A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse

ByShannon Thomas LCSW

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
IT IS A MUST READ! It exactly provided me with the peace and understanding of how he could simply walk away and leave my son and I reeling in his aftermath like it was nothing. GREATEST GIFT EVER! I can finally start letting go of the anger and hurt! It is crazy identifiable!Every page I was like this is exactly what u can’t explain to people.....IT WAS HIM AND IM NOT CRAZY!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Author shared personal experiences of abuse & recovery stages. It’s so very similar to my own! I don’t feel alone or like I’m the only one who has experienced this, therefore not crazy. This was encouraging and enlightening. I can always go back and read any part of the recovery stages when I start to fade back into my past. I can also give this book to another victim of physiological abuse now that I can recognize it more easily. Thank you
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashlea schwarz
This book is for those of us healing after abuse!! Each book that I’ve read gives you a little more insight to Narcissism/cluster b personality disorders! I HIGHLY recommend this book... it’s like she’s speaking right to you! The tools she gives you to work through the healing process are attainable! This will be a book I will go back and read again and again!!
Emotionally Manipulative Tactics Partners Use to Control Relationshi :: How to Find Your Voice and Reclaim Your Hope - The Emotionally Destructive Marriage :: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself :: Overcoming Destructive Patterns and Reclaiming Yourself (Fawcett Book) :: Marked (Dark Protectors)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A must read. If you need guidance (you know what I mean) Shannon does a great job of outlining in plain from-the-hip terms. If you are well on your way (you know what I mean), her plain talk with reinforce you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauri zag
I chose this book because the author seemed personal and genuinely heart felt in her ability to help in the recovery process. Unless a person has even been psychologically abused it is hard for that person to understand. The author seems to connect with the emotionally and psychologically abused. Very well worded and direct.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bakhtyari mehdi
Great resource for therapists and social workers. From a fellow therapist who has experienced hidden abuse it has been liberating and transformative.
I appreciate that it was research based and written by a practicing professional. I gave my first copy away to a patient who needed it and ordered a Second copy for myself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie laird
Great read and exercises to promote healing and growth. I enjoyed it and will recommend it to others in the future. Psychological abuse is so insidious and harmful. This is s great step by step guide to start the recovery process. Thank you Shannon for writing this book and for including the letter to friends and family and resource guide.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt pineau
I found this to be the text book on the subject concerning healing from hidden abuse. A must read and helpful guide if you suspect you are in an abusive toxic relationship or you are but don't know how to properly move forward. Personally I have been on this healing journey for more than three years and am greatly strengthened by Shannon Thomas's advise and understanding of the abuser, the target and the survivors.
I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The author seems to personally know the toxic individuals I've had and still have in my life. I have already followed some of the advice in the book on how to avoid the abuser's emotional traps, and although it takes time and practice, I can say this book helped me be more aware and stay alert to the manipulations and exhausting mind games.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie brennan
I was already divorced from my NPD but not separated, away from him. A ‘straw that broke the empathic camel’s back’ episode and I was DONE. Had I not been already educating myself I don’t think I could have done it. Shannon Thomas’ Pinterest posts were everything to me. I’m currently in the 6th phase of recovery “Maintenance” and finally decided to get the book and read it. I also am listening to it on audiobook - via a subscription service - while I sleep at night (I figure this information will be drilled into me on every conscious and unconscious level so that I never make this mistake again [he was my 2nd NPD spouse and certainly a pro compared to the first. I sure as {fecal matter} DO NOT want a third one!!]). Covers Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths...umbrella’ing them under the term “toxic” individuals. I do want to throw this out there: If the person in your life is a jerk, “narcissist” is not an interchangeable term with “jerk” or “[anus]hole”. Narcissists do NOT feel emotions. They fake emotions. Like Oscar winners. Narcissists instead ‘get off’ on devaluing, degradation, and dehumanization. If only they were ‘just’ [anus]holes!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book gives good examples how it can happen in your life and in various settings. The recovery process described here can give a clear path to survivors. It was encouraging for me to see where I am located and what I need to to get fully recovered.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I stumbled upon this book from an article that was sent to me. One of the Best reads on trying to understand and move forward after being in an emotional abusive relationship. Unless you’ve lived it nobody can comprehend what you have been through. This book has been very enlightening and helpful to me. I would highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda noor
I received an advance reader copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.....so here we go! As I read this book by Shannon Thomas about hidden abuse, I found myself shaking my head in agreement. It broke down the abuse in such straight forward terms. This kind of abuse is seldom talked about and greatly misunderstood. Reading this book, I felt like someone had personally seen what I had experienced, and then took the time to explained to me what had happened. The best part is that they laid out the tools to help me heal! Each step of the healing process is explained and examples given. I also found the red flags to watch for in these kind of individuals very helpful. I help as a facilitator for a group healing from divorce and this book will be at the top of my list for many of the group to read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindy krupp
Perfect book on the subject. Straight forward, clear and at the same time understanding and comforting tone. Professionally written by a specialist and readable dor anyone. A must have and page turner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa grdina
A tremendously important work. A must read for anyone who counsels or coaches people on a regular basis. Those who believe they may be in a relationship with someone who possesses/uses narcissistic behaviors to control others should read this book, and maybe read it again. Since studying Shannon's book, I have become better at spotting manipulators in my counseling/coaching work and more direct about crafting solutions for managing them. Grateful that a book like this exists. Dr. Michael Wright.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carla bolivar
A tremendously important work. A must read for anyone who counsels or coaches people on a regular basis. Those who believe they may be in a relationship with someone who possesses/uses narcissistic behaviors to control others should read this book, and maybe read it again. Since studying Shannon's book, I have become better at spotting manipulators in my counseling/coaching work and more direct about crafting solutions for managing them. Grateful that a book like this exists. Dr. Michael Wright.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie tahuahua
This an amazing book for those who have suffered emotional abuse from a family member
Boyfriend girlfriend friend husband wife.
It's so unbelievable how this book has help me to understand it wasn't me like they said.. they were narcissists :))
Wonderful book
Highly recommend
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
siamand zandi
told the story of my life. But again, like most books, they don't really give you ways or strategies to get stronger and overcome the tactics that will be thrown your way.. more of that needs to be in every book .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandeep guleria
Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to Shannon Thomas for writing this book. It has helped me in ways words cannot express. I cannot recommend this book enough. If you suspect you may need to read this book, you probably do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are in the church, or have a church background and are getting out of an abusive relationship, this is a book you need to read. It unpacks the pain that you are likely feeling and helps you to see that it's not your fault. The churches that are man-made and not following a true biblical perspective on abuse are further abusing women and children. This book sheds the light right where it needs to be shed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fenixbird sands
By far, Healing From Hidden Abuse, is the single best resource I've come across for dealing with recovery after escaping from abusive marriage.

Using vivid, real world examples, the methods employed by toxic people are brought into the open so everyone can understand who becomes a target, and what many of the indicators are for these insidious behaviors.

There's also a journal near the end of the book, which you should start with, it helps you to deal with the results of abuse and to frame things in a way that will preserve you, and give you a degree of closure on the abuse.

I can't say enough good things and about how much the book has helped me, it might help to say that I liked it so well that I've bought a hard copy to loan out, because it is THAT helpful.

