Nobody But You (Cedar Ridge)

ByJill Shalvis

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
laura mccaskill
So . . . my biggest issue with this book is the heroine. She is . . . not the brightest and says/thinks some really annoyingly stupid things. It really took me out of the story. First of all, in reference to her father's debilitating depression, she keeps saying that she wishes she could "cheer him up". Her father's depression is so bad that he would sit in a dark house for hours, and she sighs and mopes because she just wants to "cheer him up". That is the phrase used multiple times. It was really frustrating that Shalvis kept using that language, as if someone who was depressed should just get out it and be happy already. Then she makes references to how she can't let the divorce keep her down like her father is down and she has to make herself happy. That is NOT how depression works. Another thing -- she didn't contest anything with the divorce. It was her OWN CHOICE to ask for nothing until the judge pulled her aside and said she needed something from it. She gets the boat, presumably a very expensive boat considering much is made of how rich her ex-husband is. She makes the choice - says she went in with nothing so she would get out with nothing - and then is pissed that her ex-husband left her nothing. Um . . . that was your own stupid choice. He cheated on you with multiple women. You could have gotten more than a boat but you didn't want to. She even gets mad about how expensive a bottle of scotch is . . . while she is sitting on this, I can only assume, expensive boat! Um, really? After being married for five years you just realized how much money he had? That bottle of scotch is what pushes you over the edge? She gets seasick -- why ask for the dang boat? She had to youtube how to drive it. Yes, I am supposed to believe that she youtubed how to drive a boat. And then can barely do that because she's so seasick -- and has no insurance but gets a prescription patch for it. And much is made of it being summer season . . . sell the dang boat! Wouldn't you automatically sell it and make a bunch of money? But no, she is so poor that she docks it at abandoned docks so she doesn't have to pay for it. She also gets mad at Jacob because she assumes something about him that isn't true. She thinks he's boat patrol but he's not. He never told her this, and in fact, much is made about him being in the military, ON LEAVE, and how he hasn't been back in nine years. How did she think he got a job at the boat patrol? And then she's made because he let her think that, even though SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO THOUGHT THAT, through no fault of his. And about that -- she was docking on his dock, he comes down and tells her to move because it's private, and her first assumption is that he's boat patrol and NOT that it's his dock? Even though he lives there and is not telling her to move from a boat, as presumably boat patrol would? She was seriously so dumb that I wanted Jacob to be with someone smarter.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love Ms Shalvis’ books, and I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of this one. However, I was really disappointed. I won’t repeat the plot, you already know it. Caution: possible spoilers. This book has so much sex in it, that there isn’t room for a much of a story. Jacob’s reconnection with the family was explained, but should have been deepened. Much of the enjoyment of this series is the interaction between the siblings and there was very little here. Char, Gray & Aiden’s mother, who took Jacob in and loved him, was only mentioned once or twice in passing. There was no mention that he had gone, or even thought about going, to visit her. (His relationship with his real mother was handled very nicely.) He wanted to help out with an upcoming event for Wounded Warriors, so he worked with Kenna, who was organizing it. There was one line that he’d worked with her all day, then he was off to have sex again. The author didn’t show us, or even tell us, what he had been doing, which was important since it was brought up again at the end of the book. Kenna was slightly more present (and entertaining) in this book then the others, but we still have no info on her background. Plus there were hints of a past relationship with a man who shows up, but there were so few sentences that they probably should have been left out, unless she was going to get her own book. The redemption of Sophie’s ex was good. Overall, this simply not one of Ms Shalvis’ better books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I’ve been looking forward to Jacob’s story, ever since he was mentioned in Second Chance Summer. Even more so after My Kind Of Wonderful, I could already smell the drama. Finally Jacob is here in Nobody But You, and I have to say I was surprised at the lack of drama from his side.

I feel Jacob didn’t make a mistake in leaving Cedar Ridge behind. As an eighteen year old kid, he needed to explore the world. Though he did make the mistake of never coming back, and the longer he waited, the more difficult it became. So here we are now. Jacob is back in between deployments, and he’s lost. He’s scared of his families reaction to his return, and even fears he might be too late.

Enter Sophie, her drama is a nice distraction. Recently divorced, floating from one job to the next, her life feels a mess. The last thing she believes she needs in her life right now is men, and definitely not brooding, sexy Jacob. Still the attraction is undeniable, and as long as they don’t label it, Sophie thinks she can handle it/him.

Nobody But You was a great addition to the Cedar Ridge series. Jill Shalvis writes characters that are so easy to relate to, stories that’ll leave you with a light heart, and are a wonderful distraction from real life. I actually quite loved how they planned the release of this series. Second Chance Summer in the summer, My Kind of Wonderful in the winter, and now Nobody But You in spring. They are perfect to start each season with.

*I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hollie greer
Jacob's come home to his lovably interfering family but no part of coming back has been easy. Almost ten years ago words were said in anger between him and his twin brother and they've been left to fester since then. Both Jacob and Hudson are older, and hopefully wiser now, and that ugly past can be laid to rest, and Jacob welcomed back into the arms of the Kincaid family. Sophie's had the rug pulled right out from under her. Finally getting free from her cheating ex husband and the only thing she has to show for it, other than lots of life experience, is a boat she hates. A boat she only keeps because her ex adored it. A boat that puts her on a collision course with Jacob Kincaid. I love that we get to see lots of interaction between our hero and heroine, but I've fallen in love with the rest of the Kincaid family of the previous two books and would really have liked to see more of them in this one. It always makes me chuckle in malicious glee when our hero and heroine start out the book with every intention to keep it light with no big emotions involved; certainly not the dreaded "L" word. Because, to my vindictive delight, it always backfires on them. I quite enjoyed watching Jacob and Sophie confront their feelings for one another and their own self-limiting beliefs. Both of them were packing around a bunch of heavy baggage they needed to unpack and heal from. Each other just might be the perfect prescription for that healing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
evelyn hunten
ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.

This is my first Jill Shalvis book and wow! I love it so much! Not only because Jill’s writing was amazing, but also because the story was sweet, fun, se*y and so so good! But add in equally great and swoony characters and you’ve got another read that you couldn’t put down because the story would pull you in and hold you tight.

Sophie Marren stole her ex-husband’s boat because she knew how much he loved it more than her. Their marriage wasn’t something she wanted to brag about because she knew it was a mistake. She promised herself to never trust the male population again so off she went sailing with The Lucas (the boat’s name which also happened to be her ex-hub’s) to get away from him. She endured her seasickness, the cold shower, the little things the boat could offer her and the lack of place to moor the thing. Just when she thought her boat life couldn’t get any better, the next thing she knew she was being shooed away by this hottie lake patrol for illegal mooring.

Jacob Kincaid is back to Cedar Ridge from the military after nine years. He’s staying for a while in a private cabin he rented for the duration to somehow fix his life or the life before he left that hurt his family. A woman is out of the equation because he has other things to attend to and because he’s… women rusty. But one smarta$$ argument with a woman who couldn’t tie a rope of her boat which was parked in front of his private cabin’s dock made things pretty interesting.

WARNING: Not insta-love/insta-lust only super funny and adorable main character and love interest who were portrayed like real human beings that made me go AWWWW! Prepare to laugh out loud, blush like a teen and fan yourselves most of the time.

Sophie is one h*ll of a woman. I love her attitude very much! I love that she could be a b*tch when she chooses to be and once she wants something, she sets her heart to do just that. Though she liked to please people (her father and her ex-hub) and that didn’t go well, she’s learning that sometimes you just couldn’t (please people) no matter how hard you try. I love that she had reservations with Jacob at first but she worked out her fear of being close to other man because Jacob was harmless and trustworthy. I love that she did not come off easy to Jacob but it only added to their sizzling chemistry in and out of the bedroom. And her independence and organizational skills are something to be commended! I love her personality so much!

