Women's Fiction

Another Shot At Love (A What's Love??? novel Book 1)
Another Shot At Love (A What's Love??? novel Book 1)

Review:Did not purchase this book except for the Kindle edition. I was under the mistaken impression that I was reviewing Ice Man Cometh which I bought twice, Kindle and which are keepers for sure, so the headline is very appropriate for ICE Man Cometh only. Sorry about the mix-up. my fault entirely. . Read more

The Player and the Pixie (Rugby Book 2)
The Player and the Pixie (Rugby Book 2)

Review:As of course we all thought Sean had no redeeming qualities.... now I just worry about his cousin and her circumstances. Not sure where they'll go with the next one.
But this one...another fun summer Reid. See what I did there :)? Still working in the Cosway pun..... Read more

Happily Ever Ninja (Knitting in the City Book 5)
Happily Ever Ninja (Knitting in the City Book 5)

Review:Anyone who is married for more than five years will totally get the dynamics of the struggle of making a marriage work, but Penny Reid is the first author I've read that was able bring to life a story about real marriage and still make it into an enjoyable romance novel. Highly recommend!! Read more

The Cad and the Co-Ed (Rugby Book 3)
The Cad and the Co-Ed (Rugby Book 3)

Review:I’m so glad I️ found this author. Well rounded characters, intelligent dialogue, just the right amount of romance, and creative happy endings abound in Penny Reid’s books. I️ can’t wait for the next one! Read more

Grin and Beard It (Winston Brothers Book 2)
Grin and Beard It (Winston Brothers Book 2)

Review:Oh, the feels! I love Penny Reid, and this story is perfection. Penny strings together individual situations that could actually happen into a fantastic story of love and redemption and acceptance. Each character is distinct, with their own quirks and flaws. There is no stereotypical hero and heroine, and the supporting characters (at least the on-going ones) are unique in their motivations and personalities.

This story, while part of a series, has no true cliffhangers and is HEA. I ... Read more

Dating-ish (Knitting in the City Book 6)
Dating-ish (Knitting in the City Book 6)

Review:Full disclosure--I adore Penny and pretty much everything she writes. I am always thinking that maybe I won't like one of her books as much as the last one, but it's never the case. Every damn time she surprises, delights and makes me think.
I was worried about Marie's book because I felt the least kinship with her, but boy oh boy was she a fabulous character. Such a smart, driven, and flawed woman. I love Marie.
I also love Dan, phew, who wouldn't?
I hope you pick up the whole series i... Read more

Beard in Mind (Winston Brothers Book 4)
Beard in Mind (Winston Brothers Book 4)

Review:This book was over too soon! I absolutely love the Winston brothers series. Actually, I love all of the books written by Penny Reid! I love that her characters are funny, quirky and flawed, with real life problems and issues. Cannot wait for the next in the series! Read more

An Elm Creek Quilts Novel (The Elm Creek Quilts) - The Runaway Quilt
An Elm Creek Quilts Novel (The Elm Creek Quilts) - The Runaway Quilt

Review:My stepmother got me started on this author, and now I can't stop reading her books.. I feel transported to the era, and feel like I am living it w/her.. Will read more of her books !! Keep 'em coming!!! Read more

The Dressmaker's Dowry: A Novel
The Dressmaker's Dowry: A Novel

Review:Meredith Jaeger uses an interesting and intricate technique as she tells the tale of The Dressmaker’s Dowry. Sarah is writing a thesis and decides to do a narrative non-fiction piece on two young immigrant dressmakers that vanished in 1876. Hanna and Margaret lived in the Barbary Coast area of San Francisco and Sarah’s research takes her down many dark paths as she strives to understand what life was like during the Victorian age. This book goes back and forth from Sarah’s current life to that... Read more

The Proposal (A Perfect Match Series Book 1)
The Proposal (A Perfect Match Series Book 1)

Review:The proposal is an interesting novel about two people from separate worlds who meet n develop a relationship though it seems the woman is financially well off compared to her love interest. A journey of discovery, love and learning to stand up for herself. Enjoy. Read more

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