Thank you Shannon Thomas LCSW for this phenomenal healing tool.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm so thankful that Shannon Thomas wrote this book. Those of us who have been subject to psychological abuse and manipulation often don't receive real help from pastors, counsellors, or friends who "get it" which causes more trauma and pain. Shannon truly "gets it" and the validation is vital to healing. This book should be required reading for every counselor and pastor so that victims of this type of insidious abuse that destroys from the inside out obtains empathy and compassion necessary to move on in a healthy way. Knowing you were targeted & the mistreatment was intentional helps you understand the mind of the individuals who perpetrate the trauma.
I received an advanced electronic copy of the book in exchange for my honest review, and my hard copy is on its way because I look forward to studying it and allowing the truth of what happened to me, knowing someone understands, to sink in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tracie hicks
I had the pleasure of being a reviewer pre release. I so endorse this book that I bought several copies to gift to colleagues and students of Social Work!!!

When God shows himself through his laborers (Luke 10:2)

Shannon Thomas came into my life long before I was able to make a more personal acquaintance with her. I was led to her by a godly lady and I am personally blessed.
One scripture that sits in my heart sums up who Shannon is as a soul, and guiding light in the community of victims and survivors of psychological abuse. It is EST 4:14

It ( psychological abuse) is insidious and diabolical and it is more prevalent than most understand. It's severity many times evades the knowledge awareness and scope of understanding of so many; including those in the judicial system, medical community and sadly in my own professional world of the social sciences.

This particular set of Pathic abuse tactics can be perpetrated upon its targets;right in front of the world. All the while it devastates and derails those in its wake. There is no man woman or child that comes from any race,ethnicity, background, or socio economic status who is outside the possible realm of its touch.

Shannon has taken what I believe is her experience both personal and professional exposing this world of mayhem and has literally followed the call, wisdom and direction of Abba God to shine the light of awareness and education to the victim, the survivor and the world. By doing so she has brought validation and healing to thousands.

Her latest book Healing From Hidden Abuse is a work of literary science and art! It is balm in Gilead (Jer 8:22) and helps the victim to move to survivor and the survivor to thrive. It is an aid for the wounded soul and goes a step beyond by including an additional section at the back for the individual, group, or book club.
Thank you Shannon for sharing your work!
Blessings to each soul. My understanding and prayers for you on this healing journey are with you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kj grow
I sincerely wish I could get my hands on a translated version of this book TO SPREAD the word in my country. This is a complete package not just for anyone seeking healing but ANYONE INTERESTED IN ACQUIRING KNOWLEGDE.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was incredibly useful in helping to understand what happened to me, process it and make a positive and direct path to healing. A definite must-read for those looking to find a positive and healthy path to healing. This book really helped me to find direction and take action to protect myself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
betty hegerat
I found Healing from Hidden Abuse at just the right time in my own healing journey. It helped me see where I am in the process and how to keep moving toward healing, rather than fear it or fight against it. Parts of healing do not feel like healing. They’re frightening and painful. And because hidden abuse is so hidden, especially to the people who might otherwise be the survivor’s support system, it can be incredibly hard for a person who is being covertly abused to recognize it, much less find a way out. Certain books have really helped me. This is one of them.

The only thing that was a put-off for me were the author’s constant references to psychological abusers as “narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths,” especially early in the book. “Narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths” do this. “Narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths” do that. I agree with Shannon Thomas that it’s helpful for survivors to have a working knowledge of character disorders. But the way the information was presented, it seemed to require the reader to make a diagnosis, in order to confirm hidden abuse.

And so, I kept wondering whether I could legitimately attach any of these labels to abusers in my life, and, if not, whether I could legitimately describe what happened to me as abuse. I almost quit reading early on, and would have missed out on an enlightening and encouraging book.

I would have preferred that Shannon limit her use of the character-disorder labels when describing abusive behaviors. (And I’d encourage anyone else who is side-tracked by the labels to read past them.) Then, the survivor can focus on recognizing that:
* Yes, the things done to me, that have been so hurtful yet so confusing, are abusive.
* And regardless whether the person so behaving fits the criteria for a certain character disorder, that person is abusive.

And that’s when the journey to healing, that Shannon Thomas guides you on, begins.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I must say I wish this book was available 29 years ago. Everything in the book the author writes about, I lived. At the time, I believed I was the problem or so I was told. It took me years to gain enough confidence and self-esteem with self-reflecting to realize there was nothing wrong with me. If I had this book way back then, I would have learned sooner. If you or someone you know is in a psychologically abusive relationship of any kind, do yourself and that person a lifetime of mental pain and hurt, buy this book and begin a journey of healing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan gierman
When I was given the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Shannon Thomas’ book, I accepted not because I considered myself in need of the subject matter, but because I thought it might be a good resource I could recommend to people in the future. I was dead wrong in assuming this subject did not pertain to me.

Within the first few pages of the introduction, as Thomas writes about the nature of psychological abusers (or “toxic people” as she frequently refers to them), I realized that I had, indeed, encountered these people—and they were people who had significant roles in my life. Once I got over the shock of that realization and was able to continue reading the book, I found it to be a treasure trove of information and encouragement.

In a conversational tone, Thomas walks the reader through six stages that help the reader understand the tactics abusers use and how survivors can create healthy boundaries for themselves as they begin to heal from the damage inflicted through psychological abuse. She provides solid, relatable examples of this type of abuse and assures the reader that they are not at fault for having been targeted. Included at the end of the book are journal prompts for each of the six stages, a helpful tool the reader can use to process his or her own experiences.

I highly recommend Healing From Hidden Abuse by Shannon Thomas to everyone—whether you think you need to read it or not—as a resource for your own recovery or as an informative guide to walk alongside someone else on their journey to recovery.

I received an advanced PDF copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben benson
IF YOU FEEL OR KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN PSYCHOLOGICALLY ABUSED AND YOUR HEAD IS SPINNING OVER WHAT HAPPENED...THIS IS FOR YOU! The cunning nature of a psychological abuser is unveiled. Shannon Thomas packed her book with information that helps the psychologically abused understand what/why they have endured and what to do next. My brother had a full blown psychopath on his hands. Now he can further study, learn and understand, and begin the practices of putting his life back together without his EX-wife! THANK YOU, SHANNON!! This text should be mainstream to help stop this sort of appalling abuse! I highly recommend this book and I did not receive anything for free.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cezar paul badescu
I jumped onboard when offered advanced copy of this book. Wow. Finally someone who really gets it. A must read for all judicial officers, lawyers, counsellors, psychologists, domestic violence centres. This book needs to be circulated as quickly as possible. Emotional abuse is not fully understood. If family courts around the world were given a copy of this book the emotional torment would be recognised so much quicker. Please invest your time reading this because even the smallest amount of knowledge received will help someone one day if not today
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda weber
I was given and advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review... I read this book both as a licensed therapist and a survivor of psychological abuse.
This is a rare book for several reasons.
First, and oh so important, is that the subject matter is so seldom recognized, much less, laid out with such clarity and compassion. It is called "Hidden Abuse" for a reason. The collective cry of the reviewers on the launch team tells the story of what it feels like when hidden abuse comes to the light. When you suffer this kind of abuse, nothing heals more than validation.
Second, the clarity and directness of Shannon's writing is crucial in the healing journey. When you have lived in the "gaslight" words become vague, and truth seems to waver. Shannon is so certain in her language, it provides the necessary absolute-ness to the survivor or friend of survivor.
Third, it gives hope to those who have lived a particular kind of hopelessness. Like a disease undiagnosed, psychological abuse is more than painful, it is corrosive to hope. Shannon's clarity and the pathway to healing stand in the face of that corrosive effect and lights a path back to health and strength.
I am grateful both as a counselor and a survivor of "hidden abuse" for the gift that Shannon Thomas has given us all in this project. If you have suffered psychological abuse, you believe it is your fault. Shannon makes it clear: It.Is.Not.
If you have a friend who keeps insisting that you do not understand, read this book. You will understand, and you will see why they keep insisting.
FInally this book is important to helpers and leaders. If you are a counselor, a church leader or a leader in any human organization read this book, otherwise, this type of abuse may be happening right in front of you and if you do not understand these dynamics you can actually end up doing harm, believing you are helping.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
benjamin yeo
I received an electronic copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

If you're even a little unsure of what constitutes psychological abuse, as I was, read this book!

