At Last (A Lucky Harbor Novel)

ByJill Shalvis

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Amy Michaels, a waitress at the Eat Me diner, has a reputation for being a "tough girl" because she exudes attitude and wears steel-toed boots. She's only been in Lucky Harbor for about six months and the residents don't know how really tough her life was before she came to town as Amy keeps everyone at a distance. That includes Matt Bowers, the local forest ranger, who exudes sexiness, has his own past he'd like to leave behind and seems to have his eyes firmly fixed on Amy. She notices and they've been doing a quiet dance around this odd attraction for awhile.

Amy is a tough girl, no question about it, having been on her own since she was sixteen and her life wasn't a picnic before she left home. She now has two very good friends in Mallory Quinn and Grace Brooks and they're focused on getting her to be "The Good Girl" for a change. Everyone in town seems to know that she and Matt have some sort of "thing" and her friends are determined to find the opening to shove her through to get something going.

Matt and Amy go from almost 0 to sixty overnight but that's consistent with who she is, someone looking to just have a sexual fling and no strings attached. That seems fine to Matt but these two have an unusual attraction that eventually breaks down all of those barriers they've erected. Amy uses her deceased grandmother's journal to help her find the peace, hope and heart she needs to achieve fulfillment. And, she befriends a young runaway who helps her to clearly see and forgive herself. Matt benefits from her transformation, too, as he sees an opportunity for a second chance in this relationship.

It's not easy to connect with Amy but her inner dialogue exposes her vulnerability, making her more appealing. That tough exterior is a ruse for a resilient young woman who wants to make a change in her life. Matt is just plain scrumptious and never really gives up on Amy or the potential of their relationship. Even though some of her forest adventures didn't keep my attention, Amy's change because of them made it worthwhile.

I liked the story, Amy and Matt's romance and the craziness of the quirky people of Lucky Harbor. I'm looking forward to the final story of the Chocoholics (Grace's story).

(I received an ARC from NetGalley)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles. - Tim Cahill

AT LAST is the fifth book from Jill Shalvis in Lucky Harbor - a small town along the Pacific Coast in Washington State. The first three books featured sisters inheriting their mother's B&B. The second three books focus on women who became friends after being stranded at the EAT ME diner during a snow storm. The women bond over chocolate. In LUCKY IN LOVE, Amy and Grace teach ER nurse Mallory to be a bad girl. In AT LAST, Mallory and Grace turn the tables on waitress Amy, literally and figuratively, to teach her how to be a good girl to herself.

Amy Michaels has history - a runaway teen from a broken home. She understands the mistakes she has made and searches for "hope" in the sloping forest overlooking Lucky Harbor. In fact, Amy came to Lucky Harbor to follow her Grandmother's journey where she found "hope" in the mountains after a personal tragedy.

Meanwhile, Amy ignores the sizzling mutual attraction with Forest Ranger Matt Bowers, nicknamed by the town's gossip as Ranger Hot Buns. But they cannot ignore their suppressed passion when Matt rescues Amy from a wrong turn on her hike. The rescue, a little cliché, kicks off a physical relationship, "just sex", which is ultimately fueled by admiration turned love.

Shalvis excels in creating sexual attraction and intimacy tension in several scenes. Amy and Matt want to be together, but they go through the fully monty of emotions - distrust, self criticism, and fear. Yet they are buoyed by their friends to find the right trail to a healthy relationship. The Chocoholics - Amy, Mallory, and Grace - offer a story within a story of their antics. Like the delicious brownies they eat, they offer morsels of wisdom to each other that could serve as a novella of friendship in the face of adversity.

AT LAST can be read as a standalone novel ... but new readers would enjoy the Lucky Harbor stories if they are read in order. Recommended read for those who enjoy small town romance, strong female friendships, self discovery, gorgeous landscape, quirky characters, and chocolate quotes.

I am looking forward to Grace's story in FOREVER AND A DAY.

