

This book…..oh my gosh! This book had everything I love in Romantic Suspense; heart-pounding suspenseful action, heart-warming love, and hot steamy sex. Nate is everything I dream about in a strong, sexy alpha male….he’s sexy, kind, gentle, sexy, sweet, can kick some serious butt and did I mention sexy?? There was so much intense action and hot steamy sex scenes crammed packed in this book, it was very hard to put it down. Ms. Zanetti has an amazing talent of drawing the reader in with her well-written and captivating story. There was never a dull moment with this one and I was always on the edge of my seat. I totally enjoyed reading Blind Faith and plan on one-clicking the previous two books ASAP so I can get to know the other Dean Brothers even more!

A special thanks to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for providing a copy of this AMAZING book to me for review!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rick porter
The third book in this series and for me the best! I've loved these stories about brothers turned into killing machines but with a strong sense of honour. The three Sin brothers have escaped the evil Commander and are on the run but they have recently discovered they are all quite literally walking time bombs! If that wasn't enough to send them reeling they believe that it's possible their youngest brother Jory is alive and held captive somewhere . Their choice is simple then survive and get some pay back!
The Sin brothers may have been trained to be assassins but that doesn't mean they don't understand the concept of love. Nate fell in love with Audrey but believes she didn't really love him. She made it clear that she was using him but now he needs to find out just how much she knows if he and his brothers are to survive. Audrey may not have all the answers Nate needs but she's not exactly the cold hearted woman he thought she was. So many lies and misunderstandings are between them but it looks as if they are finally on the same side. Audrey has loved Nate since she first met him but has been cruelly used and betrayed by the one person who she should be able to trust! Meeting Nate again reawakens hopes that Audrey had given up on but not everything is what it seems and it looks as if time is finally running out for Nate.
This book starts with a sexy dance and just keeps building the passion! I loved Nate and thought that the uber intelligent Audrey was the perfect foil for him but boy do they make mistakes! Never have I read such a catalogue of misunderstandings . Nate has to let go of his preconceived ideas and Audrey has so many regrets but what she has been through and what happens in this book seems so cruel. I love these brothers but we don't get to see a lot of the other two in this book but there's hope for the missing brother Jory. What I will say is Nate is a passionate guy and together with Audrey he sets the page on fire ! The situations they find themselves in are pretty intense and Audrey is being used but has no idea just how bad it's about to get! A fast and furious pace that doesn't let up until the last page . This author clearly has an incredible imagination and delivers a plot that's both entertaining and full of surprises. I really enjoyed reading this and can't wait for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben ramsey
My Review:
I really love the Dean boys and the whole premise behind this series. Four brothers who were raised in the lab to be nothing more than trained killers, but through the support and strength they found in each other, they become wonderful, loving, caring, protective men. And wow...they are protective...of each other and the women who come into their lives.

This book is about of the most over-protective of the brothers. And Audrey...the daughter of one of the monstrous women who created these men and the environment they grew up in. These two characters actually have a lot in common. For Nate, he never had a family besides his brothers. But Audrey never had anyone and they both desperately long for the sense of love and security that comes from family. But their lives have been constantly shredded and torn apart by those very ties that they desire. To protect, they sacrifice the family they both want so much...each other. I loved that underlying story because it shows the incredible amount of love that the two share.

There's a HUGE twist in the story. Well, actually there are several of them, but there is one that I simply did not see coming. I expected something along that line, but the way that the author wrote it was so twisted and was a great shocker just in the fact that I was gasping when it came out. I love a book that literally makes me gasp out loud.

I loved Nate and Audrey. They're both incredibly strong characters simply in the fact that they've had no choice in the matter. As the reader, you can see how much they need and love each other, and for me, that just made me root for them all the more.

I've adored this series. I love the brothers and the bonds that they share. Every single book in it has been one for my print keeper shelf and I pre-order the print books months in advance of them coming out. This is romantic/military suspense at its finest and I'm going to be sad when the series is over. The Dean brothers have been incredible to read. You could read any of them as stand-alones, but I highly recommend that you read the entire series. I don't think you will regret it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah grace mccandless
Blind Faith is absolutely awesome and the best one in the Brothers series so far. We dive into the midst of the action right from the start and there is not much breathing time right until the end. It is action packed, engrossing, romantic and the unresolved story arc involving the evil commander left us panting for more.

Before I even start with Blind Faith, I already felt like I knew Nathan and Audrey. They were a couple during their time in the military facility, until Audrey make a decision that left Nate heart broken. Now Nate was on a mission to find a way to save his brothers from the kill chip implanted on their spine and also looking for their missing brother, Jory. Audrey might just be his source of information to get a way in. She is still working for the commander, under-covering as the senator's assistant.

I'm glad that there isn't any hatred or stupid misunderstanding when Nate and Audrey met again five years later. That would have been frustrating. It was obvious that they were very much still in love but felt like they can't overcome the challenges thrown at them. There were a lot of mistrust, but the love they shared were palpable. I felt that they were the strongest couple among the other brothers and their girls.

The best part of the book is always when all the brothers reunited together and plotting to blow up something. Nate will never want to endanger his brothers and trying his best to keep them away. But Shane and Matt was having non of his nonsense and stubbornly showed up to help blew the commander's men to kingdom comes. Yowza!

There are a lot of other things that went on with Nate and Audrey and a few surprises thrown in. I shall keep my mouth zip for that. A shutout to the Grandpop who was absolutely hilarious and what a great addition to the team!

Overall, this is absolutely worth the wait and the anticipation that I felt for Nate's story since Book 1 really did live up to my expectation. Even though each book focus on a different brother, they have a main story arc that interlink all the books, so it can't work as a standalone. I can't wait to see what Rebecca will give us next. Jory's story will only come out in March 2015, which feels like a lifetime away!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
suzi parker
This is the third book in the Sin Brothers series which can be read as a stand-alone.

Nate Dean is a genetically engineered human, trained for unsanctioned government military black operations by a ruthless commander along with his brothers. Years ago the brothers escaped for their loyalty was to each other not the commander. They have been living in secret ever since but their expiration date is now looming and they need to return to the source. Nate takes on the mission of saving his brothers for he has the least to lose. To do so he will need the help of the one woman who broke his heart years ago. The only woman that he’s ever loved and still finds that he does but can he trust her?

Audrey Madison is the daughter of a scientist who helped produce the genetic enhancements that are Nate and his brothers. To protect him she let him go years ago even though she loved him. She is stunned to see him again and there is no denying that she still feels for him. She’ll do what she can to help him but there are things that she cannot tell him for she is on her own mission, a mission born of the pains of their shared past. They do both want the same thing, to take the commander down but they differ in how to do it.

This is the first book that I have read of this author and this series and it was very much enjoyed. Enough information was disseminated to understand things easily not having read the prior books. There’s an interesting storyline with good action, romance and suspense with a science fiction twist. The H and h were likable, compelling characters and you could feel their emotional connection. You had to root for them. There was good communication between them. Even though they kept secrets, they were able to forgive and move forward without blame.

I liked the family theme of these brothers, they are all each other had growing up and they support each other now. The caring between them was evident and the banter between them quite amusing. The preview of the next book definitely captured this reader’s attention. As for the writing, it could have been more fluid; the choice of certain words used made things stilted sounding in spots.

ARC provided by the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel biello
Once again I was swept into rooting for a Dean Brother. In this book we find out just why their last name is Dean, and no longer Gray.

I've been waiting for this one since I read the teaser in Sweet Revenge. Nate wants to find out what happened to his baby. The one he just found out about. The one that should be about five years old. The one that the love of his life, Audrey, had. He knows because one of the banes of his life, her mother, mentioned the pregnancy on a tape he got his hands on. It's time he faced Audrey and took that little life back.

That's were we start this book. And you might as well set aside several hours to just hunker down and read. This is a rush from the first page to the last.

The Dean brothers are working with a really tight schedule. Kill chips are set to destroy their spinal columns in just a couple short weeks. Audrey may be the key to finding out some information crucial information for them. Nathan tries to fool himself that her help is the only reason he's with her. The steam rises off each encounter, so he has to let that idea go.

I liked Audrey for the most part. She's one strong woman. She doesn't just twist her ankle and hope a man is going to save her. She's got some pretty good moves, and she's willing to shoot to get what she needs. I did get a bit tired of her saying how much she wants her mother's approval. That woman is a witch with a capital B. Approval is good, yes. But Dr. Madison never deserves it. Once again, I sincerely hope that Ms. Zanetti has something horrible planned for her and the Commander. Something REALLY HORRIBLE! Tarring and feathering won't be enough.

Then again, there were plenty of bad guys to go around in Blind Faith. Just when I thought I had the plot figured out, WHOOSH, we took another turn. This was great fun and I highly recommend this to you.

FIVE BOOKMARKS and I need Jory's story SOON!!!

*Thank you, Forever (Grand Central Publishing), and Rebecca Zanetti, for the opportunity to read Blind Faith*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh Nathan Dean. The genetically engineered sinfully strong sex-god has put me through the ringer; Blind Faith is the book that really begins to bring the brother's plight together and is filled with action, twists and surprises that I didn't anticipate.

Nathan may be a trained assassin, but deep down he is a gentle giant with a huge heart. This has been hinted at in the previous books and like Matt he is a protector, completely determined to do what he sees right when it comes to his brothers. He will always put them before himself. When he finally tracks down Audrey, his one true love and Dr. Madison's daughter, the discoveries he makes along with the feelings that are re-discovered and unleashed, bring out his vulnerable side and my heart went out to him. Audrey loved Nate; he was her constant when they were younger and their time together was the only time she had been truly happy and not alone. She surprised me; feisty, stubborn and selfless, she hasn't been moulded by her mother's cold and callous nature and she was a much warmer character than I was expecting.

Together they have a natural, easy, passionate chemistry and their journey is one that makes for a real page turner. Rebecca Zanetti knows how to bring us a man to love and a story that will stir your emotions amongst the action and of the three books, this was the one that tugged the heartstrings the most. Mattie may still be my favourite brother but Nate is a very close second.

The only thing left to say is how am I meant to wait until 2015 for Jory's book?! Impatiently! We get a glimpse of what is to come at the end of Blind Faith and yes, I am verging on desperation here! I need to know that these boys will deactivate those god awful kill-chips and live their happily ever afters with their wives/girlfriends. If you haven't read the previous books in the series, go do so now and if you have, this does not disappoint.

I received a copy of this courtesy of Forever Publishing via Netgalley for an honest and unbiased opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caroline wilson
Buy. This. Book. Now.

What more is there to say? Oh, all right. I'll say more about it than that. I absolutely LOVED this book. It's got me devastated that I have to wait almost a year to get to Jory's story because yes, I will say that much, as the brothers have long suspected, Jory is indeed alive. And what a story he's going to get! I can hardly wait. Poor, poor, Audrey. I loved her courage and her determination in the face of what she walked into, and her loyalty to her mother even as she acknowledged her mother was a very nice person. She lost a baby (Nate's) many years ago and then her mother pulls a rather nasty move on her.

Nate...geez. The poor Gray brothers just have quite a load on them, don't they. I have to say I admired Nate for trying to handle things on his own. I nearly bawled when the other brothers showed up, showed him he didn't have to try to carry the load all on his own like he'd always tried to do.

The furtherance of the overarching plot, trying to get the codes to deactivate the chips in their spines just is ramping up more and more with each book. They absolutely have to find the code now; they're down to only a couple of weeks before the chips blow and kill them. OMG, I can barely take it and Ms. Zanetti's making me wait a YEAR!

Erm, yeah, I totally got into this book and I can't say enough good things about it. I loved the love between Nate and Audrey, and the sheer bravery all of the characters trying to bring down the secret group displayed. It's amazing.

One more thing - you never know completely who you can trust in this book. I will admit I got pulled in multiple directions, trying to figure out who was really bad, and who was just a double agent or whatever. Wow.

Keep 'em coming, Ms. Zanetti!

5 stars without a doubt.

Book provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pj nights
This book is the third instalment in a series, but can easily be read as a stand-alone, and although it ends on a cliff-hanger of a sort, you should not miss this fantastic read. Nate Gray and his 3 brothers are genetically engineered super soldiers, enhanced killing machines, by “the commander” who have escaped their former life, to a point. Audrey Madison is the woman is has always loved, as she has always loved him, but 5 years prior to the events of this book, she ended their relationship and didn’t tell Nate the reason. She works for a US Senator, and is also aiming to destroy the commander’s operations. The 4 brothers have “kill chips” embedded in their spines, and have but a few weeks left before the chips are detonated and their lives ended, their being in hiding, but their brother Jory is still missing. Audrey and Nate reconnect after 5 years. Audrey’s mother is Dr. Madison, who was also the psychiatrist who oversaw the Gray brothers’ development, thus creating a bit of a conflict between our two lovers. I really liked that the characters are not perfect, and Audrey even has a limp. Although the book starts a bit slow, compared to what is to come, it is a very good romantic suspense, heavier on the suspense part, which suited me just fine. The interspersed romantic moments are not too many and well-placed. But about halfway, the action really starts to pick up, and off we are on a very steep roller-coaster of a story. The action builds up to a crescendo I have seldom seen and you’d better make sure you won’t be interrupted through the ending because the suspense is truly incredible. I have only one regret: not having read the 2 preceding books in the series. Although we are given enough details so as not to be lost, I really want to read what happened before ! A really thrilling book and I am very much looking forward to the next one, unfortunately a long way away. An uncorrected copy was provided to me free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rachel hooten
Blind Faith is the third book in Rebecca Zanetti’s Sin Brothers series. I’ve read the first two, and I was so excited to read about Nate and Audrey! After finishing the book, I was left anxious for the final book, and a little glad to be done with Nate and Audrey, honestly.

The Sin Brothers series follows the four Dean brothers, Shane, Matt, Nate, and Jory. The four brothers were created in test tubes and trained by the commander to be killers. Once they were older, the four brothers blew up the compound they grew up in and escaped to live their own lives. Only one problem: the brothers have kill chips inserted into their spines that will detonate if they aren’t deactivated.

