Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers)

ByRebecca Zanetti

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is the definition of suspense.

Shane Dean has lost his memory and the police call his wife Josie after finding a picture of her in his pocket. What the police and Shane don't know is that he disappeared from Josie's life two years before without even saying a word. Now with the help of Josie, he needs to recover his memories before is too late.

As pieces of Shane's past come to him and a series of dangerous events occur Josie is finding out that her husband is not the man she thought he was. This time Shane is willing to do things differently and hold on to his wife because he might not remember her but he does remember how much he loves her, and that he is not willing to let go again.

I was hooked with this book from the very beginning and I cannot believe it took me this long to read it. Shane and Josie go thru so much together and Shane has kept himself so distant from his wife. I think the best thing that happened to him was loose his memory.

He didn't have the caution to keep quiet about his past and was able to open up to his wife and win her back. The story developed at a steady readable pace. The details of the past, the danger, Shane's memory recovery. It all was revealed slowly and with the exact amount to keep you glued to the story and keep your attention wanting to see what had happened to Shane and his mission and who was behind the attacks; every single detail of the story.

I am definitively reading the next one. This book pike my interest on the other brothers and their abilities and their connection to the commander and much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john upchurch
Ok, where the eff do I start? The thrill and excitement from this story has my mind racing a million miles a minute and I can’t keep up with what I have to tell you!

Imagine, your a genetically enhanced to be a killing machine. Bred and born to kill, taught that any sign of pain or weakness is forbidden. Deep down you know there’s something more to this life of hell you’ve grown up in and strive for something more. Affection, a family like the ones you see on TV.

Shane Dean, my oh my! He is every bit ALPHA MALE, mysterious, down right sexy! He falls in love with a woman named Josie. Everything he could of ever wanted right? But after a few short months of marriage he disappears, falls of the grid. Only for Josie to get a call from a hospital saying her husband has amnesia. You find out just how genetically enhanced Shane is and learn about his traits which contributed to him being bred into this super solider.

Shane Dean, one of 4 brothers has a history unlike you’ve heard of. Escaping the hell they were brought up in, they’ve stayed determined to stay under the radar and seek vengeance amongst the two very people who taught them everything they know to thrive and take down an threat or target.

This story is full of suspense, twist and turns. You won’t be able to put the book down because you just have to know what exactly is going to happen next. A little bit of romance, gun fights and explosions to keep you right at the edge of your seat!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: A super soldier and an accountant, is his past catching up to her or is something else after her?

Opening Sentence: Shane settled against the cold block wall, engrossed in the television set across the room but forcing himself periodically to glance outside the darkened window.

The Review:

Shane is a genetically enhanced supersoldier. Five years ago, Shane and his brothers broke away from their compound and struck out on their own. More than two years ago Shane met and married Josie, but one day he just up and left her. Today is the first time Josie has seen Shane in two years, he is in the hospital, beaten up and has temporary amnesia. She tries to tell him that she is divorcing him and has met someone newish, but Shane can’t remember and decides he needs to go home with her to help figure things out.

Before the night is over another attack is made on the house, and Shane and Josie are sort of on the run. After finding an empty house filled with pictures of her and some of Shane’s old stuff she knows he was stalking her for some reason and she flees. But when she is attacked at her friend’s house she knows that someone is really after her, and not him. When his brothers show up after Josie’s friend gets Shane arrested she knows things are about to get crazy.

Her office is broken into and ransacked, and she is kidnapped on the elevator by someone who is looking for files that weren’t in her office. This just confirms to Josie that it is about the accounts she took over for another employee, but when he is found dead she knows that this is serious. Someone is killing people because of these files, she needs to figure out what is going on. Before she can really get settled, Josie gets kidnapped again, but this time it’s the commander and they are looking for Shane. Will she be able to save the brothers without getting them caught again? Will they survive what is coming?

I couldn’t stop reading this book. Romance isn’t always my thing, but I really like Josie, and she let Shane have it. She wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself, and she was pretty bad in her own right. I thought Shane was interesting and certainly, for the environment, the brothers were raised in the author wrote them in a believable manner. The struggle to act the right way, to share or to even know exactly how he was feeling.

I really am glad these books are all out so I can read the other stories without waiting! Romance, mystery, military and super hot and super enhanced soldiers, sigh, what more can a girl ask for?

Notable Scene:

Killing was a philosophy to the guy. Panic heated her lungs–she had to get out of there before he killed her. Large bolt cutters perched on a sawhorse to her left. A power drill lay on the floor ahead of her. George held the saw. She toed off her three-inch heels as he admired the power saw in his hands. Was he imagining using the jagged blade on her? She shivered. Her thigh muscles bunched as she calculated the best way to take him down. Nothing seemed good.

FTC Advisory: Forever/Hachette provided me with a copy of Forgotten Sins. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
Fated (Dark Protectors Book 1) :: Blind Faith (Sin Brothers) :: Shadowed (Dark Protectors Book 6) :: Deadly Silence: Blood Brothers Book 1 :: The Dark Protectors Box Set: Books 1-4
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
chris volinsky
I have never, ever enter my review to any book but have to now...I am not sure and still debating if i can go on finishing this book..i have read and love all RZ's books, but this one is really utterly, completely dissapointing because of the heroine!!!! Wow, where did RZ get this idea??? and this is going to be a series? I will not be doing a pre-order again. i will wait other's opinion before trying the next one (maybe).
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
grahm eberhardt
Somehow I totally missed the fact that there was going to be a science fiction element in this book, so that kind of took me by surprise. It did give for an interesting angle, though because the element in this novel is so borderline realistic I had a hard time accepting it, making me wonder if it was really necessary.

Now I loved the whole reunited lovers thing they had going on. A whirlwind romance, two month marriage and then a husband who disappears for two years, call me intrigued. Of course I wanted to know why Shane disappeared, what has happened to him and if he and Josie might be able to work it out. Though they were plenty of times during the story which made me doubt that last one.

Josie has always been pragmatic and very reasonable, the one time she did something spontaneous she ended up with a broken heart. Now with Shane back she doesn't know what to expect, but she knows she doesn't want him back. Fool her once, shame on you, fool her twice, not going to happen. Except Shane isn't going to give up on her, even though Josie fights him all the way. She wants to show him she is not some weak and vulnerable woman who needs saving.

I could totally understand her mistrust of Shane. They got married quickly and it didn't last long, so she doesn't really know him that well and the things she is figuring out now aren't that reassuring. What was driving me crazy was the constant switching between not trusting him and lusting after Shane. Her idea of him could switch within a halve page.

Shane is very much an alpha male even going one step further as the usual guys, because this one will kill for his love. I liked how he wouldn't give up on Josie and wanted to be the best man possible for her. Then when it comes to his history and past actions, those kind of get blown over and I could have used more details around that or at least made them more significant.

Besides the love story, there is of course the suspense and mystery. Shane and his brothers are some sort of super soldiers, who have escaped their evil commander and who is now after them. Considering the fact that to be able to make super soldiers, you need to be super smart, the villains were kind of dumb and cliché. Some parts in this were very predictable.

I liked the action throughout the story, even with Josie getting kidnapped like five times or so (really?!). Though it often was overshadowed a bit with the romance. To me the action and mystery deserved more attention and detail.

Overall the writing was good and the other brothers definitely captured my attention. I will be reading their stories as well and see if they can beat their enemies.

*I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
c m gray
Shane wakes up in the hospital with amnesia and doesn’t recognize the woman who says she is his wife, but his get tells him she’s his, and he’s determined not to let her go again. The last thing Josie expected was to get a call from the hospital saying they had admitted her husband with a head trauma. She hasn’t seen her husband since he disappeared two years ago. She reluctantly takes him home determined to keep him at a distance. Their chemistry reignites, and Shane’s protective instincts flare up when he realizes that he may have brought danger to her door.

Shane was one dangerous mofo, but his skills were all going to be used to protect his woman. There was a bit of a power struggle between them throughout the book, as Josie was not a weak willed woman. Yes, she was not genetically engineered, but she did have a mean knee to the ‘nads on more than one occasion, and genetically engineered or not, that stung and her point was made. As with Deadly Silence, the book takes off when his brothers enter the story and some of their history is revealed. Josie is immediately encircled into their family, and as the danger to her progresses, they work together to solve the mystery and make their family safe.

I really enjoyed this book. It took me away from the real world, and inspired fantasies of hot military alpha men who could set our real world right. Unfortunately, (sigh) these fictional characters jump off the page in spirit, but not in reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Forgotten Sins is the perfect beginning to a romantic suspense series that I can't wait to read more of. It's the kind of book you can't put down because you just want to know what's gonna happen next.

Shane Dean our hero, who was genetically engineered in a cold lab to be the perfect ultimate soldier. He wasn't supposed to be programmed with any kind of feelings or attachments, but yet he has both for his brothers and the heroine in our book Josie. Josie was raised in the foster care system and was searching for love and her own family when she fell in love with and married Shane. Her life was great until Shane disappeared without a trace one day. This story unfolds two years later with a phone call from the police stating her husband is in the hospital. Unfortunately Shane has no idea who she is or anything from the past, a past Josie knows nothing about. The chemistry between these two characters is off the charts and yet very believable.

This is a very action packed paranormal filled book with evil lurking around every corner and love where is shouldn't be found. It doesn't end in a cliffhanger yet there are so many unanswered question that you just can't wait for the next book to come out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
casey sackett
I think that Ms. Zanetti has another hit on her hands. Here we have an action packed, intriguing, highly entertaining tale about military brothers with a few extras. I have to say I LOVED the brothers! There is something heartbreaking about kids that never get to be kid and I adored that against all odds the brothers banded together and gave only each other their loyalty. Matt is the oldest brother that kept them all together as kids and gave them hope that something else was out there for them, even if they had no idea what it was.

Shane is the second youngest brother, he was in deep cover for his brothers when he is attacked and loses his memory. He doesn't remember much, be he does remember feelings and he remembers that he loved Josie. From the instant she enters his hospital room and he finds out they have been separated for two years, he knows only something intensely important could have kept him from her for so long and that he has been given a second chance and he is NEVER giving Josie up again. I loved Shane, an over protective alpha male that knows what he wants. He sets his sights on something and does not give up until he obtains it. Right now, his sights are set on Josie and keeping her protected. It seems that he has brought danger right to her door and he is determined to protect to her at all costs. Things get complex pretty quick as the threat to Josie and Shane gets more intense. The body count is increasing and the attempts on Josies life are getting more serious, there may be a threat that Shane didn't count on and he may need some back up. The more he remembers the more realizes he is not quite normal and maybe leaving Josie is the best thing for her, even if it breaks his heart. After all a broken heart is nothing compared to knowing the one person you ever loved will be safe from your dangerous life.

Josie, I could take or leave. There were times I really liked Josie and then there were times that she annoyed the crap out of me. She was so damn concerned about her accounting job; I mean I get the desire for stability especially when you have a disappearing husband. But trust me when I say there is no job worth my life or the life of anyone I love. If going to my job means I'm am more visible to be kidnapped, raped, murdered, or attacked there is no way I'm going because if I'm dead, I'm dead and my job will no longer matter. Josie didn't seem to understand that concept and insisted on going back in even though she kept getting attacked there. My a$$ would be long gone, on a leave, thank you very much. At times, she was pretty strong and others whinny, she was so cold and cold I was getting whiplash. At times I could see what Shane saw in her, I mean she is sweet, but sometimes I just didn't get it. Don't get me wrong she is not all bad and most of the time she was fine, but I wanted more for Shane since I loved him so much.

Overall, Zanetti spun a wildly entertaining story that I enjoyed from beginning to end. We met Shanes two remaining brothers and they intrigued me just as much as Shane did. I cannot wait for Matt's story which I believe to be the next book. At times certain phrases got repetitive, enough so that I noticed but it wasn't too distracting and may get cleaned up in final edits. This book was action both in and out of bed from beginning to end. You can expect to be wildly entertained by super sexy military men with a few special abilities! Enjoy the ride, I know I did!

Rating: 4

*This book was provided through NetGalley for an honest review. No other compensation was provided.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've been on a romantic suspense kick recently and this one really managed to catch my eye. From the first chapter, the characters grabbed me and I started asking questions. There was a bit of a Bourne Identity vibe with hints of sci-fi, fun action scenes and really fun characters. Plus, I simply can't resist a good amnesia story.

Josie's life gets turned upside down when she is called to the hospital to see her husband, who remembers nothing of his life before that day, including walking out on her without a word two years previously. Unfortunately, Josie can't help him remember much since he never told her about himself even while they were married. Things just go downhill from there, or, from a reader's perspective, they just get more entertaining by the minute.

Shane and Josie's relationship is interesting and well written, as bit by bit his mysterious past (I love a hero with a mysterious past, don't you?) is revealed in all its dark, painful glory. Josie struggles with whether or not she can trust him, even as she is forced to rely on him completely to stay alive. There emotions just clicked for me. Shane is almost ridiculously tough in a number of ways, but when it comes to Josie he can't seem to figure out what to do. He sees her as this almost fantasy creature, kind and 'soft' and in need of protection at all times. Josie might be soft in some respects, but she is also feisty and tougher than he thinks, managing to rescue herself on more than one occasion.

I adored Shane's brothers. They each have their own unique talents and personalities - though they try to hide them - and a complete, unbreakable loyalty to each other. They might beat each other to a pulp every once in a while, but heaven help anyone else who so much as lifts a finger to harm one of them. I'm looking forward to reading the upcoming books about Matt and Nathan.

Reading this book is comparable to watching a not particularly original but well made, well acted action movie. It's a fun way to spend a couple of hours on a rainy afternoon, or a cold, frosty afternoon in my case.