I received an ARC from the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
At Last
Reviewed by Ann & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

At last we get Matt Bowers' story. I have been waiting for his book for a long time. And when I'm eagerly anticipating a book, my expectations begin to rise. Fortunately, Jill Shalvis continues to write stories that touch reader's hearts and create laughter in the most unexpected times. The Lucky Harbor series has been a complete thrill to read!

Amy Michaels is on the hunt. Prepared with hiking gear, her grandmother's journal and her kickass boots, Amy sets foot in Matt's territory searching for her heart and the answers to her long unanswered questions.

I have to say that I loved the slightly darker tone to this book. It was a nice change of pace in the Lucky Harbor series, but I liked that the additional drama didn't weigh the rest of the story down. Amy has her grandmother's journal and as she tries to decipher bits and pieces of her grandmother's words, she is on a search to find happiness for herself. Her dark past has required her to toughen up a bit, so in this book, readers see a much more serious side to Amy.

Glimpses of that past are exposed through the presence of Riley, a runaway teen whose own life is troubled. As Amy and Matt try to veer her life onto the right path, their share a journey that brings them closer and closer.

I loved the fact that Shalvis made the story come full circle. In the beginning, Amy needs rescuing from Matt as she gets lost, but in the end, Matt requires a helping hand to get out of the mess he is in. It just shows how well this relationship works because both sides are able to count on the other in times of distress.

Ty and Mallory, as well as Grace and Dr. Josh Scott are very involved in this book! It's always nice to read about familiar characters and Shalvis has a way of making you adore her characters to bits. There's even a little bit of Sawyer! Yay!

But for me, the best part of this book is Ranger Hot Buns! Matt Bowers packs some serious heat and he sizzled off the pages for me! Ranger Hot Buns is giving Sawyer a run for his money! I loved his determination and his possessiveness. He was caring and kind but also kind of grumpy too. Shalvis always writes the best heroes and Matt Bowers is definitely in my hottie harem now!

I cannot wait to see what's in store for Josh and Grace. We don't really know much about them, so it will be interesting to see how it all plays out!
Nobody But You (Cedar Ridge) :: Head Over Heels (A Lucky Harbor Novel) :: Chasing Christmas Eve: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel :: About That Kiss: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel :: Rainy Day Friends: A Novel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amy has lived on the streets and understands when something good comes along you grab it. She has secured a great job with a wonderful place to live, so is having a perfect man come into her life going to ruin all that. Amy is on a journey to find the peace her grandmother once captured in Lucky Harbor and if love happens to be there she may just hold on to it.

Matt is the local man in charge of taking care of the beauty and essentially the existence of the local forest. He may be called "Forest Ranger" but as an ex-military and SWAT team member there is allot more to Matt than simply taking care of his territory. Finding Amy is a blessing and a curse for Matt as he wants to be with her but also has this overwhelming desire to make sure she is safe and is not positive he can keep her that way. The job often interferes with the life you want and Matt thinks he has a handle on this but Amy may show him otherwise.

Amy and Matt do the dance of should we or should we not be involved all the while juggling interfering friends, a troubled teen that will not stay put, and some very nosy Facebook friends. Amy and Matt try their hardest to not fall in love but when living in Lucky Harbor that is near to impossible.

Jill Shalvis creates the small town experience with romantic overtones and wonderful story lines that makes you wish Lucky Harbor was your hometown.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucy kabatoff
4.5 stars

Jill Shalvis's Lucky Harbour series is contemporary romance done right. As a reader who tends to favour the fast pace and thrill of romantic suspense or straight-up thrillers, my biggest gripe with contemporaries is that nothing happens by way of plot. Without the 'distraction' of a dead body (or several), a heinous villain, and the hero/heroine scrambling for their lives, the onus is much more on the author's writing and character development to keep the reader turning the pages. A hero and/or heroine with whom readers cannot connect and whose emotional journey we are not invested in, or writing that falls flat can prove disastrous in a contemporary.

