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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james grissel
The Hunt by Alice Ward
The Hunt
by Alice Ward (Goodreads Author)
F 50x66
Donna Repsher's review Aug 24, 2017 · edit
really liked it

I've only read a few novels by this author, and I've enjoyed them all, which made me eager to request an advanced reader copy of this one when it was offered, and while it got off to a bit of a rocky start, it ended up being much better than I expected, and I give it 4 stars.

Caitlyn works as a waitress at a dingy diner in Connecticut, and it causes quite a stir when a Bentley pulls into the diner parking lot and a gorgeous, well-dressed man (KP) enters. He acts as though he's slumming, is rude and sarcastic, but he's taken by Caitlyn's beauty. His outrageous come-ons to her are rude and crude, and she shoots him down, irritated and insulted by his sexual innuendos, which made me like her immediately. When she finally gets him to leave the diner, spurning his advances, she's shocked to learn that he's left her a $15,000 tip, which she then splits with all the other employees.

KP, as it turns out, is an Oscar-winning film producer and he's worth billions, also coming from old money. He thinks he can have any woman he wants, and so far, in his experience that's been the case, so Caitlyn's refusal to offer herself up to him both grates on and intrigues him. By the time you're a couple of chapters in, you really will want to slap him, I know that I did. He visits the diner again, and is again rebuffed. When he finds out that Cait is an artist, he tries to buy all her paintings from a recent exhibition only to have that offer refused. But there comes a time when more about his upbringing is revealed and you get to better understand how his early years and family background turned him into a womanizing jerk.

Caitlyn has not has an easy life either, there's tragedy and trauma in her past and she now lives with and adores her maternal grandmother (Gran). She's also a talented artist and works part-time giving art lessons to local underprivileged young people in the community, and although she hasn't had an easy life, she has a wonderful, positive outlook on life, although that's tested when it's revealed that her beloved Gran, who has raised her since she was 5 years old, and who has successfully battled cancer more than once, has relapsed, and is dying.

KP, used to letting his money do the talking, is advised to woo Cait differently, since she repeatedly tells him that she cannot be bought. Instead, he donates millions of dollar to the youth center where she gives art lessons. He offers one million dollars for all her paintings and wants to commission her to paint a family portrait for him. When she realizes that his money will not only free her from having to work at the diner, it will also help pay her way into an art degree at Parsons School of Art and Design in NYC, something she's dreamed of. It's only when KP introduces her to his brother, Wenton, who will be the subject of the portrait, that we get to see and appreciate the man that KP truly is and who he's trying his hardest to become, a man that Cait will come to care for and perhaps even love.

What started out as a book I thought I'd really dislike morphed into a book that I absolutely loved and read straight from beginning to end until 5:00 a.m. today. Both Gran and Wenton are marvelously drawn characters who certainly tugged at my heartstrings and even brought me to tears. I also loved Cait's backbone, her positive outlook despite her tragic past, and her deep appreciation for her friends, her family, and especially for Wenton. It's well worth struggling through the first few chapters of this novel to get to understand more about these characters, and to realize what a wonderful and heartwarming read this novel truly is.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this novel and received no compensation for doing so. The opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
KP (Kembrough Preston) is a womaniser and can be a real jerk. Caitlyn is a starving artist but works as a waitress at night. KP hunts for things that his sick little brother Wenton asks for in an elaborate scavenger hunt he's concocted. Luckily one of these items he has to find in the Hunt leads him to Caitlyn.
KP comes into her diner one day and after being extremely rude to Caitlyn he propositions her. She rejects his advances but this only encourages him to pursue her. Over time the relationship grows and develops. I enjoyed the laughter, tears and emotion... I hated that KP had a very intense sexual scene with another woman mid-way through the book (although he was a man whore it was unnecessary and diluted the magic of their HEA substantially)...
The secondary characters were my favourites especially Caitlyn's Gram Eula, she who is full of life and Wenton who despite his illness nothing stops him from trying to live his life and make the most everything.
3.5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Review Copy of this book. This book tugged hard at my emotions..I cried, laughed and sighed...swooned and screamed in anger and frustration...yes, it was all that lol. The writer obviously put a lot of research and study into developing this story... At the start I wanted to wring the male lead's neck ..but then he had me rooting for him. All the characters in this book were believable and lovable...makes you want to get to know each one's individual story. The writer went very deep with the emotional issues...few books make me cry..this one did...but lots of laughter too...I wouldn't give you any spoilers, but be warned...bumpy ( but oh so good) emotional road ahead and some steamy sexual content thrown in.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Alice Ward is definitely the author to keep you guessing. She writes one excellent novel then writes the next, each one very different and unique but always full of heart and emotion. This book, however, has far exceeded even my expectations. Having to face the impending death of a loved one is beyond description but when you deal with it the way KP and Caitlyn eventually did, something good comes out of something so heart breaking. Having been through a similar situation, I felt this author captured that goodness in this story and it broke my heart and healed it all over again.

As always, this author writes a beautiful book from the heart with two very intimate and personal stories, that eventually combine. The characters take the reader through their jouney's of heartache and romance with great love and humour. You will find yourself laughing one minute and crying the next. It's a rollercoaster of emotions but you are guaranteed to fall in love with them as well as Gran and Wenton. Gran with her great love for life and her grandaughter, and Wenton for his intense love of life and his brother. For someone so damaged, Wenton will break your heart with his insight and intellect but leave you smiling with warmth in your heart. Wenton's "hunt" is just beyond words.

I love that this author has such great sensitivity and heart when she writes. Each book is unique and will always leave an unforgettable impression on your heart and your brain. You cannot go past a book written by Alice Ward, she is in the MUST READ category.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
claudia recinos
I voluntarily read an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Unlike other books that Alice Ward has written this is not one I'll read again. The story was interesting, the character development ok. I didn't like KP at the beginning and it took 34% of the book before his character started to show the traits that we all like to see hidden in our imperfect heroes. Imperfect men win me over, but this guy acted like an A-hole and just didn't "get it" throughout the beginning of the book - he was just TOO imperfect, even for me. Even when he was told what he needed to do, he didn't get it. Eventually he did, but only after he'd run out of things to do that were HIS idea. After I got through the first third, the characters came together much more clearly for me and after that it was an enjoyable read. But as someone else said, it was not a read that I would sit up all night with. I could easily walk away and come back to my Kindle later. I love Alice Ward's writing. This just felt rushed to me, like she had to get this book done and published with some deadline looming. In the end, it is a sweet romance with the love of family and friends foremost, but it took me a while to get to the point in the book where I wanted to keep reading.

Let me say that the cover was over the top gorgeous (he can bring his tats over here any time he wants), and the ending of the book fitting for an Alice Ward book. I just wish a little more care had been taken when introducing characters and setting up the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Why does a multi billionaire care what a waitress thinks of him? KP is a self-proclaimed womanizer letting no one, except for his brother, close to him.

Caitlyn strongly dislikes the privilege wealthy people expect.

KP and Caitlyn have both had traumatic childhoods that have shaped who they are. Can they get past the barriers to find the real essence of life?

