The Indelible Imprint a Mom Leaves on Her Son's Life
ByDr. Kevin Leman
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lisa garnes
This book is okay, but I'm occasionally bothered by an underlying assumption that all boys are essentially the same. I've been around plenty long enough to watch and ponder how the men around me turned out. Where they found their place / what way of being was comfortable and right for them. There is much greater diversity in maleness than the author accounts for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul kec
Dr. Leman is not only hilarious, but his teaching and illustrations are right on the money. I have two boys 9 & 12. I cannot began to express how much the insights from this book, has helped me with my decision of choosing to be a stay at home mom, just a little longer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alison presslak
Dr. Leman effectively communicates his insights and understanding, with great good humor. Very helpful to the target audience, the mothers and grandmothers of growing little boys who need a dash of femininity.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book for a new mom. Definitely a book I will have to read again with every major stage. I used tabs on chapters to read again for specific topics. Excellent reference that I'll continue to go back to.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
melissa ruelas
This book and author came highly recommended, so I was surprised when I found myself not only disliking the author's writing style, but also disagreeing with some key assertions. One of the foremost that comes to mind is his assertion that it is the parent of the opposite gender that makes the most difference in a child's life. In looking through the book, I could find no data to support this claim, and the author makes no mention of or response to the myriad of studies that talk about the vital role of a man in a boy's life. He seems to go so far as to claim that single moms essentially shouldn't worry, since they are the important parent anyway for their sons. On a preference level, I was looking for something that would give me more insight into boys, and this book really focused on what moms ought to DO, with not much emphasis on what boys are like. Much of the parenting advice seemed pretty common sense, and applicable to both boys and girls.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I returned this book because I fundamentally disagree with the assumption in the first few pages that women just want to have mini me daughters. There are woman out there who are thrilled to have sons and actually may have preferred this. The way he speaks about our sons is over simplistic and doesn't account for the complexities of being male.I was really looking forward to reading this book after reading all the positive reviews but was very disappointed with the content.
Don't waste your time or energy with this book.
Don't waste your time or energy with this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica e
Boys needs their daddies. Studies have soon that when dads are present and active in a boy's life, the son is more apt to succeed, not do drugs, etc. But author Kevin Leman believes moms are just as important in their sons' lives. And, he has written the book What a Difference a Mom Makes: The Indelible Imprint a Mom Leaves on Her Son's Life to prove it.
Leman begins by having the reader envision her son's wedding. If you son is still in diapers, this may seem light years away but Leman encourages all moms to start with the end in mind. What kind of husband do you want your son to be? What characteristics do you desire your son to possess as a employee and father? Then in Leman's own honest, lay-it-all-out-there writing, he explains how I can mold our sons to be the men God wants them to be.
Some points I learned (or relearned) in read:
In our home, I need to create an atmosphere of Acceptance, Belonging, and an attitude that my son is Competent (he has what it takes).
The three things that matter most in my son are his Attitude, Behavior, and Character.
This book is a wonderful collaboration of several of Leman's best-selling books. He picks out the highlights from his other books and adds in new thoughts - all while keeping raising boys as the focus. Below are a few of the main points and the previous books that Leman has written on them.
Discipline - Have a New Kid By Friday, Making Children Mind without Losing Yours
Balancing Activities - It's Your Kid Not a Gerbil
Birth Order, Personality - Birth Order Book, The: Why You Are the Way You Are
Also included are specifics insight and suggestions concerning the various ages and stages boys go through.
To make every mom feel uncomfortable (well at least it did me!), a chapter is devoted to a boy's growing interest in sex. If you have read Leman's Sheet Music book, this subject will be handled as you would expect him to discuss this subject. But, if you are not familiar with his humor and bluntness, this chapter can be a little jarring. It may be good to read this section with your husband to get his input.
This book gave me an inside view into my sons' thoughts, their personalities, and their needs from Mommy. I gleaned practical ideas that I can immediately implement. This is a book that I will keep by my bedside to return to many times in the next several years.
Perfect? No. Practical? Very. Highly suggest.