Falling for a Jacob Kincaid is like breathing air. It’s easy, it’s comfortable and it makes you alive. He’s that character you’d wish were real so you could keep him forever. Though he seemed to be a bit dark, behind the exterior was a funny and caring, intense man who wanted nothing but the best for his family. And he wanted to be a part of that again. So he’s set to work his way slowly just to have them trust him again. He just never expected that Sophie would be with him every step of the way and would make him so happy he never wanted to leave home again. Also: not a j*rk, not even an OTT alpha but could melt panties by his smile. And his heart.

I started reading this book without so much of an expectation and man, I love the feelings I got during and after reading it! It’s a feel good book that’s sure to make you warm on the inside. The book has a lot of connecting issues but Jill perfectly wrapped them all up with her captivating, seamless writing and didn’t miss any loop hole that could break the story. I have no words! Five stars won’t be enough to score her writing prowess. If anything, it made me want more because Jacob and Sophie are those characters that will stay with you for the rest of your life. You’ll always crave for them because they’re the perfect blend of fully developed, strong and se*y characters. Actually, all the secondary characters in the book! I’m now patiently waiting for Kenna’s story! Another great thing about the story is the pacing. Jill made sure nothing was rushed and the relationships revolving around Jacob’s and Sophie’s have progressed naturally. Let’s not even forget how Jill could nail the steamy scenes! Though there were fade-to-blacks, she didn’t let her readers miss the good, remarkable ones and there were a handful lot of it!

Nobody But You hit home with its delightfully sincere story, extraordinary characters and Jill’s impressive composition. It instantly made me a Jill Shalvis fan! They are not kidding when they say she’s one of the best romance authors out there! The book has it all—A+++ writing, well rounded characters, relationships (romantic and family), truly enjoyable and heartfelt story. Very highly recommended (to anyone) that it’s become one of my faves and best reads this year—this early! Now, how about some bonus scenes of Jacob and Sophie?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
**Received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

"Nobody But You" is written by Jill Shalvis, and it is the 3rd book in her Cedar Ridge series. It can be read as a stand-alone book. It features Jacob Kincaid and Sophie Marren.

Recently divorced, Sophie has the one thing her ex-husband truly loved and was his prized-possession... his boat, "The Lucas" (which Sophie will later change to "The Little Lucas"). Problem is, she despises this boat and gets motion sickness. She lost everything because of her ex-husband, so she has no choice, but to live in the boat. She just needs to moor somewhere, but as it turns out, she moors the boat at Jacob's dock.

Jacob just wants some peace and quiet. He just came back to Cedar Ridge from his tour of duty. He approaches Sophie to tell her that she can't moor on his property. She does move her boat but to his surprise, he finds her moored on his dock again the next day. Sophie is stubborn, gorgeous, and feisty. He can't help, but be attracted to her. And he can't seem to get this gorgeous redhead out of his mind.

Sophie can't believe her luck. She later learns that she's employed at the resort Jacob's family owns. But even though Jacob and her bicker often, there is that attraction that neither of them can't deny.

Sophie and Jacob were fun, and boy, were they hot! There were just so many scenes between the two of them that I absolutely loved! One scene that stood out to me was the scotch scene! That was a hoot!

Without giving too much away, their past does come into play. Sophie has trust issues, and it's hard for Jacob to learn to love. Will they get past these issues and realize that maybe finding happiness and love is standing right in front of them?

I'm a huge fan of Jill's books! I've read so many over the years, and I can honestly say that Sophie and Jacob are one of my favorite couples that Jill has ever written! I genuinely enjoyed them! They were vulnerable and had their share of insecurities, but they were strong characters. They willed their way through tough situations, and they were always there for each other. They're the type of couple you just want to root for.

Simply put, "Nobody But You" is a must read! You're not going to want to put this book down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“We going to argue about this?” he asked.
“Don’t we argue about everything?”
“Good point,” he said. “Let’s settle this one like adults— in the bedroom, naked.”

NOBODY BUT YOU by Jill Shalvis is pure contemporary romance perfection! The ONLY thing that could have made it better would have been if I'd listened to Karen's rendition of it; I hope to enjoy it again when that occurs. Yes, it was that good. Set against the gorgeous Rocky Mountains in the small town of Cedar Ridge, Colorado, this is the story of Army Special Forces Officer Jacob Kincaid and recently divorced Sophie Marren. It is told from the third person point of view. It seems that love is in the air at Cedar Ridge always.

All the characters are completely endearing, realistic and captivating. I have been looking forward to Jacob's story since I started the series with Hud's book and the telling does not disappoint. Jacob is hotter than hot. All the Kincaids have been worried about Jacob as he's not been heard from since he walked away after an argument with Hud, his twin, over ten years ago. Now, Jacob has come home while on forced leave, leasing a quiet cabin on the lake, with the objective of setting things right with his family. He did not plan on meeting a woman who would rock his world.

Jacob suffers from post traumatic stress from his military service and the author addresses it in such a caring way that it adds to and never detracts from the romance. Something in him somehow connects and sees the stress internalized by Sophie from their first hilarious encounter.

Sophie is in dire straits, living on a boat that is her only remaining possession and that she utterly despises, having had her life pulled out from under her. Jacob and Sophie are each such broken individuals that they fit and, together, they make each other somehow better. However, Sophie has written off men entirely and erected a very high wall around her heart.

I have read this series out of order and can attest that each of the books works well as a standalone without any difficulty if that is your preference. There's lots of interactions with previous favorite characters, including all the Kincaids, which will thrill fans of the series, but the story can be thoroughly enjoyed without having ever read any of the other books. Feel free to dive into the series with whichever book snares your fancy.

Everything seems to be tidily wrapped up with this series as all the Kincaid brothers have now found their mates and their sister is engaged. I hope that NOBODY BUT YOU is not the final book in this wonderful series and that there will be more Cedar Ridge books in the future. But, if it is the final, the series has certainly gone out with a spectacular bang.

You know how some books just leave you with a glow? This is one of those books... overflowing with laugh-out loud humor, snarky banter and oodles of sexual chemistry. Jill is one of my very favorite authors. Her books at always highly entertaining and they never fail to leave me with a huge smile on my face. There is nothing that falls short in NOBODY BUT YOU. I highly recommend all the books in this series as they are all funtastic.

My full review is posted at Reading Between The Wines Book Club. Please check it out there!

5 Wine Glasses!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
“Holding her gaze, he stripped and climbed into the bed, pulling her into the circle of his arms. A low, rough, heartfelt groan escaped him as he pulled her naked body to him. “We’re both home now,” he said.”

Jacob Kincaid didn’t had an easy childhood; his mother was a sweet woman, but she did lose touch with reality from time to time. Therefore, her young sons Jacob and Hudson had to take care of their little family. Things took a turn for the better when one of their father’s other women took the three of them under her wings, providing the means for a better life and future. But Jacob didn’t want to stay in Cedar Ridge, he wanted to go out in the world, make it on his own together with his brother. To his disbelief, Hudson chooses to stay in Cedar Ridge, and after harsh spoken words Jacob left. And now, Jacob is back to make amends. He didn’t counted on meeting a sassy redhead who makes him feel alive again.

“She’d made him smile. She’d made him laugh. The muscles around his mouth had pulled like they were rusty, and they were. Smiling had felt foreign and odd and… Good.”

