Fated (Dark Protectors Book 1)

ByRebecca Zanetti

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was my first Zanetti book. It grabbed my attention right away. I can see how this could turn into a great series. There are so many intertwining smaller storylines. I look forward to seeing the battle between good vs bad vampires, the battle Dage has ahead of him with Emma. What will happen with young Zane and Janie Belle? Will Kalin get get his mate or the throne.. so many possibilities.
My only real criticism would be some of the descriptions in the story, some are unnecessarily wordy.. I had to go back and reread a sentence or two because I got lost in adjectives. I forgot what she was orginally describing. Overall a good story and some nice erotica. I plan on reading more of the Dark Protectors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anjana basu
Cara is awakened from sleep by the pleas of her young daughter to wake up. It will be the last restful sleep Cara will have for a while. Even at the tender age of 4 years old, Janie’s psychic abilities are very strong, she sees things in her dreams that come to pass – and right now she knows that they are in danger and someone important to them is coming for them.. now.

Talen’s intent is to grab Cara and Janie fast and get them to safety. He honestly didn’t expect Cara to fight him, and to delay their getaway with her stubborn refusal to believe him. Janie knows him for she has seen him in her dreams, but Cara is slower to trust – only when she is given no choice does she actually leave her home with Talen.

Cara has major trust issues, coming from a home with an abusive father and an older sister, Emma, who always stepped in to take the hits their father intended for Cara or their mother. She also has paranormal abilities that she’s been ignoring and denying for a very long time. Unfortunately, it’s time for Cara to wake up, deal with her new reality and accept that her life is about to change for the better and the worse.

Fated pulled me into the story from the opening lines and really never let go… I doubt until the end of the series. Ms Zanetti has given us a world full of vampires, shifters, demons and a very bad, very evil and quite ugly creature called the Kurjans – enemy to all of the inhabitants of this paranormal world and especially of the human women who could be mates to any of the men.

Talen is a three hundred something year old vampire of the royal family. He expects to be obeyed without question. Yeah, he is as Alpha Male as a guy can get, he’s also a product of his race (vampire), age (very old world), power (can he ever kick ass) and also something new for him… fear. Cara is his mate and her safety, happiness and survival is his primary concern over absolutely everything else. Janie has become the daughter of his heart in mere moments, this is a man who will do anything to keep his family safe… anything. And he expects to be obeyed. It’s his nature. This doesn’t sit very well with Cara as she has no intention of being mated (ah, sorry gonna happen), be married to this powerful, sexy vampire (yeah, good luck with that) – and will manage to tick him off several times by her desire to do things her own way – which simply gets her into more danger. The harder she fights him, the tighter his control over everything that touches her life becomes. The attraction between Talen and Cara is so strong, and the sex is simply mind blowing amazing. They love each other, it’s there – they both are too stubborn to acknowledge it for far too long.

I really enjoyed Fated and I’ve got the next story downloaded ready to start once I finish up this review. This story is fast paced, action packed with bad guys, sexual tension and a brand new family for Cara and Janie… one that will do everything in their power and beyond to keep them safe and accept them exactly as they are. You are gonna fall in love with little Janie who is wise beyond her years but can still get a big, burly tough guy guard to let her paint his fingernails pink… just because. She’s adorable – and powerful – I’m thinking that Janie is going to become a very important constant in this series and I can’t wait to see how she develops.

You already enjoy Paranormal Romance or you wouldn’t be reading this review – so pick up Fated and get caught up in an amazing world.

(and you are going to read Talen calling Cara “mate and “wife” just as often as he uses her given name… think of it as an affirmation of their relationship in his eyes, think of it as an endearing word to use for the woman he has waited centuries to find – and please don’t let a couple words keep you from experiencing an amazing world filled with really great characters… rant over)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Fated by Rebecca Zanetti is a Paranormal/Suspense Adult Romance. This is book #1 in her Dark Protectors series. It started off with high action and grabbed my attention. Unfortunately, by chapter 6 I started having problems.
First a minor issue with words in the wrong place or the wrong word used.
Example, on page 42 it says, "Did that made them allies or enemies?"
By chapter 14 I was struggling to read. To much repetition. I think if I read one more time the words 'a yearning deep within' or 'sighed as unconsciousness blessed her', I was going to scream. Okay, I think I did scream, "Really! Again!"
Unimportant details slowed the flow of the story down to a crawl. Also, the fight scenes were fragmented and unconvincing.
I know all the above makes you think I didn't like the story. You would be WRONG!
This story had enough potential to warrant reading book #2 'Claimed'.
The Realm premise is fascinating, complex and encompassing. I enjoyed both Talen and Cara's personalities, their interactions with each other and those around them. The supporting characters are also well rounded and fully developed.
I rate this one at 3.5 stars. With fine-tuning it would easily be 4 to 5 stars.
Fated (Dark Protectors Book 1)
Blind Faith (Sin Brothers) :: Shadowed (Dark Protectors Book 6) :: Deadly Silence: Blood Brothers Book 1 :: Lethal Lies: Blood Brothers Book 2 :: Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
barbara r saunders
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

*Beware of Spoilers*

fated-dark-protectors-rebecca-zanettiSingle mom, Cara, is awakened by her frightened 4 year old warning her about the bad men coming. She assumes Janie is just having another bad dream until the big vampire, Talen, comes barreling into her house insisting he is there to keep them safe, but they have to leave. Cara doesn't know who to trust, but is forced to go with Talen.

The Kurjans, a species of monsters straight out of your worst nightmares, are after Cara and Janie for their unique talents; Cara is an empath and Janie a psychic. Talen insists the only way to keep Cara safe is if she marries and mates him immediately. Cara tries to get out of it, but will do anything to protect her child.

Unfortunately, that doesn't stop the Kurjans from trying to take the girls as they are determined to have Cara and Janie for their very own. It's up to Talen and his brothers to stop that from happening, but all bets are off when Cara's sister goes missing.

This book completely pissed me off. It started out so strong with Janie waking her mom up and us readers not knowing if Talen was their savior or the one they should be running from. I found the beginning of this book to be riveting and I didn't want to put it down. What happened, you might ask. One word: Talen. I absolutely hated Talen, he was an overbearing arrogant jerk. I thought he would improve as time went on, but he never did. He was controlling and had a thin triggered temper, getting mad at Cara for the littlest of things (usually disagreeing with him was enough to send him over the edge). And, he was always quick to use sex for whatever he wanted; punishment (usually) or reward (once in a great while....) and he usually wants Cara to beg for him and he practically forced her half the time. I about puked when Emma talked Cara into realizing that Talen was one of the `good guys'. Puh leaze! That is completely a matter of opinion, and one I do not share. Honestly, I was hoping for Cara to find a way out even though I knew she wouldn't leave him. The relationship seemed abusive, even if Talen never hit her, she seemed trapped to me. And, I was kind of annoyed that she never saw him for what he truly was.

I felt Janie was actually the strongest part of this book, but she was barely in it. I loved her and Max's Old Maid rematch, where poor Max got his fingernails painted for losing.

"It's Okay, Mom." The little girl grinned impishly. "Max will be pretty with pink nails."

"Oh I brought my A-game," the vampire snorted as he sat on the other couch.

"Bout Time," Janie retorted

But overall it just didn't feel like her mom cared that much anyway. I have a hard time believing Cara could go from being so upset being away from her from one night to willingly staying at Jordan's for over five weeks shopping and sparring with Katie, with hardly a thought about Janie. And, when they were reunited it was so brief and Talen and Cara were off again.

After the initial plot was set into motion, the story quickly became predictable and stale. I knew that Cara would get taken by Lorcan, when she didn't have her tracking bracelet on, due to her own stupidity and that she would most likely be knocked up and Talen would have to ride to the rescue....again!

And what about the character Zane? The author's last name is Zanetti....coincidence? Doubtful...

I'm hoping the next installment will be better. I can only assume it will center around Dage and Emma, both of whom I did like in this book. I just hope that the author doesn't ruin Dage and make him mimic Talen's prickish attitude. Right now though, I'm not even sure if I can stomach reading another book in this series.

This review and more at openbooksociety dot com
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just finished the series. It's really good. Although this book (Fated Book 1) is my least favorite. It lays the ground work for the world but it was hard for me to get into Talen and Cara's personalities. I'm glad though that I continued to read b/c each book is better than the last. Although Talen and Cara make appearances in the other books, each book is about a different couple. And I will say that while the first book Talen and Cara's personalities were a little 'off' by the end of the series you get a better understanding of them. I now love Talen and Cara. So don't let the first book throw you. You get action, humor and romance throughout the entire series. The series is great and I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy Moly talk about starting a series with a bang!!!! This is the first book by Ms Zanetti that I've read but it most certainly will not be the last!

Cara Paulsen mourns the loss of her former partner. Whilst they may not have been a great passion, after her bad experience with her fathers temper, she never thought she could be friends with man let alone intimate. But with his death she is left to care for their little miracle, Janie, who is now 4.

Her daughter sometimes glimpses the future and has nightmares so when she runs to her mother in the middle of the night telling her bad men are coming, Cara tried to soothe her. But when a huge, muscled stranger appears before her eyes she gets the fright of her life. But it's more scarier when Janie says he's the good guy!!!!

Talen is head of securoty for the realm and a prince to boot. He takes his job seriously and when he touches Cara's arm he knows she is his longed for mate. If she would just stop being so stubborn he might just get her and her daughter out of this alive!!!!

What follows is an adventure of epic proportions. A Vampire type race who are the good guys, the Kurjans who are the bad guys (who you will love to read about getting knocked off!!) With intense passion between Cara and Talen, a group of moody, buff but endearing brothers and a little girl who is just too sweet but with her own secrets.

Fabulous read!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
boston salama
AudioBook Review:
Stars: Overall: 4 Narration: 5 Story: 4
I’m a latecomer to Rebecca Zanetti’s books, having only read the first in her Sin Brothers series, but Dark Protectors looked to be fun, exciting and just something I would love. When the opportunity came to review the titles in audio with Karen White Narrating, there was no way I could refuse.

Fated starts with a bang as Cara and her little girl Janey are facing a series of orders from an obviously alpha male, used to getting his own way. What was happening to her quiet life researching plants, her carefully constructed and non-challenging world with Janey at the centre?

Cara was frustrating yet her determination to hold to something comfortable and familiar was understandable. Cara is a total innocent to all things paranormal: her reaction to the realization of vampires, witches and shifters should have sent her over the edge. I wanted a bit more spine and determination, but it arrived slowly and in spurts.

Talen has a “my way or my way NOW’ approach. A vampire of some 300 years, his dedication and desire to maintain balance highlight his positives. But, SO many negatives: his inability to explain until it’s too late, his stubborn refusal to listen to Cara’s objections or concerns. His growth is hard won: softening with Janie and his own wonder at Cara and their bond are well described and show progress.

