(Sacred Sinners MC - Texas Chapter #2)

ByBink Cummings

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monette chilson
Holy smoke! Talk about an all-consuming book! This book landed on my Kindle yesterday and I devoured it! Could not put this baby down if I wanted to. All I can say is I need book 3 of this trilogy now Bink Cummings. Puh-lease!! I need it now.

This past weekend I consumed Book one, Hopelessly Shatter and loved it. Now after reading this book, Bink Cummings has quickly become a go-to author for my MC books.

Hopeful Whispers starts off a month after Hopelessly Shattered. And boy do we hit the ground running. This book is filled with twists and turns that keep you glued to the pages like an addict. Then once your finish you pout like a baby and wish you had not consumed it because it is over. One can only imagine what all will happen the conclusion. I have a few scenarios playing havoc with my poor brain right now.

This book is gritty and lets you get absorbed in the chaos of the biker world but Bink Cummings also added laugh out loud humor that will leave you in stitches to balance it all out. I cannot tell you how many times I wiped my eyes when the story was in Katrina's POV.

That is another thing I loved about this one. We get both Ryker and Kat's POV. I loved getting part of the story from him this time. It let me love him and hate him more. LOL

Ryker is a mess. He has backed himself into one heck of a corner and must figure out how to survive the chaos he has created around himself.

I cannot lie I absolutely adore Kade. He is crazy as heck but loved like mad. He is the perfect supporting cast. I pray he gets his own book as well.

So, with all that rambling above, the point is... One-click this bad boy and get lost in a book that will have you flipping the pages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Continuing on from the first book this story is also told from Ryker and Katrina's points of view and often where they are speaking directly to the reader, we gather an insight into their individual lives as it is at the moment. Katrina's self honesty at times is quite funny providing readers with a few chuckles along the way.

The book is liberally sprinkled with fun expressions and scenes like when Katrina thinks about how cold it is outside...
"...fellas who’re busy freezing their twig and dingleberries off." OR
'Holy mother of unicorns."
And when Katrina faces off to Ryker...
'Mimicking his stance, I heft my breasts higher to show him that his pecs might be impressive, but those bad boys have nothing on the girls.' ?
As well as thoughtful ones like this..
'Strength is more than an eight letter word.'

Katrina is living contentedly with her two daughters and pregnant with her third in Indiana. She is a librarian at the local library and has decided to give dating a chance. Unfortunately for her a rival MC interferes with her plans and this is just the start of this adventure.

This story has plenty of action and drama, enough to keep you on the edge of your seat at times with adrenaline pumping. It is a cliffhanger and boy what an ending! A full vault of emotions is unleashed on readers and you definitely go for a ride on the emotive merry-go-round.

I found this book so easy to read with its fast pace but more so because of its fantastic storyline. I'm certainly hopeful the third book will be released soon, a year was quite a long time in between!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gail lovely
Hopeful Whispers carries on with Kat's story from Hopelessly Shattered so you do need to read that first.

Urgh where to start? I LOVED this book. I'm not going into detail with this review because if Hate to spoil it for someone.
Kat's never had an easy life and that doesn't seem like it's changing any time soon. Alone and pregnant while raising two daughters, nothing keeps Kat down for long. I admit I'm #TeamKat. She won me over fairly quickly in the first book and this book just cemented my love for her. She has a strength about her that I couldn't help but admire. She puts her kids before anyone and I loved the bond she has with them. She's just one of those really likeable, real characters.

Kade is another character that is very easy to love. Between his caring, protective nature and the banter he has with Kat, he's pretty much perfect. Trying his best to support her and helping her get back on her feet...the man's a sweetheart.

Then we have Ryker. The man I really want to dislike but can't. He makes me feel so frustrated and torn. He infuriates me constantly but there's something about that man that makes me swoon. The connection and sexual tension between him and Kat aswell as their history together just added to the mess that was my emotions.

This book has a little bit of everything. Humorous banter courtesy of Kade and Kat, plenty of sexual tension, heartache (my heart ached so bad at times), lies, secrets and one hell of a ending (I can't express how much I loved that ending). This book is packed with emotion and it's left me desperate for the final book in this trilogy.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Stars

Hopeful Whispers is the second title in the Sacred Sinners MC Texas chapter. It's a sweet, sexy, emotional, yet heartbreaking read full of heat, heart and humor. From the time I picked up this Hopeful Whispers I couldn't put it down, I was completely captivated and enthralled by Kat and Ryker's story.