Jill gets it exactly right in every Lucky Harbour book, and especially in At Last. With town sweetheart Mallory getting her HEA in Lucky In Love, it is now time for tough chick/bad girl extraordinaire Amy Michaels and sexy, laid-back forest ranger Matt Bowers--both of whom have sworn off relationships-- to get their chance at love. Matt moved to Lucky Harbour in search of peace & quiet when his personal and professional lives imploded in Chicago; wild child Amy left home at sixteen and drifted aimlessly (and somewhat dangerously), ending up in Lucky Harbour in an attempt to find & define herself. Neither of them is interested in or believes him/herself capable of a serious romantic relationship, and it is incredibly heartwarming to see them learn to trust together and journey to their HEA. Watching Amy find herself and learn to live in her own skin (whilst simultaneously helping & being helped by Matt)--and the way she does the same for troubled runaway Riley-- was inspiring. And Matt... wow, be still my heart! Save for a couple instances of typical male wankerdom, he is the perfect counterpoint to Amy's character and the ideal partner for the journey of self-discovery. Watching him go from 'I want to get in your pants' to 'I want to be there for you for the rest of our lives' was equally gratifying.

The depth & realism of their emotional journey, tempered by the wit & humour with which the story is written, is what makes Jill one of my go-to contemporary authors. Not only is At Last incredibly touching, it's also ridiculously fun to read and I repeatedly found myself grinning or outright laughing out loud at the characters' antics-- those of the hero/heroine, and of the entire endearing cast of secondary characters. Reading a Lucky Harbour novel is like going home and hanging out with a bunch of your best mates--with ridiculously hot blokes and incredible sexytimes :-). Definitely worth a read, and guaranteed to leave you feeling warm & fuzzy inside and thoroughly entertained (and probably craving a brownie).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen healey
I love chocolate. So any book that has adorable little chocolate sayings at the beginning of each chapter is automatically going to be considered entertaining. I do have a favorite though and it is "There is more to life than chocolate, but not right now" found at the beginning of chapter three. And did I mention that a brownie recipe is also included? Okay..... enough about chocolate. For now.

Matt is the hunky forest ranger with doubts about his relationship abilities. Amy is the waitress with a secret past, hidden talent, and an inability to trust those around her. The two of them together manage to help a teen in need.

No summary is going to do this story justice. Shalvis has created a community and not just a book about two main characters and a few secondary characters. Lucille is the nosey gossip that does more than just share what she knows over the fence post. She has technology on her side and uses Facebook to keep the rest of the community in the know. Jan, Amy's boss, is a bit crabby but I found her really endearing by the end. The banter between Matt and his friends are typical of practically every guy I have ever been around. They give each other crap, are competitive, and provide help when needed. The relationship with the women is sweet (pun entirely intended). They frequently meet over chocolate and give each other advice and support. Riley, the teen that Matt has found illegally camping, adds extra conflict to the story and helps keep it moving.

How can a reader go wrong? Hot guys. Chocolate. Funny characters. Chocolate. Great story. And did I mention the chocolate?

All of the Lucky Harbor books can be read as standalone books but I think they are like really good chocolate chip cookies. Once you have one you're going to be dipping your hand back into the jar until they are all gone.

Please note: This review was originally posted on my website on July 7, 2012.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sherry chandler
*I got a free copy from the publisher via netgalley in order to review this book*

Sweet, hot, romantic, delightful and touching. Amy is so sweet and insecure, even if she is hiding behind a pretty tough armour not to show what she is feeling at any time. Matt is hot - good thing he only exists in a story, or I might have had to try to find Lucky Harbor on a map and go on a trip *grins*

The chocolate quotes at the beginning of each chapter had me each time - so funny, and oh so accurate. Chocolate can solve almost any problem that can ever arise.