And for dads, What a Difference a Daddy Makes: The Indelible Imprint a Dad Leaves on His Daughter's Life is also available.
Thank you to Revell for allowing me to review this book.
Leman begins by having the reader envision her son's wedding. If you son is still in diapers, this may seem light years away but Leman encourages all moms to start with the end in mind. What kind of husband do you want your son to be? What characteristics do you desire your son to possess as a employee and father? Then in Leman's own honest, lay-it-all-out-there writing, he explains how I can mold our sons to be the men God wants them to be.
Some points I learned (or relearned) in read:
In our home, I need to create an atmosphere of Acceptance, Belonging, and an attitude that my son is Competent (he has what it takes).
The three things that matter most in my son are his Attitude, Behavior, and Character.
This book is a wonderful collaboration of several of Leman's best-selling books. He picks out the highlights from his other books and adds in new thoughts - all while keeping raising boys as the focus. Below are a few of the main points and the previous books that Leman has written on them.
Discipline - Have a New Kid By Friday, Making Children Mind without Losing Yours
Balancing Activities - It's Your Kid Not a Gerbil
Birth Order, Personality - Birth Order Book, The: Why You Are the Way You Are
Also included are specifics insight and suggestions concerning the various ages and stages boys go through.
To make every mom feel uncomfortable (well at least it did me!), a chapter is devoted to a boy's growing interest in sex. If you have read Leman's Sheet Music book, this subject will be handled as you would expect him to discuss this subject. But, if you are not familiar with his humor and bluntness, this chapter can be a little jarring. It may be good to read this section with your husband to get his input.
This book gave me an inside view into my sons' thoughts, their personalities, and their needs from Mommy. I gleaned practical ideas that I can immediately implement. This is a book that I will keep by my bedside to return to many times in the next several years.
Perfect? No. Practical? Very. Highly suggest.
And for dads, What a Difference a Daddy Makes: The Indelible Imprint a Dad Leaves on His Daughter's Life is also available.
Thank you to Revell for allowing me to review this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anacristina silva
As a single mom who cherishes and honors the male qualities of her young son and wants to help him to become a good man, it often angers me to read books that seem determined to tell women that they are somehow inadequate for the task. (In particular, writers influenced by Michael Gurian and his theories have dominated the discussion for years.)Why is it that only men can "show a boy how to be a man?"
This book suggests another view of the matter. It argues that boys get much of their identity as men from their mothers, or at least from the relationship they have with their mothers. Ideas about how to ACT as men do come from the outside (and not just from the father), but a boy's sense of self-worth, his ability to communicate with women, is directly influenced by the first woman in his life -- his mom --which is why it's so important for moms to take this role seriously and pay attention to how they deal with their boys.
Boys are unique, challenging, and wonderful. It's worth understanding their natures and supporting (not suppressing) them. This book offers some good starting points for establishing a good relationship, but most of all it is encouraging to women like me -- who just want to do the right thing and don't want to feel guilty for being involved in their son's lives.
This book suggests another view of the matter. It argues that boys get much of their identity as men from their mothers, or at least from the relationship they have with their mothers. Ideas about how to ACT as men do come from the outside (and not just from the father), but a boy's sense of self-worth, his ability to communicate with women, is directly influenced by the first woman in his life -- his mom --which is why it's so important for moms to take this role seriously and pay attention to how they deal with their boys.
Boys are unique, challenging, and wonderful. It's worth understanding their natures and supporting (not suppressing) them. This book offers some good starting points for establishing a good relationship, but most of all it is encouraging to women like me -- who just want to do the right thing and don't want to feel guilty for being involved in their son's lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While boys needs dads involved in their lives, they need moms just as much! Dr. Kevin Leman's latest book discusses just that! "What a Difference a Mom Makes," is a book that every mother whom has a son should pick up and read; not just read through once, but keep nearby to go to and spend a few moments in ever so often as a reminder of just how important she is in her son's life.
This book is divided into several chapters each addressing a specific area. A few of the chapters include discussing one's parenting style overall and what has influenced and played into developing that parenting style, discipline techniques, and juggling and balancing all of the demands and responsibilities in a mother's life. Each chapter is further divided into sections with headings, making this book really easy to pick up and read a specific section and also easy to get as much as possible out of the book.
