
BySarina Bowen

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Becca and Nate's story has been teased throughout the Brooklyn Bruiser series so to say this book has been highly anticipated is an understatement. However, I think the high anticipation worked against it as I found it less than satisfying. First, the first half of the book felt like a retread as much of the story was already teased in the other books (this story takes place concurrently with Pipe Dreams) . Second, and most importantly for me, the emotional payoff just wasn't there. It may be the aforementioned anticipation that ruined it for me but whatever it was I found the overall story a little meh. I found Becca much less likeable in the first half. The sassy, smart mouth from previous books was a little too bitter and super bitchy (there's an instance of body shaming that ticked me off to no end. Can we be done with the real women have curves nonsense? We are all real *rant over* ) halfway through as the story picked up she became the relatable character I'd come to know. Nate, on the other hand, was more of an enigma in previous books and here I finally got his POV which left me slightly disenchanted. I guess I'd hoped for a more angsty unrequited love angle (see what I mean about high expectations?) Instead, it comes across as more of a crush than a pining away for love of his unattainable woman, my favorite trope. Still, I enjoyed Nate and Beccca's story even if it didn't live up to my maybe unreasonably high expectations. The love scenes were steamy, it was well written as all of this authors books are, it was humorous in parts and the epilogue was really great. I just wish I'd gotten that emotional payoff I had been hoping for. 3.5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica riegle
My Review:
Okay, this book takes place at the same time as events were happening in the other books of the series so I felt like I knew a lot of the story. That's kind of fun in one instance, but I think it takes away some of the emotional impact of the story...especially when it comes to the team and their status in the playoffs which is playing heavily in the background of the story and the emotional turmoil for the characters.

But anyway, beyond that, I am so happy for this story...finally Nate and Becca. After watching them dance around one another for a couple of books, it was fun to see what was actually happening with them. I love their history and that Becca worked for Nate long before he was successful and that the book started with when she was hired. It showed the scattered genius that Nate was and is...and gave their whole story an interesting depth. Becca is definitely not someone with him because he's the wealthy boy genius. Their relationship developed long before their was any success there at all.

I love Nate...he's just so...not smooth. And that makes him just adorable, especially as he's gotten more attractive as he's aged...and truly has no clue. He figures most women are attracted to his money, not him...and that's just sad. I also really love their friendship. They've always been close just because they did everything together those first few years that Becca worked for him.

The story was fun. I ADORED Nate's AI butler...and the interesting perspective that Stew added to the story. I also really love the whole team aspect...even if I know the story of what happens with the team from the other books. It was neat to get to see Becca's relationship with the team and Lauren from her perspective.

Overall, I highly recommend this entire series. Each book can be read as a stand alone, but all the books tie together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reviewed on behalf of The Book Boyfriend Addict. A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 Stars

'Here sits a big cliché, ladies. I’m just another lonely nerd who’s hopelessly in lust with his assistant. Oldest story in the world.'

I’m a little ashamed to admit that I haven’t read any of the other Brooklyn Bruiser books yet, they’ve been on my TBR for a while but just haven’t gotten around to reading them. My only experience with the series is the True North/Brooklyn Bruiser crossover in Bountiful but now I wish I had read the other books first! And it’s not because I was lost at all while reading this, don’t get me wrong, this book can totally standalone. No, I wish I had read the other books first because I loved Nate and Becca so much that I’m a little sad I didn’t get to experience the buildup and anticipation of waiting for their story!! But you can bet that I am going to find time to go back to the beginning and catch up because even if it’s out of order, I’ll take whatever extra time I can get with these characters. I’m a big fan of the other Sarina Bowen books I’ve read, so it’s not surprising that I thoroughly enjoyed this one, but there was something so addicting about Nate and Becca and I thought their story was the sweetest, sexiest, and most adorable thing!

Nate Kattenberger used his big brain and passion for technology to build a billion-dollar empire and his successes in his business ventures have allowed him to indulge his other passion – hockey. Having bought the Brooklyn Bruiser franchise a few years earlier, he’s put all his extra energy into turning the franchise around and building a winning team. For all his wealth and success, though, his love life hasn’t been quite as successful. The biggest reason being that he’s harboring a crush on his assistant, Rebecca Rowley, who’s been there beside him since the early days when he was just a computer nerd with big ideas. For various reasons, he hasn’t acted on his attraction toward her and has been content just being friends. But when Rebecca suffers an injury, he jumps into action to help her out. One thing leads to another and they end up spending one amazing night together. Nate’s convinced that she’s the one, and while Rebecca totally wants Nate, she’s a little more hesitant. He is her boss after all and despite their intense chemistry, she’s certain that he’s way out of her league. Will Nate be able to convince Rebecca what a catch he is and that what they have together can actually work if she’s only willing to give it a chance?