Great supporting characters and a real heartbreaking life lessons; get your tissues out!

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
2.5 Stars

This book turned me off immediately when the H sleeps with OW after meeting the h. The scene was very long and graphic and I felt it had no real bearing on the story. It was just not my cup of tea. I wasn't an overall fan of the H. I felt like he would be a man that wouldn't be able to stay faithful to Caitlyn by some of the things he says and does throughout the story. I am a big fan of Alice Ward but this just didn't work for me.
I voluntarily read an arc copy for my honest review!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katarina germani
I received an ARC copy for voluntary review. I enjoy reading all of Alice's books but I think this one was the best I've read. I'm glad KP was able to see and change the way he was acting with Caitlyn in the beginning. Cried with the characters in the book, enjoyed the "hunt", loved how his brother to see they were meant to be together. Highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My new favorite story. This made me laugh and brought me to tears. Seriously, I ugly cried! This story is so full of emotion you can't help but be drawn in.
Caitlyn is the feisty girl who has walls so high there's no way to bring them down. Growing up after a horrific tragedy, she has trust issues. Working two jobs and caring for her grandmother, she has no time or desire for a man in her life. So when KP waltzed in all arrogant and spoiled, she didn't hesitate to put him in his place.
KP is on a type of scavenger hunt. Given his tasks by his ill brother. One of these hunts leads him to the diner Caitlyn works at. KP only wants to use her body. Just like he has all the other women in his past. He's not used to being told no and he loves a challenge. But can he complete the final hunt his brother requests?
Do not pass on this story!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paolo castelletti
Omg....this book will having you balling your eyes out. It's a story of all of the kinds of love - romantic love, love for friends, love for family. It's a very emotional read.
This story is all about Caitlin and KP but the supporting characters also really become a big part of the story.
I really didn't like KP in the beginning as he was a complete jerk but the more I read the more growth he has throughout their story. Caitlin is a feisty and talented woman who's dreams of going to art school. She tells it like it is and I really liked that she didn't fall all over the fact that KP has money. She has some backbone.
Her relationship with Wenton (KP's brother) is beautiful and watching as his health declines is super emotional.
This is quite simply a beautifully written story that you MUST read!!!
* I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy for an honest review *
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 stars! Tumultuous to say the least. Passionately moving and intense. This was a great book that had more downs than ups, but those ups were so full of feels that it left you with a feeling of hope, change, love, and healing. The downs came from things we all experience in life but Caitlyn and KP both had them heaped on in such a short time frame that it was a wonder that both of them found it in themselves to rise above. Luckily, they had one another.

I really liked Caitlyn. I admired her strength of character and honesty. She came from intensely horrific beginnings and because of her feisty, irreverent, phenomenal grandmother, she found in herself a way to rise above, to become a genuinely good human. Their humor together was quite remarkable and a true testament to how awesome her g-ma was. Throughout the entire story Caitlyn was consistent with her beliefs, her dreams, and her heart. She was the good that KP needed in his life to overcome his own awful upbringing and resulting lifestyle.

KP was a good man. At first he was just a sexed-up billionaire who considered rejection a challenge. His thing with Rachael was testament to that and I was actually prepared to dislike him. Honestly, when a character starts out as KP did I am almost guaranteed not to like them throughout the entirety of the story. Alice, however, is amazing at bringing out the human, the real man out from behind all that dreck. His emotional turnaround was really good. He was honest with Caitlyn, himself, Luke, and even Rachael when she made it extremely difficult for him. I was surprised about his desire for fidelity, that he tried so very hard to be what he knew Caitlyn needed from him. Anyone going from what he was to what he became would struggle and he struggled valiantly and triumphantly. It's not his fault Rachael was a part of his womanizing past and a total biotch as well.

My favorite characters were definitely Eula and Wenton. The MC's were awesome, yes, but these two people brought this book to another level of great. Eula was Caitlyn's g-ma and a true quality human being. She was fun, real, honest, and said the most perfect things for the situation. I honestly wanted to screenshot so many things she said in regards to her feelings for Cait and her own next step. Wenton was one of those special people who only know how to be good. Born with what we generally term an illness or a disability he embodied everything that was good and right with humanity and none of the avarice, selfishness, or darkness so, really, what some think as less than capable, a reason to be marginalized is actually the way we all ought to be. True greatness and tenderness in the two people in the book that send both Caitlyn and KP to their knees and, ultimately, one another's arms.

Overall, this was a really, really great book. I enjoyed getting to know everyone here in KP and Cait's world. I could have had a story of Luke and Alicia all on their own instead of catching glimpses of them through the moments of sharing between Luke and KP, though... Anyway, awesome book, well worth the time spent reading and I wholeheartedly recommend it.

Read and very willingly reviewed this ARC from the author and Hidden Gems.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda kence
I voluntarily received this book to read and give my honest review.

If I could give "The Hunt" 10 stars I would without a doubt. Alice Ward surpassed her previous stories with this book. The words flowed so well, descriptions of the settings and what the characters were feelings were so amazing that you felt what they were feeling, the emotions are beyond what I have felt before while reading a novel, and the love was so epic. Alice's writing skills were so exceptional in this book that the characters were 3 dimensional. The love was so epic because it not only included the romance of KP & Caitlyn (the main couple) but the deep love of family, friends, and even the people at work.

KP's brother, Wenton is suffering from a chromosomal disorder. He is a sweet soul. He and KP are each other's family and KP would do anything for him. Their rich, high society parents gave them everything but love. Their parents were just emotionally absent. The relationship between the brothers and the parents is simply heartbreaking. Wenton sends KP on a scavenger hunt. Wenton wants to experience the world that he cannot see himself by sending KP on specific missions. To prove he accomplished the task pictures must be taken and sent to Wenton through text messages. KP is a womanizer and jerk at the start of this story. Through this journey he finds Caitlyn. In the end, the Hunt is truly more for KP than it is for Wenton. In Wenton's way, he wants his brother to find true lasting love so that KP is not alone when Wenton can no longer be there for him.

Both Caitlyn and Wenton have to mature and deal with their individual issues and also handle their new relationship. Together and individually they grow to be an amazing and loving couple.

In this story, Alice addresses mental issues (such as depression, anger, and loss) with so much sensitivity and respect. The emotions are so raw and tangible that I found myself crying through several scenes in this book. However, the story is not always sorrowful. There is quite a bit of humor and some seriously scorching hot love scenes between KP & Caitlyn. Alice writes so exceptionally good that you just can't put the book down until you've reached the end. I was still thinking about this story and the journey that KP & Caitlyn took a couple of days later. I even went back and re-read some scenes that resonated through to my soul. Towards the end Wenton asked for one thing that broke all the hospital rules. KP and Caitlyn delivered. What they did for him and how it went down was so touching and wonderful.