Sophie Marren has grown up in a household filled with sadness; her dad is suffering from severe depressions, making him not paying any attention to his daughter. Grown up Sophie needs attention, and marries the first man who gives her a little of that. In order to please him, she gives up on herself and creates her whole life around her husband in order to please him. The marriage doesn’t last, and Sophie finds herself on the one possession she got out of the divorce, a boat. Meeting Jacob makes her rethink her choice to never fall for a man again.

“He was flesh and blood, with feelings and emotions, no matter how well hidden. It shamed her a little bit because she realized she wasn’t the only one hurting. He was just better at hiding it than she.”

Feeling attracted to each other, Sophie and Jacob don’t act on it until they have set some clear boundaries, or so they think. Both are not in a good place to start a relationship; Sophie is working through the aftermath of her divorce, Jacob is feeling guilty over abandoning his family and the death of his friend in Afghanistan. But it doesn’t take long before emotions and feelings take the overhand, changing the dynamic in the casual relationship they have agreed upon. After some heartbreak and hurt feelings both Jacob and Sophie are ready to take a chance at something real.

Nobody But You is the third book in ‘the Cedar Ridge Series’, and takes you back to the small town and the Kincaid family. Besides the love story of Jacob and Sophie, this a just as much the story of Jacob making peace with his family, especially with his twin brother Hudson (his story is told in the previous book of the series, My Kind of Wonderful). The problems Jacob and Sophie has to face aren’t caused by outside forces, but by their own insecurities and believes. This being a true Jill Shalvis book, the story is a sweet one; without over-the-top situations and overly angst-y moments.

“I need this with you, Soph,” he said. “But more that, I need you. You make me laugh. You keep me in the moment and yet you also make me believe in a future. I want you to know all this before I go because life’s short. Way too short to let go of something you know you want to keep forever.”

I love the sweet story of Jacob and Sophie, I give it 4 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luc a
This novel takes us on another visit to Cedar Ridge and the Kincaid family. As always with a Jill Shalvis novel there is laughter, sighing and a beautiful romance. If this is your first Cedar Ridge novel prepare to fall in love with the town and the Kincaids.

Sophie Marren is tired of her glass being half empty. She is recently divorced from her rich, cheating and demeaning husband and wanted nothing from him. The judge insisted she ask for something, so she got his pleasure boat. Pleasure being the appropriate word. She has no job, no home, dwindling money and horrible motion sickness. She has been "parking" it at a dock where there is an abandoned cabin. She lives on the boat, if you can call it living. After an encounter with a "Hottie Lake Patrol" guy she has to start moving again. It costs money she doesn't have to pay to dock at a public place, and when she is docked she gets visits from her ex's side pieces to looking for him.
After a particularly bad day, hottie guy comes down to the dock to check on her. She finds out he is Jacob Kincaid, and over a four hundred dollar bottle of scotch they get to know each other.

Jacob Kincaid on leave from the Special Forces after witnessing the death of his best friend and military brother in Afghanistan. Losing him made him realize what a fool he had been to abandon his real family years ago. He is haunted by memories, an emotional empty shell, and needs to make a decision about his life in the future.
Meeting Sophie has made him feel things he hasn't for a lot of years. Trying to re establish himself in the family is proving difficult, especially with his twin Hud. He left town at eighteen, angry and resentful. He has returned, battered, broken and alone. But, Sophie is changing that.

The characters are so much fun, an amazing blended family that works and a romance that will warm your heart. This can be read as a stand alone, but the first in the series is equally charming.

I received this ARC from the publisher and NetGalley for an honest review.
Pat Fordyce 5?????
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki moore
Sophie Marren’s life is a disaster; she has lost almost everything, except the boat she’s living on, which she asked as a divorce settlement from her ex-husband. She’s back in Cedar Ridge, Colorado, but she has to move her boat every so often because a hot guy keeps telling her she can’t park, er, moor, anywhere she chooses. Said hot guy is Jacob Kincaid, who is on leave from the Army; his best friend died, it knocked some sense into him, and he realises he has a lot of making up to do with his family. And when he meets the gorgeous redhead living on her boat, he knows that not everything is going to be all bad.

Right upon meeting Sophie, Jill Shalvis’ unmistakable sense of humour comes out in full force, and I knew that NOBODY BUT YOU was going to be great fun. I love Sophie: she is very easy to relate to, she’s a bit sarcastic; she’s had a rather rough life, and she’s at a crossroads. She barely makes ends meet, and to top it all off, she’s seasick. Jacob is a wonderful character, in spite of his shortcomings. Neither Sophie and Jacob is looking for love, and yet it finds them. Both of them have families with quite complex dynamics. I love how Ms. Shalvis weaves Sophie and Jacob’s stories, and how it all explains how they became what they are today. The chemistry between them gives off serious sparks – in several ways! – but connecting proves very difficult, in spite of their strong mutual attraction.

NOBODY BUT YOU is one of Jill Shalvis’ most powerful stories, carefully crafted, with very complex characters that take you through the gamut of emotions. The Kincaids are a fascinating family, they feel authentic; no one is perfect, there is tension but they really work at togetherness. Ms. Shalvis is famous for her sizzling love scenes, witty dialogue and hilarious passages, and all of them are plentiful in NOBODY BUT YOU. This book features some of the author’s strongest characters ever, and it’s hard to believe but Jill Shalvis is getting even better; NOBODY BUT YOU is yet another excellent book in this great series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lamine konkobo
Thanks so much to Grand Central Publishing, Jill Shalvis and NetGalley for a copy of this amazing book! I'm a huge Jill Shalvis fan and knew this would be a great book, as the are the rest of the books in this series!!

Sophie Marren lives in Cedar Ridge, Colorado and is recently divorced from Lucas Worthington III. He's a lawyer and used to be nice, since they married, he changed so they divorced. Because he was such an a$$ she decided to get from their divorce the thing he cared about the most....his precious boat!! His boat that he named after HIMSELF, who does that?! Amazing, you say? Well, that would be true if Sophie didn't get sea sick and hate that boat!! She's parking (she finds out the correct term is moor) the boat for the night at a dock and a hottie Lake Patrol (she believes him to be) guy approaches and tells her she can't. Also, a tall blonde runs down to the dock asking about Lucas. Sophie decides to have a little fun with one of his flavor of the weeks and tells her that he passed! Sophie is so funny, you're going to love her!

Hottie Lake Patrol guy aka Jacob Kincaid has just come back to town. His run in with Sophie made him feel alive for a change. He's an Army Special Forces officer, home on leave. He left his mom, his twin brother, Hud and the rest of the Kincaids at the age of 18...he was such a hothead back then!

Him and Sophie seem to be running into each other a good amount. And oh boy, is there an attraction between the two! BUT, Jacob is still a lost soul over the death of his friend, Brett. And Sophie is trying to get her life together after her divorce. Can these two and all their issues have a relationship? Will Sophie ever get used to that boat that she loathes?! LOL

Jill Shalvis has such a way with words, stories, characters, humor, love, sex and making a story become believable. She's great at making the characters in her stories become your friends and you get lost in their world!! I enjoyed this book, as I have all the others of hers that I've read!!

A great book! I look forward to reading more about Cedar Ridge!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
majid tehrani
Jill Shalvis is one of my favorite authors, so naturally, anytime I find she has written something new, I can't wait to get my hands on it. Nobody But You is the third book in her Cedar Ridge Series, and is Jacob and Sophie's story. I can honestly say that I think Jacob is my favorite guy so far in the series. He's just got that mysterious hot bad body thing down to an art. He's been away for a long time, and after a tragedy, has decided to make things right with his family. What he didn't count on in the process was Sophie, but she was quite the feisty surprise.