I loved the first two books in the series, and I was really excited to read the third one. Nate and Audrey were in love once upon a time, when the brothers still lived at the military compound. However, Audrey ended things with Nate, and left him broken hearted. Now, they need Audrey to help them get the information they need to deactivate the chips, and to find out where Jory is being held.

I honestly think that Nate is my favorite of the Dean brothers so far. The second oldest, Nate had an interesting place in his family. While Matt was the military leader, training his brothers to be the very best warriors they can be, Nate made sure that Matt didn’t go over the deep end, as well as making sure Shane and Jory had an actual childhood, or as much of a childhood the brothers could have. Nate’s brothers are everything to him, and I really admire that about him. He will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. He also tries to see the best in people. He’s still in love with Audrey, even after everything the two of them have been through.

Audrey I think has been my least favorite protagonist so far, and I really can’t put my finger on why. She’s constantly looking for her mother’s approval, which isn’t ever going to happen. The cold Dr. Madison has a purely scientific mind. Everything is an experiment to her, including her own daughter. I understand that Audrey would want the approval of the only parent she has, but it got really annoying after a while. She just irritated me throughout almost the entire book. I didn’t always buy her reactions to events 100%. Her loyalty to her mother, even as the novel progresses and it becomes more and more apparent that she doesn’t care about her daughter.

Audrey’s annoyingness aside, I still loved the book. Zanetti’s writing style is just as amazing as always, The brothers are as strong, protective, and just plain sexy as always, and they’re coming closer to finding Jory with each passing chapter. I can’t wait for the fourth book to come out! The only other thing that bothered me about this particular book is the side plot revolving around the senator and the military funding.

All of this being said, Blind Faith gets 4 out of 5 controllers for me. I loved Nate Dean, really didn’t care for Audrey Madison, or the parts of the book that dealt with the craziness revolving the senator. But it’s a great series, and I am eagerly anticipating the fourth book!

Originally Reviewed At: Mother/Gamer/Writer
Rating: 4 out of 5 Controllers
Reviewer: Ariel
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer oh
The Premise
The third book in the Sin Brothers series finds Nate searching out his old love Audrey to find the codes for the chips that are implanted in his brothers’ (and his own) spine before they basically explode and kill them all. Audrey is the daughter of the scientist who was working with the Commander, the villain who started the project to breed supersoldiers and rule the world, natch. Audrey and Nate were in love, but misunderstandings lead to their breakup and neither one is over the other, but they aren’t sure if they can overcome the past to see if they have a future together.

The Good
Nate and Audrey have some good chemistry, the tension ratchets up with every chapter as you’re not sure who’s a villain and who’s not. The overarching storyline of the Gray Brothers against the Commander is still compelling storytelling and you just want to know when they’ll get the codes and finally be free to enjoy their HEA with their loves. Each book does focus on one brother and there is a resolution to their individual love stories, so that is satisfying. The twist in this story was unexpected, and I waffled on whether I liked it, but ultimately I think it worked for Nate and Audrey’s HFN.

The Could Be Better
There’s a samey-ness to the series, and all the brothers blend at times into the same generic alpha hero. Nate is no exception. That chip storyline is the strongest and the most frustrating because you keep waiting through each book for something new to happen and while the brothers each fall in love, that’s about the main change in the story. If it weren’t for the individual HEAs, I may have given up on the series by now.

The Bottom Line
I am still enjoying the series and I’m eager to find out about the final brother, Jory. That said, alot is riding on the final book and I hope it can live up to it - it could tie the whole series together, or leave me dissatisfied.

** ARC provided to me via netgalley in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny manning
You know that scene from the reboot Star Trek movie where Scottie says "I like this ship. It's exciting!"? Well that's how I felt while reading this book. Blind Faith is most definitely exciting! The story has a lot of elements of romantic suspense and flirts a little with the genre boundary, but I'd say it ultimately falls on the side of contemporary romance with some paranormal elements.

Speaking of ultimate, the Gray/Dean brothers are a hell of a set of alpha heroes! Nathan—like his brothers before him—is serious and radiates a constant lethal edge, and he's willing to sacrifice anything to see his family safe, with the freedom to live long, happy lives. That is, until Audrey dances back into his life. As the daughter of the psychopathic genius scientist who created the brothers to be the ultimate killer soldiers, Audrey must constantly walk the line between trying to live up to her mother's expectations and falling into the manipulations and mind games the twisted scientist thrives on. Both Nate and Audrey have one regret in life and that's losing each other, so to see them come back together after all this time is an intensely satisfying experience.

The story Ms. Zanetti has crafted is stellar, with great action and suspense, believable bursts of adrenaline followed by lulls of quiet. Some of the tactics used by the Dean brothers to communicate and infiltrate are quite brilliant and Audrey herself is far more capable and intelligent than she gives herself credit for. My favorite kind of heroine: determined and smart.

I love the sneak peek at the end of the book for the next book in the series and can't wait for it to come out.

There were several moments in Blind Faith that made me feel like I was in the middle of a Dan Brown novel, which really made me smile. Ms. Zanetti infuses such energy into the story, sprinkled with a nicely crafted cultish mystery, that it's really just a joy to read. Toss in the (possibly) unintentional comedic relief of the Dean brothers at their most protective with the expertly penned fighting sequences, and you've got a book that is nearly impossible to put down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
snowdraco munquie
Blind Faith is the third book in the Sin Brothers series by Rebecca Zanetti. In Blind Faith, Nate pulls us back into the world of genetically altered soldiers and revenge against those people who created him.

Audrey broke Nate's heart in order to save him from the life he was living as an experiment and Nate thinks Audrey betrayed him for her mother and the commander. Audrey’s eyes were clearly closed to her mother’s involvement in everything, mainly because she wanted her mother’s love and acceptance.

Nate is not only fighting for his life, but he is also fighting for his brothers lives. He is also hunting for the truth about another brother and trying to locate the kill codes for the kill chips that were implanted in them. It’s a race against the clock to find the codes that will bring them one step closer to freedom.

Blind Faith is loaded with suspense; heart- felt emotion and the development of Nate and Audrey’s journey together as a family. Your emotions go up and down through this book, because one minute you are excited for Nate and Audrey and then the next minute you are saying, OH NO, Please tell me this isn’t happening.

I can’t wait for the next book in this series. It seems that Nate, Matt, and Shane are finally getting closer to that completed family... Now all they have to do is find Jory’s location and save him.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley & Forever (Grand Central Publishing) in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Blind Faith is book 3 of 4 about the Dean brothers, lab created siblings raised by a military group from birth to be super soldiers. The setup is fairly standard, after 20+ years they escape and try to bring down the group that created them and find their missing brother.

In this book, Nate runs into Audrey, his only love, the daughter of Dr. Madison, the evil doctor who helped raise them. Audrey is also trying to bring down the military group with the help of her boss, a senator, and her relationship with Nate is rekindled. There are several surprises in store for them (and us).

While the set up for the series is fairly standard: sexy, competent, alpha males who love their women and kick bad guy ass and ultimately prevail, the surprises keep it interesting. Zanetti also doesn't drag in the usual misunderstandings to create false drama to keep Audrey and Nate apart (thank you!). They actually communicate with each other and listen.

One weak spot in Blind Faith are the lovemaking scenes. They tend to be fairly repetitive and uninspired. If Nate was trained to seduce I'd have expected more variety/interesting encounters. Still, Blind Faith is an enjoyable, above average contemporary romance read.

I received a copy from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
will bower
Blind Faith is a part of the Sin Brothers Series, which I was not aware of prior to reading this. Starting a book midway through a series can sometimes be a gamble, and in this case, I wish I had known about and read the previous books first as I did feel a bit lost from the beginning. At one point, I do recall thinking that I must have missed several chapters, or even a previous book. That’s when I researched and found the rest of the series. I felt frustrated after that as I tried to figure out what was happening and why; it’s a lot of catching up to do. In my opinion, this book is best read in order of the rest of the Sin Brothers Series.

Nate and Audrey had met and loved previously, however, we only get glimpses of this earlier relationship. I would have liked to have seen more to better understand the dynamic of them as a couple. They do a lot of a saving in this book, saving of each other, and that borders on redundant. This book is also left with an open ending, so you must read the next installment of the series in order to see how things are wrapped up. All-in-all though, this is a good, suspenseful read and the touch of sci-fi (Nate being micro chipped to be a super soldier) is a pleasant change of pace from your average military/suspense/romance.

Thank you to NetGalley for the pleasure of reading and reviewing Blind Faith by Rebecca Zanetti.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kat a
*I received a free ARC of Blind Faith from Forever, Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley in exchange of an honest and unbiased review*

Suspense, romance, a sense of betrayal and maybe an ultimate liberation – all of these ingredients made Blind Faith an exciting read!

The amazing Sin-brothers are sexy. loyal, strong and head-strong. They are also able to kill any target, highly intelligent, and they still have hope for the future even when things seem extremely bleak. Blind Faith follows Nate, and I was very curious about him after reading, and loving, Sweet Revenge. I have found a new love for romantic suspense stories, and Rebecca Zanetti is able to help me when I crave a story filled with action but where there is some romance as well. On top of the writing that drew me in from the start, the characters are impossible not to like, and their development over the course of the series, and then in each book is really well done as well.

I definitely got a great story with Nate and Audrey, but it didn’t unfold at all as I had expected when I read the summary. And the fact that Blind Faith was also able to surprise me just added to my enjoyment of the story as a whole. Well-crafted characters are always a plus in my opinion, and I definitely got that here. Written in third person, past tense, the story was fast-paced, and permitted me to get to know the characters I hadn’t met already. Seeing the three brothers interact, and the way Nate was so protective of them was really good, and it made me understand how they have been able to fight against the general for the years after they were able to escape.

Audrey was very different from what I had imagined, and that is a compliment. I really thought I wouldn’t like her character at all, but she surprised me on so many levels. Able to keep a clear head in difficult situations, and going after what she thought was right made her a character I would really like to read more about. If you enjoy romantic suspense, Sin Brothers is another series that should find its way to your TBR pile.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul dale
Nate Dean is not only fighting for his life he is fighting for his brothers and the truth. A fight that is close to coming to an end. Nate has a few more things to do before time runs out, find his youngest brother, save Mattie & Shane and make sure the only woman he loves is safe. No matter the cost he must pay.

Book 3 in Rebecca’s Sin Brothers series takes us back into the world of super soldiers, family love and revenge. This was a great book as always Rebecca takes us on a wild journey of the Dean brother’s mission to save the freedom that they fought so hard for. But as time is slowing ticking away and a very deadly deadline looming over them this mission is now in a critical state. Nathan & Audrey’s book has a lot of emotional ups and downs. There is a lot of hurt but a lot more love between these two. The questions is can they overcome the pain from the past to have a future together?

If you have not read the first two books in the Sin Brother series you need to read them before you read Blind Faith. I can’t wait for the next book in this series. The teaser at the end of Blind Faith has my anxiety going :-)

I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley & Forever (Grand Central Publishing) in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Since I had not read the first books of this series I do feel like I am missing something. I would say you should most likely read them in order to get the full effect. However I did enjoy the read and found it festinating how the author brought to life the brothers and all the issues they had to deal with. There is a lot of action along with a lot going on. I really enjoyed the read and thought the author did a wonderful job of writing.

Nate and his brothers are on the run from the evil doctor and a military general who want them back. They were built in a test tube each have their own different set of skills, but they were built to kill and all of them want one thing…. a normal life. There are in a rush for time isn’t on their side, they only living so many years unless the code it put in the chip that was planted next to their spin. Without this code they will blow up which will be the end of them.

Nate was raised with Audrey, they were put together to see how Nate would react, what they did was fall in love. Nate and his brothers escape from the evil doc and general but need to get the code so they will not die. Audrey knows her mother (the doctor) and the general are bad and need to be taken down.

Things happen to separate them and 16 years later they come face to face. Both having goals to reach and each wants the other out of the way so they can reach them. The attraction is still there and the pull is strong. Can they do what needs to be done alone or together? Will this destroy them and their life or will they find away to be together for all time?

I did enjoy the read but at times my mind wondered. I thought it was truly a wonderful plot but felt like I was missing parts of the story which would most likely come clear had I read the full series. The author has a lot of surprises for us the read which does keep the story interesting and you want to keep turning the pages. There is a little humor which makes it a truly lovely read. I did feel Nate was missing something on with the love scenes I expected more from him since one of the things they built him for was to seduce any women.

However I did find the book enjoyable and worth the read. I do recommend you to read the first two books before starting this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ginger gower
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Usually a series gets better as it goes and I will clearly have favorite books in the series. This series however, I have loved all the books equally which has never happened before. The series hasn't been building - it has just charged right out of the gate strong and exciting.

Nathan Dean is the second oldest of the Dean brothers. He has always been the conduit between his older brother, who is tasked to ensure the brothers' overall survival by pushing them farther than they think they can be pushed. Nathan allows Matt to retain his humanity while at the same time creating an environment for his younger brothers where they can experience moments of true happiness in a world where all that exists is fighting and killing and surviving, Additionally, because Matt and Shane have found their perfect loves, Nate feels that he is expendable and if he has to sacrifice himself for his brothers, he's willing to do that so they can live on to protect their wives.

Each book starts with a flashback from when the brothers were boys in training - I love getting that glimpse of their lives and how important it was for them to stick together. This one also gives us a flashback to when Nate meets Audrey for the first time. Audrey is Dr. Madison's daughter and they were allowed to spend time together as part of an experiment in how Nathan would perform. Audrey was Nate's first and only love, but a betrayal changed all of that

5 years later Nate tracks Audrey down to get her to lead them to the base where they can find more information on their brother, Jory, but seeing Audrey brings back all of Nate's emotions. Can he forgive her enough to ask her to help him? Can he trust her to help him? This book also had some great twists and I enjoyed reading it immensely. I can't wait for the next book and a year is too far away!