Ryker is the bad-boy who you love to hate, as much as he's an ass, he's still incredibly endearing. As much as you love him, you also want to throttle him. He's a flawed, yet realistic character, who's trying to do the right thing by everyone around him.

Katrina, aka Kat is a captivating character. She's fierce, stubborn, tenacious, and strong and has no filter. I adored her inner dialogues and thoughts that are full of sarcasm, wit, and humor. She's an incredible mother despite everything that is going on in her life.

I absolutely adored the side characters and cannot wait to see more of Kade and Rosie in the final title in the trilogy.

I experienced a gamut of emotions whilst reading Hopeful Whispers, laughing so hard my family were giving me the side eye, to having tears streaming down my face. Ms Cummings has created a world of characters you find yourself completely invested in them finding their happy ever after.

I will be eagerly and slightly anxiously awaiting the final title in this trilogy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG Bink Cummings is so brilliant with her talented writing style, that I feel like I'm living her stories, and that's exactly what happened with Hopeful Whispers. She instantly transported me into her world, and now I'm sad that I had to leave it at the end. So much so, that I'm thinking about reading the first book, then this one again. And that leads me to saying this is the second book in a trilogy, so it stands to reason that you MUST READ the first book, Hopelessly Shattered FIRST! Anyway, back to the my thoughts, as chaotic as they may be. This is the continuing story of Kat, my bad a** hero, and Ryker, the bad boy of douchey decisions. (But I still love him) Kat's inner monologue kept me rolling in laughter, but she also got a new biker bestie that had me ready to wet my pants laughing. And of course, the insane chemistry is still there, while Bink knows how to bring the thunder with HOT AS HELL sexy times. And of course, moments that bring on leaky eyes, and danger calling, which brings on some serious twists that kept me dropping as many f-bombs as everyone in the story! I CANNOT WAIT, like colorful metaphor name calling impatiently waiting, for the final book in this epic trilogy. HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hopeful Whispers by Bink Cummings is the second book in the Sacred Sinners MC - Texas Series. This is not a standalone, you must read book one, Hopelessly Shattered, first.

Hopeful Whispers picks up where the story in Hopelessly Shattered ends up. Katrina McIntyre, sexy librarian, is a single mom of two daughters and pregnant with her third child.
The childrens father, Brent- Ryker, a rough biker, left them all years ago and moved on, so it seems. He's married and lives his life. Katrina is lonely. Then she becomes the target of a rival MC and now the story picks up.

I started reading and was hooked from page one. Hopeful Whispers is a extremely well written book that kept me at the edge of my seat. The story is great and I love the words and the characters, not only the main characters- the sidekicks are great too. I'd love to read more about Kade and the eggplant.
I connected with the characters, I loved and I hated them. I cried and I laughed. And at some point I was so angry at them. And now I'm sitting here with an book hangover and really, really can't wait 'til the next book in the series releases.
I recommend Hopeful Whispers and give 5 stars. Thank you, Bink Cummings!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
parisa moosavi
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of the book.

Hopelessly Shattered and Hopeful Whispers were my first Bink Cummings books and they've turned me into a fan. Her characters... HER CHARACTERS!!!! The motorcycle club setting and lifestyle also feel a bit more genuine than in other books that I've read (though, I truly have no clue as to the realities of that life) and that made the books that much more enjoyable. I enjoyed Katrina much more as a character in Hopeful Whispers - she seemed to have acquired more grit and backbone this go around and I was all about it. I also really loved her relationship with Kade. Ryker I'm more on the fence about - I want to like him and I'm sympathetic to an extent (I attribute this to the fact that his POV is included here, which I am grateful for), but ugh! A couple of warnings: you HAVE to read Hopelessly Shattered first (I forgot this little tidbit and went in to Hopeful Whispers first but realized within just a few pages that it is CLEARLY not a standalone) and there is a cliffhanger (which should also come as no surprise since this is a trilogy but daggum). I'll be waiting on pins and needles for the conclusion of Katrina's story... 4.5 out of 5 wine glasses.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy. Cow!!!

I’ve waited what feels like ages for the continuation of Katrina’s story and the wait was SO damn worth it! I was glued to every page from start to finish and left on the edge of my seat once more. While the previous book didn’t involve much MC involvement, this part of their story not only have me more of the emotional turmoil and heartache Katrina has battled with since her trip to Texas, but now there’s drama that’s appeared in her life that totally uproots her life.

