Marked (Dark Protectors)

ByRebecca Zanetti

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah camp
I'm sad that the series is over. I have loved all the books in the Dark Protectors series. Janies and Zanes book was wonderful. It had everything I like action and romance. Story line was good and easy to follow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn plourde
I was very pleased with this book. There are plenty of twists and it's about time we learned about who Zane truly is. Janie Belle kicked fate aside and followed her own rules. Well done Rebecca Zanetti.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Definitely one of the best in this series! I loved the whole book...each character written with more passion and suspense then I could have imagined. The end of the book was just superb!! I am looking forward to the spinoff series, as well! This book will definitely be on my reread list!
A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse :: Emotionally Manipulative Tactics Partners Use to Control Relationshi :: How to Find Your Voice and Reclaim Your Hope - The Emotionally Destructive Marriage :: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself :: Deadly Silence (Blood Brothers)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon williams
Loved it !! I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the Dark Protectors books. I am so sad that the series is ending. I will look forward to the spin off series and hope we get to check in on our favorite characters :) Great Job !!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved it !! I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the Dark Protectors books. I am so sad that the series is ending. I will look forward to the spin off series and hope we get to check in on our favorite characters :) Great Job !!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sharonloves cookies
I found myself skimming through the story. I will not recommend this series- especially after reading this book. I think the author was ready for it to end and just coasted to her required length for a book. What a waste!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mai rushdy
I will be the first to say I love a alpha male.but when writing about alpha females as well I do not think making the women more of a untrained child makes a hot dominant male, more of a abusive repressive all the books the women are strong and skilled and each have a goal they need to meet but enter a guy in the equation and they turn in to weak females needing to be protected and controlled through sex.the love scenes are all the same and give off the need for male asserting his dominance and punishing the women for being strong willed.alit of the books have no straight forward end
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
geocelh geraldizo
This is the last book in the Dark Protectors' Series by Ms. Zanetti. I could hardly wait to read Janie and Zane's story. We've been seeing bits and pieces of it throughout the series and this book is the climax the arc. And what a climax it was! We got to see all the characters from the previous books. Everyone had a role to fill, and they did it marvelously.

While I had my guess about who, and what, Zane would be, Ms. Zanetti kept the twists and turns coming. This was one continuous adventure. I am very impressed how she tied things up. I was left feeling satisfied, especially with all the little insights into our favorite couples the epilogue gave us. And then she gave us a hint for maybe another book later on! Ah, good times.

There was humor, pages of intensity, moments of joy, paragraphs of fear...and it was all twisted up in a wonderful reading package. I read it in one sitting. Yes, it was that good. We have all been waiting for the culmination of the story, and it was worth the wait.

But then she was mean. After the end of Marked, she gives us a teaser for her next series, The Realm Enforcers. I need it NOW!

I highly recommend this book. In fact, you really can't go wrong with any of her series. Yes, she's that good.

*Thank you, Netgalley and Kensington, for the opportunity to read Marked.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie koenig
I have been a huge fan of the Dark Protectors series from day one and Marked was a fantastic conclusion to an amazing series, and as much as I hate to see it end I wouldn't change a thing. And now comes the hard part, writing a review without any spoilers. I don't want to ruin a moment of the book for you because it's going to take you on a roller coaster ride that you won't forget!

Janie Kayrs has been meeting Zane in her dreams since they were children. And although I was pretty confident that they would end up together, I wasn't sure how Kalin was going to factor in.

Zane was arrogant, possessive, stubborn, protective and the best freaking alpha male that I have read about in a long time! Janie was the one prophesied about, a human girl with powerful visions that the different factions wanted to either protect or kill. And even though she was a human surrounded by supernaturals it came down to her saving them all.

Virus 27 is still around wrecking havoc on the mates but it has taken a sinister twist during the peace talks that put into motion something that I did not expect. My stomach was in knots the entire time and just when you thought that there may be a light at the end of the tunnel.... bam... it just gets infinitely worse. All I can say is that there was some seriously ugly crying going on near the end.

Get your tissues ready and maybe a glass of wine or three to help calm your nerves because you're going to need it once you start reading it. Marked is packed full of action, passion, conflict, tenderness and tears and has exceeded all of my expectations for a finale to this phenomenal series.

*I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was absolutely everything I hoped it would be. Like so many other fans of the Dark Protectors series, I have been waiting anxiously for Janie's story. We've been teased with bits and pieces for years. We have known her since she was just four years old; we've followed her as she has become more powerful and as she has come closer and closer to fulfilling her destiny. We've caught glimpses of her connections to Zane and Kalin. And it's all led up to this. I am getting excited all over again just thinking about it.

The story begins with the big peace talks among all of the supernatural factions and it's there that Janie, Zane, and Kalin all meet in person for the very first time. And we finally learn who --and what-- Zane really is. From their very first interaction, Rebecca Zanetti drives home the differences between how everyone is in the dreamworld versus reality. Everything is no longer hazy and hopeful. Zane is dark and deadly and Janie has to quickly come to terms with the fact that the Zane of her fantasies is a flesh and blood man with his own loyalties and baggage that are part of the package.

I love that there is more to Zane than meets the eye. He is just a touch more caveman than my taste generally dictates. (The only thing in the whole book I would have changed was the obligatory spanking "to teach her a lesson.") But overall, he is not nearly as overbearing as the heroes in the early books of the series. I appreciate that he gives Janie credit where she's due and he doesn't ignore what she can bring to the table.

The romance was 100% satisfying, both emotionally and sexually. But there is just as much to be said about the larger story arc. This book is the culmination of all the fighting, scheming and atrocities among the demons, kurjans, witches, vampires and shifters. It's positively explosive and it went in a direction I never saw coming. It was fantastic. I was on the edge of my seat from the beginning to end. There is a ton of action and it's filled with twists and turns.

The ending is 100% satisfying in every way. Not only is the main arc wonderfully resolved and the romance full of HEA goodness, we get to spend some time with every single couple we have fallen in love with over the course of the series. I can't think of any way she could have done this better. Fans are going to love this book. I know I sure did.

Rating: A
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
joshua magno
Part of the problem with this book is that there has been such a long build up to Janie’s story that it was almost inevitable that it would be somewhat disappointing. But I also felt that a lot of what happened in the book was a cop out and anticlimactic. We finally find out what Zane’s genetic makeup is, and although the reveal was shocking to Janie I was really hoping it would be something different. I love when a paranormal species discovers they are others out there. Instead what I figured was true.

Also Janie and Zane came together as a couple way to easy for my taste. They went from years of dreamworld dating to real life, yet with all their differences and Zane’s lying by omission they didn’t struggle as a couple at all. I would have liked to see them have to adjust from virtual dating to the reality of what it means for them to be together. I was also disappointed with Kalin’s lack of appearance in this book. I thought the three of them would finally have to face to face deal with their love triangle. But that never happened and Kalin’s exit was lame.

All that being said, I’m glad a major plot point has been wrapped up. There is now room for new enemies and obstacles. There is a new spin off series and I am looking forward to that, as well as future books in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
LOVED, LOVED this book. It got my attention during the unusual start with the dream world and it hooked me and never let go. It was an INTENSE, EDGE of the SEAT, WILD RIDE of a story and I loved every minute of it. I hated it when I had to lay the book down to go do "stuff."
There was plenty of action both physical and emotional in this book. Zane had been through some incredible stuff when he had to go live with his sadistic uncle, Suri. But it was a good thing that had some good years with a loving vampire father before that. Some of the memories of those years and his times in the dream world with Janie helped him keep some of his sanity. He wasn't so sure of his humanity though. He had to do a lot of things he didn't want to in order to keep his mother and two brothers alive and safe. That's what made him The Ghost, the assassin, something that he hated.
Janie was loved and protected but she also did all she could to be a fierce warrior on her own. The weight of responsibility when it came to being The Chosen One was heavy. It didn't take long for me to be pulling for the two of them as the story went on. This book was also character rich when it came to the secondary people in this book. It didn't go super deep into their stories but enough to care about them too.
There were so many surprises, twists and turns that it almost took my breath away. But in a good way. There are so many people with their own motives that it keeps things moving.
It seems that time after time, Janie and Zane bucked the odds. Especially Janie, whatever was said couldn't be done, she did. It made me smile wondering what her next surprise was going to be.
There is a great Epilogue or two at the end of the book that made me smile, again.
There is a quick look into another book by this author called, "Wicked Ride" The Enforcer Realm series. It sounded so good I already have it set to read soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine morovich
Marked is the final chapter in the Dark Protectors series, a riveting saga spanning decades of story time and following the powerful ruling Karys vampire family. Throughout all the story threads of each individual book, one thing has been constant: Janet Isabella Kayrs is the prophesied one who will change the world, for better or worse. The demons want to kill her, the Kurjans want to own her, and the vampires just want to keep her safe. Zane Kylllwood has been visiting his Janie Belle in dream worlds since they were children, and they are both in for a treat - and a serious test of their love for one another - when they finally get to meet in person.

There is a charming – and striking – dichotomy between the relationship Janie and Zane share and the ones played out by all the other couples in the series. As her lifelong best friend and companion, Zane is sweet, loving, and playful, but he can quickly flip into vampire single-minded bossiness when he believes Janie is in danger. Ms Zanetti’s heroes are always alpha males who fall just on the right side of that razor thin edge between adoring males who live to serve their mates and beastly, control-happy cavemen who kill first and ask questions later. And let me tell you – that heady, steaming hot hero profile is just begging for a gaggle of female fans! With Zane, Ms. Zanetti has created a very special blend of her signature hero traits and crafted them into a persona who is likeable, a little bit scary, and surprisingly believable for a male so young. The most diversified of all the Karys men, Zane has Conn’s super-soldier determination, Talen’s bossiness and protectiveness, Jace’s playfulness and spirit of youth, Kane’s uncanny ability to see around obstacles, and Dage’s sense of self-sacrificing responsibility to lead.

