
An Ordinary Friendship with an Extraordinary Man - My Friend Michael
An Ordinary Friendship with an Extraordinary Man - My Friend Michael

Review:Frank Casio met Michael when he was 5 through his family whom Michael befriended. Frank stayed at Neverland with his brother and sisters and family and he clearly disputes the many allegations made about Michael by the media. Michael was an extraordinary friend to this family. Read more

Sylvia Mendez and Her Family’s Fight for Desegregation (Jane Addams Award Book (Awards))
Sylvia Mendez and Her Family’s Fight for Desegregation (Jane Addams Award Book (Awards))

Review:The book was a great representation of the struggle of all those who experience discrimination from the perspective of a child. It would be relatable for older elementary children in a class studying civil rights... Read more

Pimp: The Story of My Life
Pimp: The Story of My Life

Review:I crack up over pimps and hookers first off because I don't know what their lives are like when they get older, so it was interesting to read this book, to listen to how ignorant this man was, the book was good, don't get me wrong because it was his personal experience that he is telling us I guess, but it was just so ridiculous. Read more

A Man Who Would Cure the World - The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer
A Man Who Would Cure the World - The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer

Review:Dr. Farmer is one of those amazing individuals who have faith that mountains can be moved, one rock at a time. Because of his tireless ambition to cure the poor, he has really made a difference. (He and others like him who share his determined passion.) His story will no doubt bring you up short; as a fellow reader indicated when we met to discuss the book, what have we done with our lives? Especially because Dr. Farmer has an attitude of "No excuses, just do it" when it comes to helping the... Read more

The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter - Chinese Cinderella
The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter - Chinese Cinderella

Review:Este libro me encanto, la historia esta escrita muy amena, una historia triste que me hizo reflexionar en el valor de esta nina como sobrevivo a tanto desamor por parte de su papa y especialmente la madrastra. La felicito por haber llegado tan lejos con sus estudios. Un libro de los que no quisiera que se terminaran nunca. Ahora tengo mas curiosidad de leer su biografia.
Muchas felicitaciones para Adeline. Desde Guatemala Read more

Red Hot and Holy: A Heretic's Love Story
Red Hot and Holy: A Heretic's Love Story

Review:You know when exactly the right book finds you at exactly the right time? You know when you're reading a book and feel like your skin is on fire and you can't slow down or you can't blink or you can't even exhale or else you might miss something? You know when a book so thoroughly captures your attention that the world could be blowing up around you, buildings falling, babies crying, lightening crashing, floods flashing, and you don't even notice to look up? You know when the hands on the end of... Read more

An Upside Down Story of Family, Disco and Destiny
An Upside Down Story of Family, Disco and Destiny

Review:The book sort of follows three narratives.
- Nile Rodgers' childhood, his family and his early career from the early 70s through to Chic and disco.
- Partying, nightclubbing and the hedonism in the 80s
- Drug and alcohol addiction and recovery.

The early years and the early career were the best and most fascinating chapters. Many fans of 60s and 70s music tend to fixate on the stereotypical images of late 60’s hippies and 70’s blacksploitation films. In this book, Rodger’s goes i... Read more

I Am Ozzy
I Am Ozzy

Review:Reading Ozzy's autobiography is like hanging out at his house and listening to him talk. It's funny, crazy, and at times a little shocking - which is exactly what you'd expect Ozzy's life to be. He tells it like it is; no secrets and no flowery language. Whatever you might think of the man, you certainly can't say that his book is dull. And the photos included are great! Read more

Death and Jazz Chickens - Believe Me - A Memoir of Love
Death and Jazz Chickens - Believe Me - A Memoir of Love

Review:Arrived on time and in great condition. I'm halfway thru the book now and as an avid Eddie Izzard fan I am delighted and pleased as punch with it thus far. It's sentimental and sweet and funny and touching. Highly enjoyable! Read more

Finding God in All the Wrong People - Accidental Saints
Finding God in All the Wrong People - Accidental Saints

Review:I thoroughly enjoy the author's down-to-earth faith, devoid of religious politically correct language, and simultaneously truly compassionate with the "salt of the earth". From my perspective, she "gets it", or should I say, gets who Jesus truly is. Read more

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