Surviving Cancer Against All Odds - Radical Remission

ByKelly A. Turner PhD

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very inspirational book! An easy read and a good guide for anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer and wants to give their self the best possible chance to beat cancer and remain cancer free for the rest of their life. I had the opportunity to attend an event where Dr. Turner spoke and she is as inspirational in person as she is in her book! Thank you, Dr. Turner, for putting this valuable information out there. It has become my "go to" reference for my cancer journey!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
molly mcelroy
I was diagnosed with stage 2 colorectal cancer January 2018. Walking out of that doctors office was surreal. What followed (surgeons visit.. no doctor or oncologist was assigned.. just surgeon) was worse. Talk about having no hope left! But this little book is filled with hope.. she’s done an amazing job researching so many cancer survivors.. telling their stories.. outstanding! It’s not just about one way of dealing with cancer.. she goes into 9 basic principles that must be addressed.. and I 100% agree with her! Truly a gift of hope for cancer patients and their loved ones. I’ve given it to all my friends and am always referring people to read this book. It’s that good!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This should be the go-to book for anyone diagnosed with cancer. The author has done extensive research and interviews with people who were diagnosed with cancer and defied the odds by changing their diet, their exercise habits, their stress levels, and many more factors. If you have cancer and want to take charge of your health and your life to see what you can do to affect your outcome, this is the book for you.
Cancer: Step Outside the Box :: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam :: Idol (VIP Book 1) :: Pretty Venom :: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book for anyone who has cancer, knows someone with cancer, or just for general knowledge regarding the disease. My wife is a RN with over 20 years of experience. This is her favorite book to date.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We love this book. Dr. Turner introduces you to many who healed naturally and their actions. Listen to your intuition and apply some of the actions others have taken to heal naturally. Check out "Guided Cure" by Paula Beiger and see her journey of healing naturally.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Western medicine provided me with 3 surgeries followed by 3 failed chemotherapy rounds. This book gives me HOPE. I think it might just save my life. So grateful that it fell into my hands just when I needed it. The nine key factors presented give me a road map to follow and work to do.
About me - Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer Survivor
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book inspires such hope for everyone whose life has been touched by cancer. The author has done a spectacular job at compiling numerous accounts of regular people taking control of their health simply by focusing on it. They made up their minds to choose life rather than give up hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
farrah muthrafah
This is such an important book for cancer patients and their families and friends. I applaud Dr. Turner for taking the chance in her dissertation to do the qualitative research that was begging to be done and especially for making her discoveries available to the public in the form of this beautifully conceived book. For me, Radical Remission came along at just the right time. I have stage IV colon cancer and have read everything I can get my hands on about mainstream treatments and alternatives. I'm still in the middle of my journey with cancer, so I don't know for sure yet whether I'll be adding myself to the list of "radical" survivors in Dr. Turner's book, but I am doing many of the things they did and was thrilled to have it confirmed that I'm one of many individuals who are looking beyond mainstream medicine for hope and healing. It was comforting to read about what others had done, and to identify with all of the nine common factors Dr. Turner synthesized from her interviews with radical survivors and from her study of over a thousand documented cases. The individual stories in the book are fascinating and inspiring, and I loved the way they were interspersed with discussions of current studies that support the anecdotal evidence. I've already recommended this book to all my family and friends and I know this is one book that I will read again and again. Whether you have cancer or not, this book contains profound life lessons that can help anyone learn and grow as a person. It's a great read. I couldn't put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After getting my cancer diagnosis, I have done lots of reading and researching. Of my stack of 12+ books by my bed, this one is nearly always on top. It is inspiring and life-changing, and that's what you need when you are diagnosed with cancer. It is helping and supporting me on my healing journey to find health and well-being. It isn't against western medicine, it just provides the holistic, full picture of healing (and insight) that is critical to survive and thrive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great blend of useful information & case studies from looking at the diet to addressing the emotions and finding reasons for "living". A chapter is dedicated to each of the 9 key factors the writer/researcher found as being instrumental in radical remissions. I loved the real life stories that outline how various people incorporated healing & well-being into their life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark desrosiers
Amazing, hopeful, inspiring book! This book is NOT just for people dealing with cancer personally or through those they love. This book is for EVERYONE! I cannot recommend this book more highly. I wish I could read more and more of the amazing stories and have already started to dive more deeply into the reference books she recommends. Wellness is the first step to health; take charge of your wellness NOW and start by reading this book!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike honour
Great book to stay healthy & use as a reference guide. I first checked this book out from the library & have rechecked it several times as I like to refer to it. After owing S 3.00 in fines, I decided to buy my own book to use as reference. I even referred it to a friend who was diagnosed w/ lung cancer who never smoked a day. I have a lot of respect for the author Dr. Kelly Turner. .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna tran
I am a Triple Negative breast cancer "thriver" who did the surgery, chemo and radiation route first go round. When I discovered a lump a year and a half later in a lymph node in my armpit, I once again was rushed into the operating room to have it removed. My Oncologist, of course, recommended much stronger chemo and radiation than the first time. After an "acquaintance" recommended that I look into "alternative measures, I quickly learned I was NOT ever going to do chemo and radiation again. Reading Radical Remission nearly a year after my decision, has just reaffirmed that I made the right decision for me. The book was so motivating, moving and easy to read. It gave all of those who have cancer or know someone with cancer the hope one needs. I could not put the book down. I have given as gifts to people without cancer and with cancer. I do not want to change anyone's mind to do what I have done and others have done in the book but to enlighten as many as possible about the failure in "traditional" cancer protocol that we are all being fooled into believing works. It hasn't worked in over 40 years and they keep pushing it. It is a big money maker and big pharma controls the radiologist, the surgeons and the Oncologists most of all. They are only interested in treating the symptons of cancer and the poisons they put into our bodies but not the disease itself. How sad. Everyone should read this book. Thank you Dr. Turner. Brilliant!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cat g
Great book. I bought this book for my mother who has cancer. I know it has been very beneficial for her. She post messages from this book on a regular basis on FB. I also bought this book for myself because I want to try to live a healthier lifestyle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Food is medicine. Most illnesses these days can be prevented by following the diet in this book. Western medicine does our society a huge disservice by not educating our students in medical school about health as it relates to the US diet
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having worked with cancer patients over the years this is the book I've been waiting for! It addresses THE QUESTION: why do some survive and not others? The author succinctly organizes her extensive research findings into categories of survivor's practices as well as anecdotes. This book was recommended by my homeopathic M.D. doctor in response to my sharing with him my work with a chemo-intolerant cancer patient.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have only begun, first 1-2 chapters and already lovin' it. This is a great book. She's not selling anything (so far) just collating and sharing what could be life changing and lifesaving data and stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david leadbeater
I would recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with cancer or not. It has lots of information on healthy living that would benefit all. I do have cancer and I am going to make changes in my life that I feel will help through all I'm going through.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meg trucano
This is an excellent book about various people's cancer diagnosis and their subsequent road to healing. It discusses what each person needed to focus on and the decisions they needed to make to beat the odds.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
february four
Kelly Turner has done what doctors seem to have no interest in doing...finding out why patients have been healed. She offers insight into 9 characteristics cancer survivors share and illustrates them with some very specific and amazing stories...sharing remission from all stages of the disease and all types of treatments.

