The Royal Wedding (The Crown Jewels Romantic Comedy Series Book 2)

ByMelanie Summers

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom winterrose
Laughter followed by painful emotional bumps galore in this second part of Tessa and Arthur’s lives. Down to earth, modern tale which also offers us readers a bit of the unusual.

I highly recommend this book to any romantic, fun-loving person out there... this includes both men and women. Pick it up and read it. You won’t be sorry!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sheri becker
I wanted to love this, especially after the first book was so wonderful, but I just couldn't.

Some of the problems: Tessa comes across as very immature in her relationship with Arthur. She does idiot things like going to a foreign country, getting stupid drunk, causing an international incident, then demanding that Arthur apologize to HER because he wasn't allowed to lecture her. She was also very untrusting, even though he never gave a reason not to trust him. And her mother, Evi? What normal person with brain cells would embarrass her daughter by playing toilet paper games at a shower with royalty present? And then act all angry and injured when Tessa lost her temper over it. Tessa's family was no better. The texts they were always sending - kinda mean. And the friend Nikki who almost acted like she was trying to sabotage Tessa and kept criticizing her. "I don't like who you are any more." Translation: why are you trying to fit in with those people? What kind of true friend does that?

Worst of all, in this sequel, the humor just isn't there. Clearly, most people disagree, but I thought I'd be bookmarking all these funny lines and... not a single one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua slone
Laughter followed by painful emotional bumps galore in this second part of Tessa and Arthur’s lives. Down to earth, modern tale which also offers us readers a bit of the unusual.

I highly recommend this book to any romantic, fun-loving person out there... this includes both men and women. Pick it up and read it. You won’t be sorry!
A novel (Vintage Contemporaries) - Saints for All Occasions :: Eleanor: A Novel :: Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk: A Novel :: The Lost Continent (Wings of Fire, Book 11) :: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo: A Novel
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
vinay agarwal
I wanted to love this, especially after the first book was so wonderful, but I just couldn't.

Some of the problems: Tessa comes across as very immature in her relationship with Arthur. She does idiot things like going to a foreign country, getting stupid drunk, causing an international incident, then demanding that Arthur apologize to HER because he wasn't allowed to lecture her. She was also very untrusting, even though he never gave a reason not to trust him. And her mother, Evi? What normal person with brain cells would embarrass her daughter by playing toilet paper games at a shower with royalty present? And then act all angry and injured when Tessa lost her temper over it. Tessa's family was no better. The texts they were always sending - kinda mean. And the friend Nikki who almost acted like she was trying to sabotage Tessa and kept criticizing her. "I don't like who you are any more." Translation: why are you trying to fit in with those people? What kind of true friend does that?

Worst of all, in this sequel, the humor just isn't there. Clearly, most people disagree, but I thought I'd be bookmarking all these funny lines and... not a single one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
eric m sheffield
I really enjoyed the first book in this series and was very excited to start right into this one as I read them back to back. Unfortunately, the excitement waned pretty early in this book. Gone were the laugh out loud moments and there were a lot fewer smiles this time around.

Also, I felt Tessa was a very strong personality in the first book. Throughout this one, however, she seemed a lot weaker. She did come around in the end, but by that time it was a little too late for me.

And personally, the heir inhibitor bit was not funny at all. I had that happen with the "sponge" years ago and no one was laughing. It was actually downright scary. Although I did like the name used for a condom.

In conclusion, decent read just not as good as the first.

Thanks to Gretz Corp, Indigo Group and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Royal Wedding is the second book in the Crown Jewels Romance. This series must be read in order so before you read The Royal Wedding make sure you check out The Royal Treatment. In this second book, Arthur and Tessa are back and now that they have fallen in love they are ready to walk down the aisle and spend the rest of their lives together. But not everyone in Avonia wants Tessa and Arthur together and they will do whatever it takes to tear them apart.

The Royal Wedding picks up right after The Royal Treatment. Tessa has moved back home with her parents in order to prepare and regroup before "the big day". The physical separation is hard on Tessa and Arthur. After having so much time together, now Arthur is trying to run the kingdom and Tessa is trying to work and prep for the big day. With Arthur's father, the King, an anti-Tessa twitter campaign, and gossip swirling all around, Tessa begins to doubt Arthur and her ability to serve as Queen. With love on the line, Arthur will do whatever it takes to keep Tessa safely by his side.