Marked dives right into a rivetting storyline years in the making, captivating readers with the strength and depth of the connection between Janie and Zane. The myriad story threads from the rest of the series are all cleverly wrapped up and each set of characters is given their moment to reconnect with readers before bringing this incredibly compelling story arc to a close. I laughed and cried and – in the end – truly felt satisfied with the way Ms Zanetti laid it all out. That’s a big win for the book’s well-developed plot arc, since there were definitely times I was so worried about how it would all turn out that I considered stopping reading for a while to extend the experience! This book – this entire series – is dynamite, just so well crafted. Kudos to author Rebecca Zanetti on putting the finishing sparkling touches on a story that celebrates love, family, and triumph over adversity by digging deep and trusting those you hold most dear. The best part? Ms. Zanetti’s new spin-off Realm Enforcers series means it’s not the end of the road for this story universe, and I’m looking forward to getting to know other characters better while still seeing a familiar face now and then. Don’t miss the preview of Kellache Dunne’s story – and his scrappy new love interest – at the end of Marked!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth glassman
Highly anticipated!!!

Received an ARC from Netgalley.

This is definitely not a standalone book, I highly recommend reading in order.

Book 7 in the Dark Protector series was all that we’d hope for and more. Think we’re still at the top of the food chain? Well, think again. When you find out that what was once in storybooks, live right alongside you…

The story of Janet Isabella Kayrs, the Chosen One has long been awaited. The search for little Janie was the catalyst for the beginning of the war between the Kurjans and the Vampires. Her birth was prophesied by every known race on earth which wouldn’t be so bad, if not for some of these species willing to do any and everything to make it as if you were never born. A truly heavy burden for a little girl.. She’s always known that it would come down to the three of them,

It was truly astounding to finally get the questions, the readers and Janie had for so long finally answered. Being the only human among so many immortals has prepared her for most anything, yet Fate still has a few curve balls to throw into the mix, which she does with spectacular timing. The sheer brilliance, that Ms. Zanetti creates in her writing boggles the mind. When we finally meet Zane, we get to see one of Fates curve balls up close and personal, it’s just the beginning of the wild ride to the finish line and the meeting between Talen and Zane is priceless. The one thing these Vampires don’t play around with is family and will do whatever it takes to protect them. Maybe they aren’t by themselves in that aspect.

The final act is set, with all players taking their assumed positions, the demands for peace are laid out. Then in spectacular way we’ve come to expect from this author, all hell breaks loose!!!

As the real reasons behind the creation of the virus is revealed, we finally see the true evil genius of Virus-27 and it’s repercussions. When we think finally, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, Ms. Zanetti throws us a curve ball, one of many mind you. It was truly heart-breaking to see such magnificent warriors pay such a devastating price. It literally becomes a race for time.
The author truly was able to put into words how far we would go to protect the ones we love, regardless of what species we belong to. Even at the lowest, Zane found the strength to pull off the impossible and Janie’s destiny is finally revealed.

With all hell literally breaking loose and the unthinkable coming closer, the solution was extremely creative and stunningly written. These warriors don’t know how to say “Uncle” and some little known quirks are explained about the Kayrs family. The book contains all the arrogance, possessiveness and off the charts hotness that we’ve come to love and associate with the characters of this series. All of our old friends are present and accounted for, with some lovely additions. There’s so much to this book that saying more will definitely negate my rule of “no spoilers” Oh, what the heck, just have to say…Girl power rules. This book truly does not disappoint which begs the question…Is it really over? Only time will tell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david w
voluntary review of arc
Marked is the seventh book in the Dark Protectors series by author Rebecca Zanetti. Though this is my first time reading this series I was not lost picking up this book. It is a fast-paced edge of your seat romance with great characters.
Zane handsome and strong. He has killer good looks and brains. He is alpha male personified. He is kind and protective. He is the kind that would never stray or cheat on you.
Janie has been dreaming of Zane all her life. She has expectations that are blown out of the water when they meet. She is a strong sensitive person and I really super loved her.
This is one of those stories I want to read over and over again. It kept me reading and wanting more. I might have to go back and read the books I missed now. I loved this story and its very memorable characters.

Five Shooting Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finally the battle has come for Janie! No longer is she a child and now the time has come for her to help bring peace to witches, vampires, demons, and the beat down to the kurjans. From the time that she first saw Talen in her visions, she knew she would be the one to change the world. She just never saw the outcome of her fate, whether she must sacrifice herself to save all or is she there to doom them all. The one thing she does know is that it will come down between her, Zane and Kalin.
This book was extremely eventful! The romance between Zane and Janie is so destructive at times, but worth it. The delusional romance that Kalin think he has with Janie is just creepy and "American Psycho" type theme. Even though you think you know what's coming, something pops up to surprise you! It' a race against time for Janie as she tries to fulfill her destiny and save all living beings from being destroyed. Finally you get to find out what Zane truly is! During the story, you get frustrated because he isn't turning out like you expected. LOL, but what he has planned is all to save his Janie. Rebecca doesn't disappoint you in her book! This is by far, one of the top 3 books that I say, are her best out of the series. I don't want to ruin the story for anyone who reads it, because from beginning to end, you're going to need the anticipation without me giving the heads up.
So, get his book and read it! You won't be disappointed! If you haven't started this series, I recommend starting from the first book even though I think you can read without it. There will just be information missing that were explained in previous books.
This is the last book in her Dark Protectors series, but you know what they say. When one story ends, another gets it's beginning!

ARC book received from NETGALLEY
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Where to begin?
Where to begin?
Sometimes when you love a books reviews are so easy to write. And sometimes when you love a book a spoiler free reviews is beyond difficult to write. That is my dilemma right now.
I loved loved loved MARKED. If you have not read this series yet. You really need to start with book one. Each book is it’s own story but there is a running story and if you read MARKED without reading the rest of the series you will not be a happy camper.

Now for my review.
It would be so easy to reveal so much in my review. SO very very easy. So here goes a hopefully spoiler free review.
Zane is not who you think he is and to be honest I was a little mad at him.
Janie plays a very important role.
Kalin plays a very dangerous game with very dangerous people.
Everyone and everything that Janie loves will be in jeopardy.
Everyone learns that sometimes you can fight fate.
And the only thing that can save them all is a little hope.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley & Kensington Books in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robin moore
Marked (Dark Protectors, #7) Rebecca Zanetti
bookshelves: rebecca-zanetti
Read from November 25 to 27, 2016
Write review later.

This Adult Paranormal/Suspense Romance is so compelling you will not be able to stop reading them, they are just that great. I feasted on this series!! I read them NON-STOP! The world build, the characters, everything about this series is delicious and addicting. Superbly well written and absolutely captivating. I can not stress just how much I loved this series. I know my reviews on these are short. I just couldn't quit reading them long enough to bother with notes or reviews!
There are 4 novella's listed I haven't read yet. They are; Teased (Dark Protectors, #7.5), Tricked (Dark Protectors, #7.75), Talen: A Dark Protectors Novella (which is not out yet, but can be pre-ordered), and Tangled: A Dark Protectors Novella (also not out till May 2017)
Here is the list of books in this series I have read so far and my star rating for them.
Fated (Dark Protectors, #1) 3 stars - should be 3.5
Claimed (Dark Protectors, #2) 4 stars
Tempted (Dark Protectors, #2.5) 5 stars
Hunted (Dark Protectors, #3) 4 stars
Consumed (Dark Protectors, #4) 5 stars
Provoked (Dark Protectors, #5) 5 stars
Twisted (Dark Protectors, #5.5) 4 stars
Shadowed (Dark Protectors, #6) 5 stars
Tamed (Dark Protectors, #6.5) 4 stars
Marked (Dark Protectors, #7) 5 stars
Marked (Dark Protectors)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The reign of the Dark Protectors has come a full circle. Marked marks a fitting end to the war waged in the Realm and for peace to become the norm of life.

Janet Kayrs Paulsen has been prophesized to be the game-changing piece in the big war in the Realm, between the evil and the good. And Zane Kyllwood as the warrior soldier, strategizing to bring peace into the Realm, and destined to be mated with Janet, is a breed apart from others.

Zane and his Janie Belle have been friends in their dream world forever, and seeing each other in real world, actually rocks the very foundation of their friendship and a future that they may not be part of. Even as the Realm fights to save the innocent and bring peace, Zane and Janie have to endure love, separation and the pain of not being together as each is faced with responsibilities tied with their positions. Even as the Dark Protectors fight to save their mates from a deadly virus, and find a cure, loyalties are tested and trust becomes a premium commodity.

“Marked” is an amazing, amazing narration of the Dark Protectors and their unconditional love and support for their loved ones. It is a brilliant story of two individuals, who under dire circumstances, try to find humor as they fight to keep their love alive. And it is an impressive story of family, friends and allies finding a way to fight the deadly virus and the evil plaguing the Realm, and surviving fatalities to bring that peace.

And it is a glorious ending as Zane and Janie lay down the foundation of peace in the Realm.