I've read this book, and given it to friends who say it's been extremely enlightening and gives them positive hope! I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela filion
A great read for anyone looking to improve health whether or not they are a cancer patient. I found this book to be inspiring and informative, something for anyone with chronic disease. As a cancer patient there is always hope and ways to help find your way thru the tangled mess of cancer. This book is a guiding light.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew thornton
I highly recommend this book. I survived cancer against all odds many years ago by doing the things Kelly Turner tells about in this book. I keep it by my bedside and read chapters often because I never want to forget the lessons I learned that helped me to live when my oncologists were sure I would die.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very interesting book about people who have chosen alternative medicine approaches to treating their cancer. As a physician who finds many aspects of current conventional cancer treatment troubling, it is good to see individuals who have found the courage to trust their instincts and choose a more holistic approach.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 8 years ago, and have since had two recurrences. I firmly believe that getting cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me because it has brought to the surface all the mental, emotional and physical patterns that were contributing to my dis-ease, and it has led me to a deeper spirituality than I have ever had. This book does an excellent job of detailing the path to healing that I spent 8 years discovering on my own. Kelly has tackled a topic that few have been willing to delve into, and most in the medical profession don't understand. She has provided an easy to read, clear description of the important factors in healing along with personal stories illustrating precisely how that healing takes place.