I can guarantee that I will be buying this book. It is a KEEPER and one that I will be re-reading many times over. I just hope I don't cry so hard again. Definitely buy this book as well as a box of tissues. You won't regret reading it but if you don't you'll be missing out on Alice's most amazing novel yet!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story was so much deeper than I expected. It starts out a little bit unsavory to be honest. I never like to read about the H in a romance with other women so graphically, but I am so happy I picked it back up and continued. This was a beautiful work of art. I loved most of the characters. I really really appreciate that the H and h love is imperfect and more natural feeling but totally perfect for them. I want to say that the main characters were very life like and relatable, but that is only part of it. The whole story was, it was like truly taking part in their lives for this momentous time and aching right along with them. I love instalove and easy quick romance and even erotica, I read sweet and comical romances and thriller mystery romance as well. There have been a few really life like gritty reads, but this honestly surprised the heck out of me with how true this story felt. I got this in my unlimited library expecting a longer easy read and what I got was not something I would have picked at the time, I was looking for light and easy, but I am so moved that I am blown away by how much I enjoyed and felt with this book. It is very moving and emotional. I applaud this author, you gave me something I didn’t know I needed and I thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Alice, my heartfelt thanks for having me on your list among advance reviewer of your books ...with wholesome honestly this one in particular called The Hunt is quite majestically another blockbuster Cinderella/Prince Charming type love story involving between a self made billionaire Kembrough Preston or KP whose deprived childhood of happiness from filthy rich parents, grew up to become, independently one of the powerful and richest movie producers in Hollywood... and an orphaned Caitlyn who grew up with an only ever devoted maternal grandmother!!! KP's first meeting with Caitlyn in his typically style, but without success!!! But let's not go ahead of this situation...let's explain later as their story unfolds..,!!!
An extraordinary relationship between KP and his younger brother Wenton with special needs, deeply touched me with their love and devotion towards each other... making me unashamedly cry and smile at the same time!!! KP due to non existent family love, grew up cynical in his personal life, but after meeting a feisty Caitlyn, he started to reconsider his first intention towards her. Wenton, deprived from having a normal childhood life, focused his attention towards KP requesting him scavenging things and stuff for him, and thus, making him closer towards nature and places he wanted to see. United into a closer friendship and understanding between Caitlyn and KP became the beginning of their true love after Wenton finally demanding his brother of falling in love (because KP has been incapable of this emotion ever since) ... as he fondly scavenging or go hunting for situations and feelings, hence he called it as the hunt!!! With Wenton's failing health, Caitlyn presented him his finished portrait that KP has commissioned her to do!!! Phenomenal and magical situations sets this extraordinary love into a most loved fairytale that only a super talented author could bring it to life ❤️?‍❤️‍? although my heart still longs for more, I feel so much joy and peace with the ideally suited KP and Caitlyn eventually getting married through an honest to goodness prompting of their beloved Wenton?? ? Tears of happiness is a healthy prescription for a well written love story!!! HEA, yay?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing journey! This book has so much more depth, more love, more gut-wrenching, heart-stopping, tear-jerking, snort-inducing moments than any other ten books combined! Make sure you have tissues ready, because this story has ALL the feels.

KP has no illusions about what women want from him, so he’s careful to keep his liaisons casual and his feelings detached. His heart is shut off to everyone except his brother, who can only glimpse the world through the adventures he sends KP on. When one of those “hunts” lands him in Caitlyn’s diner, he’s instantly fascinated with the one woman on earth who couldn’t be less interested in him. He only knows how to talk through his wallet, so when that gets him absolutely nowhere he has to figure out if he can learn to speak from his heart.

Caitlyn has seen more heartache than anyone ever should, so she won’t give up any piece of herself just for a quick fling. She’s holding out for the whole deal, and she knows right away that KP is the exact opposite of the man she needs. It’s only when he gives her the one thing she desperately needs that money can provide – time with the only family she has – that she begins to think of him as a friend, but nothing more. She sees right through him and doesn’t hesitate to tell him exactly what she sees.

Alice Ward really brings complex character development to this book, with such exquisite emotional insight in both KP’s and Caitlyn’s inner monologues. KP isn’t your typical swoon-worthy perfect book boyfriend here, and that’s one of the most beautiful aspects of this story. These characters are real, flaws and all, and that makes their journey of self-discovery and personal growth so much more believable.

The secondary characters are perfectly portrayed, and the author handles the tragic events with sensitivity and compassion. Each scene is brilliantly depicted, each step along the way is expertly laid out for the reader to feel what the characters feel, see what they see, and love what they love. This is truly a remarkable book, not just the best that this author has done but one of the best I’ve ever read. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
denis ananev
This story is not entirely what I expected. There are several sensitive and traumatic subjects included here (mental illness, depression, chromosomal disorders, cancer, death). While I think the author handled them respectfully, it contributed to a constant tone of sadness in certain parts. It's heavy with sorrow but the author adds humor via Grams, and appreciation for life from both her and KP's brother, Weston. It's likely you'll need a box of tissues for this story at some point.

I had a very difficult time warming up to KP. At the start of the story, he just rubbed me the wrong way. He was such a jerk and more than a bit arrogant. After about a third of the book, I began to see another side of him. He doesn't have a clue how to have a relationship (and that's painfully obvious), but he does try. And when Caitlyn needed him most, he was there. Rock-solid strong offering support.

Caitlyn is a waitress at a diner. She's an artist and uses her art to help children. She's also taking care of her grandmother. Caitlyn has put her life on hold, caring for the woman who is more of a surrogate mother than grandmother, stepping in after tragic circumstances that left Caitlyn without both parents.

There were times when the characters were immature, but it seemed that was part of their relationship dynamics. It worked for them and created a balance. When they needed to listen, they did, when they needed to turn a blind eye, they did. But KP certainly knew how to push certain points, but Caitlyn was very quick to lay down the law and call him on his behavior.

I loved Weston (KP's brother). He's a beautiful spirit that brings a new perspective and appreciation to life. Grams was hysterical and loving, ready with a snark-filled comment. And Caitlyn's friend were all well-developed secondary characters that help show the bond of friendship and chosen-family.

Overall, it's a sweet romance that highlights the love of family and friends. And the epilogue was beautiful.

/I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher. This did not affect my opinion of the book or content of my review./
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rolonda wallace
ARC received for an honest review.
Someday ?Love Will Find You.....
KP? is a very rich?, handsome, ripped?,self assured, ?movie producer, and he's very demanding and hard to work for. He finds himself in a dive diner in the middle of a small town, staring at cute, young waitress, Caitlyn??, and he's in lust.
Caitlyn?? thinks he's just a rich jerk slumming, trying to pick her up for a one ?night stand. Even the $15,000 tip he leaves makes her upset, so she splits it with all the other diner employees, even though she could use the money? for art school?.
KP? realizes Caitlyn?? has his number, she sees him for what he is, a shallow, base man. Yet, he still wants her, maybe because she's the one woman he can't have. His problem is that he thinks money is the solution to everything. What he needs is to be in a twelve step program for a$$holes.

KP has his own problems in Life, though. He is the sole caretaker of his younger brother, who has rare disease that makes him childlike and has severely damaged his heart. He lives in a small home in a hospital setting so he can get the care he needs. Even with his money, PK will not be able to save his brother for much longer. His brother lives through PK. He sends him on treasure hunts, sometimes for physical things, sometimes for pictures. He is the one that sent PK to the diner. He wants his brother brother to find ?love.