I love how both Amy and Matt grew in the story, and how they are both such lovable characters! They both got me from the beginning, and it just kept on getting better and better. It starts with Amy going on a hike in the forest on the mountain, and not finding her way back to Lucky Harbor, and Amy's friend Mallory calls Matt 'Ranger Hot Buns' to get her, instead of trying to find Amy herself. Even with Amy's mistrust in all men, she has to admit that there is a certain attraction there, and Matt has been dining at the 'Eat Me' diner every night Amy works, just so he can see her.

They both have complicated pasts and some trust issues, but when their armor starts to crack, they soon realize that there is a lot more than chemistry between them! And their journey towards a happily ever after is sprinkled with drama, heroic deeds and some seemingly insurmountable problems. They both finally dare to lay their hearts on the line to try to really get what they want, and that is love with a capital L. The only thing I wish was different is that I would have loved to read how the bad guy was caught, and also what happened during the hearing. The ending was a little bit abrupt, but the story was wonderful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
harlan adler
I've been eagerly awaiting this book ever since reading Lucky in Love. Matt and Amy had excellent chemistry in the first book of this trilogy, although they seemed to just be circling around one another for the greater portion of that book.

At Last begins with a bang as Amy is lost in the woods during a hike and Matt is brought in to rescue her. These two share unbelievable chemistry, and as tough as Amy is, Matt definitely has the ability to chip away at the many layers of protection that she has constructed around her heart.

I, quite simply, fell in love with Matt's character. He had the perfect mix of protective instincts combined with humor and sensitivity. He affectionately refers to Amy as "tough girl", which I found endearing and very sweet. Matt is concerned about Amy from the opening pages, and his care and concern continue throughout the book. As someone who's never really been cared for, Amy resists this for a time, but these attempts are futile. It would simply be impossible not to fall for Matt, and when Amy finally falls, she definitely falls hard!

Amy was a sympathetic character that I came to care for. A runaway teen, Riley, is introduced in this book, and this character is instrumental in helping Amy come to grips with her past. By helping Riley, Amy is able to come to terms with her own past and find healing.

I loved this book and enjoyed it more than the first book. Dr. Sexy (aka Josh Scott) and Grace are up next, and I for one can not wait for this M.D.'s story. Yum!

Thanks to Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley for providing me with this ARC!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
At Last by Jill Shalvis
ISBN: 9781455503742
Amy works at the local diner but loves to hike and draw landscapes. She was on her way to find the diamond her mother wrote about when she must've taken a wrong turn and hours later deemed she was lost. With her cell she called a friend in town and shortly there was a ranger coming up the path. She didn't need rescuing she told him although when she saw the bear she stepped back into his body.
Due to a natural disaster they could not leave the area so had to camp out but Matt Bowers was prepared with supplies from his truck. He had to rescue her from not only that but a fall during the night that left her at the bottom of a hill, then he had to patch her up. He also kept her warm while they talked the night away.
Love the reason why she wanted to go to the meadow where the diamond wall is, it's quite to motivator.
A few of the local females who are now attached will be giving her good girl lessons so she can catch a man also, while eating chocolate.
Although this book is about Amy and Matt there are places we get to catch up with the regulars and what's going on in their lives.
Mystery of a hiker keeps them on alert for more trouble.
She can have a new career and he could lose his. Love how the town helps in any problem that arises.
Recipes at the end and a preview of the next book in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Thanks to the publisher, Grand Central Publishing, and NetGalley for the chance to read this early!

Welcome back to the Lucky Harbor, Washington.

The author introduced the Chocoholics: ~~ Mallory Quinn ~~ Amy Michaels ~~ Grace Brooks ~~ in Lucky in Love (A Lucky Harbor Novel).

Next up...At Last (Lucky Harbor), with waitress Amy Michaels, and forest ranger Matt Bowers. The sneak peeks of this couple in the previous book made me glad that I was already approved to read their story.