Written primarily to help survivors work through their abuse (with a helpful resource section!), Thomas clearly outlines what psychological abuse is, how and why it occurs, and offers hope as she walks the reader through six stages of healing.

This book has enabled me to respond with empathy and understanding to people in my life who have suffered this sort of nearly-invisible trauma. I'm so thankful for the clarity and truth found in this book regarding such a slippery and often misunderstood topic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nuno tuna
Psychological abuse is much more prevelant than people realize. Finally a book that uses layman terms to describe what it is, the methods abusers use, and how to recognize it. I can't really say enough good about this book. It is easy to read, but packed full of information. I appreciate that Shannon didn't use a lot of clinical examples, but leaves it to the reader to journal out how it has played out in an individual life. Mine was highlighted with notes everywhere. She points out how this kind of abuse happens everywhere-work, school, family, friends, church. This book doesn't just diagnose the problem, but explains the steps of recovery and gives hope to the abused. She has resources at the end including a journal section for the reader to use as well. This book will be on my bookshelf and passed on to many people as a helpful tool to understand the dangers and trauma associated with this type of abuse and how to begin the road to recovery.

I received an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin grote
In the last three years since I learned about narcissism, I’ve read at least a dozen books about abuse and I can tell you this is one of the best. Healing from Hidden Abuse especially hits the mark for ACoNs and those who have dealt with the hidden abuse of narcissism. Just to be clear I received an advance reader copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

The first part of the book is very validating. For many people who grew up with abuse, it was hard to recognize and name the abuse because what we lived through seemed normal to us at the time. I appreciate the way Thomas defines the difference between psychological abuse and emotional abuse. She describes how people can be emotionally abusive due to drug addictions, alcohol, etc. yet still have empathy for other people, whereas psychological abusers abuse others because they get some sort of thrill out of it.

Regardless of why such abuse happens, one of the most puzzling things for a survivor is the secrecy and clandestine nature of the abuse. When no one else sees what we’ve gone through, or the abusers question us like we are the abuser, it sometimes makes us question ourselves. If this is happening to you, you this book will help you realize this is a form of gaslighting.

One of the most healing things I discovered in this book is that our good points—resilience, empathy, and compassion actually make us targets of psychological abusers who are looking for people like us so they can milk us dry. I have often thought it was a flaw of mine that caused the abuse, but reading this book, I discovered it was not my flaws, but my strengths that allowed me to be targeted by the abuser. If you, like me, are the type of person who always makes lemonade out of lemons, this is truly a book for you. There is nothing wrong with making lemonade–but we need to learn who is safe to share it with.

This book was easy to read, yet it packs a lot of information. I found myself marking the book and going back to re-read pages again. Sometimes I wondered if I would end up marking the entire book. It’s not only a validating resource, but it is also a reference to look back on as issues or situations flare up again.

The first section examines patterns of psychological abuse. This book grew out of an outline survey as a research project. If demographics are not your thing, just skip that chapter because it basically just affirms why the rest of the book is necessary and why Thomas’s six stages of healing actually work.

Thomas explains many terms we use in recovery community such as flying monkeys, hoovering, smear campaigns, love bombing, etc. I have written blogs on many of these topics before, but I found Thomas’s in descriptions informative and fascinating. I learned a few things here and I am sure you will too.

My favorite part of the book was the recovery part. Thomas reminds us that the word survivor means to carry on despite hardships and outlast and persevere. I like the way she points out the goal of surviving is to remain functional. And that’s what she is teaching through the rest of the book.

This book is packed full of practical suggestion to help you overcome the emotional pain in your life. One of my favorite tips for those who are struggling with no contact is to put a photo collage of all the good things in your life on your phone. This is a reminder of what is going well in your life and why you need to protect your heath and the relationships that matter to you and not waste your time arguing and being emotionally attacked by your abuser.

This book describes in detail six steps of healing from psychological abuse. These are solid and easy steps to overcome the evil which has been done to us. And it includes understanding how we have often contributed to our own abuse. Yes, we are responsible for the ways we have allowed other people to treat us, but this is not a shame walk, it’s a freedom walk. It’s a place to learn how to avoid landmines in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
glenda wallace
Shannon Thomas' book was a welcome addition to previous books I have read on Narcissism, manipulative personalities, and covert abuse. (received reader copy for an honest review) I wanted to further understand why the ending of my 25 year marriage felt like a 'hit and run' and how my seemingly good nice husband became a cruel vindictive person when his secrets and betrayals came to light. Yet, everyone around me adopts the "it takes two to tango" stance and simply cannot believe he could ever be abusive or do the things he has done. She describes perfectly what I felt. She describes perfectly how others see the survivor. She makes the useful distinction between psychological and emotional abuse. Psychological abusers abuse on purpose. They are calculating, covert and can go to extreme lengths to set up the target for a fall. And although I do not care for the word 'toxic' in describing those individuals/groups with narcissistic personality disorder, sociopathic, or psychopathic tendencies, I am not sure what word I would use! Unlike other books, she provides a useful framework in looking at the "healing" stages from such a harmful experience. She makes it clear, there is recovery from hidden abuse.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are looking for a fresh approach with practical application for healing from this insidious abuse, then look no further. Shannon's conversational writing made me feel as though we were sitting over coffee. With each page my eyes were opened and my own story began to have a voice. As a survivor of psychological abuse, Shannon's expertise, not only as a fellow survivor but also a therapist, gave insight into my own healing journey. I spent page after page nodding and understanding more of what I had endured. So many of my questions that had plagued my mind were answered. This book has empowered me to take back my life and given me that push I needed to continue moving forward.

I highly recommend this book to any one who has endured psychological abuse in any capacity. Shannon covers not only intimate relationships, but family dynamics, church settings and even the work place. No matter where you are in your journey of healing, Shannon will take you by the hand and walk with you.

I also recommend this book to friends and loved ones of a survivor. Not only will your eyes be open to the gravity of psychological abuse, but I believe you will walk away better equipped to encourage your loved one in their journey to healing.

Knowledge is power and Shannon's expertise and years of experience is invaluable. My only wish is that I had had this book much sooner.

All views expressed are my own. I received an advance reader copy in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kayla finley
Oh My Word. I've followed Shannon Thomas on Facebook for some time and her regular posts are very helpful in my life. So I expected this book to be helpful -- but it is can't-put-down good. Now I have to read it a second time to take notes.

Shannon's style and explanations feel to me like she's sitting in the same room -- like a real person with genuine concern and a passion for sharing her years of experience helping victims of psychological abuse.

Shannon, thank you so much for writing this book. During release week, I'll be buying multiple copies for people I love who will benefit from it.

I was provided with an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy johnson
Shannon Thomas' HEALING FROM HIDDEN ABUSE comes from a place of both personal and professional experience.