Narration is provided by Karen White and after this listen, I would follow her anywhere. She deftly uses her voice to create characters, detail action and emotion, and present the story with cleverly inserted pauses and breathy insets that clearly indicate tension, hesitation, action and confusion. Never missing a beat, each character has their own tone, delivery and cadence that builds to become their character in conjunction with the development in the book. A polished yet not overly ‘slick’ performance and production that kept me engaged and listening, loathe to put the book down.

Zanetti has set up a fun and fast paced sexy series with promise for more adventure and action to come. At the center is the struggle for continuation of the two sides (good and bad) while gaining advantages with the inclusion of the psychic abilities that Cara and Janie possess.
Clever world-building, plenty of secondary characters and the fight for good versus evil highlight this story and have me anxious for the next in the series.

I received an AudioBook copy of the title via Audible Communications for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic Story.

I've found another amazing storyteller. Most of the time a story feels like it takes eons to get going. So, you know you've hit the readers’ jackpot when you’re on page 1, at paragraph 6, and you get goosebumps, and a rush of excitement. And it stayed that way until the last page.

The story premise I found quite unique. Of course, I’m all about alpha’s so vampire or human it doesn’t matter. This story had all my ticklers. Action packed, suspense, and love. Our heroine was a sassy no one tells her what to do kind of girl. I found the story clever, and I found myself smiling from lots of feminine sarcasm.

Talon - Another alpha to love and my newest book boyfriend.
My man says: "Oh, I'll bite you, and you'll like it!", "You want a taming little one?", "so be it", he ducked and tossed her over his shoulder…. Let me just say, I'll take Talon's taming any day, any time anywhere!

Cara – A stubborn hot tempered woman, to the point of doing stupid dangerous stuff. Loved her. Best part of my girl she doesn't let a man tell her what to do, even if he's a badass vampire. My girl had heart...."So, am I tamed yet?"

Another awesome author to follow. Can’t wait to start Dark Protectors book 2. Definitely my kind of extraordinary reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book had just about the right amount of action, sex and anticipation. I kept thinking to myself "OMG What's next?" I wanted to finish the book but at the same time I didn't want it to finish. I know, I know I'm kinda weird. But I know a few other readers can relate when they read this book. If only I can be Cara for one night, I'll do it in a heartbeat. Just so I can feel that body that Rebecca described so vividly. Yumm-O!!

So in "Fated" you have Talen, a vampire so sexy that can melt the panties off you. And basically that's what he does to Cara just by a single touch. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. So you have Talen a Three Hundred year old vampire who abruptly entered Cara's life and determined to make her his wife. He promised to protect her and her four year old daughter Janie. But Cara isn't one to take orders from anyone. Not even a sexy and strong vampire like Talen. So basically he's in for a rough road with her. He plans to convince her that they belong together, Married. And it's going to happen AND she's going to accept it one way or the other.

Cara is a smart single mom who has been through enough in her life to know that she doesn't want no man trying to tell her what to do. Even one as sexy and hot like Talen. She's been independent long enough and is not willing to give up her freedom. But little does she know that there's danger lurking around her and her daughter. Talen happens to be the one that knows how to protect her and Janie. In fact, even little Janie knows they belong together.

Though there's danger at every other corner, Cara never felt more safe. Running around with Talen, his brothers and their comrades, she finally felt like she was part of a family. A family that would do anything to keep her and Janie safe. No matter what it costs them.

I really really loved this book. I loved the way Talen expressed his desire for Cara. Absolutely loved the way he pulled her hair back and just.....And he sincerely loved Janie. She was his daughter and Janie knew it. They were a family and he waited long enough for them. All Cara has to do now is accept it.

Definitely a 5 out of 5 stars and a Definite Good Choice for Reading. A Must Buy! Must Read!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda felber
This novel was fast paced and wildly exciting from the get-go. Action, romance, and suspense kept me so wrapped up that I devoured this novel in a single day. World building melts with plot development in such a manner that they become a seamless whole. Zanetti takes readers deep into the world of this series while also giving them the ride of a lifetime.

I love how the relationship between the main characters wasn’t easy, but neither was it insurmountable. The battle of wills, desires, and needs leads to some comical moments, while at the same time highlights just how well these two fit together. Cara’s abilities really make her shine as a character, as does her compassion and genuine warmth. Her difficult past directly affects her, yet doesn’t define her. Talen’s multifaceted character was fantastic. I enjoyed getting to know him bit by bit via tidbits dropped by those closest to him. He was also hot, caring, and all Alpha, the type of hero you just can’t look away from. And let’s not forget Janie, in all her cuteness & insight. Through her we get to know a lot about the hearts of the main characters, as well as many of the supporting cast.

My final thoughts on this one? How have I never read this novel before now & could someone please hand me the next in the series. Zanetti had me hooked from cover to cover with her fantastically in depth and imaginative, yet completely plausible, world and all its goings on.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
callie leuck
This book was reviewed by others saying it reminded them of the Black dagger brotherhood series, as I can see some similarities it in NO way is on the same level as BDB!
This was an ok read with a not so original concept. I enjoyed the vamp brothers, super hot and super alpha. The sex scenes in no way was outstanding, probably due to Clair. She is the main h, and got on my nerves. I didn't form a connection with her, I felt at some points she was tstl!
Loved Janie super sweet 4yr old and the attempts the brothers try at braiding her hair too funny.
This book has a HEA but in no way is it finished . The story is on going through out the books. That might get me to read on just to see how it ends, good verses evil, who will be the victor, vamps and shifters or evil kurjans....
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashley ong
In the world of Fated among the inhabitant of the Realm, there are two contending vampiric races, the Kayrs and the Kurjus. The Kayrs are honorable brave warriors, while the Kurjus are sadistic bloodthirsty monsters. The vampire species are born male, therefore to breed, they need to pick their mates from the human female population. Preferably, gifted females who could help with their never-ending feud. The Kurjus discover Cara and Janie psychic abilities, and resolve to mate the single mother and her daughter to their leadership.

Talen is a Kayrs leader, who rescues Cara and Janie just before the Kurjus took them. Talen's permanent way to protect them is making Cara his wife. A fate he welcomes as he realizes Cara is his destined mate. Talen has all the arrogance of the royalty he is. Cara's sees his rescuing as kidnapping and she doesn't want to hear anything about mating him. Eventually, she would take the passion he offers, and the protection in her daughter's behalf. However, Talen wants Cara's heart as well. Their union officially breaks a peace treaty forbidding any contact with humans. The Kurjus never respected the treaty, but now the sanguineous war between the Kayrs and the Kurjus starts again.

The first ten chapters of Fated are homage to many fated-mate books. It has the fate symbol, the irresistible attraction, the bite, the telepathy, even the branding. And the coerced seduction scene, in spite of the fact that Talen asks for Cara's consent before consummating the act, it's still forceful. It would have been better, if we had witnessed as they fall in love with each other, before the mating routine. This is the main reason I'm giving it four stars instead of five.

Fated is action-packed and there are parts where it gets really bloody. The fights are explicit and Talen is vicious during the battles. While Cara often uses expletives to utter her frustration and acts like she is in complete denial of her new reality.

Besides, when I read Fated, I had the feeling of reading two different books at the same time. One, from the first chapter up to chapter ten, and another, from chapter eleven until the end. Rebecca Zanetti's fantastic storytelling begins after chapter eleven. Most books usually have the best in the first chapters, Fated it's exactly the opposite. If you start reading Fated and you feel like giving it up, please keep going, it's a phenomenal reading. Talen goes from dominant male to caring sexy hero and the steamy sex scenes between Cara and him, become deeply emotional.

I liked very much Fated's world-building, and the great secondary characters who will eventually have their own books. These are among my favorites: Jordan and Katie, Talen's shape-shifting friends. Cara's sister, Emma, who shares the trauma of an abusive father with Cara. Talen's brothers, particularly Dage, (the next book - Claimed, is his story with Emma). Zane, Janie's friend with who she only communicates during her dreams. All interesting well-developed characters, whose stories I cannot wait to read. In all, Fated is a great debut novel!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kat tucker
Cara and Talen....two characters from totally different worlds.

Cara Paulsen is a scientist with a daughter named Janie. Janie is apparently being chased by those who want to harm her. Come to find out, both Cara and Janie have supernatural abilities.

Talen Karys is one of four brothers that lead the vampire world. When Janie is finally found, it is Talen who comes to rescue them and whisk them away to safety....only Cara doesn't know he's the good guy (if that tells you anything about his entrance into the scene).

Unsure of who the tall, dark stranger is, Cara tries to figure out a million ways to get away from him, only to fail. Then, in order to keep Cara and Janie safe, Talen demands that Cara marry him. It is supposed to prevent the enemy from having their way with him.

As it turns out, Talen and his family are trying to protect Cara and Janie from the Kurjans, an enemy that wishes to use and exploit the talents that Cara and Janie possess. Being an empath, as is Cara, and a psychic, as is Janie, are hot commodities in those who want to rule the world. The only way to offer the protection is for Cara to marry Talen - this will prevent any other race from mating with her, and, in turn, this protects Janie since she will be living where Cara and Talen are.

The mating and hiding doesn't stop the Kurjans, however, and there are several kidnapping attempts, along with successes. It is up to the Karys family to protect Cara and Janie for the good of the world.

I read this book a month ago and as I sit here and continue to write the review (I've been working on it for 3 weeks - little bits at a time), I'm still not sure I liked all of it. I liked the concept of the story but a lot of the execution of the plot and scenes left me with a small amount of distaste. The dialogue didn't seem fluid and was irregular during some of the conversations between various characters. The forcefulness of Talen over Cara was exhausting. I realize that protecting Cara and Janie is of utmost importance for the Karys' but Talen is just over the top ~ and not really in a good way. He's a dictator and a control freak. He demands things of Cara that no strong character would put up with, then manages to melt Cara with a look or a touch after he was such a jerk. He's very much the alpha male but is manipulative in an overbearing way that really turns me off to his character.

At this point I'm really not sure that I'll be moving on to the second book. I have so many in queue right now that I can't see myself putting off a potentially good book for one that has a subpar first installment.

Review Copy Courtesy Of: My Local Library
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ahmet bilal
The focus of this series is on the Kayrs family, five brothers of Sanguisuga (good vampires) royalty, the eldest of which is King of The Realm. The Realm—much like the United Nations but with vampires, shape shifters, friendly wiccans and such—had been at war for several hundreds of years with the Kurjus—a race of evil, monstrous vampires—until they both suffered so many losses they created a treaty to protect themselves as well as humans. And why protect humans? Apparently, both the Sanguisuga and Kurjans are born male (the genetics of which are explained in the story) so, most of their mates are human. But only humans with enhanced abilities—psychics, healers, empaths and such—can bear their children; a trait that is extremely rare.

