Rainy Day Friends: A Novel

ByJill Shalvis

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vito delsante
Unlike Lost and Found Sisters, which definitely had the feel of a women's fiction novel or relationship novel, Rainy Day Friends feels more like a typical, albeit layered, Jill Shalvis romance.

Lanie Jacob's is a woman who feels unlovable after being raised by distant parents and then discovering that her husband had multiple wives. As such, she experiences a bit of culture shock when she's thrust into the Capriotti family, who is anything but distant. Over the course of the novel, Lanie slowly opens up until someone's deceit pushes her back toward her shell.

One trait that I love about Shalvis' heroines is their humanness. Lanie acknowledges that some of her reactions make her seem mean, although I think most of us in her place might experience them. Shalvis' characters have emotions that the reader can relate to. They aren't glossed over to make a fairy princess or the perfect person.

Rainy Day Friends has all of the eccentric characters and sense of humor, along with an encompassing, feel-good warmth that you have come to expect from a Shalvis novel.

The only aspect of this novel that didn't work for me was the secondary romance between River and Holden. River shows up at the Capriotti vineyard six-plus months pregnant, and Holden immediately becomes infatuated with her. I always wonder about insta-love, but in this case the fact that she's obviously been in a recent relationship should have curtailed Holden's immediate attraction. Also, I'm sure that they are supposed to be cute, but I wasn't feeling it. The situation felt forced and off to me in an otherwise good novel.

While this is part of the Wildstone series, it can definitely be read as a standalone.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! Wowowowowowow! This was soooooo good. I don't know how Jill does it, but I was laughing and crying all through this book. I couldn't put it down!

Lanie is hiding from her past. After finding out her deceased husband had a habit of collecting wives, she needs a change, and finds it with a temp job at Capriotti Winery. Enter Capriotti son, Mark, a local policeman with the two cutest daughters ever. Neither of them is looking for love. Lanie is getting over the jerk that was her late husband and Mark is still reeling after his wife left him and his two girls. Both has sworn to never fall in love again...and we know how well that usually works out.

Then River shows up. A pregnant 21 year old with a secret, River is wary of how quick everyone in the Capriotti clan is to welcome her in. What happens next is pretty predictable, but the way Shalvis wrote both of these women and their feelings and their emotions was perfect. I was crying for each of them and the way that the Capriotti's circled the wagons to protect each of them. I was crying for the way that each of these women was so hurt that they couldn't believe this family would be there for them.

And let's talk about Sam and Sierra, because my goodness, I would like those two little girls to be in every book ever. They are a great impetus for the story line, as well as insanely precocious and adorable.

Also, Jill, this is directly for you. If River and Holden don't get their own book/novella, I'm rioting. I mean, it would be a quiet riot of me being angry, but still....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill cecil
Following the USA Today bestselling author of Lost and Found Sisters comes Jill Shalvis' moving story of heart, loss, betrayal, and friendship.

Six months after Lanie Jacobs’ husband’s death, it’s hard to imagine anything could deepen her sense of pain and loss. But then Lanie discovers she isn’t the only one grieving his sudden passing. A serial adulterer, he left behind several other women who, like Lanie, each believe she was his legally wedded wife.

Rocked by the infidelity, Lanie is left to grapple with searing questions. How could she be so wrong about a man she thought she knew better than anyone? Will she ever be able to trust another person? Can she even trust herself?

Desperate to make a fresh start, Lanie impulsively takes a job at the family-run Capriotti Winery. At first, she feels like an outsider among the boisterous Capriottis. With no real family of her own, she’s bewildered by how quickly they all take her under their wing and make her feel like she belongs. Especially Mark Capriotti, a gruffly handsome Air Force veteran turned deputy sheriff who manages to wind his way into Lanie’s cold, broken heart—along with the rest of the clan.

Everything is finally going well for her, but the arrival of River Brown changes all that. The fresh-faced twenty-one-year old seems as sweet as they come…until her dark secrets come to light—secrets that could destroy the new life Lanie’s only just begun to build.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie zen
This book had me hooked from the first page. Lanie Jacobs hasn’t had a very good life from her upbringing with her parents to her unfortunate marriage and the aftermath of that. Lanie took a 2 month job at a family vineyard/winery, who knew this would change her life and she would become part of something bigger. I really felt for Lanie throughout the book and just when I thought things were going to go somewhat smooth for her, in comes a pregnant River with a connection to Lanie’s past. I’m glad Lanie put the past to rest the best she could and I was happy to see Lanie take a chance for something more. This book had me laughing and crying but the ride was worth it especially to see things starting to get a little better between Lanie and her mom and with River as well. There was a quote in this book that really stood out for me, “Courage doesn’t always roar, you know. Sometimes it’s just a quiet voice at the end of the day, saying, ‘you can try again tomorrow.’”. The family in this book, the Capriotti’s, had me in stitches. From Cora, Mia, Alyssa, Mark, the twins, Holden, Boomer the bartender at the bar and you can’t forget Uncle Jack. This was a great book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alicia lomas
This is the second book in Jill Shalvis' excellent Wildstone series. This book had just as many laughs, tears, and heartwarming moments as the first book LOST AND FOUND SISTERS.

Lanie Jacobs is a graphic artist that has been hired temporarily by the Capriotti Winery to update their public image. Lanie is still in the midst of recovering from the death of her husband, not so much as his dying but from finding out he had multiple wives (and no divorces).

She arrives at the winery and is immediately welcomed into the Capriotti's chaotic life. And finds it's easier to start forgetting her dead husband after meeting Mark Capriotti and his adorable daughters.

I loved this story, all these characters, and the romances included. I want to work at the winery - what a perfect job. And I want this family. Fun, fun book and I can hardly wait for the next in the series (something I don't write too often).

I received this book from William Morrow Books through Edelweiss in the hopes that I would read it and leave an unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen merullo
Another wonderful story by Jill Shalvis! Lately I have been reading books only in ebook form, but when I saw the paperback in the store I had to grab it. Added bonus it was signed!

This book brought out all the feels for me. I was heart-broken, frustrated, laughed out loud and then my heart warmed right up with the HEA.

When Lanie's husband of 5 years died, she found out about all the lies he had been keeping. She had to get away so when the opportunity to move and work for 2 months, away from it all, she had to take it. The winery she is to work as a graphic artist is run by the Capriotti family. This bunch is a hoot! They are loud, nosy, a bit crazy, but oh so wonderful. Cora the CEO and matriarch welcomed her with open arms. And Mark, oh man, Mark, I loved him but he too had a lot of issues. He is a Air Force veteran, who had to come back home to raise his twin daughters after their mother abandoned them. He now works as a deputy sheriff, I love those small town law enforcement officers! The two clashes a bit in the beginning but there is that spark the neither one wants to acknowledge but can't help themselves. They are drawn to each other. This is where my frustration came in, Mark was adamant that nothing can come of this, I hated that. Granted he did not know Lanie's heartbreak and she too did not want another man, but I still did not like it. But when feelings started to change, I was very very happy lol. Then we have the twin girls, Samantha and Sierra, what sweet and hilarious little girls. I loved the relationship they have with their dad. Its tough since Sierra is still not speaking but the love Mark shows, it really is swoon-worthy. And the way Lanie speaks to the girls is so heart-warming. Lanie tries so hard to keep that wall up, but those girls just tears it right down!

Then the twist of River, oh boy, you know going in that when the truth gets out, its going to be tough one. And it was, but it shows the strength of Lanie. Both have been betrayed so horribly, but with the Capriottis and also Holden in the mix, they finally find a family.