This book both helps the reader identify toxic people and then points out the necessary steps towards healing. Shannon states , "Small empowering steps towards independence from a psychological abuser are incredibly important to the deprogramming process of recovery."

So much wisdom and practical discernment for anyone who has suffered abuse or loves someone who has. I wish every pastor specifically would read this as a resource in better sheparding his or her congregation.

*I received an advance reader copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy morgan
I will tell you from the outset that "Healing From Hidden Abuse" is a much-needed book.

Shannon Thomas speaks from her professional experience as a counselor about the effects of what she calls "hidden abuse," meaning abuse that does not leave markings or scars on the body of the victims (those she refers to as survivors) but on the soul.

Thomas refers to the abusers as "toxic" people because they are poisonous. She uses common language to carefully explain the types of abuse that many people encounter: psychological, emotional, mental, spiritual. She also differentiates between common relational issues between people and toxic behavior which evidences itself in observable patterns.

The author then goes on to spell out the patterns of behavior that give clues to help the reader see the bigger picture. Then, the way out of an abusive relationship, along with the steps to take in recovery are laid out clearly and simply.

The journal prompts at the end will be very helpful to anyone who finds themselves in this situation.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who suspects they, or a loved one, may be in a relationship and suspects hidden abuse.

I received an Advance Reader Copy in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shannon Thomas combines years of counseling experience and scientific data along with her knowledge of what it is like to be a survivor of psychological abuse to create a resource like no other. She speaks in layman's terms and presents each stage of healing in a way that is easily understood. I've not found another book that helps survivors understand the stages of recovery and what to expect in each stage like this one. She offers helpful tips, resources, and includes a journal section that can be used independently or in a group. If you are a survivor, a counselor, in the legal system, love someone who has been abused, or are just curious and want to learn this is a must-have on your bookshelf. I received an advance reader copy for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emmett racecar
Shannon has crafted a valuable resource written in a conversational tone, undergirded with professional academic knowledge, interwoven with personal experience. She gets the deep wounds, invisible to the glance of an eye, yet painfully inflicted through the insidious multiplicity of intentional blows to the psyche of the survivor. Healing from Hidden Abuse describes the how and why of psychological abuse, steps to recovery, and closes with a journal. I highly recommend this resource for individuals as well as professional counselors who to oft miss the signs of these abusers, to pastors and others in ministry. Thank you Shannon for this labor of love. (received an advance reader copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rebecca mehok
This book is well written and the author is clearly compassionate, but some of her language is damaging. Abusers are not all disordered (e.g. sociopathic). Claiming they are gives them an excuse to continue their behavior. Women abuse, but statistically it is overwhelmingly men and it is irresponsible to deny the damaging behavior of men towards women in an attempt to make men feel comfortable reading the book. I was disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was interested in reading this book as a concerned party who believed that someone I loved was involved in an unhealthy relationship. This book opened my eyes to so much more than I ever thought I knew. The "hidden" part of the abuse discussed in this book is the key. And learning to come out of the situation or "deprogram" as Thomas describes it, is harder than you think. This book helped me greatly, in that I felt more equipped to support my loved one as they healed from their relationship. I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for my opinion, and ended up ordering another copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy godsey
I was given an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book is an in depth guide for anyone that feels they have encountered hidden abuse or toxic people in their life. The author uses research and her own experience as a counselor to explain what hidden abuse looks like and the steps to healing. I love her straight forward approach. She doesn't sugar coat or mince words. She touches on the guilt and shame and how survivors are usually very strong empathetic people. This book will empower you to stand up against toxic people and move forward in a healthy way. It opened my eyes to others I have encountered in my life that use this form of abuse to gain power and control. It freed me from feeling those situations were my failures. I have studied this subject in depth and I learned some valuable things in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marek jeske
I just started listening to this book on Audible a couple days ago and it has already brought so much insight into my life. I was married to a very manipulative psychological abuser for 6 years. I finally found the strength to leave him a couple of years ago after I found out about the 3rd female he cheated on me with. I have continued to struggle with our divorce and his abuse even after our divorce since we have a child together. I continued to blame myself and feel "crazy" about our relationship and could not figure out why I have struggled so much to let him go and to reform my own life, until I started this book. The validation and sigh of relief this book has brought in just the last couple of days has been long overdue! I am so thankful for this book and hope to continue my healing! I would recommend this book to EVERYONE!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam shaneybrook
Never have I had someone explain my years long situation so clearly to me. Even my friends were shocked that I couldn't realize what was going on while I was in the midst of the situation. This book is the key you've been looking for to help you heal. It explains things in a way you can understand and also makes the reader painfully aware of what's been done to you. You aren't crazy, you aren't weird, you aren't imagining things and the symptoms you experience aren't caused by your weakness. Read this book and begin taking back your life and the you that you've lost touch with.

My only slight worry of the book is that it paints the abuser in a negative light sometimes, and maybe rightfully so, but I think there will always be a part of me that says "they didn't mean it," or "they didn't do it on purpose" or "with intention," but these are the false thoughts that this book helps heal. The harm that's done to you IS intentional and this book helps you figure out why. Thomas lifts the veil and the FOG (fear, obligation, guilt).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda vasquez
I was interested in this book because the subject of hidden emotional abuse is sometimes difficult to pinpoint and understand. This book was very clear and helpful explaining what a toxic person looks like, and how to recover from the abuse these people inflict. This book is an important resource for anyone who has even been in a relationship with a toxic person, or for someone who wants to avoid such people! Survivors will find a guide to healing and recovery. I bought a copy for a loved one who is in such a relationship. It's the kind of book you want to have on hand!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abo abdellah
This is one of the best books I have read since I started my journey of recovery 4+ years ago. I purchased the Audible book and then ordered the paperback for my office. I am working on my Master's Degree with the goal of helping other survivors of narcissistic abuse. I am grateful to authors like Shannon who have had the courage to share their story, although this book doesn't read like a memoir. I have read close to 50 books in the past 4 years and this is one of my top 10 favorites as the author does such a great job of laying the foundation, educating the reader on the differences between a narcissist, a sociopath and a psychopath, and finally covering all of the stages of abuse and recovery. Highly highly recommend!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharleena bramley
Healing from Hidden Abuse is a must read for anyone because hidden abusers can be found in every area of life: the church, the workplace, a circle of friends, extended family or right in your own home. Have you ever dismissed someone's behavior because surely they didn't mean what they said or did? Have you ever known something is definitely wrong in a relationship, but you dismiss it because you are convinced you must be going crazy? Shannon clearly describes three types of abusers, their methods of abuse and how they target their victims. In doing so, Shannon has taken what has been "hidden" for way too long and has exposed these toxic people for what they are and the damage they do to the very soul of their target. The conversational and compassionate tone Shannon uses to expose toxic people takes the reader from victim to survivor as she spells out the 6 stages of recovery. Thanks to Shannon's book, hidden abuse is hidden no more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
(Note: I received an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review of this book.) As someone with years of therapy under my belt from prolonged interaction with a diagnosed sociopath, I was intrigued with the topic, which is why I volunteered to be an advance reader. I found a lot of the content validating - bringing support and professional verification to the perception of what i experienced. Then a section introduced a whole new concept, and spurred some very deep reflection. This book is best read as a contact sport - taking your time - stopping to highlight or journal on the thoughts / experiences you have had as you go through. I am buying an extra copy to give to my therapist, because I think the content is so applicable to so many emotionally abusive situations - even when there is no formal diagnosis in the mix. She also provides real life coping strategies when confronted with inappropriate behavior - which often we tolerate far too long. Thought provoking and pragmatic, written so abuse targets and professional therapist alike can draw great information and examples.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom rodriguez
I received an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Psychological abuse is a horrifying way of injuring a human being, though not physical, and it's far too pervasive in our culture. This book does a wonderful job of explaining the dangerous nature of an abuser and how to survive, heal, and thrive as a victim of such abuse. Having been a victim of psychological abuse myself, I was thrilled to find this book and become a part of its launch. As I read, I was consistently reaffirmed and challenged and cared for and I am so thankful to Shannon Thomas for taking her experiences and her expertise and creating this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz m
As someone who lived through nearly 18 years of psychological abuse, I found Shannon's book to be encouraging. I haven't yet found my way through all the healing that needs to take place in my heart from the abuse I faced and endured through the 18 years that I was apart of a religious cult. I think something that attracted me to the book were the words, "Hidden Abuse" because (even though, at the time when I agreed to read and review the book, I wasn't sure what all the book would entail), I know that the abuse I had suffered was extremely hidden.