Caitlyn?? has been through the wringer in her young life. Her father murdered her mother in front of her, then killed? himself. At five years old she goes to live with her grandmother, and still lives with her. Now she is becoming the caretaker of her wonderful Gran, who is dying of a returned cancer. Caitlyn is devastated.
Gran comes to her in a dream and tells her about life's lessons and true love, and it's an extremely emotional conversation for both Caitlyn?? and the reader. Tears will fall. But also in the dream is a wonderful dance with KP. Gran wants Caitlyn?? to give him a chance.

Loved this book! Gran helps make the story so much more personal to me. This the best, most heartwarming book I've read all year! Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
burke mcferrin alciatore
I received this book as a voluntarily arc to read and give my honest review.
I must say I love love Alice Ward's books and this one was no different omg the emotional rollercoaster you are put on while reading this book was totally amazing.
Caitlyn who works two jobs one at a center for kids that helps them draw and then she works at this little diner just so she can make ends meet. In one night walks KP he sets his sights on Caitlyn but she isn't having it because KP is acting like a jerk. He only thinks of one thing and Caitlyn tells him No. when he leaves her gives her a tip of 15,000 so she doesn't want to keep it all so she splits it with the other from the diner. KP doesn't stop he keeps trying he offers to buy her paintings from the gallery for million dollars and donate money to the place where she works for the kids and wants her to do a personal painting for him of his brother. Finally Caitlyn agrees to do the paintining and she find out it's for KP's brother Wenton. When she meets Wenton she finds out he has a chromosomal disease and he doesn't have much time left his body just can't take it anymore. Caitlyn falls in love with how KP is around his brother. Caitlyn is going through a lot herself with her Gran who is a fiesty old lady but so funny as well. Her cancer has come back and Caitlyn is not ready to let go of her only family memeber left. This is where the emotions run high and grabbing tissues come into play. Once Caitlyn and KP both go through death they are strong and supportive of each. Will Caitlyn stay with KP? Will KP finally realize that he is in love and wants this relationship to last forever? Go on grab this book and read it I promise you will not be disappointed. I very much so recommend this book to everyone I LOVED IT!! I can't wait to see what next book Alice will put out awesome author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dianna weglarz
I received an ARC and am voluntarily reviewing it.

Wow, what a beautiful romance. A must read, Alice wrote such a wonderful and powerful story.

Caitlyn is a waitress and an artist. She experienced a traumating event when she was five years old. She has been raised by her loving grandmother who keeps her on her toes. Caitlyn teaches art at a school for troubled youths. She has had experience serving rich customers at the diner she works in. One night at the diner a rich man comes in and orders catchfish, she wonders why he even stopped at the diner since he looks disgusted with everything including the food. He asks her why she works there and if she is happy, upon answering him she cuts him off in the middle of his pick-up line and bashes his whole personality. She is surprised when he actually leaves her a tip.

KP is a famious film producer. He is on a scavenger hunt that his younger brother put him on. KP has to go to a greasy diner and eat something and then send a selfie to his brother. His server is very attractive so he flirts with her automatically and when she proves to be feisty when he begins to tell her what she looks like and she cuts him off. It's one of my favorite parts of the book when she says "No, I don't. You might have a lot of money, sir, but you can't come in here and proposition people like they were put on this earth only for your entertainment. I don't appreciate what you were about to insinuate. Money obviously doesn't buy manners." That outburst form her inspires the tip he leaves with a note.

Read the book to find out about the note, the tip, the brother and the antics.

I laughed so hard and I swooned and I cried and I thought oh my gosh. This book is very touching with the things it reflects in many of our lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
asmaa fathy
Once again Miss Ward doesn't disappoint and this is one book that you will solely enjoy reading....The plot is so good that you cannot put it down.... Emotionally, this book made me a mess quite a few times..... One part I was crying my eyes out, Another part I was laughing so hard, I couldn't stop.....

But most of the time I was sighing..... and it was good sighing... I was sighing how sweet this couple were, sighing at Sexy crazy scenes they created and most of all I was sighing because this book was a absolute pleasure to read.

Ruthless Womanizer KP Preston has it and used to getting it all...... But when he meets Caitlyn Ashcroft she absolutely blows him away by not bending to his will and ways. So this intrigues him and KP always gets what he wants. Only this time he might have a fight on his hands.

Caitlyn is feisty and she has a wonderful relationship with her Gran and Weston... And when she turns down the Sexy KP....Its quite hilarious.....The internal dialogue is naturally funny and so refreshing to read.

This story is so well written that I wished I could give it more that the 5 Stars I have given. If I was you I would grab a copy, Find a nice little posy, Sit back and start reading without any interruption's because seriously you wont want to stop once you start.

I was so very lucky to get this book as an Arc for a Voluntary Review and I was so impressed I will be purchasing my own copy for my Kindle.
So Thank you Miss Alice for sharing another truly amazing story.
Cilla aka Chilly x
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily read this book through an Advanced Reader Copy. This is the story of Caitlyn and KP. Caitlyn was a young woman who worked two jobs, one that she loved with at-risk youth and the other at a 24-hour diner along the interstate. She lived with her grandmother and had since she was 5 years old and her parents were a murder/suicide so she was still a little broken. KP is a movie producer who never experienced love and stopped in the diner on his way to New York City, pulling up in a Bentley. He was rude and obnoxious with Caitlyn. She rebukes him while she refuses his advances, scolding him for his behavior. He left her a $15,000 tip when he left. She decided since seven were working that night they would each get $2000 and $1000 to her art class for at-risk youth. Caitlyn's actions intrigue KP and he wants to see her again, finds she is a local artist and the story line picks up from there with him eventually finding her and dating her. The original stop at the diner was for a scavenger hunt he does with his disabled brother, Wenton, and on completion of that hunt, another would be given. Wenton is confined to a facility as he has a chromosomal defect affecting his brain, heart, lungs and facial features and only KP visits. The book is a poignant, teary-eyed read dealing with the loss of loved ones, KP becoming a better kinder person and eventually a happily ever after for two people struggling with life's challenges. Get a new box of Kleenex for this one....
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ernestasia siahaan
voluntarily read for honest review
Tears, smiles and cheers. This story had it all. Two people find each other when they needed someone the most. Even though they come from different sides of the tracks, their lives interconnect and kind of mirrors each other. KP is a spoiled rich guy with hidden depths. To the outside, he is a arrogant, mean, insensitive and spoiled. The only people he let in was his best friend Lucas and his brother Wenton. Wenton is confined to a mental health facility. He has a deadly disease. The love between these brothers will melt even the coldest heart. The entire life together has been a big scavenger hunt. Wenton sends KP all over the world to find the things he want to see. KP snaps pictures and send them to Wenton. The last thing Wenton has on his list is for KP to fall in love. When KP meets Caitlyn, on one of the adventures Wenton sends him on. When he meets Caitlyn, falling in love is not his first thought. He just wants to get her in bed. Caitlyn has her own problems. Her beloved grandmother is dying and she is in denial. Grandma Eula is the best. She keeps Caitlyn moving and enjoying life. Both Wenton and Grandma Eula give show both characters how to love and have fun.
The relationship starts off rocky due to many blunders by KP. It was fun to watch him try to adapt from a snobby elitist to the common man. This was a great story that will have you smiling, crying and cheering.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
walter burton
Is every book this author writes a tear-jerker?! This is my first time reading AW, having started with "The Cabin" and finding myself sniffling with that one, "The Hunt" followed as a bonus so I just read it anyway and I was crying a river by the end of it. Her heroines are just normal - no kick ass ninja warriors or anything like that - not snarky - maybe some sarcasm but pleasingly so - and definitely no winers (at least from what I've read so far). Despite her use of certain words and some swearing here and there, I found this one to be a "blush" novel - nothing erotic. The storyline totally drove me and the feelings you develop for these characters become the driving force to continue to read. I was overwhelmed by the depth of emotion AW can portray in her books and I can't help but wonder how much comes from personal experience because it felt so "real". The only reason I didn't give this one 5 stars is that the hero came off/was described kind of like a nymphomaniac with a real erotic side to him but the sex between him and Caitlyn was very vanilla. I felt like he had to change to accommodate her preference despite the fact he didn't seem to mind doing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hands down, my favorite Alice Ward book to date! From reading the synopsis, you might think you're getting just a glib story about a billionaire bad boy who falls for the unintentional seductive charms of a good girl, but that's wrong. Yes, it's about a billionaire bad boy and the good girl he falls for, but this is a book that has plenty of emotions throughout that you feel right along with KP and Caitlyn. With KP's career choice, he's become one jaded individual, and I absolutely loved the fact that Caitlyn refused KP's advances not once, but twice. So of course her lack of interest spurs KP into action, and reading about the shenanigans KP goes through to gain her notice is comical.

