

Review:good read for anyone who likes the odd stuff in the world i like weird things and this is good read about this things i read a book that had this in it and decieced to but one myself to read more i like it Read more

40th Anniversary edition (Oxford Landmark Science)
40th Anniversary edition (Oxford Landmark Science)

Review:The starting is very interesting. But after a few chapters, the book becomes too complicated and it looks like a maze of things explained in too much detail that only a Scientist might find interesting. Gave up after reading a few chapters. I think this should be edited by someone because the facts are really innovative and contribute to the understanding of "life." Read more

The Strangest Secret
The Strangest Secret

Review:This Classic work on success is timeless. Though one can tell that it is from the 1950's the message is still and will remain accurate and rewarding. Take the 30 day test and your life will change for the better. Read more

My Secret Garden
My Secret Garden

Review:For years, I used erotica books as surrogate fantasy material, believing that I was incapable of fantasizing during sex, that I had no fantasies of my own and had to use other people's. Reading "My Secret Garden" changed my perception of myself drastically. Those horrid, disturbing thoughts that floated into my brain, that I would shove down quickly as "sick," were indeed fantasies. The brave women who contributed their fantasies and feelings showed me that even if what I was drawn to was "si... Read more

The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Harper Perennial Modern Classics)
The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Harper Perennial Modern Classics)

Review:"Flow" is a book about improving both performance and satisfaction in most pursuits.

If awareness is required for improvement, than the analysis presented in "Flow" is helpful in both regards.

The book provides a general description of the pleasant sensation described as "Flow."

Based on people's descriptions of positive experiences, the author identifies the shared characteristics of the experiences that correspond to the respective experiences being characterized as positi... Read more

and Prevent Dead-End Relationships - 38 Dating Secrets to Get the Guy
and Prevent Dead-End Relationships - 38 Dating Secrets to Get the Guy

Review:I rated it 5 stars because the real message turned out to be what all of us needs to learn: accept and love who you are, and the rest will fall into place. Loving who you are will allow others to see your worth. Read more

The Worst President in History - The Legacy of Barack Obama
The Worst President in History - The Legacy of Barack Obama

Review:Only 200? I can think of at least 100 more, not including all the broken, outlandish promises ("lowering the seas"), and simplistic throw-ins to non-existent assertions ("The Alaska Natives" called it Denali, which is a foolish lie). Every example of Obama's arrogant over-reach is carefully exposed. The damage to the prestige and credibility of the Presidency is forever damaged. Read more

Reflections on the Art of Living (The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell)
Reflections on the Art of Living (The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell)

Review:This is a condensed Campbell reader with insight for everyone in a philosophical mood. I think he's a go to guy for connecting dots between cultures and with some insights on life, stay on the rails and seek one's bliss. Read more

The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell - Myths to Live By
The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell - Myths to Live By

Review:I'd love to say this book is a good one but I can't because the illustrations overwrite the text. Whoever formatted this for ebook didn't bother to read their own work. I'll muddle through. Publishers like this are either lazy, uninformed or greedy. Read more

One Reality Television Addict's Attempt to Discover If Not Being A Dumb Ass Is t he New Black; Or
One Reality Television Addict's Attempt to Discover If Not Being A Dumb Ass Is t he New Black; Or

Review:A lot has changed for Jen Lancaster since she first started writing, and in "My Fair Lazy" she realizes that not all of it is for the better. In a world overrun with reality television, is it really acceptable to just be less stupid than those people on TV? Not so much. In her new memoir, Jen shares her antics and adventures while working to become more cultured and escaping the comfort zone into which she has fallen. It's not always sunshine and roses, but it's always witty, insightful, and... Read more

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