Sophie's been burned by her ex-husband and is very adamant, and terrified, to get into another relationship, as her last wasn't pleasant at all. She and Jacob have an immediate attraction, though the circumstances in which they met are.....well.....a little odd to say the least. As things progress, Sophie can't avoid Jacob, and the hot night they'd shared gets burning in her brain. What she didn't count on was falling for him. There romance is sweet and very steamy, and not without it's challenges, which they both have to overcome.

One of my favorite parts is getting to see the rest of the Kincaid Clan all again in this installment. I just love them all and the family dynamic, dysfunctional as it may be, provides for some very entertaining reading. Jill Shalvis fans will definitely want to check this one out, as well as contemporary romance fans in general. Jill Shalvis has done a great job in providing her readers with yet another romance to devour.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rofayda khaled
Jacob Kincaid is the focus in this story right along with the newly single Sophie.
Jacob's serious demeanour is thrown in turmoil by the oftentimes funny Sophie and their high jinks are entertaining, sizzling and the story is filled with enough drama that completely enthralled this reader. Hud and Jacob's first reunion meet was breath-taking and from there the story just flew. The Kincaid's collectively are a riot to read and the one liners between each of them to each other are laugh out loud funny and I loved every one of them funny's :D The taco scene had me in stitches. So well written you could completely visualise the scene from an outsiders (readers) perspective. The pushing and shoving, literally and figuratively, between the siblings that only they could get away with - "Fun sucker" LOL were awesomely written :D Mitch and Kenna have the skeletons coming out of the closet and their story gets interesting as the story progressed as well.
Sophie and Jacob centred each other physically and elated each other emotionally and were two brilliant characters to read :D
All of the characters collectively in this series have been enjoyable to read and together exploded like a fireworks display. A series not to be missed.
Review copy kindly received from the Author/Publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
donna weaver
AudioBook Review:
Stars: Overall 4 Narration 5 Story 4

Jacob Kincaid discovers that the home he vowed to keep in the rear-view mirror is just the place to recover and heal, after all. After leaving Cedar Ridge as soon as he was able, joining the army and working his way up to be a Special Forces officer, a mission going pear shaped left him in crisis. Missing his army brothers and his twin, he’s not sure just what he needs from the world, so he heads home to a cabin on the lake to heal and regroup. What he never expected, or wanted, was a connection with someone else, let alone the woman living at the end of his dock.

Sophie is reeling after a divorce: now finding her own feet after an abusive and controlling husband, no money, no real home but the boat, which she hates and is constantly seasick and she’s just never going to ‘go there’ with another man again.

These two are adorable together – they both have so much to give and are the type of people you want to get to know and hang out with. While none of the story trajectory is particularly surprising, that is NEVER a hardship, because the chemistry and the banter just make you want to cheer for them to find happiness, preferably together.

Narration for this story is provided by Karen White, and she just transforms the written words with her inflections, pacing and obvious enjoyment of the story. The second of this series that I’ve reviewed, both featured her as the narrator, and I have yet to not find her performance enhancing anything she presents. Both characters were clearly presented and distinct, and there were plenty of moments and situations that were simply laugh-out-loud. Shalvis writes a story that will transport you away, and White’s narration is the icing on the cake.

I received an audiobook copy of the title from Hachette Audio for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Review brought to you by OBS reviewer Andra

Nobody But You is the third installment of the Cedar Ridge series. I was swept away by the story. The characters were engaging (and Jacob was certainly described as hunky I might add) and the story had sufficient depth in addition to the romance. I am certainly becoming attached to the Kincaid family through this Cedar Ridge series!

Sophie certainly has a challenging and a wee bit complicated life now that she has divorced her husband. She got his prize boat…spite can certainly come back to bite you ☺ She has to find a place to moor the boat and as luck would have it, she moors in the dock for the cottage that Jacob has just rented. Picture hot guy meets smoking gal. Sparks will fly…And they do. The chemistry between Sophie and Jacob was undeniable from the beginning. Their antagonism was as well. And this certainly fed the fire between the two of them. I loved Sophie’s down to earth everyday persona. This made her such a relatable character. Her journey through all the emotions surrounding her divorce was moving and at times funny, but a journey that had to occur for her to be able to trust in love again.

In the beginning, Sophie tried to deny her attraction to Jacob (a futile endeavor in my opinion). Her inner dialogues were very entertaining and most often chuckle worthy. For example (while thinking of Jacob):

…He moved like a cat. A big, sleek, lethally sexy cat…She froze at that. She backed up the thought and ran it by herself again. A big, sleek, lethally sexy cat…? No. No, no, no. Jacob was not sexy, not in the slightest. Except that he was.

Jacob is back in town as a result of the unthinkable while in combat…his best friend was killed. This left Jacob shaken and grasping to understand the senseless death of his best buddy in a roadside bombing. So he is on leave from the army for a while to come to terms with this loss. Jacob returns to his hometown to also mend the broken relationships with family members, most notably, his identical twin. Jacob left immediately upon graduation as planned when he and Hudson (Hud) moved to Cedar Ridge with their mother when they were young lads. Needless to say, the last thing Jacob needs is a smokin’ hot woman mooring her boat and being part of his life. He just does not have time for that.

While there is a lot of sexual tension and innuendo, there is also many sub stories going on which I really added depth to these characters and made the story more fulsome. I enjoyed the interactions with the various Kincaid family members; the tie in to other books in the series was good. It was like I was coming home again and knowing who lived with whom…I felt comfortable.

The journey of Jacob and Sophie getting to know each other, and rediscovering who they were as individuals was entertaining and heart-warming; exactly what I have come to expect from Jill Shalvis during this series. While you can read this novel as a stand-alone, it might be best served in the context of this wonderfully engaging series.

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily broom




★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jacob Kincaid left Cedar Ridge, Colorado at eighteen, in a huff over a fight with his brother, Hudson, and joined the Army. His brother’s in arms have been his family for the past nine years, because Jacob hasn’t found a way to make things right at home. After a mission gone wrong, Jacob realizes he needs to fix the past, needs to go home to heal his body, mind, heart and soul. Needs to be around his family. What he didn’t realize was he also needs some love. Maybe some love and lovin’ from the gorgeous redhead who’s somehow living on a boat attached to his dock.

Sophie Marren is living day to day on the boat she wrangled from her ex-husband in their divorce. It was the only thing her ex really loved, too bad she hates every minute because she’s so seasick. Add to that the fact that she needs to traipse from dock to dock every night because she doesn’t have a permanent mooring location—she’s been squatting at a dock in front of an empty house, until it’s suddenly no longer empty. One hot, sexy, delicious man is now living there…and Sophie is having a damn hard time fighting her attraction. She lost her heart and herself to a brooding man she thought loved her and only her once before, she’s not willing to give herself away again.

I love a “prodigal son returns home” story. And this is a great one! Jacob is desperate to repair the relationship between himself and his siblings—he doesn’t realize is that his family forgave him a long time ago, and they’re just happy he’s home and safe. What Jacob really needs to do is forgive himself and open himself up for love and happiness. Sophie needs to do the same thing! She married young to a man who hid his real self from her—she wasn’t wrong to fall in love, and she had the strength to get out of the relationship. Now, she just needs to allow herself to love again. Sigh. I found myself cheering on Jacob’s attempts to “fix” the past with his siblings. Cheering on Jacob and Sophie to become more than “friends.” And especially cheering on Sophie when she dealt with her ex-husband!