And while there was comedy in this story, just know that there's also a great deal of serious issues that both Caitlyn and KP experience, and that's where the story feels real, because at some point in everyone's lives, we all get to experience one or more of those issues (depression, mental illness, chromosomal disorders, death), either something you yourself have to deal with, or you know someone affected by one or more of these issues. The way Ms. Ward writes about these issues is with care and consideration, she brings light to the issues without sounding preachy or judgmental. Reading this book is an emotional journey and I can't recommend this book enough!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
parisa abedi
Everyone should read this book! The storyline and romance alone is worth it! I can honestly say, this book is probably one of my most favorite from Alice Ward. The book is well written and really tugs at the heart strings. I wish I could tell more but I will definitely leave it up to the readers. Caitlyn Ashcroft is beautiful, tough and has a heart of gold despite tragically losing both her parents at a very young age. Her grandmother, Eula Daring, raised Caitlyn. Caitlyn absolutely adores her spit fire elderly grandmother but due to her past illness, they both are on a tight budget. Caitlyn's dreams of going to to art school and painting full time are put on hold. She currently works at diner and teach art at a local community center for under privileged youth. One night while working at Ma's diner she meets the arrogant, very rich billionaire Kembrough Preston aka KP. KP is instantly attached to Caitlyn and tries to pick up Caitlyn with some arrogant playboy lines. Caitlyn immediately shot him down. After she basically tells KP to stick it where "the moon don't shine", KP is so turned on, he knew he had to have her! So now the "hunt" begins. The love scenes in this book are insatiable and the storyline is very intriguing. You would not want to miss reading this book. This ARC was given for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jade chen
Alice Ward does it again with another amazing read about a billionaire, KP, who at first I did not like so much and the waitress who has him spell bound, Caitlyn. Their first encounter is not so pleasant and he has her chastising and walking away from him, a first for him since no woman has ever walked away from him. He starts to "stalk" her by giving money to the centre where she works, buying her paintings, showing up at her diner and through it all she states she will not sleep with him no matter what. As she lets him into her world and him into his world where he has a brother who he loves dearly, she sees another side of him, a side she could easily fall for. When tragedy strikes on her side, he is there for her but will it be enough when he goes back to his life.
An amazing read that had me laughing and crying many times that I ran out of tissues, along with the chemistry, their banter and their teasing I could not put it down. Alice Ward delivers another read that had me emotional and a story that was thorough with the development and honesty of the characters...WOW. KP grew on me and as I didn't really like him in the beginning, he definitely redeemed himself as the story went on and by the end, he was the man he was supposed to be.
*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book*
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
gottfrid w nnberg
Although this book had touching moments I just could not connect with the main characters as a couple. KP seems to be settling for what he thinks he needs and Caitlyn seems to be trying to convince herself that that their relationship will work. I am not a big fan of when the main guy sleeps with someone else while trying to pursue the heroine. To me it is still cheating. If you are interested with someone you do not sleep with someone else, playboy or not. All in all this book was just a miss for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather schuenemann
The Hunt was a 5 plus stars book. Really outstanding. Pulled the heartstrings, had great characters. It was so powerful. Unfortunately, the second book was a 2 many be 3 star at best. The lead give was the most shellfish, stupid, bipolar, crazy chick ever. From the start I could never get what he could see in her to have this love at first sight thing. She was constantly insecure, pulling away and every sentence was her screeching. I mean what's up with that. Screeching is something those b word this do. It is in no way attractive. And then to shut out her best friend and him because she was an idiot. Not being willing to hear anyone's side of the story and going so far as to change her number and not open any letters or packages. Wow, what a beyatch! Jace and Becca both deserved better than her. Then giving away Sean's ring after she knew he was working in a pizza joint. WTH? That's just messed up. The polite thing to do is give the poor guy back the ring he probably couldn't afford and she sure didn't deserve. Yeah I just hated that character. She I loved the girl from The Hunt. She was strong and normal. That last chick was cuckoo and awful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A very well written romance about two people trying to find themselves and not believe in HEA.
Caitlyn lives with her grandmother who has cancer. She is working two jobs to survive and pay bills. KP is not that different from Caitlyn. He do not have feelings for others except for his brother who is ill. They meet by coincidence in the diner where Caitlyn works. KP just falls head over heals for her and he just has to know her. Caitlyn thinks she knows his type. Both of them seeking a thing they are not aware of. They miss one to stand by them and to love them.
This book was not what I thought it would be and this is meant in the most positive way. I was not disappointed. It is so well written that your emotions are all out there. It has you on the edge from first to last chapter. It is one long rollercoaster ride where emotions are flowing out of the pages. This story has so much in it. There are so many aspects to think about. The twists and turns makes this book so captivating. It is one of the best I have read recently. The chemistry and feelings between Caitlyn and KP are so well described and hot.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
K.P the arrogant arse womanizer, film maker and Caitlyn the poor in wealth but rich in life waitress are an unlikely pair. However, K.P makes his decision after one visit to the dirty dinner she is his conquest, by whatever means necessary- What starts out as obsessive, borderline creepy turns into something they both didn't know they needed.
The storyline is a sweet grief stricken one that had me in tears on several occasions throughout, also full of frustrations, turning over new leafs and overcoming the demons of the past.
I loved the emotional wreckage of their behaviors, I liked the fact it was a slow burn relationship, I had some parts where I was confused, and I felt like maybe I was missing something. ( this all could just be me) however, other parts I felt were supremely detailed and left me with no questions and happily moving onto the next!
For all the confusion, This turbulent mixture of love, life, past and present is one I did not see coming when I started this book kept me reading til the very end!
A thought provoking read from Alice Ward!
I voluntarily read an advanced readers copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book
KP has no illusions about what women want from him, so he’s careful to keep his liaisons casual and his feelings detached. His heart is shut off to everyone except his brother, who can only glimpse the world through the adventures he sends KP on. When one of those “hunts” lands him in Caitlyn’s diner, he’s instantly fascinated with the one woman on earth who couldn’t be less interested in him. He only knows how to talk through his wallet, so when that gets him absolutely nowhere he has to figure out if he can learn to speak from his heart.

