
Fourth Edition - The Essays of Warren Buffett - Lessons for Corporate America
Fourth Edition - The Essays of Warren Buffett - Lessons for Corporate America

Review:I wrote the original review of this book many years ago and with the release of the new edition I wanted to add a few comments. Over the years the book since the book was published I always keep a copy of it close by as it has served as THE quick reference source for me whenever I want to review a topic that Warren has covered in his letter to shareholders. For instance dividends at Berkshire has been a big topic of conversation over the last couple of years and when I wanted to review what he... Read more

The Supremacy of God in Missions - Let the Nations Be Glad!
The Supremacy of God in Missions - Let the Nations Be Glad!

Review:Piper is a very interesting writer and if you are a Reformed Baptist, I'm sure you have enjoyed his writings. More broadly speaking, I'm sure that if you have been even remotely involved in church ministry, you have either heard of him in some capacity, read his books, or both. This book, dealing with missions, was an interesting read for me. I was required to complete a critical analysis paper on the missiological and theological implications in this book, set forth for the fulfillment of Chris... Read more

Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World
Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World

Review:World War I ended with an inconclusive result. Basically the Germans lost because they were exhausted. France was in ruins. Germany was never invaded.
The "Big Four" sat around the conference table to divvy up Europe and the Near East and we have lived with the results ever since.
This book details the events that took place in Paris in 1919. Woodrow Wilson, who was already ill, was obsessed with his 14 points. However, those points did not always fit what the big powers saw as their ... Read more

The Hard Hat: 21 Ways to Be a Great Teammate
The Hard Hat: 21 Ways to Be a Great Teammate

Review:As a former NCAA division 1 tennis coach, I particularly appreciate the George Boiardi story. Here is a guy who set the example each day for selflessness, work ethic, and serving others. Readers beware that after learning about George and the life he led, it will be high time to put the excuses away forever.

A great book with actionable items for becoming a better teammate and creating a high performance culture. Read more

New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking (Edge Question Series)
New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking (Edge Question Series)

Review:Mostly written by people who ignore science and math. Mostly written by people who can write for hours without citing one quantity or measurement. Social sciences gave us Karl Marx. All b.s.

But I did appreciate the articles having a non-social science basis using double blind studies and design experiments. Read more

An Introduction to Thinking like a Sociologist (Fifth Edition)
An Introduction to Thinking like a Sociologist (Fifth Edition)

Review:Used this textbook for an introductory Sociology class. The author did a wonderful job explaining complex concepts and using relevant and up to date examples. I read the entire book, and had no desire to skip any chapters! Read more

An Introduction to Thinking Like a Sociologist (Fourth Edition)
An Introduction to Thinking Like a Sociologist (Fourth Edition)

Review:Used this textbook for an introductory Sociology class. The author did a wonderful job explaining complex concepts and using relevant and up to date examples. I read the entire book, and had no desire to skip any chapters! Read more

An Introduction to Thinking Like a Sociologist (Second Edition)
An Introduction to Thinking Like a Sociologist (Second Edition)

Review:Used this textbook for an introductory Sociology class. The author did a wonderful job explaining complex concepts and using relevant and up to date examples. I read the entire book, and had no desire to skip any chapters! Read more

What You Need to Know about Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking
What You Need to Know about Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking

Review:As stated in the book (209) chapter 8: "The previous chapter introduced basic issues of model evaluation and explored the question of what makes for a good model. We developed detailed calculations based on the expected value framework. That chapter was much more mathematical than previous ones, and if this is your first introduction to that material you may have felt overwhelmed by the equations. ......"

Even thought this not my first time with this material I found this book unclear. Al... Read more

Moll Flanders (Vintage Classics)
Moll Flanders (Vintage Classics)

Review:What happened with all the other children and what kind of mother just does not care? She raises her self up so high with this one child and calls herself a caring mother when in fact she is far from that. She is a selfish heartless character and lacks common sense to see that. Don't get me wrong I like the story just she made me so angry with the me me me instead of the US US US. Read more

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