The one thing I will say though, is from the cover, the first book looks more like it should be Matt because that man looks the oldest. Maybe the second book cover looks more like Shane (who is the youngest besides Jory). I wish that this cover had a face. I don't enjoy the faceless torso as much as I do the full model.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Blind Faith concern the third Dean Brother, Nate. He may well be my favorite but of course, I think that with each one’s story. Like his brothers, he is dangerous, intelligent and entirely lovable, as least Audrey would tell us so. Their chemistry is obvious whenever they are together and I really enjoyed how their feelings for each other renewed as they were brought back together as adults. However, their problems are not the usual ones, but the story is written so that having been created then raised in a lab or having an evil, wicked, mad scientist for a mother doesn’t seem just plausible but also very believable in their case. On top of all that, Ms. Zanetti brings in political intrigue and corruption that I feel makes the story even more credible since the labs must get the funding from somewhere.

Each of these stories are stand-alone and do not have major cliffhangers which I truly appreciate. There are two major threads of intrigue woven through all the stories, that brings cohesiveness to this series.

While Ms. Zanetti has her own wonderful style of writing, these stories are reminiscent of Feehan’s Ghost Walker series. With that comparison, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys military romantic suspense with just a touch of paranormal.

Copy provided by NetGalley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a great book!
Readers who are looking for action, adventure and high steam factor from their paranormal reads need to check this series out!
While this can be read as a stand alone, this is the third in a series and I would heartily encourage readers to begin with the first so you don't miss one single exciting, heart pounding moment!
This book follows Nate Dean. One of four brothers who were born through engineering in a lab and raised to be super soldiers and have advanced abilities. To say that these four have a tortured past is an understatement. It is heart warming to see how devoted they are to each other.
Audrey Madison is the daughter of the truly evil female psychologist that had a large hand in the the horrors that befell the Dean brothers while growing up. She and Nate have a past history that was carefully cultivated, without their knowledge, by Audrey's mother.
Seeing these two reconnect was amazing and kept me on the edge of my seat and reading until late in the night.
Readers who enjoy Shannon McKenna and Lisa Marie Rice may really enjoy these books. Even those who aren't particularly into paranormal might give it a try as that aspect is a small portion of what these awesome stories are about.
Highly recommended book and greatly enjoyed!
*I was given a copy of this book for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
carmel morgan
I received this ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book I have read in the series, so I get that I missed some of the back story and the background of the other brothers. This book reminded me of the Lisa Renee' Jones Zodius Series. Government generated/enhanced soldiers with special abilities rebelling against their creators/keepers. The heroine is related to a major player in the operation. I still enjoyed the premise. However, I found the bad guys to completely ridiculous. I like the idea of a fanatical group as the villains, but the characters themselves were not believable. Lilith was over the top for me.

As far as the hero and heroine, I liked Nate and Audrey. Their connection was real to me. The forced IVF was oddly handled, in my opinion. I totally buy the Commander and her mother doing it, but Nate and Audrey's reactions were too neat for me. I did like the supporting characters and am interested in their stories as well as seeing how this turns out. I want to see the Commander and Isobel get their due.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OH OH another Sin Brother, here we go. Nate was very much in love with Audrey when he was younger but she broke his heart when she left him. Many years later he plans to use her to help save him and his brothers. Little does he realize that he isn't going to let her escape him this time. Audrey left Nate to save him but she has no want for any other and when he walks back into her life she has a hard time keeping her distance.

I don't know what it is about this series but once you start reading you just cant seem to put the books down. BLIND FAITH was no different. The romance aspect of the story was deep and emotion filled. The action was intense and had me on the edge of my seat, and the way the brothers care for each other and the women they love makes me swoon every time I think of them. In addition to another couple being formed we get a great new addition to the family in the form of an adopted Grandpa. He seriously stole my heart and I can't wait to see him in future books.

There is only one more brother left so I am sad to assume that the series will soon be ending but I have loved the ride so far so I will savor it to the very end. This series is definitely one for the bookshelf.

* This book was provided free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Normally, I don’t think that I would go for this kind of a plot line when selecting a book to read but something about these Dean boys and Zanetti’s wonderful writing makes this one of my favorite series. I mean, genetically engineered soldiers? But there is just something that I thoroughly enjoy about this series. I fell in love with Shane and Matt from the previous books, I fell in love with Nate in this book, and I know that I will fall in love with Jory in the next book.

Like the others, this book was packed with intense action, drama, danger, love and so much more. Nate and Audrey have a rocky ending the last time they saw each other but now that the Dean brothers are looking for some serious answers, Nate decides that Audrey can help them. What he doesn’t know is that she has a plan of her own. One that no one suspect she is capable of following through except herself; which is one of the reason why I really liked her character. Nate is just like his brothers; strong, lethal, protective, and insanely hot. These two sizzled on the page together.

But that hotness is not all we got. For series followers, we got a heck of a lot more questions answered in this book and a lot closer and we are so close to the truth and ending that I can feel it.

Miranda@The BookWhisperer
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike mclemore
Book Review-Blind Faith by Rebecca Zanetti

Nathan Dean is on a mission. He is confronting his past in order to have a future. He has to get close to the woman who broke his heart five years ago. She is Audrey Madison, daughter of Dr. Madison. Nate knows that Audrey is his way into the compound in D.C. He has to find the codes to deactivate the chips he and his brothers have implanted near their spines. He also needs to find information regarding what happened to Jory.
He silently follows Audrey for a while before he makes his move coming face to face with her. She is shocked to see him and then fear for him takes over. She knows what the Commander is capable of and what he wants. She wants Nathan to be safe. She is being followed by the Commander’s men and doesn’t want them to know Nathan is anywhere near. She never got over him. In fact she gave him up so he would be safe.
She agrees to help him get the information he needs. She refuses to leave her job though. She has her own plans when it comes to the Commander. Things start getting crazy when people start dying around her and someone is trying to kidnap her. Nathan needs to protect her from whoever is trying to take her. Everything is spinning out of control and time is running out.
This is the third book in the series. I have read both Shane’s story and Matt’s story. I love these characters. The Dean brothers have had a rough life. They grew up being trained by the commander. They were his top soldiers which is the reason that the Commander will never give up trying to recapture them.
These stories show how each brother finds someone to love as they form what they have always wanted most, a family. With Nathan’s story, the author continued the storyline and it doesn’t disappoint. There are tons of action, intrigue and close calls. Nathan also has to accept help from his brothers and find something to live for.
The characters and situations are intense and full of danger. Nothing like being kept on the edge of your seat. Awesome story. I give it a 4 out of 5.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda clay
I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review, so here it is. I loved the synopsis and had to read this one, although I didn't realize it was a series but am glad I read it anyway. And now I have to go back and read the rest of the series. Nate Dean is a cold-blooded killer, at least that is what the commander thinks he is. Nate and his brothers were made to not have emotions and to feel but they are not that way. Trying to keep his brothers safe and finding Jory, the brother missing. Nate has to locate Audrey Madison, the girl he fell in love with five years ago and find out what happened to his baby. Audrey is trying to bring the commander and her mother, brilliant scientist, Dr. Isobel Madison, down to stop them from creating any more soldiers. When Nate shows up, her feelings for him surfaces and she can't deny them. Can they stay alive long enough to rid the world of the commander and Dr. Madison before they are caught and the Dean brothers are dead? This is a great story with excitement, intrigue, love, loss, pain and a great who else is involved story. This is a first for me from Rebecca Zanetti and I loved it. So check it out for yourself, but you should read from the beginning of the series. ANd enjoy the Dean Brothers and the women they love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a bookzilla
We get to see how deep the rabbit hole really is in this next story of the Dean Brothers. This is Nate’s story. He found out at the end of Sweet Revenge that his love from the past may have had a baby of his. Impossible, isn’t it? So, of course, he goes off to see if it’s true and he has thoughts that maybe there is hope of having a picket fence home and children.

But he quickly finds that it’s not to be. She lost the baby; she was in the compound that day the Dean (aka Gray) brothers had blown up when she had found herself bleeding. But the explosion did some damage to her leg and she ended up with multiple surgeries all courtesy of the commander. Clue #1, don’t ever trust the commander. Clue #2 Audrey’s mother is the infamous Dr I Madison who is heartless and the one writing notes and studying the boys while growing up. But Audrey still loves her mother as all children do and has hope she will still love her someday. Dr Madison is one crazy witch with a B.

Audrey is double crossing the commander though with a senator (Senator Nash). He wants the commander to be brought down and so does Audrey but she doesn’t tell the senator everything.

Nate finds her and they fall back into each other’s arms. But both have little hope that things will work out. Nate is still trying to get the codes to stop the kill chips embedded next to their spine. These chips will kill them in mere weeks if they don’t find it ASAP.

Nate is a hard head sometimes. Audrey is one as well! Both wanting to help the other but neither fully trusting each other. They are falling head over heels for each other again and this time is for keeps. But the commander has his own agenda for all of them. If you want to know what it is, you will have to read it for yourself.

When things seem to get better, twists and turns keep your mind reeling as to whom to trust and why people are getting killed and blaming Audrey for it. She doesn’t have time for all that. And when you think you know who betrayed whom, think again. I jumped up and couldn’t believe my eyes and what I was reading saying “No Way!” Only to find myself more confused at who dun nit because it isn’t always what it appears to be. It kept me going and intrigued me even more. It was a great story with more twists and turns than my most favorite rollercoaster! There was a lot of romance and chemistry too. And what I really like about this story is that family means everything to the Dean Brothers! Because they will fight to the death for each other. Because “Never Alone” is their motto.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen berg
Oh Nate I loved your manliness, "he lifted a muscled shoulder that revealed the true predator lurking beneath the classic jacket. "I'm done hiding." He can be so animalistic when he wants to be, well now" - Nathan leaned forward - "I think we can start negotiating so you do decide who to recommend." At that points, his wildcat flashed him a smile that held more menace than a panther eyeing dinner. His co** instantly flared to life." He's just such a man and that's why I loved him, "playing with her? Nate inhaled her natural gardenia scent. "Ah, baby, I'm just getting started." He knows how to show his girl a good time, "I've missed you more." He stood and unzipped his jeans. Then he toed off his boots, dropping the jeans with them. Leaving him nude, his impressive co** jutting out." He gives the most delicious threats, "no." He licked his way up her thighs, nipping softly but with enough bite to still her. Yearning beyond reality filled her, and she dug her nails into his shoulders, finally within reach. "Careful, baby. I scratch back." The next bite to her inner thigh held an erotic warning." I love this series and I can't wait to see what happens in the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rhonda mcknight
An electrifying story about nearly desperate hope, acceptance and love you won’t want to miss. Its intensity makes the ‘Romantic Suspense’ qualifier a gross understatement.

Each brother had a mission. His was to find the codes to deactivate the deadly chip they had been implanted with. The third book in Rebecca Zanetti’s Sin Brothers series follows Nathan Dean, the second oldest brother. The one who found and lost love in their dismal living confinement.
“We started as an experiment, but her feelings were real. Just not strong enough to trust me when things turned bad.”

Avoiding the only woman who had held his heart was not an option when the clock was ticking and every second he and his brothers came closer to imminent death.

Audrey Madison was certain he would find her. And in the mean time she had to do everything in her power to destroy the man that hunted Nathan in order to find him the peace he deserved. Even if he didn’t know about it, understand or forgive her. Because she was just as lost and lonely as he was when she found refuge and strength in him, and she never stopped loving him.

This sensually seductive book will make your heart melt and race with all its sweet, tender and sexy moments. Because for all of Nathan’s deadly skills, he was also graced with a good and tender, but not less determined heart.
“So much strength. Which made his gentleness all the more breathtaking.”

But those weren’t the only moments I enjoyed. I loved every single part or it. From its oh so molten hot moments when Nathan unleashes all his alpha caveman domineering side with Audrey, to the incredibly thrilling action packed ones when adrenalin is pumping and nothing in the world exists but the lives on a precipice of the characters you’re reading about, to the incredibly heartwarming instances between the brothers.
“ ‘Never alone, Nate. Ever.’
… If God existed, He’d done Nate a solid by giving him brothers. These men as brothers.”

It has been a wonderful journey to read about these incredible men and the equally amazing women they have found. This is one of my new favorite series and I can’t wait to read Jory’s.

** I was given an ARC of this book for an honest review from Netgalley. The excerpts are from that copy. **

For more of my reviews or those of my best book buds visit our blog at

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not a standalone book. While it could be read as such, you would be playing catch up and miss important information and connections if read out of order. This is the third book in the series that has an overall very poignant plot that at the end of Blind Faith is still unresolved even though individually they are about a different brother with his own happy ending. Each of the previous books is equally exciting, sexy and different, and you’ll have to forgive me for not writing their reviews. I just got caught up in their story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kay cooke
Oooh it keeps getting better and better! I love the Sins brothers SO much! Most of all, I am head over heels in love with Nate. I have been waiting and waiting for this story. I'm such a sucker for a second chance at love. Especially when the couple was forced apart by outside forces. With Audrey and Nate they have a lot to come to terms with. Hurt, betrayal, misunderstandings, lost opportunity, you name it and they've got it on their to-do list. Putting all of that aside this couple is explosive and magnetic together. In a series I always have that on character that I latch on to and become obsessed with learning their story. Nate was it for me. Matt may have been the glue of the brothers, but I think Nate took on more of a burden than anyone. He is willing to sacrifice everything for his family. Audrey knows that feeling all too well. Even when she's been tossed aside time and again by her mother she is faithful to a fault.

Nate and Audrey's story picks up right around the time the second book left off. *Minor spoilers ahead as the books intertwine almost completely* The brother are still out to find the solution to turn off the kill switches that will have them turned to dust in a matter of weeks. Nate, believing that Audrey is still under the Commander's control, goes after her to use her as a pawn. However, things are not always like they seem. Audrey is forced to divulge heartbreaking secrets that alter Nate's reality and they are soon begrudgingly working together. Before they can even come to some sort of resolution and peace with their past, Audrey is betrayed and violated in one of the worst possible ways. The clock is running down, the pieces aren't adding up, and no one knows who to trust.