As the story begins, The Realm is once again on the brink of war because the Kurjans have violated several aspects of the treaty, including the planned abduction of plant physiologist Dr. Cara Paulsen; an empath raising her four-year-old daughter, Janie, by herself. Much like her mother, Janie's special—truly gifted, with psychic powers stronger than anyone's ever seen. Late one night Janie comes running into her mother's room crying “They’re coming. They’re coming now, the bad men. We have to run,” just before a tall, muscle packed male kicks in the front door. Enter Talen Kayrs, a vampire warrior who's been sent by his brother Dage—King of The Realm—to protect Cara and her daughter from the Kurjans. Talen's idea of protection, however, involves forcibly kidnapping them, and coercing Cara into marriage then mating with him under the pretense that it is the only way she can protect her daughter from the Kurjans.

Well, this one was difficult for me. The author has created a fascinating paranormal world full of suspense, danger, action, mystery and erotic romance. Still, I had several issues with the story.

To start, I found the whole branding/mate-marking thing to be a serious turn-off—especially the way it was done without clear consent. I also had a serious problem with the balance of power between Talen and Cara—or lack thereof. For a scientist, Cara really didn't have much common sense. Her attempts at assertiveness simply came across as weak especially since she allowed herself to be led around by her libido. But my biggest issue, overall, was with Talen. He was beyond controlling, separating Cara from her home, friends, and family,—even her daughter, for five weeks no less—making her completely dependent on him and threatening punishment for disobedience. He was domineering to the point of overbearing, exerting his control over everything—including her will and her body—and frequently using sex as a way to both control and punish Cara—a dynamic I do not find even remotely attractive.

If it weren't for the fact it was abundantly clear that Talen truly loved his "mate" and adored her daughter—in his own overbearing, neanderthal way—this probably would have been a DNF for me. Overall, I liked the premise of the story and think the series has potential. The hero/heroine ... not so much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melee farr
Do you love a hot, sexy, dominant vampire warrior? Especially when he's got several brothers that are equally hot and sexy? Well, if you do, then you'll love this book. Especially if you like a lot of action-packed scenes as well.

Fated gives us all of the above, plus a spunky heroine, an adorable little girl and shapeshifters. Cara is a scientist that works with the genetics of plants. Manipulating things to make more disease resistant crops, that sort of thing. Plants are what she's comfortable with, other than her sister and daughter. Not dominant men that turn out to be vampires. Vampires that demand that she marry them right now because it's what's necessary to protect her daughter from the freaky, bad vampires.

Talen is the warrior vampire that is on a mission to protect a little girl that they know the Kurjans (the freaky, bad vamps) want. He is the "strategic leader" of the realm, which includes vampires, shapeshifters, etc., and his family is the royal family - Talen's brother Dage is the King. Which adds up to one very alpha man. Once he meets Cara, he realizes that she is destined to be his. Unfortunately, the Kurjans want Cara too, as well as the daughter. Talen is determined that nobody is going to take her from him - despite her insistence that she can handle things herself.This book is fun and fast paced with lots of action sequences.

The little girl is absolutely adorable and the scene where she wins over the big, macho vampires is hilarious. Cara is spunky and, despite a sketchy background, refuses to back down from a fight regardless of her fear and distrust. The science in the book is very interesting, making you want to see what's going to happen with it rather than leaving you scratching your head.

The other characters in the book are very intriguing and you want to learn more about them. Even the ones that don't necessarily warrant their own story are fun to watch and add a lot to the story. Luckily, the author plans to write a book for each of the brothers (and I'm hoping she'll continue with some of the shapeshifter characters someday as well) so we will get to know them a lot better in the future.

Fated gives us a new, interesting twist on vampire lore. It's a well written, fun, sexy book guaranteed to keep you reading from cover to cover. If you enjoy paranormal romances, and especially vampires, be sure and check it out! I promise you'll be waiting for the next brother's book by the time you're done.

Originally posted at The Long And Short of It Romance Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric starker
Cara Paulsen and her four-yr-old daughter Janie are humans with special abilities. Cara is an empath and Janie sees the future. Talen Kayrs, Protector of the Realm and a member of the royal family, is a 300-yr-old vampire sent to protect them from a species similar to his called the Kurjans. Each species has their strengths and weaknesses as well as genetic characteristics specific to their species.

From the start of this book it's been action, action, action as Talen tries to keep Cara and Janie safe and out of the Kurjans hands. With the attempt to take Cara and Janie the Kurjans have started another war after 200 years of peace and things are going to get messy as the vampires plan raids on Kurjan research facilities and Kurjans strike back at vampire strongholds. Oh, did I forget to mention the nasty genetic manipulation experiments the Kurjans have been doing? Hence the reason for raiding research facilities as they steal research material in an attempt to discover what the Kurjans have been doing for the last few hundred years. It's not curing cancer, I can tell you that.

The Kayrs brothers are HOT, Cara is no wimpy heroine, Janie is a cutie and we get a glimpse of Cara's sister Emma, also a seer of the future and no slouch herself when it comes to the three B's - brains, bravery and beauty. We meet a shifter and his Pride and learn there are other supernaturals out there who ally themselves with one side or the other. Except for the fae. We learn they do whatever they want and it's not revealed if they will ally for this war or ignore it.

I love this world Rebecca Zanetti has created. I love her sexy heroes and the women they call mate. I love the fast-paced action, the well-fleshed characters, the zippy, snippy, snarky conversation, the hot, hot love scenes and a special four-yr-old who has big bad scary vampires wrapped around her tiny fingers. I can't wait to read Book 2 Claimed and look forward to seeing each of the brothers find and claim their mate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori cline
Had to give this one five stars, once I started reading it I did not want to put it down. This book fitted in what I was in the mood to read perfectly. It grabbed me from the first chapter and didn’t let up or let me go. It was full of action, drama, stubborn women, even more stubborn alpha males, good and evil vampires, shifters, secret races, with plenty of sex. It was a fun read that I finished in less than 24 hours. I started the book around 3 yesterday afternoon and kept reading after dinner and before I knew it it was 11 p.m. and I decided to read on and catch the eclipse finally setting the book down around 1:30 when I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. Sure it is one of those guilty pleasure books, nothing but pure escapism…some of my favorite types of books.

Now I’ve read a much later novella in this series that I received from Net Galley for review, enjoyed that one so much I knew I wanted to go back and start at the beginning. Now I’m tempted to order the next book and skip all the other ones I’ve decided to read this month just to learn what happens next. As I took a moment to go check out some of the other reviews I see that this book was one of those love it or hate it stories. Sure this is a male dominated society and kinda chauvinistic, but common its a story meant to be a fun escape. I loved it, despite all the times I thought thank goodness I’m not married to a man like this. I did wish Cara wouldn’t have given into her hormones so much and really made Talen squirm a bit more.

Okay, so this is book one in the series and is Talen and Cara’s story. It really did catch my attention from practically page one. The action starts off quick and the pace didn’t let up. I thought it was a fun premise, that we have seen before in paranormal novels, they meet and some biological reaction occurs when the two meet and suddenly they know they are mates. To save Cara and her daughter Talen manipulates them into bonding/wedding/mating withing a few short hours of meeting. Eye roll I know, but I went with it because I enjoyed watching Cara try to stand up to Talen and continue to try and wiggle out of it…for a short while at least. The woman that the vamp race needs to mate with in this world must have some sort of special ability and of course Cara, her sister and daughter all fall come with these abilities. So for much of the book we have Cara questioning if Talen really wants her for her and not these abilities she has. We all question why our spouses or friends are with us from time to time and it was easy to relate to the mixed emotions Cara was having.

We enter this world at a point in time where a long held peace is falling apart and the different species are bracing for an upcoming war that Cara’s daughter, Jamie, is going to be the center of, or the catalyst for. I look forward to reading what happens next. It really was a fun read. Check your feminism at the door and just roll with it, remember its just a story.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I read a novella in the series (Tempted) and enjoyed it enough that I wanted to pick up the first book of the series. So, finally I sat down to read Fated. It was disappointment almost from the beginning. From the start you have the sense that although Cara is supposed to be very smart, she is really a complete idiot. This book seems to be an effort to prove over and over that Cara is a complete moron. She's silly and double minded. One minute she wants to run, and the next she wants to have sex with him. None of it makes sense.

Talen, is an over the top alpha male who really was a bully at several times. I think there is a fine line between being an alpha male (which I love) and being a bully (which I detest).

Over all, the book felt like an over done compilation of elements very well done in better books. Will I enjoyed Tempted enough to give Fated a chance, I disliked Fated enough to give up on the whole series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 stars. Took off because I really did not like Cara. I felt she was very selfish and self centered. Everyone were risking their lives to protect her and she was fighting them all the way. I know her life changed overnight, but she didn't want to even give the benefit of the doubt to anyone. I mean her daughter, at four years old, was stronger and more confident than she was. I mean she trusted her daughters safety to these people, but continued to undermine. Drove me nuts. Not to mention constantly putting her life at risk without any regard to her daughter. Drove me crazy. Other than Cara, it really is a great story. All the characters were well developed. The descriptions of the areas and the battles were amazing. I'm excited to read the second book. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rodrigo sch tz
Cara Paulsen is fierce about protecting what's important: her daughter, her sister, and her plants. As a leader in her scientific field and a single mom, she is used to being in control over everything. Janie, her daughter, is very special. She appears to have the psychic power of premonition. Cara will put her life on the line if it means saving Janie from one ounce of hurt. And that's exactly what it may come to when a rogue race of evil vampires decide that Janie and Cara should be theirs.

Talen Kayrs is a vampire and he has had three hundred years to hone his warrior skills; too bad he hasn't been honing his seduction skills as well. Talen arrives in the dead of night to protect Cara and Janie from the evil headed their way. Cara doesn't take the news that the only way for Talen to protect her is for them to get married. As if Cara hasn't had enough thrown at her in one night Talen has one more bomb to drop...Cara is his mate. Talen and Cara are Fated to be together; now all he has to do is keep her alive and convince her to stay with him forever.

Fated is a sinfully seductive paranormal that grabs you from page one and doesn't let go! Rebecca Zanetti has started her Dark Protector series off with a bang! Ms. Zanetti has created a fascinating world with many different paranormal races some good and some bad. I found the world building in Fated engrossing. There are so many characters that I can't wait to learn more about! There are so many different facets to Fated that I loved I'm not sure where to begin.

Talen and Cara have explosive chemistry. There is no doubt that these two are going to get it on it's just a matter of time. I really enjoyed Cara's struggle with her feelings for Talen. Talen knows she is his mate so that's it for him decision made but it's not so easy for Cara even though she can't seem to resist him. There were a couple of times I wanted to yell at Cara for her stupid decisions but those decisions did lead to some passionate revelations so all is forgiven.

Ms. Zanetti's secondary characters rock! Janie may be four years old but she's a star! I found her, her powers and her dreams very intriguing! So much so I am still thinking about them! I'm can't wait for this little one to come into her own! Katie, the rare lioness also captured my attention with her fierce attitude and attraction to the Alpha Lion Jordan. These two are bound to heat up the pages at some point! Ah the Kayrs brothers, there's plenty of them and I can't wait to get to know them more!

Fated is an adrenaline filled adventure harboring a fiery romance you won't soon forget! Fated has worked its way into my heart and has me anxiously waiting for the next in this fantastic series!

Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor o brien
This book had just about the right amount of action, sex and anticipation. I kept thinking to myself "OMG What's next?" I wanted to finish the book but at the same time I didn't want it to finish. I know, I know I'm kinda weird. But I know a few other readers can relate when they read this book. If only I can be Cara for one night, I'll do it in a heartbeat. Just so I can feel that body that Rebecca described so vividly. Yumm-O!!

So in "Fated" you have Talen, a vampire so sexy that can melt the panties off you. And basically that's what he does to Cara just by a single touch. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. So you have Talen a Three Hundred year old vampire who abruptly entered Cara's life and determined to make her his wife. He promised to protect her and her four year old daughter Janie. But Cara isn't one to take orders from anyone. Not even a sexy and strong vampire like Talen. So basically he's in for a rough road with her. He plans to convince her that they belong together, Married. And it's going to happen AND she's going to accept it one way or the other.

Cara is a smart single mom who has been through enough in her life to know that she doesn't want no man trying to tell her what to do. Even one as sexy and hot like Talen. She's been independent long enough and is not willing to give up her freedom. But little does she know that there's danger lurking around her and her daughter. Talen happens to be the one that knows how to protect her and Janie. In fact, even little Janie knows they belong together.

Though there's danger at every other corner, Cara never felt more safe. Running around with Talen, his brothers and their comrades, she finally felt like she was part of a family. A family that would do anything to keep her and Janie safe. No matter what it costs them.

I really really loved this book. I loved the way Talen expressed his desire for Cara. Absolutely loved the way he pulled her hair back and just.....And he sincerely loved Janie. She was his daughter and Janie knew it. They were a family and he waited long enough for them. All Cara has to do now is accept it.

Definitely a 5 out of 5 stars and a Definite Good Choice for Reading. A Must Buy! Must Read!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This novel was fast paced and wildly exciting from the get-go. Action, romance, and suspense kept me so wrapped up that I devoured this novel in a single day. World building melts with plot development in such a manner that they become a seamless whole. Zanetti takes readers deep into the world of this series while also giving them the ride of a lifetime.

I love how the relationship between the main characters wasn’t easy, but neither was it insurmountable. The battle of wills, desires, and needs leads to some comical moments, while at the same time highlights just how well these two fit together. Cara’s abilities really make her shine as a character, as does her compassion and genuine warmth. Her difficult past directly affects her, yet doesn’t define her. Talen’s multifaceted character was fantastic. I enjoyed getting to know him bit by bit via tidbits dropped by those closest to him. He was also hot, caring, and all Alpha, the type of hero you just can’t look away from. And let’s not forget Janie, in all her cuteness & insight. Through her we get to know a lot about the hearts of the main characters, as well as many of the supporting cast.

My final thoughts on this one? How have I never read this novel before now & could someone please hand me the next in the series. Zanetti had me hooked from cover to cover with her fantastically in depth and imaginative, yet completely plausible, world and all its goings on.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tara gauthier
This book was reviewed by others saying it reminded them of the Black dagger brotherhood series, as I can see some similarities it in NO way is on the same level as BDB!
This was an ok read with a not so original concept. I enjoyed the vamp brothers, super hot and super alpha. The sex scenes in no way was outstanding, probably due to Clair. She is the main h, and got on my nerves. I didn't form a connection with her, I felt at some points she was tstl!
Loved Janie super sweet 4yr old and the attempts the brothers try at braiding her hair too funny.
This book has a HEA but in no way is it finished . The story is on going through out the books. That might get me to read on just to see how it ends, good verses evil, who will be the victor, vamps and shifters or evil kurjans....
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In the world of Fated among the inhabitant of the Realm, there are two contending vampiric races, the Kayrs and the Kurjus. The Kayrs are honorable brave warriors, while the Kurjus are sadistic bloodthirsty monsters. The vampire species are born male, therefore to breed, they need to pick their mates from the human female population. Preferably, gifted females who could help with their never-ending feud. The Kurjus discover Cara and Janie psychic abilities, and resolve to mate the single mother and her daughter to their leadership.

Talen is a Kayrs leader, who rescues Cara and Janie just before the Kurjus took them. Talen's permanent way to protect them is making Cara his wife. A fate he welcomes as he realizes Cara is his destined mate. Talen has all the arrogance of the royalty he is. Cara's sees his rescuing as kidnapping and she doesn't want to hear anything about mating him. Eventually, she would take the passion he offers, and the protection in her daughter's behalf. However, Talen wants Cara's heart as well. Their union officially breaks a peace treaty forbidding any contact with humans. The Kurjus never respected the treaty, but now the sanguineous war between the Kayrs and the Kurjus starts again.

The first ten chapters of Fated are homage to many fated-mate books. It has the fate symbol, the irresistible attraction, the bite, the telepathy, even the branding. And the coerced seduction scene, in spite of the fact that Talen asks for Cara's consent before consummating the act, it's still forceful. It would have been better, if we had witnessed as they fall in love with each other, before the mating routine. This is the main reason I'm giving it four stars instead of five.

Fated is action-packed and there are parts where it gets really bloody. The fights are explicit and Talen is vicious during the battles. While Cara often uses expletives to utter her frustration and acts like she is in complete denial of her new reality.

Besides, when I read Fated, I had the feeling of reading two different books at the same time. One, from the first chapter up to chapter ten, and another, from chapter eleven until the end. Rebecca Zanetti's fantastic storytelling begins after chapter eleven. Most books usually have the best in the first chapters, Fated it's exactly the opposite. If you start reading Fated and you feel like giving it up, please keep going, it's a phenomenal reading. Talen goes from dominant male to caring sexy hero and the steamy sex scenes between Cara and him, become deeply emotional.

I liked very much Fated's world-building, and the great secondary characters who will eventually have their own books. These are among my favorites: Jordan and Katie, Talen's shape-shifting friends. Cara's sister, Emma, who shares the trauma of an abusive father with Cara. Talen's brothers, particularly Dage, (the next book - Claimed, is his story with Emma). Zane, Janie's friend with who she only communicates during her dreams. All interesting well-developed characters, whose stories I cannot wait to read. In all, Fated is a great debut novel!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Cara and Talen....two characters from totally different worlds.

Cara Paulsen is a scientist with a daughter named Janie. Janie is apparently being chased by those who want to harm her. Come to find out, both Cara and Janie have supernatural abilities.

Talen Karys is one of four brothers that lead the vampire world. When Janie is finally found, it is Talen who comes to rescue them and whisk them away to safety....only Cara doesn't know he's the good guy (if that tells you anything about his entrance into the scene).

Unsure of who the tall, dark stranger is, Cara tries to figure out a million ways to get away from him, only to fail. Then, in order to keep Cara and Janie safe, Talen demands that Cara marry him. It is supposed to prevent the enemy from having their way with him.

As it turns out, Talen and his family are trying to protect Cara and Janie from the Kurjans, an enemy that wishes to use and exploit the talents that Cara and Janie possess. Being an empath, as is Cara, and a psychic, as is Janie, are hot commodities in those who want to rule the world. The only way to offer the protection is for Cara to marry Talen - this will prevent any other race from mating with her, and, in turn, this protects Janie since she will be living where Cara and Talen are.

The mating and hiding doesn't stop the Kurjans, however, and there are several kidnapping attempts, along with successes. It is up to the Karys family to protect Cara and Janie for the good of the world.

I read this book a month ago and as I sit here and continue to write the review (I've been working on it for 3 weeks - little bits at a time), I'm still not sure I liked all of it. I liked the concept of the story but a lot of the execution of the plot and scenes left me with a small amount of distaste. The dialogue didn't seem fluid and was irregular during some of the conversations between various characters. The forcefulness of Talen over Cara was exhausting. I realize that protecting Cara and Janie is of utmost importance for the Karys' but Talen is just over the top ~ and not really in a good way. He's a dictator and a control freak. He demands things of Cara that no strong character would put up with, then manages to melt Cara with a look or a touch after he was such a jerk. He's very much the alpha male but is manipulative in an overbearing way that really turns me off to his character.

At this point I'm really not sure that I'll be moving on to the second book. I have so many in queue right now that I can't see myself putting off a potentially good book for one that has a subpar first installment.

Review Copy Courtesy Of: My Local Library
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The focus of this series is on the Kayrs family, five brothers of Sanguisuga (good vampires) royalty, the eldest of which is King of The Realm. The Realm—much like the United Nations but with vampires, shape shifters, friendly wiccans and such—had been at war for several hundreds of years with the Kurjus—a race of evil, monstrous vampires—until they both suffered so many losses they created a treaty to protect themselves as well as humans. And why protect humans? Apparently, both the Sanguisuga and Kurjans are born male (the genetics of which are explained in the story) so, most of their mates are human. But only humans with enhanced abilities—psychics, healers, empaths and such—can bear their children; a trait that is extremely rare.

As the story begins, The Realm is once again on the brink of war because the Kurjans have violated several aspects of the treaty, including the planned abduction of plant physiologist Dr. Cara Paulsen; an empath raising her four-year-old daughter, Janie, by herself. Much like her mother, Janie's special—truly gifted, with psychic powers stronger than anyone's ever seen. Late one night Janie comes running into her mother's room crying “They’re coming. They’re coming now, the bad men. We have to run,” just before a tall, muscle packed male kicks in the front door. Enter Talen Kayrs, a vampire warrior who's been sent by his brother Dage—King of The Realm—to protect Cara and her daughter from the Kurjans. Talen's idea of protection, however, involves forcibly kidnapping them, and coercing Cara into marriage then mating with him under the pretense that it is the only way she can protect her daughter from the Kurjans.

Well, this one was difficult for me. The author has created a fascinating paranormal world full of suspense, danger, action, mystery and erotic romance. Still, I had several issues with the story.

To start, I found the whole branding/mate-marking thing to be a serious turn-off—especially the way it was done without clear consent. I also had a serious problem with the balance of power between Talen and Cara—or lack thereof. For a scientist, Cara really didn't have much common sense. Her attempts at assertiveness simply came across as weak especially since she allowed herself to be led around by her libido. But my biggest issue, overall, was with Talen. He was beyond controlling, separating Cara from her home, friends, and family,—even her daughter, for five weeks no less—making her completely dependent on him and threatening punishment for disobedience. He was domineering to the point of overbearing, exerting his control over everything—including her will and her body—and frequently using sex as a way to both control and punish Cara—a dynamic I do not find even remotely attractive.

If it weren't for the fact it was abundantly clear that Talen truly loved his "mate" and adored her daughter—in his own overbearing, neanderthal way—this probably would have been a DNF for me. Overall, I liked the premise of the story and think the series has potential. The hero/heroine ... not so much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david wayne
Do you love a hot, sexy, dominant vampire warrior? Especially when he's got several brothers that are equally hot and sexy? Well, if you do, then you'll love this book. Especially if you like a lot of action-packed scenes as well.