This was jam packed with emotion, laughs, love, suspense and action. This book was a complete recipe for a story that kept me engaged with its characters and their lives. Bink Cummings has been one of my favorite writers since reading her first release. Her writing style is my absolute fave. I can’t wait for the conclusion, because I don’t know if my heart can handle more heartbreak. I need that HEA that Katrina so deeply deserves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG! The magical mind of Bink Cummings just gets better and better! Book 2 the wait was worth it-even a year wait. You just can't rush perfection. If you want an MC book that is so not typical, non scripted, balls to the wall, edge of your seat, Fother Mucking mind blowing Buy this book now. I re read the first book so that I would be locked and loaded for the second book and rather than getting old the first book got even better. Downside, waiting a long time for the second but even if waiting on the third takes a while, I know it will be worth it.

Diabolically witty, organized, detailed, heart wrenching, silly, and so "life like/real" If you hate cliff hangers, and I do, Bink's books are one of the few authors I willingly put myself through for the cliff hangers, since these books get better on the re-read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aimee cakes
It was so good to finally delve into the circumstances surrounding what happened after the first part and I have to say the Bink draws you in with no hope of escape. If you thought the first book rocked your world then be prepared for the next installment and trust me you will need to be because this book was phenomenally written and there's nothing I can say to bring it justice. Kat is a woman that we all strive to be, most women might be all closed off to love but there's always that one person who can penetrate our walls and for her that's Brent (Ryker, baby daddy extraordinaire). This pairs chemistry is inexplicable and its no denying that they are made for each other. What will become of pair you definitely need to check it out and believe me when I say you must start with Hopelessly Shattered this is a series you will fall head over heels for I know I did and can't wait for
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer evans
Just got done reading Hopeful Whispers by Bink Cummings. LOVED IT! She has a way of weaving not only a book full of suspense, romance & badassness but heart. To say some tears from both laughing and sadness were shed would be an understatement! Having found Bink’s books by a fluke I count my lucky stars anytime I’m able to spend time in Bink’s World! It’s a pretty kickass place!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stefanie nesi
4.5 stars

This has the best story line ever because it included some of my most love things in it and let me say I was so not disappointed with it. Kat and Ryker and they give a story that will leave you wanting more and still trying to flip the page for more . Love is never easy, and it isn’t with two strong individuals that give as much as they take. This story was a rollercoaster ride of emotions that was so worth it. Bink never disappoints at all she writes a story that will leave you wanting so much more from the characters. There is a consistency with her writing that never fails to draw me into her world . This was a seriously great story that I’m glad I read. I can’t wait to see what she does next.

Review by Lindsey
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
olga imas
I've read all of Binks' books... this one... this one by far has surpassed every word Bink has ever written. It takes a really special author to take a story that they see in their heads and write it so masterfully that it weaves it's way around you and wraps you up and takes you along for the ride. Ryker and Kat have kept me on the edge of my seat and drawn me in, but the secondary characters, Kade and Ghost and Bear...oh holy hell they are just as important and deserving of their own stories. Masterful Bink~ Can't wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbi gurley
Ok so seriously.... Bink's books just keep getting tastier and tastier! And believe me that is no small feet seeing as everything of hers I've read so far is AMAZEBALLS! I'm reading in the order that she recommends and WOW! I just have to say I'm absolutely completely over the moon for Katrina! She is an awesomely sweet BADASS! I do love Ryker even though I want to find him and throat punch him sometimes.... most of the time.... LOL. Keep us the great work Bink, I would follow you anywhere! Now I'm off to read the 3rd and final book belonging in this trilogy. PEACE.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The suspense is killing me! This is an addictive story to put it mildly. Was a little frustrated at the end of the first book because I did not realize there wasn't an HEA at the end and it continued to book 2 (and apparently continies to book 3) but ending of book 2 totally has me hanging on the edge or my seat. Now to wait for book 3. Honestly, I would have waited to start this trilogy had I known. That being said, this is a trilogy you don't want to miss!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved the first book but this one blew my world to bits. Kat is one strong woman. Her daughters are her world and now that her dad as resurfaced, she has all she needs. When she is kidnapped and Ryker comes to her rescue, she thinks maybe she can finally have it all. She has to learn to trust him again but until he makes a decision about Vanessa, she can’t make anything final. When the club basically moves them to Texas, she is pissed but when she sees the cabin, she knows this is where they need to be. Jade is my savior in this book but with one last wrong turn he fears Ryker may be gone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam lindquist
arc given for honest review.

OMG I loved this.. AND I want to say this right now I HATE VANESSA!

This is the 2nd in the series of Kat and Ryker.. Bink takes you on a journey with these two that you will not soon forget.
Ryker knows he has screwed up and he is doing what he can to make it right.. he knows its going to take a whole lot to earn Kats trust back.. Kat is still this very strong willed and fierce woman..