I received an e-copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
FORGOTTEN SINS is a unique blend of romantic suspense, military thriller, and paranormal—to be honest, I’ve never listened to anything quite like it. I was reluctant to add this title to my to-be-read pile at first because I tend to stay away from straight-up contemporary, and the amnesia story line was a bit of a turn-off. However, Rebecca Zanetti’s beautiful writing style, and Karen White’s enchanting performance quickly sold me on the merits of this genre blending audiobook, and the smexy SIN BROTHERS definitely helped to further seal the deal. This high octave listen will have you staying up well past your bedtime, and the sex scenes will also ensure that your partner won’t be getting much sleep either.

The plot line of this novel is masterfully crafted; I enjoyed watching the various threads unfold, and I loved how just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, the author surprises you. I went from thinking that Shane’s reappearance was to blame—to suspecting Josie’s clients, coworkers, and kinda boyfriend—to government conspiracies, and back again. Zanetti does a superb job of keeping readers guessing up until the very end, and the way that it all comes together is exquisite. I found myself enjoying the amnesia angle way more than expected because it helped to add an extra level of mystery to the story, and then there’s the characters… wow! I’ve only just met the SIN BROTHERS, and already I find myself hard-pressed to pick a favourite.

Shane Dean is the epitome of alpha male; he’s inhumanly strong and fiercely loyal, but there’s also an underlying sweetness to him that’ll make your panties melt. I loved how in spite of his memory loss, his body and soul still recognized Josie as his. Their love for one another is rooted at such a basic level that it seemed almost instinctual at times which made the love scenes doubly explosive. It takes a strong heroine to hold her own against one of the SIN BROTHERS, and Josie was certainly up to the task. Her character is obviously struggling with abandonment issues, and I liked how she consistently disproved the brothers’ opinions of her “soft” nature by kicking butt.

This was my first experience with Karen White as a narrator, and I have to say that I was impressed. It took a couple of chapters for her to get the pacing down pat, but once she found her rhythm there was no stopping her! White’s tone mirrored the author’s writing to perfection; she successfully conveyed all of the characters’ emotions in any given scene, and also managed to capture the sexiness of Dean’s Southern twang. Needless to say, I enjoyed the narrator’s delivery, and will definitely be listening to SWEET REVENGE instead of reading it. What an outstanding performance!

FORGOTTEN SINS is one smexy audiobook! Great story, suspenseful plot, and the man-candy—oh, la la!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thyalla ariantho
I've been hearing so many good things about this book, and now I totally know why. Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti is just amazing. It's kind of a military romance with some suspense, a side of kink, and a whole lot of drama. I absolutely loved it!

Josie gets a call to come to the hospital to identify a man, her husband. Seems this man got into some trouble and now he has amnesia. Josie walks into the hospital room, and there he is. Shane. He's sitting pretty on the bed. The only trouble is he walked out two years ago, and never walked back in. So yeah, Josie is pretty upset.

But she's a strong woman, and I liked that about her. But she is also very clever, and that is a huge attraction for me. How many women can say they left the hottest, sexiest, most charming man they've ever met in their entire existence behind to move on to someone who is a little bit tamer? Perhaps someone who doesn't light the fires, but instead provides a dull calmness? How many? ZERO. That's right. Because once you've had a man like Shane Dean, all other men on the planet cease to exist. At least that's how I felt after reading this book.

Shane and Josie had everything in common and yet nothing. They both had troubled childhoods and grew up stronger for it. They both think with their heads, or at least that's what they tell themselves. They both have it so bad for the other that no one had better stand in the way.

This story was freaking exciting! I mean, there's only so much I can say without giving it away. Even with amnesia, Shane Dean is still a take charge type of man. Va-va-va-voom baby. I instantly saw what the fuss was about. Josie thinks Shane is larger than life, and I've a quick feeling that she might be right. Josie has a bit of strength herself, and doesn't take any b.s. from anyone - even her soon to be ex-husband with the southern twang that had me whistling Dixie.

Rebecca Zanetti wove an action packed mystery here. I mean first you have the mystery of Shane and his amnesia, but where in the Hell has the gorgeous jerk been for the past two years? And why is he so awesome? Think Bourne Ultimatum meets the Terminator. On top of the complex and drama filled relationship between Josie and Shane, there is also the issue of Shane's brothers, Matt and Nathan. And then let's bring in Detective Malloy, who seems to be getting to the bottom of all the things we, as the reader, don't really want him to! And lastly, but not least, what about Tom, the guy that Josie has been hanging out with since Shane decided to up and leave? Zanetti brings all of these characters to life with vivid clarity, and I was absolutely in awe.

And hey, let's not forget there is romance in this. Josie and Shane light the page up! The heat and the friction between them reached some very dangerous levels. Shane has a bit... ok, a lot of Dominant man in him, but Josie ain't no rollover either. Josie knows how to be taken, and I'm not talking about her constant habit of getting kidnapped.

And on top of all that, there is another layer. And that layer is all about Jory, Shane's brother who was murdered not too long ago. Why was he murdered? Who the hell killed him? It was all so excruciatingly exciting.

Do I recommend this book? Hell yes I do. It kept me on the edge of my seat, curling my toes, and hoping everything would work out the way I wanted it to. The solidarity between the characters drew me in, but the chemistry between Josie and Shane kept me close. And I will definitely be back for the rest of the series, with mother-effin' bells on, baby.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melissa m
Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanatti

Josie is kick-ass! Shane taught her to fight in the past and she doesn't sit still for any of the situations she is put through in this book. And she goes through a lot!
Non stop action and adventure. Loved the vulnerability of Shane and how strong they all want "family". While I really liked this book, the second and third in the series are even better.

Shane Dean has lost his memory. He is back in Josie's life after disappearing two years earlier. She doesn't know why he left and is more than ready to cut ties. But he is different this time. More sharing. Less in control. Is he really ready to include her in his life?

The first in a series about brothers who have been trained since birth to fight and kill without emotions. They've been genetically enhanced to be the ultimate soldiers. The brothers were raised without love and they know there is more to life than killing and following orders. They've escaped from their sadistic Commander and now must find a way to live in the world. Women, soft women, are a downfall for them.

"maybe he should leave. But he didn't want to. There was warmth buried in the woman, and he was so damn cold. She'd loved him once. Maybe she could explain why."
Excerpt from Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanatti
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
betsy davis
Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers Book 1)

I am very disappointed. The first few pages started off with a bang. Then slammed into an abrupt stop. Virtually every page was bad repetitive info and taken up with boring filler info. In fact, even the boring filler was repetitive.

November 28, 2017 – Shelved
November 28, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
November 28, 2017 – Shelved as: rebecca-zanetti
January 8, 2018 – Started Reading
January 10, 2018 – Shelved as: 1-ntr-share
January 10, 2018 – Finished Reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My Thoughts:

Forgotten Sins is the first book in the romantic suspense series, Sin Brothers by Rebecca Zanetti. I could easily seen this story coming to the life in the movie theater. Their was action, suspense, intrigue, mystery, conspiracy, and red hot seduction! From the very start, Forgotten Sins grabbed my attention and kept it through! Talk about crazy plot twists, secrets, and enemies everywhere!

Shane Dean wakes up in a hospital, with a concussion and amnesia. He doesn't remember anything about his life. The detective on the case finds Josie's information. When she comes to the hospital, she informs him that she is his wife, but he left her two years ago without any explanation. Shane doesn't know how he could have ever left Josie. She looks like an angel, and he may not remember any specifics about his life, but he knows in his heart that he loved her.

Josie has been trying to reach Shane so that he would sign divorce papers. She has finally moved on from him, and now he's back to break her heart again, if she lets him. Shane always kept secrets from Josie, so she knows very little about his life before her.

They had a whirlwind romance, got married, and were together only a few months before he left her. Those months were the happiest of her life, because she was finally a part of a family. Being an orphan her whole life, and going from foster home to foster home has been lonely. She decides to stay by Shane's side long enough to help him, and find out the real reason that he left her. Is this Shane and Josie's second chance at love, or will he break her heart all over again?

I loved Forgotten Sins. Some of my favorite parts included bits and pieces of Shane's memory coming back to him. His childhood was intriguing and horrifying at the same time. Shane has super human abilities with hearing, strength, and fighting. As he began to put the pieces of his life back together, it made for an excellent story. There were a ton of plot twists, which kept the story exciting, and me constantly guessing who the bad guys were.

The romance and passion between Shane and Josie was red hot! Ms. Zanetti knows how to craft a sensual seduction that is full of intense and raw sexuality. The feelings and passion between these two characters was palpable. I loved Shane's brothers Matt and Nathan! I cannot wait to read their stories and learn more about the youngest brother, Jory.

My Rating:

Forgotten Sins is one of my favorite stories in the adult romantic suspense genres! It had all the aspects that make a book in this genre great; such as action, plot twists, red hot romance, suspense, and mysteries to be solved. What a wild ride! I cannot wait to continue this series. I give, Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti, 4 Heart Racing, Action-Packed, Seductive, Sexy, Super Soldier Filled Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
viktoria jean
I am normally a bit hesitant to try stories with even a hint of sci-fi, but a friend assured me this was a fantastic series and even sent me this book as a gift. It took me a minute to get into it though I loved Shane right off. As soon as his brothers showed up and I saw their sense of family, I was truly hooked. The story had lots of action, as many alphas as you could ever want, and a spunky heroine who took matters in her own hands and never sat around crying to be rescued. I will definitely be reading more!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
how can a writer write such a good book and then lose it in the end. this book was very umm good until you get to the very end. Airport- plane on that plane is the pilot, copilot, psychopath female doctor, victim Josie and kidnapper Tom running for the plane is her husband Shane he is not going to let them get away with Josie. he manages to get aboard and fights with Tom whom he finally pushes out of the plane in mid air (how sad NOT) he shots the pilot who tries to kill him but the writer totally forgets that the doctor and the copilot are also aboard. nothing is written about them and since the doctor wants Shane to be captured she would be helping Tom and the copilot would have most likely came out to help instead of the pilot. the next scene takes place at the ranch in Montana at which time he says that he dropped of the pilots body when he went back to the airport to pick up his brothers. WHAT did the doctor and the copilot no longer matter or did the writer forget that she had put them in the scene. and after all the trouble that the doctor caused how could the writer forget about her? definately ruined the book for me i hate loose ends that should have been taken care of and that were totally ignored
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Originally Reviewed At: Mother/Gamer/Writer
Rating: 5 Controllers, Royalty Award
Reviewer: AimeeKay

Forgotten Sins pulled me in from the first page.

I really liked the characters. The main character, Josie, is ballsy and fun. She doesn't back down, which I think makes her a great counterpoint to Shane. Shane is sweet and sexy, even though he is a bit of a chauvinist; convinced that Josie is weak and fragile simply because she is female. I liked the way they interacted and fought for each other.

I don't usually go for army romances; I think I liked this one because it has the sci-fi element added to it. (Don't want to reveal too many of Shane or his brothers secrets.) But I also think I liked it because of the writing. The way Zanetti combined the action and romance together really kept the book moving. (Plus the sex scenes were yummy too!) I also liked the way she revealed Shane's memories. Yes, it was in bits and pieces, but it really flowed with the story and kept me interested in seeing what he would remember next. There were also some interesting plot twists that I didn't see coming either, but they really made the story even juicier!

The ending was well written. Of course, there were things left unanswered and not all the problems were solved, but it isn't a dramatic cliffie. Altogether, the ending is a nice set up for the next book in the series. (I assume there's going to be a book for each brother.) I gladly would read the next books in the series not only to find out the answers to some of the more interesting questions, but also to find out more about Shane's brothers. The author gives you a taste of them that definitely leaves you wanting more!

Overall, not only am I giving this one 5 out of 5 controllers, I'm also giving it a Royalty Award. It was a great romance that kept me hooked from beginning to end and I think it's a great start to what looks to be an awesome series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie porusta
After being away for two years, Josie's husband returns. To say that she is surprised by his return would be an understatement. She is angry, but most of her she is hurt. But now that Shane has returned to her life, she is determined to make a new start for herself and put her past relationship with Shane to rest once and for all. The only problem is that Shane doesn't remember who he is, where he is, where he's been or how he came to be there and he has asked her to help him find out. Although virtually strangers, their attraction is still there and their chemistry more potent than ever, especially now that this Shane doesn't seem to be holding back with her in that department.

This was an interesting story from start to finish. Rebecca Zanetti drew me into the mystery that was Shane and the events that took place since his return. From the first time they laid eyes on each other all through the different obstacles that were thrown at each other, the author did a great job of keeping me engaged in the story. Both Shane and Josie were interesting characters to get to know. I enjoyed their chemistry and how it jumped out from the page every time they interacted with each other. Their connection felt real and I very much enjoyed how they went about reestablishing it. Their first kiss alone, was scorching hot! Add to that their emotional exchanges, their heated fights and their protective tendencies and you got a start to a great read.

But I can't forget about the other important aspects of this story. What happened to Shane? Why is he back? These questions were always in the back of my mind while I kept reading. I have to hand it to the author because she truly did keep me on edge with each and every event that took place. The twists and turns, the revelations, the betrayals - they were all brought together seamlessly to bring about the answers to these questions and more. My only complaint would be that after all that, the final events that took place were a bit anticlimactic and felt a bit rushed. Other than that, everything the author brought to the story worked for me.

Forgotten Sins is the first book in the Sins Brothers series and I can't wait to read more. What history about Shane's brothers that was given was interesting enough to make me curious to know more.

I received this title from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange of my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrea gilstrap
Josie hasn’t seen her husband, Shane, since he disappeared from her life two years before. A whirlwind romance, she was left after two months of marriage realizing she didn’t know much about her husband.

Having grown up in the foster care system, Josie is used to relying on herself but longs for a family, something she once thought she had found in Shane. When he returns she battles the need to feel connected with the need to keep her heart safe. While she is strong and often stands up for herself, it takes her some time to find her inner strength.