I so loved this book. I loved all the characters in this story. The Capriottis are crazy but I would want to meet them! A definite must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara reid
Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis is the second book in her wonderful Wildstone series. I know when I read a book by Jill Shalvis, I will enjoy every moment of it. Rainy Days Friends was so good, I have to say perhaps this is my favorite book by Shalvis.

Lanie Jacobs, our heroine, arrives in Wildstone to take a temporary job as a graphic designer at Capriotti Winery. Lanie is trying to recover first from her husband’s death 6 months ago, and then upon learning that he also had multiple wives (though she is the legitimate heir). When Lanie arrives at the winery, she automatically meets all the members of the Capriotti family, who are gathered for their daily lunch break. She is shocked to see how they all welcome her, and how boisterous they all are, which is different than the life she has led, especially having built walls around herself to protect her from being hurt again. But Lanie quickly begins to enjoy her job, and being around this wonderful family.

Mark Capriotti, is the town deputy sheriff, and a former marine, who came home to take care of his two young girls, who were abandoned by his then wife. Mark loves his girls, and wants only to devote his life to them and his family, not planning on allowing another woman into his life. Mark finds himself attracted to Lanie, but she is very cold and distant to him, which makes him even more curious as to why she shuts herself off.

Slowly Lanie will begin to settle in, becoming comfortable with the entire Capriotti clan, including helping Mark with the two girls. Though she feels unlovable, she begins to feel her attraction to Mark growing, and soon an affair will start. They were a sizzling couple that had us rooting hard for them, though Lanie still had her walls and Mark did not plan on falling in love. Best laid plans do not always work out. J

Enter River Brown, a young pregnant girl, who secretly was trying to find Lanie. River was one of the wives, and was in desperate shape financially. She keeps the secret when she meets Lanie, and likes her, and takes a job at the winery, since the Capriotti family is simply awesome. Lanie will help River and in a short time they become friends, until River ends up telling her the truth. Then all hell breaks loose as the secret is exposed, and the Capriotti’s (and Mark) learn the truth about Lanie’s husband. Though everyone sympathizes with her, Lanie is ashamed and distances herself, pushing to leave her job sooner than planned, even though she knows she is falling in love with Mark.

What follows is a heartwarming story that pulls on your emotions throughout. Though she still plans to leave the winery, it is River’s birth and sickness that will bring Lanie and River trying to mend bad feelings. I loved Lanie, especially how she was with the two little girls, but at times I wanted to smack her, when she tried to say she wasn’t worthy of Mark. Mark was a great father, as well as being a hot hunk, and he fell hard for Lanie. Will he be able to convince Lanie to stay?

The best thing about Rainy Day Friends was all and I mean all the characters in this book were simply fantastic. I loved all of them, as the Capriotti family was so was so much fun and loving. I could not get enough of this family, and hope Shalvis continues her Wildstone family with more about the Capriottis.

Rainy Day Friends was a fantastic story surrounding two broken women brought together by betrayal, but most of all it is a wonderful heartwarming story of love, forgiveness, moving on and family. Jill Shalvis once again gives us a fabulous story, with a sensational cast of characters. The Capriotti family was so awesome, I look forward to seeing more of them in future books. If you love pure romance, family oriented, than look no further than the master, Jill Shalvis and Rainy Day Friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren harvey
Rainy Day Friends is the second book in the Wildstone series by the talented Jill Shalvis. This series is turning into one of my favorites of Jill's. I've read a lot of her books and the people of Wildstone have stolen my heart in a special way. I’m not sure if it's because I'm older and can relate more or if they are just that fantastic. I think it's both! Lanie needs a change of scenery. She needs to escape for a while and she found the perfect job as a graphic designer at the Capriotti Winery. The Capriotti family is loud and they have no idea what personal space is and there are a lot of them. A lot. They remind me of my family and I love them all! Lanie is an only child and she and her parents don't exactly get along so this is very different for her. She's sworn off men after finding out her dead husband had a lot of other wives. That will be easy in this small town. False! Mark Capriotti doesn't work for the family, he's the deputy sheriff, but he lives there and randomly shows up for daily family lunch. And he's sexy, hot, demanding and has the most adorable twin daughters. Lanie is not going to get attached to these people. Nope. No way. Until they all start worming their way into her frozen heart. She can't resist the twins and their antics or their sexy dad. But he only wants temporary and she's not sure she can stay away. When River shows up, young and pregnant and they form a bond, Lanie is starting to believe she might have a family in these people. But when secrets come to light and her past is uncovered, Lanie can't take it all. It's too much. Can she forgive River for her deception? Will Mark change the rules and want more? Will Lanie go back home and leave her new family behind? I loved this book. SO MUCH. It's one of my favorite books of Jill's. Ever. I was seduced by this loud, crazy family. Intrigued by Lanie and her defensive walls. Turned on by Mark and his honestly. Enchanted by the twins and I wanted cupcakes and pasta. I laughed out loud. Cried big fat tears and sighed and smiled throughout the entire story. These characters felt like family and I loved their dynamic and their fierce loyalty. This is more than just a romance. This story is about second chances not only in love but within yourself. It's about overcoming your past, learning to love and trust yourself and letting people into your heart. Sometimes it just takes a bunch of loud Italians, wine, craziness and food to make it all better!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing characters, family dynamics galore and just a downright FUN story! Jill Shalvis strikes again with the second book in her Wildstone series. I was enthralled from the start, captivated throughout and felt like I found home with this fun loving family! The main characters are kind, loving souls who each have had their lives turned upside down and watching them connect and grow closer was magical. I loved the surrounding family just as much. Great read!

Lanie Jacobs has been in turmoil for a few months now. Her husband died totally unexpectedly six months ago, then she found out he was a lying cheat and had several other "wives" scattered around keeping additional beds warm for him. She's finding it hard to get past it all, so when a job opportunity comes up that will get her out of the region and out of her own head for a couple of months, she jumps at the chance and starts a position at Capriotti Winery. She soon finds comfort in a tight-knit yet boisterously crazy family who take her under their wing and treat her like one of their own. She's particularly enthralled by sexy single dad Mark!

Deputy sheriff Mark Capriotti is captivated with Lanie from the first moment he sets eyes on her. He had his life all sorted out as a career military guy until his wife up and left and he had to come home and make a different sort of life work with his twin daughters. He's far from bitter because he is blessed with so much love from those precocious little angels, but there's still something missing from his life ... and one look at Lanie leads him to believe he might have found the missing link!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica hopkins
I started Rainy Day Friends expecting to be a sobbing mess. There were a few moments where it was touch and go. However, I didn't become a blubbering mess, and I enjoyed the story. Lets beginning with Lanie Jacobs. She's a mess. Emotionally she lost her confidence, and that's all on her husband. He did a number on her and she didn't know until he passed away. Which makes her want to close off from people. What he did was probably worse than a lot of things. Anyway, emotional reck and developed an anxiety issues. Then we have Mark Capriotti who is dealing with his own issues. He has a nosey family, and is raising twin girls. One of the girls doesn't speak a word, but understand whats going on around her.

So, we have two characters who both have a lot on their plates. We have Lanie who has basically sworn off men, while we have Mark who has burn by an ex and doesn't really want to form lasting relationship. Plus, he uses his daughters as a human shield. He uses the excuse that his daughters need to come first. Which is fine, and they should, but you shouldn't use them as an excuse not to get burned again. As we read the story, we see that they worm under each others skin.

Then we have River. Now River basically has hunted down Lanie, because they are linked together. However, Lanie doesn't know this, but develops a friendship with River. This makes Rivers task harder than expected. This budding friendship does go through a lot through the story, and it almost ruins Lanie and Mark's relationship. Not in the way you are thinking.