I really enjoyed reading this book! To me it is very practical and thought-provoking. Several points I have thought much about after reading through this and it is a book that I will refer to back many times I am sure. Leman writes in a way that is easy to follow and understand and he is "talking" with me; overall his style of writing is enjoyable and understandable. I highly recommend this book for all mothers whom have a boy of their own!
"Available September 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group."
This book is divided into several chapters each addressing a specific area. A few of the chapters include discussing one's parenting style overall and what has influenced and played into developing that parenting style, discipline techniques, and juggling and balancing all of the demands and responsibilities in a mother's life. Each chapter is further divided into sections with headings, making this book really easy to pick up and read a specific section and also easy to get as much as possible out of the book.
I really enjoyed reading this book! To me it is very practical and thought-provoking. Several points I have thought much about after reading through this and it is a book that I will refer to back many times I am sure. Leman writes in a way that is easy to follow and understand and he is "talking" with me; overall his style of writing is enjoyable and understandable. I highly recommend this book for all mothers whom have a boy of their own!
"Available September 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have recently gone through a book that deals with a specific kind of communication, whose title is "How To Be Your Kids Buddy" by Stephen Williams How To Be Your Kids Buddy: Build The Relationship As Early As Now, that helps parents understanding their children and doing so, improving their relationship.
Well, I have to admit that reading that book has increased my curiosity, even if I don't have kids yet.
I have found another book, "What a Difference a Mom Makes" by Dr. Kevin Leman, about the relationship between a mother and his son.
Once you come to this world for the first time, the first face you see belongs to yout mother, who's the most important person in a child's life.
She feeds her son or daughter, and this is the first kind of interaction that involve them both.
So, Dr. Leman starts from this point, to explain what's the importance of a mother in her son's life: it is really eternal, because she will be there since your birth and she will be there, even when you will decide to start your new path to create a life of your own.
In this book, addressed to mothers or even to the ones who haven't felt this joy yet, the author help women understand the different passages of a son's life, relating to his mother's presence.
Every chapter you read, you will understand the different steps that characterize the mother-son relationship, giving you pieces of advice and practical information about a healthy relationship.
You can use this book as an important source of information, that will help you understand much better your son's fears, emotions and feelings.
Well, I have to admit that reading that book has increased my curiosity, even if I don't have kids yet.
I have found another book, "What a Difference a Mom Makes" by Dr. Kevin Leman, about the relationship between a mother and his son.
Once you come to this world for the first time, the first face you see belongs to yout mother, who's the most important person in a child's life.
She feeds her son or daughter, and this is the first kind of interaction that involve them both.
So, Dr. Leman starts from this point, to explain what's the importance of a mother in her son's life: it is really eternal, because she will be there since your birth and she will be there, even when you will decide to start your new path to create a life of your own.
In this book, addressed to mothers or even to the ones who haven't felt this joy yet, the author help women understand the different passages of a son's life, relating to his mother's presence.
Every chapter you read, you will understand the different steps that characterize the mother-son relationship, giving you pieces of advice and practical information about a healthy relationship.
You can use this book as an important source of information, that will help you understand much better your son's fears, emotions and feelings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sebastian ku
A book about the mother-son relationship. This is one that should be a must read for mothers. I think there would probably be some better Mother-In-Law/Daughter-In-Law relationships if more mother's read this as it puts into proper perspective your role as a mother.
You truly are influential as a mother - there is no doubt. So many moms though never let their son's go, believing that even after leaving home their son's "owe" them something in the way of accounting to them every decision they make and every thing they do. This book addresses the proper role of a mother in a son's life. It is not a how to manual but rather a resource for making the most of the time you have with your son to help him become a Godly man.
I have honestly not delved deep enough into this book to give it a full review of all the great aspects. I am in the process of reading it again as I am the mother of 3 boys (9 year old, 5 year old and a baby) - I also have 2 girls. I have read read many of Dr. Leman's other resources and found this one to be just as solid as the others. It is written in an easy to read format that makes it more conversational and less text book like.