I'll have to warn you, Blind Faith got my heartbeat elevated and my breath hitching. It is non-stop action and heart-clenching scenes. Audrey and Nate have one of the toughest stories to tell. Most of it stems from their past, but with new developments they will have to lay more than just their lives on the line. Ms. Zanetti brought me from hurting to hopeful and back several times. All I have to say is you have to read the book. It may have come to a conclusion, it may have not. Those of you who have read it, will finally get the answer to that burning question that has been lingering throughout the series. I'm literally biting my fist right now because I *want* to talk about it, but I also don't want to spoil it. So alas, I will leave you with: It's freaking amazing and you should go devour the whole series!

Happy Reading!
*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ruth lahti
Never stop believing that a family is not possible. Sure he has his brothers and they have the women they love and that’s his family but he also deserves the woman that he has loved since he first saw her and so much more.

Wow, I’ve been waiting to read this story and I have to say that I loved it. The plot of this story was engaging, exciting and intriguing. I love that I was totally surprised on the turn of events. The suspense of what was going to happen to Nate and Audrey was thrilling, the amount of action had me at the edge of my seat. This is a read that grabbed my attention from the very beginning to the very end. I know that I shed a tear here and there but the passion that these two characters had for each other was amazing. Sure Nate tried to resist but come on that was his true love and there was no way of him denying the chemistry that they had.

Nate Dean is the brother that wanted to give his younger brothers the sense of family. He went to the point of making sure that Shane and Jory had a Christmas with all the trimmings no matter the consequences. Before they blew up the facility that they were in he made sure that the one person that he loved was not in the facility. He had no idea that she was there because something bad was happening to her.

Audrey Madison is the daughter of the Dr. Madison the psycho doctor that tormented the Dean Brother’s. The commander and her mother had given her an assignment and that was to get close to Nate and that she did. Only she ended up falling in love with him and in that love something happened, she ended up getting pregnant by him. But before she could tell Nate about the baby but something happened she started bleeding. Audrey knew that she needed to get seen and the Commanders medical facility was the best and while there an explosion happened. She was trapped and yelling for Nate.

Nate and Audrey reunited but not in a good way because he was in a mission. He needed to find out what happened to his child, he could not believe that he had gotten her pregnant they thought they could not have children. Only now he knew that she had lost the baby but he still was on a mission to try to figure out the codes for the chips and it seemed that Audrey was on the side of the Commander. Audrey could not believe that Nate was in front of her and she could not tell him what she was doing. There was no way she needed to do this because they were going to pay. The chemistry that they share is explosive and before they know it they are tangled up in each other.

Nate knows that he needs to keep close to Audrey especially after knowing that she is being followed by the Commander’s men but why. She is in Politics and it seems that she is trying to get the Commander’s unethical ways funded. He has no idea who she is any more what happened to the woman that wanted to teach kids, what happened to that loving woman.

Audrey knows that she needs to get what she can to keep Nate away from her. If he knew what she was doing he would better understand but then again he would forbid her of being any where near danger. She needs to get more information and make sure that the Senator funds what the Commander is doing. That is the only way it needs to happen it’s the only way.

Blind Faith was a brilliant read. It enthralled me from beginning to the very end. Ms. Zanetti’s writing style is brilliant, focused and clear. The emotions that these characters go through were felt in her writing, the fear, anger, joy, doubt but most importantly their love. The pace of this story was perfect and I loved the detail. I love Ms. Zanetti’s creative mind and how everything seems to flow. The read seems so real and I love the connection that I had with the characters. The sexual chemistry between these two characters was steamy hot but the love was there the minute that their eyes met again after so much time.

This was a brilliant read and I totally recommend this to any reader. Enjoy the journey of Nate and Audrey in their adventure in being able to form the family that they wanted. Time is running out for the Dean Brothers they need not only to find what happen to Jory, the youngest brother, but also find out the codes to disengage the chips that they have logged near their spin.

One last thought I can’t believe that the next installment is not due out until 2015. I can’t believe that a little less than a year but I guess I might reread Shane’s, Matt’s and of course Nate’s book a couple of times so I can be ready for Jory’s story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
warren stewart
Oh boy, this one has just upped the game. Everything is coming to a climactic end but until then there are plots to hatch and secrets to reveal. The bad guys are becoming more ruthless and it's not only the Commander that needs to be handled. I'm loving this thrilling story.

Nate Dean is the brother of Matt and Shane. He's kind of has a lone wolf attitude going in to this story. He knows that his brothers have a lot more to lose than he does. They have both found their other halves, so he needs to go the mission alone to find the codes that will save all of them. Nate is determined, sexy as all get out, and dangerous. Nate has history with Audrey and history is about to repeat itself.

I loved the chemistry between Audrey and Nate. She's just as determined as he is to protect what she holds dear. She wants to protect Nate and he wants to protect her. They just need to get on the same page.

Throughout the books, this one is the third, there's been an underlying mission to their main one. They want to find our what happened to their baby brother, Jory. Not knowing if he is dead or alive is something they just can't live with. There's some new information that is revealed. It's all going to come to a head when the next book comes out.

I'm so excited to know that the story is still intriguing after three books. The author keeps it moving along with twists and turns that I didn't see coming. I'm anxious to turn the pages to get to each new detail and watch it all unfold. It's quite a thrill.

I still haven't read the first one but it is on my to do list. I feel like I already know Shane but he does have a story, and to be fair I need to read it. This is one of the best series I have read. It's not just a romance but a suspenseful, joy ride. I'm totally on board for whatever comes next. I know it's going to be one heck of a ride. Bring on book 4. Total Surrender is expected in March 2015.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hamid reza
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Boy those Dean brothers sure are sexy and though it may be too early to say, I think Blind Faith just might be my favorite in the series! I'll have to reserve final judgement though until the last book comes out. *whimpers*

I'm so obsessed with this series it's not even funny. I actually reviewed the second book (Sweet Revenge) first but loved it so much that I HAD to read the first (Blind Faith) and the rest is history.

I like second chance romances but I love it when the couple has a love/hate/mistrust relationship, it takes the sexual tension to a whole new level. Nate and Audrey didn't disappoint in that regard, neither one backed down from a challenge and both recognized that while their previous relationship was tender, young and in some ways, innocent, their new relationship was tinged with anger, bitterness and regret. They had a lot to deal with and though it took them a while to do so, in the end they managed to create something new and stronger over the ashes of their old relationship. Their journey to that point was what captivated me from the very beginning and I do believe Audrey is my favorite heroine from the series!

Author Rebecca Zanetti really ups the stakes (and the sexy) in this book. Fans of the series know the main villains, The Commander and his lover, Dr. Isobel Madison have been hunting the Dean brothers since the day the genetically altered soldiers escaped them. The ruthless cruelty of the Commander and Dr. Madison is clearly shown to readers as they both manipulate and eliminate those whom they feel are in their way. Where in previous books they were only mentioned or appeared briefly, in Blind Faith they are front and center, ready to antagonize and torture Nate and Audrey. As a hero (or heroine) is only as good as the villain, let me say that The Commander and Dr. Madison make Nate and Audrey look really good.

Nate is quite literally under the Commander's nose the whole time which took the suspense to a whole new level! With each page I turned, I wondered not IF but WHEN Nate would be discovered and how it would play out. I wondered if Audrey would ever really be free of her mother and what it would take for Audrey to be free of the hold her mother had on her.

While this is Nate's book, the entire Sin Brothers series had emphasized how close and how devoted Nate and his brothers, Sean and Matt are to one another and how determined they are to discover if their youngest brother Jory is really dead. I loved the intensity of the brothers' undying and unwavering devotion to each other. That's what really brings the emotional and familial aspect to Blind Faith. Amidst all the horrors they've suffered and the uncertainty of their futures, the Dean brothers can always count on each other to be the stable and sure thing in life. Can I also mention that I love how the oldest Dean brother, Matt, who can be a stone cold killer and soldier is called "Mattie" by his brothers and sister in law. That nickname alone just gives the reader a hint of the man underneath.

Audrey was a surprise to me. Everything in the first few pages lead me to believe that she was going to be a brainwashed, weakling incapable of pulling her own weight in the story. However, that's what Audrey wanted every one to believe when in reality, she's cunning, intelligent, stubborn, brave and ruthless in her quest to bring The Commander down. She wants her freedom and she wants justice, two very worthy goals. She also handles Nate's reappearance in her life with a strength that made me like her even more. She didn't let him derail her cause, nor did she just hand him her personal mission expecting him to save her. Audrey had a lot of pride but she wasn't stupid either, she knew when she was way in over her head and when she needed help. Audrey was raised among monsters and it would have been a huge disappointment to me if she had been a weak push over who wanted Nate to save her all the time. On her own Audrey was a threat to the Commander's plans and when combined with Nate's strength, they're a near unstoppable team and that's what I loved, the TEAM work between the two, no leaving the "little lady" behind while the big strong man goes in and saves the day. Audrey was a vital part of the story, she had an important role to play aside from romantic interest and she followed through to the very end.

Blind Faith was one of those books that was damn near impossible to put down. I was so engrossed with every aspect of the story that at one point I dipped a french fry into my drink instead of the ketchup, I was that distracted. There's plenty of heat between Nate and Audrey and at times I was tempted to sit in front of an open refrigerator while I read. There's the right balance between the romance, the mystery, the action and the suspense that formed such a balanced story. The only downside of reading Blind Faith? Waiting until the next book in the series comes out... Next year.

Final Verdict: From the first page straight through to the last, Blind Faith takes romantic suspense fans on one hell of an angst ridden, nail biting, heart racing ride that you’ll love every minute of!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
**This was an ARC copy given by Netgalley for a honest review**

4-4.5 stars

I have to say that I was very happy to get an ARC of this book because I love the series and have been wondering what would happen when Nate and Audrey were reunited. I was really happy with the story. It was a great combination of romance and intrigue/action.

Audrey is the daughter of Dr. Madison, a scientist with a top secret military organization that performs a lot of experiments that the public don't know about and would be shocked if they did. Audrey's mother wasn't loving at all and Audrey spent most of her life trying to gain some bit of love or pride from her mother but never succeeded. He mother set her up with a soldier, Nathan, as an experiment in emotional behavior and then later forced them to split up, making Audrey think she had to break up with Nate or he'd be killed. Soon after she was injured badly and had to agree to work for the organization in return for medical treatment that would enable her to use her leg again.

Nate is a man with a mission. He and his 3 brothers all grew up in a scientific/military compound where they were raised and trained as soldiers and so much more. They were test tube babies that never knew the love of a mother and spent most of their lives trained to do horrible things and kept in line by threats to the health and safety of their brothers, the only true family they had. Nate was the one that always took care of his brothers and made their life better when the training get to be overbearing. He loved once and was truly happy but when she broke his heart, Nate's full focus became keeping his brothers safe and happy.

Audrey is living in Washington D.C., working for Senator Nash who is the head honcho when it comes to defense funding. Audrey was placed there by the Commander (the head of the organization that ran the facility Nate and his brothers were raised and trained in) to try to influence the Senator to push funding to the organization's way. Audrey plays like she's on their side but she's actually working with the Senator to get evidence and bring what the Commander has been doing to light and have him arrested and jailed. While at a fund raiser with the Senator, Audrey sees Nate for the first time in 5 years. She knows she's being followed by some of the Commander's soldiers and tries to warn him off but he wont go right away and gets her to meet him out back to talk. Even though they're at odds, the attraction and emotions between Audrey and Nate are still very strong, much to both of their dismay. Nate tries to get info out of Audrey but it soon becomes apparent that she knows nothing of the kill chips (chips implanted on the brother's spines that, if not reprogrammed within 3 weeks, will explode and kill the brothers) and can't give him the info he so desperately needs. Audrey is shocked by the kill chips and agrees to try to help Nate get the info he needs to negate them and save their lives.

Audrey has a lot to juggle as she deals with Nate as well at the plans with the Senator and the demands of her mother and the Commander. Nate also needs to know about the secondary facility the organization has and Audrey tries to find out about that as well. Unfortunately, while Audrey is working with them, the organization doesn't trust her enough to give her any information. While working together, Nate and Audrey end up getting close and it's not too long before they end up in bed together...but they're both convinced they don't have a future. Audrey has become a strong woman to survive what she grew up with and she manages a move that gets her some information for Nate that will help them duplicate the program for disabling the chips. The problem is, they still don't have the code. Around the same time Audrey gets the info, she's shocked by a discovery of something her mother and some of the doctors at the facility did to her and it's a game changer (view spoiler). This prompts Nate to bring in help from his brothers to take care of things. Unfortunately, things get a bit derailed by a zealot cult that gets thrown in to the mix. There is danger and shootings and all sorts of bad and risky stuff that goes on before the end. Audrey and Nate (and their allies) do make it out in one piece and now they are all planning how to take care of the chip situation so Audrey and Nate can have their HEA.

This was a really good story. I loved Audrey and Nate and their story had me sucked in from the beginning and enjoying the ride. It had romance, intrigue and action through the whole thing so I was constantly wondering what would happen next and turning the page to see. Now I can't wait for the next (and last) book to come out to see what happens! I'd recommend this book. Thumbs up! :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meowmy mandy
Blind Faith

What would you do if your mother was a heartless, cruel, amoral woman who has systematically tortured the man that you love since he was a child? If you are Audrey Madison you do everything you can to shut the company she works for down.

Meet Audrey Madison, she grew up knowing her mother worked for a cruel man who would do anything to form the perfect soldier. That meant that they genetically created children who were raised in an environment that was filled with fighting and war games.

Although Audrey's mom encouraged Audrey to start a friendship with one of the Grey brothers, things went a little further than the Dr. wanted. Audrey and Nate Dean fell in love; but falling in love wasn't part of the game that the Commander and Dr. Madison were playing, and Audrey was forced to end her relationship with Nate or risk his death. Nothing was allowed to distract Nate from his training.