Anyway, Rainy Day Friends is mainly about two women trying to find a fresh start, but they need get pass their past. They have to work together figure out how they can merge forward. Also, there's a little romance. A romance that helps Mark and Lanie that helps them put faith in love again. Rainy Day Friends is a great story for a book club selections, because of all the themes that are going on in this story. So, if you are in need of a book club selection, you might give Rainy Day Friends a try.

Copy provided by Harper Collins.

4 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leah rhyne
Rainy Day Friends is a fantastic second chance romance that is filled with lots of heart and is sure to make you swoon….

Ever since Lanie’s husband death, she has been trying to pick up the pieces and move on with her life. Her world has been turned upside in ways no one could imagine. Suddenly, she finds herself questioning any and everything. So, when an opportunity for a fresh start presents itself, Lanie can’t help but go for it. Her new job takes her to the Capriotti Winery. The Capriotti family is one of those families that you can’t help but fall in love with. They take you in and make you feel right at home. And that is just what Lanie needs. The one thing Lanie didn’t plan on though was Mark. Mark who is the town sheriff has his own broken heart and baggage of his own. Mark should stay away from Lanie, but doesn’t have the heart to do it. Just like the rest of his family, Mark will try his hardest to win over Lanie and capture a piece of her heart. Will Lanie take a chance on love again or will one more blast from the past ruin everything?? There’s only one way to find out…..

Rainy Day Friends was such a fun read for me. I fell in love with the characters and the setting instantly. The Capriotti Family is one of those that just can’t help but want to be a part of. They’re loud. They’re nosy. They mean well and love deeply. And Mark…he is just trying to do the best with the cards life has dealt him. He’s a good man, but has rules to keep his heart protected. And when he meets Lanie, she proves to be the one woman he wants to break all of his rules for. And then there’s Lanie. Lanie. Lanie. Lanie. How could your heart not ache for her? She thought she found the one only to discover a deep, painful betrayal. That betrayal will change her outlook on everything. She’s guarded and careful about those she lets close, but meeting Mark is just what the doctor ordered. The chemistry between these two is just amazing and I loved watching them fall and figure things out.

Rainy Day Friends was just the read I was looking for. It put a smile on my face and had me swooning like crazy. I fell in love with Mark and Lanie and couldn’t wait to see how their story would play out. Rainy Day Friends isn’t just a love story. It is a story of friendship, heart and moving on. It is a story picking up the pieces and having the courage to open up your heart again. This story is smartly written and thoroughly entertaining. The writing will captivate you and will make you feel like you are experiencing the story right along with the characters. I loved every moment of this story and can not wait to read more from this series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
steven phillips
Imagine your husband dying and then several other women showing claiming they were his wives. Well, that is what happened to Lanie. She thought she had a typical marriage – OK one maybe where she was happy when he was away but she had no idea he was away because he had an addiction to marrying other women. For some reason that baffled my understanding these women seem to blame Lanie – whom he married first – for his predilection for bigamy. As if she knew and or could control him

That is only one of my problems with the book but I will get in to what I liked. It was a fast, easy read as you would expect. The women are all beautiful and the men are all gorgeous. This is escapist reading at its finest. Lanie hies it out of town to “find herself” by accepting a short term contract as a graphic designer at a family owned winery. The Capriottis are the family we all wish we had and worked for – in other words they are fictional characters. They were a joy to read. They give hope to anyone living in a crappy family.

Lanie, who has sworn off love. Love but not sex meets the Capriotti son Mark who has sworn off love for reasons of his own. Love but not sex, so you can imagine what happens between these two.

River is a pregnant young woman. living in her car who stumbles into the winery with an ulterior motive but she too is sucked into the Capriotti orbit. As her story unfolds and her connection to Lanie is revealed it threatens a burgeoning peace that Lanie was starting to feel.

OK – what I didn’t like. I for the life of me didn’t understand why Lanie felt so burdened by her idiot dead husband’s actions. Why she felt it was her fault. So much of the plot rested on this and I just didn’t get it. I also didn’t get the other women hating on her for his idiocy. I am also not personally someone who wallows so I don’t get people who wallow. Get a grip, move on. Life sucks sometimes. Sometimes really badly.

All in all I was entertained for an afternoon but also equally frustrated.


I received a free copy for my honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lainie's husband betrayed her in the worst possible way. Six months after his death she's still angry and devastated. Lainie found out she isn't her husband's only widow, he had a collection of wives who all believed they were legally married to him. Lainie was the first, but besides a little money in her bank account that doesn't give her much comfort. Lainie doesn't have any support, there's nobody she can lean on and she wonders if she's lovable at all. She desperately needs a fresh start and that is how she ends up with the Capriotti family at their winery. Will she find a way to heal there?

The Capriottis are loud, intense and welcoming. Lainie isn't used to being included, but all family members are making sure she's being made part of the family. Lainie especially feels at ease with Mark, a single dad looking after his twin daughters with the help of his grandparents, parents and sisters. While Lainie is slowly finding a place among this lively family someone else is being added to their ranks. River seems to be a sweet girl, but she's keeping something that can break Lainie's heart all over again...

Rainy Day Friends is a beautiful heartwarming story. I loved Lainie. She's kindhearted, gentle and vulnerable. She hasn't had much luck when it comes to being loved while she's such a wonderful person. Mark and his twins are making it difficult for her to keep her walls up and slowly Lainie learns how to let people in. She does the same with River. River is pregnant and alone. She's young and destitute. There's something she's not telling Lainie though and finding out what would happen if the truth would come to light kept me on the edge of my seat.

Jill Shalvis has an amazing captivating writing style. Her stories are filled with the most precious quirky people. It's easy to fall in love with her main characters and whenever I read one of her stories I always have a big smile on my face. They are impossible to put down and I love their delightful atmosphere. Jill Shalvis knows how to portray people, she gets personalities and knows how to make her characters' flaws work in their favor. Her stories are always a true joy to read. Rainy Day Friends is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
batac slothboy
Rainy Day Friends is book two in the Wildstone series by Jill Shalvis. I have often proclaimed my love of all things Jill Shalvis. But just when I think I couldn’t love her any more, she writes a book like this one, and more love spills out. I don’t know how she does it but I love her more with every book!

Lanie Jacobs is broken. She lost her husband of five years, six months ago. But while grieving for the man she thought loved her, she found out that a lot of other women thought the same thing. He had four other wives. Needing a change of scenery, she took a two month contract as a graphic designer for Capriotti Winery which was in Wildstone, an old Wild West California town. The wide open countryside, the clean air and the beautiful beaches are just what she needed. What she hadn’t anticipated is this huge family that had no sense of personal space. They were loud, they were crazy, and they loved with their whole hearts.

“Work and family. Family and work. It was all the same here, and that was just beginning to sink in.”

Mark Capriotti thought that his career was in the Air Force. Until his wife abandoned their twin daughters who were now six. So he left the military and came home to Wildstone. He is now the deputy sheriff of Wildstone and is living on his family’s winery. They help with the kids since his hours are so crazy and his big family is just what the girls needed. One of his girls hasn’t spoken since their mother left them. Mark has promised himself that he will be everything that these two precious girls needs. That he will not let himself love again until they are grown up. Then he met Lanie. The connection was instant. That sizzle of attraction that can’t be denied. She’s only here for two months. She’s a distraction he can’t allow himself. Or can he?

“He’d honestly believed that he could keep his heart safe. But that had been before Lanie slid in beneath his barriers. Now the only thing he was sure of was the one thing he didn’t want to admit to himself. She was going to have him breaking his every rule for her.”