Told in dual POV, The Royal Wedding is an exquisite romantic comedy full of laughter, love, and plenty of steam! I fell head over heels in love with both Tessa and Arthur in The Royal Treatment and getting more of them together only strengthened my adoration for them both. Tessa is such a quirky heroine and her uninhibited antics kept me in stitches AGAIN! The love that Arthur has for her is tender and complex. They are truly from opposite worlds and yet together, they make perfect sense. M.J. Summers has created a heartwarming world with beautiful characters and one epic romance. The dynamics between the characters is full of complexities and as the battle lines are drawn, it doesn't take long to recognize friend from foe. Tessa's meddling family are probably my favorite family of all time. I especially adore Tessa's mother and Arthur's Grandmother and the way in which they enhanced the story warmed my heart and even brought tears to my eyes. Tessa and Arthur endure so much in order to be together and their journey is one that I will never forget.

If you are looking for a romantic comedy full of laughter, romance, and passion look no further, the Crown Jewels Romance is the series for you. The Royal Wedding is spectacular and I can only hope there will be more of these amazing characters to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paul coward
Tessa was now engaged to the crown prince of Avonia -Arthur Laugesen. Tessa knew once Arthur put the ring on her finger she could no longer be the clumsy, blogger struggling reporter normal woman. She must transform into an elegant fabulous princess like Grace Kelly. After Tessa said yes to Arthur she was determined she would no longer do the old things to humiliate herself. Right now Tessa was in her brother Finn’s room at her parents= Reuben and Eve- house. Eve and Reuben also believe Tessa was incapable of almost any worthwhile accomplishment. Tessa had moved back to her parents house five months earlier. Tessa only had a part time job at The Weekly Observer. Tessa’s main source of income were her two remaining blogs. She had a photography website and her Smart Runner blog which she reviews clothes, shoes, and devices used by jogging enthusiasts. Tessa and Arthur hadn’t seen each other for six days as Arthur had to go to Genovia. Tessa even had a bodyguard now named Xavier. But her eleven year old niece pointed out that many tweets were out there against Arthur marrying Tessa. There were hundreds of I Hate Tessa tweets who didn’t want to see Tessa and Arthur marry, they wanted Arthur to marry Lady Dr. Brooke Beddingfield. The first thing King Winston had done when he found out about Arthur and Tessa impending marrying was assign Xavier to Tessa. Tessa took it as his version of throwing down the gauntlet that he would never see the wedding happen. Then Tessa and Arthur decide to marry in six months as he owes it to his people to have their festivities because their crown prince was getting married. Arthur told Tessa if it weren’t for his obligations he would whisk her off to Vegas and have Elvis marry them. Since Tessa had been fourteen years old all she ever really wanted to do was be a successful journalist now she knew she had to give it up as she was the one everyone wanted a news scoop from.
I liked this story but in some ways it was very realistic like Tessa’s stress. I felt bad for her that this should be a time of great excitement for her and happiness. I loved Arthur’s grandmother and how she backed Tessa. I didn’t like Brooke and how she played up to Tessa. I was glad Tessa saw saw through her.For the most part this just didn’t have realism for me why would a prince fall for someone who used to down his family. I didn’t like how Tessa lashed at her mother but did feel she got her payback when everyone heard. I think Tessa was losing her real self and I didn’t like that. Arthur was supposedly in love with her for herself. Not someone she was trying to turn herself into. I did like how things turned around and even the king had changed his mind after Tessa went and told him off and Arthur finally saw Brooke for who she really was. I also loved how Arthur stood up to his father. I also loved the ending. So as I said somethings I really liked and others I didn’t. But all and all this still deserved a four rating. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Royal Wedding, A Crown Jewels Romantic Comedy, Melanie Summers and MJ Summers

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: women's fiction, Romance

Well, much to my surprise I loved book one. I thought I'd like it but that it would be chic-lit fluff, fine for when i want something easy between heavier reads.
It actually had far deeper content than I expected along with some cracking characters and great humour and that's carried across really well into book two. 