I think too that this book may serve to help women better understand their own husbands. Each of us can look at the type of mother our mother-in-law is and was to our husbands and see just how influential a mother is in forming the son's opinions of women and the way he treats his wife.
This book is a great read - and again should be read by every mother - and maybe some dads as well.
Thanks Revell for this review copy.
Pick up your copy wherever Revell books are sold in your area.
You truly are influential as a mother - there is no doubt. So many moms though never let their son's go, believing that even after leaving home their son's "owe" them something in the way of accounting to them every decision they make and every thing they do. This book addresses the proper role of a mother in a son's life. It is not a how to manual but rather a resource for making the most of the time you have with your son to help him become a Godly man.
I have honestly not delved deep enough into this book to give it a full review of all the great aspects. I am in the process of reading it again as I am the mother of 3 boys (9 year old, 5 year old and a baby) - I also have 2 girls. I have read read many of Dr. Leman's other resources and found this one to be just as solid as the others. It is written in an easy to read format that makes it more conversational and less text book like.
I think too that this book may serve to help women better understand their own husbands. Each of us can look at the type of mother our mother-in-law is and was to our husbands and see just how influential a mother is in forming the son's opinions of women and the way he treats his wife.
This book is a great read - and again should be read by every mother - and maybe some dads as well.
Thanks Revell for this review copy.
Pick up your copy wherever Revell books are sold in your area.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susanlsimon simon
If you have never read anything by Kevin Leman, you are missing out! Not only does he give great advice, he is incredibly funny and makes reading his books a joy. I have had the pleasure of seeing him live and he talks just like he writes, he is real and not afraid to share his own mistakes and you can hear his heart and passion for families.
Wow. What a great book. Very impacting and maybe stuff I already know (to a point), but have ignored (because it is easier) or needed encouragement to implement. I really enjoyed how the chapters were broken down and covered everything from birth order, sex and even how I as a mom allow myself to be treated. There is a lot of material covered in this book and honestly, it will be read again as I try to digest it all. I really wish I would have had it earlier - since my son is 12 years old. Thank you Dr. Leman!
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes. The opinions expressed are all mine and I was not required to give a positive review.
Wow. What a great book. Very impacting and maybe stuff I already know (to a point), but have ignored (because it is easier) or needed encouragement to implement. I really enjoyed how the chapters were broken down and covered everything from birth order, sex and even how I as a mom allow myself to be treated. There is a lot of material covered in this book and honestly, it will be read again as I try to digest it all. I really wish I would have had it earlier - since my son is 12 years old. Thank you Dr. Leman!
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes. The opinions expressed are all mine and I was not required to give a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a difference a mom makes - The Indelible Imprint a mom leaves on her son's life is a must read! This book is written by a Ph. D. who gives advice, information, and practical understanding for a mom into the life and workings of her son. I especially liked this book because I had three girls before I had my boy. Even though my son is very small, I can already tell that his physiology is different and that he will not be like his sisters. This book was funny to me because I do think boys are dirtier, louder, and this book explains the reasons why. I especially thought that the chapter that was titled, "Guess what his favorite body part is?" was very entertaining and enlightening coming from a mom that has very girly girls. If you need to learn about raising a boy the right way, or you are in the middle of the journey and need so practical and good advice, this is the book for you! You will not be sorry that you bought it! The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 :"Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reading the book What a Difference a Mom Makes gave me inspiration, instruction, and insight on raising the teenage son I have, as well as the baby boy on the way. Some of what was being said rang true as I looked at how my son interacts with me and others. I see a few ways I've erred, but the book doesn't give me much guilt; it just gives me a new way to look at our mother-son relationship and shows me what I can do as his mother now.
For example, teaching my son about girls is something I definitely haven't done, but will be doing. I also didn't realize the importance and affect a mother's compliment can have on his son. I will be on the lookout for more ways to compliment him.
I'd love to see a book like this about the mother-daughter relationship. I have one of those, too!
"Available September 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group." Thanks to Revell for sending me a copy in exchange for my honest review.