*ARC provided for honest review
*Reviewed on behalf of Give Me Books
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bruce cook
Is this book part of a series or standalone? series

If part of a series:
Name of the Series: Cedar Ridge Series
What number is it? Book 3
Are the books interconnected /standalone / continuing story? interconnected
Would you recommend reading previous books first? It would be helpful - I didn't and it didn't take away from the story, but I see where it would be beneficial

What genre and subgenre would you put the book? contemporary romance
What POV (Point of view) was the book written? Dual POV
What is the theme/trope of the book? two broken people fixing each other and finding home
F/M, M/M, F/F, Menage? M/F
Is there a love triangle? No
Is there a HEA (Happily Ever After)? Yes
Are all story lines resolved by the end of the book? Yes

What I thought

How would you describe the plot of this book? it is fairly predictable
How would you best describes the mood? a fun, lighthearted read
How would you describe the pace? fast paced, really quick read
How would you describe the characters? complex, well developed and very relate-able
How did the book make you feel? This was a feel good, sassy, fun read.
How HOT is HOT?!? I would say steamy - yes, nice and steamy
Is the book a tearjerker? no
Sum it up – what are your overall thoughts on the book and writing? First, I thought I had this book pegged. I was sure it was going to be a cookie cutter romance, boy meets girl they fall for each other, something dumb happens and then they break up and finally make up. WHAT I didn't expect was a fiery heroine complete with sass back bone and spunk. I really enjoyed this story, and hope to get back and read the first 2 books in the series. The writing perfect, the sexual tension between Sophie and Jacob was palpable. Shalvis did not disappoint.
Not my cup of tea
Did you have any hang-ups about the book? At first I thought it was going to be a yes - of course there was a rough patch, and a break up - which I don't's a romance, it's expected...and I can deal with them if it isn't for a stupid, irrational reason. This one was, BUT it was resolved in a timely manner, and thankfully set my mind at ease and quickly got rid of any irritation I had. So - that makes it a NO, there weren't any hang-ups about the book
I enjoyed the book, but not everyone will. Some instant turn offs other readers may not like. I can't find any - the irrational drama would have been it - but it was not so irrational after all
Aside from the normal “Adult Content, Over 18 readers suggested” Would you put a disclaimer on the book? nope
Are there any triggers that need to be addressed? no
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Whatever town Jill Shalvis cooks up, in that fantastic brain of hers, I always seem to want to move there ... and be thirty years younger. Because the men are not only ripped, but they are kind, and super generous with the sex (if you know what I mean). These heroines are the luckiest bitches ever, they get amazingly hot crazy monkey sex - All. Night. Long. Or until they run out of condoms - in the jumbo sized box. Okay lets get to the review of "Nobody But You". Jacob, our hero, is in the Military, on leave, and he's come back to Cedar Ridge for a few reasons - which make up a lot of his baggage. The heroine, Sophie, is a young and spunky recently divorced young woman, living spitefully on her ex-husband's beloved boat. She's not a "boat person" since she easily gets seasick, she can't steer, nor can she park. She finds herself mooring the boat at Jacob's dock "illegally - which is their "Meet Cute". The two main characters have a lot to learn emotionally about how they feel about others, themselves, and each other. Ms. Shalvis covers a lot of ground because there are a lot of characters involved in this novel. Jacob's family is integral to the story and they are his twin brother, Hudson, three half siblings plus some significant others. We cannot forget about Jacob and Hud's mother, Carrie, who is suffering from dementia, but somehow manages to do some spot on wicked matchmaking. On Sophie's side is her philandering, manipulative, and hard-ball playing ex, Lucas. We must add his constant stream of bikini-clad girls that trot up to the boat Sophie's living in looking for him on their weekly scheduled day. As usual, Jill Shalvis brings her trademark brand of Romantic Comedy to the table. Her steamy scenes are satisfyingly racy without any fancy "accessories". If I've said it once - I'll just say it again ... her novels always leave me with a smile on my face when I reach The End.
"Nobody But You" is about Love, pure and simple. But it's about the Love of Family, Friendship, and one for a partner built on trust, faith, hope, and passion. Jill Shalvis brings us a super feisty heroine in this novel who is so much fun - she is flat out temperamental and adorable. She deals with her husband's revolving door of hoochies by inferring that Lucas has "passed". Which the very much alive Lucas is not happy to hear about. Jacob is on uneasy ground, he doesn't know what to do. People that he expected to not care about his return are happy to have him back. Others are not making it easy at all. Jill Shalvis features a Wounded Warrior event, in this novel, which is a admirable cause and one very worthy of support if you have the opportunity to help. I love how effortlessly Jill Shalvis makes it look to have Spicy Hot Sexy characters that undergo emotional growth in a heart felt Romance that also has you laughing. Jill Shalvis' novels are most definitely a Sure Thing!
To read the entire review please visit: [...]

This novel was provided for an unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
denis kaufman
*ARC provided by Publisher*

In Nobody But You, book three of Jill Shalvis’s Cedar Ridge series, Jacob Kincaid finally comes home to Cedar Ridge—something I’ve been waiting and hoping for since I read and devoured the first two books in this series, Second Chance Summer and My Kind of Wonderful. And it was just as amazing and awesome as I was hoping it would be—which is to say lots of male angst and swoon-worthy get to know you fun. Two of my most favorite things!

Jacob meets Sophie Marren, the heroine of this book, when she illegally moors at his boat dock—the dock that belongs to the cabin he just rented—and I have to say, I absolutely adored their introduction to each other. It was the perfect meet for them, and I loved all the imagery and characterization that came with that meet.

I loved Sophie from the start of this book, mostly because I could relate to her on a real level. And not only did I feel for her with her plight, but I also smiled and laughed because of her. She’s funny and quirky and has no idea what she’s doing whatsoever, but that only made her endearing to me, and so, so interesting. Right away, I knew she was a woman I could be friends with, laugh with, and man, I loved that.

There is something remarkably special about two people in the throes of a budding attraction and new love. Jacob and Sophie embark on a kind of intimate, slow-and-steady seduction that really spoke to me because they built something honest and real, and something I hadn’t actually known I was needing to read until I found it in this book.

Nobody But You is a must-read book. I can honestly say, without a shred of doubt, this is my favorite Jill Shalvis book. Perhaps, my love for this book stems from a few reminders of some quiet, intimate, lake-side moments out of my own past, but mostly, I think it’s because these characters were so well-written, so well-crafted, that they felt real and so, so natural to me.

Sophie and Jacob are people I could know and hang with, and would want to hang with. They’re good people who maybe haven’t done everything right in their lives, or done everything they hoped to accomplish, but they’re trying. They’re learning and growing, too, and that means something. That says something, about who they are, and who they can become with—and because of—each other.

I loved Jacob and Sophie’s journey. It was funny and intimate, romantic and seductive, and it hit every single one of my feel-good, contemporary-romance-loving buttons. I finished it, and then I immediately wanted to read it again.

Nobody But You is a book that stays with you. A rare book that captures your heart and your imagination, your hopes and your dreams, and it places them all on the page, one right after another, until you’re smiling and sighing and falling in love a little bit more in each and every scene, each and every moment between the characters.

If you love romance, if you love real, honest emotion and deep, soul-hitting moments, you need to read Nobody But You by Jill Shalvis. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t read the first two books in the Cedar Ridge series because each one stands alone, and all of them are worth picking up and reading at any time. But let me tell you, they all deserve a chance at a place on your keeper shelf, just like they’ve earned a spot on mine.