Caitlyn has seen more heartache than anyone ever should, so she won’t give up any piece of herself just for a quick fling. She’s holding out for the whole deal, and she knows right away that KP is the exact opposite of the man she needs. It’s only when he gives her the one thing she desperately needs that money can provide – time with the only family she has – that she begins to think of him as a friend, but nothing more. She sees right through him and doesn’t hesitate to tell him exactly what she sees.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Alice Ward always manages to entertain with her books. This book continues her record of dynamic heroines and the men who capture their hearts.
At first glance KP appeared to be a callous, rude, self indulgent womanizer. In his defense, KP was honest with Rachael, never pretending their liaison was more than it was. When he stops at a late night diner he encounters a woman, definitely not impressed by his churlish manners, apparent wealth and good looks
Caitlyn Ashcroft is a loving, compassionate, self possessed woman. She has dreams of attending Parsons School of Design In the mean time she lives with her indomitable grandmother. Little does she realise that her encounter with KP, will be the start of a whole new life. Read along as KP endeavours to become a man worthy of this feisty heroine.
The secondary characters in this book made the story all the more enjoyable to read. As much fun as I had reading Caitlyn and KP's story, my favourite character was Eula Darling. This book will have your emotions running the gamut in the best way.

I read an ARC of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary halterman
KP is the billionaire Oscar winning producer who has been sent on a scavenger hunt by this brother Wenton. He suffers from a rare chromosomal disorder that has him confined to a hospital and that is how KP ends up in diner in Connecticut.

Caitlyn is a waitress in the diner and is less than impressed by his womanizing homes and turns him down flat and splits his $15,000 tip with her co-workers. In addition to a waitress she is an accomplished artist who teaches art classes at a youth center and is trying to handle a trauma in her own life so she has no interest in wasting any time on this jerk.

KP is shot down by Caitlyn two more times before he realized that his wealth isn’t going to sway her but will she be willing to give him another chance?

I liked how KP changed into a much better man over as the book progressed and Caitlyn just takes whatever life throws at her and soldiers on. This is a great example of it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor everyone experiences tragedies in their life. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a beautiful story!

Caitlyn is struggling to get her life in track. Working multiple jobs to be able to go to art school. She lives with Eula, her loving and spunky grandma who raised her. She lived through a tragic experience that left her in her grandma's care. This start in life left her guarded. But she has great friends and strong morals and lives a life where she gives back to others.

One night, while working at the local diner, in walks KP. It's obvious to her that he comes from money and is from out-of-town. KP is used to getting everything he wants and acts like it too. He propositions Caitlyn and she shuts him down hard.

KP doesn't deal well with NO. He devises a plan to get Caitlyn to become his friend. This is a story if two people finding one another. At first they are enemies, then they become friends and then more. Both of their lives monumentally change because of the other.

This story is sweet, sad at times but also makes you smile. Its beautiful depiction of life; the good and the bad. Get the kleenex and enjoy this gem!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
KP (Kembrough Preston) is a womaniser and can be a real jerk, but that's not all he is, he hunts for things that his sick little brother specifies in a great scavenger hunt (which hints at hidden depths, not often shown to others). Lucky one of these items that he has to get in the Hunt leads him to Caitlyn who is feisty and not about to let him just have sex and leave her (like all the other women have let him do), now he keeps been drawn back to her. Has he finally found the one, surely not, he was sure it couldn't happen to a guy like him. I loved so many of the character, but her are a few of my favourites there is Caitlyn's Gram (Eula) she who is so full of life that you can't help but want to meet her, KP's brother (Wenton) doesn't let his troubles stop him from trying to live his life to the fullest either and of course I loved the two main characters KP and Caitlyn who drew me in and took me on their emotional story (filled with love, laughter, tears, some darkness of human nature and much more).
I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie leblanc
5 Star Kindle Unlimited Read
When I first opted to read "The Hunt", I did so because of the hit cover. I failed to read the synopsis. Being an Alice Ward book I expected some sizzling hot sex scenes.

I got more that I could have ever imagined. I was thrust into a feisty hate/ infatuation got to have that girl story line that blossomed. The infatuation KP has for Caitlin grows and matures as does the hate Caitlin has for KP blossomed to love.

More than that this is a powerful melancholy romance that spans the test of time from life, love, and death. It's the strength KP and Caitlin have for each other that brought me to my emotional knees.

I highly recommend for everyone to enjoy this book. If not for romance, for the like KP brings Wenton through scavenger hunts that expands throughout his life.

This is by far my favorite and the best book written by Alice Ward. An author everyone should continue to keep an eye on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"The Hunt" is magical. It is heartwarming and exhilarating. This book is about what's important in life, about the quest for love and happiness. The plot is terrific and the execution is excellent. The story is one of a kind, it is unique and is a long-sought reprieve from all the cliche floating around. All characters have a depth to them whether they're actively involved in the story or stay in the background. Some characters and moments made me laugh, especially the spirited Gran. Other moments were so heartbreaking they brought tears to my eyes. And there were moments that made me mad at the unfair and cruel way the parents treated their son who was born with a defective chromosome. The writing is wonderful and the story is told with great passion and warmth. When I thought that Alice Ward's books couldn't get any better, she took us on this incredible, emotional journey. Amazing author! And amazing book. I highly recommend this book to everyone who likes to read books written with skill and heart, books that have substance.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a wonderful story about self discovery, compromise, and unconditional love and acceptance.
Caitlyn is a small town Connecticut girl working 2 jobs to make ends meet. She lives with her Gran who has raised her since she was five. She has a small circle of friends that she can count on no matter what.
KP is a multi-billionaire movie exec who is used to getting what he wants, when he wants. He has a reputation that precedes him and doesn't do anything to change those perceptions, until one fateful day when he stops at a roadside diner and meets Caitlyn. Their story is filled with a rollercoaster of emotion. The getting to know you phase didn't go quite as planned, it was anything but smooth. The back and forth banter was entertaining, real and fun to watch unfold. But, it was when KP finally let his guard down that she was able to see the man behind the mask that he wears for self preservation.
To me, this had a little different feel than other books I've read from Ms. Ward. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed it. A great way to spend a rainy Saturday.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book
KP has no illusions about what women want from him, so he’s careful to keep his liaisons casual and his feelings detached. His heart is shut off to everyone except his brother, who can only glimpse the world through the adventures he sends KP on. When one of those “hunts” lands him in Caitlyn’s diner, he’s instantly fascinated with the one woman on earth who couldn’t be less interested in him. He only knows how to talk through his wallet, so when that gets him absolutely nowhere he has to figure out if he can learn to speak from his heart.