Without spoiling anything...Amy's reason for relocating to Lucky Harbor creates a great back story; her adventure leads her into trouble and into the arms of the man she is determined to keep at a distance. Her adventure however puts her directly into Ranger Hot Buns, aka Matt's, territory. His back story was also a greatly written, with just the right amount of drama. The banter between these two is H O T.

With Amy's determination and Matt's stubbornness I bet Ms. Shalvis was pulling her hair and gritting her teeth when she was writing this...the HEA is everything you expect and these characters deserve.

A big THANK YOU to Ms. Shalvis - for continuing to return to Lucky harbor and bring me the characters I fell in love for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karissa hoag
At Last is a beautiful love story filled with personal growth and forgiveness. The romance is hot, but the emotions involved make it that much sweeter.

This is the first novel I have read by Jill Shalvis and it will NOT be the last. I'm eager to go back and read the rest of the Lucky Harbor series. The story captures you from the start. I love the banter between Amy and Matt. The conversations between them just flow beautifully. Amy and Matt, both are reluctant to give into their hearts. Amy learned a long time ago to use her sexuality to achieve her means. She's changed that about herself. For years she has denied her sexual needs. Something she didn't even notice missing till she caught Matt's eye. He stirs those long buried feelings in her. She's afraid though once he learns about her past the way he looks at her now will change. At the same time, Matt blames himself for the end of his marriage and his career in Chicago. He believes he is better off alone. He can't deny the attraction he has to Amy, but he sees the hesitancy to trust him in her eyes. He feels he doesn't deserve her trust anyway. He let his ex-wife down. He has no business getting involved with anyone. They both give into their passion, but it will take some personal forgiveness to give into their hearts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
redstars butterflies
Tired of bad decisions especially with men, Amy Michaels decides to follow her late grandma's journal to Lucky Harbor, Washington where her ancestor found what she lost: hope. However, as always lately, even in Lucky Harbor as a waitress, nothing goes right as she becomes lost while hiking a trail in the woods. She calls her Chocaholic friend Mallory who sends forest ranger Matt Bowers to the rescue; the one man she avoids as she does not need another failed relationship.

Former Chicago SWAT, Matt enjoys his job as a ranger even if there is no Yogi to keep away from picnic baskets. He is attracted to Amy, but has no plans to act on his feelings as he emotionally cannot deal with a relationship after Chicago. As avoidance and abstinence fail, they fall in love, but neither trusts themselves to not be making another spectacular relationship mistake.

The latest Lucky Harbor contemporary (see Lucky In Love) is a warm tale starring two people who share in common love and relationship phobia. Filled with humor and pathos, fans will enjoy the middle "Chocaholic" romance (Forever And A Day to follow) as love and laugher battle the protagonists' respective pasts.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie laben
I love Jill Shalvis's style of writing. She writes some of the most romantic, heartwarming, sexy, funny stories. She also happens to write some of the
best ALPHA MALE heroes that I have read. Her characters make me laugh out loud and can bring me to tears on the way to their HEA. I am a HUGE fan of
hers and I love this series. It is one of my favorites.
I have been wanting to read about Matt Bowers's character since he was first introduced and I was not disappointed!! Matt and Amy were perfect together
and I was absorbed into the story through them. The great secondary characters and scenery brought the story to life for me.
I loved the camaraderie between Matt, Ty and Josh. So funny. I also loved the whole back story of Amy's grandmom and how it effected Amy. So good.
At Last was such a great read and everything that I come to expect and love about Jill Shalvis's books. Can't wait to read Josh and Grace's story!!!
I am so hoping that the Luck Harbor series continues after their book. I don't want it to end yet!! 5 out of 5 rating. :)

***ARC provided by NetGalley. Thank you!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amy Michaels has had a hard life running away most of her teen years and trying to stay ahead of the trouble that always seems to find her. Finally in Lucky Harbor she has found friends, and neighbors that care, when she interacts with the forest ranger will he be enough to tame her?

