
A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill
A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill

Review:In the Introduction, the author says this is not a Buddhist boo. However, the book is totally from a Buddhist perspective and quotes the Dalai Lamma and other Buddhist teachers extensively. The author himself is a Buddhist monk so I don't know why he tried to market this as a secular work.

Regardless, I found this book to be very helpful and reinforced much of what I have read in the field of cognitive therapy. Read more

The True Story of the 26-Year-Old Woman Behind the Most Exclusive
The True Story of the 26-Year-Old Woman Behind the Most Exclusive

Review:really interesting book. If you play poker outside the confines of a casino, you really get where she's coming from. It's an interesting world and its a good read - it will be fun to see how the movie plays out Read more

Practical Guide for Improving Communication - Men Are from Mars
Practical Guide for Improving Communication - Men Are from Mars

Review:This is the best book there is on understanding men and women, imho. In a very simple way the author shows just how different men and women think, percieve infomration coming from the opposite sex, explain why and what would be a better approach. Plain and simple, soooooo to the root cause and point!
He gives a situation, for example, something being said, then shows how the man hears it and how the woman hears it. When i'd read the man's side I'd be thinking hmm this is weird, but then I'd r... Read more

The Keys to Catch a Great Guy (Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book 7)
The Keys to Catch a Great Guy (Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book 7)

Review:I like to thank Mr. Gregg Michaelsen for such awesome book, I really enjoy reading it. Not only it is very entertaining and easy to read but it is
so enlightening. Oh gosh... while reading it I could stop thinking "that is so true".. ... I felt very grateful to have Mr. Michaelsen email me.
Thank you keep up your wonderful work. Read more

A Woman's Survival Guide to Mastering A Breakup and Taking Back Her Power
A Woman's Survival Guide to Mastering A Breakup and Taking Back Her Power

Review:Everything stated in this book is good advice and combines all the little snippets I heard from various concerned friends and family. So if you are really tired and lost and just don't feel like hearing people talk, I suggest reading this book in one afternoon.

It served as a reinforcement of all the things various people have already told me, and they all make sense just that sometimes when your mother tells you things, even though you know deep down that they are true, you just feel lik... Read more

Who Survives When Disaster Strikes - The Unthinkable
Who Survives When Disaster Strikes - The Unthinkable

Review:"The Unthinkable" logically deconstructs disasters and examines who survives and who doesn't. It provides a fantastic framework for examining risks in your life, and thinking about how best to surive these risks. It is not a doomsday book about stockpiling food in your basement bunker, but instead deals with a way to think about these situations beforehand, so that you will be better mentally prepared.

The book is well-written, and I had trouble putting it down. My wife is currently re... Read more

Learn Anything and Everything (Starting With Shakespeare and Dickens) (Faking Smart Book 1)
Learn Anything and Everything (Starting With Shakespeare and Dickens) (Faking Smart Book 1)

Review:If you've been reading memory palace techniques but stop short of trying it out, this is the book to get you started.

It got me building my own palace and I'm using it right now. With all skills, it takes practice and it does feel clumsy at first to map things into the palace. I'm still getting the hang of it.

A couple of possible Improvements will make it 5 stars for me
1) Some of the examples are too americanized and hard to imagine. Localizing it or using more global/famous e... Read more

Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

Review:The book is indeed BRIEF and I was mildly shocked when it arrived. My last physics book was easily 20 times heavier. The author no doubt knows his subject matter and has a gift for language and simplification. He even waxes poetic at times. Perhaps it's no accident he is Italian. I frankly cannot imagine an English or German physicist being so lyrical - nor brief.

The lessons as such are really not "lessons" in the sense of what you get at graduate school or even college. The reason for t... Read more

The Art and Science of Building Buy-In - Conscious Coaching
The Art and Science of Building Buy-In - Conscious Coaching

Review:Great book, This book really show`s Brett`s passion for the S&C community. One of the most motivating and eye-opening books I`ve read. I am currently a student studying S&C and can definitely see how this book will improve my abilities as a future coach and motivator. Thanks Brett!. Read more

How I Learned The Truth About The Democrat Party - The BIG Black Lie
How I Learned The Truth About The Democrat Party - The BIG Black Lie

Review:I received the book in the mail this afternoon. Starting reading it and didn't put it down until I was finished. It should be mandatory reading for all high school students! His story shows us that we are so much alike, no matter the color of our skin. It's the content of our character! A must read... Read more

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