As Shannon Thomas took me on a journey (as her title says) on finding my way through recovery, I was encouraged because, before reading this book, I honestly had no clue where to start. I have been floundering around in misery for nearly 7 years after leaving this cult. So often I have gone through mental anguish trying to figure out if I was the problem. Maybe I just didn't realize how awful I was. But by reading Shannon's book, I realized the amount of abuse I had suffered and that I really wasn't the problem in this situation. It was my abusers problem. It was a control issue.

Through her book, she was able to cast a comforting blanket, so to speak, over my soul, reminding me of how to identify abusers, how to avoid them and create boundaries and how to overcome my mental circles that I let myself go in. She shows how we can find victory and be happy people and how healing really can come.

I would suggest this book to anyone who has ever suffered any type of abuse. It will help! Trust me!

I was given an advanced PDF copy for free to give my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
levi c byers
Excellent book and truly captured in words what I have gone through, and the journey path that I have found myself on.

Shannon -
I can't thank you enough for your work, empathy, and understanding in hidden abuse. This book gave me a sense of community in such an isolating truth. Everything you mentioned during the stages (thus far) has happened to me. I too experienced overwhelming devastation during the despair stage. There is so much truth and relation to the depths of despair one experiences during this time. You are so right of the soul-crushing experience, and I too had to rebuild from the very bottom. Not without extreme harmful behaviors on my part, but I got through it.

I value the idea and letter of your note Dear Family and Friends. This is exactly what we need in terms of a credible explanation of the hidden abuse. I would love a note with the example that explains the Parent/Child relationship, which is another common dynamic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth dillman
I have found so much blessings reading this book "Healing from Hidden Abuse" because it felt like a release of any guilt or doubt for making that choice to leave 8 years ago.

Abuse is not always as obvious, because it is not limited to just being hit or shoved, called degrading names or cussed out. I have always wondered if I am the "crazy one" who supposedly didn't appreciate the good guy she had. At that point in time and for a good 13 years of my life, I felt off balance - it's like you are "walking on eggshells" all the time. This is the kind of abuse that sneaks up on you as you become more entrenched in the relationship. Especially if yourself and everyone else around you think that you've got a good catch. And Dr Shannon Thomas explained the reasons why phycological abuse can very well be underhanded or subtle, in this book.

I received an advanced reading copy, for the purpose of this review. You can read the full review on my blog PrayerFull Mum.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reading this book is like going from taking ibuprofen to mask the pain of a problem to undergoing the precision of neurosurgery that pinpoints alleviates, and remedies the exact source of the pain . The emotional healing is the first domino in the blessing of spiritual, mental, physical, financial and relational restoration that comes through the power of this information.
Knowledge is power and for those of us who have survived narcissistic sociopaths and psychotic abuse this gives us our power back.
Healing From Hidden Abuse book gave me more than head knowledge, it healed my heart. It offers me a way to reach out and offer hope to others which gives purpose to my pain. I look forward to the vibrant and supportive community of survivors this book will galvanize at [...]
This is the bible for hidden abuse recovery. Thank you Shannon for "comforting us with the comfort you were comforted with" . You not only walked the journey you took the time to return to that deep, dark place and offer us a guiding hand to freedom.
Authors offer education and/or entertainment , heroes offer hope. Thanks for being a hero
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've read well over 50 books on the subject of abuse, and this book is right up there with the top five. I wish I had this gem in my hand four years ago when I first began my own journey up and out of an emotionally abusive marriage. Shannon has somehow managed to grab hold of so many of the best things I learned through my own studying of this subject and showcase them in this easy-to-read book for both survivors and those that hope to help them. I found myself cheering out loud so many times, and my copy is highlighted on almost every page. If you are on the fence about buying this book, jump off, grab a copy, and run. It could change your life.

I was provided with an electronic copy in exchange for my honest opinion, and I am purchasing more to give away to others!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve feldon
Aug 25, 2016 Lilly Lucario rated it it was amazing

I am always so very thankful when I connect with other people who understand the truth and reality of toxic people and the harm they cause to their victims. As a survivor myself of narcissistic, sociopathic, psychopathic abuse - I relate deeply to Shannon Thomas' insight and understanding. I love this book - as it helps educate and validate from a true place of empathy. It is also a 'healing hopeful' book, showing the reader how to progress through the different stages and validating each stage so well. I feel very honoured and blessed to have been personally acknowledged by Shannon, and to have my resources listed in the resources recommendations. This book will continue to be highly recommended by me, and I know will help so many survivors of toxic abuse. Thank you Shannon, many of us are benefitting from your insight, courage and wisdom, in a truly meaningful way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse by Shannon Thomas, LCSW is everything I needed in a book about psychological abuse and the recovery process.

I had the opportunity to receive an advance reader copy to read and review (and after reading I promptly purchased 4 copies to use and give away). Reading this book was a profound validation of so many things I have endured as a survivor of psychological and spiritual abuse and sundry other toxic relationships--from personal, to professional, to community. I appreciate the accessibility of the material Shannon writes about--there's clinical research to back up her platform. But the content is not just for mental health professionals--it is presented in a way that anyone can relate to and engage with.

I love that Shannon names six stages of the process from education to maintenance. As I read I kept finding myself saying--out loud--things like, "Yes!! That's exactly how it happens!" or "oh my goodness, me too!!" For me, those are indicators that an author has successfully accomplished capturing an experience and has presented it in such a way that leaves room for me to bring my own experiences to the material. "Healing from Hidden Abuse" was not overrun with client anecdotes, but helpful examples that allowed me to connect my own dots relating to my own history.

As a creative writer and someone who processes through writing, I found the journal prompts in the back of the book to be an invaluable resource. I haven't sat with them just yet, but I will as part of my healing journey. It is hard. It's painful. But such important soul-work. I appreciate how Shannon guides the process easing the reader in with definitions first and then moving deeper into specific, concrete examples from our own abuse histories. I could see this working really well in a support group setting.

Psychological abuse is insidious, it is stealth, and so easily hidden behind masks and facades. I feel like Shannon Thomas is our champion advocate and truth-telling warrior clearing the way for so much liberation from the nightmarish horror that is psychological abuse. Her courage and unflinching commitment to provide accurate information have inspired my own journey through healing and into recovery. Shannon's words and insights have truly helped save my life in an otherwise dark season of despair. I am eternally grateful for this book and the ways it will continue to educate, inform, and empower others.