As much as I ‘m sad to see the Dark Protectors passing on the reign, I am looking forward to the Realm Enforcers, who just may be the new heroes trying to protect the innocent, and keep the peace that Zane and his Janie Belle have fought so hard for.
No words can describe this story and no words or reviews would do any justice. It has to be read personally, line by line, lived through Zane and Janie’s eyes, event by event, and enjoy the sheer perfection of this story, dialogue by dialogue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alyssa fine
I truly loved this series. Rebecca Zanetti's Dark Protectors series is the epitome of Alpha males. From Fated with Talon to this newest one with, finally, Zane you have strong, devoted, Alpha males who when they love they love hard. I, like many others were very excited for this book's release, some of us have been waiting since the very first introduction of Zane and Janie in Fated. Marked is a game changer it's the end of the Dark Protectors series but it is by no means permanently over. Rebecca Zanetti has several spin offs planned the first series being The Realm Enforcers centering around the witch Kellach Dunne.

Zane and Janie have come along way, and with peace talks starting it is finally revealed just what Zane is, a big secret throughout the series. I guessed what it was back in Hunted, but I guess I'm just that good because several of my other Rebels were very surprised by the outcome. (NO SPOILERS!) The Demons and The Kurjans can not be trusted. The peace talks have started and everyone has stated what they want and with that all out in the air Janie's life is put even more in danger. Zane has a plan but he hasn't filled in Janie so when the Kurjans do a mass attack on the Kayrs Zane pops up and kidnaps Janie. He saves her life but that really doesn't matter he ends up stealing her shoes to keep her there in the Alaskan wilderness until he gets other things in motion, like finding his mother and saving his two younger brothers. Humorous scene when Zane finally brings Janie back to the Kayrs compound.

The virus debonding the mates gets airborne and everything seriously gets worse. It's looks like the end of the vampires but miracles tend to happen when things are looking the darkest. This book was absolutely everything I hoped it would be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tanel raja
This series began with Talen when he took on Janie and her mom. Janie was just a young child but her destiny was somewhat known throughout the series, at least the idea that was pivotal. Finally in this last book of the series we get the romance of Janie and Zane, and find out how Kalin fit into the picture as the third part of their triangle.

The book opens at the peace talks when all the major groups come together, and we finally find out for sure what species Zane is mixed with ... Vampire father but mother is what? Janie is at the talks as well. Of course though, they don't go as planned, and this book is nonstop action as the romance of Janie and Zane takes place among battle after battle. It was a truly fitting end to this series, surprising in some ways and not in others. I can't give a lot of detail without spoiling some of the book, so I'll leave it at that.

I will say the Epilogue is awesome, and I hope that book comes around at some point in the future. It brought it full circle for sure.

There is a teaser at the end for the spinoff series by Zanetti featuring the witch enforcers, starting with Kellach, due out in June. That too looks like it will be a fun series to read. I will definitely be awaiting that, as I loved all this series.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill bruder
Wow. I couldn't stop reading. I didn't want to start because I did not want the series to end. This final chapter was so exciting. So many changes. Many, many stories reached their end. This is difficult to review because I would love to share, but do not want to give too much away. I connected with so many characters in this series. Although Katie truly annoyed me, I must admit the only one I truly did not like was Amber. She was a ridiculous character to me. I will say the finally battle, although exciting, was not even close to the build up from the first book to the last. Also, it seems the powers Janie exhibited in Claimed to Emma, were never written again. She was able to heal Emma. I was disappointed in the lack of powers displayed by both Janie and Jase. Too much build up. I still recommend this series 100%. Lots of love in this book. Love of family, friends and of people. Truly touching and so exciting. I loved it! I also love this author. She has created an amazing world. Look forward to reading more from her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marshall cox
Rating~ 4.75 stars

Janet Isabelle Kryrs, called Janie Belle by her loved ones is the chosen one. Her birth and her changing the world was prophesied by oracles/prophets from all species of the realm. We met Janie when she was 4 years old in the first book in the series, a child who knew things (she’s psychic) and had the ability to walk into dream land. Which is where she met Zane. In the last couple of books we saw her become a young woman who had so many responsibilities on her thin shoulders yet she was a smart-ass and had smile for everybody. Janie has spent all her life believing that she is going to change the world and ultimately keep everyone she loves safe.

Zane Kylwood is a half vampire and half something you will have to read to find out. Also known as the Ghost. He really isn’t the quiet, sweet boy that Janie was best friends with for years in their dream world before he went to live with his mother’s people. Zane is a solider, he has spent the last decade of his life in battle. He’s also an assassin, committed a lot dangerous acts and took alot of beatings to keep his family safe from his uncle. Zane from a young age has believed that Janie will be his and he will keep everyone he holds dear safe, He also hates that Janie’s willing to do anything to stop further bloodshed in the war.

Both Janie and Zane love their family, they are willing to sacrifice themselves if it means that they get to live. Janie has always believed in fate especially since fate was what resulted in her getting a family. Zane doesn’t, he wants his Janie to have choices for her future, ones that don’t involve her mating with Kalin.

Zane and Janie’s relationship was at times sweet and tender other times passionate and intense. I really liked them together, how they were both with only each other was very different to how they act around others. Janie has always showed a strong and bright front for her family, she is also slightly spoiled since her members love her and wouldn’t do anything to make her upset. She usually gets her way but not with Zane. Zane sees right through her act, of not only her manipulating people into doing what she wants but to the young vulnerable woman shes underneath. They are both stubborn and believe that they are right in all things which made their banter very interesting.

There were a few surprises about the Kayrs brothers and their behavior which made ultimately a lot of sense. The book had some twists and turns which I didn’t see coming. I sniffled and cried a few times when it seemed there would be no happy ending for anyone in the realm let alone Janie’s. They were also a lot of plotting, planning going around in the book to get the upper hand in the battle from both sides of the line and quite a few battle/fighting scenes.

We also had a quite a few scenes of the Kayrs brothers and their mates. It was lovely seeing them again.

Kalin was as expected a big part of the book, I always thought he would end up dead not because he’s a crazy, serial killer psychopath (he is that) but because of his obsession with Janie. And I liked how the prophesy his people foresaw would come to pass eventually from the way the book ended, it was just not the way he thought it would have. Sneaky Rebeecca Zanetti!

Quibbles: I loved Zane and Janie together and I would have liked a bit more of them together, their relationship and how they developed and I missed my shifters, I wanted a bit more of them as well.

Overall, a great and a happy ending to a wonderful series. Bravo Ms. Zanetti!

I cannot wait for the spin-off of the series and I really want to know what happened with Nick and his witch. Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike blumenstein
Overall Rating: 4.5 Rockin’ ★★★★☆

Friendships born in a dream world becomes reality in Rebecca Zanetti’s Marked, the final book in her Dark Protectors series. Janie and Zane have been friends since their early childhood years. This is the culmination and also the beginning of their story. Old friends are revisited as their lives intersect.

To be the Chosen One, the Prophesied One even before your birth is a daunting role to play in life. Janie has never been allowed to be a child, a teen, even a young adult but always a beacon for others. Janie’s only freedom from the pressures of her destiny has been her dream world with her friend and confidant, Zane. She has grown up dreaming with Zane and being trained by her vampire family. It is finally time for all the warring nations to come together and try to broker peace. As the Chosen One she is required to be there for the summit meeting. When Zane walks in behind his uncle, the leader of the Demons she does not know what to think. Was everything a lie? Why didn’t he tell her who he was?

He is neither vampire, demon or shifter but a blending of all. Zane has lived his life alone, never fitting in anywhere. Neither his father’s people nor his mother’s people accepted him as one of them. He was been trained as a warrior by his mother’s brother to be used as a weapon and feared by everyone. Everyone fears him except for Janie Kayrs, his childhood friend. Janie has always been his. From the first time he entered her dreams, he knew that she belonged to him. The control that his uncle has on him makes it difficult to protect those he loves. Will he be able to keep Janie safe?

Hero: Zane Kylllwood 4.5 stars
Heroine: Janet Isabella Kayrs 4.5 stars
Plot: 4.5 stars
Steam Level: 4.5 stars
Cliffhanger: No

Would I recommend this book: Yes! This is a must read, a beautifully written love story! It completes Janie and Zane’s story and at the same time weaves a thread of completion for pervious characters in this series. Witches, demons, shifter and vampires…Oh my! What’s not to love?

Would I recommend this author: Yes! This author creates amazing worlds where paranormal romances take place and once read are unforgettable! Rebecca Zanetti is a must read author that does not disappoint her readers! Cannot wait to read the new series the Realm Enforcers!

***Received an ARC of this book from the Author in exchange for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
{ received an advanced copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ; full review, with quotes, can be found at -- }

I feel like I often begin my 4.5 and 5 star reviews with something along the lines of, "Oh, this book," but...

...oh, this book...!

The book opens in Janie's dream world; she is five years old and is looking for her friend -- her friend who she only ever meets in this dream world. This place is her special place; it's a place where she goes when she's not quite awake, not quite sleeping. You later learn that she gets there when she's in a meditative state.

In her dream world, Janie often found answers. She also often learned of things there were to come.
And so their unlikely friendship begins. Unlikely because Janie is human (her new name change comes from her also-human mother meeting and mating Talen Kayrs, a vampire), and Zane is a vampire.

Also? Gotta say... he calls her Janie Belle 'forever', and I just love it to pieces. "Janie Belle" and "Belle" -- you know, I'm not much of an endearment kind of gal, but sometimes they just work and something about big, bad, dark Zane calling his little something such a sweet name... Just does it for me. Oh, who am I kidding, every nickname these strong men give all their mates in this book just do it for me, even Conn's nickname for his Moira, Daitlin -- meaning brat. Gah, I'd like to read their story.

Over the next many years, they meet again and again in this dream world; there's also another boy who is there, Kalin. The three of them grow up together, yet apart, as they don't truly meet in person.

