Children's Health

and the Search for a Cure - Risky Medicine
and the Search for a Cure - Risky Medicine

Review:Dr Andrew Wakefield, who is the center of this controversy (and is not the author of this book)was recently struck from the UKs Medical Register in May 2010. His research provided most of the so called evidence for vaccines as a cause for autism Why was his research retracted and he punished by the British medical system?: Performing research without IRB approval, performing unnecessary procedures, and four counts of dishonesty and 12 involving the abuse of developmentally-challenged children. ... Read more

and Other Health Conditions (Healthy Living Cookbooks)
and Other Health Conditions (Healthy Living Cookbooks)

Review:although this is for SCD--which is trademarked and copyrighted so that publications are consistent with the SCD guidelines--I found a lot of recipes in here included ingredients that truly will not work for an individual who has health problems and underlying intestinal issues including dairy and certain sweeteners, even saccharine. If you need to restore intestinal health, then these key items truly are not on your "good foods" list. There are a lot of good recipes in here, but a person with in... Read more

A Mother's Fight to Cure Her Son's OCD - Saving Sammy
A Mother's Fight to Cure Her Son's OCD - Saving Sammy

Review:I was first introduced to Sammy Maloney's story through Mystery Diagnosis, a Discovery Life television show that ended circa 2011 but is still shown in syndication. I find psychological symptoms and diagnoses fascinating, so when I heard there was a whole book about Sammy's journey, I was eager to get my hands on it.

Beth Maloney is the very definition of a persistent Mama Bear. She knows there's something wrong with Sammy and that the doctors are completely missing it. Even as her home l... Read more

Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism
Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism

Review:I love specific examples and this one has plenty. Very good-nurtured look into the anxious world of Autism. This didn't provide me with all the answers I was looking for but, helped me to understand more about my son. Read more

Expanded Edition - My Life with Autism - Thinking in Pictures
Expanded Edition - My Life with Autism - Thinking in Pictures

Review:Gives a fascinating insight into her life as a person with Autism. Temple Grandin talks about the people and animals that have come in and out of her life. They helped her understand things and grown into the person she is today. Read more

Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed - The Autistic Brain
Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed - The Autistic Brain

Review:This a really great book for everyone to read. Per the usual Dr. Grandin blows the doors off stereotypes, and brings science into the equation for the skeptic. It's a great read to learn more about yourself, and the world around us. Understand the fundamental differences that people have and increase the amount of empathy in our culture. Read more

Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew
Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

Review:This is absolutely the best book to read about children with autism. The author shares her experiences and is very in-tune with her child. I bought several copies to hand out to family to help them understand a beautiful autistic child in our family. Very good and easy read. Read more

Activities for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder (The Out-of-Sync Child Series)
Activities for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder (The Out-of-Sync Child Series)

Review:I purchased this book when our oldest was first diagnosed with having some sensory processing difficulties. The book contains a wealth of ideas for sensory challenged children and each of the activities is sectioned within a chapter pertaining to a particular sense, like vestibular activities, tactile activites, auditory, etc., so that you can customize your play regime specifically to the needs of your child (or just try a little of them all, they are great fun!) This book outways any fancy toy... Read more

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