Shane doesn’t remember his past, but from the moment he wakes up in the hospital, he knows Josie is someone he wants to keep by his side. As his memories begin to filter back, he worries that he won’t be able to keep her safe. He is protective and alpha, having been genetically engineered and then trained as an ultimate weapon.

I loved the constant twists and turns based on Shane’s returning memories and the clues found in the present. The beginning left me a little confused, but it didn’t take long for the mystery to pull me in while I tried to figure out where Shane had been for the previous two years and who was after them now.

This is the first in the Sin Brothers series, and meeting the remaining brothers and learning about their childhood and how they were raised only made me more intrigued about the series. While this is Shane and Josie’s story, the seed are planted for the other brothers, building a solid base for the overarching storyline that will tie the whole series together. This is one series where I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Forgotten Sins was a thrilling page turner filled with suspense, emotion, mystery, and a race against an unknown threat. With threats coming from multiple sources, there were constant suspicions, and with each new revelation more suspects came to mind until I couldn’t help but read all the way to the end.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d t dyllin
Forgotten Sins is a pulse-pounding novel that romantic suspense lovers will thoroughly enjoy. Rebecca Zanetti captivates the reader with compelling characters and a unique plot.

As an orphan, Josie Dean found her happily-ever-after, being a part of a family, when she married Shane Dean. But, two years later, Josie's life is turned upside down when Shane leaves without a word. Josie relocates to start her life over, alone. Everything changes when her absentee husband resurfaces with amnesia. Upon seeing Josie, Shane believes in his heart that he truly loved Josie even though he doesn't remember why he left in the first place. Shane is unsure if it's his job or Josie's job as an accountant that has put her in danger, but he is determined to protect her even if she doesn't want it. Josie is an independent and strong character who stands her ground with Shane, which I just loved. She won't let Shane prevent her from figuring out why some of her clients' books don't add up. Shane's character, on the other hand, is difficult to interpret at times because he is trained in all kinds of manipulation. So, you question whether his feelings toward Josie are sincere or not. As they work together, Shane slowly gets his memories back and realizes how much he hurt Josie, and his pain is palatable, which helps soften his rough edges. Their chemistry sizzles as Shane shows Josie a more take-charge attitude in the bedroom, which she enjoys immensely. Shane and Josie's intimate scenes are intense and full of passion and fire.

Zanetti does a masterful job of building secondary characters--Matt, Nathan, and Jory--Shane's brothers. She balances the Shane and Josie's relations with brilliantly complex story lines, creating a page-turning thriller. I truly enjoyed getting to know each of the brothers throughout this story. But, what really had me glued to my e-reader were the jaw-dropping plot twists!

Forgotten Sins consummately blends all of the elements that got me hooked on series romantic suspense in the first place: a tight family of brothers, a strong leading lady, and a phenomenally intricate plot. Forgotten Sins is a spectacular beginning to the Sins Brothers series. The next book can't arrive soon enough, I'm already clamoring to read Matt's story.

I received an eBook copy from the publisher for purpose of an honest review for The Jeep Diva. I was not compensated for this review, and all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Forgotten Sins is the first in a new series by this author who has previously tackled vampires in her very popular Dark Protectors series. This new series is definitely skirting the edges of romantic suspense but with a twist of the paranormal on the side. This book features one of the "brothers" who has been involved in top secret military operations. Action packed and full of romance Ms Zanetti just keeps going from strength to strength.
Josie fell in love with the enigmatic Shane but he always kept secrets from her. When the day came that he just left without a word she moved and tried to pick up the pieces knowing that she would always remember him. Josie has learned to love herself and has grown up a lot. She doesn't want a man to protect her but a man who will be her partner. Josie is finally moving on with her life and just maybe she might have finally found that elusive right guy. Then she gets a call that changes everything and once again Shane is back in her life!
Shane is in hospital with serious injuries and no memory of how it happened. He carries the details of a woman who is his wife but when she arrives she tells him they are separated . That can't be right can it? She looks like everything he wants in a woman and his instinct to protect her is off the charts. As for the physical thing well that's clearly alive and kicking! But things just aren't that cut and dried. Shane begins to feel that he's no ordinary guy as his survival instincts seem to be taking over. He realises that he's a trained marine but just what kind of soldier was he? More to the point what kind of man? Good or bad? Josie reluctantly takes him home with her but danger is stalking and pretty soon Shane's amnesia is the least of their problems.
This was an amazing read and I just didn't want to put it down. It was an intriguing book as it didn't give out to much information and kept the mystery of the "brothers" going as the story unfolded. This author never disappoints and I'm loving this new series featuring hot military guys with special abilities. Interesting storyline and I am so looking forward to reading the next book in this series. Recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book because I received book 3 free from Netgalley and I couldn't read that without reading the first two, right? So I purchased it sight unseen without looking at any reviews or ratings and just dug right in. It's been the best purchase in a while. With book 3 being free from netgalley, book 2 being under 3 bucks on the store, and the first book being on sale for less than 6 bucks, this was the best 10 bucks (not even) that I've spent on books in awhile.

First of all, for those that have read my reviews, I absolutely love and adore all things military. It is definitely my favorite genre. I'm not going to say a lot about Shane or his background because the synopsis doesn't have it so I don't want to create spoilers. I will talk more about the brothers and how much I LOVE them in the next review.

Aside from the kick-ass fight scenes, steamy sex romps, and overall adrenaline - i.e. everything I love in books and movies, this book had *gasp!* some serious plot!

Josie Dean has been separated from her husband for two years. While he was the love of her life, he mysteriously vanished and she has forced herself to move to a new city and get on with her life. She has even started tentatively seeing someone knew - although they are not past the friendship and dinner stage. Then one day she gets a call - her husband is at the hospital with amnesia. Okay, so at first I'm thinking - this plot has so been done. Military man disappears - returns with amnesia - yada yada.... but I will say that without giving everything away, this book contains quite a few fun plot twists. Some that I saw coming a mile away... and some I did not.

So since I can't talk about the mysterious Shane - I will leave speak in generalities. Typically the first book in a series is a world builder and gets around 3 stars. A really good series could even have a 5 star opener. Series that i love will get better with each book. This series, at least for me, started off with a bang because I loved the characters, I liked the background, I liked the writing style, and I enjoyed the suspense. All wins in my book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa crum
Another new to me author and has me scratching my head as to why I left it so long to discover this book. Romantic suspense stories are fast becoming my favourite and Forgotten Sins is now sitting firmly in the top of my favourites list. I loved every action packed moment, every sexy love scene, every heartbreaking emotional telling of the characters history.

Shane and Josie were married just over two years ago, a whirlwind romance that lasted until Shane left and didn't return home after two months into their marriage. Josie has forged a life without Shane, as hard as it is, but has had no choice but to move on. When Shane returns, sans his memory, Josie is once again thrust back into her memories of their life together and the passion they shared.

I really loved Josie's strength of character. As a child, she had gone from foster home to foster home and never had a family as such, no one that had her back, no one to rely on, until Shane. She lost all that when he left and I really admired the way she didn't just fall back into his arms but stood her ground wanting to know the full story, not wanting to be seen as the weak, fragile female that needs to be protected from the truth. She still obviously loves Shane but was not going to accept him back into her life unless he treated her on a more equal footing. I loved the way she had learned to protect herself and the way she stood up to the bad guys.

Shane was a soldier, a highly trained, specialist, a true bad ass alpha. Protective and loyal to the end. As his memory starts to come back we are given more and more of his back-story involving his brothers, and this just really tugged at my heartstrings. While he didn't remember much about Josie to begin with, he certainly recognised right from the first days back with her, that he would never have let her go unless there were extenuating circumstances. Let me tell you there were extreme extenuating circumstances.

This story unfolded at a cracking pace, full of great action scenes, and I loved the mystery surrounding the threats to Josie and Shane and how they played out. At no time did I feel lost, each scene and situation adding to the storyline until the climax and lead in to the next book. Overall, a fantastic book. Highly recommended
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
c d sweitzer
Forgotten Sins
Rebecca Zanetti
Forever, Jan 28 2014, $6.00
ISBN: 9781455574445

In Washington State, Detective Malloy asks accountant Josie Dean if the hospitalized amnesiac found at a crime scene is her husband Shane. She says yes, but explains they separated two years ago and she has not seen him since. Josie finishes by telling the cop to check with the Marines as Shane was a major stationed at Pendleton when she knew him; and answers Shane's question that their split was his idea before he vanished from her life.

Reluctantly as she is still irate at her spouse, Josie takes Shane to her home for him to heal. Shane may not remember events or people but knows he fiercely loves this woman and that whatever made him leave had to be nothing short of life threatening. Not long after the unhappy couple settle in her house, the danger he faced arrives endangering his beloved Josie.

The first Dean brothers romantic suspense is an exciting second chance thriller. Shane is a terrific protector willing to die for the woman he cherishes. On the other hand uncooperative fuming Josie allows her rage towards him to impair her decision-making; which leads to her placing herself in deadly situations and readers frustrated with her inanity. Still sub-genre fans will enjoy this fast-paced tale and look forward to Shane's siblings as heroic leads.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
seale ballenger
No offense to anyone who liked it (we all have different tastes), but to me, it felt like the author was aiming for a 9th grade reading level or something...I could not stop rolling my eyes throughout it. Also, just a heads up: the audio version has a narrator that sounds like a freaking cyborg.

The author would have us believe that poor wittle Josie was absolutely devastated when a guy she barely knew left her after 2 MONTHS of marriage with no word, 2 yrs ago. Apparently, she was so devastated that she couldn't bear to get a divorce and couldn't even bear to notice that maybe he was actually missing? It's now 2 yrs later and she still can't even bear to DATE? How am I supposed to take this seriously? When the hospital calls her out of the blue to come pick up her estranged husband (OF 2 MONTHS!) she claims to be angry but nonetheless rushes to his aid.

She does this a lot--she claims she's "ticked off" and then the instant her husband's eyes "laser" onto her she gets overwhelmed with "heat" and falls right into his arms. Either that, or the author tries to beat us over the head with yet more proof (usually in the form of memories) of how devastated poor wittle Josie was when her dream husband of 2 months left her all alone 2 yrs ago. She was a foster care child, you know.

This was another thing that really annoyed me. In an effort to develop Josie as a character, the author has her constantly reminiscing about her tragic childhood and abandonment, but I felt like she was laying it on way too thick! Within the first few pages I wanted to scream that I GET IT ALREADY. JOSIE WAS A FOSTER CHILD AND HAS ABANDONMENT ISSUES CAN WE PLEASE MOVE ON ALREADY? But noooo... Everything Josie sees or hears leads back to memories of her tragic cliched childhood. She sees a hospital and it reminds her of being beaten, she looks at her house and it reminds her of how she always wanted a real home with a real family cause she never had that before wah wah wah poor wittle Josie... Microwaving her husband's meals gives her a "thrill" bc it makes her feel like a real wife and she's always wanted to be a "real" wife with a real family wah wah wah poor wittle Josie.

At one point, no joke, this woman even compares herself to a "battered wife" because her husband didn't share his past with her (they only knew each other for a few months!). Since Josie is TSTL you are forced into the uncomfortable position of blaming her for her own misery.

The writing here also had me alternately laughing and groaning because in this book, eyes are "lasers" and they "shoot furious darts" and "beams." Josie "hustles" to and fro (how am I supposed to picture this?) and tears "prick" at her eyes (do I even want to picture it?). Usually, when something pricks at someone's eyes it signals I dunno, some sort of torture or something--not to mention when darts and beams are shooting all over the place I'm thinking someone's being attacked. Most of the time, I couldn't picture what was going on in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard becker
I had heard so much buzz and expectation about this book that even though I’m not one who will automatically go to a romantic suspense title; I had to take the opportunity to read it. And Rebecca Zanetti did not disappoint me one bit; in fact, she may have changed my mind about several frequently used character types with this story!

Josie and Shane: all the makings of a country song here. Very similar rough childhoods that they have had to overcome to find their own way, a deep rooted desire to be loved and cherished, and both have their own issues and secrets. After an early whirlwind courtship, these two met, fell in love and married, until one day Shane just disappeared, leaving Josie distraught and confused.
Fast forward and Josie is called to the hospital to identify a man who doesn’t know who he is, or where he is., and it just happens to be Shane. As they start to rebuild and restore their relationship and Shane starts to heal, the interwoven mysteries and issues that are NOT related to their relationship start to pop up, and the story manages to combine heat, heart, chemistry and danger in ways that kept me reading straight through.

Characters are well developed, although I did think that Josie spent far too much time focused on and obsessing over her own history in foster care and the resultant issues it has presented in her life. You know you don’t want to be left (hint – none of us wants that) but behaving in ways that push someone away, or clinging is not attractive either. Also, for someone who actually prides herself on thinking with her head, she made several stupid choices that required she be rescued. Yeah, the head wasn’t screwed on that tightly.

Shane: oh my goodness Shane. Determined, alpha, tough and a superman complex a mile wide, with a bit of the lost and sad little boy buried underneath. With his amnesia and later as things start to heat up his take no prisoners side comes out and he is the one to watch. With the secrets and lingering sense of sadness that are backlighting the relationship with his brothers and the search for answers about a murder of another brother the questions and some answers are flying in.

Of course there are other characters, Tom as the pale replacement for Shane in Josie’s affections and Detective Malloy who seems to be presenting new questions and answers simultaneously as he winds his way through the story.

But I haven’t even mentioned the heat…that starts warm and is soon sauna level, steam your eyeballs hot to reinforce the chemistry between Josie and Shane, and prove that Shane is undoubtedly, without reservation or hesitation, despite amnesia, a take-charge sort of man: In all the BEST ways. I was hooked almost from the start, and didn’t pay attention to anything else for the time it took to finish this in one sitting.