I'm buying this book for everyone I know--survivors and others. The information is relevant to anyone no matter what they've been through. I would love to see "Healing from Hidden Abuse" as required reading in churches, schools, organizations, and institutions everywhere. Because even if a person isn't in need of resources as a survivor, to be made aware of the nuances of toxic dynamics can help people to create healthy limits and boundaries with such individuals preventing deeper harm and soul wounds. I wish I had this resource so much earlier in life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Read this book one year or so ago, recently bought the audio version with the intent to quickly review the topic and help a friend. Not really impressed with the initial chapters. As I progressed through each chapter ... suddenly ... wow, big awakening ... the book is fantastic, particularly chapters 8, 9, 10 ... The topic applies to human relationships in general. You will probably notice how abuse can be carefully crafted, pragmatic, carefully calculated and executed. The victim in one situation can easily develop pattern of abuser in another. For instance, at work or school a mentee can establish pattern of abuse over a mentor. The abuser, as usual, has specific objective in mind and will play a character until the objective is accomplished. This pattern or modus operandi "mo", may not be detectable in the initial stages but sooner or later becomes very clear when the abuser moves on to another target. Read or listen to this book many times as it will give you interesting perspectives. Keep an open mind ...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grant vice
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review, and Shannon hits it out of the park.

This is an excellent and much-needed resource for those who have suffered from clandestine and narcissistic abuse. It is the perfect mix of inspirational and practical, and is chock-full of validation for a segment of society that has long been overlooked and marginalized.

This is a great resource not only for psychological abuse services but their friends and family and community leaders such as clergy, counselors, and law enforcement.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carol berke
An important, must have, book for professionals whose clients are dealing with hurting, broken, or chaotic relationships.
Equally important for those who deal with or are a part of such relationships at home, work, church, or in the family.
Thomas dissects and brings light and answers relationships with narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths where abuse is not physical, but subtly destroying, often invisible to others, and
undetected by many professionals.
The book is written in an easy to read, compassionate and validating fashion, by a professional counselor who was at one time a victim and speaks from both identities.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Healing from Hidden Abuse provides many examples and a thorough explanation of hidden abuse. After reading this book, you will have a much clearer idea of what is occurring in those confusing situations which feel bad when the person is telling you it is your problem or your fault. This understanding and validation that the book provides is only the tip of the iceberg, as Shannon explains the dynamics of emotional abuse. It makes it easy to identify what is going on not only in families, but at work or even community meetings. I received an advance copy of this book for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
​"Psychological Abuse doesn't leave bruises. There are no broken bones. There are no holes in the wall. The bruises, brokenness, and holes are held tightly within the survivor." ~Shannon Thomas

This book does an excellent job of walking a survivor through the stages of recovery and healing after such a relationship. Shannon's conversational tone creates a place of quiet understanding and validation that what you experienced is very real and her steady reassurance that you can heal. Her experience as both a licensed clinical therapist and a survivor gives her unique insight into a hidden world that so many have a hard time articulating. Her ability to understand that recovery is both not simple and not a "one size fits all" situation allows survivors to progress through the exploration of their recovery at their personal pace. I would highly recommend this to both survivors and family of survivors to gain greater insight and understanding of what your loved one has been through.

I received an Advance Reader Copy in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read quite a few books on psychological abuse. This one is one of the best I have read. Shannon Thomas speaks from the heart and shows compassion and caring to those who are in abusive relationships. She also shows why abusers do what they do. I am thankful to her for stating the truth over and over again that abusers know exactly what they are doing. They don't care if they harm you, in fact that is their intent. I am thankful to be a survivor and to know that the abuse wasn't my fault. Thank you Shannon Thomas, for confirming that for me, and for all the other men and women who will be reading this gem of a book. This is truly invaluable

I received this book from NetGalley for free, for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie nolan
Excellent, eloquent, and insightful book which was instrumental in my recovery. Very well written, easy to understand and makes so much sense. Of all the books I've read (and there have been many), this is by far the best on this subject. Highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mani makkar
This book felt like a friend, coming alongside me as I read. With each chapter, the load on my shoulders became lighter. Shannon Thomas takes readers through a process of discovery and healing in this book. Her deep insight and knowledge, not only as a professional counselor, but also as a survivor of hidden abuse, are so needed by so many. I would suggest this book, not only for a person who has encountered toxic, Psychological abuse, but also for those who encounter survivors; teachers, pastors, counselors. The book is practical, in that there are scenarios presented to show examples of abuse. The book has a realistic, yet hopeful tone and takes the reader through the realization stage of what constitutes psychological abuse, and then starts the healing process. More than anything, a reader who has survived such abuse will know they are not alone, are not crazy, and are well on their way to a life of healing and freedom. I highly recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noah pan
This is one of the best books I have ever read. It is so helpful in dealing with, and understanding those who have personality disorders. I learned a lot and will probably re-read this book once a year, just to remember.

Just truly outstanding book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nour gamal
This book was very informative and will be instrumental to helping any survivor of an abusive relationship, heal. The author takes the onus off of the survivor in such a caring, understanding way that it cannot be missed who really was the perpetrator of misery. It is a freeing revelation to anyone in this situation! The stages of recovery are concise, and insightful. This validation is so important for any survivor to navigate healing, and the author conveys what to expect and why. Also included, healing exercises to help clear the mind, calm the senses, regain clarity and sense of self during this process. The questions presented can help the reader focus and give a direction to journaling, as many in the beginning have no idea how to start. Abusers are in all walks of life. Shannon Thomas gives insight into all forms of abusive people, the how, where and why. A very compelling read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How does one begin to express your thoughts on finding a book that, validates educates and gives you hope, from a hell that you endured, mostly alone!
As a personal survivor, my overwhelming feeling was, I am not alone!! Then the hope that I can overcome this. Shannon really has a way of making you feel like she is speaking directly to you. Her compassion, education, her direct and simple explanations make for a very easy read. I am so grateful that Shannon took the time to write this book and for all that helped her accomplish it as well. Since I've been on my journey of healing one of the biggest issues I have faced is that many people have no knowledge or understanding of this awful, hidden abuse. So, if you know someone who you suspect is in an abusive relationship, read this book. It will certainly help in your support of them. If you are in or have left an abusive relationship, read this book! The knowledge you will attain will certainly help you on your road to recovery! Remember, you are not alone!!!
I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review and it was more than my pleasure to do so!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just over a year ago, I was able to get a protective order and take the first steps to escape an abusive marriage. The last year has been a journey from brokenness to resting in God's peace. It has been a difficult journey; but I have been blessed in so many ways by my church family, my friends, and my daughters.
Along the way, I have read and studied any material I could get my hands on to help me understand my experiences and help me heal. It is my privilege to have the opportunity to read this book, Healing from Hidden Abuse, before its release. It so clearly explains this road I have been traveling. It helps me see that I'm doing OK. It encourages me to be a survivor and not a victim.
I will be purchasing this book when it is released. The author, Shannon Thomas of Southlake Christian Counseling, clearly articulates and communicates, giving the broken a voice and affirmation.
I received an electronic copy for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krista jeanne
I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
I read this book expecting to reaffirm the psychological and emotional abuse I'd endured during my marriage.
It definitely did that- more than I ever expected. It confirmed my suspicions of the abuse of my former in-laws towards my daughter and me. A couple of the examples she gives in the book were almost the exact same things that I had experienced. That was SO validating!
This book also opened my eyes to just how dysfunctional and abusive my mother really was. Being so close to that situation made it difficult for me to see how bad it really was.
This is a well written and thorough resource that provides clear and simple definitions of abuse, which enables a reader to easily follow along without having to have a degree in psychology.
Lastly, it's one of the few resources I've found that actually provides clear and specific steps on how to move forward towards healing after leaving an abusive situation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trashy dreams
Having received an advance reader copy of the book in exchange for an honest review, I have to say that Shannon Thomas has had the privilege of having lived a life which led to this book. I know this book is here "for such a time as this" to set free captives of such a dark and hidden abuse. Survivorsofthis abuse now have a voice and the word can spread. I thank God, and I thank Shannon for her willingness to bring this to the world. Well-writtne, honest, revelatory and insightful, it promises a voice to those in the shadows of this abuse, which operates in the shadows. We can see, through this book, a well-lit path for counselors and survivors to folow out of the darkness and into the light of healing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a survivor of psychological abuse, Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery was instrumental in giving me the appropriate terminology to describe my experience with family and friends who may not believe me due to the hidden nature of the abuse. To finally have the words that accurately depict your unique experience, as well as the research to back it up, is a powerful tool for any survivor of psychological abuse. If you even suspect you may be in a relationship where hidden abuse is taking place, you need this book in your arsenal.