Fated gives us all of the above, plus a spunky heroine, an adorable little girl and shapeshifters. Cara is a scientist that works with the genetics of plants. Manipulating things to make more disease resistant crops, that sort of thing. Plants are what she's comfortable with, other than her sister and daughter. Not dominant men that turn out to be vampires. Vampires that demand that she marry them right now because it's what's necessary to protect her daughter from the freaky, bad vampires.

Talen is the warrior vampire that is on a mission to protect a little girl that they know the Kurjans (the freaky, bad vamps) want. He is the "strategic leader" of the realm, which includes vampires, shapeshifters, etc., and his family is the royal family - Talen's brother Dage is the King. Which adds up to one very alpha man. Once he meets Cara, he realizes that she is destined to be his. Unfortunately, the Kurjans want Cara too, as well as the daughter. Talen is determined that nobody is going to take her from him - despite her insistence that she can handle things herself.This book is fun and fast paced with lots of action sequences.

The little girl is absolutely adorable and the scene where she wins over the big, macho vampires is hilarious. Cara is spunky and, despite a sketchy background, refuses to back down from a fight regardless of her fear and distrust. The science in the book is very interesting, making you want to see what's going to happen with it rather than leaving you scratching your head.

The other characters in the book are very intriguing and you want to learn more about them. Even the ones that don't necessarily warrant their own story are fun to watch and add a lot to the story. Luckily, the author plans to write a book for each of the brothers (and I'm hoping she'll continue with some of the shapeshifter characters someday as well) so we will get to know them a lot better in the future.

Fated gives us a new, interesting twist on vampire lore. It's a well written, fun, sexy book guaranteed to keep you reading from cover to cover. If you enjoy paranormal romances, and especially vampires, be sure and check it out! I promise you'll be waiting for the next brother's book by the time you're done.

Originally posted at The Long And Short of It Romance Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
babak jahedmanesh
Cara Paulsen and her four-yr-old daughter Janie are humans with special abilities. Cara is an empath and Janie sees the future. Talen Kayrs, Protector of the Realm and a member of the royal family, is a 300-yr-old vampire sent to protect them from a species similar to his called the Kurjans. Each species has their strengths and weaknesses as well as genetic characteristics specific to their species.

From the start of this book it's been action, action, action as Talen tries to keep Cara and Janie safe and out of the Kurjans hands. With the attempt to take Cara and Janie the Kurjans have started another war after 200 years of peace and things are going to get messy as the vampires plan raids on Kurjan research facilities and Kurjans strike back at vampire strongholds. Oh, did I forget to mention the nasty genetic manipulation experiments the Kurjans have been doing? Hence the reason for raiding research facilities as they steal research material in an attempt to discover what the Kurjans have been doing for the last few hundred years. It's not curing cancer, I can tell you that.

The Kayrs brothers are HOT, Cara is no wimpy heroine, Janie is a cutie and we get a glimpse of Cara's sister Emma, also a seer of the future and no slouch herself when it comes to the three B's - brains, bravery and beauty. We meet a shifter and his Pride and learn there are other supernaturals out there who ally themselves with one side or the other. Except for the fae. We learn they do whatever they want and it's not revealed if they will ally for this war or ignore it.

I love this world Rebecca Zanetti has created. I love her sexy heroes and the women they call mate. I love the fast-paced action, the well-fleshed characters, the zippy, snippy, snarky conversation, the hot, hot love scenes and a special four-yr-old who has big bad scary vampires wrapped around her tiny fingers. I can't wait to read Book 2 Claimed and look forward to seeing each of the brothers find and claim their mate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john adamski
Had to give this one five stars, once I started reading it I did not want to put it down. This book fitted in what I was in the mood to read perfectly. It grabbed me from the first chapter and didn’t let up or let me go. It was full of action, drama, stubborn women, even more stubborn alpha males, good and evil vampires, shifters, secret races, with plenty of sex. It was a fun read that I finished in less than 24 hours. I started the book around 3 yesterday afternoon and kept reading after dinner and before I knew it it was 11 p.m. and I decided to read on and catch the eclipse finally setting the book down around 1:30 when I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. Sure it is one of those guilty pleasure books, nothing but pure escapism…some of my favorite types of books.

Now I’ve read a much later novella in this series that I received from Net Galley for review, enjoyed that one so much I knew I wanted to go back and start at the beginning. Now I’m tempted to order the next book and skip all the other ones I’ve decided to read this month just to learn what happens next. As I took a moment to go check out some of the other reviews I see that this book was one of those love it or hate it stories. Sure this is a male dominated society and kinda chauvinistic, but common its a story meant to be a fun escape. I loved it, despite all the times I thought thank goodness I’m not married to a man like this. I did wish Cara wouldn’t have given into her hormones so much and really made Talen squirm a bit more.

Okay, so this is book one in the series and is Talen and Cara’s story. It really did catch my attention from practically page one. The action starts off quick and the pace didn’t let up. I thought it was a fun premise, that we have seen before in paranormal novels, they meet and some biological reaction occurs when the two meet and suddenly they know they are mates. To save Cara and her daughter Talen manipulates them into bonding/wedding/mating withing a few short hours of meeting. Eye roll I know, but I went with it because I enjoyed watching Cara try to stand up to Talen and continue to try and wiggle out of it…for a short while at least. The woman that the vamp race needs to mate with in this world must have some sort of special ability and of course Cara, her sister and daughter all fall come with these abilities. So for much of the book we have Cara questioning if Talen really wants her for her and not these abilities she has. We all question why our spouses or friends are with us from time to time and it was easy to relate to the mixed emotions Cara was having.

We enter this world at a point in time where a long held peace is falling apart and the different species are bracing for an upcoming war that Cara’s daughter, Jamie, is going to be the center of, or the catalyst for. I look forward to reading what happens next. It really was a fun read. Check your feminism at the door and just roll with it, remember its just a story.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
irma zavala
I read a novella in the series (Tempted) and enjoyed it enough that I wanted to pick up the first book of the series. So, finally I sat down to read Fated. It was disappointment almost from the beginning. From the start you have the sense that although Cara is supposed to be very smart, she is really a complete idiot. This book seems to be an effort to prove over and over that Cara is a complete moron. She's silly and double minded. One minute she wants to run, and the next she wants to have sex with him. None of it makes sense.

Talen, is an over the top alpha male who really was a bully at several times. I think there is a fine line between being an alpha male (which I love) and being a bully (which I detest).

Over all, the book felt like an over done compilation of elements very well done in better books. Will I enjoyed Tempted enough to give Fated a chance, I disliked Fated enough to give up on the whole series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 stars. Took off because I really did not like Cara. I felt she was very selfish and self centered. Everyone were risking their lives to protect her and she was fighting them all the way. I know her life changed overnight, but she didn't want to even give the benefit of the doubt to anyone. I mean her daughter, at four years old, was stronger and more confident than she was. I mean she trusted her daughters safety to these people, but continued to undermine. Drove me nuts. Not to mention constantly putting her life at risk without any regard to her daughter. Drove me crazy. Other than Cara, it really is a great story. All the characters were well developed. The descriptions of the areas and the battles were amazing. I'm excited to read the second book. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cara Paulsen is fierce about protecting what's important: her daughter, her sister, and her plants. As a leader in her scientific field and a single mom, she is used to being in control over everything. Janie, her daughter, is very special. She appears to have the psychic power of premonition. Cara will put her life on the line if it means saving Janie from one ounce of hurt. And that's exactly what it may come to when a rogue race of evil vampires decide that Janie and Cara should be theirs.

Talen Kayrs is a vampire and he has had three hundred years to hone his warrior skills; too bad he hasn't been honing his seduction skills as well. Talen arrives in the dead of night to protect Cara and Janie from the evil headed their way. Cara doesn't take the news that the only way for Talen to protect her is for them to get married. As if Cara hasn't had enough thrown at her in one night Talen has one more bomb to drop...Cara is his mate. Talen and Cara are Fated to be together; now all he has to do is keep her alive and convince her to stay with him forever.

Fated is a sinfully seductive paranormal that grabs you from page one and doesn't let go! Rebecca Zanetti has started her Dark Protector series off with a bang! Ms. Zanetti has created a fascinating world with many different paranormal races some good and some bad. I found the world building in Fated engrossing. There are so many characters that I can't wait to learn more about! There are so many different facets to Fated that I loved I'm not sure where to begin.

Talen and Cara have explosive chemistry. There is no doubt that these two are going to get it on it's just a matter of time. I really enjoyed Cara's struggle with her feelings for Talen. Talen knows she is his mate so that's it for him decision made but it's not so easy for Cara even though she can't seem to resist him. There were a couple of times I wanted to yell at Cara for her stupid decisions but those decisions did lead to some passionate revelations so all is forgiven.

Ms. Zanetti's secondary characters rock! Janie may be four years old but she's a star! I found her, her powers and her dreams very intriguing! So much so I am still thinking about them! I'm can't wait for this little one to come into her own! Katie, the rare lioness also captured my attention with her fierce attitude and attraction to the Alpha Lion Jordan. These two are bound to heat up the pages at some point! Ah the Kayrs brothers, there's plenty of them and I can't wait to get to know them more!

Fated is an adrenaline filled adventure harboring a fiery romance you won't soon forget! Fated has worked its way into my heart and has me anxiously waiting for the next in this fantastic series!

Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed this book and look forward to the others in the series.

The male characters are particularly well done, reminiscent of Lora Leigh (especially when the Hero finds a Bound Heart's Series novel in the heroine's nightstand;) The heroine is ok, but seems less defined. She never believeably solidifies any of her character's life roles, (i.e. mother, scientist, lover, fighter,) but overall she was fair-to-middlin' and it didn't fatally detract from the overall story.

I do have a nit to pick - What's with the baby powder scent on a 4-year-old? I've seen another author use this reference with an older child and it's just weird. Maybe bubble bath, or vanilla, or even PlayDough, but baby powder? When used in reference to a psychic child with an advanced vocabulary who is "too wise for her age" it was enough of a WTH moment to temporarily take me out of the story. It wouldn't have been a big deal except that more than one character used it and it showed up several times. Eww. Whatever.

Anyway, the plot line, the bad guys, and the interactions between primary and secondary characters were all good quality. The story moved along well and while not J.R. Ward worthy (yet:) I will continue to follow the series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
james blum
It's pretty obvious from the beginning that this was meant to be the first of a series so I have no clue why the author threw so many different things into this installment. I'm assuming that mates are pre-destined but I read nothing to make me believe Cara and Talen actually feel in love. Then we got so much info on two other couples that most of their stories have already been told. And what was the purpose of hinting at Maggie's story? I want to read a story that shows me how the main characters get from point A to Point B in their relationship not continually reading "they raided a Kurjan facility" or that weird time offshore of a month or two. *sigh* I loved the idea of this book just not the actual book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Cara's life was normal she's living the quiet life of a plant-scientist and a single mom to her daughter Janie. When suddenly everything is changed Talen busts into her house taking her and Janie into custody before his enemies can get her. The only way that he will be able to keep her safe is to marry her and mate with her. Both Cara and Janie aren't your typical humans they each have their own telepathic gifts which make them perfect mates for the vampires. At the insistence of Janie who can see the future Cara deals with what she has to in order to protect her daughter.