And who can forget about Kade.. good lord that man.. His and Kats back and forth.. I loved this story and I cant wait for the final one. !!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan rayl
What!!! What!!! It can't end like that!!! OMGGGGGG!!!! Holy s$@!? ??? I have been anxiously awaiting for this book and it sure as hell did not disappoint. I love all of bink's books but this one takes it ????? This is a book you will not regret but make sure you read book 1 because if not you will be totally lost. Now to wait not so patiently for the next one!!! Loved it!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nima afraz
This is the second book in this awesome series, and my word, in my opinion, the best work to date. However, with this author, I seem to say this with every novel! Kat is a badass single Mom, who is amazing, and Ryker; I loved him, after I wanted to strangle him that is! This story is filled with action, drama, surprises, and love. I cannot wait for the next book, and as this is one of my all time favourite authors’, I always highly recommend her work for all MC lovers. Brilliant work Bink!!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just love Kat ( Watermeoln Tits) and Kade ( D!ckcheese). The part about the eggplant is going to stick with me for a long time. Just way to funny. We get to read Ryker's point of view in this book. I think he is really trying to do the right thing but is going about it the wrong way. Which makes him come off as an a$$hole. Love that the girls get to meet and spend time with Grandpa Ghost, Papa Bear, and Uncle Kade. They even get to spend time with Ryker even if they don't know who he is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Omg Bink did it again! This book was truly amazing. Just when I think Bink can’t get any better she goes and out does herself!!!! The bond between Kat and Kade is priceless. Ryker and Kat need to do whatever lol. I’m pulling for them. This book had me laughing and crying. I will say it’s one H**l of an emotional ride and cliffhanger.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bink Cummings has once again blown my mind with the twist and turns , highs and lows this story takes you through. It's simply a book I highly recommend to anyone who loves to read about hot sexy bikers and the strong woman who love them. It's got everything humor,heart,and heartbreak not to mention sex.

Can't wait for the third book to come out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
muhammad usman
Another up, down, up ,down roller coaster ride! Dang couldn’t stop reading had to see what would happen and then left with a cliffy.

This time we got both Rykers’ and Kat’s POV. This let you like Ryker some instead of just hating him. I love all the characters and they bring much to the story.

Lots going on again and the drama ups even higher. Again it still has one of my biggest no no’s in it.