I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I would recommend this book for anyone who has suffered from psychological abuse or who has friends or family members in an abusive relationship.

I was privileged to be one of the first to read this book. It is educational and full of wisdom and hope. It is written as if the writer is talking to the reader personally, giving them information, advice and hope while sitting in the same room with them. I believe this book has the power to change lives.

According to the Shannon Thomas, people who have experienced psychological abuse often cannot clearly describe what has been done to them and recovery cannot begin if they can’t describe it. In the book, Ms. Thomas explains the meaning of different terms used relative to psychological abuse, giving clear, easy to understand examples of each. I love that she uses the term ‘survivor’ throughout the book, to describe what some people call a victim. She said it is the term advocates involved in the abuse community use. She explains she likes the definition of survivor found in the American Heritage Dictionary: “Survivor: To remain alive; to carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere, to remain functional or usable, to live longer than…” because it uses the words “to carry on,” “persevere,” and “to remain functional”.

Ms. Thomas helps the reader understand that recognizing they’ve been a part of an abusive relationship is a process. She says “psychological abuse doesn’t leave bruises. There are no broken bones. There are no holes in the walls. The bruises, brokenness, and holes are held tightly within the survivor.” She explains “psychological abuse is also referred to as hidden abuse because the behaviors of the abusers involve chronic and repetitive secret games being played by one individual, or a group of people against a target and that one reason she chose the cover picture of her book-the image of rain-was because it reminded her of the way psychological abusers inflict their harm, one drop of torture at a time! She totally gets it and wants to help others understand the insidious nature of psychological abuse.

Throughout the book she instructs the reader as to what a psychological abuser is; where they do their harm; and when, how, and why they harm. She helps the reader recognize all types of psychological abusers. She then takes her readers through the 6 stages of recovery from psychological abuse and explains how each stage is addressed in therapy to help the survivor understand what has happened or is happening in their life as they work to recover from the abuse. A reader might be tempted to skip over some of the repeated material, however, I feel it would be to their advantage to read it. I needed to hear those important concepts addressed in the stages of recovery more than once, especially when they were new to me and showed me how my previous thinking was incorrect.

The author includes a resources section at the back of the book to help readers find an on-line support group or a local book study of this book, Healing from Hidden Abuse. She also includes a personal reflection journal with guided questions, for the reader to personalize the 6 stages of recovery—helping them to be able to take the concepts from the book and personalize them to their own life experience to aid in their recovery.
According to the author, the book is intended to show the reader the process people go through when they come to therapy with the writer as a counselor, and I think she succeeds at doing that whole-heartedly. She gives her readers information, advice, help and hope throughout the book.

I received an advance reader copy in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris plambeck
Praise for shedding light on an insidious, complicated form of abuse! This book offers an abundance of information, education, and hope to those who are in confusing, abusive situations. If you are wondering if you are in an abusive relationship, feeling like they're the only one, or thinking you are 'crazy' for feeling the way they do, Shannon's words will resonate with you. Her text is rich, deep, yet easy to read and understand. A must for survivors, counselors, therapists, doctors, religious leadership, teachers, and anyone else in a position of power or leadership. The personal journal at the back of the book is a priceless addition and a wonderful tool to help heal at a deeper level, personally or in a group setting. Journey into healing from hidden abuse through this book and it's resources. Join the steady healing movement! I received an advanced reader copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is an invaluable resource to anyone who has experienced psychological abuse or seeks to understand more about it. Shannon Thomas does an amazing job of putting into words what abuse survivors often struggle to describe. Not only does she define and explain psychological abuse, she gives a plan for healing, and does so in a compassionate yet straightforward manner.

Healing From Hidden Abuse is like having a therapist in your pocket. I feel that it is especially useful for those who can't afford therapy or are prevented from seeking help for other reasons. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valyncia raphael
This book is a must read for anyone who has suffered psychological abuse, has a friend or spouse who is a survivor, or anyone in the counseling field. The practical writing is easy to understand and the author's explanation of terms and use of stories, brings clarity to this sometimes confusing topic. As someone who is studying counseling, I am thankful to find this valuable resource to add to my library. Readers will find healing in this book, as Shannon walks the survivor through steps of recovery.
I was offered an advance copy for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Healing from Hidden Abuse is a must have in every psychological abuse survivor’s tool box. Shannon Thomas gets to the heart of the matter and provides a logical, understandable, and effective blueprint for healing from a most insidious form of abuse. As you journey through the pages you will find truth, wisdom, validation, and a trusted friend. Shannon is genuine. Her heart’s passion to lead others to freedom from abusive relationships is captured in print. Reading this book is a life changing experience. I received an Advance Reader Copy in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thanks to Shannon Thomas for giving us words to describe the inner turmoil with experiences with psychological abuse. Thanks Shannon Thomas for your book!

Note: I received an advance reader copy of Hidden Abuse book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane chadwick
As an occupational therapist, a mom, a wife and a friend I found this book to be very enlightening to the way an abusive relationship transpires. The book is well written and easy to follow. A page turner one that gives a lot of insight to the abuser and the survivor. This book is great for therapists and the general population to bring awareness to the hidden side of abuse verbal and/or physical. NO ONE should feel alone or trapped. I was given an advanced reader copy for an honest review of this book. Tiffany Zakka OTR/L
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gerald kinro
Healing from Hidden Abuse is a absolute must read! Shannon uses clear layman terms and goes through the stages of recovery. Finally knowing that I'm not crazy, even though everything in my gut told me I was right, Shannon's book shows you how toxic people will play those mind games.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has been invaluable to me and my husband as we put an abusive work situation behind us. Over the past year, we have been working to recover from narcissistic abuse by a boss, and Shannon's book is so eye-opening! She wrote on each page the exact things we had experienced and she provides many helpful insights as we learn and move forward. I highly recommend this book! Such a help!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I recently became interested in the topic of non-physical abuse when my own journey in life made me aware that abuse isn't always physical.

I first learned of this topic through Shannon's Facebook page. Her book explores in depth the journey a survivor goes through when shedding toxic people from their life. The toxicity could exist in many areas including enforcing spiritual life, financial irresponsibility, constant criticism, or any other behavior that negatively impacts another's worldview through control and manipulation.

I learned about dysfunctional behaviors and the types of "red flags" to watch for, as well as what a survivor's experience may be like.

This book has the depth, compassion and empathy that I want to share with the survivor.