Narration is more than capably provided by Karen White, who deftly delineates the character voices and points of view without the change in pitch, delivery or tone becoming a distraction or feeling inappropriate. I had a few concerns when requesting this for review, both out of my preferred genre, and what I assumed to be a very male-heavy plot, but White’s narration fit perfectly and kept me entertained and involved in the story throughout the time I spent listening.

I received an AudioBook copy from Hachette Audio for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm just gonna stop a second...and lust over this cover one more time. If ever there was a cover that fit it's book this is it. Whew. This is so Shane. A man that's been found half beaten to death and can't remember a thing about his past or why he abandoned his wife two years earlier. There's mystery, there's action, there's romance. And it was pretty entertaining...

*Pinches bridge of nose* This hero, though. Shane. Let me tell you. Mother-effing bastard! got muttered a lot on this end. He's hot as all get out but oh my god I'd twist his naughty bits in a knot if I could. Whew, he takes alpha to a whole new level but dammit I loved him. I'd seriously be wanting to do a little unmanning then he'd do something and have me going all *girly swoon* then nope, yeah, back to wanting to put the hurt on his tender bits. LOL So I could so sympathize with Josie and her mixed emotions on this guy.

As much as Shane had me going back and forth so did Josie. She's one heroine that is not going to be the damsel in distress. She can damn well save herself and she isn't one bit shy about putting her knee to action and laying into a guy if he's being a jerk. Even though she drove me a little crazy with her insistence on going to work despite the dangers (what is it with heroines and doing that?) I felt for her and her mixed emotions over Shane. She loves this man but he has hurt her something fierce even if he can't remember. I was really impressed with how Zanetti had me feeling the same uncertainties and waffling back and forth just like Josie.

Really I'm still not quite sure how I feel about this one. There were parts I loved--like the mystery of what happened with Shane to cause his memory loss, hints at his very odd upbringing and the relationship with his brothers. And there were parts that had me damn near fuming and steam coming out my ears over things that happened. But that's not really a bad thing. I love when an author can really spark that type of reaction out of me. So ah yeah while a few things left me torn I can't freaking wait to see what'll happen in book two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is AWESOME! I loved this book, it's one of those you CAN'T put down. The characters and the story grab you from page one and there isn't a slow page. I loved both the main characters, they will wrap themselves around your heart and tug from the beginning. Not often does an author create BOTH main characters with compelling stories that cause me to root seriously for them, typically it is one more than the other. Not so here, BOTH characters have a personal story that has you pulling for them immediately. Shane's full story emerges more slowly because of his amnesia, but the suspense was part of the fun.

There is action, suspense, romance, surprises, and so much more. Some sex, in just the right quantity. The cast of supporting characters is rich and you just know there is more story there. You'd be right, as this story unfolds, the author reveals more and more backstory at a delighful pace so the adventure just keeps growing and the suspense builds. While I love the ending, there is so much more to learn about these people, and I am so glad there will be more!

I love that there is family involved here, and there is great news that this series will continue. I can't wait to preorder the next in the series. I have never read a book by Rebecca Zanetti before, but I definately will read more!

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, through Goodreads First Reads program, and this is my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lady heather
I kept thinking: Just one more chapter...and then it was 2:30 in the morning! This was action packed, thriller, mystery, suspense, and romance...Yep, all of that. And it was a very well done one, too!

Josie's husband has been gone for two years. He just left her with no word, no note...nothing. He was just gone. He left her broken after she thought she had finally found the home that she wanted. That home had nothing to do with four walls and everything to do with being at home in Shane's arms.

She's shocked when she gets a call from the hospital informing her that Shane has been mugged...and he's lost his memory. He had a card in his wallet with her info on it. Old feelings, that never faded, are quickly ignited when they lay eyes on each other. But Josie is pissed and there is no way she's taking him back. Especially since he can't remember why he left, and therefore can't tell her and apologize for it.

On his part, Shane really doesn't remember, but there is something about this woman that makes him want to wrap her up and keep her safe. He's pretty shocked when he realizes that she's a lot tougher than her small stature would suggest.

That's a good thing for Josie because it appears that bad guys are coming out of the woodwork to get their hands on her.

There are plots within plots here and the story kept me guessing about who Josie should trust. She did wonder at one point how many times she could be kidnapped! I had lost count by then. Yes, non-stop action in this one.

Shane keeps questioning himself. His speed, his hearing, the way he knows stuff. Deadly stuff. He is kept wondering if he's a good guy...or a bad one. Josie wonders, too.

There are some people here who were really really BAD GUYS, no doubts at all. Characters that one could hate whole-heartedly and with relish. The back story is brought naturally into the story and I love it when that happens. No info dumping here! Just a well thought out book that leads us into this fabulous new series.

Malloy as a supporting character was a joy. I sincerely hope we see more of him at some point. And the men with gray eyes...yes, I need more of them! The second book is coming in December...and I can hardly wait. I NEED it! I will be begging for an ARC, you can count on that!

FIVE BOOKMARKS for keeping me up until 2:30 in the morning!

This review, and others, can be seen at my blog, First Page to the Last . com
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hailey risch
It's been two years since Josie last saw her husband, Shane, who disappeared without a trace or even an explanation. Brokenhearted she's moved away, filed for divorce and earns a decent living as an accountant. She's struggling to fix the books of one of the firm's other accountants whose being treated for drug dependency, the last thing she needs is Shane reappearing in her life. To complicate matters it was the hospital who called her - Shane was found at a crime scene and has complete amnesia - since he never shared anything about himself with her, Josie is unable to help fill in the blanks.

Shane might not remember Josie or anything about himself but he's got no doubt that something is very wrong. His senses are far more developed than normal and his strength is astounding. The one thing he's sure of is that granting Josie a divorce is not an option. He might not remember her but he's certain that he wouldn't have married her if he wasn't very much in love with her - and he can't explain it but knows that she's in danger and it's his duty to make sure she's safe.

Josie has no illusions about her marriage to Shane, she followed her heart once and got it stepped all over, it won't happen again. However, due to his amnesia, it's up to her to see to his welfare until he's recovered and disappears to wherever it is he came from. Things aren't quite that simple though because someone is definitely out to hurt her - but is the danger due to something he did or does it have something to do with the accounts she's handling?

FORGOTTEN SIN is the first book in what looks to be an extremely promising series. I admit it, I'm completely captivated! Right from the beginning it's obvious that there is something just `off' about Shane but I couldn't quite figure it out - genetically enhanced, some sort of military experiment, I needed to know - and that kept me engrossed in this story to the very end. Josie is your typical sweet girl next door type personality - only she's had the benefit of some of Shane's defense training and has no qualms with using her tactics if provoked. Absolutely loved the twists and turns as Shane's memory begins to return bit by bit and the introduction of his brothers filled in some of the missing gaps. The love between Josie and Shane is evident so the reader is constantly questioning why he left and she hasn't heard from him in all this time. The reasoning behind it is shocking and definitely has me anxious to read the other titles in this series. I feel like a kid in a candy store who just discovered a new favorite candy - and discovered they're sold out of it - bring on the next book!

The SIN BROTHERS series will consist of four books altogether, but I'm not seeing anything about titles or release dates yet so be sure to keep checking Ms. Zanetti's website for updates.

This book was reviewed using a digital galley via NetGalley.

Chrissy Dionne (courtesy of Romance Junkies)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
seale ballenger
The premise of this book thoroughly intrigued me. I loved the idea of a super-soldier who experienced amnesia trying to put the dangerous puzzle pieces of his past life together wondering the whole time how he could have walked away from his wife two years before without a word. And I gotta say, that I was not disappointed when I finally clicked the last page. Rebecca Zanetti continues to amaze me even with this powerful start to a new series.

The story opens when Josie Dean gets a call from the hospital that her estranged husband was injured and hospitalized. Nothing for two years and now Shane is suddenly back in her life. Somehow, he must have been looking for her since she moved after he left her. Josie learns from Detective Malloy that Shane has amnesia and there is evidence that he was involved in a violent attack with three men left for dead. She steals herself not to let her tender feelings take over when it comes to Shane. He broke her heart and she won't let him do it to her again. She's made a new life for herself and even has a friendship that a local man that seems to be turning to the serious side. Josie takes Shane home with her to recover from his concussion, but plans to kick him out as soon as possible.

But the attacks continue and Shane insists that he's the only one who can keep her safe. Then Shane's secrets start to unravel and she learns not only did he break her heart, but he may be dangerous to her. She refuses Detective Malloy's help and goes to her friend, Tom, who is making noises about taking her relationship deeper and she's leaning toward him because he's a safe bet. Josie continues to do her work as an accountant trying to find the source of the discrepancies in several clients accounts at her firm. Almost every moment is fraught with danger for her and Shane from unknown enemies, but even more dangerous is the determination of Shane for them to remain together and her own traitorous heart that wants to give him another chance.

As exciting as this story was, it did take me some time to get into it because I was on the fence about liking Josie the heroine. She had great reasons to reserve judgment on Shane's motives and promises- yeah, I got that, but it was her 'tough girl' insistence that she could handle things when it was quite obvious to everyone, but her that she was in over her head. She's definitely feisty and tough and stronger than the rest of us, but she was up against stronger and more ruthless people. She was so in the zone about leading a normal life and working her job that she wasn't paying attention to the big picture.

Once things got going with all the stuff swirling around Josie and Shane and once Shane kicked into action as a lethal weapon intent on protecting his wife and winning her back, I was enthralled with the story. Shane was the ultimate action hero and Josie was no shrinking violet. Shane's brothers were dangerous alpha male warriors too. The bad guys were true baddies that I loved to hate.

The way the plot began with everyone in the dark and things slowly being revealed offering many twists and turns was so captivating. The story ended on a happy note, but left the bad guys still out there and still up to their evil designs. I can't wait to get into the next story featuring one of Shane's delish brother's as the main hero.

Awesome series start that I recommend to all thriller romance fans.

Thanks to Net Galley for providing the book for review purposes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gustavo rafael
Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti; As an orphan living in foster care, Josie was alone in the world. When she met Shane she thought she'd finally found someone to be a family with. Marrying shortly after meeting him, Josie knew he hid a darker side, and there were things she didn't know about him, but she felt like they belonged together. That all changed though the night Shane left...and never came back.

FSNow Shane is 'back', but he can't remember anything. Nothing from his past, nothing from his marriage, and nothing from the last 2 years he's been missing from Josie's life. When he is found badly beaten, it is Josie who they call for him. Josie has tried hard to move on with her life after Shane left, moving to a different city and getting a new job she's working hard in. Being with Shane again is not what her mind wants, but her heart and body say differently. She still doesn't know why he left her, or what secrets he is hiding. Shane can't remember, but he knows he wants to be with Josie.

As Shane slowly remembers bits and pieces from his past, it is a sad, haunting past. Even though he's had his brothers with him his whole life, Shane has always wanted a family too. But his past, what he's done, and who he is makes him question whether or not he would be good for a family.

Shane is a big, strong man who can be deadly, but even with her doubts, deep down Josie knows he would never hurt her. As he remembers and reveals his past to Josie, she is not scared away, but feels even more for Shane. As big and tough as Shane could be, he really made me just want to give him a big hug. Nothing will keep Shane from making sure Josie is safe, even if it means leaving her again. Now Shane's past is coming back to haunt him, and Josie has a stalker who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Shane wants to protect Josie, but Josie isn't sure who she can trust...especially a husband she thought was gone forever. They have been thrown together again, but will Shane's past keep them apart?

Rebecca truly gives us a pulse pounding romantic suspense with Forgotten Sins! At times my heart really was racing as I was almost scared to turn the page to see what would happen next! Forgotten Sins is an original, fast paced, action packed romantic suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat to the last page! I loved both of the main characters in Forgotten Sins. Shane is the protector, defender, all things alpha man! His upbringing was tragic, and he has a lot of secrets, but he has somehow managed to become a better man because of it. Even though he sees Josie as 'soft', Josie gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "tiny but tough"! She is independent, smart, strong minded, and not willing to sit back and let Shane protect her. The chemistry between Josie and Shane is really hot and well written into the story.

Rebecca manages to draw us in with her writing, giving us lots to think about and look forward to the next book in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Forgotten Sins is the first book in a new series for Rebecca Zanetti. I was given an arc for an honest review. She is one of my absolute favorite authors and she never fails to prove why. She's created a series that has a little bit of everything; action, romance, suspense and a touch of sci-fi. I was hooked and drawn in the whole way through.

The Main characters, Josie and Shane are married but their life is shrouded in mystery. Shane disappeared for years after being married for a few months. When Josie receives a call stating that her husband is in the hospital. Shane has been diagnosed with amnesia. Well, that's just great because Josie was finally getting her life back on track. Shane doesn't remember anything but He knows he loves her. He knows that he would do anything to protect her. Josie however, is not having any part of this. Shane left her without word for years. She moved on, at least, that's what she tells herself. Deep down she loves Shane but doesn't trust him. Lies are uncovered.

"Her life became a movie. And not a good one."

Shane finds himself in a predicament. He can't remember anything about his past. He is relying on the woman who is supposed to be his wife. Josie. Shane questions her to find out who or what is after him but Josie knows absolutely nothing about Shane's past. She only knows about the few short weeks they had together. Shane notices that his abilities such as hearing and strength are above normal and he's not sure why? Mysteries start to unravel. Memories start to flood in. Will he remember in time to keep them both alive?

"Sounds like I didn't trust you much, blue eyes."

