An Uncommon Dialogue (Conversations with God Series)

ByNeale Donald Walsch

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bee hoon tee
This trilogy has changed my life! It put everything that just didn't seem right into perspective and brought the clarity that I have been seeking. Do yourself the best deed by buying and reading this trilogy. Your True Self will thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book literally blew me away. Not because off the context but be cause, I too, have had these types of conversations with God. For Neale to put them into a book and publish it is a great testament to who he is as a messenger of God. It is disappointing however, that the world is still in the shape it it is in with such a grand book like this to be read. This world is worse off now then it was when this book was written, which means not enough people read it, not enough people believed it, or not enough people are living it. I believe it is the latter, and I am going to try to make the words that God shared with me, a reality, by becoming what I was meant to be........a messenger of the Divine Creator.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sparky abraham
I own all 3 paperback edition prior to buying this.
It is a great book.It have timeless truths and simple ways to understand yourself and the world around you.
The best way to truly understand the teachings is repeat it over and over again.
Always keep an open mind.

The only negative part about this book is...
Other will said"You don't understand God." Or should I name it the greater self.

"Awake my little one"
A Snarky but Authentic Spiritual Memoir - Angry Conversations with God :: Conversations with God for Teens :: The 25 Core Messages of Conversations with God That Will Change Your Life and th e World :: NORMAL: Part One (Something More Book 1) :: Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally - God Space
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jacob oliver
I was totally engrossed when I started this book. It was bringing questions to light that I had been thinking about for years. I am still on the first book and it's gotten to a point where I have to keep rereading it because it's hard to follow. I think there is some genuine knowledge in there but it's hard to grasp.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kim collins
I thoroughly enjoyed this trilogy. Even if you don't want to believe that the author had actual conversations with God, this series has all the makings for a great spiritual and ethical study. I choose to see the author not so much as a prophet but more as a philosopher. What he says here makes sense to me and is much more in keeping with my own understanding of who God is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book has completely disrupted the truth the massive shave taught, to which I have a good way...I am still processing much of what was said, but I certainly will stay on my meditation path...seeking within...creating life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aisha az
Come in with an open mind .. then accept only
those things that RING TRUE. In religions, all
your problems stem from you, and all solutions
come from the Church (as proxy) to God. In
this book you will see that the solutions too
come from YOU.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wade stevenson
I felt Neal was very polite in his conversations with God, but I also felt he was too easy on him. There were many times that God gave him a perfect opportunity to challenge some of God's comments, but he just let them pass him by. Often times what I would have asked were answered in God's response to the previous question, but often, it was never answered. I feel the books are very enlightening and are filled with many good ideas. I still have many unanswered questions.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Interesting concept but can't entirely buy into it that this is a real conversation with god. Test of time and # if followers/believers for years on down the line will need to be looked out and see if this book is still remembered. There are thought provoking ideas here though, for sure!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liz moore
I felt Neal was very polite in his conversations with God, but I also felt he was too easy on him. There were many times that God gave him a perfect opportunity to challenge some of God's comments, but he just let them pass him by. Often times what I would have asked were answered in God's response to the previous question, but often, it was never answered. I feel the books are very enlightening and are filled with many good ideas. I still have many unanswered questions.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Interesting concept but can't entirely buy into it that this is a real conversation with god. Test of time and # if followers/believers for years on down the line will need to be looked out and see if this book is still remembered. There are thought provoking ideas here though, for sure!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First of all, buying "The Complete Conversations with God" will save you space, money and time. This book is the collected works, or books 1, 2, and 3 all in one. This books takes less space than the three books put together, trust me. And, inevitably, after reading book 1, you will want to read the rest of the trilogy. This collection will save you money (one book is cheaper than three) and time, since you won't have to order and wait for delivery.