Off to the next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So I know we were left off in Hopelessly Shattered, with a broken heart but we have redeemed our love for Ryker. I don’t want this to be HIS ending! I’m actually crying and I shouted NOOOO!! To kindle. This book made me laugh, had me hooked from start to finish. I didn’t want to put it down yesterday! If I knew the ending was so soon I would have savored it, and I just might go back and read it again. Love ya tons Prez, congratulations on the book release I look forward to more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew klobucher
Hopeful Whispers is great sequel to the first book. I def love how you start getting Riker's perspective and how he was coping with having to leave Kat and his daughters (which is not too great). I also love how they approach telling their daughters about their "new" family. Like I have said before, Bink writes characters that a relatable and you can literally feel their emotions as you go through each page. You also get introduced to a new female character who is strong, yet a little broken. Many of Bink's MC books entertwine with one another so it's great to be able to see Big again...I also love how he sees straight on through Vanessa's whiny BS haha. This book is full of ups and downs and def shows how complicated things can get when it comes to relationships. I cannot wait until the last book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the storyline. Sure made you see where Ryker was coming from years ago. Kade is still my favorite. But Rosie is becoming a close second. I can't wait to read the next book in the series. Was just enough Drama to keep it exciting with out shaking your head at it. I hate Vanessa he should have I kicked her to the curb after being kidnapped. Can't wait for the next book. Great book Bink Cummings!!! Bring on more!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely love Bink's characters! So!e you love to hate, want to throat punch until their neck caves in. Some are so realistic you find yourself saying things like 'I did that once, or 'I would so do that and then some'! Reading about relatable characters helps you experience a book on a who!e new level. The only thing I did not like is the huge cliffy!! Why oh why?!?!?!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
omg!!!!! seriously bink you just had to end it like that this book is by far your best of the best like I cried laughed and aaawwww at this book truly a book I will read over and over again I fell in love with every signal person in this book omg can you believe it big was in it it got me all hot and well you know the rest lol thanks again for an awesome read don't like how it ended but can't wait for the next book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sally jane brant
Bink does it again with this second installment of the Sacred Sinners MC Texas Chapter. Book one in this trilogy was my all time favorite book of Bink's, now this one is right up there with it. I cannot say how much I loved this book. We get to see more of Ryker and Kat with the girls. And lets not forget the yummy (and my personal favorite) Kade. Can't wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book. I absolutely love the way this author writes like she is talking directly with you. She really brings all of her characters to life and makes you feel like you are right there as part of the story. The book slated me and omg the ending made me want to scream but it was well worth the emotional rollercoaster. Can't wait to see where book 3 takes me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, and I thought first book was emotional. This book had me crying, and cursing.
Bink Cummings is a genius. This book is so well written you can't help feel all the emotions, laughter, hate and love.
We return to Katrina after she goes home after first book.
I can't wait to see what happens next. wtmo
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria elmvang
Ryker and Kat are destined for each other. But can Ryker get his priorities in order and love Kat the way she deserves? Bink has a gritty writing style which I love. I love the relationship between Kat and Kade. True best friends. And I admire how much she loves her daughters. Bink is one of my favorite MC authors and you must read her
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria keffler
I have been waiting what feels like forever for this book.. I loved it.. But it also gutted me. The ending is driving me insane. I mean the first book stopped at a decent spot.. UT this one just leaves so many unanswered questions I'm dying.
However great job Bink as always it was a fantastic read! I am looking forward to the next book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy dowdall
Bink has taken top spot for favorite writer. The women she writes have the perfect balance for me. Hope Big Dick keeps making her happy (but not too happy) so the first books keep coming. Can't hardly waits for the next book. Hope there will be a future book about the bodyguard and the brother. Keep them coming...please.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nayef abulleef
So, if you've read Hopelessly Shattered you already love Kat. You'll continue to love Kat in this book. But, meet Rosie, she is now added to my list of favorite female characters. I won't give away anything about this book. I will only say it is a must read! Bink's writing is amazing, like always, and you truly get swept away in the story. You'll laugh (out loud too), you'll get angry & you will probably cry (I did). I can't wait to read the third book to see how things go. Thanks, Bink, for allowing us to read your stories. You truly are an amazing & talented author! #SS4L
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just like the first book in the series, this book sucked me in and didn't let me go until I completed the series that night! Great story! LOVED all the characters! Couldn't get enough and I hope we see more from this series! This is a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arun kumbhat
I don’t read cliffhangers, but since this is Bink I just couldn’t wait until the next book in the series came out to read it. The way Bink writes immerses the reader into a world that is very realistic. The characters go through emotions and situations that are very relatable and that pulls on the readers heartstrings.

Even though I very much dislike cliffhangers, I would recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brenna recny
This author keeps writing the most amazing books!!  Each one is better than the last.  She is one that I always look forward to reading and can't wait to get my hot little hands on the next one.  This book will not disappoint!!  A Must read for SURE!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison cantrell
Where do I start.Bink Cummings out did herself.This is my favorite book.It is a love story like no other.You have to read this book.She leaves one hell of a cliff hanger.This book makes you scream and cry ,but this is one of the best books I have ever read!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great addition to the storyline. I really enjoyed the banter in this book. It made me laugh and cry at the same time. My favorite Prez and VP combo to date. I can't wait to see how this storyline plays out. I am so excited for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ok so this book kicked the first books @$$. Also, I'm in love with Bear and Ghost and want them to get their own story. Made is a hoot and his interaction with Kat is hilarious. Ok I have read book 3 right now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First series by this author and I will be reading more of her books. The final in this series would be great right now. I love each and every character in this story. It is heartbreaking and laugh out load funny at times. Katrina and Kade are hilarious. It is a must read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy hall
Katrina is one of the strongest female character. She’s pregnant and has 2 beautiful daughters. Her baby daddy Ryker is a jerk. He got another women pregnant. Kat didn’t want to get kidnapped or move to Texas. I recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shelley fletcher
This books hits all the feels. Loved this wild, crazy, emotional, funny, heart wrenching story. Bink Cummings can get you so engrossed in her characters, that you are thinking about them even away from your Kindle. I have found a new author and I can’t wait for what she has in store for the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The way you write has me so emotionally drawn into your character as if I am the character. I feel their love, their pain, their everything. You writing "kills me" in a way I can't get enough. Keep them coming and please give me another book with a Ryder & Kat HEA. AMEN
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Like all of Cummings previous works, Hopeful Whispers is gripping. I started reading and before I knew it the book was over and I was bawling. I have never experienced the emotional roller coaster from a book like this before. While Cummings has her nitch in the world on indie writers, she has once again proven through Kat's story she is a literary force. Bring on #3!
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