Talen knows that Cara is destined to be his make when he is branded on his hand after touching her arm. Talen isn't a human like Cara he's a vampire but not the typical type he can stand the sun, he only drinks blood during fighting and sex. However even though both Janie and Cara are safe with Talen's family she still has to worry about her older sister who's out there avoiding the kurjans. Together they will have to save Emma as well as keep her daughter safe and learn to deal with Talen.

Well this one is tough for me. I think the idea of the vampires and Kurjans put's a unique spin on vampires since there are thousands of vampire romances. I also liked Cara as a character even better because she was a scientist who wasn't strong and bad-ass but it didn't stop her. I had a few issues with Talen but I think it's more of a personal preference he frustrated me when he called Cara Mate or wife it sounds so primitive. I admit he's hundreds of years old but jeeze get with the times. I think the series has a lot of potential and I plan to continue because even though Talen has a few Neanderthal issues it was still a great story. It's been ages since I've read a true paranormal romance however I really enjoyed the story. Fated is filled with action, steamy sex and romance what's not to love.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
First in a new series, and a first read for me by this author. Talen is a vampire and brother to the vampire king Dage. War has been declared between them and their enemy the Kurjans, also vampires but evil. So Talen is on a mission to rescue a human woman Cara and her daughter Janie, who are being targeted by the Kurjans.

Of course when Talen bursts into her house Cara doesn't believe a word of his story. But Talen is taking them with or without their permission. Cara and Janie although human have specials gifts, Cara is an empath, and Janie sees the future. That's what makes them targets. As for both Talen's people and the Kurjans can only mate with human women who are endowed with some sort of psychic gift. When Talen touches Cara a mark appears on his hand. Meaning that Cara is his fated mate. He insists that Cara marries him immediately. Cara refuses but, as she soon learns there is no refusing Talen.

I did enjoy this, Talen is an alpha male to the max, fans of Lynda Chance's alpha heroes would love Talen. Cara is a sweet character, and though she does try to stand up to Talen it never works. I thought she really should have tried to assert herself a little more. I did like Janie she was well portrayed. The plot is easy and not overly complex. There are lots of sex scenes, as whenever Cara questions any of Talen's decisions, he shuts her up by having sex with her, and a promise to talk later. Which never happens! Talen has a bunch of sexy brothers whom I'm sure will be the subject of further books.

To sum up this is an okay read, although it seemed to have a lot in common with Lara Adrian's Breeds Series. But for fans of vampire romances this is worth a read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan edge
I am so thankful for the store for suggesting this book. I actually bought it for the Nook and the was thrilled with a first class roller coaster ride of vampire romance. The story is wonderfully multi-layered and impossible to do justice in a review. This is a first novel and I cannot believe how much I was enthralled with the story and invested in the world Zanetti creates. This is an incredibly hot romance by a great Alpha Male. If you don't like the alpha male with a heart of gold dominating a relationship, then Talen will annoy you. But I loved the idea of fate pairing a vampire with his special mate. Talen rescues Cara minutes before evil Kurjans. Kurjans who are also vampires but fit a more evil stereotypical pale, light sensitive, and monster-like character. It was this fight between good and evil that reminded me of the Black Daggar Brotherhood. I think fans of the BDB series will love Zanetti's world. Cara is targeted because she is an empath and her 4 year old daughter Janie is extremely mentally gifted. Vampires are only born and must be mated with human females who have psychic abilities. As soon as Talen touches Cara, a mating brand appears on his hand. He intends to mate and marry Cara for protection and believes it is fate. Cara is a strong personality and doesn't always give into Talen but must give in to the red hot passion between the two. There are many raids, captures, and escapes in this story that is all red hot romance and action. I was immediately grabbed by the story and couldn't put the book down.

There are also so many great characters introduced that will make great follow up or side stories. I can't wait for the next book about Cara's sister Emma and Talen's brother and King of the Realm, Dage. There is also a group of Cougar Shifters who are introduced. Cara becomes great friends with Katie, a lioness, who is destined to Jordan the leader of the pack and Talen's allies. I can't wait to read about both of these couples as well as the potenial stories for Talen's other brothers. I think Zanetti is a great undiscovered Gem and can't wait to see more out of this great series!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I think the story is a bit shaky but okay. For me it was the Male lead character was too aggressive and would use sex to punish her when she didn't do as he wanted. I am sorry but that is like rape in my mind or abuse and it just bothered me. He was a meat head to me and she would switch from being strong to a wilted flower cause I have to say I would have fought that meathead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie nielsen
For those who've been fans of the Dark Protectors series since the beginning, you're probably wondering where the hell I've been. Well, all I can say in my defense is that I was a little slow. Actually, after starting a string of books that I couldn't finish, I was growing dismayed in my inability to find something to sink my teeth into (pardon the pun). But thankfully, Ms. Zanetti restored my faith in great storytelling.

FATED by Rebecca Zanetti is a wonderful start to the Dark Protectors series. I love Ms. Zanetti's writing style...absolutely love it! Her dialogue is sharp and witty while the storyline is a fantastic twist on the vampire theme. The heroine, Cara, is everything I look for in a lead character--strong, smart, passionate, funny--but not perfect. Talen is amazing, possessing all the attributes of a larger than life hero. He's one HOT male!

For paranormal readers who like a good vampire story, I truly believe you'll enjoy Dark Protectors. And for those fans who've already read SHADOWED (the 8th book in the series) and are now waiting in the bleachers with bated breath for the next one, well, scoot over. Although I still have 6 books to read, I'll be sitting beside ya soon.

Focused. Strong. True.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
go ben
This book had some great world-building and scenario setting. You get introduced to the ruling family and the lifestyle they lead. There are key factions that are always being introduced throughout the series (which is one of the aspects I love) but this book sets up the ground work and the main divides between the different species. This book starts with the ending of a very long period of peace within the Realm. The focus in this series is the head vampire family, which consists of 5 brothers and their hot friends who may as well be considered blood! Book one is about hunkie Talen who sweeps in and saves the day, but can't be made the favorite character (or brother) because the heart stopper in this book is only 4 years old with some tremendous abilities. But any mom will melt all over Talen with the way he handles Janie and makes Cara (who is the mom) feel like a woman for the very first time. It was an amazing read and I was so glad I could slip right into the next book. I loved Talen, but he wasn't the brother for me.....My heart was lost later on...lol....much later on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anchal manglik
I have to admit, I read these out of order. This is actually the second Dark Protectors book I've read. The first one I read was so good I decided to go back to the beginning. I have not been disappointed. It's just as good as the other one.

It was really nice reading the first one. See how it all began. It's made me want to read the others even more now.

This one starts out with a bang. Right off the bat, we've got some action (fighting action). Not long after that we get some bedroom action and boy is it hot!

Cara isn't a weakling by any stretch of the imagination. She's strong, willful and not going down without a fight. Talen is alpha male dominant and determined to get Cara to submit to him. The battle of wills begins.

There were several hints of some spanking and tying up, but it never came to fruition, much to my chagrin. I would have liked to have seen that.

The battle of the wills was awesome. I loved that Cara didn't just roll over. She did so many things that went against her nature to protect her daughter. Her daughter always came first. I think she would have run far and fast if if hadn't been for Janie.

On to the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy hosman
The first book of the series and what a way to start, wow! Ms. Zanetti does a great job of setting if characters, places, traditions and even how her characters are different from what we are used to. She is truly amazing in doing so too.

Here we have Cara a single mother with certain abilities who is kidnapped and brought into a shot gun wedding to save her daughter. Things get interesting when she finds out her new husband is a vampire and they are to be mated too. Can she get rid of the handsome barbarian?

Talen can't believe his has found his mate and he considers it a challenge to teach her his ways and that she belongs to him. He is ecstatic to have an immediate family and is glad his new daughter accepts him readily. Now he just have to work on his too stubborn wife!

Can a marriage that started like theirs survive the pressure, while they are trying to safe their world? Read on and find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul sheldon
Talen is a sexy alpha male who will do anything to protect his mate Cara and her daughter Janie....Even kill. Janie is just as cute as a button. I love how she has all the heroes wrapped around her little finger. I have been looking for awhile for a good series that is well written and def a keeper since I fell in love with the Breeds series from Lora Leigh and Black Dagger Brotherhood series from JR Ward. Yeah!! I finally found one. It has just enough action, erotic love scenes and a Alpha Hero. This is one of those books that you will read over and over again that is how good it is. This is a must for all Paranormal erotic fans who love their books with a good plot, steamy love scenes and a Hero you will want him to kidnap and sink his teeth into you. Can not wait to see how the next book turns out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david goldsmith
Plant physiologist Dr. Cara Paulsen is an empath raising her four years old child Janie by herself. The botanist will do anything to keep her beloved Janie, who has psychic skills, safe.

When stranger Talen Kayrs introduces himself, he insists he is protecting her and Janie. She assumes he is a lunatic, but Janie reassures her that he is legitimate. He also demands she marry him so his family will be obligated to protect both of the Paulsen's as the Kurjans want females with special skills especially Janie. Extremely reluctant though Janie says otherwise, Cara refuses initially to marry him when she realizes the visitor is a three-century old vampire though his touch lights her on fire with desire.

Although the incongruous basis for the triangle relationship is over the top, readers will quickly ignore the opening encounters as talented Rebecca Zanetti provides an entertaining engaging paranormal romance. Fast-paced, readers will appreciate the efforts of the hero and the mommy, who as they fall in love, risk their lives to keep her gifted toddler safe from a nasty group who has long term eugenic plans for young females with special skills.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ciara m
I did enjoy reading this book. Fast paced, lots of action (in and out of the bedroom) and a good storyline that can easily last for a few books and still keep me interested.

Loved the daughter, loved her relationship with her new dad and how she embraced this immediately. Enjoyed all the characters, good and bad - when together they were pretty believeable. And I particularly like the dreams Janie had - I wonder how many years this series is going to span? It's going to be lovely following Janie's life - I hope she continues to be a main character.

Why 4 stars? The downsides for me on this book are: the hero began to come across as a bully. I like alpha male books but this was too much. Considering he was falling in love with Cara he should have calmed down a bit. The bedroom was always fast paced - even hot lovers need to slow it down sometimes. This goes along with his bully title for me. And Cara, considering she is an educated woman, shows little intelligence and comes across as quite immature at times.