With neither one really knowing who to trust. They eventually start leaning on each other. The things that are discovered are shocking and suspenseful. And this is only the beginning of the story. This series will continue with Shane's brothers as the main characters and continue along the story line. I love these types of series'. The mystery was intriguing and the love scenes smoking. I was completely enthralled the whole way through. The characters and the relationships are well developed making it an effortless read. I don't want to give too much away but I highly recommend this book. Mrs. Zanetti has hit another one out of the park. 4.5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Listened for Review (Hatchette Audio)
Overall Rating: 4.50
Story Rating: 4.75
Character Rating: 4.25

Audio Rating: 4.50 (not part of the overall rating)

First Thought when Finished: OMG Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti pulled me immediately and never let me go! Action, Suspense, and a dash of romance--great combo!

Story Thoughts: Holy Romantic Suspense Batman--this was a great mix of Suspense/Thriller/Romance. In fact, I would even suggest it to some straight suspense readers that I know because the romance was really balanced with the action. I liked the idea of a secret program (evil of course) that trained men so well that they were equipped to fight back. This truly is one of those novels where you get some answers but are compelled to read on because the overall story arc hasn't played out to the end. No cliffhanger but you are left with a sense of intrigue that will have you counting down to the next book.

Character Thoughts: Alright, first let me address Josie. I think she had a few moments in the beginning of TSTL (too stupid to live). She was most definitely the kind of fish that would swim upstream instead of going with the flow. That being said, she was pretty self-sufficient and I liked her spunk! Shane is who I fell for hard. Even in his memory lapsed brain, I loved his alphaness coupled with his tenderness. He truly made me swoon and I think maybe Josie's headstrong behavior (aka the ability to get into life threatening situations) is something he needed in a woman. Someone a little fearless but still needed a hero!

Audio Thoughts:

Narrated by: Karen White /Length: 11 hrs and 48 mins

Karen White was really good at catching the "tone" of Forgotten Sins. She had the right pacing for the thrilling parts and knew when to slow it down a pinch for the heart to hearts! I will be continuing this on audio even if I have to wait :)

Final Thoughts: Next one PLEASE!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
beth hampshire
FORGOTTEN SINS is the first storyline in Rebecca Zanetti's new SINS BROTHERS series focusing on four brothers and their connections to everything dark, dangerous and passionate. This is Josie and Shane's story.

Rebecca pulls the reader into a story of suspense, mystery and one man's need to protect the woman that he loves. But Shane found himself beaten and down and no memory of what had happened, And to complicate matters, his wife has filed for divorce after his two year absence.

It has been two years since the day Shane walked out of her life and never returned. But a call from the authorities, alerting her to her husband's whereabouts, will find Josie torn between the anger that has kept her going and the love for a man who disappeared without a trace. Shane is unable to answer Josie's questions and the authorities believe he is hiding behind a ruse of lost memories and forgotten sins.

The storyline is a fast paced roller coaster of emotions: from love to hate; betrayal and trust; anger and pain;. Along with his brothers, Shane has been trained by the best-but who and what these people are -are another mystery. When Josie's life is threatened, Shane's memories begin to return revealing a dark secret and a military past. Only this military is one that the public knows nothing about.

The relationship between Josie and Shane is electric. Following a two year absence from his mate, Shane's heart and his soul belong only to one woman but a woman he abandoned without a word. The sexual attraction is fueled by Josie's anger and Shane's need to get reacquainted with the beautiful woman he can no longer remember. As his memories return, so too does the need and the longing they once felt for each other.

We are introduced to Shane's family of brothers and learn a little about their past as well as the demons who haunt their nightmares and daily lives. This is a family who knows betrayal up close and personal. I will say there is a slight paranormal feel to the story but only slight as it pertains to military experiments and secret operations.

FORGOTTEN SINS is an amazing story that introduces the premise behind the dangerous lives and secret organizations that threaten our hero and heroine at every step. The reader is pulled into a story of mystery and suspense that is only matched by the heat of sexual attraction. I might add that if you are a fan of Christine Feehan's Ghostwalker series you will like Rebecca Zanetti's Sins Brothers series. Although this particular story and series focuses on the Grey brothers, Rebecca has left plenty of room for future storylines involving other `brothers' and their 'families'

see all of my reviews at : thereadingcafe(dot)com
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great start to a series. I absolutely loved this book, the suspense is amazing and of course the chemistry between Josie and Shane is off the charts.

Twenty years ago a group of brothers were in what seemed like a military camp, they were treated like warriors, made to do horrific things to others with an "only the strong survive" mentality. The four eventually escape and disappear. Two years ago Shane married a woman, yet after two months he again disappeared. She was heartbroken and confused but made a new life for herself in a different state. Now she is on her way to talk to the police, they have a man who has amnesia with her name and their marriage license in his wallet. Josie met and married Shane after knowing him for three weeks; she does not know anything more about him other than he was in the military and he let it slip one night that he has brothers.

Shane goes home with her after the police are done, but things ramp up from there and it is nonstop action until the end. They are not sure who to trust as they not only have to find who is trying to kill them but also where Shane has been for the past two years. They find help when his brothers, Matt and Nathan come to town however they are all still in danger from an unknown source.

Amazing nonstop action that had me hooked from the beginning. Shane was perfect as the alpha man who does not remember Josie, but does know right away she is his, I love the way he feels about her from the beginning. Josie is great as the heroine; she was a bit naïve when they first met yet she has grown up in the last two years and holds her own. The brothers are very guarded as it has always been them against the world and it is hard for them to accept another in their small circle, yet Josie fits in perfectly.

The suspense and action are perfectly blended with the romance and I am excited to read more in this series as there are so many mysteries to solve.

Received copy from NetGalley for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Forgotten Sins is a nail-biting, in-your-face, page-turner that I loved. Government conspiracies and super soldiers isn't a new idea in the romantic suspense world, but I really liked the twist Zanetti put on it. Test tube babies, deadly military camps for children, secret missions in and out of our country. Not to mention crazy doctors and sadistic military officers. The plot is fast moving and keeps you engaged in the story.

The chemistry between Shane and Josie is blatant, no matter how many years or miles has separated them, it still burns strong. The building of the romance was paced well and felt real. Yes, there is an instant lust between then when they reunite and a past love. But Shane can't remember his past and everything Josie thought she knew is a lie. So really, they have to start over. Learn each other again.

If you've read my reviews in the past then you might have picked up on the little fact that I am hard to please in the heroine department, but Zanetti has created a well defined heroine here that won't get any complaints from me. ☺ Josie does an admirable job fighting her feelings for Shane, he isn't the man she thought he was and she can't trust him. I really liked her character. Yes, she did waffle back and forth due to trust and abandonment issues but I think she had just cause. As for Shane, he makes for a drool-worthy alpha male that will use any means necessary to protect those he calls his. He is the epitome of a romantic suspense hero.

Distrust, betrayal, conspiracies, secrets, danger and love - Rebecca Zanetti's Forgotten Sins' is rampant with all these and more! A well-written and well-rounded introduction to a wild new series that has my grabby hands twitching for more. Looking forward to the as-of-yet-untitled, book two, coming out at the end of the year.

***An copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roselle b
“I love you, angel. It’s the one thing I remember without a doubt.” – Shane Dean

One of these days, I swear, all this uniformed male population that I “force” myself to read about will be the end of me… I suspect it will be an end much appreciated!

Josie Dean hasn’t forgotten her husband – nor has she forgiven him. The guy just left her alone, with no explanation whatsoever, two months after they got married, and now, two years later, he thinks they can pick up where they left off? No way! As soon as Shane gets his memories back, he’ll leave again, anyway, so why not leave him first this time around? But Shane doesn’t agree with the plan at all. He may not remember anything before the time he woke up with amnesia in a hospital bed, but all his instincts call for him to keep this angel he calls wife as safe and as close as possible. Will they manage to give their marriage a second chance? Or will the truth about Shane’s true identity tear them apart once more?

Usually, in series and family sagas, I don’t like the first male lead. Well, while in this case, Shane’s big brother, Matt, intrigues me more, I have to admit that I wasn’t disappointed when it came to him, either. Shane is like this big, protective puppy. I think, as Josie later in the book realized, this was because of his amnesia – it made him vulnerable at times, and had him trying to keep control of his dark and needy side, though his attempts were futile. I loved how he couldn’t even remember what kind of food he liked, but the minute his wife was in danger, he instantly switched to protector mode without questioning it. And God help all female readers when that man turns on the charm – Josie fought him off very well, but the man was really something when he let his dominant side come out to play, so I don’t blame her for losing every time, at least she put up a good fight. Also, what I came to enjoy in this male lead was the fact he blushed when he became aroused. Finally! I thought only women were capable of blood circulation to more parts than their genitals with the way all writers refuse to write a guy flushed during the act – heaven forbids a man actually has colored cheeks while he’s busy showing what a beast he is in bed! *gasps* Thankfully, Mrs. Zanetti ignored this cliche and made sure to show that Shane was human, too, despite his many differences to a normal human being.

Josie… Oh, Josie, darling, how did you know badass heroines are my favorites?! You naughty girl, you had me hooked the very minute I realized you pretty much didn’t need Shane to get out of sticky situations. No emotional meltdowns, no girly-kitty-bitchy antics, and no damsel-in-distress – Josie didn’t need any guy to save her, she was busy doing all the saving herself! I mean it, the woman got kidnapped so many times in the book, and all the time, she did 90% of the job alone, and let Shane take care of the little details that needed a man’s rough touch. She didn’t back down, and she didn’t deny still loving him, either – which makes her attitude towards Shane even more understandable, since it was based on survival instincts. And once Josie loves, she loves with all her heart, I can guarantee that. She instantly adopts Shane’s brothers as her family, and she has no trouble playing either the doting female, or the badass hellcat, depending on what the moment needs her to be. Oh, and did I mention she kicks some serious ass? Because she totally does!

But this is not just your typical military romance. Shane and his brothers are more than just super awesome, specially trained soldiers. And the suspense and action take equal parts of the book in this story. They blend together so well, it’s impossible to imagine one without the other. Also, it reminds me of a manga I love to death, called Dogs:Bullets & Carnage – where one of the protagonists is a genetically enhanced super soldier, created by a psycho lady scientist who has abused him to the point his whole view on the female gender has become way too twisted (though Heine Rammsteiner got gynophobia from all this, but you get the concept). I can’t wait to read the other two books – or, three, if my cousin’s theory regarding the fourth brother, Jory, is correct. Speaking of other books, Mattie’s story is next – and I have a feeling the first brother will be my kind of man, just you wait!

Mrs. Zanetti, thank you for introducing me to the Sin Brothers, and for gifting those delicious Alpha males to us female readers!

“I love you. I always have.” – Josie Dean

***I was given an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinion stated in this review is solely mine, and no compensation was given or taken to alter it.***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex cole
Rebecca Zanetti is seriously just going onto my "auto buy" list. She's been putting out some awesome stuff lately & I. AM. HOOKED!!!

Okay, if you want to read "Forgotten Sins", you'll have to do it via Kindle, because the paperback won't be out until January 2014. (Hint: Don't wait.) Josie & Shane meet, have an explosive courtship, marry... and one day he simply disappears. Years later, Josie gets a phone call to come pick up her husband from the hospital where he is after being found injured & suffering from amnesia. Is he faking? Why is he back in her life? Who are all the dead men that keep showing up? Well, read it & find out LOL!

This is the first of a series which I'm assuming will follow each of these "Sin Brothers" - all three (or is it four?!!!!??? hmmmmm.......) as they reclaim their lives and expose the bad guys... and find out what really happened to their dead (?) brother. The suspense & intrigue is truly a blood pressure raiser... as are the (sex) scenes between husband & wife. You'll find yourself needing a Kleenix as Shane & Josie try to figure out if their marriage is worth the effort based on the risk to her life. Will they have a "happily ever after"? Rebecca Zanetti has an incredible way of grabbing the reader and pulling them along for the ride with her characters, while simultaneously creating story arcs that come to a conclusion while still moving into the next story. Speaking of the next story... here's hoping it is released... and SOON!! (Her website implies it will be December.)

Check her out ( [...] ) - she has a bit of everything... Romantic Suspense... Paranormal... and last but not least - COWBOYS.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel brown
~Reviewed by ANGELA & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

Josie is in a verge of divorce when her ex, Shane showed up in the hospital with no memory from the time he left her until now. There has been no communication the past two years and now he has her as a family contact. Josie is obligated to take him in with the excuse to continue with the divorce, but deep inside she really would like to know why he left to begin with. Well, she will find out but not without a trip down memory lane. Everything about their past will come back strong including her feelings for him.

Oh my gosh, I love-love this couple. The tension between them was definitely explosive, and they had some pretty steamy scenes. With a man like Shane though, what can you expect? He has a military background, hot physique, and he is very, very alpha. And he is very determined to find out what happened to him, find out why he left Josie and win her back. Luckily, Josie still has feelings for him, and with a little bit of unfortunate events, sparks will definitely fly.

This is my first Zanetti read and will not be the last. Forgotten Sins has plenty of action, heartfelt scenes with a very sexy hero and I simply devoured it. I'm hoping the rest of the Sins Brothers will be just as good.

*ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
theresa higgins
Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti; As an orphan living in foster care, Josie was alone in the world. When she met Shane she thought she'd finally found someone to be a family with. Marrying shortly after meeting him, Josie knew he hid a darker side, and there were things she didn't know about him, but she felt like they belonged together. That all changed though the night Shane left...and never came back.

FSNow Shane is 'back', but he can't remember anything. Nothing from his past, nothing from his marriage, and nothing from the last 2 years he's been missing from Josie's life. When he is found badly beaten, it is Josie who they call for him. Josie has tried hard to move on with her life after Shane left, moving to a different city and getting a new job she's working hard in. Being with Shane again is not what her mind wants, but her heart and body say differently. She still doesn't know why he left her, or what secrets he is hiding. Shane can't remember, but he knows he wants to be with Josie.