Lanie had walls around her heart three feet thick. It was the two girls that first started breaking down those walls and worming themselves in to her heart. In Mark’s mother, her boss, Cora, she found a connection she never had with her own mother, a closeness she could so get used to. And then there was Mark. He was sexy and she was crazy attracted to him. But the last thing she needs right now is a man. Oddly, it was at the beach, riding the waves on boogie boards, that they finally found the connection they both craved. Where they finally let down their defenses.

“Her life had been a train in a dark tunnel for a very long time. But it was like she’d somehow changed course and now she could see a little bit of light.”

Just when she was starting to think that she had finally found a place where she fit, a new addition arrived. River, twenty one years old and seven months pregnant with obviously no place else to go. Lanie feels an odd connection to this woman and they become friends. Until River admits to her secret. A secret that exposes everything that Lanie had kept hidden from the Capriottis.

This book was amazing. I was drawn in on the very first page. Lanie had been through so much. You couldn’t help but to love her. And Mark…with all those muscles stuffed into his uniform. My heart was working overtime! I will say, though, that it was his girls that stole the show. They were adorable. And Mark was an amazing dad to them. His life was a mess and he was barely hanging on but he was everything those little girls needed. This whole family really stole my heart. Their love and closeness was so heartwarming. And there was an adorable epilogue. I have no idea where Jill Shalvis is going next with this series. If we’ll get more from this family or something else entirely. All I do know is that I will be waiting, maybe not so patiently, to find out.

“Courage doesn’t always roar, you know. Sometimes it’s just a quiet voice at the end of the day, saying, ‘You can try again tomorrow.’”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzan poisner
Lanie's husband dies and after his death she finds out he was a serial husband, meaning he had more than one wife. He married Lanie, but thought he needed more wifes, so he married a few more through the 5 years that the two were married, of course unbeknownst to Lanie.

Lanie needs to get away and she finds a job that is just contract work for the next few months. She decides to work for the Capriotti Winery and redo their merchandising and brand. First she feels like an outsider with the Capriotti clan, but soon she is part of the family and has fallen in love with them all. Especially a special set of twins and their sexy, sheriff Mark.

Mark is a single dad to two mischevious twin girls whom are his whole world! He never thought he would be a single father, but his ex-wife decided being married and a mom was not for her. He had to leave the air force to come home and take care of his little angels.

Mark and Lanie have a complex relationship but it works for them. Then River shows up, 7 months pregnant and puts a bit of a kink in things.

Lanie and River were forming a great relationship, almost like sisters. Little did they know they had someone in common and can this break their budding friendship? Can River ever really explain what happened, can Lanie forgive River?

Lanie and Mark have their ups and downs, can they overcome them all? Can all insecurities be set to rest? Can Lanie feel like she is enough for Mark, since her husband felt she was not?

Loved all the family dynamics, the mystery behind River, and seeing Lanie come to realize she loves this family so much, that she really can't leave. Did Lanie find her forever family?

Loved, loved, loved. I cried, I laughed, I cried some more. A great read with great character depth, fun realistic family dynamics, and just enjoyable all around.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yvonne bubienko
I have always said this. And I will repeat again - Jill Shalvis never disappoints me! And it is shown in her book once again why she is a hit with her readers. She is a must read for me and that will stay the same forever.

The starting was bittersweet with a mix of humour. I understood Lanie's situation and I really felt for her. Her introduction to Mark and his family had me giggling in stages. I never knew what the author was going to get the characters to do next. At times, I would be sniffling with tears in my eyes and in other times, I would be happy with a soft smile on my lips. The emotions evoked by her masterful writing is varied. And that's the greatest point in her writing.

Another winning point is the way she articulated her characters. Every time they get to me and this one was no exception. Lanie and Mark are equal in the betrayed category albeit in different ways. Lanie was a bit more paranoid than Mark. I loved them equally because of their soft characters. And do I have say anything about the twins? They are the show stealer. They are adorable and I enjoyed them! And add to that fact, the family members are various and colourful, then you are sure to have a wonderful supporting cast.

When River was introduced, I was suspicious of her role and it was verified towards the end.But I really felt for both Rain and Lanie. It twisted my heart to see them be impacted that way. Overall,the book has a delightful feel inspite of the unhappiness in the past lives of the characters. I truly enjoyed another Jill Shalvis book.

I received a copy of the book voluntarily for reviewing.This doesn't impact my opinion or thoughts.

My one line review : A complete emotional entertainer.

My rating : 5/5

My reread factor : 4/5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon erik
The synopsis does a good job of giving the highlights of Rainy Day Friends, so there's no need to spoil with more details. I really adored this book, and it is definitely going on my favorites of 2018 list. It's not your typical second chance love story, and I adored it!

The Capriotti's define the word "family" as they are pushy, in everyone's business and loving and kind to all they care for, including Lanie and River. Cora, the no-nonsense generous matriarch of the family is a delight with her extended family. They're completely unlike any family Lanie has experienced.

Lanie doesn't quite know how to handle the family, but she does feel the spark between her and Mark, the sexy sheriff with two adorable little girls. They've both been hurt so it's difficult for them to open up to each other, although it happens anyway. I adored how these two fell in love with each other. It was fun and playful and just right. I truly appreciated the lightness to this story -- it balanced what happened in the past so perfectly.

River provides an interesting twist to the story that made it feel fresh and kept me turning the pages. The relationships between the women in this story are superb and engaging -- it was great to see these friendships and how they supported each other.

I liked so much about this beautiful story of finding true love that I'm ready to give it a re-read again. It really left me in a happy place, and that's priceless.

So if you are looking for a contemporary romance with good pacing, likable characters, a very fresh and interesting story line that will leave you wanting more! It doesn't get much better than that!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Rainy Day Friends" is written by Jill Shalvis, and it is the 2nd book in her Wildstone series. It can be read as a stand-alone book. It features Mark Capriotti and Lanie Jacobs.

Lanie Jacobs' world was turned upside down. Not only did her husband just pass away, but she finds out that he was a serial adulterer with each woman believing they were legally married to him. Lanie needs a change so she gets a job at the family-run Capriotti Winery.

While at Capriotti Winery, the Capriotti family embraces her with open arms. Mark and Lanie have both been hurt in the past, so neither are looking for love. But there's chemistry between the two of them, and it's something that neither of them can deny! They're supportive of one another, and even though Lanie was used to doing things on her own, she did come to realize she has Mark and his family to depend on. They were always there for her. But will she open up her heart to Mark? Mark also has 2 daughters, Samantha and Sierra, who are absolutely adorable! Readers will fall in love with them and their antics!

There's also a side story involving River Brown. River is 21 years old and pregnant. She befriends Lanie, but what's her connection with Lanie? How will River's involvement impact what happens to Lanie? Will Mark and Lanie find their happily ever after?

"Rainy Day Friends" is a feel-good, heartwarming, family-oriented story! It's honestly what you've come to expect from reading Jill Shalvis' books! You will smile, you will laugh, and you will cry! The ending was really sweet and touching! I really enjoy the Wildstone series! Can't wait to see what Jill Shalvis has in store next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
martha wilday
Rainy Day Friends: Wildstone Book 2, Jill Shalvis

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Romance

This was a fun read, I've read a few of Jill's novels now and they're consistently quality reads.
Its not a deep dark drama, nothing over exciting either but some very real characters with some very real issues. Poor Lanie, thinking she's the love of her late husbands life, that's what he's always told her, to find out some months after his death he had four other wives....what a nightmare. Its hard to imagine that but it does happen and I so felt for her. When she takes the winery job she's very reserved, closed, keeps herself insulated from the world trying to avoid more hurt. They're a family who are full on though, who open arms and hearts and just absorb people and Lanie finds they spring slowly under her defences. Someone else comes along too that's struggling and Lanie slowly befriends her only to find an appalling shock. I felt for River, but understood Lanie's anger and sense of betrayal too. They were both cheated in life and deserved better but they have to move forward and sadly all the hurt that comes with it.
I loved all the characters here, a real mixed bunch, and each had their own problems. I adored the twins, precocious but so cute! Its an easy read, a perfect summer beach read ( if we ever get some sunshine here in UK!) and one that makes the reader feel satisfied at the end.