Fast forward to present day and Nate is determined to corner Audrey, and find out where their baby is. He just learned that Audrey found out she was pregnant and never told him. He feels betrayed, angered, hurt, and an intense need to find and protect his child. But finding his child isn't his only mission! Nate also needs to find out how to disable the "kill switch" that was surgically implanted in him and his brothers. They only have a few weeks till the switch goes off and they are all killed. Nate doesn't care what he needs to do to complete his mission, he just knows that he will do anything he has to, to protect his brothers.

Audrey and Nate are each running separate battle strategies to accomplish the same thing, shut the Commander down and find the computer that must be used. With bodies being dumped, and friends who turn out to be enemies Audrey and Nate must come to an understanding and work together to accomplish their goals before it's to late.

Will Nate finally find out what happened to his child? Will Audrey be able to admit to Nate why she had to leave him?

Pick up this book and find your do not disturb sign! You won't want to put this book down!

*ARC received from talented author and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ron huggins
4.25 stars

BLIND FAITH is the third instalment in Rebecca Zanetti’s contemporary, adult, action suspense, slightly paranormal Sin Brothers Series focusing on Mattie, Shane, Nate and Jory Dean- four genetically engineered brothers who were created to become the perfect super soldier. This is Nate Dean and Audrey Madison’s story. Audrey is the ‘daughter’ of the doctor who, along with the commander, has helped create the ultimate warrior of destruction. The commander is still determined to bring the brothers back into the fold but there are only a couple weeks remaining on the brothers’s expiration date.

As the series continues, it is Nate’s turn to hunt down the people responsible for their creation but someone from Nate’s past has popped up on their radar and Nate needs information and answers to many questions. Audrey is the only woman whom he has ever loved and she is the daughter of the woman who is directly responsible for his brothers’s impending demise. It has been close to five years since Audrey and Nate last had contact and many things have changed in the ensuing time. Not only have they both lost someone they have loved but they will be pulled together by a secret neither one ever knew.

The relationship between Audrey and Nate is sexual, sensual and has lost none of the powerful attraction since they last met. Nate is determined to keep Audrey in his life but Audrey has other plans-she is determined to take down the commander on her own.

All of the previous storyline characters play a secondary role including Mattie and Shane Dean. The world building continues as the brothers hunt for the code to deactivate their death sentence but the people responsible continue to elude capture or meet their end. The search for the youngest Dean brother continues with a glimmer of hope that Jory may still be alive and in this, the brothers’s storyline will continue, at least, for one more chapter.

BLIND FAITH is a fast paced story of action, suspense and drama. Rebecca Zanetti has written a compelling and intriguing series about four brothers brought together by DNA, power and abuse and, circumstance. It is their continuing search for the code that pulls the brothers together. These are their stories of love and loss; betrayal and heartbreak; family and connections.

I was gifted a copy
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
seher anjum
Ok ladies hang on to your panties The Dean boys are back and hotter then ever. This is Nate and Audrey's book. Audrey was his first love and his only love. He had made a mistake five years ago and he is now back wanting information from her. It is important that they get this info, actually their lives depend on getting the information that Audrey may or may not know.

As he remembers Audrey as a sweet girl that he loved and left and now she is a strong willed woman, Who can still pull at his heart strings, As they work together to get the info, They are falling back in love as they get together but will they survive the commander.

Omg I am thinking that this is one of the better Alpha male books . These books are hot, hot, hot. Nate is one big broad shouldered hunk of a man. You kind a want to climb him like a tree. He is very much the dominant man. Oozing sex appeal and also doing the whole soldier and killer so easily. Makes a girl want to swoon, Just a little, or is it just me . Audreys character is a very strong heroine. She may have a limp but she can kick ass and give sass like the best of them. But she still wants the approval of her mother, the evil scientist that has experimented on the Dean boys. She finally figures out who her true family is and she will do anything to save those boys, she loves with her whole heart

This is a very fast read for me, the characters were very well written. The characters were so complex and well written, Rebecca has created a great series with these boys. As the series continues the reading gets hotter and sexier. Loved the suspense and the new characters that have been added. The senator helping out everyone and then when the chips are down he is there with the brothers .

Rebecca will take you on a wild ride, full of twists and turns. Full of intrigue and sex. Oh yes there is sex, good sex, So if you want a great read for the pool or the beach check out Rebecca Zanetti's new book BLIND FAITH , You won't be disappointed .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maggie wear
***Five Stars ***

When I first read the synopsis of BLIND FAITH, I wondered if I was really going to like this story line -- A secret black op military, soldiers that are genetically engineered, detonating chips? Really? Some of this seemed a little over the top, but I must say, I loved this story and fell in love with the characters!

This is the third series in the Sin Series focusing on each of the Dean brothers. This story focuses on Nate Dean, one of four brothers created and raised in a secret military camp. Like his brothers, Nate was created from a test tube experiment and has superior strength and hearing. Throughout his life, he has had no nurturing. He has been intensely trained throughout his youth to become a cold-blooded killing machine.

Audrey Madison was raised by a mother, Isobel, a brilliant scientist who is more interested in promoting her twisted experiments than she is her only daughter. Audrey has spent her life trying to win her mother's approval and love, but sadly always comes up lacking.

Nate and his brothers managed to escape the terrible tyranny of the "Commander" five years ago.

The threat: the brothers continue to be hunted by the commander and are in a race against time to locate the codes to deactivate the chips embedded in their spines. If they don't find the correct codes, they will die. The time element definitely adds a level of intensity to this story line.

Nate has recently discovered that Audrey, the only woman he's ever loved, and also the woman that broke his heart and betrayed him, was pregnant with his child. As he locates Audrey, he wants to know what happened to his child, as well as demands information on finding the codes to help save him and his brothers.

Even after all their time apart, Nate and Audrey are still insanely attracted to each other. Nate is still angry with Audrey for aligning herself with the evil commander and her manipulative mother. He can't understand her loyalty to a mother that has never shown her an ounce of love.

Audrey has been working with her boss, Senator Nash, for the past few years, and they are secretly working to gather information to incriminate the Commander and his organization so they can send him to prison. Although Audrey wants to confide in Nate, she knows it's better to let him continue to think the worst of her.

As you read this story, you discover two tough people with emotional scars beating the odds and finding love with one another once again. As a reader, you find yourself rooting for Audrey and Nate to find their happily ever after.

Audrey is a great heroine. She has her share of misfortune throughout the book, but she proves she has a lot of tenacity, loyalty, and determination as she fights to protect what's important to her.

Nate is a hardened, trained killer with an unwavering loyalty to his brothers. Even though Nate has a thirst for revenge against the Commander and Audrey's mother, it's great to see the decisions he makes as the story evolves.

The suspenseful element in BLIND FAITH is fraught with car chases, kidnapping, bombs, betrayal, lies, and deceit.

As Blind Faith concluded, I found myself intrigued and more than eager to read the final installment of this series. I was so captivated with this series, I immediately downloaded Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge so I can learn more about the other interesting Dean brothers.

BLIND FAITH is full of sizzling romance, mystery, and suspense. I highly recommend this series!

A copy of this book was provided via Net Galley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
~Reviewed by ANGELA & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

Genetically engineered, Nate Dean and his brothers escaped their creator but still not quite free. Their lives are still in his hands but their mission is to completely rid of their past ties and live as they wish. Nate Dean is desperate and will seek help from someone he once love even if they are from opposites sides of the spectrum.

Audrey Madison works for the very mad man who is responsible for creating genetically engineered soldiers and to boot, her mother is his right hand man, aka, mad scientists. She had fallen in love with one of the soldiers, Nate, some time ago and seeing him again brings back all the hurt she had gone through. But she is stronger now and when faced to make hard decisions, she will pick right.

Time has passed but Audrey and Nate’s feelings never changed. Zanetti easily supported that making their union as smooth as if time apart never happened. I enjoyed how easy it is for this couple to come together after some time of being apart. Nate was determined to get close to Audrey, demand answers and take back what belongs to him. I just love how Alpha he can be and man, he is hawwwt!!!

I am very happy that Nate finally gets his own HEA. As much as he denied it, it was what he’d always wanted and it is well deserved. Zanetti did a great job with his story. What I love most is how she weaved the action and suspense with the romance. There was a good flow and never a dull moment. I especially enjoyed when all the brothers are together. And speaking of brothers…the whereabouts of their other brother, Jory, was finally revealed. I’ll tell you this much, there will be another book. =) I am excited to meet Jory and to find out how they will defeat their creator.

*ARC provided by publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pat hotle
I had a difficult time deciding on what to include and not include in the review. So many things transpired that I can’t even wrap my head around. Car chases, fights, explosions, betrayals, and a new enemy emerging from the shadows are just a fraction of what’s in store for readers. When you think you’ve got the story figured out, the author throws a twist that you didn’t see coming! There are also a lot of steamy sex scenes between Audrey and Nate that had my Kindle fogging up!

The book is brilliant. I loved every bit of the action, suspense, subterfuge and most of all, love. Rebecca Zanetti does what she does best and that’s writing a damn good story. The plot is exciting and the characters are so easily relatable, it makes the book that much more enjoyable. Many questions are answered in this book including the biggest question of them all, is Jory dead or alive? At the end of the book we are treated to an excerpt of the next installment of the series and it is there that you’ll find your answer.

***I was gifted an eBook copy from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. All conclusions reached are my own***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather herring
Blind Faith is the third book in the Sin Brothers series. This is Nate’s story.

I was really afraid that Nate and Audrey’s story might be disappointing. After reading the little snippet of this story at the end of “Sweet Revenge” I held such high hopes that Nate’s book would be just as funny, sexy and action packed as the previous 2 stories were. Thankfully I wasn’t disappointed.

In this book, Nate Dean has to track down his past love Audrey Maddison, who not only is the daughter of the ‘mad scientist’ Dr. Maddison who raised him and his brothers in the military facility, but who is also his first love that broke his hear and betrayed him.

I’m not a big fan of the second chance romance plot but I willingly dove into Nate’s story to see if there would be a resolution to the storylines from the previous books.

I only had a few small issues with some of the storylines. I kind of thought the crazy, over-the-top action scenes towards the end of the book were a bit silly. I mean how many times did Audrey get rescued?
And I kind of wanted to shake some sense into Audrey when it came to her mother issues. I didn’t understand her need to keep protecting her mother, especially after her mother does something so reprehensible it boggles the mind. I understand she only has one parent and longs to build a connection with her, but honey, if it isn’t been built by now, it’s never going to happen.

Overall, this was a great read. I was really happy with the story. The writing was precise, the storyline was riveting, suspenseful and fast paced. And the chemistry between Nate and Audrey was scorching (just like the sex scenes!). I highly recommend this book.

*ARC provided by netgalley in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan moon
I loved Blind Faith. It had lots of action, suspense, love, betrayal. It’s so easy to fall for Nate. He is this super strong, trained, fierce warrior, but it melts your heart, and maybe something else, how fiercely loyal and protective he is to those he loves, and to see that he would give anything for his brothers. The length of the story was good as well. As much as I wanted to and tried read it in a single sitting, I had to put it down for another night. Time remaining in book and time remaining before morning did have a long battle though.

I hadn’t read the first two books in the series, but it didn’t take away from the story at all. We get a great short introduction to the super soldiers, Nate’s childhood, and his history with Audrey. I loved it so much that I’m going to start the first book in the series soon, even though I know the outcome. I would recommend you start at the beginning though, so you get the whole story, though I'm not sure how I could like it more. There is a book four scheduled for 2015 on my TBR which I’m very excited for.

* I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cb stewart
I should start out by saying that I have not read the first two books of the series. While I would not call this story stand alone I felt the author did a great job giving just enough information to understand the background so I very rarely felt lost.

Audrey and Nate have a past. They parted 5 years ago and Nate’s back to find her having learned she’d been pregnant at the time he escaped. At the same time he thinks she has access to the codes that will deactivate the kill chips in his and his brothers’ spines. He finds her working for Senator Nash and cool and detached in a way she hadn’t been before. For her part, Audrey is dismayed to see Nate back. She been happy he escaped and coming back no risked the commander finding him again.

I was totally ready to dislike Nate. Alpha jerks are not my thing. And while Nate did have that high handedness I despise, physically restraining Audrey to make her talk, he was also very sweet. There are several moments that grab his heart and he’s not afraid to show how they make him feel. He doesn’t shy away from the knowledge he loves her and will do anything to take care of her.

Audrey is great too. She’s working as a double agent with the commander and Senator Nash to bring down the commander. This mission has controlled her whole life in the five years since she last saw Nate. In it she’ll shut down the commander’s experiments, but she also hopes to save mother, a woman who betrays Audrey in one of the worst possible ways and is not worthy of Audrey’s love.

Together Audrey and Nate work. Matt and Shane appear for those missing them from their stories.

I have some niggles. There’s a side story with another group out to take down the commander and at one point Audrey is kidnaped and saved by the commander. I couldn’t help but wonder were and the heck Nate was in all that. Also I was a bit jarred by the abrupt ending.

Overall however I enjoyed the story and expect to pick up the other brothers’ tales so I can see how it started.

ARC received from Netgalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dorian volpe
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and am providing an honest review.

Let me start by saying that I have not read the first two books in the series. As far as I can tell, they can be read as standalones, but there were a few instances where I wished I had read the earlier books to get a better feel for their pasts as a whole.

I liked both of the main characters! Audrey was tough and smart, but at the same time experiencing some insecurities about her relationship with her mother. Nate was engineered for the sole purpose of being a weapon, but somehow managed to experience love for his family and for Audrey. I really enjoyed the writing and the action and was a little sad when it was over because I wanted to read more.

From the beginning, Nate's mission was to find a way to disable the kill chips implanted at the base of his and his brothers' skulls and to find out what happened to their youngest brother, Jory. While they made advances in these areas, there was no finality to either story line, which was a bit disappointing for me. I would have liked for one of these issues to be resolved. I was also a little confused as to how the brothers were able to drop off the map. It seems that these kill chips would have to be linked up to some sort of GPS or that the scientists would have implanted some sort of tracker but perhaps this is explained in one of the earlier books.