As Shane slowly remembers bits and pieces from his past, it is a sad, haunting past. Even though he's had his brothers with him his whole life, Shane has always wanted a family too. But his past, what he's done, and who he is makes him question whether or not he would be good for a family.

Shane is a big, strong man who can be deadly, but even with her doubts, deep down Josie knows he would never hurt her. As he remembers and reveals his past to Josie, she is not scared away, but feels even more for Shane. As big and tough as Shane could be, he really made me just want to give him a big hug. Nothing will keep Shane from making sure Josie is safe, even if it means leaving her again. Now Shane's past is coming back to haunt him, and Josie has a stalker who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Shane wants to protect Josie, but Josie isn't sure who she can trust...especially a husband she thought was gone forever. They have been thrown together again, but will Shane's past keep them apart?

Rebecca truly gives us a pulse pounding romantic suspense with Forgotten Sins! At times my heart really was racing as I was almost scared to turn the page to see what would happen next! Forgotten Sins is an original, fast paced, action packed romantic suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat to the last page! I loved both of the main characters in Forgotten Sins. Shane is the protector, defender, all things alpha man! His upbringing was tragic, and he has a lot of secrets, but he has somehow managed to become a better man because of it. Even though he sees Josie as 'soft', Josie gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "tiny but tough"! She is independent, smart, strong minded, and not willing to sit back and let Shane protect her. The chemistry between Josie and Shane is really hot and well written into the story.

Rebecca manages to draw us in with her writing, giving us lots to think about and look forward to the next book in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicole yaguchi
Forgotten Sins is the first book in a new series for Rebecca Zanetti. I was given an arc for an honest review. She is one of my absolute favorite authors and she never fails to prove why. She's created a series that has a little bit of everything; action, romance, suspense and a touch of sci-fi. I was hooked and drawn in the whole way through.

The Main characters, Josie and Shane are married but their life is shrouded in mystery. Shane disappeared for years after being married for a few months. When Josie receives a call stating that her husband is in the hospital. Shane has been diagnosed with amnesia. Well, that's just great because Josie was finally getting her life back on track. Shane doesn't remember anything but He knows he loves her. He knows that he would do anything to protect her. Josie however, is not having any part of this. Shane left her without word for years. She moved on, at least, that's what she tells herself. Deep down she loves Shane but doesn't trust him. Lies are uncovered.

"Her life became a movie. And not a good one."

Shane finds himself in a predicament. He can't remember anything about his past. He is relying on the woman who is supposed to be his wife. Josie. Shane questions her to find out who or what is after him but Josie knows absolutely nothing about Shane's past. She only knows about the few short weeks they had together. Shane notices that his abilities such as hearing and strength are above normal and he's not sure why? Mysteries start to unravel. Memories start to flood in. Will he remember in time to keep them both alive?

"Sounds like I didn't trust you much, blue eyes."

With neither one really knowing who to trust. They eventually start leaning on each other. The things that are discovered are shocking and suspenseful. And this is only the beginning of the story. This series will continue with Shane's brothers as the main characters and continue along the story line. I love these types of series'. The mystery was intriguing and the love scenes smoking. I was completely enthralled the whole way through. The characters and the relationships are well developed making it an effortless read. I don't want to give too much away but I highly recommend this book. Mrs. Zanetti has hit another one out of the park. 4.5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Listened for Review (Hatchette Audio)
Overall Rating: 4.50
Story Rating: 4.75
Character Rating: 4.25

Audio Rating: 4.50 (not part of the overall rating)

First Thought when Finished: OMG Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti pulled me immediately and never let me go! Action, Suspense, and a dash of romance--great combo!

Story Thoughts: Holy Romantic Suspense Batman--this was a great mix of Suspense/Thriller/Romance. In fact, I would even suggest it to some straight suspense readers that I know because the romance was really balanced with the action. I liked the idea of a secret program (evil of course) that trained men so well that they were equipped to fight back. This truly is one of those novels where you get some answers but are compelled to read on because the overall story arc hasn't played out to the end. No cliffhanger but you are left with a sense of intrigue that will have you counting down to the next book.

Character Thoughts: Alright, first let me address Josie. I think she had a few moments in the beginning of TSTL (too stupid to live). She was most definitely the kind of fish that would swim upstream instead of going with the flow. That being said, she was pretty self-sufficient and I liked her spunk! Shane is who I fell for hard. Even in his memory lapsed brain, I loved his alphaness coupled with his tenderness. He truly made me swoon and I think maybe Josie's headstrong behavior (aka the ability to get into life threatening situations) is something he needed in a woman. Someone a little fearless but still needed a hero!

Audio Thoughts:

Narrated by: Karen White /Length: 11 hrs and 48 mins

Karen White was really good at catching the "tone" of Forgotten Sins. She had the right pacing for the thrilling parts and knew when to slow it down a pinch for the heart to hearts! I will be continuing this on audio even if I have to wait :)

Final Thoughts: Next one PLEASE!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
FORGOTTEN SINS is the first storyline in Rebecca Zanetti's new SINS BROTHERS series focusing on four brothers and their connections to everything dark, dangerous and passionate. This is Josie and Shane's story.

Rebecca pulls the reader into a story of suspense, mystery and one man's need to protect the woman that he loves. But Shane found himself beaten and down and no memory of what had happened, And to complicate matters, his wife has filed for divorce after his two year absence.

It has been two years since the day Shane walked out of her life and never returned. But a call from the authorities, alerting her to her husband's whereabouts, will find Josie torn between the anger that has kept her going and the love for a man who disappeared without a trace. Shane is unable to answer Josie's questions and the authorities believe he is hiding behind a ruse of lost memories and forgotten sins.

The storyline is a fast paced roller coaster of emotions: from love to hate; betrayal and trust; anger and pain;. Along with his brothers, Shane has been trained by the best-but who and what these people are -are another mystery. When Josie's life is threatened, Shane's memories begin to return revealing a dark secret and a military past. Only this military is one that the public knows nothing about.

The relationship between Josie and Shane is electric. Following a two year absence from his mate, Shane's heart and his soul belong only to one woman but a woman he abandoned without a word. The sexual attraction is fueled by Josie's anger and Shane's need to get reacquainted with the beautiful woman he can no longer remember. As his memories return, so too does the need and the longing they once felt for each other.

We are introduced to Shane's family of brothers and learn a little about their past as well as the demons who haunt their nightmares and daily lives. This is a family who knows betrayal up close and personal. I will say there is a slight paranormal feel to the story but only slight as it pertains to military experiments and secret operations.

FORGOTTEN SINS is an amazing story that introduces the premise behind the dangerous lives and secret organizations that threaten our hero and heroine at every step. The reader is pulled into a story of mystery and suspense that is only matched by the heat of sexual attraction. I might add that if you are a fan of Christine Feehan's Ghostwalker series you will like Rebecca Zanetti's Sins Brothers series. Although this particular story and series focuses on the Grey brothers, Rebecca has left plenty of room for future storylines involving other `brothers' and their 'families'

see all of my reviews at : thereadingcafe(dot)com
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great start to a series. I absolutely loved this book, the suspense is amazing and of course the chemistry between Josie and Shane is off the charts.

Twenty years ago a group of brothers were in what seemed like a military camp, they were treated like warriors, made to do horrific things to others with an "only the strong survive" mentality. The four eventually escape and disappear. Two years ago Shane married a woman, yet after two months he again disappeared. She was heartbroken and confused but made a new life for herself in a different state. Now she is on her way to talk to the police, they have a man who has amnesia with her name and their marriage license in his wallet. Josie met and married Shane after knowing him for three weeks; she does not know anything more about him other than he was in the military and he let it slip one night that he has brothers.

Shane goes home with her after the police are done, but things ramp up from there and it is nonstop action until the end. They are not sure who to trust as they not only have to find who is trying to kill them but also where Shane has been for the past two years. They find help when his brothers, Matt and Nathan come to town however they are all still in danger from an unknown source.

Amazing nonstop action that had me hooked from the beginning. Shane was perfect as the alpha man who does not remember Josie, but does know right away she is his, I love the way he feels about her from the beginning. Josie is great as the heroine; she was a bit naïve when they first met yet she has grown up in the last two years and holds her own. The brothers are very guarded as it has always been them against the world and it is hard for them to accept another in their small circle, yet Josie fits in perfectly.

The suspense and action are perfectly blended with the romance and I am excited to read more in this series as there are so many mysteries to solve.

Received copy from NetGalley for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dan savage
Forgotten Sins is a nail-biting, in-your-face, page-turner that I loved. Government conspiracies and super soldiers isn't a new idea in the romantic suspense world, but I really liked the twist Zanetti put on it. Test tube babies, deadly military camps for children, secret missions in and out of our country. Not to mention crazy doctors and sadistic military officers. The plot is fast moving and keeps you engaged in the story.

The chemistry between Shane and Josie is blatant, no matter how many years or miles has separated them, it still burns strong. The building of the romance was paced well and felt real. Yes, there is an instant lust between then when they reunite and a past love. But Shane can't remember his past and everything Josie thought she knew is a lie. So really, they have to start over. Learn each other again.

If you've read my reviews in the past then you might have picked up on the little fact that I am hard to please in the heroine department, but Zanetti has created a well defined heroine here that won't get any complaints from me. ☺ Josie does an admirable job fighting her feelings for Shane, he isn't the man she thought he was and she can't trust him. I really liked her character. Yes, she did waffle back and forth due to trust and abandonment issues but I think she had just cause. As for Shane, he makes for a drool-worthy alpha male that will use any means necessary to protect those he calls his. He is the epitome of a romantic suspense hero.

Distrust, betrayal, conspiracies, secrets, danger and love - Rebecca Zanetti's Forgotten Sins' is rampant with all these and more! A well-written and well-rounded introduction to a wild new series that has my grabby hands twitching for more. Looking forward to the as-of-yet-untitled, book two, coming out at the end of the year.

***An copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter fimrite
“I love you, angel. It’s the one thing I remember without a doubt.” – Shane Dean

One of these days, I swear, all this uniformed male population that I “force” myself to read about will be the end of me… I suspect it will be an end much appreciated!

Josie Dean hasn’t forgotten her husband – nor has she forgiven him. The guy just left her alone, with no explanation whatsoever, two months after they got married, and now, two years later, he thinks they can pick up where they left off? No way! As soon as Shane gets his memories back, he’ll leave again, anyway, so why not leave him first this time around? But Shane doesn’t agree with the plan at all. He may not remember anything before the time he woke up with amnesia in a hospital bed, but all his instincts call for him to keep this angel he calls wife as safe and as close as possible. Will they manage to give their marriage a second chance? Or will the truth about Shane’s true identity tear them apart once more?

Usually, in series and family sagas, I don’t like the first male lead. Well, while in this case, Shane’s big brother, Matt, intrigues me more, I have to admit that I wasn’t disappointed when it came to him, either. Shane is like this big, protective puppy. I think, as Josie later in the book realized, this was because of his amnesia – it made him vulnerable at times, and had him trying to keep control of his dark and needy side, though his attempts were futile. I loved how he couldn’t even remember what kind of food he liked, but the minute his wife was in danger, he instantly switched to protector mode without questioning it. And God help all female readers when that man turns on the charm – Josie fought him off very well, but the man was really something when he let his dominant side come out to play, so I don’t blame her for losing every time, at least she put up a good fight. Also, what I came to enjoy in this male lead was the fact he blushed when he became aroused. Finally! I thought only women were capable of blood circulation to more parts than their genitals with the way all writers refuse to write a guy flushed during the act – heaven forbids a man actually has colored cheeks while he’s busy showing what a beast he is in bed! *gasps* Thankfully, Mrs. Zanetti ignored this cliche and made sure to show that Shane was human, too, despite his many differences to a normal human being.

Josie… Oh, Josie, darling, how did you know badass heroines are my favorites?! You naughty girl, you had me hooked the very minute I realized you pretty much didn’t need Shane to get out of sticky situations. No emotional meltdowns, no girly-kitty-bitchy antics, and no damsel-in-distress – Josie didn’t need any guy to save her, she was busy doing all the saving herself! I mean it, the woman got kidnapped so many times in the book, and all the time, she did 90% of the job alone, and let Shane take care of the little details that needed a man’s rough touch. She didn’t back down, and she didn’t deny still loving him, either – which makes her attitude towards Shane even more understandable, since it was based on survival instincts. And once Josie loves, she loves with all her heart, I can guarantee that. She instantly adopts Shane’s brothers as her family, and she has no trouble playing either the doting female, or the badass hellcat, depending on what the moment needs her to be. Oh, and did I mention she kicks some serious ass? Because she totally does!

But this is not just your typical military romance. Shane and his brothers are more than just super awesome, specially trained soldiers. And the suspense and action take equal parts of the book in this story. They blend together so well, it’s impossible to imagine one without the other. Also, it reminds me of a manga I love to death, called Dogs:Bullets & Carnage – where one of the protagonists is a genetically enhanced super soldier, created by a psycho lady scientist who has abused him to the point his whole view on the female gender has become way too twisted (though Heine Rammsteiner got gynophobia from all this, but you get the concept). I can’t wait to read the other two books – or, three, if my cousin’s theory regarding the fourth brother, Jory, is correct. Speaking of other books, Mattie’s story is next – and I have a feeling the first brother will be my kind of man, just you wait!

Mrs. Zanetti, thank you for introducing me to the Sin Brothers, and for gifting those delicious Alpha males to us female readers!

“I love you. I always have.” – Josie Dean

***I was given an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinion stated in this review is solely mine, and no compensation was given or taken to alter it.***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah morgan
Rebecca Zanetti is seriously just going onto my "auto buy" list. She's been putting out some awesome stuff lately & I. AM. HOOKED!!!