I recent an advance copy of this book in exchange for a review that is my opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Of all the books I've read on the subject this one was the most helpful. It made the most sense and it allowed me to step outside my perspective and see someone else's. Shannom is supportive and empathetic while explaining to readers, in very specific detail, how they can recover from an abusive relationship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read lots and lots of books on this topic, and so far this is one of the best books I have read on this topic. Thomas explains things so clearly, honestly, and respectfully and I felt so validated. Her blog and this book are must reads!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is a very brief overview of a very large subject. It gives no in depth understanding on human psychology and ways to heal...in fact there is nothing there about healing apart from understanding we need to read more books to understand toxic people and be on guard. I love the positive intent to start the local recovery support group.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received an advance reader copy of the book in exchange for my honest review. I am several chapters in, and, for me, it is providing very specific answers to several, specific prayers and conversations I've had with God over many, many years' time.
The education provided herein on Psychological Abuse includes emotional, mental and verbal abuse. They are the insidious, very well hidden, destroyers of countless peoples' lives, marriages, families, even careers and livelihoods.
The main thing that is the main thing, I can describe in one word - validation, validation, validation! FINALLY - somebody gets it - somebody finally gets me!
Thank you, Shannon Thomas, for listening to God and to the people He has sent to you over the years. Thank you for also sharing out of your own experience. Thank you most of all for writing this book!
I believe unequivocally, everyone on the planet either has, or knows someone who has, experienced some form of Psychological Abuse, and therefore, literally everyone can benefit by reading this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is everything I wish I had read when I was living with my abuser. In everyday language an expert explains and validates psychological abuse, how to recognize it, and how to escape and recover. If you are in a relationship with a toxic abuser or you know someone who is, please, please, please put this book on your "must have" list!
I received an advance reader copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
miguel eduardo
I thought the book was extremely negative and didn't show positive ways to deal with the narcissist.. Then with the defensiveness of the author with another reviewer, it totally turned me off. These were red flags for me. I thought the author acted very childish in her defensiveness. Books that are superb in this area are "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents" by Lindsay C. Gibson, and "Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed" by Wendy T. Behary. These books also show you the role you play in narcissism, and that is what was missing in Ms. Thomas' book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah napoline
I cannot believe the author is a mental health specialist. She actually perceives abusers with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) as some mean calculated monsters who are aware and in control of what they do every step of the way. She bluntly says so. I am not supporting letting the perpetrators of the hook, but one would expect that a mental health specialist will have a more in-depth view of things, not make it black and white as someone with a personality disorder would. I find her depiction of these NPD abusers, as well as her analysis of them, to be shallow and show lack of true understanding. These people are responsible for what they do, for their choices in life and more often than not for ruining their victim, but one cannot just deny that they are very, deeply, disturbed human beings, acting out of their distorted souls, but certainly not with full (or even half) awareness of what they do. They can be toxic, hurtful and malicious, they can deliberately say hurtful things, but basically they are blind to what they do and who they are (the NPD's not the psychopaths), and most certainly they don't cunningly plan ahead with a clear intention to take control of the victim and destroy him/her. To claim that their behaviors and conceptions don't emanate from a covered-up low confidence and self esteem (in other, professional, words a narcissistic pathology) is contradictory to what almost any psychodynamic theory would explain, certainly what every psychoanalytic theory would. I find it to be superficial and simplistic.
I have read many books on the subject lately, this is by far the worst, even ones written by laymen were more informative and with a deeper, fuller understanding of the psychodynamics involved. They were also much more comprehensive and organized with the information they bring about the subtleties of the abuse and its' nomenclature (e.g. gaslighting). I couldn't finish it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren elizabeth
Healing from Hidden Abuse was filled with Aha moments for me as someone who watched a loved one experience this. Shannon compassionately and clearly identifies characteristics of abusers and how to not only leave an abusive relationship, but to recover and heal from it as well. Shannon's prose makes you feel as if you are a friend sitting beside you reminding you that you are not at fault and you can recover from this abuse.
This is a must read for counsellors and therapists as well as anyone in or recovering from an abusive relationship.
I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cynthia lapierre
I am so thankful for this book. I received an Advanced Reader Copy for my honest review. Shannon Thomas brings a much needed professional voice to Hidden Abuse...the psychological abuse that many suffer from and can't even put into words. Her friendly, sitting in her office tone, gives readers comfort as they read through the stages of recovery. Thought provoking questions and journal prompts add to the therapeutic relief this book brings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is so needed in our current landscape. Although abuse is nothing new. There is a good fiction book that was just released that would go well with this book, Slow and Insidious ( a story of a couple ). Bringing the light in on all sides
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nick smith
I was very excited to receive this book, but sadly, I disagree with the author's point of view and cannot in good conscience recommend it. However, one with a different philosophy from mine will probably enjoy this book. While I do not share the author's perspective, it did offer a different insight which I appreciate. It seemed like the author had a personal interest or grudge against those with personality disorders, and holds a strong bias towards the victims, which is understandable, but I would hope for a less partial approach in explaining the disorders. The book was well written, and easy to read and understand. I received an Advanced Reader's Copy of this book in exchange for my honest feedback.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
As a person who is neither a therapist nor an abuse victim, I did not fully connect with this book. The author seemed to drive home the inhuman nature of abusers, their monstrous behaviors, and the pleasure they enjoy by inflicting pain. It seemed to me that it was more personal for her than it appeared, and then she shared a part of her own story which put it all in a more understandable light.

I did not enjoy the read or dislike it, but I also do not feel 'enlightened' by it. I trust that the lack of actual examples was for her clients' confidence, but as an outsider it is difficult to understand without concrete references.

A good read for someone who may be in an abusive relationship or someone who is recovering from one.

I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rodrigo borges
The writing style is excessively personal and unprofessional, described in some other reviews as "conversational" - Its clearly meant to make it feel like the author is a friend of yours. It's extremely uncomfortable to read, and at times borders on condescending. The author regularly refers to her opinions, her preferences on how to discuss trauma (as if that matters at all), and her feelings about being a trauma therapist. A good editor would have made a world of difference for this book.

If you want a "human touch" to your psychology related books, by all means this may be the book for you. On the other hand, if you're just looking for actual psychology and straightforward information about abusive relationships, this book is going to make you *really* dig through the author's platitudes and opinions to get them. Wouldn't recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather shrimpton
One of the best books I have read on narcissist’s relationships. Learned so much and feel empowered to move forward. I’m in a marriage and could never put my finger on was wrong. Always questioned myself and self-examined what I could change and do better. Learned I am not crazy!!! Going through the steps.
Thank you for sharing your story Shannon!!! I will get through this. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aleksandra trzeciak
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina gross
This book gives good examples how it can happen in your life and in various settings. The recovery process described here can give a clear path to survivors. It was encouraging for me to see where I am located and what I need to to get fully recovered.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I happened to find this book while looking for books to help me deal with the emotional scars and trauma left after the end of an abusive relationship. I can't say enough good things about it! Shannon Thomas manages to hit the issue right on target. Her sympathetic and insightful approach sheds light and brings hope to survivors like me. I felt compelled after reading her book to write this review and highly recommend it to fellow survivors and their loved ones. The abuse and the havoc wreaked by toxic people can have long lasting impact on our lives but there is hope and there is a light at the end of the tunnel . We must be strong and keep moving forward. If you have been abused, there is hope, and it starts with one step forward, one day at a time. Buying this book will definitely help you on your journey.
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