Stars: Four, a fun and light read, with some very real people.

ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ayelen arostegui
For the last year Lanie Jacob's has been mourning the loss of her husband, it broke her heart in two when he left this earth, especially knowing they would never grow old together. But what she didn't know is that her loving husband was playing a loving husband to several other women during the course of their wedding. All that time she thought she was his one and only, but that couldn't have been farther from the truth... and damn did that sting, how could she have not seen that this was happening? With all these new discoveries hanging over her head, and finding out life she thought she was living was a complete lie, she is feeling like a little smothered, and in need of a break away from all the constant reminders. So she takes a graphic design position job at Capriotti Winery hoping it will give her the escape she craves, and winds up finding far more than she ever bargain for... a handsome Air Force veteran who does funny things to her heart!

Rainy Day Friends is a charming tale that will speak to readers hearts with it's emotionally rich story line, and it's wonderfully crafted characters are sure to leave an impression on your heart and an unshakable smile on your face! Once again Ms. Shalvis has left me dazzled by her words, the moment I started this one I was hooked, and quite eager to see how it all would play out... and boy what a journey it turned out to be! If you are looking for a heartfelt read with a few laughs mixed in here and there I highly suggest you take a chance on this one, you will find all of that and more, cause nobody does humor and heart quite like Ms. Shalvis! I requested an advanced copy of this title, and I am voluntarily leaving my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mukesh devadiga
Great read! I have enjoyed the Wildstone series, it has a little darker feel than the usual light romantic comedies but is nothing less than her wonderful story telling with it's usual witty banter, wonderful characters and hilarious situations with a little more of an emotional twist. Lanie is trying to put her life together after her husband's death and his secrets that keep coming out of the wood work. Working for the Capriotti Winery is a new experience in more than one way, coming from a not conventional family she doesn't see herself fitting this big family even if one of them is so sexy it melts her knees. Wonderful story with characters so easy to fall in love with!

I gladly volunteered to review an ARC of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather pucillo
I received an advanced reader copy to leave an honest review of this book. I have read a lot of Jill Shalvis books and have to say there have been few that I have not liked. This one is another great, fun read.

This is technically the second book in this series but in no way do you have to read the first one to enjoy this one. They are almost completely stand alone from each other.

This book is full of so much good stuff! Lanie's world is rocked when she finds out her recently deceased husband had multiple other wives. To get away, she takes a job at a winery to revamp their website, advertisement, etc. She just wanted to get away from the city, do her job and be left alone. The Capriotti's make this absolutely impossible and suck her in to their very large and slightly crazy family. This includes Mark, the sheriff and a single father of two adorable (and hilarious) little girls. Lanie doesn't want to like the hot sheriff but their attraction is undeniable and with some help from family and small people (the twins), they inevitably end up in a "relationship". Things seem to be going well for Lanie until a pregnant girl named River shows up and starts working at the winery also. What people don't realize is that River has some secrets of her own which greatly hurt Lanie. That's all I'm going to say so I don't spoil the book.

There is so much good drama in this book but also so much romance. I loved the family and all their crazy antics and interactions. I would definitely recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yumi learner
Lanie Jacobs is slow to trust, especially since learning her husband really liked collecting wives, but only after he died. So, when she takes on a freelance gig for the Capriotti Winery in Wildstone, CA, she's skeptical of the boisterous family that immediately tries to make her one of their own.

She's also dubious of Mark Capriotti, a sexy former Air Force rescue pilot turned local sheriff who just seems to good to be true. He's too hot, his twin daughters are too lovable, and Lanie just can't believe they might be everything she ever wanted.

When young, pregnant River also blows into town, Lanie thinks she may have just found a new friend. They both share skepticism over the Captriotti's generosity, but also both start to believe they deserve it. Until River let's out the big reason why she landed at the winery...

I just love Jill Shalvis and her small town Contemporaries. They make me feel so good without being cloyingly sweet. Her characters are always well-rounded, realistic, and trope-defying. I really enjoyed both Lanie and River's journeys and that their conflict with each other, while expected, didn't play out stereo-typical way.

Also, Mark. What a stud. Def new book-boyfriend material for me! I know need to learn to boogie board, if only I could get over my fear of sea creatures. The Capriottis can just adopt me already.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mindy choo
Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis is every bit the fun and emotional page-turner I thought it would be. Not only did the pages fly by in reading, but the characters ingrained themselves into memory. Lanie, Mark, and the entire Capriotti family are an easy group to like and love, and you immediately feel a kinship with all of them.

Lanie Jacobs is a woman with a life in shambles. Six months ago, her husband died and shortly thereafter, she discovered she wasn’t his only wife. Now she’s doing her best to scrape herself together and begin a new life, one that isn’t as anxiety-fueled as the one she left behind to work at the Capriotti Winery.

Mark Capriotti is a single father of twin daughters and the deputy sheriff of Wildstone. He’s an easy-going charmer with a sense of humor that will immediately draw readers to like him, the same way readers will be drawn to like Lanie and follow her on her search for life after loss, hurt, and disappointment.

Rich setting details, deep characterization, and emotionally compelling writing easily make Rainy Day Friends my favorite read of the year.

A heartwarming story of love, loss, friendship, secrets, and betrayal, Rainy Day Friends takes its reading audience through a wide gamut of emotions and all of it is geared to bring Shalvis’s readers on a journey through the heart and soul of two lonely, broken people who must learn how to live, laugh, and love again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rainy Day Friends is a heartfelt and funny novel that warmed my heart with its story of friendship, love, and family. The story flowed so naturally, never feeling rushed or slow - just perfectly paced. Right from the very first page, I was instantly captivated and my interest never dulled.

I simply loved the Capriotti family, but the characters that stole the show were Mark’s absolutely darling twin daughters, Samantha and Sierra. They were just to stinking cute!

Rainy Day Friends is the second book in the Wildstone series and it can be read as a stand-alone without being completely clueless. This was my first experience with reading Ms. Shalvis’ books, but I loved this one so much, I am going to read the first book in this amazing series very soon.

Although I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for review, in the interest of time, I purchased the audio version so that I could ‘read’ in a timely manner. Karen White narrates this book, and she did an amazing job with all the characters – each one sounding unique. Her voice really brought the story to life.

Rainy Day Friends is the perfect lazy day read, and is definitely one you need to add to your reading list. Grab your wine, some cupcakes, have some tissues ready, and be prepared to spend all day in Wildstone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samuel lee
The synopsis does a good job of giving the highlights of Rainy Day Friends, so there's no need to spoil with more details. I really adored this book, and it is definitely going on my favorites of 2018 list. It's not your typical second chance love story, and I adored it!

The Capriotti's define the word "family" as they are pushy, in everyone's business and loving and kind to all they care for, including Lanie and River. Cora, the no-nonsense generous matriarch of the family is a delight with her extended family. They're completely unlike any family Lanie has experienced.

Lanie doesn't quite know how to handle the family, but she does feel the spark between her and Mark, the sexy sheriff with two adorable little girls. They've both been hurt so it's difficult for them to open up to each other, although it happens anyway. I adored how these two fell in love with each other. It was fun and playful and just right. I truly appreciated the lightness to this story -- it balanced what happened in the past so perfectly.

River provides an interesting twist to the story that made it feel fresh and kept me turning the pages. The relationships between the women in this story are superb and engaging -- it was great to see these friendships and how they supported each other.