Caitlyn has seen more heartache than anyone ever should, so she won’t give up any piece of herself just for a quick fling. She’s holding out for the whole deal, and she knows right away that KP is the exact opposite of the man she needs. It’s only when he gives her the one thing she desperately needs that money can provide – time with the only family she has – that she begins to think of him as a friend, but nothing more. She sees right through him and doesn’t hesitate to tell him exactly what she sees.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hadley seward
*I volunteered to review this ARC.

This started out as a billionaire manwhore determined to get the one girl who said 'no' story, but quickly turned into a rather sweet story about two people who have had a sordid sort of past trying to get past that and live life and who fall in love along the way, all the while trying to hold it together when devastation hits them. Her story is pretty clear cut from the beginning, but his backstory plays out a little slower. She's strong despite everything and he's powerful but still shows his vulnerability. The side characters help enhance the leads. The billionaire's brother in particular, steals the show in many of the scenes. Loved the idea of the scavenger hunt. :)

It's not a comedy, but there are a few humorous moments throughout. There are a few emotional moments as well. There's a few scenes that are on the steamier side. There is also some salty language. Even though the story reads easily, it doesn't read as quickly as many books. Although a majority of the book is ok for teens, there are a few more explicit scenes making this recommend for 18+.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing!! Absolutely loved it. I voluntarily chose to read and review this arc.
Alice does such a great job with the story. So much emotion and awareness comes from this story. It shows us that not everyone is money hungry.

Kp, an extremely wealthy movie producer who has 1 thing on his mind, making movies and banging women.

Caitlyn lives with her grandma, works 2 jobs and is an artist who wants to go to college. She's got no interest in kp despite all his wealth.

Talk about things taking a turn when they actually talk and spend time together. He has commissioned her to paint a special portrait of a special person in his life. Absolutely amazing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Alice Ward always manages to entertain with her books. This book continues her record of dynamic heroines and the men who capture their hearts.
At first glance KP appeared to be a callous, rude, self indulgent womanizer. In his defense, KP was honest with Rachael, never pretending their liaison was more than it was. When he stops at a late night diner he encounters a woman, definitely not impressed by his churlish manners, apparent wealth and good looks
Caitlyn Ashcroft is a loving, compassionate, self possessed woman. She has dreams of attending Parsons School of Design In the mean time she lives with her indomitable grandmother. Little does she realise that her encounter with KP, will be the start of a whole new life. Read along as KP endeavours to become a man worthy of this feisty heroine.
The secondary characters in this book made the story all the more enjoyable to read. As much fun as I had reading Caitlyn and KP's story, my favourite character was Eula Darling. This book will have your emotions running the gamut in the best way.

I read an ARC of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adrienne johnson
KP is the billionaire Oscar winning producer who has been sent on a scavenger hunt by this brother Wenton. He suffers from a rare chromosomal disorder that has him confined to a hospital and that is how KP ends up in diner in Connecticut.

Caitlyn is a waitress in the diner and is less than impressed by his womanizing homes and turns him down flat and splits his $15,000 tip with her co-workers. In addition to a waitress she is an accomplished artist who teaches art classes at a youth center and is trying to handle a trauma in her own life so she has no interest in wasting any time on this jerk.

KP is shot down by Caitlyn two more times before he realized that his wealth isn’t going to sway her but will she be willing to give him another chance?

I liked how KP changed into a much better man over as the book progressed and Caitlyn just takes whatever life throws at her and soldiers on. This is a great example of it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor everyone experiences tragedies in their life. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess brown
Such a beautiful story!

Caitlyn is struggling to get her life in track. Working multiple jobs to be able to go to art school. She lives with Eula, her loving and spunky grandma who raised her. She lived through a tragic experience that left her in her grandma's care. This start in life left her guarded. But she has great friends and strong morals and lives a life where she gives back to others.

One night, while working at the local diner, in walks KP. It's obvious to her that he comes from money and is from out-of-town. KP is used to getting everything he wants and acts like it too. He propositions Caitlyn and she shuts him down hard.

KP doesn't deal well with NO. He devises a plan to get Caitlyn to become his friend. This is a story if two people finding one another. At first they are enemies, then they become friends and then more. Both of their lives monumentally change because of the other.

This story is sweet, sad at times but also makes you smile. Its beautiful depiction of life; the good and the bad. Get the kleenex and enjoy this gem!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julia giordano
KP (Kembrough Preston) is a womaniser and can be a real jerk, but that's not all he is, he hunts for things that his sick little brother specifies in a great scavenger hunt (which hints at hidden depths, not often shown to others). Lucky one of these items that he has to get in the Hunt leads him to Caitlyn who is feisty and not about to let him just have sex and leave her (like all the other women have let him do), now he keeps been drawn back to her. Has he finally found the one, surely not, he was sure it couldn't happen to a guy like him. I loved so many of the character, but her are a few of my favourites there is Caitlyn's Gram (Eula) she who is so full of life that you can't help but want to meet her, KP's brother (Wenton) doesn't let his troubles stop him from trying to live his life to the fullest either and of course I loved the two main characters KP and Caitlyn who drew me in and took me on their emotional story (filled with love, laughter, tears, some darkness of human nature and much more).
I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Star Kindle Unlimited Read
When I first opted to read "The Hunt", I did so because of the hit cover. I failed to read the synopsis. Being an Alice Ward book I expected some sizzling hot sex scenes.

I got more that I could have ever imagined. I was thrust into a feisty hate/ infatuation got to have that girl story line that blossomed. The infatuation KP has for Caitlin grows and matures as does the hate Caitlin has for KP blossomed to love.

More than that this is a powerful melancholy romance that spans the test of time from life, love, and death. It's the strength KP and Caitlin have for each other that brought me to my emotional knees.

I highly recommend for everyone to enjoy this book. If not for romance, for the like KP brings Wenton through scavenger hunts that expands throughout his life.