When Zane's father dies, Janie can no longer find him. He becomes lost to her.

Then the war she saw as a child comes to play -- it's a war between the different species of paranormal, and they all want the book of Arias... well as Janie.

When the demon representatives arrive to the peace talks, Janie is shocked when Zane walks in.

Zane wants Janie. He's always wanted Janie.

He was just aware enough that with his lineage, he was no good for her. And now with this ever-looming war and deadly virus... he cannot have her.

But in a moment of passion, when they both decide to have just that one night, he is overcome by his emotions and ends up marking her, and therefore mating her. And because she's mated to him, she can have no other, even when she dies, as his 'species', if you will, mates for life.

When he realizes what he's done, he's sure Janie is going to have his balls (after all, the previous day she fought him pretty well, and his nether-regions was a bit bruised). He wants her; he's already told the entire peace talks that when all was said and done, regardless what everyone else wanted Janie was his -- she'd been his since they were kids. But now that this war is going on and he's kidnapped Janie... his nether-regions being bruised is the least of his worries. He's sure he will die within days, and he's bound Janie to him for eternity.

When Janie realizes what he's done, at first she's a bit livid (the markings hurt); then she turns a bit sad -- she loves him, has always loved him, but she's afraid that maybe (and it bothers her to even think it) he mated with her to gain access to her gifts (a side benefit of mating was that each mate takes on the other's special attributes: psychic abilities, etc).

I really liked this story. I enjoyed how Rebecca made sense of weather patterns by what was happening in the 'underworld', if you will. When the peace talks began, there was fear of all the anger causing a terrible earthquake, as they were right under a serious fault line. When Janie's uncle, Dage, who was also the head of Realm, was upset (to say it kindly), the skies were gray and furious, matching his mood.

I loved that Talen considers Janie his own. There's no 'step' anything. She is his daughter, through and through, and he'd do anything to protect her.

And then there's Zane.

He won't admit it, but one of his biggest fears is that he relates more to his demonic side. Even when upset, his voice drops to that low octave. He doesn't feel he has anything to offer Janie, and that kills him because he wants her for his. At one point, he admits to her that the Zane she knew in their childhood dream world was not the real him -- he was escaping the wrath of his uncle and could pretend in her dream world.

But no worries, Zane Kyllwood has a soft side that Janie sees clearly.

I also like that Janie, although just a mere mortal with certain abilities, is extremely head strong and wants to help fight her family's battles. Her father taught her to defend herself and she wants to help. It irks her when Zane asks, then tells, then essentially manhandles her, that he wants to lock her up and won't allow her to fight. Even from their first person-to-person meeting, Zane wants and needs to protect her.

I could easily go on and on about this book. I just. Loved. It. And that little dream world at the end? Well, I was a bit taken aback by it, due to what goes on in Zane, Kalin, and Janie's dream world, but regardless -- the end? I would like to see that book. Granted, it would be a while down the road, I'm sure, but Rebecca, I expect to see that book ;)

Oh, lastly, gotta add -- pretty much the entire 'end scene', after the chapters go by in months? Totally near tears... and then the waterworks happened.

So be prepared with a tissue or two or a box.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This review and more can be seen at

A love story that began and has been building heavily since the beginning of the Dark Protectors series finally comes to a head. Janet, Kalin and Zane are children no longer and decisions need to be made, as well as sacrifices. The build up of this relationship has been deep and intense. When the three finally meet within the flesh outside of their safe dream world, sparks, fists, heat and blood will fly.

Janie always knew the one she would choose to be with, having felt a deep love for Zane from the very moment he stepped into her dreams. Kalin always a dark mystery whom she considered a friend, also knowing as she grew older his feelings for her went beyond the realm of friendship. Though Janie would never say the Kurjan truly loved her, seeing the murderous psycho her grew up to be there's no way he possibly even begin to understand such an emotion. Janie also knew that though she loved Zane, their love may not stand a chance one the prophecy she was to fulfill came to fruition. Which was much easier to accept before she had him by her side and their love morphed into something consuming both their hearts and souls. To end the war and bring peace she is willing to give up her own life, but not him or her family. But, when you have psychotic enemies determined to bring entire races down to the brink of extinction, and the patience that comes with immortality, losing most everyone she loves becomes almost inevitable.

Zane has been a mystery to the entire Karys family, including his Janie Belle. They all knew he was part vampire, but when he enters the peace talks behind his uncle, the shock of his genetics just may be enough to start a secondary war. Upon learning who he truly is inside and out, however, they discover he is more ally than enemy. A boy turned killer, Zane has been sacrificing everything just to keep his family safe. But when asked to sacrifice the one woman he has ever loved other than his mother, his uncle sets in motion a series of events that will lead to only one outcome, either Zane or his uncle must die.

Rebecca Zanetti truly delivers in the highly anticipated Marked. Readers will be more than pleased in how the story turns out, and will shed more than a few tears due to laughter, and heartache. Action packed from the very beginning, a bumpy ride sure to please all Dark Protectors' fans. Marked will answer both questions asked and unasked, as well as giving updates on all of the couples fans have come to love, and a conclusion safely ends this chapter within the Realm and begins a new one with the next generation of vampires, shifters, witches, demons and so much more. This entire series' is a must read for all paranormal lovers who need heat, lust, love, blood and gore.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonnie estes
Marked, Zanetti, Rebecca
Review from jeannie zelos book reviews
When I think back to the beginning, when the characters were a small group and so many had yet to join them, I realise how far this series has gone. I’m sad to see the end of it ( but of course there’s the potential for more from the next generation…) but I’m glad too – so often authors pull extra books from a popular series, and it just doesn’t work. Stop at the top and that’s what Rebecca has done here, and it leaves us with a series where each book is genuine, a good read and not a padded out extra.
The danger they’ve been battling throughout the series is coming to a head, and the whole world itself is threatened. Though this book focuses on Janie and Zane, there are updates on everyone else too and we see the whole group involved in the struggle for peace.
All the Supernaturals are in peace talks, and as a human Janie is vulnerable – she knows she needs to be there but her parents aren’t happy. As the Chosen One though she sees it as her duty to attend and insists. Its difficult getting heads/ representatives of the various groups together, and very dangerous – who know who will stick to their word and who will seize the opportunity to forge ahead. Zane gets word through his sources that the Demons are planning an attack on Janie. He’s part Demon, nephew of the current leader and expected to take part in her demise. His uncle wants her dead, and expects Zane to obey him. Zane’s known her through their shared dreams all her life, but now they’re meeting for real and she’s in danger of her life. Zane isn’t having that so takes steps to save her, putting his brothers and mother in danger so he needs to move swiftly to save them too at cost to himself.
Its a real adventure book, where they face danger after danger, and the attacks come not just singly but against all of them, and its a race against time to save everyone. I didn’t really enjoy some of this part, I’m not really happy about people getting skills/finding out essential info (it’s hard to explain without giving things away) just at the crucial moment. I don’t mind the occasional time, but it seems too frequent in this book for me. That’s a small crit though, the rest as always races along, and of course has the usual hot and steamy sex scenes. Zane and Janie together are –wow- perfect. I kind of feel sorry for Kalin, I know he’s cruel, kills for fun etc, and yet when we’ve seen him in the dream world we’ve seen a different side to him, and he honestly believes he and Janie should be together. I sort of get the feeling love and kindness haven’t featured much in his life, and that reflects in the person he’s become. Zane hasn’t had much love and kindness either though, and he’s become someone who’s a killer when its needed but doesn’t do it for fun, and has a real tender side.
I enjoyed this episode, it tied everything off neatly and some parts (Kalin) actually had me with a lump in my throat…after all the build up it was a perfect ending, leaving me knowing how everyone had fared. Sometimes series end and I think “ what about xyz?” but everyone I can think of is accounted for here and that way I feel satisfied.
Stars: Four and a half, dropped half for those last minute extra powers that I don’t like
ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine bissonnette
*I received this book free from NetGalley on behalf of Kensington Books in exchange for an honest review*

First off I have to say that this is the first book in this series that I've read. Even though the main storyline courses through the entire series Rebecca's style of writing kept me feeling like I didn't miss anything. I never felt lost and if anything I was drawn completely into the story and never wanted to put it down.

Janie has always been unique; after all she is the prophesized one. She met Zane and Kalin in the Dream world when they were mere children. All three different species, all three on different sides of the war, and all three linked together in ways that will unfold throughout this book. One will fulfill their destiny, one will become the leader they're meant to be, and one will sacrifice everything to protect all.

I don't know what I can possibly say that won't give away the story and that is the last thing I want to do. Marked captivated my attention from the first page and held it through the entire book. There's a war raging, people dying, a virus threatening to kill more, and a prophecy that no one understands happening whether anyone is ready or not. Not to mention an intense love story between a determined woman and a fierce warrior.

And for all of you who have read the entire series there is a bonus at the end which includes little snippets of all the couples and how they're getting along now. I know I enjoyed it and I haven't even read their stories…yet.

If you're tired of the same ol' vampire, shifter, demon, witch stories then you'll have to check the Dark Protector series out. Rebecca Zanetti puts a new spin on her immortals and wow what a spin it is.

My Favorite Quotes: Even through the war and virus turmoil this book has a lot of humor in it. Whether it was meant to be humorous or not these parts definitely make me laugh.

Then he held up a finger to Talen Kayrs. "Give me a minute." Turning his back on one of the most dangerous vampires in history, he glared down at his mate. "Never, and I mean f***ing never, get between me and somebody who wants to hit me. Got it?"