I liked so much about this beautiful story of finding true love that I'm ready to give it a re-read again. It really left me in a happy place, and that's priceless.

So if you are looking for a contemporary romance with good pacing, likable characters, a very fresh and interesting story line that will leave you wanting more! It doesn't get much better than that!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mrs d ths
"Rainy Day Friends" is written by Jill Shalvis, and it is the 2nd book in her Wildstone series. It can be read as a stand-alone book. It features Mark Capriotti and Lanie Jacobs.

Lanie Jacobs' world was turned upside down. Not only did her husband just pass away, but she finds out that he was a serial adulterer with each woman believing they were legally married to him. Lanie needs a change so she gets a job at the family-run Capriotti Winery.

While at Capriotti Winery, the Capriotti family embraces her with open arms. Mark and Lanie have both been hurt in the past, so neither are looking for love. But there's chemistry between the two of them, and it's something that neither of them can deny! They're supportive of one another, and even though Lanie was used to doing things on her own, she did come to realize she has Mark and his family to depend on. They were always there for her. But will she open up her heart to Mark? Mark also has 2 daughters, Samantha and Sierra, who are absolutely adorable! Readers will fall in love with them and their antics!

There's also a side story involving River Brown. River is 21 years old and pregnant. She befriends Lanie, but what's her connection with Lanie? How will River's involvement impact what happens to Lanie? Will Mark and Lanie find their happily ever after?

"Rainy Day Friends" is a feel-good, heartwarming, family-oriented story! It's honestly what you've come to expect from reading Jill Shalvis' books! You will smile, you will laugh, and you will cry! The ending was really sweet and touching! I really enjoy the Wildstone series! Can't wait to see what Jill Shalvis has in store next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rainy Day Friends: Wildstone Book 2, Jill Shalvis

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Romance

This was a fun read, I've read a few of Jill's novels now and they're consistently quality reads.
Its not a deep dark drama, nothing over exciting either but some very real characters with some very real issues. Poor Lanie, thinking she's the love of her late husbands life, that's what he's always told her, to find out some months after his death he had four other wives....what a nightmare. Its hard to imagine that but it does happen and I so felt for her. When she takes the winery job she's very reserved, closed, keeps herself insulated from the world trying to avoid more hurt. They're a family who are full on though, who open arms and hearts and just absorb people and Lanie finds they spring slowly under her defences. Someone else comes along too that's struggling and Lanie slowly befriends her only to find an appalling shock. I felt for River, but understood Lanie's anger and sense of betrayal too. They were both cheated in life and deserved better but they have to move forward and sadly all the hurt that comes with it.
I loved all the characters here, a real mixed bunch, and each had their own problems. I adored the twins, precocious but so cute! Its an easy read, a perfect summer beach read ( if we ever get some sunshine here in UK!) and one that makes the reader feel satisfied at the end.

Stars: Four, a fun and light read, with some very real people.

ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For the last year Lanie Jacob's has been mourning the loss of her husband, it broke her heart in two when he left this earth, especially knowing they would never grow old together. But what she didn't know is that her loving husband was playing a loving husband to several other women during the course of their wedding. All that time she thought she was his one and only, but that couldn't have been farther from the truth... and damn did that sting, how could she have not seen that this was happening? With all these new discoveries hanging over her head, and finding out life she thought she was living was a complete lie, she is feeling like a little smothered, and in need of a break away from all the constant reminders. So she takes a graphic design position job at Capriotti Winery hoping it will give her the escape she craves, and winds up finding far more than she ever bargain for... a handsome Air Force veteran who does funny things to her heart!

Rainy Day Friends is a charming tale that will speak to readers hearts with it's emotionally rich story line, and it's wonderfully crafted characters are sure to leave an impression on your heart and an unshakable smile on your face! Once again Ms. Shalvis has left me dazzled by her words, the moment I started this one I was hooked, and quite eager to see how it all would play out... and boy what a journey it turned out to be! If you are looking for a heartfelt read with a few laughs mixed in here and there I highly suggest you take a chance on this one, you will find all of that and more, cause nobody does humor and heart quite like Ms. Shalvis! I requested an advanced copy of this title, and I am voluntarily leaving my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zoey voss
Great read! I have enjoyed the Wildstone series, it has a little darker feel than the usual light romantic comedies but is nothing less than her wonderful story telling with it's usual witty banter, wonderful characters and hilarious situations with a little more of an emotional twist. Lanie is trying to put her life together after her husband's death and his secrets that keep coming out of the wood work. Working for the Capriotti Winery is a new experience in more than one way, coming from a not conventional family she doesn't see herself fitting this big family even if one of them is so sexy it melts her knees. Wonderful story with characters so easy to fall in love with!

I gladly volunteered to review an ARC of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sally cummings
I received an advanced reader copy to leave an honest review of this book. I have read a lot of Jill Shalvis books and have to say there have been few that I have not liked. This one is another great, fun read.

This is technically the second book in this series but in no way do you have to read the first one to enjoy this one. They are almost completely stand alone from each other.

This book is full of so much good stuff! Lanie's world is rocked when she finds out her recently deceased husband had multiple other wives. To get away, she takes a job at a winery to revamp their website, advertisement, etc. She just wanted to get away from the city, do her job and be left alone. The Capriotti's make this absolutely impossible and suck her in to their very large and slightly crazy family. This includes Mark, the sheriff and a single father of two adorable (and hilarious) little girls. Lanie doesn't want to like the hot sheriff but their attraction is undeniable and with some help from family and small people (the twins), they inevitably end up in a "relationship". Things seem to be going well for Lanie until a pregnant girl named River shows up and starts working at the winery also. What people don't realize is that River has some secrets of her own which greatly hurt Lanie. That's all I'm going to say so I don't spoil the book.

There is so much good drama in this book but also so much romance. I loved the family and all their crazy antics and interactions. I would definitely recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom leary
Lanie Jacobs is slow to trust, especially since learning her husband really liked collecting wives, but only after he died. So, when she takes on a freelance gig for the Capriotti Winery in Wildstone, CA, she's skeptical of the boisterous family that immediately tries to make her one of their own.

She's also dubious of Mark Capriotti, a sexy former Air Force rescue pilot turned local sheriff who just seems to good to be true. He's too hot, his twin daughters are too lovable, and Lanie just can't believe they might be everything she ever wanted.

When young, pregnant River also blows into town, Lanie thinks she may have just found a new friend. They both share skepticism over the Captriotti's generosity, but also both start to believe they deserve it. Until River let's out the big reason why she landed at the winery...

I just love Jill Shalvis and her small town Contemporaries. They make me feel so good without being cloyingly sweet. Her characters are always well-rounded, realistic, and trope-defying. I really enjoyed both Lanie and River's journeys and that their conflict with each other, while expected, didn't play out stereo-typical way.

Also, Mark. What a stud. Def new book-boyfriend material for me! I know need to learn to boogie board, if only I could get over my fear of sea creatures. The Capriottis can just adopt me already.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
naomi may
Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis is every bit the fun and emotional page-turner I thought it would be. Not only did the pages fly by in reading, but the characters ingrained themselves into memory. Lanie, Mark, and the entire Capriotti family are an easy group to like and love, and you immediately feel a kinship with all of them.

Lanie Jacobs is a woman with a life in shambles. Six months ago, her husband died and shortly thereafter, she discovered she wasn’t his only wife. Now she’s doing her best to scrape herself together and begin a new life, one that isn’t as anxiety-fueled as the one she left behind to work at the Capriotti Winery.

Mark Capriotti is a single father of twin daughters and the deputy sheriff of Wildstone. He’s an easy-going charmer with a sense of humor that will immediately draw readers to like him, the same way readers will be drawn to like Lanie and follow her on her search for life after loss, hurt, and disappointment.