That said, this book should be in every American household. The insight is phenomenal, and all the information is communicated in a clear manner. Also, many "tips" are given to lead a more fulfilling life, plus this book discusses subjects such as community, sharing, and oneness. Other subjects touched on are the law of attraction, rebirth, death, the concept of soul, etc. This is a very good book, and all should read it. Deciding to follow the advice would be a personal decision.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
candice crowell
Shades of "Oh God," the movie starring John Denver and George Burns...Kudos for good creative writing in the New Thought genre while pretending to talk with God....and medals for making a fortune from it....He has become a one man institution bigger even than Billy Graham ever was. His message is not "God is love" but rather "God is life"..."We are God"..."It is all One" ....and God told him so...but this is just as much imagination as the Book of Mormon or A Course In Miracles...or Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard...they are all products of imagination or maybe schizophrenia...which might also include the four gospels and other books in the New Testament...that in reality are impotent and irrelevant to the reality of life...which makes all the buyers and readers of these books billed as conversations with God poor, gullible fools...not including me of course...Walsch was raised as a Catholic which did not serve him well - especially the dogma that made him father of nine kids - and he figured out how to make money from poor souls seeking inner peace or more of this or that kind of miracle in their pathetic lives....He claims among the 25 topics chosen tor this summary that there is no hell and no everlasting punishment, which of course Jesus proclamed to be untrue. He claims we make up reality because it does not really exist...straight from Mary Baker Eddy who declared, "Disease does not exist." He says there is no right or wrong except what we and God decide it is...and He even admits in chapter 13, "I could of course be making all this up..."

Space does not permit a full criticism but this one is sufficient...he emphasizes that we/it are all One so how can something that is one have a conversation with another???...nine books full of it....mmm????? Jesus said the same thing in chapter 17 of the gospel of John as he prayed to the Father with which he claimed to is all very confusing....if you are making up God any kind will do...while we are making up things we might also declare the works of Dostoyevsky, Hemingway, and Shakespeare also to be voices of God...but like P. T. Barnum said, there is another sucker born every minute...Walsch also apparently uses a lot of stuff from Depak Chopra without reference, but what I dislike the most is how he quotes the Bible without citing the scripture while he references other New Thought authors specifically. But mostly he uses one of his books to sell another...and another...Very unprofessional...but it works...

Walsch is but another of the many writers - but the most prolific one - adding to the genre called "New Age" or "New Thought" which seems to appeal to a lot of troubled searching people wishing to escape their reality...They read and seek some magic or mystery formula to make it all better but it never works for anyone but the sellers who just get richer...and they just don't get it...and still they buy more books and pay to attend more seminars trying to discover the secret which always is beyond reach...never realizing that what is must be necessary or it would be different....Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me...Jesus said there would be false prophets, false teachers, and false prophecies to deceive even the very elect...(Matthew 24: 23-25) So who are you gonna believe??....It must all be god's will or it would be different...not the manmade god in holy books or these schizophrenic "conversations" but the prime mover in the universe...generator, operator, does whatever it wants with whomever it wants and sheeple all must take what it gives and give what it takes...ergo theofatalism....but that is a different kind of book...however it is the only belief that accommodates all the others...You could look it up...but only if God wills...if you don't get it you don't get...get it???...theofatalism....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon fair rogalski
THE most informative books I've read to-date...and I've read many religious and philosophical works. If you are deeply religious or firm in your beliefs regarding God, Jesus, or the nature of the Universe, these three books will challenge those beliefs. But if you keep an open mind, I think the words will resonate with you as they did with me. If every government official in the world read "Conversations with God", there would be no more wars, no more starving children, no more crime...the Earth would return to being the Paradise it is supposed to be.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I found this book in total contradiction with the bible in many, many ways, which is dangerous and can mislead people seeking God.. If God is real, I assume people want to find the real God, and not the popular type of man made god people like to gravitate towards. If you want to find a man made god and NOT the God of the bible, you may enjoy this book. I believe God wants a relationship with us, and wants us to seek Him. I do not presume to know or judge the author's heart or intentions, and I personally have nothing against the author, but we are to be discerning by judging content, and this book's content is anti-Christian.

God has revealed Himself to us in the bible, and there are some great books where people struggle with questioning God in productive ways (Larry Crabb's 66 Love Letters: A Conversation With God).
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bintan badriatul ummah
Complete trash. This book should be called "conversations with the Devil". The author should not be offended since one of his premises is that there is no Devil. It's full of misleading information. The author quotes the bible, and then completely contradicts it. It's full of nonsense such at that You are God, there is no such thing as evil or hell, even Hitler is going to heaven, and other completely contradictory nonsense. His solution for relationships? Become self-centered and do whatever feels good for yourself. I am offended that this author would quote the bible and then proceed to lead people down the wrong path. I am reminded of this passage - 2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
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