~ ~ ~

"So how are you feeling right now?"
She breathed out. "Well, my a** hurts, my head hurts from crying, and I'd like to punch you in the face."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer roffmann grant
SPOTLIGHT, Review & Giveaway: Marked (Dark Protectors) by Rebecca Zanetti
Publication Date: December 22, 2014
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 5 Stars

I love this series! Marked is the final book in Rebecca Zanetti's Dark Protectors Series and is Janie and Zane's story. Their story began as children in the first book and spanned over the entire series. The conclusion was perfect! Sometimes when you get to a final book in a series you love you're afraid the ending won't live up to your expectations, but I loved everything about it. I felt satisfied when I closed the book with updates on all my favorite characters and Janie and Zane's story was my favorite. There will be a spin off series involving the witch protectors and I hope we get occasional glimpses into the Karys family's lives. The Dark Protectors Series is an incredible PNR series that includes vampires, shifters, witches and demons. I adore the hot alpha male vamps in this series. Rebecca Zanetti created a unique paranormal world full of action, suspense, and scorching hot romance. I highly recommend you read this entire series. I can't wait to see what Rebecca Zanetti has in store for us in her Witch Protectors Series.

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was finally able to binge read this series and I’m so happy I did. The mixture of demons, witches, shifters and vampires can sometimes get muddled but Ms. Zanetti managed to blend them all into a cohesive action filled series. I have to say that the way she described the witch’s powers was crafty and ingenious. It added such a fun aspect to the overall story. Now the true pulse pounding force of these books is the hot alpha males. I fell a little in love with each of them even while wanting to box their ears…and loved every minute of it . Yes I could have taken a break between books but I didn’t want to. I had to find out what happens with Janie, Zane and Kalin. Their story evolved through the series and I didn’t know where it was going, I just knew I wanted to go too. The overall series grabbed me from book one and never let go.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d rezny
This is apparently the last book in this series and it's fitting that it ends where it all began with Janie. Janie was just a child in the first book but she was destined to become the Chosen One and fulfil prophecies but as the adopted daughter of one of the most powerful vampires in the Realm she has to attend the peace talks . Unfortunately not everyone really wants an end to the war that's tearing the supernatural community apart and Janie is slap bang in the middle of it all.
Since Janie was a young child she has dream walked and it was there that she first met Zane, although she never quite knew exactly what he was. As vampires, demons , witches and Kurjans assemble Janie comes face to face with the truth of just what exactly Zane is and it's a shocking discovery ! Her playmate of old is now a powerful warrior and the ultimate predator and he has his sights firmly set on claiming Janie for his own! Once she felt safe with him but now can Janie trust Zane? So much is at stake but it's about to get much much worse as all those Janie loves face their ultimate challenge.
O my what a way to end a series! This book is the culmination of all the story lines from previous books and it rocks the vampire realm to it's core. In this story we learn exactly just what the Virus 27 that effects vampires mates is really intended to do and betrayal from one of their own begins a viscous spiral that seems hopeless. Expect heartbreaking scenes as the author cleverly incorporates beloved characters into what is truly an amazing conclusion. I'm loathe to say too much lest I ruin it for other readers but I can confirm it's a passionate love story with moments of humour that simply tore my heart out ( these brave guys will do anything for love) but what strikes me most is the development that this book adds to the series. I've often wondered just exactly why the Kurjans created the virus and what they thought it would achieve and here everything comes to ahead in spectacular style. In this book there's action, passion and moments of true sorrow but even better a hope for a new series to spin off and this reader for one cannot wait! Ms Zanetti take a bow because you truly deserve it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric shinn
I cannot tell you how incredible this story is. MARKED has brought the series full circle. There are answers to many questions, surprises around every corner and a bridge between this series and the next. The writing is outstanding and the plot is engaging and action-packed! It is one of the best books I’ve ever read.

In MARKED, we see many of our favorite characters as well as a few new ones. It’s hard to write this review without giving away spoilers so you’ll have to forgive my overt vagueness. As a diehard fan of the series, I can tell you that it exceeded all my expectations and wrapped up the story arch beautifully. I’m excited to see where the author will direct our next journey in this magical world!

I was gifted an eBook copy from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. All conclusions reached are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda kerr
If you are a paranormal romance fan you can't go wrong with the DARK PROTECTORS series and MARKED didn't disappoint in the least. Janie is a human living in a world of supernatural beings who all have talents and strengths beyond her. However, Janie is special in her own right and she doesn't let a little thing like being physically weaker and mortal stand in her way. All of the factions agree that Janie is the key to a prophecy that could lead to either peace or all out war. Janie has the gift of prophecy as well as the ability to enter the dream world and interact with others, She has been interacting with both Zane and Kalin in the dream world since she was a child. Zane turns out to be more than anyone knew. When his true heritage is revealed Janie must decide if she can trust the boy she thought that she knew or run from the man that Zane has become.

Zane has his own very personal agenda and will stop at nothing to assure that his family remains safe and out of his uncle Suri's control. Zane is not only more than he seems, but has a rare set of powers that marks him as dangerous to all factions that oppose him. Meeting Janie in the real world makes one thing clear to Zane and that is that Janie belongs to him. Zane only has to figure out a way to win in what seems an impossible situation.

MARKED is an enjoyable and fast paced read and was a great ending to the DARK PROTECTORS series. I can't wait to see what Zanetti has in store for us next!

You can find more from me at Monlatable Book Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Janie has known Zane since she was four years old and she entered the dream world. She has always held a soft spot for Zane, but the time for reality is now. Janie, is the key to saving the future, and every race seems to have plans for her future. But she is determined to show Zane that she can be his partner and not to be held back on the sidelines. When she learns about who he really is, that he is half demon and half vampire, she is shocked. And not only that, but he is related to the leader of the demons. Zane has been trained as a soldier, and has suffered under his uncles hand, but Zane will do everything in his power to keep those he loves safe, including Janie and his family whose locations are being kept from him if he takes action against his uncle. However time is running short for him, and when he devises a plan, it puts Janie in the middle of danger, and he might have to choose where his loyalties lie, and is he strong enough to face his uncle and become leader over the demons he despises and take hold of his future…

The Hero
Zane is a character that we don’t know hardly anything about until we read Marked. His true identity is kept from us in the whole series, and in the previous books the anticipation was just about to kill me. But we learn who he really is pretty quick in the first few pages. Zane is half vampire and half demon, and his mother is imprisoned, and his brothers are out fighting on locations he doesn’t know about. Zane is the next successor to his uncle, who is the most powerful demon and taking him out could prove disastrous. Zane is going to be tested personally in this book, and we see his true character come forth. There are many facets to his character, and we see him struggling with loyalty, his devotion to Janie, his love for his family, and battling his dominant side to protect those he loves. What was so astounding about his character, was seeing the inner battle that wages inside him. We see his strength and determination and what will he has. It was quite a thrill to see different sides to his character.

The Heroine
Janie is a heroine that is sweet and loving and can fight hand to hand if she needs to. She is human, so she doesn’t have certain abilities to help in a fight, but she does have visions and is one of the few people who can enter the dream world. Janie acts like an obedient daughter but in reality she is free-spirited and a fighter. She can be quite mischievous and has this spontaneity, very impulsive at times. Always getting herself into danger without thinking about consequences. But she has a heart of gold, and she will fight for those she loves most. Her character is quite charming, and you can’t help but love her, especially since the whole of the series we have seen her grow up and I loved seeing her as an adult, trying to deal with all the crazy conflicts that are trying to control her.

Plot and Story Line
Marked is the last and final installment in the series, and what a ride, and what a conclusion. Technically there is a novella after this one. But Marked is the final full length novel in the series. I have been looking forward to Janie’s and Zane’s story since we first see them. And of course we have quite a few surprises and conflicts added into the mix that just makes the story even more interesting. This isn’t your average love story, its packed with crazy villains but a couple that surprise you, we see more of the previous characters in the series, and what a romance that is put front and center. There is quite a bit of conflict going against Zane and Janie, and it almost seems impossible for them to reach their HEA. There is quite a bit they have to accomplish and win before they have a hope of a future. We see some questions answered and the series got wrapped up pretty nicely. I loved the conclusion, and seeing Janie finally get her HEA, and what was most interesting about this one was seeing everything fall into place. I enjoyed seeing Zane and Janie fight for one another, in different ways, but they are equally matched and both determined to win the upcoming battles.

The Cover
This is a bit different from the others, I am not sure if I like the color theme, I love pink, but this color just looks a bit out-of-place for me. But I do love the couple pose.

Overall View
Marked is a story that is a must read, for any paranormal romance lover. It’s a story of sacrifice, love and honor. We see a culmination of aspects come together in Marked, and you will be amazed by this authors storytelling capabilities, and being able to write a world that is complex and captivating!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica penner
**********************MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS******************************

Zane he knows how to control himself around his woman, (well some urges he knows how to control), "I feel like I'm playing Whac-A-Mole," he said with a grin. God, she was cute when furious, but he knew better than to say those words out loud." When he's super tired that boy is so damn sexy, "I'll share anything with you," he mumbled. Did he have to sound so damn sexual? She wiggled to get more comfortable and ended up rubbing his erection. He groaned." I liked seeing Janie's soft side when she was with Zane, "she kissed his neck, sending emotion through his veins. "That's good. Because we need to tell my dad now." When his woman is in pain he knows to agree with her:
She grabbed his hand, her nails digging in. "Yes. I wanted to before he came, or before I die, but everything has been so crazy. I want to get married. Now!"
Sometimes he forgot her human ways, but he'd move the effing earth himself if it'd make her happy. "Okay." He looked at the ground below. "We can probably find a preacher on the way."
This was my favorite out of the series Zane and Janie are both characters but when together I loved them so much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim o shea
I received a copy of this book from the publisher through Net Galley for an honest review.