These issues, though, are not enough to put me off and have begun book two. Well done, Ms. Zanetti.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cara is a feisty, intelligent, courageous mother, plant biologist and empath. Talen is a vampire, a warrior, royalty, and her mate. Together they are a force to be reckoned with. Theirs is a troubled path. Obstacles include their enemies, the Kurjans, Cara's missing sister, Emma, and protecting her daughter Janie from many forces. But this story has a HEA ending for Cara and Talen after bloody battles, flights and rescues, the simple act of adjusting to the myriad of elements in such a marriage, and being pregnant. There's lots of fast action and a romance for the ages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer melnyk
Cara is trying to create a safe place for herself and her daughter Janie. Janie is gifted with unique abilities that allow her to see the future. Cara has unique abilities but she refuses to acknowledge it. Talen Kayrs is pretending to be a US Marshall to can Cara's trust yet it's Janie that tells Cara he's trustworthy. Talen is immediately attracted to Cara which creates a need to protect and mate with Cara as soon as possible. Talen is a vampire of the Realm yet his immortal enemies are the Kurjans who will stop at nothing to see Kayrs dead and take their mates for themselves. The Kurjans are working on a virus to help them get pass the mating allergy from Realm's chosen mates. Cara's sister Emma is on the run from the Kurjans because she knows too much about their plans. Emma is staying one step ahead of everyone because she trusts no one but herself. Cara meets Jordan and Katie while enroute to stronghold where Janie is at safely away from Kurjans. Can Cara admit to her feelings and gift? Will Talen explain things to Cara? Will Janie be safe? What about Jordan and Katie? Your answers await you in Fated.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I had put off starting this series for a couple of years. I regret having waited this long. This was a really good story. It's a story about the Kurjans (evil Vampires) vs the Kayrs & company(good Vampires). All of them are looking for their human mates in the midst of a Vampire war. There's an adorable little girl who has tremendous power. I am looking forward to her growing up and having her story told.

The events take place all of the country. There are some seriously twisted villians here; the kind you love to hate, and gorgeous 'Tarzan-like' Vampires of the royal family who are willing to go as far as necessary to keep the ones they love safe and happy.

The author does a nice job of leading right into the next book. You already know before this one wraps up who is next on the list to find their mate and CLAIM her which is the title of the next book. This is a great introduction to the series. I'm looking forward to more adventures.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
boy chris
This is a decent book. It combines some of the most popular vampire romance series traits and makes its own world. It takes a bit from Ward and from Feehan. This is not bad. The characters are themselves. The writing is smooth. It reminds me in some ways of Leigh's Breeds as well. The villain is vile and we know right away through the whole of the series a special child will be in jeopardy. I, honestly, skip the Lesser parts in Ward's BDB and I hate puppies and children in continual peril so these plot devices hold the book back from being really good for me or from me wanting to even read the series. These elements may really work for you. If so, you have a good, not excellent, series ahead of you and it is always a pleasure to settle down to such a read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story starts off with a bang and had me drawn in right from the beginning. The characters were well written and the plot was enjoyable. Couldn't put it down.

Enough side plots and well written minor characters that have me waiting to see what happens next. Her next book Claimed comes out in the Fall which features Emma and Dage, both of whom you get to meet in Fated, and I, for one, can't wait to see how their story plays out.

Other subplots that left me wanting more include the daughter, Janie, the shifters, the other vampire brothers. Looking forward to more books.

I can see this being one of my next favorite series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
artin safari
First of all, the story is really unique. Love the premise. Second, Rebecca Zanetti's writing is stellar. I read the story in one day. Each chapter kept me on the edge of my seat wanting more and more.

I must warn whoever picks up this book--it contains some steamy scenes. She reminds me of Gena Showalter. Steamy writing, but great stories, great characters, and great writing!

I just loved Talen. He's a complex character. Really rough and harsh, yet has a tender side, too. That's my favorite. Rebecca wrote him really well. I just couldn't wait to see what he'd do next.

I'm really looking forward to the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angel preble
A book about fated lovers, vampires and shape shifters. Talen appears out if nowhere to protect Cara and her daughter Janie from outside forces while claiming Cara as his own. This book kept me entertained the entire time. That being said I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diana polansky
Love me some Kayrs brothers!!!
I got hooked! I couldn’t stop reading this series.
About half way through book 1, I purchased all the other books in the series and I wasn’t disappointed.
The plot was interesting and the action was amazing! This series had everything I love in a paranormal romance-hot action, HOT sex and a storyline that was strong enough to keep this series going. You immediately fall for all the Kayrs Brothers and Janie! The heroine’s daughter in book 1, who is very important throughout the whole series.
Trust me, once you start, you will not want to stop reading.

If you enjoy Black Dagger Brotherhood and Lara Adrian’s Midnight Breed series, you will love this series all the way to the end!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The synopsis on the back of the book was just the tip of the iceberg. This book was filled with paranormal romance, good vampires v.s. the bad vampires, empaths, lust, sex, and shifters all made for the beginnings of a promising series. From the first couple of pages the action starts and the story unfolds. But...

What I didn't like was that Cara was kissing her "kidnapper" (Talen) five minutes after meeting him and her daughter, Janie, was near! That was a little unrealistic even for a paranormal romance. I found myself rolling my eyes and putting the book down. I hate not to finish a book so I kept on reading. Talen was definitely an alpha male but was too much of one. I felt like he forced Cara into marriage and left her out of the loop on a lot of things. She basically had to find out things on her own. Like what happens during the mating process or her new abilities because of it. I also didn't understand why Cara had to be away from Janie for 5 weeks, I didn't get that reasoning. Cara and Talen's marriage was filled with too much sex rather than talking. Talen used sex as a way to control and punish Cara and I did not like that at all. Although Cara seemed to enjoy it at times and even begged for it!

While there were a lot of things I didn't like about this book, there were things that I did like. I loved 4 year old Janie and her interactions between big alpha vampires and can't wait to read more about her in future books. Talen was overbearing and pompous but other times he could be sweet and tender towards Cara and Janie. Like the time he brought Cara a little pine tree from outside so she can nurture it back to health because he knew how much she loved plants and was missing being above ground or the time he carried her over the threshold of their new home, he even carried Janie! The paranormal side added danger and mystery and kept me reading to see what will happen next. I loved Talen and his brothers together and will read their individual stories too. The female shifter, Katie, and the leader of the pack, Jordan, had chemistry for days and their story seems like it will be very promising. Cara's sister, Emily, is one fierce woman and I'm excited to read her and Dage's story in the next book. I've already read the first 2 chapters and can tell it's going to be better than Fated.

Fated probably wasn't or isn't the best in the series but I think it was necessary to set up the foundation for the ones to follow. I would recommend this book because of that.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
debi linton
This book was so memorable the second time I started reading it I barely remembered it. Except for that plant the lead grabbed and kept running about with. After a while I realized I had been here before but I was sure I didn't finish; not a good sign.
About half way through I looked at how much I had left and decided I just didn't care enough about what was happening, or what happened next, to keep choking it down. So I stopped. I'm hoping that by taking the time to write this I won't make another attempt.
My advise to any who might like something extremely similar, would be to read J.R. Ward's work. This is a pale copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cara was in bed sleeping when her daughter Janie woke her up saying they had to go the bead guys were coming. Cara didn't have time to find out what r who was coming when her door was ripped off and in walked one hunky warrior. Toke and her and her daughter to safety, but she was confused and ready to run when she found the right time. Janie not so much she trusted talen and told him she knew he would come and save them.. Cool book enjoyed reading it on to the next one. Their is 5 brothers so guess at least there will be 5 books.. Lol... ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie seale
This book took me by storm, it started right up with action, and the beautiful love story really pulled me in as well as my heart strings. I have never read a supernatural love story with the women being a single and strong mother. This story has really captured my heart in so many ways. I can't even phantom the words to express how pleasurable this story was for me. And i look forward to finish the series. Thank you Rebecca zanetti for a refreshing take on vampire love story mixed with modern day views.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
colleen clark
This is an exciting fast read. The hero is an alpha male through and through, and the heroine is your typical heroine - she fights the attraction at first when she knows darn well that she's into him. LOL. What grabbed me was the story about the war and the genetic make-up of the vampires and their mates. This is definitely a different spin on the vampire world. I am also interested in Cara's daughter and her friend Zane. There were quite a few side stories that grabbed my attention and were obvious set-ups for future books in the series. The world building was smooth and logical - well thought-out. As for the lead couple - very hot. I loved how he made her feel safe and their shared powers. He helped her trust not only him but herself as well. Very sweet. Will definitely read the next book in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annie mccarty
I really enjoyed this book and the entire series. The books grabbed my attention and kept me interesting. The main characters were interesting. Although it is an alpha-male type book, the females retain their intelligence and dignity. I hate that many of the strong or dominant male hero books now reduce women to brainless subs. Its fun to find a title with great romance that doesn't sacrifice a quality story to get it. The sci fi creatures are awesome. The writing is excellent and I cannot wait for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I very much enjoyed this book. I liked the alpha males and Talen was perfect. I'd read some reviews about this book before bought it. They didn't like how Talen treated Cara, they compared the love scenes to rape. That was so wrong. Talen's actions were right on with the type of character and subjects. He is something akin to a wide creature. He loved Cara and Janie whole heartily. Cant wait to read "Claimed" Read November 12, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura belle
Talen military leader of the realm. Cara scientist with a very precocious 4 yr old. He takes them into his world of Kurjans,vampires, and shifters claiming Cara as his mate. Cara strong willed, afraid that Talen only wants a mate to produce male vampire children into solders for their cause against Kurjans. The womenfolk -Cara,her older sister Emma,and Katie(protectors Allie and lion shifter) have a knack for finding trouble, all being kidnapped at one time or another. Seriously alpha males that are overprotective, and rightly so.Great start to series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
danielle kreinik
I love a good series, but many series debuts fall flat. Fated was not the case. There were subplots and details woven in that hint at at least four more books, but somehow these enriched the main story rather than bogging it down. The heroine was a single mom which is unique and fresh and despite me not usually liking kids in novels (deal with enough in real life)I totally loved Janie, Cara's daughter. Most kick ass 4 year old ever!

Talen, the hero was a little too alpha for my tastes, but he made up for it in his love for Cara and general awesomeness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A woman and her child are suddenly taken in the night by a strange man. She soon finds out that vampires are real - along with other scary things. Trusting this strange man she is afraid of may be her only chance to save her daughter and herself. I love these "Dark Protectors Series" books by Rebecca Zanetti. I have read most of them, and they are written in a way that you don't have to read them in order. Characters from the series make their appearances in all the books. If you like romance and paranormal books, you will love these.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
robin watson
It was ok, I didn't fall in love with any of the characters but it was a quick read and I did like it enough to finish it. Don't know if I will continue with the series. The second book is about Talins brother and Cara's sister; I guess they seemed interesting enough to want to read about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a story packed with everything needed to keep the reader turning pages to see what happens next. I loved Talon and his strong alpha character and how possessive he is about Cara. She's overwhelmed by his alpha maleness but manages to be a strong independent woman too. The story is interesting and entertaining and the characters were well developed. Overall a great story. Highly recommend
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
maria andreu
I LOVE the story line but HATE HATE the narrator! She sounds like a robot most of the time and pretty much ruined the audio book for me. If I was to read this book I would've had a completely different take on moods and tones. She's trying WAY too hard as well! I will be noting her name and not purchasing any more audio books that she narrates. I have listened to many, many audio books and she is by far the WORST narrator!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark taylor
If you are looking to start a series that when it ends you are truly sad...This is it! Rebecca Zanetti provides an alternate world that makes sense and characters that you can identify with. It was a great read that I was sad that it ended.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I am not sure what I liked about this series to keep me going...but there are several things that I couldn't connect with.