Rating: 5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
crystal inman
Lindy's Thoughts:

The Cedar Ridge Series is the kind that brings you lots of warm fuzzies. It is a small town romance about the Kincaid siblings, their relationships with one another, as well as their adventures when it comes to finding love. The Kincaid family is extremely close, and reminds me of my own family. They are there for one another through thick and thin, enjoy joking around, and share a loyalty and extreme closeness that is beautiful to watch.

Nobody but You is identical twin and Army Special Forces Officer, Jacob Kincaid's story. Jacob left home when he was eighteen to join the army. He had a falling out with his twin brother Hudson, and has been away from his family for nine years. After his best friend dies, he realizes that he needs to make amends with his family, because life is too short.

When Jacob returns to Cedar Ridge Lake, Colorado, he meets the beautiful, gutsy, and feisty, Sophie Marren. Sophie is living on her cheating ex-husband's luxury boat. After her marriage ended, she took the only item that meant anything to him, and now she's miserable. She's sea sick, uncomfortable in the small living space, penniless, and trying to get her life back on track.

When Jacob meets Sophie, she makes him feel alive. He is highly amused, entertained, and turned on by her fiery little temper, and is drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Sophie thinks Jacob is gorgeous, and can feel the combustible chemistry between them, but doesn't think that she can love anyone. She got her heart broken by her philandering ex-husband, and never wants to be hurt like that again. However, as she tries to make a new beginning for herself, Jacob finds a way to insert himself in to her life, and permanently in to her heart.

I always enjoy returning to the charming and quaint town of Cedar Ridge. I felt right at home, as I was reunited with Gray, Aiden, Hudson, and Kenna Kincaid, and their significant others. Nobody But You was an extremely pleasurable read, and I looked forward to reading Jacob and Sophie's story every chance I got. It was a great reading escape, that was full of laughs, tender moments, emotional times, as well as joyful and sexy moments.
My Rating:

I give, Nobody But You, by Jill Shalvis, 4 A Family Reunited, Fiery Adventure, The Forever Kind of Love Filled Stars! Ms. Shalvis, please give Kenna and Mitch a story, and go back and tell us Gray and Penny's story! I love the Kincaid Family, and am not ready to say goodbye to them! I love all of Jill Shalvis' books, but the Cedar Ridge Series is my absolute favorite! I highly recommend these books to readers who love books about small town romance, close-knit families, and super hot sexy times!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sophie is recovering from an ugly divorce. She really didn’t want anything from her cheating ex, Lucas, but when the Judge pushed her she claimed the one thing Lucas cared about the most – his boat. It doesn’t matter that she gets seasick and now she has to walk or bus to work and pay mooring fees. She keeps moving at night to docks of abandoned cabins until a gorgeous hunk, Jacob, catches her at the dock of the cabin he just rented.

While trying to resist Jacob, Sophie is working all over town as a temp until she can figure out what to do with her life. She is also trying to dodge Lucas who is a big man lawyer about town.

Meanwhile, Jacob is an alpha military man on bereavement leave that has him wanting to heal his personal life. He has returned home for the first time in nine years to face his twin and his half brothers and sister. Jacob expects to be rejected or to at least have to eat humble pie to get them to agree to let him become part of the family again.

Sophie runs into Jacob a couple of times with a clear chemistry zing each time. They soon agree that it might be safe to have a fling. After all, she is off men – mostly, and he is on temporary leave so he can promise not to fall -- so he thinks. But Jacob has never experienced a sassy, sexy domino like Sophie. And Sophie has never had such a capable man give her encouragement to stand on her own. Together they are combustible! Will Jacob commit to returning to make Cedar Ridge his home? Can he convince Sophia to risk her heart again?

This is full of light, fun dialogue and smokin’ attraction plus. I’d say about fifty percent of the story is sexual interaction between Sophie and Jacob which was fun but not what I want to read so much anymore. Fortunately, there is a strong relational story going on within Jacob’s family that adds to the conflict, love and humor.

This is the third book in the series but worked fine as a stand-alone. The characters are wonderfully real and the whole tone, beyond the insecurities, is warm and affirming. I enjoyed this fast paced read and recommend it to readers who are looking for a quick excursion into a light, sexy romance.

I received this title through NetGalley for an honest review as part of a tour event.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was all kinds of wonderful! I can honestly say that I loved it and was rooting for Sophie and Jacob from the very start. This story really had a little bit of everything that I like to see in a romance novel and I found myself feeling perfectly content as I turned the pages. This is the third book in the Cedar Ridge series but each book in the series works perfectly well as a stand alone novel. This is only the second book by Jill Shalvis that I have read but I am quickly becoming a huge fan.

The characters in this book were wonderful. Sophie had a lot of spunk and I just loved her immediately. She is exactly what comes to mind when you think of a fiery redhead. Life has not been exactly kind to Sophie but she is making the most of what she has left. She is living on a boat that was her ex-husband's prize possession. He loved the boat while Sophie hates it. She is broke and working temp jobs to support herself.

Jacob is on leave from the military. He left Cedar Ridge and his family 9 years ago. He hasn't seen any of his siblings in that time including his identical twin, Hud. He has a lot of relationships to work to repair. When he comes across Sophie's boat moored at his cabin's dock, he is instantly drawn to her. I loved so much about Jacob. He was honest and willing to do what it takes to make things right again. He has been through a lot during his time in the service and has come out stronger in many ways.

The chemistry between Sophie and Jacob was amazing. They really are a wonderful couple. I liked the fact that the barriers to their relationship were really pretty minor. The main thing that this pair had to do was learn to trust each other and themselves. They really had to work together to make things work since they both had their own set of barriers. I loved how their emotions came across in the story in the description of small things like how they looked at each other.

I would highly recommend this book to fans of contemporary romance. This is a completely believable, entertaining, and sexy story filled with wonderful characters. I plan to read more from Jill Shalvis very soon starting with the second book in this series, My Kind of Wonderful, because I really want to read Hudson's story as soon as possible.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Forever Grand Central Publishing via NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
scorpio mom
*sigh* There's nothing better than a Jill Shalvis hero. Well. Maybe her heroines. It's a damn close call. Nobody But You was a wonderful addition to the series. Sweet, funny, sexy, heartwarming. Shalvis weaves so many elements together for a knock out read. The only thing that could have made it better was a kitty or pup added to the mix.

The quick of it is that Jacob bailed on his family years ago after a fight with his twin brother. He joined the army and it's been nearly a decade with no contact. But a major loss in his life has him reconsidering what's important and he's come home to make amends...somehow. And on his first day back he runs into a fiery stranger who's illegally parking her boat on his dock and has a host of her own problems to deal with. Lots of sexy sparks fly and maybe, just maybe, they'll be able to help each other through all those hard parts they're facing.

I loved these two. Both Jacob and Sophie were lovely characters. Slightly damaged but fighting to get their lives back after major loss and divorce (respectively). They had that fun banter and vibe between them that's a little volatile but entertaining as hell. And the sexy bits. Yum! Yeah these two rocked some serious chemistry.

Now the drama that pulled things along. They both had a lot to overcome with the people in their lives. Her with an ex husband who was a total jerkface (yeah I had another word but the store won't allow it lol) and a family who was less than supportive--I do wish there'd been a little more resolution with her family and how they treated her but it was okay. And Jacob with trying to make things right with his siblings--including his twin brother--after bailing on them all so many years earlier. There's a lot of hurt for them to get past and it could be frustrating and saddening in turn but seeing them get through the issues was pretty uplifting too. It was really nice seeing both of them grow so much during the book.