When I see the words irresistibly funny, laugh out loud, you will love this book, I'm wary, its so often a cover for a story that to me is brash and in-your-face comedy, and I just don't like that. I feel its a bit of a step up telling me I will laugh, find the story funny etc.
I can say I did find both these novels really good with some well placed humour that was perfect within the story arc, that doesn't mean everyone will laugh though....
On that subject, cheese Overload.
It was funny the first couple of times, began to grate (unintended that, honest!!) after the sixth or so, and by the end of book one I was gritting my teeth every time that came up - sadly book two had even more cheese humour, but for me it was something that let the story down, overdone, felt forced :-(

Luckily that's a minor point, and the story moves on quickly from engagement to wedding plans.
Poor Tessa, a foot in two world, her freinds and family feel she's changing, the Royals who don't like her don't feel she can ever change enough to fit in.
She wants to do her best for Arthur, to make him proud, and yet she's been brought up to be independent.
Whatever she does is wrong for someone.
Throw in those who feel she's gone over to the Dark Side, the anti-monarchy crowd, who tear at her for what they see as abandoning her stance, those who feel she's a gold digger v those who feel by keeping her job she's wasting her time and taxpayers money, as she needs a bodyguard there, and of course the Twitter Campaign, from the #Brookeisbest guys.
They are vicious, pull down what she does, whats she wears, what she says - all that get's done by the media too, and the poor girl isn't feeling great. She's really under Trial by Media, with everyone feeling they know whats best, whats wrong, what she should be doing and are telling her loudly via the Press and the Internet.
Its a huge stress on a couple in love. wedding planning is stressful anyway but on the scale of a Royal wedding?? 

Her friends; I kind of understood how they felt and yet couldn't really see what else she could do. Ditto her parents involvement in the wedding - love how Reuben whips out his cheque book whenever money comes up and Arthur tactfully persuades him they need to share the bills....
I know her mum has dreams of her only daughter's wedding, but really its Tessa and Arthur's wedding, and she's a bit of a steam roller over what Tessa actually wants. ( I'd hate the bridal shower games she has planned too - I was cringing just reading them - do people really do that?)
That taking over, conflict of what bride and groom want v what parents want happens so many times, not just royal weddings but everyday ones, where the day gets high-jacked by proud parents. Sadly in Tessa's case its not just family and freinds who'll see when it goes wrong, but the whole world. No pressure then. 

I love the cast, Tessa's brothers and wives, and the kids, Arthur of course, his Gran, wonderful lady, I want to be her when I'm that age. Then there's those who don't like Tessa, the King, Arthur's sister, and Brooke, who seems to be wishing Tessa and Arthur well, offering help sweetly, but we know she's likely only paying lip service and wants Arthur herself. She's been his friend for a long time, and he can't believe she wants to be anything more - men are like that aren't they? Tessa can see through her though, but there's nothing she can do, just try to prove herself a fit bride, future Queen, and sadly her past means she's starting from a long way back. 
The wedding planner, Sebastian ( Baz, everything gets shortened or Acronymed (?) as he hasn't time for full words....he was a real star, and I'm sure there are many like him in real life. 

It made for a fun read once more, a book I really enjoyed that was light and easy to read but which brought in some serious issues. 

Stars: five, a fun finish to the story that had me smiling at times, furious at others and so pleased at the way it finally worked out. 

ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer sullivan
An excellent follow-up to The Royal Treatment! The continuation of the lives of Tessa Sharpe and Prince Arthur Langdon. This time, they are headed down the road to matrimonial bliss. Or are they? There are many detractors to their relationship: a standoffish sister, a not-in-favor-of-the-union father, the Hate Tessa/Brooke Is Better bloggers, Brooke herself, the controlling wedding planner and his team, etc. Tessa is under incredible pressure from all sides, trying to fit in wedding planning (and trying to fit in her wedding dress), time getting to know her future in-laws, time with her neglected-feeling best friend, learning how to be a princess and future queen, trying to find a spare minute without her own family constantly underfoot, and putting in 12+ hour days at her job as a magazine reporter. She also fears that Arthur may be being unfaithful, due to his being more constantly busy than usual, contributing to their decreased amount of time spent with each other, and always on his phone. Tessa is also deeply mistrustful of the aforementioned Dr. Brooke Beddingfield, a childhood friend of Arthur's who has her own designs on the prince and heir apparent. How do Tessa and Arthur handle the pressures placed on them always and do they finally make it down the aisle? You should pick up a copy of The Royal Wedding today and find out.