I love it when the hero is the one to pursue the heroine and Nate was freaking adorable in his (sometimes awkward) pursuit of Rebecca! He may be a billionaire tech mogul but he was the most down to earth guy and he valued his friends and family above most everything else, especially those who have been around since his company’s humble beginning, such as Becca. There were only 3 brief flashbacks to key moments during the early days between Nate and Becca but those little glimpses were enough to paint the picture of what these two meant to one another and how their relationship evolved and grew over the years. They had a really special friendship and Nate was so sweet to her in his concern over her injury. He always treated her so well and it was clear to pretty much everyone how much he liked her, as more than just a friend. If you’re looking for a hero to make you swoon, look no further than Nate Kattenberger! I have a major soft spot for nerds (I happen to be married to one) so that only made me love Nate all the more.

Rebecca was also a pretty terrific heroine, she’s the kind of girl you wish you were friends with. She was a hard worker and, like Nate, dedicated to her friends and family. She was also strong, independent, and spunky. I felt so bad for her having to deal with her injury and seeing how off-kilter it made her. There was definitely angst in this story, but no silly drama. All of Becca’s reactions, doubts, and worries about pursuing a relationship with Nate were warranted and believable. The thing I loved, though, was that, for the most part, they actually communicated with one another. It may not have always been what Nate wanted to hear, but he was always reasonable and considerate of Becca’s hang-ups and I loved how patient he was with her. These two also had amazing chemistry and they were steaming up the pages time and again. I really loved this story and loved these characters. If you’re a fan of office and/or sports romances (because there’s a pretty exciting playoff run going on at the same time) with strong heroines and swoony, endearing heroes then you definitely need to grab a copy of this one!!

“How did we get so complicated?”
“Everything worthwhile is complicated.”
The Complete Spiritual Toolkit for Transforming Your Life :: 100 Common Birds of Eastern and Western North America (Sibley Birds) :: Punderdome: A Card Game for Pun Lovers :: Man Hands :: Why Personal Finance Doesn't Have to Be Complicated
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Never Odd or Even…

This Palindrome seems a bit contradictory because doesn’t it have to be one or the other? There doesn’t really seem to be a middle ground in this idea, which should illustrate its impossibly but strange enough, this saying seems quite perfect for the hero and heroine of Sarina Bowen’s latest release, Brooklynaire.  

I’m no stranger to Sarina Bowen’s writing, but I am new to her Brooklyn Bruisers series, and I know it might seem odd to jump into it three books in, but I didn’t feel like my lack of insight from the other books deterred my understanding or love of everything hockey, nerdy, and a bit odd. The fact that Book 4 is the Brooklyn Bruisers’ owner’s story may have made the transition easier on me, but it also put me in a conundrum because now I need to find the time to read all about the hockey players’ stories that came before this one!

I’m a huge fan of friends-to-lovers’ stories, especially when everyone around the hero and heroine recognize the attraction and the feelings that seem to be between them while they continue to be oblivious, partly so they can cope being around one another and partly because the main characters just don’t seem to understand how amazing they are despite their insecurities.

I can’t begin to explain just how much Nate Kattenberger is my kind of hero! I mean, come on, a hot brainiac with a magnetic personality and an awkward quirkiness that proves just how normal he is…what’s not to love??? Sarina Bowen easily captures the true personality of this math geek and numbers’ guy, and while Nate struggles with a personal life due to the nature of his work, his bank account, and his cheating ex, it’s clear that Nate has a lot more to offer a woman besides his ability to create palindromes and multi-task like a beast!

Rebecca Rowley is definitely a heroine I can relate to…she’s a girl who always finds a way regardless of the situation or the pressure and she’s strong in a quiet way that sometimes has people wondering just who she is and what she’s had to endure. I truly don’t know how she manages to help run the Brooklyn Bruisers while also keeping her family in check since her sister, her sister’s boyfriend, and her sister’s baby all live with Rebecca in her tiny two-bedroom apartment and let’s not forget that on top of the chaos at home, there’s even more craziness on the job because the team depends on her for everything, which throughout most of the story is a bit difficult due to a rather strange injury and the financial strain of medical bills and therapy appointments.