All in all, sexy light hearted fun with layers that'll pull at your heart and have you cheering for these two and their happily ever after. Shalvis continues to rock the contemporary romance genre. If her name is on need it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Instant connection. Instant chemistry. Instant trouble (the good kind, of course). When starting Nobody But You by Jill Shalvis, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from the third book in the author’s Cedar Ridge series, considering we knew little about both the mysterious Kincaid sibling, Jacob, and his love interest, Sophie Marren, but from previous experience with this author, I knew it would be an instant favorite. The combination of the strong and brooding soldier and the sarcastic and down-on-her-luck divorcee is sexy and laugh-out-loud funny. With engaging characters, an emotionally-compelling narrative, and a swoon-worthy romance, Nobody But You is a charmingly quirky, feel-good story.

What I love most about the Cedar Ridge series is the eclectic cast of characters. Each book is a character-driven romance with protagonists and side characters that draw you in to their tightknit, familial bond. The secondary characters in Nobody But You give the story a light-hearted feel, but it’s Jacob and Sophie that breathe life into the pages of the book. Jacob and Sophie meet when the former is on leave from the military after a ten-year absence, and, though they don’t have the smoothest of meetings, sparks fly between the mismatched pair. Their banter is flirtatious and their chemistry is off-the-charts, yet their mutual desire to keep their relationship strictly physical launches a back-and-forth, will they-won’t they yo-yoing of emotions. These characters are frustrating, but they’re also endearing. Their story is gut-wrenching, but also heartwarming. I loved them as individual characters, but together, they’re simply mesmerizing.

Jill Shalvis writes exactly the type of books I loved to read – heavy on the romance, minimal on the drama, with an emotional depth that keeps my heart invested in the story and a light-heartedness that keeps a smile on my face. Nobody But You is a story about being lost and finding your way, making amends, and conquering your fears. Overall, it’s a humorous, romantic, and enjoyable read that only reaffirms my immense love for Jill Shalvis.

*complimentary copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james oswald
Nobody But You is the third book in Jill Shalvis’ Cedar Ridge Series and it hooked me from the very first page. I haven’t read the previous books in this series, and although I’ve been definitely missing out, this book can be read as a standalone easily.

Jacob Kincaid has been in the military for ten years, he’s on leave while trying to deal with the loss of a fellow soldier who was family to him. After that terrible event, he comes back to Cedar Ridge, his home. He’s sure that his family despises him, after the way he left, especially his twin brother with whom he had a huge fight before he walked away. But he wants to make things right with the family he loves, even though he thinks he is unworthy of their love.

Sophie needs to get back on her feet, she just got divorced from her scumbag ex, has nowhere to live except the boat that belonged to her ex and luck hasn’t been on her side lately. She doesn’t want to depend on a man for anything in her life, so love or trust are not on her menu.

Jacob and Sophie are very charming and lovable characters that start as friends, slowly opening up and sharing pieces of themselves and their lives with each other. Soon, they can’t fight the chemistry between them so they start a relationship even though they promise each other not to fall in love.

I loved the Kincaid family, especially Kenna (please tell me there’s going to be a book about her and Mitch!), and their interactions are so realistic, so funny, so heartwarming that I actually remembered some moments between me and my brothers playing water sports, let’s just say the competitive gene is very strong in my family! Jacob and Sophie’s love story is engaging, funny, sexy and beautifully written, Jill Shalvis pulled on my heartstrings and I can’t describe how in love I am with this book.

Nobody But You was a wonderful read, I’d give this book 6 stars if that was an option, easily a 2016 top favorite and definitely a MUST READ.

I received a copy of this book from Grand Central Publishing via NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cindy gelpi
This is the third book in the Cedar Ridge series. I haven't read the first two books in the series, but reading Nobody But You I didn't feel like I was missing anything. Jacob is part of the Kincaid family and is back in town trying to mend his broken family relationships. He's been serving in the military for the past nine years and is on leave. I loved him from the very beginning! I always have a soft spot for military men! They are men of few words, but when they do speak their words pack a punch and that was definitely Jacob Kincaid.

Jacob and Sophie meet and have an instant attraction although she fights it initially because she's quitting men. Why is she quitting men? Because her scumbag ex of course! Sophie cracks me up! She's always having some sort of internal conversation with herself. She has a wildfire inside her that Jacob seems to set loose whenever he's around. I cannot gush about him enough! If I were a cartoon character you would have seen hearts floating around my head while I was reading this!

'...You're going to get more than you bargained for. Remember, every good thing that's ever come into your life has cost you in blood, sweat, or tears...

"Shut Up," she said.

Jacob pulled back, a brow raised.

"Not you!" she said quickly. "My inner voice." She shook her head. "Ignore her. She's a bitch."

They are just so cute together! Both are dealing with some very tough issues. Sophie is trying to find herself after being in a loveless marriage, and Jacob is trying to find himself in a way too. Even though neither one of them is looking for love they both seem to be there for each other.

This was truly a great story about dealing with loss, mending broken relationships, finding love, breaking old patterns, and moving on. So many life lessons are wrapped into one funny and emotional story. I am now a huge fan on Jill Shalvis!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david mort
Returning home after 9 years away, Jacob Kincaid has mixed feelings. While most of his family is thrilled to have him home, there are a lot of unresolved hurts between him and his twin. He is reeling after an overseas mission went bad, and home is the only place he can think to go in order to forget.. But going home means facing his family and his past, two things he has avoided for so long.

Sophie Marren is trying to pick herself up after a particularly nasty divorce, but staying in Cedar Ridge, CO, proves more difficult than she would have imagined. She has a fierce spirit and is determined not to let her situation keep her down. After being cheated on, cast aside, and pushed around, she has decided she doesn’t need a man around to drag her down.

Despite only being in town for a short time on Jacob’s part, and having written off men on Sophie’s, the pull between these two is magnetic. I loved the way they intrigued and pushed each other, and their spark was palpable to readers and everyone around them.

The secrets they’ve each run from dreg up their past pain and trip up what is growing between them. These two are both closed off, though for different reasons, and watching each try to figure a way past their blocks made for great reading.

I absolutely love the Kincaid family. They offer great support, even as they adjust to having Jacob back. The bond between all the siblings (and half-siblings) is proven as they fight so hard to keep the resort that means so much to them. Jacob’s return simply means one more person to help share the load.

There is a lot of humor sprinkled through this story. The light, easy nature of the plot meant a low drama factor and a nice breather for me. I can’t tell for certain if there will be more books in this series, but I would love to see Kenna get a full length story, as there are plenty of crumbs dropped here and there throughout this book as to what is going on in her love life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
annelise lestrange
The Kincaids have been waiting for Jacob to return home for what seems like forever. His brother Hudson more than anyone. But the first person he actually interacts with is Sophie Marren.

Jacob Kincaid coming back to Cedar Ridge is just what the Kincaids needed. He’s still avoiding, though, and that avoidance is what brings him to Sophie.

Sophie Marren’s ex husband is one of those disgusting people who get off on their money-induced power trip. Which is why Sophie alone after the divorce, with nothing but his beloved boat. Suffice it to say she hates the damn thing and he’s practically mourning over it.

I thought Jacob was amused by Sophie, more than anything. He could also read her clearly, and him being so freakin’ adorable to her (while being a little dick to his siblings, tbh) is what I loved. Jacob is so hurt and haunted by his past, by what he’s been through overseas, and by everything he’s left behind when he left and got enlisted, that Sophie’s fresh and determined persona, her attraction to him, her being new, is what rings him back.