This is by far my favorite and the best book written by Alice Ward. An author everyone should continue to keep an eye on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"The Hunt" is magical. It is heartwarming and exhilarating. This book is about what's important in life, about the quest for love and happiness. The plot is terrific and the execution is excellent. The story is one of a kind, it is unique and is a long-sought reprieve from all the cliche floating around. All characters have a depth to them whether they're actively involved in the story or stay in the background. Some characters and moments made me laugh, especially the spirited Gran. Other moments were so heartbreaking they brought tears to my eyes. And there were moments that made me mad at the unfair and cruel way the parents treated their son who was born with a defective chromosome. The writing is wonderful and the story is told with great passion and warmth. When I thought that Alice Ward's books couldn't get any better, she took us on this incredible, emotional journey. Amazing author! And amazing book. I highly recommend this book to everyone who likes to read books written with skill and heart, books that have substance.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a wonderful story about self discovery, compromise, and unconditional love and acceptance.
Caitlyn is a small town Connecticut girl working 2 jobs to make ends meet. She lives with her Gran who has raised her since she was five. She has a small circle of friends that she can count on no matter what.
KP is a multi-billionaire movie exec who is used to getting what he wants, when he wants. He has a reputation that precedes him and doesn't do anything to change those perceptions, until one fateful day when he stops at a roadside diner and meets Caitlyn. Their story is filled with a rollercoaster of emotion. The getting to know you phase didn't go quite as planned, it was anything but smooth. The back and forth banter was entertaining, real and fun to watch unfold. But, it was when KP finally let his guard down that she was able to see the man behind the mask that he wears for self preservation.
To me, this had a little different feel than other books I've read from Ms. Ward. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed it. A great way to spend a rainy Saturday.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
At its essence, The Hunt is a sexy, heartwarming story of a brother gathering glimpses of the world through photos for this younger brother who has a medical disorder. During his quest billionaire KP meets Caitlyn, a waitress and artist who has had her own family tragedy affect her life. KP actively pursues Caitlyn until she agrees to see him, and their relationship develops when KP engages Caitlyn to paint his brother's portrait.
While this is Caitlyn and KP's love story, there is emphasis on the importance of friends, the love between family members and the acceptance of death.
Well written, engaging story that I would recommend. I received an ARC for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany rachann
First a warning, keep the tissues handy because you're going to need them. The emotional undertow is deep and it is strong. This book takes on some really big subjects: love, loss, life, death, second chances, redemption. And they're all handled with such a deft touch that you really don't realize just how deep the subject matter is until you're in over your head. I really appreciated the moments of humor. They gave me a chance to catch my breath between bouts of crying my eyes out. I loved the lengths Caitlyn and Wenton make KP go to in order to redeem him. KP starts the book as a prime jerk, but it's almost okay because Caitlyn's a bit of a raving witch at the beginning so they both have growing to do. The loss of some very important people from their lives is very difficult to experience, for the characters and for the reader. And that connection makes it easier to move past all the defenses and bad personal history to be able to fall in love. By the end I don't know if I loved KP or Caitlyn more.
I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sent on a scavenger hunt by his afflicted and bed-ridden adored brother KP is an arrogant rich and self-involved movie executive who meets beautiful struggling artist, Caitlyn who is working nights at Ma's Diner in Connecticut in order to pay for art school and support her Gran who has looked after since Caitlyn's mom was murdered by her father. KP is in lust for Caitlyn after meeting her at the diner and makes indecent proposals which Caitlyn flatly rejects. He can't understand the rejection since he has always had his way. But again he is turned down until gradually he gets to meet Gran and Caitlyn visits his brother who sees their attraction for each other and encourages it. Some heavy subjects are discussed here with great care to the credit of the author as this is not so common in a romance novel. Alice Ward is one of the very best romance writers having just published The Rebel another great story. This will engage you and arouse you as the sex is as usual hotter than hot! Given to me as an ARC and I have voluntarily and pleasurably reviewed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
drew c
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. I really enjoyed this book. It was the BEST billionaire book I read. I loved the characters especially Kaitlin. She had so much strength after having a tragic childhood. Her Gran was funny and a spitfire. I also liked her best friend Tammy and her neighbors.
KP was a dream come true as the main male character. He's a sexy arrogant, Producer with a hard body and gorgeous face to make him a ideal catch. Wenton his brother found a special space in my heart. I loved every page of this very well written storyline. You definitely need to read this unique billionaire story. You won't regret it.?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Hunt was one incredible read it was sexy lovely and emotional. Alice Ward did a fantastic job writing a super story about family love good and bad. Wow I could not put this book down I was so hooked until the last sentence. The characters in this book were wonderfully written. I felt as though I felt their love for each other and the sadness they felt.
Caitlyn has a wonderfully crazy fun Grandmother who she cares for and works two jobs to take care of everything. She is also a painter she loves it and helps her when she needs a escape. Then one night at the diner where she works she meets arrogant snobbish rich KP.
KP is a selfish arrogant billionaire who loves all women, but is not looking for love. But KP does loves someone unconditionally his younger brother. When he meets Caitlyn things seem different because she doesn't like him. I highly recommend this book it was fun and sexy an enjoyable book. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book for my honest review. I honestly loved loved this story. A must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah smith gumataotao
Wow, this book had taken me on an emotional roller coaster and then some, I'm still crying!

I so did not like KP at the start, he was vile, but oh boy what a transformation! He really looked inside himself and had the balls to admit he didn't like what he saw and for a chance at something with Caitlyn he was willing to change. His change wasn't overnight or perfect but that made it more believable and if he was harsh at times, liked control a bit too much and was a bit like a child, it was balanced out by his thoughtfulness and embracing his feelings more.

I loved the strong female characters, the conviction Caitlyn had to stay true to herself and that she could be a strong and vulnerable woman.

Eula and Wenton stole lots of scenes and I cried for them as much as I did for Caitlyn and KP.

I found this book structured well, had good character development, well written and it covered some really tough issues.

I received an ARC for an honest review and would 100% recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy finnegan
A lovely but completely different romance.

Caitlyn is surprised when a limo pills up outside the diner she works at, and this hot man comes in. He starts to make a pass at her and she puts him in his place before he manages to get the words out. She is really surprised when he leaves a $15,000 tip with a note for her to have fun. Instead of keeping the money for herself, she shares it with the entire staff of the diner.

KP is surprised at being turned down as he is a famous movie magnate and women normally fall at his feet. However, he can’t forget Caitlyn, so he finds out more about her. It takes him a couple more tries before he manages to get Caitlyn to have a meal with him. All of this is completely new to him, as he has never needed to date a woman to get her to sleep with him. We meet the significant people in KP’s and Caitlyn’s lives and get invested in their stories.

I will definitely be looking for more books by this author.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron dubin
This is such an emotional story. Have the tissues nearby! It starts as a scavenger hunt for 2 brothers (KP & Wenton). Wenton, who is handicapped & confined to his cottage, wants to experience everything in the world so he sends KP on scavenger hunts since they were kids. Wenton's health deteriorates & KP does his best to fulfill his brother's final scavenger hunt wishes.

Caitlyn & her grandma are very close for a number of years. KP meets Caitlyn at the diner she works at. He's rude & she stands up to him. She & Gran are real "firecrackers" - very entertaining areas in the book. KP's personality changes for the better as he tries to get Caitlyn. She is so down-to-earth, helps people in need & is full of surprises in KP's eyes.

This story touches on how KP & Caitlyn handle their loved ones dying. Both Wenton & Gran show them they are not scared of death and they want KP & Caitlyn to be happy.

Definitely a Must Read novel. I am volunteering to leave a review for an ARC of this book.
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