Rich setting details, deep characterization, and emotionally compelling writing easily make Rainy Day Friends my favorite read of the year.

A heartwarming story of love, loss, friendship, secrets, and betrayal, Rainy Day Friends takes its reading audience through a wide gamut of emotions and all of it is geared to bring Shalvis’s readers on a journey through the heart and soul of two lonely, broken people who must learn how to live, laugh, and love again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ratu solomon
Rainy Day Friends is a heartfelt and funny novel that warmed my heart with its story of friendship, love, and family. The story flowed so naturally, never feeling rushed or slow - just perfectly paced. Right from the very first page, I was instantly captivated and my interest never dulled.

I simply loved the Capriotti family, but the characters that stole the show were Mark’s absolutely darling twin daughters, Samantha and Sierra. They were just to stinking cute!

Rainy Day Friends is the second book in the Wildstone series and it can be read as a stand-alone without being completely clueless. This was my first experience with reading Ms. Shalvis’ books, but I loved this one so much, I am going to read the first book in this amazing series very soon.

Although I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for review, in the interest of time, I purchased the audio version so that I could ‘read’ in a timely manner. Karen White narrates this book, and she did an amazing job with all the characters – each one sounding unique. Her voice really brought the story to life.

Rainy Day Friends is the perfect lazy day read, and is definitely one you need to add to your reading list. Grab your wine, some cupcakes, have some tissues ready, and be prepared to spend all day in Wildstone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rainy Day Friends takes us back to Wildstone, California to the Capriotti famil winery, where Lanie Jacobs finds a new job, and a new start after her husband dies.
We are first introduced to Wildstone in Lost and Found Sisters, and in this, the second book of the series, we find ourselves meeting a whole new family and set of lovable characters. I was intrigued how this story would pan out, it certainly kept me captivated through Ms Shalvis genuinely heartfelt writing, the story of a big, crazy yet loyal family that is the Capriotti’s and their winery.
I loved Lanie’s determination for a fresh start and resolve not to love again, yet the Capriotti family, and in particular, one single-father local law enforcement officer Mark Capriotti, slowly chip away at her heart. Enter River, a pregnant young lady, with a lot more in common with Lanie than one would think, gorgeous twin girls, and a loyal and loving matriarch of the family, and we have a well-written, funny and heartwarming story that fans of contemporary romance will just love! Readers of Jill Shalvis will not be disappointed and I’m sure Rainy Day Friends will pull in new fans to this amazing author as well! I look forward to, hopefully, another book in the Wildstone series!

I received a copy of this book, with the knowledge that I would give an honest review, all thoughts are my own. Thank you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lyn polk
In the second book in the Wildstone series, this time we have a heroine who suffers from panic and anxiety. As a person who suffers from the same, I found this incredibly fun to read about. I thought that Jill Shalvis did a really good job of exploring the issue and making light of it in some instances. Overall, I thought she did a good job with it. My only complaint about this is that the anxiety only really occurs when Lanie is alone. When she is with her friends or Mark, we don’t really see it manifest as much. So that was the only big inconsistency that I found in this book.

While marketed as a Women’s Fiction novel, I really do think that this book holds a lot of Romance elements as well. For example, the main hero, Mark, has all the characteristics of a Romantic hero. He even has two adorable daughters that help in making him more desirable. So really, I think if you’re a fan of Romance and Jill Shalvis in general, you definitely won’t have any issue falling in love with this book.

My favorite part of this book has to be the humor and banter. I really felt like Shalvis hit all the right notes. The book was fun and energetic while still having those emotional parts as well. So I’m glad to have picked this book up and I look forward to reading the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandra gilbert
Rainy Day Friends: A Novel

Disclaimer: I received a copy of RAINY DAY FRIENDS by Jill Shalvis for the purpose of an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

It was truly my pleasure to read RAINY DAY FRIENDS for review, but I would have picked this book up to read just because it is a really good book!

Jill Shalvis’ writing takes me on an emotional roller coaster, laughing one minute and tearing up the next! The characters are strong, stubborn, loving and sometimes just plain unlikeable! The one thing that the Capriottis always are is family! And family doesn’t mean blood!

There isn’t just one plot rolling out in RAINY DAY FRIENDS, there are several that intertwine throughout! I had no problem following along with what was happening, even though this is part of a series of books, and I haven’t read any of the previous Wildstone novels.

I give RAINY DAY FRIENDS by Jill Shalvis five steaming hot cups of Reviews by Room With Books coffee! I recommend you grab a copy of RAINY DAY FRIENDS by Jill Shalvis and a cozy place you can read it uninterrupted! I know you’ll love it as much as I did!

©June 19, 2018
Patricia, Reviews by Room With Books
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tessa mckinley
RAINY DAY FRIENDS in the third book in the Wildstone series but I had no problems reading it as a stand alone. I enjoyed it so much that I've just ordered the first two books in the series.

Lanie has been a widow for 6 months but she has more anger than grief. After her husband's death, she found out that he was an adulterer who had several other wives. Because Lanie was the first wife, she felt that her husband's decisions meant that she was unlovable and unworthy of love. She led a very solitary life until she applied for a temporary job at the Capriotti winery to re-do their logos and website. Once she arrives, she is surrounded by loud and boisterous members of the family. As they take her into their family and as she begins to let down her guard - especially around their son, Mark, she begins to change her attitude toward other people. Can she totally change or will she continue to live her solitary life? Just when she thinks she can change, another new add to the work group threatens to ruin all of the progress she has made in her life.

This is a wonderful book about love and friendship and family. It's about letting go of your past and learning to embrace the present.

I read an advance copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tomeka magnani
Jill Shalvis writes feel good books filled with sweetness, cute animals, strong heroines and worthy heroes.

In this series, Jill hones her craft, her writing is better, the stories have more depth.

The love for a good romance is still there, but she fills the pages of her story with so much more: family, friendship, and redemption.

We all make mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.

I enjoyed the romance between Lanie and Mark . They were both betrayed in the past: Mark's wife left him and his two daughters and he left his position in the Air Force to come back home and raise them. Raines husband had was a serial cheater and more than that…

Lanie has trouble trusting in love. Not just because of her late husband's betrayal, but also because of her parent's lack of interest in her.

But she soon learns she can make her own family. The Capriotti caln accept her with open arms. She starts to see that sometimes its about the family you make.

Rainy Day Friends is an apt name for the book. It accurately describes the people who will be with you and help you heal and flourish.

I was given an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori young
Another great story by Jill Shalvis!! This one has so many twists, turns, hotness and surprises!! I was totally captivated from the beginning!

Mark Capriotti has a set of twins and is the Sheriff (I think I'm in love) and an Air Force Veteran! His family owns the winery and are very close! His twins are his life and they are so sweet! But, their mom just up and left and one of the twins hasn't spoken a word since her mom left.

Lani's husband died after five years of marriage (which death was too good for the rat) and she was left with so many surprises upon his death. Who was this guy? He has another life that she knew nothing about. So, she up and leaves her hometown to get away from the drama She got a temporary job at Capriotti Winery for two months.

Lani working at the winery turned out to be so much more than she ever imagined! Mark is a little rough around the edges, but Lani instantly falls in love with the twins. They treat her like family, as well as the other new girl, River. River is pregnant, alone and harbors a huge secret!!

