Review:This had some good writing. I didn't like the main character comparing herself to Moses parting the Red Sea. Moses didn't part the Red Sea, God did. And I didn't like the unnecessary and subtle anti-Christian theme. Other than that the story line was not that bad. The heroine was not a whiner which I appreciated. Read more
Review:Fkvkte fkteuw vogtur for it vkgtr ofjr.fofjrbtgg.cjgjd8cjewihr3hte. Djriwur ffiwjrj. Jdriruenfrirhgix.cmfjgusisgvjrk. r dmfkyiwspgmyni
Dkgjhhd fkgr fmgnr fkewq04 w0r5nfjs. Mwuge9nfsd0q. Nejtis. Mfiwog! Read more
Review:This is one of the best audio book reads of all time. I have listened to many audio books and been bored. This is the first audio book that I have ever listened to that has made me want to buy the Audio book first over the Paperback. Read more
Review:This is the second series that I've read by Pippa DaCosta and I was not disappointed in the least. As with other reviews, I won't go into the plot of the book as you can find that elsewhere.
One of the things that Pippa DaCosta does magnificently is develop her characters and ensure that the choices they make are realistic and not forced. I can't tell you how much I hate a book where in order to further the plot, an author forces a choice (or lack thereof) that is completely out of charac... Read more
Review:Five-year-old Madison wonders off while her family is looking for a Christmas tree in rural Oregon. The bulk of the novel occurs three years later when Naomi, a private investigator known as The Child Finder joins the (stale) search. For Naomi, every lost child is a personal mission. She has only snippets of memories from when she fled from...someplace...and ran to a group of strangers and eventually found herself in the care of an incredibly loving foster mother who also cares for a young boy w... Read more
Review:I love JE Rain's Samantha Moon series so thought I would read something else he wrote. I could not put it down. He writes so well and draws you into the characters so that you feel like you know them, and fall in love with them a little. Please read this fantastic won't regret it. Read more
Review:A great start that falls apart in believability as the story progresses. I started off liking Nix and ended up not caring for her. The truth about her marriage is just ridiculous and the action becomes repetitive without furthering the storyline. It was kind of a downer to read and I have lost interest in this series. Read more
Review:A great book to pass your free time and be prepared to get goosebumps and tingles all over when reading (especially at night)! Stephen King's books are a true work of genius and this latest one rocks! Be sure never to pull over when a cop car has its sirens on when you are driving in the middle of the Nevada desert...the copy might just be Entragian,the psycho and main character of this novel! Read more
Review:A fine examination of the nature of evil, and why it seems to congregate in certain places and in certain people. A sequel to the novel "The Talisman," this is a piece that relates to King's Dark Tower series, the Jupiter of his novels, connecting them - and corrupting them. Jack Sawyer is older, wiser, and his memories of the Teritories are coming back at the same time that a serial killer terrorizes western Wisconsin. This is a brilliant collaboration, weighted and uplifted by the two decad... Read more
Review:This horror novel is set on Kill Creek in rural Kansas (there is actually a town in Kansas called Kill Creek with a population of 35). The novel centers around a house on Kill Creek that was built in 1859 and has generations of mysterious deaths and tales of hauntings. The house remains vacant for decades until an internet mogul gets the country's 4 most famous horror authors together at Kill Creek for a live "interview". The house seems to wake up as the visitors question whether they are alone... Read more