This was a satisfying end to this series I began this year. The last book wrapped everything up nicely, although one character’s ending was a little anti-climatic, but I’ll go into that in a minute. The book did leave an opening for the story to continue, perhaps in the spin-off series or even in future book based around the Kayrs family. Personally I hope the author returns to this setting and gives us more books around these men and their mates in the future. I can however appreciate the need to take a break and work on something new.

There were quite a few surprises in this book, of which I won’t be going into so I don’t spoil anything for long-standing fans. Of course the mystery of Zane’s lineage was addressed in this book and I must confess it surprised me along with his abilities. We also had the coming together of Janie and Zane. That was no great shock, but I was delighted to see how they ended up mated. I really like Zane and his family, of which we got to know better in this book. I think they will make a great contribution to the extended Kayrs family. Typical to these types of stories they are a great match and compliment each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Another thread that was tied up in this book was the virus that attacked mates in this world. I was all prepared to call the author out on this being too easily ‘fixed’, but should have realized the book wasn’t finished yet… The twist in regards to the Virus about broke my heart and the full scope of how nasty this bug really was brilliant. Again I did not see this coming and have to hand it too Kalin and his people for both their patients and the low in which they will stoop to destroy their enemy.

Of course Janie fulfills her prophecy and we end up with a tenuous peace between most of the species that inhabit this world. I can totally seeing this continuing on in the spin-off series. The only let down for me was how the author ended things with Kalin. This part I did find a little too easy. His plot line was almost an afterthought and while I appreciate his ending I think he deserved more page time. He played such an important role through the whole series he deserved more.

There were some really touching moments in this book. It was nice to get to see everyone and their mate one last time. The plot twists kept me guessing up until the end and I hope they all have a bright and happy future ahead of them. I was going to end with this book, being it is the last in this world with these characters. The author is going to start a spin-off series based around the witches. Their stories have been my least favorite while reading this one, so I was content to see how this ended and be done. Well then I read the damn book and I’m not so sure anymore. If there is even a chance I could get to see how some of the future generations of this series end up it might be worth reading about the witches. We will have to see. I might have to give the new series a try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pablo dominguez
Anticipation and dread have warred equally as I waited for this one final book. Janie, Zane and Kaylin have known each other since children and they have grown up as this series progressed. I have wanted Janie's story from the beginning after all the dream world meet-ups between these three and the prophesies surrounding Janie. I tried so hard to not let my anticipation become so great that even a fabulous book would have been a let down. But now, after closing the cover on the ending, all I feel is sadness that it was the end because I will miss this series and all the wonderful characters so much. This book exceeded my hopes in many ways giving me closure in ways that I didn't realize I even needed even while it provided one of the most edge of my seat and emotional plots that I've read in a long time. This was a truly grand Grand Finale.

This book should absolutely not be picked up out of order or any of the books in the series for that matter. This is not even just a smidge standalone. It is 100% series spoiler and confuser if you don't get all the rest before it.

The story opens with the beginning of the peace talks amongst all the paranormal races of the world with each race represented by their leadership. Also in attendance are the prophets and Janie, the prophesied child now adult who is destined to be involved in grave, great and exciting things in this her twenty-fifth year. Janie is nervous, but determined to do her part to achieve lasting peace amongst the races. She sits at the table next to her Uncle Dage the Vampire King and her father as guard, but nearly falls off her chair in shock to come face to face with the boy turned man of her dreams, literally. Zane is all grown up and a lethal warrior...for the wrong race. The gut punch hurts and infuriates her.

Zane is playing a deep game now as he has for his whole mixed racial life. He has so many balls in the air trying to protect everyone he cares about including the beautiful woman who hates him now that the truth is known. Janie's reaction will not stop him from finally taking what is his. They were meant to be even if he suspects that the latest plots of powerful leaders will leave him dead in the near future. Nobody knows exactly what Janie's big part in the affairs of all the races will be, but the majority don't want to find out either. She is either on the kill list of those who would just eliminate the risk or the mating list of those who would try to gain her strong psychic powers for their own. Zane doesn't care about all that. He just wants Janie the woman. She is his.

That begins the personal battle as Zane tries to protect his female who doesn't want to be protected and Janie tries to teach Zane that he doesn't have to go it alone. Meanwhile, the virus killing all the mates of vampires, demons, and witches has grown stronger and faster. Time is running out.

The story is Janie and Zane's, but in a way it is the story of the whole Kayrs clan because of the final moves on the chess board are happening. The author did something a bit different with this book. Just before the final gripping sequence of events, the author puts pause to the mad pace of the story to let the reader through Janie make the round of good-byes with all the series characters from before. The pace really slows down and some might be chomping at the bit if you prefer more active scenes, but it picks up soon enough. I confess to filling a tissue as a result of this and did a lot of muttering about sadistic authors. That series of ending scenes felt like lots of hard punches to the gut as I read on just hoping for a way out for all the characters I loved. One of the sacrifices made sense and I knew it was coming, but yet I didn't want it (sort of a fairytale lover here). The ending and epilogue left me smiling and laughing through my tears. I shall really miss this series though maybe the author will give little peek-ins from time to time.

My final thoughts involve a lot of superlatives and adjectives crowing about how fantastic this book was to read. I heartily recommend this series to those who enjoy steamy paranormal romance particularly when the males are alpha and the gals are sassy.

My thanks to Kensington Group and Net Galley for the opportunity to read this one in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea kl boe
Originally reviewed for Tea and Book.

Rebecca Zanetti is amazing! Marked brings the Dark Protectors Series to a spectacular end! Finally it's Janie's story. The child that was saved 20 years ago by her soon to be father, the vampire. The child of prophecy that every species wants to control or kill. Janie finally fulfills her destiny! In a spectacular story with a beautiful love...

Janie, the child of prophecy is all grown up and finally she has a chance to procure peace. Or so she is being told. She has lived her life knowing that try as she might, she will never be normal. Her two best friends have been found in dreams. While one has gone evil, she is not sure just who and what the other is. Yet, both want to claim her. When the peace talks begin Janie is amazed to discover just who she has been dealing with all these years. Amazed and just a little betrayed. And yet she will forever love him.

Zane lost his innocence years ago. Yet he always protected the friendship he had with Janie. He knew she was the other half of his soul. He knew she was meant for him. He just had to find a way to work around an insane uncle who just happened to be the leader of.. (so not telling) and something of a megalomaniac. Who also wanted Janie dead. Yeah, life's a breeze. Because no matter how angry Janie got at him, how betrayed she might feel, the connection remained.


I totally loved this story. Rebecca is truly gifted. The war between the races is going crazy. There either needs to be peace or death. There really is no alternative. The virus that has been attacking the Vampire's race for almost twenty years is wearing on them all and a cure might just be around the corner... or is it something worse? Will death follow peace after all? Is there an escape? Is there hope? Will the Kurjans win after all?

An epic battle that just might not end on the battlefield but in the laboratory. An epic love story that pits the hearts of two valiant individuals who just want to love in peace. A chance at forever. A promise of more..

*SIGH* this was just that good..

The problem with a book this good is that I tend to babble and ramble instead of review. And yes that's what I seem to be doing.

I will end this with, this series MUST be read. It is brilliant, poignant, fast paced, action packed and dynamic. Loved every minute of it!!


This review is based on the ARC of Marked, provided by netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
denise st
I spent a few days completely engrossed with the world Rebecca Zanetti has created with her Dark Protectors series and my emotions are tangled up: pleasure at a very satisfying climax and a bit of sadness that this is the end.

We first met Janie as a very powerful four year old psychic who has been destined as the key to the future, sparking a frenzy within the supernatural realm with the demons, kurjans and vampires trying to capture her for various reasons. We watched her become more powerful as she got closer to fulfilling her fate. Her connections with Zane and Kalin were revealed in snippets throughout the series.

In Marked, the story begins with the leaders of the various supernatural groups gathered for the peace talks and this is where Janie, Zane and Kalin meet for the first time in real life and where Zane’s identity is finally revealed – a vampire-demon! It’s also here that the peace that the realm has enjoyed for centuries comes to an end as conflicting agendas, deceptions and conspiracies are revealed and the war that has been foretold is set in motion. Janie’s fate is about to unfold, but Zane knows that whatever the outcome, Janie is his and he will keep her from sacrificing herself no matter the cost.

Zane is very much cut from the same cloth as those before him: a prowling, dark, powerful and dominant warrior willing to fight to the death to protect his loved ones. Janie is a blend of strength, bravery, patience and sass and absolutely perfect for Zane. I loved that even with his caveman tendencies, Zane still recognized Janie’s strengths and let her take the lead in some situations.

The plot was absolutely fantastic! Filled with twists and turns, the story went in directions I never anticipated and I could only hang on for the ride to the final destination - Happy-ever-afterville, but all our questions get answered. I really enjoyed the way the author blended science and supernatural abilities in her characters.

The romance was very satisfying in every way. Janie has been in love with dream-world Zane her whole life, but now she gets to know and love Zane for who he really is. I also loved the way the characters bonded together as a large family. The glimpses into the futures of the couples at the end was a satisfying conclusion to the series. With Marked, Ms. Zanetti has skillfully wrapped up an enthralling tale of destiny, bonds of love, family and friendship.