Even still, Blind Faith was thoroughly entertaining and well-written! I am anxious for the final installment to be released and am glad to know that I can go back to read the first two books while I wait!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christina lynch
I am new to the Sin Brothers series, and starting at book three I think I came up to speed fairly quickly on the Dean brothers who were created in a test tube (of possibly not entirely human DNA) and raised from birth to be soldiers, but whose loyalty is to each other and not to the Commander who ordered their creation. Three of the brothers won their freedom from the compound where they were kept but they have an expire date, an explosive chip implanted in their spines and only three more weeks to get the codes. However, while I have a sense of the foundation for the stories, I strongly suspect that I am missing out on some of the heart and soul of the series by not having read the earlier books and not coming in with a connection to the brothers and to our hero Nate.

Still I enjoyed this story in which brother Nate (who seems to have been the nurturer of the brood) comes back into the life of his only love Audrey who broke his heart, since she has an 'in' back into the compound. And I liked that Nate doesn't make Audrey pay for dumping him (though he thought she was wrong in her reasons for doing so,) and I liked that Nate has the promise of getting what he always wanted by the end of the story even - though since there is one more book to go in the series - he isn't home free yet.

Keeping the lovers hopping, there are schemes afoot in the background plot, that gave the pair something to do outside of the smexy times and there is what is probably a nice little touch up with past pairs for those who've read the other books.

Complementary copy via NetGalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth stigler
“Blind Faith” is a novel about second chances, passion, faith and family bonds. The book catches the reader attention from beginning to end. The tension and mystery of what is to come will keep you turning from page to page. The chemistry between Nate and Audrey is explosive. I really like the way this story was written because there was no rush in trying to solve the mystery or Audrey and Nate relationship. Their relationship is reborn and is beautiful to see how they learned to trust and love each other again.
One of the things of why this series works for me is the way the characters are designed. They are strong heroes, who have to fight together creating strong family bonds. This is not your typical hero in which the mom and dad live in a picket house and everything is beautiful and fun. This hero’s fight for what they think is right and make things happen.
I enjoy every book that Rebecca Zanetti writes and this is one is not an exception.
I’ll give it 5 stars for a very well done novel full of tension, mystery and sensuality. This is a read not to be missed. Get comfortable and enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
damis newman
Agh!... That's literally what I screamed when I got to the end of this book. Why? Because I was so into "Blind Faith" that I wasn't ready for it to be over. I've read so many books that I've lost count (pre - goodreads) and normally I know exactly where the story is going... but Rebecca Zanetti kept me surprised the entire time. Everything I thought was going to happen.... well I was wrong and I liked it.

This was my first time reading this author so I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I really enjoyed it. Now in the interest of full disclosure there were a few instances when I wanted to skip over a few pages to get back to the action and find out what was going on but not enough to keep me from enjoying the story.

Because NetGalley provided me with a copy of "Blind Faith" I unknowingly jumped head on into book 3 of the Sin Brothers Series. Now that I know this was part of a series I really wish I would have read the first 2 books beforehand but thankfully the author did a wonderful job that made it possible for me to read "Blind Faith" by itself... (I do recommend that you read the series in order.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ang schu
Nate and his brothers have been genetically engineered to be killing soldiers for the government, equipped with a computer chip set to detonate when they're no longer of any use to the government. When Nate meets Audrey and falls in love, he dreams of a life and family with her. When Audrey is forced to leave Nate, his world is shattered and his only goal is to escape the government along with his brothers. Later, when he's forced to go to Audrey for help in his efforts to keep his brothers alive, all hell breaks loose. Will he be able to keep Audrey and his brothers safe before the killing chips detonate?

If you like your romance with a sci-fi twist, Blind Faith will be right up your alley. It's filled with romance, danger, and suspense with a paranormal flair. All of this, and the hot sex too, will leave your brain cells scorched before you've finished! I'm not usually one for science fiction, but I was delighted with Blind Faith. It's well written and my interest was caught and held from start to finish. I loved the characters and their interaction with each other. The brothers love and devotion for each other was immediately evident, as was the deep love of the hero and heroine, although they didn't want to admit their feelings to each other. I'll gladly recommend Blind Faith to everyone I know and I look forward to reading more from Ms. Zanetti!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina orozco
I stumbled upon this book. I had not read books one and two prior to reading this story, and while they would've been great background, I was still able to understand this story.

This story is about Nate and Audrey. Nate and his brothers are men who were genetically created with super strength and hearing. Audrey is the daughter of the woman who created Nate and his brothers. The four brothers didn't just grow up on a farm though, they were a part of a guerilla group that used their family bond against them. As you go through this story, you learn that Audrey and Nate were once together, but she was forced to break up with him by the group. You also learn that Nate has contacted Audrey so that he can access vital information to the survival of him and his brothers.

The mother-daughter relationship is very tough to stomach, as Audrey tries time and time again to earn her mother's approval, despite some heinous things her mother does to her.

I am a sucker for stories about siblings and how they interact with each other, and these brothers fall right into that category! I loved getting to know the three of them and to observe the nuances of their relationship, and the effect their significant others' have made on them.

Only downside to this book .... the next one doesn't come out until NEXT YEAR :(! However, I would recommend this book for anyone who like romantic suspense!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
****** I have received this ARC for my honest review**********

This is part three of the series. I have not read book 1 or 2 as of yet, I thought it could make it difficult in reviewing this story line, but it didn't.

The story definitely has peaked my interest the more I read it. I love the concept of the story, I find all the characters have a strong base. The author did a wonderful job with the flow of the story.

Nate Dean and his 3 brothers were test tube babies. He has no family but his brothers. They were raised to be ruthless soldiers. He fell for Audrey Madison the minute he was asked to train her for combat.

Years later, the Dean brothers escaped from the military compound that they called home. He is now back to save his and his brothers lives. He needs Audrey's help even though she betrayed him in the worst way.

I can only rate this book as I didn't read book 1 or 2 as of yet. If they are anything like this one. I hope to give an overall 5 on the whole series when I am done reading.

*** Must add to your To Be Read (TBR) list of books, you will not be disappointed ***. I recommend you purchase this book/series, it's something I see myself reading many times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Nate Dean is brother number three of four in this series. The brothers escaped “The Commander” years ago only to find that they each had a chip that was set to explode embedded in their spine. Now they are on a race to find the code that will turn the chip off. Each brother gets a little closer to finding what they need and each brother also finds a woman to love. In Nate’s case it is Audrey, someone from his past.

Blind Faith has both romance and suspense. The Dean brothers are running out of time and Nate has only three weeks to find a solution to their problem. Nate thinks that Audrey can help him find what he is looking for. Nate and Audrey have a lot issues to work out, trust being the main one. They join forces to find a solution to the chip and find that the attraction is still there. I like both. They were strong and able to work on getting over the past while hoping for a future. Look for a big surprise near the end, something
unexpected that gives hope to the other couples in the series.

The next book is scheduled for March of 2015 when we will find out if they find the code to disable the chips. If they don’t it will be a very different ending to a series
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rebecca Zanetti does it again with the third book in the Sin Brothers Series. This book is packed full of romance, suspense, action, intigue and adventure from beginning to end.

This is Nate and Audrey's storey.

For Nate Dean, love is a four-letter word. As part of a secret black-ops military unit, he and his brothers were genetically engineered by the government to be ruthless soldiers with an expiration date. They were loyal only to one another . . . until Nate laid eyes on the woman who stole his heart and blew his world apart. Now, years later, his family is still paying the price for his mistake. But as time runs out, there's only one person who can save his family: the very woman Nate swore he'd never trust again.
The moment Audrey Madison spies Nate across a crowded ballroom, she can barely breathe. He's just as undeniably sexy as she remembers, yet there's an edge to him now that's as irresistible as it is dangerous. When he asks for her help, Audrey can't refuse. But she has secrets of her own-secrets that, if Nate ever discovers them, may cost them both
their lives . . .

I loved Nate and Audrey. Their love was undeniable. Nate will do anything to save Audrey and of the course the other Dean brothers join in on the action......"Never Alone" is their motto as they stick together through thick and thin. This series can't get any better and it will be a long wait for book four which will be Jorey's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jack metier
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I think Nate’s story almost hurt more because you know a bit of about his personal past, more than just his shared history with his brothers. It also seemed to hurt more because he was the one on the outside looking in on his brother’s relationships. And wow, the way the emotions described just made me feel very strongly for him.

This story almost seemed to hurt more than the others, if only because of Nate’s thoughts and Audrey’s as well.

But at the same time there was at least a little happiness and fun. And that made the pain a lot more bearable.

It compares well to the series overall. The plot was jumping, pain was had, and even a brief glimpse of happiness was given. But of course there was a cliffhanger. And wow, can I just say I’m going to die while waiting for the next book.

Find this review and many more at Reading Shy With Aly(
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Blind Faith by Rebecca Zanetti kept me reading well past my bedtime. I literally couldn't put it down. The story is suspenseful and intriguing. A set of brothers genetically modified and raised to be soldiers from birth have escaped the organization that bred them. Now they must gain information within the dangerous organization without getting caught again and with a deadline that if missed means their death. Now add in a young woman, Audrey, raised in the organization but sent away to boarding schools who may be their only ticket back into the organization. Unfortunately, Nate the brother who has set himself up at the protector was involved with Audrey previously. They broke up, tearing each other apart in the process...
I loved the character development throughout the story. I fell in love with Nate's gentle caring and protective nature and hard exterior. Audrey's relations ships with her mother, the senator add depth and realism to a complex plot. Many parts of the story are heart wrenching if not heart breaking.
Set aside some time, you will want to finish this in one sitting. There is so much detail, that would be almost impossible, but you won't be able to get anything else done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andre caldas
Blind Faith is action packed from beginning to end.

Nate Dean wants to find out what happened to the baby he just found out he has. The child that should now be about five years old, and that the love of his life, Audrey, gave birth to. But he has a short to find out, before the kill chips that are set to destroy their spinal cords in a few short weeks.

To make matters more interesting, Audrey may be the key Nate and his brothers need to find out crucial information to their lives. And as time passes and he spends time with Audrey, Nate tries to tell himself that he is only with her for her help, but the chemistry and heat coming off them doesn’t let him lie to himself.

Audrey is not a damsel in distress that will wait for a man to come and save her. She is strong, with enough determination and will to shoot to get what she needs. Her only problem is her constant need to try and get her mother’s approval, even if her mother doesn’t deserve it.

Blind Faith will keep you in suspense and waiting to find out what happens next. The plot will keep you wondering, and the bad guys just keep on coming making it an action packed read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ulla siltanen
One of my favorite parts of a Rebecca Zanetti novel is her ability to create a scene that you can visualize. The opening scene of Blind Faith is like a scene straight out of a movie, as the spies make their moves and their countermoves. I also love how intensely her characters' emotions run, whether it's the horror of an explosion or the pain of betrayal or the bonds of brotherhood. This is not a simple blast from the past reunion story. The characters have to work at regaining trust, trust in one another and in their love, and the author allows the time for this to build. But as the outside forces come crashing in, they rally around one another as a tight cohesive unit. In Jurassic Park, the quote is Life will find a way. In this genetically altered group, Love and Family find a way, and I cannot get the young Dean boys from their flashbacks out of my mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anj cairns
This ARC was provided to me by Netgalley for an honest review.

Having not read any of the previous Sin Brothers books I was a little leary about starting a series part way in. This book picks you up and takes you for a wild ride.

The story of Nate and Audrey is heart wrenching and a I spent a good portion of the book just wanting to hit both of them upside the head and tell them to just talk. In the light of day the secrets they carried could have been eased if they leaned on eachother instead of trying to save eachother all of the time. I loved the angst factor in this book and both POV's.

Having not read the previous two books I thought that the author made it easy to jump into this story without being lost and confused. The author did an amazing job of making the characters real and made you want to root for them to get their own HEA,

After reading this book I will definitely be going back to read the first two books and am anxiously waiting for the release of the final book!

If you haven't read this book yet I strongly urge you to pick it up you won't be disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sonya killingsworth
************Contains Spoilers************
Can't help but feel sorry for these two lovers. Their love was an experiment to others but not to them. They were divided by each of their own agenda and now those division that once broke them apart will now bring them back together to settle scores with their enemy.

Nat is a strong and passionate man. He would do anything for his brothers, even going back to the once person that broke his heart and taught him a lesson in love and lies.....or were they lies?

Audrey was a young girl that wanted to do anything for her mother, who she thought loved her and wanted her help. Desperate for her mother's love and approval she did what was asked of her but never thought that she would actually fall head over heels in love for someone she thought she was helping.

Years later after Nat and his brothers had escape their captivity, he must go back to the one woman he sworn to kill if he ever saw her again, to help save his brothers and himself from death. Meanwhile, trying to find more information on finding Jory, their thought to be dead brother.

Ms. Zanetti made another success in her Sin Brother's series! It gave that punch to the General and the devious doctor! A dent in their ongoing plans that the brothers are destine to destroy! Congrats Rebecca on making this book a hot hit!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Nate Dean loved Audrey Madison. Too bad she’s the daughter of the scientist that helped engineer him and his brothers. Audrey Madison loved Nate Dean. Too bad she had to choose between her love and his life. Can they find their way through the past to build a future?

I love the Sin brothers. This is one of my favorite series, and it just keeps getting better and better. I loved that Audrey and Nate were willing to sacrifice their lives for their loved ones, even if it made me want to cry and shout no you have to survive. I loved that Nate wanted a child so bad. That he and his brothers would love a baby unconditionally. I also loved that Matt and Shane were willing to do anything to help Nate. I hated the way the Commander and Dr. Madison manipulated Audrey.

Overall, this was another great book in the Sin Brothers series. I can’t wait for Jory’s story.