Okay, if you want to read "Forgotten Sins", you'll have to do it via Kindle, because the paperback won't be out until January 2014. (Hint: Don't wait.) Josie & Shane meet, have an explosive courtship, marry... and one day he simply disappears. Years later, Josie gets a phone call to come pick up her husband from the hospital where he is after being found injured & suffering from amnesia. Is he faking? Why is he back in her life? Who are all the dead men that keep showing up? Well, read it & find out LOL!

This is the first of a series which I'm assuming will follow each of these "Sin Brothers" - all three (or is it four?!!!!??? hmmmmm.......) as they reclaim their lives and expose the bad guys... and find out what really happened to their dead (?) brother. The suspense & intrigue is truly a blood pressure raiser... as are the (sex) scenes between husband & wife. You'll find yourself needing a Kleenix as Shane & Josie try to figure out if their marriage is worth the effort based on the risk to her life. Will they have a "happily ever after"? Rebecca Zanetti has an incredible way of grabbing the reader and pulling them along for the ride with her characters, while simultaneously creating story arcs that come to a conclusion while still moving into the next story. Speaking of the next story... here's hoping it is released... and SOON!! (Her website implies it will be December.)

Check her out ( [...] ) - she has a bit of everything... Romantic Suspense... Paranormal... and last but not least - COWBOYS.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
~Reviewed by ANGELA & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

Josie is in a verge of divorce when her ex, Shane showed up in the hospital with no memory from the time he left her until now. There has been no communication the past two years and now he has her as a family contact. Josie is obligated to take him in with the excuse to continue with the divorce, but deep inside she really would like to know why he left to begin with. Well, she will find out but not without a trip down memory lane. Everything about their past will come back strong including her feelings for him.

Oh my gosh, I love-love this couple. The tension between them was definitely explosive, and they had some pretty steamy scenes. With a man like Shane though, what can you expect? He has a military background, hot physique, and he is very, very alpha. And he is very determined to find out what happened to him, find out why he left Josie and win her back. Luckily, Josie still has feelings for him, and with a little bit of unfortunate events, sparks will definitely fly.

This is my first Zanetti read and will not be the last. Forgotten Sins has plenty of action, heartfelt scenes with a very sexy hero and I simply devoured it. I'm hoping the rest of the Sins Brothers will be just as good.

*ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Josie and Shane had a whirlwind romance, just three short weeks after they met they married, thinking they had found something in each other that they had been missing all their life. Someone to love, cherish and share their life with. A husband. A wife. Until Shane disappears from her life without explanation.

Two years later Josie is called to the hospital were she finds Shane beaten, concussed and suffering from amnesia. He doesn't remember who he is or where he's been. Both are desperate to fill in the blanks of the past and it looks like it may be imperative they get to the bottom of it sooner, rather than later. Someone is after them and Shane doesn't know whether it's Josie's past or his own that's coming after them, will they survive long enough to find out?

I went in to this thinking I knew what to expect, but I was wrong. Really, really wrong. It had everything I hoped for but it had so much more as well, I love the Sins Brothers and I am eagerly anticipating the moment I get to find out more about them. Forgotten Sins was a journey of self discovery and a test to the bonds of family. I wish I could say all the plot threads where neatly tied up with a bow by the end f the book but I am filled with questions and the future is full of possibilities. Rebecca has done it again - I'm hooked! Definitely one for the keeper shelf and another series to add to my 'Must Read' list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoy a Military man in a romance suspense story. I love the thought of protection and safety in the story. I love a kick butt female character too. This story had it all.

I heard of this book on Nereyda's blog; [...] I had to read it after I read her review. And it was a great deal too!

I can't even compare with her review. But, I loved the suspense and action and wit and the kick butt female lead. I loved how Shane slowly got his memories back. I loved the last memory he found. Interesting. I loved the inner struggles that Josie had trying to figure Shane out and what she should do. Because it was obvious she still loved him. I loved, loved, that part! It's where you figure out what is family and what is important and what you are willing to compromise. I loved the band of brothers and their definitions of family.

The government experiments on humans were a whole other story line that I really craved. I am anxious to see how all that unfolds. Because that part of the story makes me mad.

I know this isn't an in depth review. I just enjoyed the story and wanted to just say that.

Needless to say, I loved this book and can't wait to read the next one. That one will be about Matt.

There is blood and violence and killing in this book, so be warned. It is definitely an adult book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly mcguire
Forgotten Sins was one of the best reads I have had in 2013. I love when a story finds me hanging on and not wanting to put it down. Rebecca's writing style makes you able to see and feel the characters and explains everything in great detail to help you visualize everything. It is a very intriguing but yet romantic story that will have you at the edge of your seat, at times, yet the sex. Just wow! Hot sex with a hot sexy guy and a beautiful woman.

You think this is just your normal Romance, but it's not. It's so much more! Intrigue, Romance, Mystery, Action, Suspense, Sex.

"Say the words, Josie." He's ensnared her, rendering her immobile. If she could move, she'd toss him on his back and take him. Hard and fast. She was afraid she'd give him whatever words he demanded.

Could she risk her heart again? Ride the wave until it ended. Her body craved. Her heart needed. What if? What if their relationship worked out this time? "Trust me. Please." His eyes darkened to a hue not even close to gray.

You will also find twists and turns throughout this story. When I thought I figured out what was going on then, BAM, nope that wasn't it at all which made me want more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Read more reviews on my blog: [...]

This is a suspense/romance book with the focus on suspense. The plot is fast paced and all about danger to the heroine, Josie. She is in constant danger, brought upon by her relationship with her husband, Shane. She married Shane without knowing him well, then after two months of marriage, he disappears, only to reappear in her new hometown, injured and with amnesia. As I wrote that, I could not help but notice how unrealistic it sounds. So, yes, much of it you have to suspend disbelief, but once you do that, the writing style is well done and the characters very likable. Josie was raised in the foster system, which is a frequently used storyline in romance novels, but Shane's story is a new twist on this, in that he was raised as basically a military medical experiment, without parents. He craves the love of a good woman, having never had that in his youth. He finds that in Josie. I also liked the relationship with his brothers and the family loyalty they show despite their troubles. This is the first book of a series, which I assume will be about his brothers. All of the brothers are very much Alpha males and Shane is very possessive/protective of Josie, in an endearing way. Some of the plot was rather predictable, but there were plenty of twists and turns to keep this book exciting. If you like suspense/romance, you will like this novel. 4 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joaqu n padilla
Rebecca Zanetti had me from the moment I read the description of Forgotten Sins, the first book in her Sins Brothers series. Who could resist these Sins brothers, who may never have known a family as they were raised under harsh conditions in a laboratory/military setting, always desired the hearth and home they saw on television sitcoms that they watched illicitly as children. When Shane Dean married Josie she thought all her dreams had come true - then he disappeared. Heartbroken she moved away and was totally thrown when she was called as next-of-kin to the hospital where Shane is being treated. What secrets has he been keeping? Will she ever trust him again and let him back in her life? Once his secrets begin to unravel and the enemies he and his brothers face come after them, I could barely breath, let alone set down the book. Yes, this is a super HOT military romance with a paranormal edge that grips the reader and won’t let go. If you enjoy reading military suspense titles by Lora Leigh and Maya Banks, you’ll want to add Rebecca Zanetti to your must-read list too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a fabulous series featuring 4 brothers, genetically created to be super soldiers, brutally trained since birth, their allegiance to each other the only way they survived and maintained their humanity. The women who love them are "merely" human, but can keep up with and sometimes surpass their men, and are essential to saving them, literally and emotionally. This first book introduces us to Shane and Josie; Shane is the second youngest, and like his brothers, has "extra" senses he uses to survive his missions and horrible childhood. Shane has been missing for 2 years, after having married Josie; when we meet him, he has no recollection of his life. We learn the brothers' background, from beginning to end, it is a fast moving, involving story with great hero and heroine, sexy, erotic interaction between them, just a great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was hooked on this book from page one. What I love about this series is that it is not your typical girly romance story. It’s packed with love, romance, drama, intrigue and action.

Shane is headstrong and dominant. A DNA experiment made him and his brothers super soldiers and now they are hiding out from the Commander in wait to kill the man who tortured their youth.

Josie is sweet and kind with a hell of a lot of spunk and feistiness. Often misunderstood for being soft and innocent, she often fights back, literally kicking and screaming. I love that she’s strong and kick ass despite her petite size. There’s nothing weak or docile about this female.

And then we meet the other Dean brothers and you can’t wait to read their stories. All so similar in looks but so very different in personality. And yet you fall a little in love with each of them.

I love the series because Zanetti has a way of creating drama and intrigue throughout the story, building anticipation to the last page of the chapter, forcing you to read “just one more chapter” in order to get closure. This story kept me on edge, never knowing for certain what was going to happen and what truly occurred to Shane in the 2 years prior. The action and suspense kept me hooked more than the romance portion and that is what will get me through all the other books in this series just this weekend alone.

So if you will let me be, I have a date with the Dean brothers….

More reviews at
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nur fatin atiqah
What a read. 3 brothers, who started life is a test-tube, genetically engineered to create the ultimate soldier. Strong, sexy, skilled and stubborn, these men have a fight on for survival and 'Forgotten Sins' is Shane Dean's story and a fabulous introduction to the brothers and their plight.

I devoured it. With passion, action, fight and intrigue it's a busy book, but is paced well and flows perfectly. When Shane wakes up in a hospital bed with amnesia, the wife he left broken-hearted isn't quite so forgiving. Josie may be trying to forget their past, but he is hell-bent on remembering...

Shane and Josie have a superb chemistry filled with passion, intimacy, suspense and surprises. Their journey is truly a captivating read and is touching and heartfelt with moments that make you smile. Shane's older brothers Matt and Nate play a large part and it is evident that there is much much more to come. Thankfully I don't have to wait.

A book I wouldn't hesitate to recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mariah moody
It's been a while since a book moved me to give a 5 star review. Forgotten Sins has all the right ingredients to be a great book, promising start to what seems to be an incredible series, hot alpha hero crazy in love with his woman, a spunky take no nonsense heroine, and did I say that the said hot hero have brothers?

Shane is a trained lethal soldier and he is completely scary and intimidating to me, and yet he is so very gentle toward Josie, the h (whose height barely clear his chin), it is an interesting juxtaposition when Shade is determined to take charge with a my way or no way attitude when it comes to the safety of his wife, yet the h won't let him run roughshod over her. My favorite quote by the h, "If you think you can show up after two years, with freaking amnesia and order me around, you have another thing coming." Love it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another awesome series in the works & I already can't wait for book two!

Loved Josie's strength of character & Shane's tormented persona.

What do you do when the man you love disappears w/o a word & then unexpectedly pops up needing your help but unable to remember your role in his life AS HIS WIFE!? If you'd unknowingly lived a lie, would you help hm? Should you trust him? Let him use you again?

The woman - Josie, she was his! He knows this to the depths of his soul. If only he could remember why he left, where he's been, & what he's been doing for the last 2 yrs!

An abandoned wife with a history of childhood abuse & a genetically engineered husband with a boatload of secrets & shame. Meet Josie & Shane (& his brothers) in this great addition to RZ's arsenal of wonderful reads!

Just one question... When will book 2 be released? Can't wait for Matt & Laney's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tracey ramey
A good amnesia plotline, when well-executed, can give the reader a smooth, organic introduction to the story world and characters, and Forgotten Sins is a great example of how to pull it off. Following along with Shane's self-revelations and doubts is an excellent vehicle for lending us insight into his personality and encouraging a compassion that might otherwise be difficult to dig up for such a stubborn and mercurial hero. The plot of the story unfolds naturally and is well paced, and the passion between Josie and Shane is smokin' hot.

Forgotten Sins is signature Rebecca Zanetti. If you like strong military-trained alpha males with heart, men who are willing and able to scrap, sacrifice, and protect for their families, do not miss this starter story for an explosive new series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book captured me from the first chapter. Great intriguing plot and characters, not just your regular romance. Filled with suspense and twists and turns. I really recommend this book to anyone who likes romance with a really good plot!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A really good story. I liked the suspense, the subtle revealing of hints, the characters are complex, and the iffy HEA. A great book to me is when the author keeps me interested in the plot and answers questions to why in ways that make me keep reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rebecca Zanetti is one of my go to authors. I absolutely love her writing. The alpha males draw the readers in and keep them there until the very end. Shane is the perfect alpha male who will do anything to protect the woman he loves. Shane is an engineered solider who wants his chance at happy ever after. Rebecca does a brilliant job of laying the ground work of this tale and makes you want to find out what really happened to Shane and root for him to have his happy ever after. The story is fast paced, edge of your seat and kept me up until I finished it. I can't wait for the next book in the series. I give this book 5 fabulous stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alexis sievertsen
Rebecca Zanetti’s Forgotten Sins is the first book in the Sin brother’s series. A little bit paranormal, a little bit romantic suspense, and all heat, this book captured me from the very beginning. Shane and Josie are the perfect match and it is great fun to watch Josie teach Shane that women are not all soft and sweet. Though the individual mystery is solved in this book the overarching mystery takes place over the four book series. It makes more sense if you start at the beginning, but if you start you are going to want to keep reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Originally posted at The Book

Quick Summary
Josie Dean hasn't seen her husband in over two years until she receives a call from the hospital to come get him. Shane is suffering from amnesia and doesn't remember her but quickly decides he wants to resume his role as her husband. Things soon start to get dangerous when there's an attack on their house and it's unclear why and by whom.

Shane's story
It starts out mysteriously with a view of Shane's world as a child, which appeared strange and unconventional. The details are slowly revealed throughout the story. I found this pretty interesting, even though it took a bit too long to reveal as I was confused. He has some unusual skills that hint at the paranormal, which was unexpected. It kept my interest piqued.

