Business Culture

366 Meditations on Wisdom - and the Art of Living
366 Meditations on Wisdom - and the Art of Living

Review:I enjoy reading my daily passage to get my thoughts aligned for the day. Helpful to digest in small paragraphs and stories. Recently purchased my coin and will read while holding it to create a memory. Read more

The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life
The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life

Review:I bought a copy of this book on a friends recommendation. I don't have alot of time to read but vacation was approaching so I thought this would be a good thing to have. I picked it up when it arrived a week prior to vacation to "just get a little bit started". I read it in 2 days!!! Couldn't put it down. I have since bought several copies and given them out. Great book!!! Great guy!!!! Read more

Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love
Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love

Review:"Passion" is mentioned liberally in entrepreneurial books and communities, but the reality is there are very few people in this world that have found their passion. It is a life long endeavor, a constantly moving target, yet many entrepreneurs blindly follow their "passions". In fact, this behavior is praised in the startup world. The fact is that finding ones passion requires a lot of hard work, building up skills, becoming a domain expert, and frequent reflection. Boldness needs to be bala... Read more

Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't - Leaders Eat Last
Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't - Leaders Eat Last

Review:Leadership is clearly a contact sport and a process of purposeful choice. People have essential needs and requirements and Sinek has a wonderful way of reminding us of that.
Dr. George L Dempsey, PhD, CEO

Why Helping Others Drives Our Success - Give and Take
Why Helping Others Drives Our Success - Give and Take

Review:This book contains so much more insight and information than I expected when I ordered it. Not only are there tips and techniques for sales people but there are unique perspectives that would interest teachers and anyone in management. I love it when I get more than I expected! Read more

Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity - Radical Candor
Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity - Radical Candor

Review:There isn't anything new in this book, it's a repackaging of ideas developed by better authors. She rips off more then half of the material and relabeled it as her ideas never crediting the original author.The story telling is weak, mostly self aggrandizement of the authors education, world travels, and positions held in prominent companies. It's a parade of self appointed awesomeness. Do yourself, and your credibility a favor by passing up on this hack. Read more

New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World - Team of Teams
New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World - Team of Teams

Review:Excellent writing style. The many ways of tying things together from headquarters to the team on the battlefield is unique. The methodologies are forward looking as well. After all the mistakes we have heard made, it feels good to actually know that many things went well many times. The leadership principles are really nothing new. As much time as the General talks about these principles, they area really Platoon Leaders Course 101. That is what knocks it down from 5 stars to 4 for me. Read more

How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work

Review:I bought this book for my son who had recently had a major event in his life that impacted not only him, but his whole family including myself. I read the first two chapters before giving it to him. That was enough information to get me hooked on the book and the author's four steps for positive decision making. Also,the information about how we make decisions will either be self defeating or create success in all areas of our lives. I made a copy of his four steps and try to read them daily.... Read more

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace - Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People
The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace - Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People

Review:This is a good book that illustrates how the 5 Love Languages concept can be applied in a professional work environment. Motivating employees and team members requires work and effort, and even a small amount of appreciation expressed in the right way (i.e. the employee's primary appreciation language) can pay off in spades. The book explains the different appreciation languages and gives tips and examples of how to manage people using those concepts. Read more

the Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity
the Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity

Review:I loved this book!!!! I was born a Rhino, I just didn't really know it.I'm different from the rest.And Scott has helped me learn more about me.I agree not bad for 24 yr old.WOW.I now run around the jungle seeking out other Rhinos to surround myself with.Great Book!!! Read more

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