I greatly enjoyed this book and found it funnier than the original, which is saying something. You should read the original before reading this book as it is a true continuation and you'll have a more enjoyable reading experience if you've read The Royal Treatment first. This book (like the first) again has the feel of being a historical romance but is definitely set in the modern age. If you like movies (or books) such as The Princess Diaries, this book and story shares many things in common with them (though this book is an adult rom-com and not YA fiction), you'll definitely enjoy The Royal Wedding.

I received an ARC of this book from the author but am voluntarily providing a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series was just wonderful!! Royal Wedding picks up where Royal Treatment ends and I highly recommend that they be read in order. Newly engaged, Tessa faces problems from just about every citizen of the small country of Avonia. There are those who hate her because she had been so horrible about the Royals before she got to know them and then there’s the other side. The anti-royals who are mad at her for switching sides. She’s got just 6 months to get everything straightened out and put on the wedding to her Prince. Things are hard when the top planner can’t help her because her wedding is now scheduled for the same month as Prince Harry’s, so she has to go with a horrible little man who wants to starve her to death. He doesn’t like her choices and treats her like dirt under his shoe. Not to mention that her future father in law and sister in law can’t stand her either.
This book is even better than the first!! The writing is just plain awesome, witty, fast paced, and easy to follow. The characters are real. My personal faves were Tessa’s mom and the Queen Mother. Both are strong women who know what they want and don’t take crap from anyone. Ms. Summers also predicted the wedding month for Prince Harry, her predictions are getting scary good!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Dreams Stars

I was given this book for my honest review.

This is the 2nd book in the Crown Jewels Romance and what a laugh out loud book it is.
The author creates such a smarty character in Tessa that one thinks it's just not just the East Coast girls that have a mind of their own, but a mouth in their mind to prove it. Everyone has a bit of smarty in them and Tessa is no exception.
Tessa has so much dry humor that she becomes one with the reader.
A movie will have nothing on this book when you read the last word and then think WTH did I just read?
It's an amazing delight and yet a sexy read.
Always remember that fairy tales are not just in our minds but in our hearts, in our books and they can become a reality if we only believe. Reach for the proverbial golden ring no matter who you are it's always there. Our hearts no it and it's not the same for everyone Tessa is just the one to tell you that within these amazing pages.

And the Prince? Hubba Hubba

Happy Sexy Reading..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kallie enman
The Royal Wedding continues on from the Royal Treatment and it would be better to read that first, it's a great book as well so you'll be in for a real treat.
Tessa and Prince Arthur continue their loving relationship but not without many obstacles being put in their way, some funny but some just plain wicked.
There is, as previously great humour in this book, but whereas with the first I probably smiled to myself or give a little chuckle there are scenes in this book particularly one where I had to stop reading due to the tears and shaking of laughter, I'll just say one word....Ibiza.
You'll find yourself cheering this couple on, upset at misunderstandings, booing at the horrible characters but above all having a great time with their journey.
A wonderful funny read, I hope there's a third instalment.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for opportunity to review this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael austin
The misadventures that began in Royal Treatment for Tessa and her Prince Arthur continue. Planning a wedding can be stressful at the best times but throw in the added complications of both his family and his country not being in favor and chaos ensues. Arthur is trying to guide her through the etiquette required but his attempts to help her may be causing more damage than good.

It doesn’t help that Arthur’s schedule is keeping him very busy and she knows the country and his family would be happier if the wedding was to his friend Brooke who has romantic feelings for the prince. Will she be able to win over all the people trying to keep them apart so that they may have their happy ever after?

I loved Tessa’s humorous take on the happenings in her life and Arthur tries to help but you can’t help but laugh at his cluelessness. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful! The Royal Wedding is a great romantic comedy full of emotion. Although Tessa and Arthur's story had me laughing most of the time I also found myself shedding a few tears too. I really reading about Tessa's struggle to fit into the role of a princess and win the hearts of the people without losing herself in the process. She has a few mishaps along the way but ultimately it helps her to figure out that she is worthy of Arthur's love and that she's a lot stronger than she thought.
Arthur stands loving beside her and tries to protect her from getting hurt. He learns though that it is impossible to protect her from everything and that no matter how noble his actions maybe they can cause more harm than good. With just about everyone against them the pressures are mounting and tensions are high. Can the both overcome the obstacles that stand in their way and make it to their wedding day?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought I laughed a lot while reading The Royal Treatment: A Crown Jewels Romantic Comedy. That was nothing compared to the hilarity that ensued in this, the follow up to such a funny, romantic read!