I have to admit that I really didn’t understand Rebecca’s hesitation when Nate finally acts on his feelings for her; she really puts him through the ringer, at times, with her hot/cold demeanor, and while I understood the whole ‘awkward work thing,’ Nate being Becca’s ‘dirty little secret’ really didn’t sit well with me. BUT… Bowen does provide readers with significant insight into Becca’s ‘running scared’ conflict, and once Nate and she are honest with each other and the expectations seem to be spelled out and a plan gets put into place, it eases the tension between them, for the most part, which made me a much happier fan of things working out between this adorably awkward pair.

Never Odd or Even…even though this palindrome leads me to believe that it is either one way or the other, Nate and Becca figure out a way that works for both of them and allows them to keep the work that they love and the person who has become EVERYTHING to them, and that’s all anyone could ask for!

4.5 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott aitken
Brooklynaire is a standalone read within the Brooklyn Bruisers Series. The Brooklyn Bruiser series is about the hockey players but Brooklynaire story is about the owner, Nate and his assistant Rebecca.

Rebecca joined Nate's team seven years ago working as his assistant while his Tech company was taking off. Nate and Rebecca quickly formed a great friendship. Even though both had underlining feelings for each other they never told or acted on them. Each with the same thought of not wanting to ruin their work place but especially their friendship.

Rebecca always thought her feelings were one sided. This thought was strengthened when Nate ship's her off to run the Ice Hockey team he purchased. What she never new was that having her so close. Nate was struggling to keep his feelings for her in check.

But when Rebecca has a serious accident on the ice while at work, Nate wants nothing more than to be the one to help her heal. That task turns out not to be as easy as he thought it would be. See Rebecca is stubborn, independent, and not used to needing or accepting help. She lacks confidence and self worth and really can't understand why Nate is going out of his way to help her. Yes they are friend's but that's all they are right, Right!!

"Whenever Nate decides he wants something - a Fortune 500 deal, a hockey win, a late-night pizza - he goes full steam ahead. And suddenly all of that attention is focused on me."

Nate has been unlucky in love in the past with a cheating Ex fiancée. He is a tech genius, handsome, rich, and charming. But he can also be easily distracted, socially inept, awkward, and he's also a work-a-holic. Which leaves him never knowing if people really like him or his bank account. He could probably have any woman he wants, except he has not been able to get over his feelings for Rebecca. When she gets hurt nothing will stop him being there for her. Even knowing that being around her more will make it even harder to resist laying it all out to her.

"Here sits a big cliche, ladies. I'm just another lonely nerd who's hopelessly in lust with his assistant. Oldest story in the world."

But when feelings are that strong lines will inevitably be crossed. Its how we act when that happens, it shows who we truly are. And if taking the risk out ways never knowing the risk will always be worth it.

I loved that Rebecca and Nate's romance was built on friendship, trust and palindromes!!
Nate was everything i wanted, he may have been a techie nerd. But what a sexy nerd he was his adorable awkwardness made me love him more. Rebecca was a beautiful sweet soul and although i hated that she thought she was less than other people. It was that that made her shine. She never judged others it didn't matter how rich or poor you were if you were in her life she cared.

Sarina Bowen will always be a MUST read author for me. I just adore her style of writing and the feelings and passion involved with all of her books always draw me in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sam carroll
Nate and Becca - FINALLY!! A coupling a long time in the making is what makes Brooklynaire an especially exciting read and one that I've been waiting for all this time. We've always gotten a hint of what lay simmering underneath in the previous Brooklyn Bruisers books and Brooklynaire delivers the goods!

The wrench thrown at this highly anticipated union is that this is a blossoming romance between a boss and his employee. Even though they go way back to when Nate hired Becca and they've become good friends since, it's still a precarious line to cross. It's a crucial fact neither of them can afford to ignore though they both come at it differently. Not going to lie, when they first hook up it is hot. But it's the aftermath that leaves everyone unsettled.