For example, teaching my son about girls is something I definitely haven't done, but will be doing. I also didn't realize the importance and affect a mother's compliment can have on his son. I will be on the lookout for more ways to compliment him.
I'd love to see a book like this about the mother-daughter relationship. I have one of those, too!
"Available September 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group." Thanks to Revell for sending me a copy in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie holmgren
Another great book by Keven Leman! I have learned something valuable from every book I've read, that has been written by Dr Leman. This book was no different, and I think every mom who is raising a son, should have this book.
Different ages and stages are covered, and especially insightful for me, was the sections dealing with teenage boys. Dr Leman is a straight shooter, and doesn't shy away from the topics of sex and "boy" hormones. I also liked that he explains WHY boys are so noisy, so gruff and completely annoying at times. He also stresses the importance of allowing boys to be boys, and not trying to change their behaviors or over "feminize" them. Dr Leman explains how a son's relationship with his mother impacts his future relationships, including marriage. I definitely took notice of the points in this book and hope I can apply them with my son.
I laughed several times reading this, and highly recommend it.
Different ages and stages are covered, and especially insightful for me, was the sections dealing with teenage boys. Dr Leman is a straight shooter, and doesn't shy away from the topics of sex and "boy" hormones. I also liked that he explains WHY boys are so noisy, so gruff and completely annoying at times. He also stresses the importance of allowing boys to be boys, and not trying to change their behaviors or over "feminize" them. Dr Leman explains how a son's relationship with his mother impacts his future relationships, including marriage. I definitely took notice of the points in this book and hope I can apply them with my son.
I laughed several times reading this, and highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kevin Leman remains one of my favorite marriage and parenting authors. He is funny with a great voice and insight into the male/female dynamics. When my son was born 5 years ago it was a cornerstone in my life. Parenting a boy is different for sure and more fun than I ever expected. Leman here shares from the heart about mother son relationships. Although not all chapters will be relevant to each reader's situation I enjoyed the stories and insights so much I read it cover to cover in a few days. Highly recommended for any mom or dad who wants to grow in their relationship with their son the practical tips and funny stories are sure to win bestselling Leman even more fans.
**Thanks to Baker Publishing and Netgalley for a review copy.**
**Thanks to Baker Publishing and Netgalley for a review copy.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly darby
I have three boys (and a girl) - all different from each other. There are days I wonder how to deal with them. Other ones I love them to pieces. I homeschool my boys (and their sister) and I have learned quite a bit about raising them through the years. But I also know I can learn more about raising boys and siblings (being from a family of one child). So when the opportunity came for me to review a title from none other than Dr. Kevin Leman, I jumped on it because I knew that I will come out a better mom through reading this book.
I am learning so much in this book - learning the importance I have in my sons' life, how I can have an impact on him, discovering my parenting style and how I can be a better parent, handling siblings rivalry (Ah! an eye opened for me) and much more. I also learned how I can prepare my sons to their first date by building self-confidence in them and letting them take mom out on a date to practice (what an ingenious idea!). Though my oldest looked at my bizarre when I mentioned this I think that deep down he is glad that I am willing to take the time to build his confidence and prepare him for his first real date with a girl.
I want to raise boys who will be independent, respect women and be able to pull their weight in the household duties when they are married. And having a book like the one that Dr. Leman has wrote is a blessing for me as it will provide guidance on how to raise my boys and how to be the best mom for them. I suspect that I will go back to this book regularly as the years go by so that I can refine my skills at being a mom for my boys.
If you have boys in your life, I would strongly recommend that you consider the book What a Difference a Mom Makes to discover how to become the best mom for them.
I am learning so much in this book - learning the importance I have in my sons' life, how I can have an impact on him, discovering my parenting style and how I can be a better parent, handling siblings rivalry (Ah! an eye opened for me) and much more. I also learned how I can prepare my sons to their first date by building self-confidence in them and letting them take mom out on a date to practice (what an ingenious idea!). Though my oldest looked at my bizarre when I mentioned this I think that deep down he is glad that I am willing to take the time to build his confidence and prepare him for his first real date with a girl.