The Kincaids accepting Jacob back was amazing to read. They have ALL been waiting for him to come home, but no one more than Hudson. Hudson, however, is so angry and frustrated, he’s hurt and he’s ashamed, which is why their reunion is so strained and complicated.

Jacob is amazing. He’s sensitive and strong, obviously gorgeous just like his twin, and his personality jumps off the page. Sophie is determined, she’s strong, down but definitely not out, she’s just lovely. Together they’re absolutely perfect.

I think I love this one best out of the three because of that. Everything in the first two books in the series leads to this one. All the relationships in Nobody But Here are written in a way that leads to the last part of the story, where everything falls into place.

I can’t wait for the next installment. I think their little sister needs a special someone, too ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Nobody But You is the kind of smart, sexy romance that has made Jill Shalvis an auto-buy author for me. Sophie Marren is a bit of a hot mess, recently divorced and living on her ex's prized boat which she took in the divorce just for well-deserved spite. She's working odd jobs and temping to make ends meet, and at night she illegally docks the boat in front of an empty cabin to save a few bucks. But solitary Jacob Kincaid has just moved into that cabin and he is reluctantly fascinated by the seasick redhead who keeps appearing on the lake. Jacob is back from another tour in the Middle East, one which caused him serious injuries and cost him a friend. He's a having a tough time fitting back into the life he left, and finds a level of comfort with Sophie he hasn't found with anyone else.

Both Sophie and Jacob are outsiders, which is a little different in a Shalvis book. Sophie is far from her family, which is actually a good thing for her mental health, basically friendless and is adrift (literally) following her divorce. Jacob left his loving, if slightly dysfunctional, family when he turned 18 and never really looked back. As Jacob slowly gets reeled back into his family circle, he pulls Sophie along with him and they both find the love and support they needed.

This is another fun read from Shalvis. I'd been looking forward to Jacob's story and I wasn't disappointed. He and Sophie have undeniable chemistry and his interactions with his family, especially with his sister, Kenna, were sweet. It was part of Sophie's story that made me rate this four stars instead of five. Much was made of her lying, cheating ex but when it came right down to it, he turned out to be not so bad and actually helped out. It was a nice resolution for the ex, I suppose, but a bit of a fizzle for the story. But other than that, Nobody But You was another great read with another great couple, and I can't wait to return to Cedar Ridge!

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. And it was honestly excellent!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paula kenny
Sophie Marren thought she was doing the admirable thing by taking the high road in her divorce and not making any demands in court for her ex-husband, but her plan kind of came back to bite her in the rear. By refusing to receive spousal support, or take the home they shared, or one of his fancy cars, she left herself homeless, car-less and broke. The only thing she walked away with, or sailed away with, were her meager belongings and his beloved boat, which she clearly didn't think through since it has her constantly feeling sea sick. She thought taking his boat from him would hurt him almost as badly as he hurt her, when he chose to seek comfort from other woman during the course of their marriage... but now she isn't so sure it was the best idea. Constantly being sick has her wanting to jump ship, but the minute she "parks it" at a personal dock, she is met by a brooding, yet wickedly handsome man, who tells her she is trespassing and she's got to go... which spawns a little game of cat and mouse that she is determined to win! But walking/sailing away a winner might just be a little more challenging than she anticipated because something about this handsome stranger strikes a cord with her, and has her plan to avoid men at all costs slowly floating away..

Army Special Forces officer Jacob Kincaid heads home to Colorado armed with a plan of reconciliation, he is hoping to repair the fractured relationship between him and his family. When he left for the Army a few years ago he left behind a lot of hurt feelings and severed the bond between him and his twin brother, without ever looking back. He is also returning home as a man with many demons, and he is hoping a stay in a secluded cabin, surrounded by the peace and tranquility that only the mountains can provide will do him some good, and get his mind right again. But just as his little vacation gets underway he finds himself having a turf war with a beautiful, yet frustrating, boat owner who is determined to drive him crazy... in more ways than one!!

This heartwarming little read captured my attention right from the start and had me flying right through the pages in search of what I hoped to be a very well deserved happily ever after, and a few laughs too, and I am happy to report that I found that and so much more! Ms. Shalvis's uniquely crafted characters completely won me over with their witty one liners, charming down to earth personalities, and flirty infused heated banter. This was my second visit to the series, and I have to say I enjoyed this trip even more than the first, Jacob completely stole my heart from the get go and had me swooning the whole way through!! I highly recommend you give this read a try, it is one of those reads that will have you in tears one moment and laughing the next, and is certain to leave you with an overall feeling complete literary satisfaction!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sometimes when worlds collide, sparks fly in a good way such as in NOBODY BUT YOU by Jill Shalvis.
Narrator Karen White gives unique voices to these feisty characters enhancing the story. Her cadence fits the highs and lows of the characters’ emotions and actions.
In an effort to out her ex-husband, Sophie Marren takes his precious boat in the divorce settlement. Sea sick or not, she has to live on the boat being penniless. Trying to find a place to moor the boat without paying is a challenge for Sophie, especially when she keeps running into the sexy guy who just moved into a cabin on the lake. Down on luck and love, Sophie is determined not to give up.
Jacob Kincaid has been away from Cedar Ridge and his family for way too long. When he joined the service he left with bad feelings between him and his twin Hud. Waiting to repair the strain between him and his family, Jacob doesn’t need any other problems. But when he encounters Sophia trying to use his dock, he can’t help himself. The more they interact, the more they are drawn to each other.
The author has created strong, but flawed characters that are likable and well-developed. The small town setting draws readers in.
The story flows smoothly and at a good pace. The romance is hot and steamy, the family loyalty is heartwarming, and the fun is contagious. NOBODY BUT YOU is a standalone read from the Cedar Ridge series. The characters will hold you captivated as you pull for these two battered hearts to unite.
FTC Full Disclosure – A copy of this book was sent to me by the publisher in hopes I would review it. However, receiving the complimentary copy did not influence my review. The thoughts are completely my own and given honestly and freely.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
misti garrison
Jill Shalvis is the queen in writing fantastic yet addicting romance stories! I always love reading any of Jill Shalvis sweet warming romance stories that she created another amazing romance read, Nobody But You.
Nobody But You is the third book in the Cedar Ridge series. It starts with the mystery brother, Jacob, returning back to his hometown and family. Jacob is the twin brother that been gone for awhile that he finally returns home. But it will be challenges for him because he been gone so long that it will take time to repair the damage with his family especially his twin brother but he will have a feisty yet cute Sophie talking to him while he battle with his family. Sophie is facing great trouble with her ex-husband that she is desperate to find some peace but she will struggle since so many people are taking her ex-husband side but she has the strong yet sexy Jacob on her side.
Jacob is a sexy Alpha men that every reader will love to have him. I definitely understand how hard it is for Jacob to repair his relationship with his family because he had always had a chip on his shoulder. But I definitely love how determined he is to repair his family relationship especially his twin brother. It is definitely thrilling to see all of the family together because they were missing him when he was gone but he finally returns to the family. Jacob is definitely repairing his relationship that he feels protected of Sophie because he knows how she feel to be alone.
Sophie is beautiful sweet women that you just want to hug her as she faces some problems with her ex-husband. She is a strong women that she is determine to face all problems especially her jerk ex-husband. I definitely feel for her because so many people were taking her ex-husband side but her ex-husband is a-hole jerk that I do not understand why they want to take his side, but I am proud that Jacob is protecting her. I know she wants to handle it on her own but everyone always need some support which Jacob can provide for her.
Jacob and Sophie romance is so cute yet passionate that everyone will enjoy their love!
Nobody But You is an amazing romance read that it will fill your heart. Five stars!
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