My recommendation: even though Marked can be read as a standalone, the entire series should be read in order to fully appreciate it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy boese
I’ve been follow the Dark Protector Series for quite some time, this is one of the series where personally I get giddy and jump up and down when Rebecca releases a book. Marked is the last book to the Dark Protector Series. If you have not read this series, I strongly suggest that you read this book from the beginning since I feel that while each character has their own story to tell, Jane has a major role in the entire series.

Jane is now all grown up, It’s very strange to view her as a full-fledged grown adult seeing as how I’ve followed her throughout the series and it starts off as her being a child. Fate falls on her hands while she can see glimpses of the future. Even with visions the future can always change based on a person’s actions. She’s has to be brave for everyone and for herself. She doesn’t allow herself to breakdown and wants to ensure that safety of everyone.

There is a virus that is still awaiting a cure that affects everyone she loves and it’s heartbreaking to see what everyone goes through. Seeing how what can be worse than to lose the one you are meant to be with your entire life and call your mate?

Jane is still caught in between two men, at first you’re not quite sure how the relationship unfolds considering they all grew up together as childhood friends.

Unexpected surprises come at every turn, and your heart softens for the characters you didn’t imagine would, you embrace the characters that come into play and how their past, present, and future are impacted in every one of the characters’ lives.

While it was bittersweet to see this series end. I would always remember this series as my top ten and cannot wait to see more of what Rebecca delivers, since she has yet to disappoint.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I felt a desperate need to finish the Dark Protectors series so read most of the books in a few days. I'm glad I did as there is great satisfaction in finishing a series that was exciting and full of romance. Marked even had me shedding no small amount of tears.

Marked is the climax to the series where the answer to Janie's destiny is at hand and we learn who Zane really is. We also learn more about the virus that is slowing killing mates. The war comes to a head and who wins depends on the choices that everyone is willing to make, for others and for themselves.

Janie is a really sweet and loyal person who has carried the weight of her destiny on her shoulders with grace her entire life. Zane has finally come for Janie and we learn that, despite his brutal upbringing, he is capable of abiding love and willing to sacrifice for his family and for Janie. Their future is uncertain given the visions that have plagued them, but they are willing to take a chance. I loved reading about them together, finally. They had such a long history together but were able to actually truly get to know one another and fall in love as adults.

One of my favorite things about this series is the way in which the author ties everything together in each book. Characters from earlier books often play an integral part in later books and their stories don't end with the last pages of their particular book. Seeing the ending for everyone was perfect.

I'm going to say that Rebecca Zanetti has me hooked. Shall I start the next series or actually pay attention to my real life!?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tha s
I can't believe it's really the end of this amazing series. It seems like yesterday when I've read Fated and fell in love with the Kayrs brothers and their allies. And now, I fell for them all over again and with Zane Kyllwood added to the list. Happy sigh. ❤️

Marked was delivered perfectly. An epic conclusion. Emotionally-packed read. I love it to the moon and back! x

It felt like forever waiting for Zane and Janie Belle's story to unfold. We have been given bits and pieces of their interaction and how their relationship with Kalin progresses and sure as heck the final revelation aka this book did well and very good. A great ending with a twist (tho I've had my theories and guesses) but it was nice to have it confirmed. How I love this series is beyond me. I've watched the Kayrs brothers and their allies have their HEA with a lot of struggles here and there. Then came the last one, the most awaited and center of storyline. Marked really was worth the long years of wait.

I am looking to the spin-off stories of this series and I'm freakisly excited for Garret's own HEA. Anyways, it was really a nice, unexpected and fulfilling read. A great way to end a great series.

Kudos, Rebecca. Thank you for this wonderful world you have created for us. along with your lovable yet infuriating (sometimes) characters. Dark Protectors will forever remain in my poor predator loving heart. ❤️

PS. Why did my heart hurts for Kalin? I knew he is beyond redemption and all but what he did was so unexpected yet I have a gut-feeling, a knowing deep inside that he'll do such selfless act for Janie Belle and Janie alone. Waaa. *wipes tears again*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katy kay
There's something special about a last book in a series and MARKED was very special, indeed. It made me cry more than any of the previous books.

Janie and Kane have known each other since they were children but it's now the first time they see each other face-to-face. Adding the fact that, finally, is revealed what Kane is and this is a tremendous revelation and it starts a non-stop emotional story of fighting, friends and enemies, family and love.

Between the war against both Nations of Kurjans and Demons, the Kayrs don't have a free moment of rest. Add to that the worst of the threats, the Virus 27 that threats the Vampires mates, reducing their chromossomes until they may be less than a human being and all is set for a emotional and riveting reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renata mcadams
Why you should read it: I've read most of this series, but have been waiting on Janie's story. I definitely recommend reading this series in order, or at least being aware of the overarching plot/theme of the series to fully enjoy Marked. Janie and Zane have never met in "real life," only in the dream world, and reality is not what Janie expected. I liked how Zane is darker and harder (favorite type of hero), though he is still so smexy and steamy with Janie. (Can you tell I've always been a Zane fan?) The two of them don't just fall into bed either. I liked the snark and snipping and enjoyed Janie's reactions. Overall, this is a great and steamy series. Even though this series is ending, there is room for another start of a series. If you haven't picked up Rebecca Zanetti, start with Fated or Forgotten Sins.

To see what Rebecca is working on next head over to the HEA blog!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just could not stop reading this book. When I finished, after having stayed up all night, I got some sleep, but in the morning, started re-reading what I thought I hadn't really understood about the action sequences that happened frequently in the story. So much happens in the action sequences, I had to read carefully so that I did not miss out on which character did what. I just loved the book. I have been reading the series from the beginning, starting with "Fated". The whole series was just so entertaining, well written, and spell-binding; I could just go on an on about the good qualities of a well written action adventure series, with lots of love, hot steamy sex, great characters, and twists and turns of events. I don't suggest you start with this one book, because you will miss so much of how the characters get to where they are in this last of the series book. I promise you, this series will keep you engrossed for quite a while
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joseph welton
This is the final installment to a GREAT SERIES!!!!!
If you have not read the other books in the series I strongly advise to you before reading this book..

Janie and Zane have been childhood friends in the dream world since she was 6. Janie has always known that Zane would be a part of her destiny to save her people but she had no idea what was in store when this story begins. I do not believe in spoilers so I will just say that there are several twists and turns in this book that I didn't see coming and I am thankful for that. I have loved Janie since she was first introduced in FATED. She has grown into a strong amazing woman. The book is packed with action and there are of course some streamy moments as well. I am truly sad to see this series end. I wanted the final book to be around 1000 pages but I was happy with the final book. Rebecca Zanetti has been an automatic buy for me since the first book FATED I read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was perfect. This entire series was absolutely, totally, completely perfect. This book was a great conclusion to the Dark Protectors series and I was finally able to learn the story of my favorite couple and it was absolutely wonderful. The book is fast paced full of action and romance, and there were lots of unexpected surprises that made this book even more amazing. Rebecca Zanetti tied up all the loose ends, everything explained and came together with the perfect happy ending. The story had me engaged from page one and I was sucked in all the way through wondering how things would turn out. I find myself that I’m equally happy and sad at the same time after reading this final installment. Happy because I had my happy ending for my favorite couple, but sad because a great series come to an end. Bottom line, I'm very satisfied with the way things turned out and my only complaint is that it's over, but don’t worry, I know a new series will be next and has some references to this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Where to begin... This is the 7th book in the Dark Protectors series. When I chose this book, I didn't realize it was part of a series. However, I didn't feel like I was missing any information or back story. The story seemed to take on a life of its own and soon I was swept away. I liked getting to know Janie & Zane. I could feel the pain from the Virus-27 and the joy when they discovered the cure. The book has some dark elements, good vs evil, romance & happy endings for most of the characters by the end of the book. I enjoyed reading this book and will recommend it to others, while I go back to book 1 & start this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daylin galindo dawson
This book deserves a 10* rating. I loved everything about it and it is by far the best of the series and that's saying something because "The Dark Protectors" is one of my favorite series that I've read so far.
I was so sad that the series was ending because I love all the characters. Janie has been one of my most favorite characters from the beginning with Talen being my Realm boyfriend. Rebecca Zanetti has done a fabulous job wrapping up the series with Janie and Zane and introducing future characters I'm assuming for the spin off series "Realm Enforcers" that I can't wait to start reading it.
There are so many things that I want to say about this book but every time I start it ends with a spoiler and I just can't do that. You need to read the book to experience it yourself.
Not a stand alone book and the series should be read in order.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah laing
This series, and really you must read it in order to truly gain the most out of it, was a wild ride which just kept getting wilder until it came together with a satisfying click and heartfelt sigh. I wanted to pace myself as this story had been building since book one, but I instead gulped it down in one quickly in fact that I did the unthinkable and immediately 're read it. I laughed and smiled and groaned and cried...a riot of emotions ...yep, I was that immersed. This was a beautifully written story that brought the triad together of Kalin, Zane and beautiful precocious Janie Belle. For those of you who have read these books, you won't be disappointed with this one that ends the series....or does it? If you haven't read it, then what are you waiting for? A big world which the author paints full of all kinds of species living under humanities' noses was intriguing and we'll thought out. The creepy guys are creepy and the good guys are crazy beautiful. The values of honesty, love and loyalty are brought out in full strength. The guys are perhaps over the top male...meaning a bit overbearing, possessive and demanding...and yes,they have the whole obey me or else thing going on with their female counterparts, but don't expect the wiley women of their choice to just take it. Yes these books are filled with alpha men but with a splash of sugar on top and females who are sweet and kind built on a spine of steel.

