
Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed (Classic Books With Holes)
Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed (Classic Books With Holes)

Review:I made a quilt for my new precious granddaughter and quilted the words, "One little monkey jumping on the bed, twice around the border so just HAD to have the book, one of my childhood favorites and my children's, to go with the quilt! She will love it when she starts enjoying stories!! Read more

After We Break: a love story
After We Break: a love story

Review:Absolutely loved the passion in this book! I don't write many reviews but I read a lot of books. This book earned it"s review! I loved the writing style. I realized I have read many of the brother series but did not realize when reading this book it was the same author. TRULY a fan! Read more

Die Leiden des jungen Werther - The Sorrows of Young Werther
Die Leiden des jungen Werther - The Sorrows of Young Werther

Review:my awesome freind recommended me this book and i fell in love!! really!
it's really flowery and nice and it will get you crying (it got me to cry hahaha)
just try it! it's short and gets to the point! this is a great book!
i loved reading it......and i dont like to read -__-" but it was great!!! so get it and read it!! ** Read more

New and Selected Poems
New and Selected Poems

Review:This collection contains a wide variety of Mary Oliver's poems--nature, prose poems, etc. It is has something for every mood and is a good collection for Mary Oliver fans as well as those new to her poetry. Read more

Felicity: Poems
Felicity: Poems

Review:See complete, original review here: herewearegoing.wordpress.com/2016/03/06/reading-ten-februaryish-reads

I am only just beginning to read poetry on a regular basis after many years of not having done so. In the long ago it was Erica Jong and Sylvia Plath and Allen Ginsberg and Frank O’Hara and Dorothy Parker and Edna St. Vincent Millay and Patti Smith and Rimbaud. The theme of this slim volume is love, of the romantic and nature varieties. I am not much a believer in romantic love – its ... Read more

Dog Songs: Poems
Dog Songs: Poems

Review:This set of poems and short essays is delightful. They capture the spirit and beauty of dogs. Oliver writes the poems from both the dog's perspective and from the person's perspective. The poems allow you to feel what the dog is feeling and feel the love and wonder of the human. Read more

Why I Wake Early: New Poems
Why I Wake Early: New Poems

Review:Well - darn it! You are always asking me for feedback and I thought that was what you wanted again - I love Mary Oliver's poetry and am accumulating all that I can. This has a few of my favorite poems in it. Read more

New and Selected Poems, Vol. 2
New and Selected Poems, Vol. 2

Review:This collection contains a wide variety of Mary Oliver's poems--nature, prose poems, etc. It is has something for every mood and is a good collection for Mary Oliver fans as well as those new to her poetry. Read more

New and Selected Poems, Volume One
New and Selected Poems, Volume One

Review:This collection contains a wide variety of Mary Oliver's poems--nature, prose poems, etc. It is has something for every mood and is a good collection for Mary Oliver fans as well as those new to her poetry. Read more

Images You Should Not Masturbate To
Images You Should Not Masturbate To

Review:Again, because of my twisted sense of humor, I enjoy keeping this book out on my coffee table! It is interesting though, how many people won't look at it as if it's a dirty book, you need to convince some despite the title... Read more

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