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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nima parsi
My parents have been neighbors and close friends of Peter Spier for well over 30 years. Peter has even included our family in a couple of his stories. His gentle approach and kindness are reflected in his drawings and his writing. My children grew up on his books and now my grandchildren will soon be exposed to his wonderful story telling.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan mcginn
I really like this book. It has lots of different pictures, like 40 different noses, and 40 different ears. It is all about how people look different and that's okay. I got it as a gift for my newborn son because the gift-giver had it as a child himself and it was one of his favorites. I liked it so much I bought two more for gifts. Great pics. I am sure my son will enjoy it for a long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kalyani vallath
I purchased this book for my grandsons. We received it for a gift from their grandparents when my kids were small. It was taken to school for show and tell. When I finally tracked it down it was in the library. The librarian said it was a great book and ordered one for the school library. It is a great lesson on the diversity of peoples of the world and how boring it would be if we were all the same.
The Education of a Reluctant Businessman--Including 10 More Years of Business Unusual :: Big Words for Little People :: The Jolly Postman :: and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success - Take Back Your Power :: The People Puzzler Book: Jumbo Edition
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I remember reading this book with my parents and siblings as a child, and finding the whole thing wonderful and fascinating. With vivid illustrations of people all over the world, "People" is about celebrating the similarities and differences of each individual human. It's about enjoying the beauty of the different physical qualities, customs, and ways of dress. It taught me to look at every human being as part of my global family, and to love each one for that. Every child should have this book bought and read for them. It will affect their growth in magical ways.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
staugie girl
Beautifully illustrated with heaps of different faces and physcial expressions of people!

This book never fails to move me when reading through it. It informs with simple facts

about how many people in different lands inhabit the planet and how amazing we all are

with our dress, and creative expressions. Great book to read for everyone particularly

a good read with kids for bed time.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
becky mcmahon
Although I understand the praise this book receives, I'd like to issue a note of caution. In some cases, Spier has given us the exotic depictions of the cultural groups he presents. In many cases, that exotic view is outdated. In essence, he has frozen some cultural groups in days past. Unless a teacher or parent points this out, children may believe, for example, that today's Eskimo people (who prefer Inuit or Inupiat to "Eskimo") live in igloos, and that American Indians live in tepees. That is simply not true of these two groups. I wonder about others he's depicting. I hope teachers and parents point out these errors in presentation!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very beautiful book.
Well illustrated, lovely colors with a strong message.
A pure visual delight. It is an old edition, but it is here...still on my desk.
A memorable book not to be forgotten.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is a large beautifully illustrated book (referring to the hardback issue) that affirms the individuality and dignity of people all over the world. Since it was published in 1980, some stereotyping of ethnic groups is evident.

(This review was previously published in "Daughters of Sarah" Nov/Dec 1986.)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
armi beatriz
The message is basic to our appreciation of the beauty in the variety of human beings! It can be extended to be as spiritual or philosophic at any child's age level, depending on the reader's purpose for introducing the book. It's visual appeal should touch all age levels. Superb!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I recommend Peter Spier's book, People, however customers should be aware that it is an oversize paperback which measures roughly 10 inches by 13 inches. This means that if the store ships it to you in their 9 inch by 12 inch by 6 inch box, the book will arrive slightly bent and damaged because they have to twist the book to squeeze it into the box (which is too small). This is how the store shipped People to me recently. The bent cover and pages aren't terrible, but the book is in no shape to give as a gift.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is outdated. It was published in 1980. As an elemnetary school teacher I do not think this is an appropirate book for kids.
To begin with, every student should be represented, and accurately, in the literature used. Negative images and inaccurate stereotyping of people and cultures in children's fiction books is harmful to students whose ethnicity is being portrayed. Students should be able to see themselves and their lives reflected in the books they read. When you look at the illustrations at that book for example the page where the clothes are shown it doesn't reflect the reality. Even though it looks like a multi cultural book it is based on streotypes.
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