Matt Bowers has left his life in Chicago where it all fell apart and works in the forest in Lucky Harbor. He finds himself attracted to Amy but will she ever give him a chance?

I love this series I can't rave enough the writing style drags you in to see where the stories are headed and what the local Facebook updates say. I swear if Lucky Harbor Facebook page people would so check it out to see what it says. I really liked this book and how they introduced a troubled teen who needed Matt and Amy's help to straighten her life out! Keep up the good work!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"There were certain things she knew for sure. When in doubt, eat chocolate. When stressed, eat chocolate. When in doubt AND stressed, eat chocolate. Especially when that doubt and stress were related to a man and her feelings for said man."

Amy Michaels came to Lucky Harbor to find peace and maybe hope. It worked for her grandmother many years ago, so why shouldn't it work for her as well? What Amy hasn't been looking for was Matt aka "Ranger Hot Buns". He's trouble and that's the last thing she needs. But then she has never been especially good at making the right choices...

If you read and loved the other books in the Lucky Harbor series then you will love "At Last" as well. Jill Shalvis came up with another sexy, funny and at times heart-warming story, that will brighten your day just a little bit more.
For the most part this book was very drama-free (not boring, though), if a bit predictable. That's not a bad thing, I'm just saying that it pretty much follows the path of the other books in the series.
Still not a bad thing because if there's one thing Jill Shalvis is especially good at then it's creating crazy chemistry between her main characters. The attraction between Amy and Matt was off the charts and I had a lot of fun watching those two resist falling in love with each other. And resist they did, let me tell you that. They both had a rough past that made them more than a little bit suspicious of trust and love, so the story of the book basically revolves around them overcoming those fears and learning to trust each other.
I think Jill Shalvis did a good job. She constructed a solid story, believable background stories and I never felt like she was stringing them along just to lenghten her book. The developments all felt very natural, even though I wish the author would take a bit more time to let her characters jump into bed with each other. I like it when an author uses a slow (even very slow) buildup, but everyone who read one of Shalvis's books before knows they won't get one of those.

There was a little sub-plot about a troubled teenager that I thought was very well done as well. The portrait of the defiant, lost girl felt realistic and I was rooting for her from the beginning.

A predictable, but nevertheless good and fast read that made me exited for the next book in the series "Forever A Day", Josh and Grace's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The 2nd of the Chocoholics of Lucky Harbor is the story of "tough girl" Amy and Ranger "hot buns" Matt. I love this series and this book was as enjoyable as the rest if a little darker. Amy, waitress at the Eat Me Diner, is following a journey of discovery her grandmother made years before. The trek takes her into the mountains surrounding Lucky Harbor and into Ranger Matt's territory. Matt has been drawn to Amy from the first day he met her. Amy is convinced she doesn't know how to love and Matt is convinced that he sucks at it. Lucky Harbor's magic is in its community and the brownies aren't bad either.
Ms. Shalvis has another winner in At Last. I really enjoy my visits to Lucky Harbor and anxiously await the next tale with Chocoholic Grace and the sexy Dr. Josh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
candis vargo
Lucky Harbor, Washington has a new couple, Forest Ranger, Matt Bowers, and Waitress, Amy Michaels. Each of them have a past that is affecting their current view of love, dating, and sex.

When Amy needs rescuing off one of the Olympic Mountain trails, her friends send Ranger Bowers to the damsel in distress. The thing is Amy finds herself needing first aid for her body as well as her heart.

Throw in a homeless teenager, nosy villagers, and lust so thick and palpable that it fairly dripped off the pages like fudge down a luscious sundae, and you have the mixings of a grand romance novel.

Jill Shalvis has a way with the written word that makes this romance a refreshing view of timeless love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"At last
My love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song"

We know how you feel Etta James, now we have a clear understanding what this song means especially after you read this book!!!

Amy is a waitress.

Amy is lovely.

Amy is lonely.

Amy is hurt.

Who will help Amy?