The action
There's a lot going on with repeated attacks on Josie and Shane, with it not always clear which of them was the target. This is the story's strength as I was trying to not only figure out the why but the who and the motivation. It kept me in the story and it showcased Shane's skills and Josie's who surprised me with her ability to handle herself.

The romance
For me, this was the weakness of the story. Josie had every right to be leery of Shane after he disappeared for two years. She kept going back and forth about whether she should trust him or not, often making some really bad decisions that got her in big trouble, OVER and OVER again!! I just got tired of the indecision after a while. Shane's lies didn't help either, which made no sense to continue doing so very late in the story. It just didn't work for me. I liked both of them in spite of her many TSTL moments and his über alpha personality that bordered on caveman behavior sometimes. All of this just undermined their relationship.

Overall story
I think the series has potential in spite of the issues with the romance and Josie's TSTL moments, which annoyed me a LOT. While we learned the complete details about Shane and his brothers, the story didn't end and there is still lots to resolve. Each of the brothers has special skills distinct from each other and I'm intrigued to explore their stories.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review. This is the first time I have read any of Ms. Zanetti's books but she has certainly won a new fan in me!

Forgotten Sins is a rollercoaster ride of twists and turns as we follow Shane Dean as he struggles to regain his memory... all while terrifying bad guys are stalking him and his estranged wife.
This story introduces the reader to the Dean/Grey brothers, four genetically engineered brothers who were brought up to become super soldiers but who only yearn to find normalcy and love. It's a solid start to what promises to be an awesome series.(
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bindu madhavi
Wow! This is the first book in Rebecca Zanetti's Sins Brothers series and I for one, am hooked. The brothers are introduced in this one and I can't wait for each of their stories. They are a family that has known danger and betrayal and it carries over from their business to their personal lives.Forgotten Sins is well plotted with twists and turns that I did not expect. I read far too late into the night with this fast paced story. Ms. Zanetti does a good job of balancing story, action, sex, and character. I can't wait for the next brother!
*I received my copy from in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alex she
I got introduced to the Sin Brothers through Rebecca Zanetti's Blood Brother series. Loved the Blood Brother Series but the Sin Brothers so far hasn't had the excitement that the Blood Brothers had but I like it anyway and am continuing with the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
errin pedersen
I really emjoyed this book It was nonstop action! Seriously Jody and Shane get shot kidnapped and beat up multiple times. Although Jolie was constantly endanger I never felt she was TStl. i admired the way she always fighting either physically or by trying to get into the bad guys head and trying to find information that could help her husband. Her fighting actually almost saved her a couple of times and she got a drop on her husband. It's just when it went wrong it went horribly wrong although who knows maybe Shane would have got shot worse if she hadn't did what she did. Spoilers now I'm going to nitpick although this in no way stopped me from loving this book. Is all this drama about the bad guys trying to steal back their own files and so just firing the firm since Billy was meth head and then jodie would just given them back the files. The one I actually had a problem with was so called super soldier Shane who got shot three times 2 times by people who should've never got the drop on him. Anyway I really enjoyed this book and I cannot wait for
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was not sure what to expect with this book. I started it hoping I would like it. I am so glad I did. This book sucked me in from the beginning. It far exceeded my expectations. I can't wait to read the other books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ren reads
No one can build a world quite like Ms. Zanetti. I loved Shane and Josie, I felt their heartache and could not wait for the next twist in their story. The secondary characters also pulled me in, I cannot wait for Matt's and Nate's stories!! Overall, a wonderful new series! Others have compared this series to the Ghostwalker series or The Breeds series, and the premise may be similar but the character have extremely different stories and follow different paths. I can't wait to get my hands on the second book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberley seldon
Josie Dean had a difficult childhood, raised in foster homes, she is a strong and self reliant woman. Two years ago she met a marine named Shane and after a passionate and whirlwind three weeks, they married. Not long after that, he disappeared without a trace, breaking Josie's heart. Josie has tried to move on and has begun divorce proceedings but she wants Shane to sign the papers. She is called to the local hospital to find Shane injured and suffering from amnesia... I'm not going to share anymore of the story because frankly, this one is way too much fun to not let you discover it on your own. The depth of the characters that Ms. Zanetti has created is amazing. The Hero is a hot, super efficient, alpha male and the Heroine is his ideal match, fiesty, fiery and hard headed. There were scenes in this story that I actually caught myself holding my breath. A nonstop, rambunctious ride of a book. Wow!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt g
Everything you could want in an action/adventure romance is in this book. Wow, just wow Rebecca Zanetti. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors and Forgotten Sins is only the second of hers I have read. I think I may need to put the reading list on pause and explore all that is Zanetti instead.

From page one I was immersed in the Sin Brothers world. A glance into their childhood sets the stage for an adult Shane. Laying in a hospital bed with no memory. Then in walks his wife. A wife he left two years ago without a word. He is capable of extraordinary things. Hearing and heightened senses. But his every instinct knows one thing for sure, the lady that just walked in, is the love of his life. His mind may not know it but his body does.

Forgotten Sins is nonstop action and drama. It is a fantastic start to a new series. One I will be waiting for with anticipation. Never was I bored or voluntarily wanted to put this book down. I advise you run right out and get your copy.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melita pritchard
As a fan of Rebecca Zanetti's Dark Protectors series, I was thrilled to win an advanced copy of her new series. This book was excellent. I don't want to give anything away so I will just say that the ride starts on page 1 and doesn't slow down to the last page. Shane Dean is super sexy and boy I just can't wait to read about his super sexy brothers especially his older one Matt. I have no complaints about this book I enjoyed every moment and its definitely a book that I would reread.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

His Secrets Can Destroy Her

From the moment Josie laid eyes on sexy, mysterious Shane Dean, she was in love. Their desire ignited a passionate affair, and within weeks, Shane had slipped a ring on her finger. It seemed her every fantasy was coming true . . . until her new husband disappeared without a trace. Now, two years and one broken heart later, Josie is shocked by the hospital calls: Shane has been found . . . at a crime scene with no memory of how he got there.

Her Love Can Save Him

Shane can't remember the blue-eyed angel at his bedside¡Xor who he even is¡Xbut he knows something isn't right. His hearing is razor sharp, his physical strength incredible, and the urge to protect Josie overwhelming. For powerful enemies are hunting him, and Josie is the key to discovering why. As Shane struggles to unravel his past, dangerous new truths come to light. Can he protect the only woman he's ever loved? And can Josie trust a man she thought she knew¡Xone who carries such a deadly secret?


I really wanted to like this book. It¡¦s got a great title, a very sexy cover, and it sounded great. I was excited to read it, and that may have been my issue, because once I opened it up, I was let down. Don¡¦t get me wrong, this author seemed to produce a good story, but it just didn¡¦t quite get to where I wanted it to go.

Having a background in law enforcement and military, I found those parts lacking in the story. Some things actually seemed a bit cheesy and I was expecting to see a turning point, as if the way the book was going was just pulling my leg. But it wasn¡¦t, or rather, didn¡¦t.

The heroine confused me with her back and forth pull. Now, I know we all like to see the angst develop in if someone wants someone or not, and the drama between a hero and heroine is great; however with this heroine, she seemed like she needed medication more than anything. And she seemed to forget quite a bit just because she was thinking with something between her legs, rather than on her shoulders. Yikes. Sounds harsh, and I don¡¦t intend it to be, but it¡¦s true.

I really wanted to like it. Truly and really did. But I didn¡¦t. And I couldn¡¦t even finish it. ¼ I will check out more from this author and give her another chance. Three out of five stars for effort.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bobby debelak
DNF @13%

*Book source ~ NetGalley

Shane has amnesia, Josie is his wife, separated though they are, and hitmen are after Josie. Whatever.

I’ve enjoyed Rebecca Zanetti’s books in the past, but this one…no. Just, no. I tried to get past the fact that Marine was not capitalized, but when she constantly called Marines “soldiers” I was done. So done. No, no, and NO. If an author is going to write about Marines, hey, here’s an idea! Research actual Marines!

To top it off, I hate Shane. I also loathe Josie. Horrible characters seemingly written to cash in on the truly, horrendously written and loathsome 50 Shades drivel. No thanks. So I DNF’d at 13% before I was forced to self-flagellate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
MUST READ THIS SERIES!!! This book totally sucked me in. I didn't think I would like any books as much as Rebecca Zanetti's Dark Protector series, boy was I wrong. Loved this one just as much. I am all about the romance and didn't think the action would draw me in as much as it did..wrong again. Loved Shane and Josie, strong characters. Love the Dean/Gray brothers. Started the 2nd book the minute I finished this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley goldman
This book was thrilling. I sped through it and in fact, I started reading the first few pages of book 2 which was included before I made myself stop since I had no idea how long before the next book will be published.

I love Rebecca's Dark Protector series. She has a great writing styles that not only draws you into a story, but keeps you excited about what's coming next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine gerber
I am so in love with the Hero right now! Even when he didn't remember who he was he knew he loved her, needed to protect her, and never wanted to be away from her. There were so many emotions all wrapped up with action, explosions, and blood. A winner if I do say so.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike mcc
This paperback was a gift presented to attendees at a writer's conference. The gift did not determine the rating or review, which are my honest opinion. This was a good read, with interesting characters and unusual plot. The action was slower than I like, but the book had a steady pace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juli cheer
This book was how I dipped my toe into the "paranormal" genre, not knowing just what to expect. Well, this author didn't over do it, she used the genre to opened up everything, just slightly. The author was able to make everything just a bit more intense and, well, just a bit more of everything. Shane is just a bit hotter and stronger than a normal man. But, it's Shane's heightened senses that makes the romance part of this novel so enjoyable! This was my first Rebecca Zanetti read, and I haven't been able to stop since!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana quinones
I've got to say that Shane & Josie are totally great together. They both are strong characters and the emotion in this book is off the charts!!
I would definetly recommend this book to every person I know loves romance and suspense.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
random creativity
I had no idea I would love this book so much. Rebecca Zanetti has a Vampire Series that I adore and I hesitated before purchasing this book. I was not disappointed; Ms Zanetti writes such compelling stories and characters I had to give her a 5 star review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
donna irzyk
I like the story and the characters. The pace of the book is great making it easy to stay in the story. I liked the emotion behind the actions of the characters. Both the action and the sex were well done. I'm very interested in reading the rest of the series. P
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandi munn
This is my first book by this author and it was great. At first it was not like anything I had read but once started it was a page turner. Shane and Josie met bc she was a way in to finding out info that his special ops company needed. He then married her and walked away. Both had baggage from their upbringing. Two years later Shane shows up with amnesia and they call Josie. What started out as a love story had turned to hurt but Josie could not turn him away. This book is action packed and could not put down. You just have to read a d see if two wounded people can find their way back after so much hurt. Book 2 , please.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the beginning of a series about four brothers. Genetic engineering & training was their life until they escaped. This book starts with Shane who was injured &has amnesia, enter his wife who hasn't seen him for 2 years add several attacks, a detective & finally memories start to return. As Shane & Josie try reconnect during the turmoil, they have a deadline for his life. Looking forward to stories of the other brothers & their race to find answers & a real life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There is nothing I love more than a love story full of passion. One where you can't get close enough, kiss often enough or be with each other enough. I love that kind of excitement at the beginning of relationship. These two definitely bring that to the table in this book. I really like storylines with twists and turns, and this one delivers on that as well. I always wonder what it would be like to have amnesia or be with someone who suffers from that. How do you move forward and how does that affect the relationship? That's why I love this book, because it has all the elements that make it hard to put the book down until you've read every page. I definitely recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle saal
This whole series is just awesome!!! Fast paced action with a love between man and woman that most of us only dream about. Rebecca Zanetti is a prolific author who really has a grasp on what her genre of readers are looking for
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a m schilling
After reading this author’s Blood Brothers series, I couldn’t wait to go back and read this series. The Sin Brothers series comes first, but I hadn’t realized that when I discovered this author. I said in my review of Deadly Silence that I didn’t think it really took away from that story. Well, I really enjoyed this story but wish I had read this series first. There are things I know about certain characters, from even just seeing snippets of some of them in the Blood Brothers series, that took some of the mystery away from what was going on in this book. Again, I really like this story a lot…I just wish I had read it first.

Daisy is a great heroine. She definitely is a soft and feminine woman, but at the core she is one tough lady. Regardless of what it looks like to the outside world, she is not a pushover. She may grapple with a lot of decisions of the heart (after all, her husband disappeared out of her life 2 years ago only to reappear mysteriously), but she’s strong of spirit and does not let anyone walk all over her.

Shane is always in protection mode with Daisy. It’s easy to see that he wouldn’t have left her if not for concerns for her safety. Since his reappearance is only because he has amnesia and the authorities call her, it’s easy to wonder if he had ever planned on popping back up in her life. Although there are a lot of things going on that point, with big neon signs, to Daisy being in danger, it never seems to me that the danger is coming from Shane. He only wants her safe and happy.

I love the chemistry these two have. No matter how much Daisy was hurt by Shane and is beyond angry at him leaving, and no matter than Shane doesn’t even remember Daisy, there are sparks flying when they’re together. This big, tough, brutal-seeming guy is so tender and careful when it comes to their physical interactions. It’s really quite sweet.

This story is amazing and a great set-up for what’s to come for the Dean brothers aka the Gray brothers. Again, I strongly recommend you read this series BEFORE the Blood Brothers series. I’m kind of bummed I knew some of the outcome since I had read the others first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am normally a bit hesitant to try stories with even a hint of sci-fi, but a friend assured me this was a fantastic series and even sent me this book as a gift. It took me a minute to get into it though I loved Shane right off. As soon as his brothers showed up and I saw their sense of family, I was truly hooked. The story had lots of action, as many alphas as you could ever want, and a spunky heroine who took matters in her own hands and never sat around crying to be rescued. I will definitely be reading more!
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