I am always grateful for books like these that have guided my own healing path. It takes courage to stand up and declare that there is a better way, a more natural way, a safer way to heal, and one that insures permanent healing because the underlying root causes of the dis-ease are dealt with in a way that drugs just can't do. Additionally, I believe YOU are the best person to determine what you need to heal. Relying on anything outsider of yourself - whether conventional or alternative treatments - to save you is not enough. If you have read anything by Bernie Siegel, Andrew Weil, Dean Ornish, Lissa Rankin or Louise Hay, you will appreciate this book. My own book being released in August 2014, Single, with Cancer also touches on many of the same ideas that Kelly shares. It is so gratifying to have data such as that provided in this book and Lissa Rankin's to confirm the healing path of my own intuition.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kelly Turner has done what doctors seem to have no interest in doing...finding out why patients have been healed. She offers insight into 9 characteristics cancer survivors share and illustrates them with some very specific and amazing stories...sharing remission from all stages of the disease and all types of treatments.

I've read this book, and given it to friends who say it's been extremely enlightening and gives them positive hope! I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
haley sullivan
A great read for anyone looking to improve health whether or not they are a cancer patient. I found this book to be inspiring and informative, something for anyone with chronic disease. As a cancer patient there is always hope and ways to help find your way thru the tangled mess of cancer. This book is a guiding light.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
geordie jones
I highly recommend this book. I survived cancer against all odds many years ago by doing the things Kelly Turner tells about in this book. I keep it by my bedside and read chapters often because I never want to forget the lessons I learned that helped me to live when my oncologists were sure I would die.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very interesting book about people who have chosen alternative medicine approaches to treating their cancer. As a physician who finds many aspects of current conventional cancer treatment troubling, it is good to see individuals who have found the courage to trust their instincts and choose a more holistic approach.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris haynes
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 8 years ago, and have since had two recurrences. I firmly believe that getting cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me because it has brought to the surface all the mental, emotional and physical patterns that were contributing to my dis-ease, and it has led me to a deeper spirituality than I have ever had. This book does an excellent job of detailing the path to healing that I spent 8 years discovering on my own. Kelly has tackled a topic that few have been willing to delve into, and most in the medical profession don't understand. She has provided an easy to read, clear description of the important factors in healing along with personal stories illustrating precisely how that healing takes place.

I am always grateful for books like these that have guided my own healing path. It takes courage to stand up and declare that there is a better way, a more natural way, a safer way to heal, and one that insures permanent healing because the underlying root causes of the dis-ease are dealt with in a way that drugs just can't do. Additionally, I believe YOU are the best person to determine what you need to heal. Relying on anything outsider of yourself - whether conventional or alternative treatments - to save you is not enough. If you have read anything by Bernie Siegel, Andrew Weil, Dean Ornish, Lissa Rankin or Louise Hay, you will appreciate this book. My own book being released in August 2014, Single, with Cancer also touches on many of the same ideas that Kelly shares. It is so gratifying to have data such as that provided in this book and Lissa Rankin's to confirm the healing path of my own intuition.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jack ophof
My dear friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer and just had a mastectomy. I was accompanying her on her doctor visits and when she began researching some alternative treatments, I was skeptical. However, I wanted to stay next to her on her journey so I began reading about treatment outside of the medical chemo, radiation and surgical options. This book's respect of medical options but research in other areas made sense to me. I've recommended this book to several friends who are dealing with a cancer diagnosis. I decided to incorporate several of these factors in creating a healthy environment for my body so maybe I can avoid cancer and build a strong immunity system.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne olsson
Was very pleased to find some uplifting messages about a usually hopeless subject. Unfortunately, most physicians and researchers tend to write stage 4 cancer patients off because they have no answers. What they forget or refuse to consider is Whom is really holding the decision of life or death? I appreciate the authors work in pointing these neglected cases of "unexplained miracles" out. I
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shamira nawz
As a cancer support educator and mind-body health practitioner, this book is a must read for anyone with cancer and anyone who wants to prevent cancer and live a very healthy life. This book is excellent and I love that it is based on real research findings!! I think everyone would benefit from reading it.
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