How about town's heartthrob Forrest Ranger Matt? He seems to have the smile, the body that she is looking for!! But neither one wants anything to serious because of past relationships. But a night under the starry skies may the only answer for these two lovebirds!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mallory whiteduck
I thought this book was really good and better than the first (I'm not counting the sisters' stories). The ending was a little predictable, which was somewhat frustrating, but overall, I really liked this book. I don't think that the characters had to have had the "fight" moment of the story where they're apart for a bit to realize they were both wrong, etc. Sometimes it seems like that doesn't really fit the characters we've been shown, and that's how I felt for this story. I like the how the secondary characters were used but I think the story about his job was a little much. It was really resolved in a good way since he was "late." Other than that, though, this was a great read. It's a keeper!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie pietro
I've been reading romances for over 40 years, and those stories about the perfect man and the perfect woman who are just perfect for each other, but kept apart by a misunderstanding or outside forces just don't cut it any more. I want realistic, flawed characters who find love despite the odds. I want humor. I want sizzle. And Ms Shalvis delivers every time. This just might be my favorite book yet, but it's hard to say, she's written so many and they're all fantabulous!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rongling you
Happy. Sigh. Jill Shalvis did it again. The woman just keeps knocking them out of the park and I am so damn thankful. I just love this series and At Last was an excellent addition. The "chocoholics" are back and this time their mission happens to be "good girl" lessons for one Amy Michaels who is doing her best to avoid sexy Forest Ranger Matt Bowers. The characters, the romance, wonderful friendships and the added mystery surrounding a young runaway all come together for a very satisfying read.

The first part of this book had me laughing my ass off. Hand-to-God. Tears streaming down my cheeks I was laughing so hard. I love the sense of humor Shalvis incorporates and how it lightens what could have been a much darker story as Amy tries to overcome a pretty traumatic past and helps a young runaway going through something similar. Matt and Amy were hot and steamy together with great tension, very sexy scenes and sweet teasing. They're both dealing with insecurities and doubts that cause some serious bumps along the way but will have you pulling for them to figure it all out.

Shalvis does a great job with the support characters as well. One of my favorite things about this series is that the characters all have a group of friends they rely on. The women with their Chocoholic group and the men who've known each other forever and tend to knock the tar out of each other at the gym and never stop teasing each other. You really can't help but smile at all their antics and enjoy the added depth and charm they all add to the storyline.

Shalvis never fails to create a fantastic love story and wonderful characters that will have your heart melting one minute and leave you laughing so hard it hurts the next. If you love books with heart, humor and lots of heat you don't want to miss At Last or the rest of the Lucky Harbor series. This small town and the people that call it home are delightfully quirky and endlessly entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hailey scott
Although the last visit to Shalvis' fictional town of Lucky Harbor came out only a month before, this installment could not have come soon enough.

If you have not yet explored the previous books in the series, please do yourself a favor and start at the beginning! Though each book can be enjoyed as a stand alone, the series truly allows you to immerse yourself into the town and get to know the colorful characters that inhabit it.

This installment tells the heartwarming tale of Amy and Matt, two people not looking for anything serious or long term, yet finding it anyways, in each other. Though the premise seems standard, it is Shalvis' writing style that infuses emotion, heart, and a heck of a lot of heat, into every page, making this book stand out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Vintage Shalvis. I think I liked this the most of this series so far. Everything wasn't as smooth going for the heroine, real issues and no insta-family. The hero had issues, too, in theory; but they weren't really that big of a deal. I did appreciate that Shalvis used a different set up for the hero than dead partner (police partners, that is).