Reviewed by Tracy
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So I did this series a little backward. I received book 4 as an ARC from Netgalley and then fell in love with the Dean brothers. So it goes without saying that I had to read each of their tales. So 3 books down, this was the last one I had to read and as much as I loved this entire series, Nate’s story was my least favourite. Not to say it was a bad book, it just didn’t compare to the other boys books.
Audrey comes across as a weak female – more concerned with being loved by mommy dearest who is an evil hellion rather than living her own life. I felt like she couldn’t distinguish with her moral compass about what was right or wrong because she knew about her mom’s involvement with the experiments and yet she still craved her approval. Not my kinda female.
The build up to Nate’s betrayal over the last few books was tantamount and I couldn’t wait to hear what transpired between him and Audrey. What evil deed did she do to alienate this beautiful soul?
And then the reveal.
And I couldn’t quite get it. What’s the big deal? I expected there to be more and there just wasn’t. I also felt like they didn’t have the tangible chemistry that the other Dean boys had with their paramours.
But hey, that’s just me having binged on the Dean brothers in a weekend. Sexy military guy overload.
Still Zanetti knows how to write great books with unique and meandering plots.
The Sin Brothers series is a MUST read. Get your copy right NOW!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sarah dunstan
I received an eARC copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Here is my honest review.

In case you couldn't guess from the cover, this is a romance book. I enjoyed the premise - ex-soldiers who fall in love always make a great story! Zanetti pairs that with quite a bit of action and intrigue. Without giving anything away, there were several "what?" moments and plot twists that I did not expect.
Nate is hard - to be expected - yet has a softer side that is completely believable and has you rooting for him from the beginning. Audrey is pretty tough; I do think that her character could have been developed more. Despite that, I did like her - she was no weakling that's for sure.

Blind Faith is book three in a series. I have not read the first two books yet that did not hinder reading this story. I get the impression that each is a standalone story, focusing on each brothers search for freedom and finding love along the way. I am putting the rest of the series on my to be read list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily wood
A copy was provided by the Netgalley for an honest review.

I am so sad that I have not read the first two books in this series yet, I have been missing out on the Dean Brothers. This was an awesome book, I can’t wait to go catch up.

There was a ton of action, 3 HOT hero brothers with 3 weeks to disarm a chip set to kill them, madman who operates a secret military group that tests on people and “grows” super humans, a psycho scientist and her daughter who finally learns finds real love is easy unlike the unattainable love she sought from her mother.

I was very surprised that Blind Faith was so good and not cheesy. I have come to expect a level of cheese from books with the “super human” concept. I love the Dean Brothers. They are sexy, loyal, smart, honest, did I mention sexy? Nate, all I can say is everyone needs a Nate on their side. Nate will do anything to keep his family safe and happy.

I am pouting about the long wait for Jory’s book, it looks so good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah hess
I enjoyed this book and I love the series and I highly recommend it. I loved Nate and Audrey and of course Matt and Shane when the brothers are together there is such great family dynamics and dialog I just can't get enough. There's a new character addition the Senator and he is too cute. Nate and Audrey had very good chemistry and sexual heat, but can they over come the betrayal and the fact that Audrey is still working for the Commander. The book is very suspenseful and has a really good and shocking twist. But. The story dragged a bit and if not for that it so would of gotten a 5* rating.
I can not wait for the next book "Total Surrender" but I'm so sad that it won't be out until March 2015.
I was given this book in return for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Nate feels like he was betrayed by Audrey. Audrey cannot explain to Nate what happened so many years ago when they were broken apart.
Now how do I explain my thoughts without giving anything away??? This is hard since I knew nothing really except what was written in the synopsis. I think I enjoyed it because I really knew nothing about Audrey and Nate.
Hints are given quickly in the book that both Nate and Audrey are part of something bigger than they thought. Some part of government project/experiment. Nate and Audrey, they are just good together. This book had second chance romance with the suspense, and the feeling of “what is going on??”
The story does not drag. The characters immediately “identify” each other. Just the writing style took a while for me to get used to.
A copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josephine keenan
This 3rd book tells Nate's story - the second oldest brother convinced there can never be true love for him or his brothers, having been betrayed by Dr. Madison's daughter, Audrey, who broke his heart as a very young man. Time is still running out on the 5-year deadline to find the way to disable the killing chips implanted in the brothers' spines, and Nate will go to any lengths to save his brothers. Notwithstanding her own horrible - not to mention creepy - upbringing, Audrey manages to grow up strong and maintains her ability to keep Nate from destroying them both. The end has to be in sight, and the action, romance, and explosive action between our hero and heroine is edge of the seat, not to be set down until the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this series! I've given the previous 2 books in this series 5 stars as well. I like that they books are connected, and the story continues on through all the books, but for each book a different brother is the focal point. What I like about these books is definitely the main story line that goes through all the books. The brothers were created in a lab, and were trained to become super soldiers, but they were also tortured, so now that they've escaped they want revenge. I also enjoy the romance between each of the brothers and their respective women. All of the brothers are wonderful and so are their women. I like the action of these books, and these books have lots of heart. I will definitely read the next book in the series; I'm really excited for Jory's book, and I hope those evil people get what's coming to them.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
david choi
Finished the first two and currently halfway through the third. I like to finish all series when I start on one, and it's starting to make me feel somewhat like a masochist as I continue on this series. The male leads in Zanetti's Sin Brothers series are great but I lose a measure of respect for their tendency to fall immediately and irrevocably in love with pathetically helpless and hapless imbeciles. I don't mind suspending a measure of disbelief for romance novels but can't there be more variety with female leads? There seems to be a subconscious hatred of women from the author... the general plot is good, but horrid character development.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Blind Faith" by Rebecca Zanetti. Well, all I can say is this series keeps getting better and better! There is suspense and action and, of course, romance and some sexy, steamy scenes. Audrey and Nate are terrific. I love how they interact and, despite their past, are able to move beyond it. It was nice to see that their past didn't dictate most of the story. Nate is, of course, a super, sexy alpha Hero while Audrey, having survived her own demons in her past, is a strong heroine that will do pretty much anything for the man she loves. If you haven't read any of this series, what are you waiting for? Thank you, Ms. Zanetti, for another wonderful read! (Received copy from NetGalley for honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vishal anand
4.5 stars for this amazing book!

Nathan is the kind of attracting character that kept my attention from the first time I met him. His way of showing up on the most interesting times, a lot of them in disguise, makes him so mysterious I was dying to know more about him.

This book proved he's so worthy of my and every reader interest. This is an emotional, full of action and funny story. Nathan and Audrey are so perfect for each other and after 5 years of being separated, the passion is stronger than ever. Also, looking for a way of surviving the chips implanted on the Gray brothers spines and taking down the Commander, is full of danger.

This books made me cringe in fear, it made me laugh and cry... It's a fantastic book and I'm dying for the last one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rob vitaro
What can I say except that I'm in love with the Dean/Grey brothers! Blind Faith follows Nate Dean in his quest to help find a way to deactivate his and the other brothers kill chips, implanted by the Commander's medical team. To find the secret facility that the brothers suspect holds the key to deactivating their chips, he enlists the help of Audrey Madison, Dr. Isobel Madison's daughter who broke Nate's heart five years before and was badly injured when the brothers finally made their escape from the Commander. Blind Faith was an awesome addition to the ongoing story of the brother's fight to gain their freedom from a oppressive madman and to find peace with who and what they are.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an interesting series by Rebecca Zanetti. There is a family that was created in a lab and has been made into the perfect soldiers. The Commander has complete control of them or so he thinks. He had their DNA tweeked and now they have highly developed powers. They have lost a brother and believe he is dead so they have escaped. The Commander has implanted a device to kill them if they don't return. Nathan, or Nate, has gotten his 2 brothers to safety now he needs to find the secret codes to save them. He had an affair with the Commander's Doctor of Experiments daughter, Audrey. She was injured when they got away. N they work together. The rest is spoilers so pick up your copy and read. Be warned it is hard to put down. You will soon be hooked on this series too. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brenda stanley
Wow! This is the third book in Rebecca Zanetti's Sins Brothers series and I for one, am hooked. The brothers are superbly written and I can't wait for each of their stories. They are a family that has known danger and betrayal and it carries over from their business to their personal lives. Each book is a separated romance, but there is a storyline that runs throughout the serties that makes me recommend that you read in order. Blind faith is a well plotted second chance story with twists and turns that I did not expect. I read far too late into the night with this fast paced story. Ms. Zanetti does a good job of balancing story, action, sex, and character. I can't wait for the next brother!
*I received my copy from in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
viola k
I received this book this book free from Net Gallery in return for an honest review:

So, let me start with this review will contain spoilers, so read at your own risk.
So I did not realize this book was the 3rd in a series until I went to look for it on the store about half way through the book. Once I realized that this was a series, a few of my wants and questions were fulfilled. I wanted more back story about Nate and his brothers in the commander's grips as boys and teens, I have a feeling that this was covered in the first two books. I also got confused some with the name switching from Gray to Dean. I had pretty much figured it out by the time Nate explained it to Audrey. I guess that is explained in the first two books as well. Looking back though, other than these few things, I don't think it really mattered that I hadn't read the first two books.
As far as the book itself goes, I really liked the characters of this book. I loved Nathan and the dynamic of his family. I liked Audrey and her struggle to justify loving her mother even after everything she had and was doing. I did have a few quirks with some of the repetition of the writing. For example, Nate fell to his haunches and scrubbed his face with his hands a little too much. Also, I understand that the author was trying to give the reader a feeling that Nathan would do anything for his brothers and that he felt that he was the expendable one of the family, but it felt like the author was saying the same thing over and over again. At one point, I thought I had flipped backwards in the book because I was almost reading the exact text about Nathan's struggles.
But, like I said, I really liked Nathan and how he interacted with his family. I almost cried with Nathan when he realized what heartbeat he was listening to other than the cat's. I think I would have liked to see more of Nathan and Audrey's back story, more than just the meeting and the event. But that is probably covered in the other books as well. By its self, I liked this book. As a series, while I like Matt's character (and would probably read his book), I don't know that I care enough about Shane and Jory to really want to read their stories other than to find out about the kill chip. I would love to read a story about Nathan and a little boy if they survive the kill chip. Oh, one last thing, I found it funny how the author was full on porn with the sex scenes, but very timid on the foul language. For example, "I don't give a fig". Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of foul language, it just seemed like an oxymoron. But that probably made me like the book even more. Oh and the one character that I just loved by the end was Grandpop Jim.
So yes, if you like action with some full on sex scenes, this is a good book for you. I have not read the whole series, so I don't know if you need to start with book 1 to not feel left out. However, I really had no trouble keeping up. I will probably go back and read the other books. But all in all, a good book for a late stormy night.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kosta harlan
This is the third book in the Sin Brothers Series. This is the story of Nate Dean. Nate is bent on revenge against the man who created him and his brothers to become killing machines. Audrey Madison is the one woman Nate truly loved but she broke his heart along the way. Nate's latest mission is to find out if his other brother is still alive and to get information regarding the kill chips. He needs Audrey for that. Rebecca is a masterful story teller who reels the reader in and keeps them in until the very end. This is my favorite book in the series so far. I loved watching Nate and Audrey get back together. There is lots of action, love and intensity in this book. You have to read this book. I give it 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alain raymond
This series just keeps getting better and better! My major complaint is that I have to wait an entire year for Jory's story. That's so not fair after putting that damn teaser chapter in the back of the book. Nate was such a kick-ass guy going all alpha to protect those he loved. I honestly don't have a favorite Dean brother considering they all pretty much rock. Each one has had a hard life and found their perfect other half and Audrey was Nate's perfect mate. I'm looking forward to seeing glimpses of them in the next book. I'd also love to see some of the other soldiers that escaped pop up in future books. Love this series and hope more people will discover it.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tasia johnson
This is a great series; this book is the third book in the Sin Brothers series. This book can be read as a standalone, but you might as well start from the beginning so you don’t miss anything. Nate and his brothers were genetically engineered to be super soldiers and were used as a secret black ops military unit. He has always loved Audrey and now he and his brothers need her help to survive. This book has it all romance, mystery, and suspense. I can’t wait until the next book in this series comes out.
A Review copy was provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. The free book held no determination on my personal review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lois shawver
ARC provided by NetGalley

We've all read those series where the first book is amazing, the second book is great and the third is a bomb. This is so not the case with this series. The first book was amazing, the second book was Amazing, and this book is AMAZING. And now I have to wait till March for the last book....bbbooooo.

This book had everything the other two did: action, sex, a HOT Dean brother, adventure, bad guys (boy did I not see some of them), more sex, the other Dean brothers and their ladies, Grandpop Jim. I loved this book from word one and can't wait to read the last book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
blueeyes 397
Best one yet!!! This is the third book in the series.
Nate is a killing machine who was created in a lab to be the perfect soldier. Always looking out for his brothers. Audrey works for a Senator and once loved Nate years ago. She is working with the Senator to help take the commander down for all the evil he's done. They have three weeks to find the code that will keep the chip in their spines from exploding while hunting for Nate's little brother. When they find out that Audrey was artificially inseminated with Nate's sperm they must protect the baby from her mother and the commander.
Sex, lies, and suspense. This book grabbed me from the first page and I couldn't put it down.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
john snead
I loved the first 2 installments and after repeated tries I've finally made it through this 3rd one. How can Audrey grow up they way she did and still be so naive? I just wanted this book to be over but as others have said nothing gets resolved so I guess I have to read the 4th and final book as well and hope it's more tolerable than this one was.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rebecca Zanetti is a master at her genre! I usually don't read books that have paranormal/Sfi-Fi activity but this series was AMAZING!
In this series you have four genetically engineered brothers who will die in 6 weeks if the chip implanted in them is not deactivated. They are running to try to stay alive.
This is the third book in the series; Nate's story. This book is very intense and brings things to a head. Nate is reunited with Audrey who he was in love with years before. Audrey's character is strong and continues to grow throughout the book. I guarantee you will fall in love with this series. Go get your copies today!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Received ARC from Netgalley for an honest review. OMG! Loved it! This was the first book I've read of Rebecca Zanetti & it did not disappoint. I sat up until the wee hours of the morning to finish it. Storyline was suspenseful & intriguing with hot chemistry & steamy sex between Nathan & Audrey. Nathan is such a sexy badass super soldier that will do anything to protect his lost love Audrey even though he thinks she betrayed him. Enjoyed it so much, I immediately bought the two prior books in this series & can't wait until Jory's story. I would definitely recommend
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
neil wainwright
I received this book from NetGalley for my opinion. I didn't know this was the 3rd book in a series. To me when I started this book it seemed odd when it started and it was slow to start with. Now that I know it is a 3rd book in a series it makes sense why they started the book where they did. I did love this book between the action and relationship between Nate and Audrey. I actually really enjoyed the mix of all the action, it made the book more then just a romance book. I will now have to go back and read the first two book in this series. I look forward to more books by this author and in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zahra ahmadian
In Blind Faith, Zanetti brings us Nate's story. A reunited lovers story, it has the same action and intrigue as the previous two in the series. The fact that Nate's love is the daughter of the hated Dr. Madison makes things even more interesting. We get a few more answers in the ongoing questions and a new antagonist begins to play a bigger role in the story. If you haven't started reading the Sin series I suggest you start at the beginning as they all build. I'm interested to see how everything is resolved in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellie crow
An absolutely Amazing read!Each book in this series seems to out do the last. Once I started reading this I couldn't put it down I had to know what happened next! From the very first page to the last one I was mesmerized. Filled with suspense, drama, sexiness and love, this is a great one. Nate is swoon worthy and Audrey is perfect for him. I enjoy a great book where the romance is there and there isn't a lot of back and forth about it. Rebecca Zanetti has a great writing style that keeps me coming back. I highly recommend this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary lowry
I adore this series by Rebecca Zanetti, this is the 3rd book and this is my favourite instalment so far. I love how each book has it's own story yet there is significant development in the overall story arc too. I am absolutely hooked!