I seldom write reviews so I am sort of remarking on the series as a whole. I highly recommend this book series to those who are looking for a solid paranormal series with lots of adult themes and action, and a storyline that keeps escalating throughout the series. But this book was the best of them all. And I cried almost as much at the thought of it ending as the storyline itself. Janie or Belle, take your pick, did not let me down with her bravery and smarts, Zane was impossibly and unswervingly loyal and yes even Kalin became so much more. I can't say much without giving the story away, but much is explained...all my favorite characters are in this last story, which is something I really enjoyed about these books, the author keeps integrating everyone into each new book, like family members, which they are of course. She introduces us to new characters who are intriguing and which I demand the author write more about....this can not be the end! No way. I want more.

I just can not recommend this book and series enough. Read them when you can stay up all night or on a weekend with no distractions....and Enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the 7th and final book in the Dark Protector series and if I'm honest, this is the one I have been looking forward to most.

I have been eagerly anticipating Janie's book since the beginning, the little dream triangle she had going on with both boys throughout the series and through the time jumps had me so curious. Many theories I had were proven correct and Rebecca surprised me in a couple of ways. All the plot holes were ended to my satisfaction and it was a damn good book! I loved the journey and I am looking forward to the spin-off's although I am truly sad to see this part of the series end.

I absolutely loved it! Wish I could award it more than 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alyssa hancock
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I'm a little late to the game with this series, having not read any previous books. That being said, I think this book can be read alone, but would probably be more satisfying if you read all the previous installments. This is the last of the series, but leads into a spin-off that I'll certainly be checking out.

Janie is a chosen one, forced into a destiny bigger than herself. She's the only human in an all vampire world, so she's been bluffing her way through life for a while now. As if attending peace talks between all the paranormal races wasn't nerve-wracking enough, she gets a startling revelation too. Zane, the boy who has been sharing her dream world all her life, turns out to be a demon-vampire hybrid. Oh, and the demons are also the vampire's sworn enemies, having kidnapped Janie's uncle and tortured him.

This story reads like the paranormal version of an internet dating story. While Janie and Zane know each other through dreams, they don't know anything about the real-life people. As they are thrown from dangerous situation to even more dangerous situation, they are trying to work on a possible relationship (that is completely forbidden). There's some truly sizzling scenes (with some dominance play involved) that show these two are even more compatible than they thought.

So much happens to get to the end of this book that a summary isn't really possible. There's some deadly weapons used, surprise happy/sad news, surprise betrayals, surprise alliances, and some truly shocking sacrifices. This being the last of the series, we got glimpses of where all the previous couples are and how happy they are. This was a great read, which is probably indicative of how the rest of the series was, too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa dejesus
I've loved every book in this series and didn't want it to end, well I really have to applaud Rebecca Zanetti, and she gave her readers a fantastic ending. All the those loose ends were tied, everything explained and came together in an explosive story. I went through every emotion possible. I don't want to give spoilers, but if you have read the series you will be blown away by this book.
I am so very happy to learn of the upcoming related series, I'll be waiting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john hooks
The wait for Janie and Zane's book was worth it. The whole series is great and the lead up to Marked couldn't have been done any better. The dream world come to life was so exciting. You will not be disappointed in all the details discovered thought the reading of this book. Although I am sad the series is over I know I will continue to reread them as it is one of my favorite series and author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marie fred
4 stars--MARKED is the seventh and final installment in Rebecca Zanetti’s adult, contemporary Dark Protectors paranormal romance series. This is prophetess and human Janie Kayrs and vampire/warrior Zane Kyllwood’s storyline-a friends to lovers storyline that started when Janie was a small child.

As the Chosen One and human daughter of vampire leading Talen Kayrs, Janie knows that that to succeed with what the prophecies have ordained, she must attend the peace talk accords between the supernatural powers of The Realm. There, she will come face to face with the man who has visited her dreams since she was a four year old child.

Zane Kyllwood has known that Janie would one day be his mate, but there is a war on the horizon and several angry, male vampires are waiting to destroy everything that Zane represents. Zane is not the man everyone thought him to be, and in this, Zane’s history and family connections will place Janie and everyone she loves in danger.

Zane and Janie have a prior connection-one that continues in a dream walking state where Janie enters another realm to communicate with both the living and the dead. Here, Janie feels safe from any threats until the dreams turn into a reality. Zane has been Janie’s otherworld companion since childhood and now it is time to claim Janie as his own.

The premise follows the continuing struggle to find a cure for Virus 27-a flu like virus developed by the Kurjans that infects vampire mates and attacks the chromosomal pairs eventually rendering the supernatural back to a human like state. All, if not most, of the previous storyline couples play a supporting and secondary role throughout the story as the vampires continue to battle the virus, the Kurjans and the demons who have sided with the enemy.

MARKED is the culmination of several storylines, the search for a cure and a happily ever after for the vampire nation, their family, and their friends. There are moments of humor, betrayal, action, heartbreak and love all blended into a storyline where Janie will be targeted by two warring factions of The Realm for it is said that Janie is the key to everyone’s survival. As the powers battle for control, Janie will have to battle a man who is determined to protect Janie-at all costs.

Rebecca Zanetti’s MARKED is a passionate conclusion to the Dark Protector series. The good guys will win; the bad guys will lose; and the future will be revealed when another young child begins walking through dreams of her own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
justin deal
Anyone who has been reading the Dark Protector series has been anticipating Janie and Zane's story. As usual, Rebecca Zanetti doesn't disappoint in this long awaited series finale. I laughed. I cried. I was surprised by the plot twists and turns. If you haven't read this series from the beginning, I highly recommend that you start with "Fated" Dark Protectors book 1. If you like a good paranormal romance, this one is a great read. Loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn mead
I loved this book! I am hoping this is not the final book in the series I am not ready to let these delightful characters go yet! Oh, Janie, Oh, Zane, even OMG Kalin, you shocked me this book! I adore the witches. I just love this series and I hope we see more in the future. I want to know what happens to the baby! :))
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic ending to a fantastic series. I found this series about 6 months ago and read them all but had to wait for Marked. Well, I was not disappointed. I laughed, I cried, I was reminded of the characters I fell in love with throughout the series.

Following Janie from the beginning of the series at 4 years old to now as an adult and her interactions with her family and friends was a great journey. Sad to have it end but will look forward to the next series by Rebecca Zanetti!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The minute I saw this book, I just knew I had to have it. I was so excited to read Janie and Zane’s story. I was so hoping for a love story between them. Finally, it’s here and it didn’t disappoint.

My heart stuttered when Janie finally learned what exactly Zane was. I was so proud that she didn’t let prejudice dictate her feelings toward Zane. I understood her trepidation but was so glad she still gave him a chance.

Zane was so strong. He had to protect his mother, brothers, and Janie, and he sure didn’t know how to do that all on his own. Zane took the responsibility and worked with what he had. I did wish he would have asked for a little more help.

I was disappointed that we didn’t see more of Kalin. I felt he should have been in the story more because of his connection with Janie. “Marked” had a lot of revelations that shocked me. I certainly wasn’t expecting quite a few things that happened. Overall, a great ending to a great series.

Reviewed by Tracy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
candy kiss
This book was amazing!!! Sad that it is the last book in the series but the way she wrapped it up was fantastic. I laughed and cried. Rebecca has a way of pulling you in until you feel like you know the characters. This is a must read series. Truly Fantastic!! Love, action, and Alpha males.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The last book , ;or is it???
This is Janie and lanes story I loved the way you get to see everybody in this book
The entire family is reunited for one final battle !!
Lo v ed this series wished it didn't end
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maha joma
I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The minute I saw this book, I just knew I had to have it. I was so excited to read Janie and Zane’s story. I was so hoping for a love story between them. Finally, it’s here and it didn’t disappoint.

My heart stuttered when Janie finally learned what exactly Zane was. I was so proud that she didn’t let prejudice dictate her feelings toward Zane. I understood her trepidation but was so glad she still gave him a chance.

Zane was so strong. He had to protect his mother, brothers, and Janie, and he sure didn’t know how to do that all on his own. Zane took the responsibility and worked with what he had. I did wish he would have asked for a little more help.

I was disappointed that we didn’t see more of Kalin. I felt he should have been in the story more because of his connection with Janie. “Marked” had a lot of revelations that shocked me. I certainly wasn’t expecting quite a few things that happened. Overall, a great ending to a great series.

Reviewed by Tracy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raghdah b
This book was amazing!!! Sad that it is the last book in the series but the way she wrapped it up was fantastic. I laughed and cried. Rebecca has a way of pulling you in until you feel like you know the characters. This is a must read series. Truly Fantastic!! Love, action, and Alpha males.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The last book , ;or is it???
This is Janie and lanes story I loved the way you get to see everybody in this book
The entire family is reunited for one final battle !!
Lo v ed this series wished it didn't end
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you have been reading the Dark Protectors series then Marked will not disappoint you! I laughed and cried throughout this book. For 2 days all I did was read. I just finished the book and already I am ready to reread. Buy the book and get hooked! Rebecca Zanetti books are well written and what an imagination! Buy Marked and all her books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kris h
I was pleasantly surprised with all the twists and turns. The Warriors of the Realm are awesome as always. A great book and a great ending to the series! A must read that has plenty of tissue grabbing moments and several OMG moments! I read it in two days and will re read again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the perfect ending to the Dark Protectors series, while at the same time not closing the door for further stories. It's captivating and sweet and hot. The perfect blend of erotic romance and engaging action. I loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the whole series, it took me by surprise. The last book was well written, satisfying and makes me wish for more. I was a little disappointed in how Kalin's story ended, but overall great twist and turns!
Please RateMarked (Dark Protectors)
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