The Royal Wedding will have you laughing so hard you might accidentally pee your pants. But it's not all fun and games. There are some very deep, emotional moments tucked in the pages of this book that will pull on your heart strings. Finding out the reason why Arthur has it in his head he has to protect the women in his life from the ugliness of the outside world will make your heart hurt.

When the stress of everything crashes down around them, it takes one tough old bird, aka the Princess Dowager, Arthur's grandmother, to help them get back on the path to happiness.

If you liked the first book, you are going to love this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the first book about how the commoner Tessa fell in love with the prince. Now they are planning the royal wedding! Note: I despise all the royal wedding pageantry myself so I love how the author shows how it would/could happen in a humorous way. These are such great characters-you cheer for them but Tessa is so independent u really don't know how it will turn out! I read all the Bridget Jones books and these r much better!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scotty scarberry
Like one of the other reviewers, I also emailed the author in the middle of reading. I love this couple and the way the author writes is so realistic, the plot twist was gut-wrenching! Good thing it only lasts for a couple Pages! LOL please read this book, and the following book. I love all the thanks! I also like that the author does include love scenes but they are not graphic. And the bond between the heroin and her best friend is like real life. Just read the books! LOL
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The author really delivered the most amazing, funny and heartfelt end for this duet. The characters are nothing but hilarious and absolutely lovable. The situations they find themselves go from bizarre to swoon worthy and they will bring you to tears both from laughter as well as sadness. I just hope this is not the end for Tessa and Arthur, because they totally deserve to be in everyone's favourite books list!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dawn taylor
Cute, funny but predictable. This royal wedding planning tale is full of the ups and downs of two lovers from vastly different backgrounds as they try to reconcile their personalities, expectations and upbringings to become a royal married couple. Class differences abound and the incidents that arise are almost cliche but the writer manages to make them sweet and funny.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The ups and downs of planning a wedding. Throw in some stuffy royals and some down to earth commoners and you have a fun story. I enjoyed how everyone evolved into the people we all wanted them to be with walls broken down and relationships fulfilled. Looking forward to the royal baby.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa j
I truly liked Royal Wedding better than Royal Treatment, simply because of the fewer innuendos. While they were cute and fun in the first installment, I was happy to see there were fewer as the couples' love grew. This book was more about relationships, family and self worth. Looking forward to the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hallie randel
Poor Tessa Sharpe, clumsy and totally inappropriate, she still manages to marry the Crown Prince. Whatever kind of queen will she be? One who will make you laugh out loud reading of her antics and misadventures.

An absolutely delightful read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is seriously amazing! The humor and banter in this book is unrivaled. It was an absolute pleasure to read about Arther and Tessa and I am so happy they got their HEA! The road they were dealt was not an easy one but they fought for it! I highly recommend this series to anyone that likes a good love story full of laughs and good feelings!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy rowe
When I read your preface I thought ' that is some pretty high remarks to make about your own writing ' but you lived up to them all. I was so into The Royal Treatment I didn't even stop to rate it and went right to The Royal Wedding!!! You have a fantastic writing ability, keep going!!! Thanks for a very good read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, this was great! I laughed, cried, and really got them. The stuff that they went through were your everyday mishaps that normal people might go through, even the lost condom and the one-legged dancer!!! It was a great read and would reccomend this to any and everyone. I just hope we get to see Arabella's story also!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Melanie Summers has done it again! This was a fantastic follow up to The Royal Treatment! I laughed, cried, and felt the characters' despair. There is a bit of a mystery, some secrets, and of course drama. I loved every bit of it!
I was so very fortunate to be able to voluntarily review an Advanced Reader Copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you enjoyed The Royal Treatment you're going to LOVE The Royal Wedding. This book was absolutely amazing and captivating. It will have you crying and laughing out loud with the crazy antics and banter from the characters, that you will devour this book. I can't wait to see what's next from M.J. Summers!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ba ak
I loved this book! I loved Tessa & Arthur, and all the characters...I didn't want to put it down! The Crown Jewels Romantic comedy series are the first books I have read by Ms. Summers...I am now a fan for life! I can't wait to see what she comes up with next! A definite 5 Stars!!
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