Once again Sarina Bowen does what I love best about her: she brings the hard realities, allowing her characters to fumble their way through. For Becca, it's the horror of being a cliché that holds her back from going further with Nate. "Secretary gets it on with owner" is not the headline she wants broadcast and neither does she want to deal with the inevitable rumours and gossip. Nate is also aware that he has to be mindful of the current climate and how he woos Becca. It's nice that Bowen brought these two perspectives here where the woman has to worry about her reputation (personally and professionally) and the man has to be concerned with how his actions are viewed. There's also that cynicism that comes with being rich: does she like me for me or for my money? And speaking of the man, there's something different about how Bowen has crafted Nate. He's gentler, he reveres Becca and it's never more apparent that during their first love scene. There's no vulgarity, no overabundance of testosterone, just pure, simple adoration and pleasure. I was so charmed by it that I read it again before continuing on. Also, it was scorching hot. Did I mention that already?

Bowen is an auto-buy for me. She has never let me down and I've read a lot of her stuff. She continues to write amazing stories that are sometimes punctuated by current hot topics and she does so in a lowkey way. Brooklynaire's added charm is Nate and Becca's connection. Friends-to-lovers is always a fun trope and here their penchant for palindromes is hilarious showing how well they get each other. They're creative and saucy with them, too. The ending, while fantastical from a real-life perspective truly works for them in the Brooklyn Bruisers universe. If you're a Sarina Bowen fan like I am, you'll need to get on this immediately!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen

Oh my GOD.

You know how you occasionally read a series and there’s a particular couple who *need* to get together and the author takes their sweet time making it happen and YOU READ EVERY SINGLE BOOK in the meantime for just a glimpse of the two characters, fully aware you won’t get their story for a good while?? Well, surprise! That was me with Nate, Becca, and Brooklynaire. I don’t think I have ever been so eager for a couple to get together as I was for these two!

Becca has been working for Nate for seven long years and they’ve built a great friendship. While there’s been a secret attraction at some point on both their parts, they’ve both managed to keep it locked down and professional and no one was any the wiser. Don’t get me wrong, there was none of this longing from afar business. No no, they were both happy and fulfilled with their lives. Things change when Becca is injured and Nate takes it upon himself to look after her and ensure she’s getting the help she needs, insisting that she move in with him to get some proper rest. I want to make a sleazy remark here, but honestly, Nate was just so adorable and caring that it was a genuine offer on his part!

What did I love about this book? ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! I adored both Becca and Nate so very much. Their romance is built on friendship and trust and palindromes. Nate is everything you could possible want in a hero: he’s smart, savvy, not a nasty bone in his body (but man, his body!!), has a huge bank account and an even huger heart. And let’s not forget his adorable awkwardness! And Becca was just awesome as well: she had a few hang-ups about being less than in comparison to Nate’s intellect and money, but her gorgeous personality never failed to come through. I love that she wasn’t willing to risk everything she’d worked so hard for, for a little affair and I appreciate that she took the time to think things through.

I love Nate and Becca so so much that I’m going to shamelessly beg for a novella. I *need* more of them! In case my review is vague I’ll reiterate, is my absolute favorite book of the series (possibly fave of Bowen’s) and I am so thankful that it delivered on everything I was hoping for. This entire series is a must read.

*arc received in exchange for honest review.

**Reviewed by Melinda for Joandisalovebooks Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
behzad behroozan
IT’S NATE and BECCA’S BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been dying to read their story since book one, Rookie Move, and now that we finally have it, I can tell you that their story was well worth the wait!

I don’t know if it was because of the time in between books or simply because I haven’t really been reading lately but it took me a chapter or so to remember where we last left off with the Brooklyn Brusiers hockey team. Once I was able to get my mind back into the world of the Bruisers, I remembered just how much I’ve loved this entire series. Each of the books in this series has it’s own unique characters and love story, but they all have this feeling of simpatico that I would imagine comes with being a part of a team.

I love slow burn reads. The delicious anticipation of the will-they-won’t-they is possibly my favorite type of romance. Nate and Becca kept us waiting through 3 previous books to finally find out it they would and once that question was answered it gave me the most amazing feeling of satisfaction.

Author Sarina Bowen has perfect intuition to know just when to stretch out the burn and when to finally give us our answer. She’s a slow burn master if you ask me.

Brooklynaire can totally be read as a standalone but I highly suggest you start with book one, Rookie Move. Nate and Becca are seen throughout the series so if you skip the beginning of the series, you’re cheating yourself out of the full extent of the delicious burn.

If you insist on reading this book before the others however, I don’t think you’ll be terribly disappointed. Much of Nate and Becca’s backstory is given in the chapters of Brooklynaire so I doubt you’ll have any issues following along with their story.

I give Brooklynaire 5 out of 5 Krissy’s Stars!