I want to raise boys who will be independent, respect women and be able to pull their weight in the household duties when they are married. And having a book like the one that Dr. Leman has wrote is a blessing for me as it will provide guidance on how to raise my boys and how to be the best mom for them. I suspect that I will go back to this book regularly as the years go by so that I can refine my skills at being a mom for my boys.
If you have boys in your life, I would strongly recommend that you consider the book What a Difference a Mom Makes to discover how to become the best mom for them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has completely changed my life! Dr. Leman never ceases to amaze me with his insight and precise life instructions. The book was a very easy read...Dr. Leman doesn't use confusing sentences or words. The book is written as if he is standing in your kitchen chatting with you. I love it! The book made me really evaluate myself as a parent and make changes in my relationship with my son. (We don't have a bad relationship now, but I can do things a lot better to better my son and his life). My son is only 3 years old but I can see how many of the concepts Dr. Leman speaks about could make or break a growing boy. I loved the part where he asks us to think of where we want to see our child be in 5, 10, 15 and 20 years. I thought about it but never really thought about it and put it on paper. The one thing that stood out to me was that "I am the number one woman in his life." Thank you Dr. Leman for writing this book. I am forever grateful! I highly recommend this book! (I have recommended this book to my MOPS group at church).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
signe madsen
This book provides me reassurance especially as a single mom. Certain parts brought tears to my eyes knowing I do make a difference in his life. It provided me insight to future stages and consider my current reaction to what my response should be.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
incredibly stereotypical. i looked up the copyright date because i was certain this book had to come from the 50's. so many contradictions...about what behavior the author does not approve of - yet glorifies 10 pages later when reminiscing of himself as kid ... "punching his cousin in the stomach when she came to the door and how his mom thought it was adorable(?!) " i passed it to my husband for his perspective - he was in total agreement. The book jumps all over the place and seems to be written only so the author can pump up his own ego.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
There are plenty of good books out there for fathers and how to be better dads to your sons. This is a nice addition for mothers of boys.
Dr. Leman is known for his "Have a New Kid/Husband/You by Friday" books. So it is good to see the kind of impact mothers have on their sons.
Within twelve chapters, Dr. Leman tackles issues of why boys need a good dose of femininity (without wearing skirts), planning for his wedding while he's a toddler (raising a boy who will be a great father & husband), determining what kind of mother you are and what your parenting style is, learning about discipline that works, helping him treat women correctly.
All of these chapters have value to them. My biggest issue came during the "sex" chapter. I'm a little uncomfortable with mom talking to sons about how boys make girls feel or referring to certain body parts as "Mr. Happy". Seriously? I understand that Dr. Leman is also a humorist but really, I would have freaked out if my mom talked to me that way.
There's no question that mothers play an incredible role in the upbringing of children, especially boys. No one questions that reality.
This book is great on helping moms deal with sibling rivalry, understanding sons during their teenage years and how to continue to be an influence in their lives well after they've left the house.
This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Revell Publishing.
Dr. Leman is known for his "Have a New Kid/Husband/You by Friday" books. So it is good to see the kind of impact mothers have on their sons.
Within twelve chapters, Dr. Leman tackles issues of why boys need a good dose of femininity (without wearing skirts), planning for his wedding while he's a toddler (raising a boy who will be a great father & husband), determining what kind of mother you are and what your parenting style is, learning about discipline that works, helping him treat women correctly.
All of these chapters have value to them. My biggest issue came during the "sex" chapter. I'm a little uncomfortable with mom talking to sons about how boys make girls feel or referring to certain body parts as "Mr. Happy". Seriously? I understand that Dr. Leman is also a humorist but really, I would have freaked out if my mom talked to me that way.
There's no question that mothers play an incredible role in the upbringing of children, especially boys. No one questions that reality.
This book is great on helping moms deal with sibling rivalry, understanding sons during their teenage years and how to continue to be an influence in their lives well after they've left the house.
This book was provided for review, at no cost, by Revell Publishing.
Please RateThe Indelible Imprint a Mom Leaves on Her Son's Life