As are all Jill Shalvis' books, the characters and story line are spot on!! I look forward to reading the next creation by her!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike mcc
Lanie finds herself in a real mess after her husband dies. Not only did he leave her a widow...he left several widows. Complete shock! She leaves her home for a job in a winery to escape the scandal and embarrassment. When Lanie reaches the winery, she is enveloped into one of the best families in fiction! I fell in love with the whole family! They are THE BOMB! They take in Lanie and make her feel special. Heck...they do this for everyone.
Lanie is having all kinds of confidence problems. She cannot forgive herself for being taken in by her past husband. She cannot believe she missed all the clues. This family, and especially Mark, help her find her way back to herself. Then...River shows up. This puts a twist in everyone's day, week and month!
Well! I have never read Jill Shavis before! How have I missed her? I have no idea! I follow her on all her social media and she is hilarious and why I have not picked up one of her books is beyond me.
This book is so good! It is quirky, cute and so sassy! The characters are super. It is a feel good, heartwarming, summer read not to be missed. Any book which has you grinning all the way through is something special.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael sautter
From very first moment that I opened this book to the very last page, Jill Shalvis has you hooked. She does such a fantastic job of mixing romance, humor and drama all in one book.

The character development was outstanding. I really enjoyed seeings the romance grow between Lanie and Mark. In addition, I also enjoyed seeing the relationship between Marks twin daughters and Lanie. It was precious. Especially knowing that they grew up not having a mother other than his family since theirs walked out on them.

Another part of the book that Jill did a great job on was the humor that she added. She does this in all her books. She adds just enough to make you chuckle along with the crying parts! Honestly, it is one of the reasons I keep on coming back for her books!

Lastly and most importantly the storyline was phenomenal. Just like the last two books in this series, Jill made this one as gripping from the very first page. I can wait to see what she has in store next!

One of my favorite quotes from the book, "Try cupcakes. My grandma's cupcakes can make anyone happy."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michelle prinzo
Today I finished reading Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis and I really enjoyed it! It’s the second book in the series, but it stands alone well. I haven’t read the first book-Lost and Found Sisters yet. I hope to squeeze it in.
Rainy Day Friends is a story about loss, betrayal, family, friendships and love. What I liked most about this story is the Capriotti Family. Lanie can’t deny the attraction she feels for Mark, and he’s charmed by her, too. He will likely be one of your favorite heroes. While Lanie is trying to overcome her husband’s betrayal, I felt more connected to Mark’s struggles and also River’s. There’s humor, quirky family members and adorable ones, too. You may even tear up in some tender scenes, as I did.
This story flowed well, and kept me engaged until the very end. I did on occasions want to shake Lanie, but I guess that’s part of her not trusting and feeling she doesn’t deserve to find love again. I was all for Mark and rooting for him to overcome his own person struggles and find his happiness.
I received an advance reader copy from the publisher for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily schudrowitz
5 stars

What a wonderful, entertaining and heartwarming read Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis turned out to be.
From the first few pages I was hooked, the storyline was beautifully written, it was well paced and all the characters added to my overall enjoyment.

Lanie and Mark are likable, endearing characters that touched my heart with their story and I truly fell in love with them.
Watching them come together had me smiling, laughing, swooning and even made me shed a tear or two. These two had been through so much hurt and pain that finding love, comfort and understanding in each others arms was something that takes them by surprise, but how can you turn your back when you find that special person who just gets you and accepts all your baggage?
They were perfect together.

Rainy Day Friends is such a wonderful read, I loved every word and I couldn't get enough of this crazy, meddling, lovable Capriotti family.

Jill Shalvis has once again given her readers a well written, entertaining and romantic read that I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna malone
Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis is her newest amazing book. In typical Jill fashion, you will be laughing out loud to some of the story and all of it will touch your heart. You will not only fall in love with some of the characters, but all of them for all of their differences and quirks. This is the third book in her Wildstone series.

The book takes place in California in a family run winery and having visited wineries in California, I felt as if I was back there again and as if this was one of the wineries I have visited myself. There is of course the drama with a dead husband who was not faithful, and his devastated widow, Lanie, who until his death, did not realize how much of their life together was a lie. There is Mark, the cautious veteran turned sheriff who does what he can to make her realize that life is just getting started, and there is one of the women Lanie’s dead husband lied to who throws a monkey wrench into Lanie’s new start.

You will just have to read this book to see how all the drama plays out. I am so glad that I did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jill Shalvis is just one of my very favorite authors--mostly because of her sense of humor. She makes me laugh out loud while I read her books. The world needs more simple joyful laughter, therefore the world needs more Jill Shalvis books.! That's my logic.
She starts out each chapter of Rainy Day Friends with a humorous sentence or two about anxiety. An example: "Brain: I see you're trying to sleep. Can I offer a selection of your worst memories from the last ten years of your life?"
Aside from humor, Ms. Shalvis includes great family dynamics, women friendships, romance, a majorly hunky guy and two adorable little girls in this book. The family members are lovingly hard on each other, cutting each other no slack, but always there for backup and love. The romance is one of those where the couple is so determined and reluctant to feel anything that it is just that much sweeter when they can't help themselves. And, of course...there is a HEA. Wouldn't be a Shalvis book without it. This is just a great book all the way around!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shehzeen misbah
Rainy day friends is the great next installment of Jill Shalvis' Wildstone series. It focuses on the journey that Lanie takes once she finds out that her deceased husband had multiple other wives. She escapes to the Capriotti winery to work as a contractor for two months. Once there, she is enveloped by the crazy but loving Capriotti family and most especially by their son Mark. Mark has his own demons to fight as he raises his two young twin daughters who were left behind by their mother while he was away serving in the military. Mark‘s family supports him and everyone that walks through their doors! It doesn’t take long for Lanie to fall in love with the whole family but it does take longer for her to admit that she loves Mark as well. In addition a young girl name River comes to the winery searching for a job and a family. She is seven months pregnant and in need of support. Her relationship with Lanie Is complicated and adds to Lanie's distrust of others. But when push comes to show of the love of the Capriotti family works on everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren proux
Lanie is a talented graphic designer and she's looking forward to starting the next chapter in her life. She's smart, loyal, and trying to deal with both the death of her husband and the shocking reality that he had other, illegitimate, wives. Taking on a job with a winery is a good and much needed escape, but she wasn't expecting the loud, boisterous, and overwhelming Capriotti family. She doesn't quite know how to handle them, especially the sexy Sheriff, Mark. Mark is sexy, commanding, a little bossy, and a whole lot alpha. He's definitely a catch who has no desire to be caught up in a relationship again. The longer Lanie stays, the more she's caught in the ever-loving web of this entertaining family and the harder it is to resist the pull to Mark. They have amazing chemistry and banter. Jill Shalvis pulls out all the feels in a book that I didn't put to put down. Rainy Day Friends can be read as a standalone in the Wildstone series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely love the Wildstone novels. There's not just one thing, but it's the combination of Shalvis's quick wit and humor, along with the tender moments between friends and family members, and the fun ups and downs of new love. I'm amazed at the unique scenarios Shalvis comes up with! In this instance, Lanie is a widow dealing with the information that she was only the first of several wives for her late husband. I never could have predicted the roller coaster Shalvis laid out when River and Lanie come together. And Lanie's grief and humiliation is only one layer on top of the scars from a childhood where she never felt wanted or loved. So it was especially fun to watch her reactions to the almost automatic love and acceptance by the whole Capriotti clan. This book was filled with fun and tears and laughter. I can't wait to read more!

I was given a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martijn heemskerk
This is a wonderful book. This book should really be book one as you don't see any of the characters from Lost and Found Sisters. We are introduced to the Capriottis. A boisterous, nosy italian family that runs the local winery.

Neither Lanie or Mark believe that they deserve love or need it at this time. Both don't want entanglements. Life has a way of showing you what you do need.

I love this story of Lanie and Mark. I, also, enjoyed River's part of the book but wish for a bit more. Maybe in a novella?

Thanks for another great story!!!
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