I loved Dark Angel when it was on and this series reminds me of it in some ways. I love the premise, the characters I am firmly on their side and I am eagerly anticipating what comes next. Lots of twists and surprises that have kept me glued to the pages of the book. A highly enjoyable read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
carolyn fitzpatrick
Blind Faith is the 3rd book in the Sin Brothers series by Rebecca Zanetti. I haven't read the first two books and had no problems following along. This story focuses on Nate and Audrey, whom have a history together. Audrey broke Nate's heart when she left him in order to protect him. He saw it as a betrayal and she thought it was the only way she could keep him safe. Now, 5 years later, Nate is determined to get Audrey's help in securing the codes that will save him and his brothers.

Blind Faith is a fast paced and interesting novel that held my attention throughout. It is well written with a tightly woven plot. The characters are well crafted with depth and emotion. Nate and Audrey are strong, likeable and intriguing characters. Their romance is not without obstacles and I enjoyed the journey as they navigated their way though. Blind Faith is a good mix of action, suspense, romance and danger. I would gladly recommend it to fans of romantic suspense.

*Free review copy received from the publisher via netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and LOVE the entire series! I would definitely suggest that you read the series in order, as there is a "big picture" problem that is slowly dealt with throughout the series. Each book focusses primarily on one of the Dean brothers as they try to forge somewhat normal lives while protecting themselves from the top-secret off the books military organization that created and trained them as killers. So much could have gone wrong with these men (and has for many of the others trained with them), but they have managed to hang on to their humanity despite everything and, even though they don't think they know how, they are learning to love.

My favourite part of this book/series is the strong male characters (the 4 Dean brothers), whom the author has managed to make into distinct individuals, as opposed to cookie-cutter alpha males. The same goes for the women the brothers fall for. They are each unique, with their own wants/needs and lives. Rebecca has done some excellent world building as little bits and pieces fall into place from book to book. "Blind Faith" is Nate's story. Nate has always been the brother who tried to protect the others even if it meant additional punishment for himself. He believes that he will never love again after a bitter betrayal before the Deans escaped the compound where they lived. The brothers have discovered that as a fail-safe control mechanism, the military has implanted kill chips next to their spinal columns. They can't be removed without triggering an explosion and need to be regularly reset to prevent detonations. Their time is running out and while reviewing data stolen from the military group, Nate discovers that the young woman he loved was carrying his child when she left him. He vows to find his child and save him or her from the twisted machinations of the people who raised him. When he sees Audrey again, all his old feelings return, but things are never as they seem and it becomes harder and harder to decide who is laying a trap for whom and what side the players are REALLY on.

I laughed aloud at witty dialogue, read feverishly to discover secrets and mopped up tears from some of the revelations. Another excellent example of the writer's art. I can't WAIT for the next one!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sometimes you want a light, steamy romance with a HEA. Sometimes you want some intrigue, suspense, thrills and a smidge of sci-fi on top of that. Rebecca Zanetti excels in this. Great book. I almost dread starting the next book in this series, as it will almost certainly be about the last brother, meaning the end of the series...UNLESS...maybe there's a hitherto unknown second group of brothers? Hmmm...something to hope for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bo white
The book is great, but I wish I would've listened to the sample of of the narrated version -I listen to books on my 3+ hour round trip commute to work each day and I've never had an issue with a narrator, but after 2 hours, I had switch to reading the rest of the book due to the tonation and quality of the narrator's voice. She just had a whiny, negative quality that made it difficult for me to continue listening. READ the book, don't listen to it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan martinez
************Contains Spoilers************
Can't help but feel sorry for these two lovers. Their love was an experiment to others but not to them. They were divided by each of their own agenda and now those divisions that once broke them apart will now bring them back together to settle scores with their enemy.

Nat is a strong and passionate man. He would do anything for his brothers, even going back to the once person that broke his heart and taught him a lesson in love and lies.....or were they lies?

Audrey was a young girl that wanted to do anything for her mother, who she thought loved her and wanted her help. Desperate for her mother's love and approval she did what was asked of her but never thought that she would actually fall head over heels in love for someone she thought she was helping.

Years later after Nat and his brothers had escape their captivity, he must go back to the one woman he sworn to kill if he ever saw her again, to help save his brothers and himself from death. Meanwhile, trying to find more information on finding Jory, their thought to be dead brother. Nat will finally get to see both his torturer and pay some really long time coming payback for all "training" he went through.

Ms. Zanetti made another success in her Sin Brother's series! It gave that punch to the General and the devious doctor! A dent in their ongoing plans that the brothers are destine to destroy! Congrats Rebecca on making this book a hot hit!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristen hoffman
I saw this book on Netgalley, and recognized the author and the series from other blogs. The series has been getting some serious love out there on the blogosphere, so I thought, okay, let's give it a go. Except, some how I must be missing something, because I just couldn't get into the book. So I went back and started the first book, Forgotten Sins, thinking its a continuity issue. Nope, no go there too. Seriously, I have had this book since um, sometime in May and even though I have started it several times, it just doesn't do it for me. So finally, I am throwing in the towel and labeling this DNF. But don't take my word for it, try it yourself, with so many others out there loving this, it just might be for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michele hayes
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and LOVE the entire series! I would definitely suggest that you read the series in order, as there is a "big picture" problem that is slowly dealt with throughout the series. Each book focusses primarily on one of the Dean brothers as they try to forge somewhat normal lives while protecting themselves from the top-secret off the books military organization that created and trained them as killers. So much could have gone wrong with these men (and has for many of the others trained with them), but they have managed to hang on to their humanity despite everything and, even though they don't think they know how, they are learning to love.

My favourite part of this book/series is the strong male characters (the 4 Dean brothers), whom the author has managed to make into distinct individuals, as opposed to cookie-cutter alpha males. The same goes for the women the brothers fall for. They are each unique, with their own wants/needs and lives. Rebecca has done some excellent world building as little bits and pieces fall into place from book to book. "Blind Faith" is Nate's story. Nate has always been the brother who tried to protect the others even if it meant additional punishment for himself. He believes that he will never love again after a bitter betrayal before the Deans escaped the compound where they lived. The brothers have discovered that as a fail-safe control mechanism, the military has implanted kill chips next to their spinal columns. They can't be removed without triggering an explosion and need to be regularly reset to prevent detonations. Their time is running out and while reviewing data stolen from the military group, Nate discovers that the young woman he loved was carrying his child when she left him. He vows to find his child and save him or her from the twisted machinations of the people who raised him. When he sees Audrey again, all his old feelings return, but things are never as they seem and it becomes harder and harder to decide who is laying a trap for whom and what side the players are REALLY on.

I laughed aloud at witty dialogue, read feverishly to discover secrets and mopped up tears from some of the revelations. Another excellent example of the writer's art. I can't WAIT for the next one!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sometimes you want a light, steamy romance with a HEA. Sometimes you want some intrigue, suspense, thrills and a smidge of sci-fi on top of that. Rebecca Zanetti excels in this. Great book. I almost dread starting the next book in this series, as it will almost certainly be about the last brother, meaning the end of the series...UNLESS...maybe there's a hitherto unknown second group of brothers? Hmmm...something to hope for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
f simon grant
The book is great, but I wish I would've listened to the sample of of the narrated version -I listen to books on my 3+ hour round trip commute to work each day and I've never had an issue with a narrator, but after 2 hours, I had switch to reading the rest of the book due to the tonation and quality of the narrator's voice. She just had a whiny, negative quality that made it difficult for me to continue listening. READ the book, don't listen to it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
penny toews
************Contains Spoilers************
Can't help but feel sorry for these two lovers. Their love was an experiment to others but not to them. They were divided by each of their own agenda and now those divisions that once broke them apart will now bring them back together to settle scores with their enemy.

Nat is a strong and passionate man. He would do anything for his brothers, even going back to the once person that broke his heart and taught him a lesson in love and lies.....or were they lies?

Audrey was a young girl that wanted to do anything for her mother, who she thought loved her and wanted her help. Desperate for her mother's love and approval she did what was asked of her but never thought that she would actually fall head over heels in love for someone she thought she was helping.

Years later after Nat and his brothers had escape their captivity, he must go back to the one woman he sworn to kill if he ever saw her again, to help save his brothers and himself from death. Meanwhile, trying to find more information on finding Jory, their thought to be dead brother. Nat will finally get to see both his torturer and pay some really long time coming payback for all "training" he went through.

Ms. Zanetti made another success in her Sin Brother's series! It gave that punch to the General and the devious doctor! A dent in their ongoing plans that the brothers are destine to destroy! Congrats Rebecca on making this book a hot hit!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
batac slothboy
I saw this book on Netgalley, and recognized the author and the series from other blogs. The series has been getting some serious love out there on the blogosphere, so I thought, okay, let's give it a go. Except, some how I must be missing something, because I just couldn't get into the book. So I went back and started the first book, Forgotten Sins, thinking its a continuity issue. Nope, no go there too. Seriously, I have had this book since um, sometime in May and even though I have started it several times, it just doesn't do it for me. So finally, I am throwing in the towel and labeling this DNF. But don't take my word for it, try it yourself, with so many others out there loving this, it just might be for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a sucker for second chance romances and this one had even more appeal than the usual novel. There was the continuation of the story of the Dean brothers that I am invested in. There was action, blood, gore, deception, and intrigue. And there was a love story, a story of family, a story of trust. I adored Nate's story and think he may be my favorite Dean brother.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A great, quick read but because it was the first book by Rebecce Zanetti that I read, I felt like I was missing out on some details. I got into the story and I loved the characters, intrigue and steamy writing that was found within it. I had a hard time letting go of Nate and his personality was fantastic. I will definitely be checking out Zanetti's other books based on my reading of this one! Thanks Netgalley for introducing me to a new series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbie byrd
I was totally caught up in the story from the very beginning and the author kept me guessing with lots of twists and surprises that I didn't see coming. She also spices things up by bringing in new players in the brothers battle against the Commander. This story line is so addictive that you can't wait for the next one to come out

I received a copy from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
torje hausvik olsen
I so freaking loved this book, I had to read the rest of them. This can be read as a stand alone, which I did, but with all the hotness in this book you will HAVE to read the other two. So, Nate has to find the only woman he ever loved, his life and those of his brothers depends on it. This book will take you on a wild ride, you will be so sad when you finish it, because the next book is not out yet. Happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tim jones
This was the first book I got to read of the series. It can be read as a stand alone because I was not lost in the story. It starts a bit slow with lots of talk about politics that put me off a little bit. There were times I was about to put down the book for good but decided to give it another go every time the main characters, Nate and Audrey, had a chance to make up for some lost time. Once the story started picking up and the action really started, there were unexpected twists and turns that kept me interested. Even if the end was somewhat expected for me it was not disappointing and I will definitely continue with the series. And of course I will absolutely get the first two books because I want to know how it all started.
*I received this book in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
janice hoffman
Action and romance combination. Nathan was really hot and a force to reckon with. I never warmed up to Audrey because of her devotion to her psychotic mother who had help to ruin not only Audrey's life but that of Nathan and his brothers. Redemption toward the end made her more likable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carla krueger
This is book 3 of the series, and I didn't realized it until I started reading. Still, I love loved the characters and story, and can't wait to catch up and get the next in the series. Great suspense, action and sexy love scenes makes this an awesome quick read that you won't be able to put down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great read and even though this is part of a series it can be read as a stand alone but i do highly recommend that you read the entire series. I have yet to read a Rebecca Zanetti book that i havent loved her charactors and brilliant and you can't help but fall a little in love with them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is hands down my favorite book in the series. While the first two books were phenomenal, Nate and Audrey blow them out of the water! This series gets better with each book. More questions are answered and Blind Faith sets up nicely for the next book! I can't wait to read book four!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon parker
I love the Gray I mean Dean Brothers. Ms Zanetti did a great job on how she got Nate and Audrey back together. I love the way the story just flows. Like the other two books in this series they were full of lots of action, drama and love. I can't wait for Jory's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aderyn wood
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I hadn't read the previous books in this series but I was able to follow the story. I do want to go back and read the others because I loved the characters, story and writing style.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
richie jay
The first book in this series is amazing enough to pull along a series of sequels. This book is pleasant but nothing special. I is basically a tale of star crossed lovers The middle drags, where they both mope that they cannot be together for reasons that are now moot. Interspersed are nice action and suspense scenes, with a fun twist that will surprise you.
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