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The Political Economy of the Mass Media - Manufacturing Consent
The Political Economy of the Mass Media - Manufacturing Consent

Review:I am kicking myself for missing the deadline of the Kindle return policy. I'm only about 20% of the way through this book and while they do make valid points and have plenty of information to back their claims what kills the book is the author's tone (particularly using Latin and other pretentious wording to reassure the reader of how extra intelligent this guy is) and employing similar tactics of bias, manipulation, and carefully ignoring certain information to give readers the wrong impression... Read more

Lady Chatterley's Lover (Bantam Classics)
Lady Chatterley's Lover (Bantam Classics)

Review:I slogged through the first half of this book and finally gave up. It's just stultifyingly dull. I was reading it as one of those classics that everybody has read, and I remember liking Lawrence's The Rainbow in college, but life is too short for me to bother finishing this one. Read more

An Open Letter to the Women Who Will Run the World
An Open Letter to the Women Who Will Run the World

Review:Palmieri’s message is loud and clear. It’s time.

I watched Jennifer Palmieri on Rachel Maddow Show last night and decided I need to hear what she had to say. She was up close and personal and in a position to be perhaps a little more forward looking and perhaps less blame placing.

Her message is loud and clear. It’s time.

Women and children need to lead the way. Read more

The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society
The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society

Review:Super good book on the subject of severe stress response. The title is a bit misleading when you first read it. I strongly suggest this book to anyone that has experienced a situation involving the severe stress of combat, rape or the current exposure to our growing domestic issues from both law enforcement side and civilian side. This is not a how to do book on killing. It is just the opposite in my opinion. I would like to thank Mr. Grossman for his fine work. Read more

An Introduction to American Politics (Eighth Essentials Edition)
An Introduction to American Politics (Eighth Essentials Edition)

Review:Received the book in the condition described. Smooth transaction. No complaints. If you're ordering books for the new semester... trust this buyer no need to worry the book will arrive as described and on time. The cover of this book does not have a glossy finish like most hardcover books. It has more of a matte finish and has an unusually soft coating when you run your hands on the hardcover feels like a thin powdery surface. Doesn't slip out of your hands when you are in a hurry and on the go... Read more

The Working Poor: Invisible in America
The Working Poor: Invisible in America

Review:This book puts a face on poverty by dissecting the complex web of cause/effect, following personal stories of American families. "Not just low wages but also low education, not just dead-end jobs but also limited abilities, not just insufficient savings but also unwise spending, not just poor housing but also poor parenting, not just lack of health insurance but also lack of healthy households. (p285)"

Poverty is a constellation of problems, none of which exist in a vacuum. "A job alone... Read more

The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump
The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump

Review:Exculpating Hillary Clinton was/is a complete abuse of power but needed to be done to get her elected. Failing to do that, Greg Jarrett lays out the plot to derail Presidents Trump's agenda, the steps taken to perpetrate the collusion hoax with hopes in using it to unseat our duly elected president. Read more


Review:James Joyce is truly a brilliant writer. I liked all the nine stories included in Dubliners, but enjoyed some more than others. The last story included in Dubliners: The Dead was particularly haunting and beautiful. Read more

A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever
A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever

Review:The book ends with serious prescriptions on how to resurrect the GOP from its currently moribund Trumpian state. The book reaches that point with an immensely entertaining analysis of the current presidential administration in the USA. If you're interested in politics, this book is must-read. Read more

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Review:A wonderful account of MLK's life and historic work in the civil rights movement. The eloquence and passion of his speeches and conviction to a non-violent path to freedom will rivet you to each page. History unfolds revealing one of the most influential figure of our lifetime. Impressive and revealing. Read more

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