- The vampires felt so far away from vampire lore that they could've been any supernatural creature. It was a waste.
- Although the steamy scenes came early and often, the flow of the scenes seemed off. I felt that I was skimming those scenes to get to the rest of the story. Say what??
- The book was told from both perspectives but there was no depth to either one. I think the book should've been primarily from the male perspective. It would have stabilized the story more. It feels really disconnected at this point.

I will continue to read because it is hard to judge an entire series on one book, and the first one at that. I hope the characters are more fleshed out or at the very list the familial relationship between the brothers is more focused on.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
darrah dussome
I'd rate this a.3.5 star book. Although I find it to be incredibly overpriced at it's current listing price of over $9. It had a lot of excitement and action but at times I found myself tiring of all the escapades. It seemed to take away from the character depth. I'm undecided if I will continue this series but I know I won't unless other books are more moderately priced..I'd say this book was worth $1 nowhere close to $10.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kate keita
I love it when I give a book a chance and not expecting much but a quick read. Then realizing I can't put it down. It's a instant action pack series with depth and easy to love characters. A great combination of action, romance, and paranormal. It's stories like these that should been made to TV or movies instead of Twilight.

Would've given it five stars if my local library's e-book selection was up to date with the series. I can't wait to catch up with the others characters and the ongoing war. Paranormal romance as it should be written!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike ericson
I've read several Vampire Story's I really enjoyed this one. I will move on to book 2 and hope it is as good. I normally don't like all the odd powers, and fairy and withes. I like the basic Vampire Werewolf stories. But this one was written very well and I'll keep reading and see where it takes me. But book one was awesome. There are some forever lines that will stick with you,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth bassett
I won Fated on a book blog and once I read the book I immediately bought the rest in the series!This book had the right amount of action, sex and anticipation.I had a hard time putting it down.Talen is a dangerously hot hero, one of those Alpha males you want to kick and get naked with all at once. Cara is a strong independent mother,her and her daughter Janie are being hunted down by an evil race of vampires and Talen is their savior! Thats all Im gonna say so you'll have to get the book to find out what happiens.Trust me you won't regret it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I started reading and was unable to put it down. It's a good sign that I like a book when I'm still reading at 3am. The story pulls you in and makes you want to learn more about the characters. I have to confess I started reading the second book in the series first Claimed. When I figured out it was a series I put it down and found book one. I may not have liked the quickness they got together, but I can't complain about the story. The writing is good and there are no major editorial issues. I definitely will read the rest in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This Author was recommended by a friend and it was a fantastic read. I'm a book a day kind of girl and this one was fantastic. I will be continuing the series and I hope that Emma and the King are next. The writing was beautiful, characters were lovable (and hotttttt) and an interesting PNR twist. Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa miller
It took me a little while to get into this story. Talen is a vampire sent to take Cara and her daughter Janie into hiding. Cara is an empath and Janie is a 4 yr old psychic. As soon as Talen touches her, the mating brand appears on his hand. An evil vampire wants her for his mate and will stop at nothing to get her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elizabeth connelly
I have to say this was really good. I'm sure there are dozens of criticisms I could make, but this is a first tale in an extensive series. I am satisfied with Fated as an introduction in this fantasy world and I look forward to trying others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary brown
This was my 1st book by Ms. Zanetti. I was not disappointed! I'm very excited I found a new series to read!! I can't wait to read more about this awesome race of vampires! Ms. Zanetti you have a fan for life!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Even though Talen was a bit forceful, he meant well. I think he just didn't know how to communicate with the opposite sex. The book had a lot of action from beginning to end. The love scenes were Hot and I loved this Dominant Male!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy robidoux
I loved this book.It was extremely sexy and I enjoyed all of the characters. Even the super, almost over the top alpha male. One problem I tend to have with books like these is a tendency to dislike the leading females. They are often written too whinny and conflicted. I actually liked this book's leading female,Cara. I'm really looking forward to reading the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa scarola
This is a fabulous story!!! Strong and Smart Heroine and Hero to die for! One of those keeper books that has you remembering scenes and emotions that make you reread them!!! Every time a new book in this series is published I start from scratch. Buy this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
frances ann
This was my first book by Rebecca Zanetti and I loved it. Even with the paranormal environment, I found myself feeling deeply with each character. Amazing book. I've already started on book 2. Love it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tymmy flynn
I started this series hoping for something new and exciting. I wasn't disappointed. I think i'll save my big review for the second book to see where it takes me but i like this world and all the sexy vamps it holds.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmed eissa
I stumbled across this book from my KOBO suggestions. I downloaded the book and began reading right away. With a week I am onto my 4th book in the series and have read the novella "TEMPTED". Highly recommend. You will not be able to put them down. AMAZING!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book.It was extremely sexy and I enjoyed all of the characters. Even the super, almost over the top alpha male. One problem I tend to have with books like these is a tendency to dislike the leading females. They are often written too whinny and conflicted. I actually liked this book's leading female,Cara. I'm really looking forward to reading the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer day
This is a fabulous story!!! Strong and Smart Heroine and Hero to die for! One of those keeper books that has you remembering scenes and emotions that make you reread them!!! Every time a new book in this series is published I start from scratch. Buy this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joel nichols
This was my first book by Rebecca Zanetti and I loved it. Even with the paranormal environment, I found myself feeling deeply with each character. Amazing book. I've already started on book 2. Love it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anand george
I started this series hoping for something new and exciting. I wasn't disappointed. I think i'll save my big review for the second book to see where it takes me but i like this world and all the sexy vamps it holds.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I stumbled across this book from my KOBO suggestions. I downloaded the book and began reading right away. With a week I am onto my 4th book in the series and have read the novella "TEMPTED". Highly recommend. You will not be able to put them down. AMAZING!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather craik
Not a lot of whining about being undead. This isn't a vampire angst book, it's more of a vampire action/suspense book. It was a fun read. It's sexy and funny, yet serious, too. If you like vampires and shape shifters mixed with action/adventure,great chase scenes and fights, you'll like it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I didn't want it to end but I couldn't wait to finish it. Talen and Cara are good together. Though Talen could read up on women's rights... Looking forward to the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book from beginning to end! Can't wait for the next book "Claimed". I think this is one new author to watch closely...great writing, steamy, intriguing plot and an easy to follow read. Way to go Rebecca Zanetti!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
george p
I have seen this Author's books for some time, but for some reason was never inclined to purchase them. I'm glad that I finally did.

Without giving away any of the story, which I don't like to do, I will simply say that if you like Alpha Male Vampires & the women/mates that they protect, you should enjoy this book.

The Author has built a world wonderfully, introduces and establishes her characters nicely, and the entire story feels believable enough to be real. I am starting the next book now and look forward to seeing where they go.

I hope that you enjoy this as much as I did! Enjoy! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
turfa shamma
I love it! I have read other books by Rebecca and thought I would give this series a try and I love it! On to the next one immediately. I am glad there are already six in the series so I will get a good dose before waiting for the next! Great job Rebecca Write on! Davia.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bohdi sanders
This series is going to be amazing!! Cara and Talon are amazing. This book kept me on the edge of my seat and completely engrossed. Talon is an alpha to the max and Cara is a strong heroine. I cannot wait for the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First I love the fast pace in this book. Second the romance between Cara and Talen is unexpected.

The last thing Cara expects is a vampire to tell her that there going to be married. It's the only way to protect her, and her daughter. Talen knows that Cara and her daughter have special gifts. There are other vampires out to get them. If there mates then it's forbidden for them to intervene. Cara agrees. She has no idea what she has gotten herself into. All she knows is she'll do whatever it takes to protect her daughter.

Things become dangerous and Cara finds herself in unfamiliar territory. She feels things when she's with Talen. True to his word he has protected her, and her daughter. Also she needs to get word to her sister. Talen promises he has taken care of that. She falls for him which was unexpected.

Must read. I can not wait to read the next book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
esther roth
Book 1 in the Dark Protectors series was good but it was also hard to get engrossed in.  Cara was a contradiction; her father was abusive towards her, yet Talen's domineering and aggressive behavior she seemed fine with in the long run.  She was more concerned with her daughter and with having a choice, but she still went along with everything.  Within an hour or so of meeting him, he told her they were getting married and she resisted but not a lot. It wasn’t believable.  Also, when she discovered that they can only mate with humans with psychic abilities, she had a few moments to doubt whether he was with her because of that or because he wanted her, but the thoughts were so fleeting it was hard to believe she actually cared about the reason why he mated with her. I also don’t like how domineering Talen was; he didn’t explain things to her until after she gave in, told her how things were going to be and didn’t care about what she wanted or was going through. I wanted to like this book more, but had a hard time staying with it. The two main characters had no balance; he controlled everything and never seemed to consider her beyond safety and ownership.  They never were on equal ground; the relationship definitely came across as unhealthy and the few times the plot and events that could have been shaped into some emotional tension and fear of losing the other were never acted upon.  He had all the power and coming from a history of a controlling father like she did, I can’t buy the fact that she wouldn’t have fought back more. In the end, he wanted her to acknowledge his claim on her, but never once told her she owned him in return.  With all of that said, the plot line and concept were good, the conflict was strong, and the pace was good, I just needed more from the two main characters and more of a balance or a coming to understand and accept the other equally, and that didn't happen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessi kindley
I have to admit, I read these out of order. This is actually the second Dark Protectors book I've read. The first one I read was so good I decided to go back to the beginning. I have not been disappointed. It's just as good as the other one.

It was really nice reading the first one. See how it all began. It's made me want to read the others even more now.

This one starts out with a bang. Right off the bat, we've got some action (fighting action). Not long after that we get some bedroom action and boy is it hot!

Cara isn't a weakling by any stretch of the imagination. She's strong, willful and not going down without a fight. Talen is alpha male dominant and determined to get Cara to submit to him. The battle of wills begins.

There were several hints of some spanking and tying up, but it never came to fruition, much to my chagrin. I would have liked to have seen that.

The battle of the wills was awesome. I loved that Cara didn't just roll over. She did so many things that went against her nature to protect her daughter. Her daughter always came first. I think she would have run far and fast if if hadn't been for Janie.

On to the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The first book of the series and what a way to start, wow! Ms. Zanetti does a great job of setting if characters, places, traditions and even how her characters are different from what we are used to. She is truly amazing in doing so too.

Here we have Cara a single mother with certain abilities who is kidnapped and brought into a shot gun wedding to save her daughter. Things get interesting when she finds out her new husband is a vampire and they are to be mated too. Can she get rid of the handsome barbarian?

Talen can't believe his has found his mate and he considers it a challenge to teach her his ways and that she belongs to him. He is ecstatic to have an immediate family and is glad his new daughter accepts him readily. Now he just have to work on his too stubborn wife!

Can a marriage that started like theirs survive the pressure, while they are trying to safe their world? Read on and find out.
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