Quick, very quick, read. If you loved Lucille in the previous books you will love her here. I appreciate, too, that the men in this arc (as in the previous one) have BFFs, too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pablo dominguez
I believe Jill Shalvis is a great writer. She has a great sense of humor that shines in all her books. At Last is no different. I found myself laughing out load reading way into the late night. At Last, surprisingly (in a good way) had a bit of suspense that kept me on my toes until the end. I found myself falling in love with Friday Harbor. What I loved most after finishing the book when I learned it was a series, is I wasn't jumping in the middle of the series. Each book could easily be read on their own. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a lovely read! Captivating and well developed characters and story.feel as part of the town while reading I was on a mini vacation. To lucky harbor! I can't wait to see more of this delightful community! Drama romance comedy mystery had just enough of everything that I could barely put it down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katie midgley
Amy comes to Lucky Harbor to follow her grandmothers past. She is looking for whatever it was that her Grandma found. What she finds is Matt. They both have pasts they aren't proud of and it takes them a while to open up. They are good together and Amy starts to soften up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
padmaparna ghosh
I am thoroughly enjoying this series! I love when the authors write from the Hero's point of view, and Shalvis does this about 50% of the time. Which is awesome in my book! She matches the character's up well and I just can't wait to continue the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dean bever
At Last was the first Lucky Harbor novel and Jill Shalvis book that I picked up. I'm now caught up on all seven Lucky Harbor books and excited for the next one. It's safe to say that I fell in love with this little town and with Jill's writing.

I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annelise lestrange
Okay jill shalvis is my very favorite author for a reason and this book is no exception to the rule! I loved it and I have to say Matt Bowers is one of my favorite heros. I cant wait for the next story and I hope Jill continues this series....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher kokoski
At Last by Jill Shalvis is another sizzling story in her Lucky Harbor series.

Amy Michaels came to Lucky Harbor for a fresh start. Her job as a waitress keeps her busy and she is looking forward to some down time hiking in the forest. Amy hadn't planned on getting lost. Figures her friends send hunky forest ranger Matt Bowers to the rescue.

Matt Bowers, a former big city cop loves working in the great outdoors. He doesn't have to deal with anyone unless he needs too. Matt has been attracted to Amy Michaels since the first moment he saw her. But Amy is very skittish and Matt will have to use all his charm to get her to see him as a potential love interest.

One late night in the woods Amy gives into her attraction to Matt. The sparks are enough to light up the night sky. Amy has past issues with her family that cloud her judgment but she realizes Matt might be just the person to get her to trust again.

At Last is an absolute delight from page one. Its funny, sexy, emotional and a story you can't get enough of and hate to see it end. Amy and Matt's connection is smoking hot and wickedly funny. You can't go wrong with a Jill Shalvis book. Looking forward to the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jodi egerton
I love Jill's books that explore the great outdoors (my favorite series of hers is the Wilder brothers series who are all outdoor adventure guides). This book features Matt...hottie park ranger...that right there just made the book for me. Add to it that, Amy is an artist who goes out on nature hikes to draw and reflect on her grandmothers journey through these same mountains. Yep, I pretty much loved these two characters and thoroughly loved getting to read about their romantic journey.

To say that I'm a Jill Shalvis fan is putting it mildly...I read and LOVE everything she writes and this book is no different. Told with fun and emotion, all her books are truly fabulous. If you enjoy reading contemporary romance at all, I challenge you to read her books. I promise you, you won't regret it.

I think what makes this particular series a favorite of mine is that all the main characters have circles of friends who build them up and tell them the harsh truth when they need it. Always, these friends are there with their sarcastic humor and tidbits of wisdom that are always funny and entertaining.

For the main couple in this book, they have an interesting dichotomy. Matt was a Chicago cop at the same time that Amy was living and trying to survive on those same streets he was working in Chicago. For both of them, that was a lifetime ago and although they are very different people now, they still carry wounds from that time. Those wounds lead them both to have trust issues, so they agree to keep their relationship as entirely sexual...yeah, you know, that never works, but it does make for some absolute fun reading for us!

Overall, this was another amazing read in the Jill Shalvis library. I received this book as an e-book for review, but immediately went out and bought a print copy too because these are my keeper read over and over and over again.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
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