*I was generously given an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Stars
I have been waiting seems like forever to read Nate and Becca’s story. Their romance developed throughout the Brooklyn Bruisers series and sort of in the background. In fact, in the last book we knew something was going on but weren’t privvy to the information. We finally get their story and.. Nate and Becca are so worth the wait!

First of all, I loved the fact that we go back in time to when Nate and Becca first met each other. Becca has been working for Nate for many years by the time book one starts and we’ve only known him as a super successful billionaire. But there was something special and endearing about seeing Nate for the smart and driven geek that he was. It made me appreciate all the more the fact that he hasn’t really let success change him fundamentally and to understand how his feelings for Becca developed. Basically… I just fell HARD for Nate.

This is more than an office romance, it’s also a friends to lovers. These two were close and cared for each other before any sexual attraction got in the way. They’ve been there for each other through some ups and downs. It was so rewarding to see them finally act on long buried feelings and then when that seal is broken all bets are off.

It’s never easy to read a story that is so highly anticipated because there’s always some apprehension whether the author will meet everyone’s expectations. And everyone probably has different ones. But I think Ms. Bowen managed to deliver the perfect story for the characters and it was so satisfying in the end. I loved every second of it.

Brooklynaire is fun, sexy and even a little humorous. This is my favorite in the series just as I was expecting it to be. Nate can beat all those sexy hockey players in my book any day, whether he’s wearing a suit or jeans and hoodie. What are you waiting for? You need this story in your life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I’m pretty sure my Sarina Bowen love is established for all here in the blog so I won’t bother reiterating it and boring all of you yet again…but I love her writing. Brooklynaire is loosely attached to her Brooklyn Bruiser series – in that it’s connected to the series and those who’ve read the previous books have been wanting this book BUT if you picked this book up cold, never having read the earlier ones you would be completely fine. I think that is incredibly smart and must have been so hard to do! This couple wasn’t so established that fans were dying for them, but just teased enough that we wondered. I love that a new reader could pick this up and not really be missing anything. I know that is a constant question, at least in the romance community, and here is a deft way to answer that.

This book breaks one of the rules that I’m generally not a fan of – it jumps around in time from the present to past, the present to less recent past, the present to more recent past, and so on. But here it works and works really, really well. Because we haven’t been told their story in previous books we have no idea what has taken place between Becca and Nate. The way the story unfolds made me even more interested rather than a linear progression from point A to point B. Their past was kind of interspersed throughout the present story, which made everything so much more clear as events progressed. The storytelling was quirky and worked really well with this particular couple – I’m not so sure it would have worked with just anyone!

Becca has been by Nate’s side almost since the beginning of his company and definitely since before he became a billionaire. She’s been by his side throughout heartache and has helped him organize his whole life – so when he moved her to a different company of his a few years ago it left her questioning what she did wrong. When she gets an injury and Nate steps in to try to take care of her things just kind of progress in ways she didn’t intend them to and she’s left with more questions.

“I’m the quirky fun girl at the office who knows what time the cars are coming and can always find you a dinner reservation. I’m never the one the reservation is for.”

Becca is independent and fierce, and Nate is overprotective and used to getting everything he wants. I really enjoyed that combination and watching them try to find a perfect balance of the two. They both love their jobs and the organization and I thought the tension of them trying to walk the fine line of everything was done really well. This book hit every beat I needed it to. The chemistry between Nate and Becca was intense and this couple was sweet at the same time.

I really loved this book! I have a feeling loyal Sarina Bowen fans will love it and new readers will find it and love it too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve mccann
Sarina Bowen is a relatively newer to me author and I am so glad I found her books. Brooklynaire was charming, romantic and so damn sweet with very light angst. It had amazing characters and a story I devoured. I laughed and swooned so much!

You want a woman that can get stuff done and is always in control? Well Rebecca, Becca, Rowley is that woman. For seven years she has worked in Nate Kattenberger’s world and has kept things running for him. But when Becca is hurt and out of commission, Nate steps in to help. Like any friend would do, right?

Nate was once the young man working to build a dream. Seven years ago, he hired Becca to manage his office when nobody knew who he was. Now he is a billionaire running a very successful company and the proud owner of a hockey team with everything he ever dreamed off at the tip of his fingers. That is everything but the woman who has captivated his mind and heart for more years than he can admit.

I absolutely loved Nate and Kate. They were great characters. Both were strong, determined and perfectionist workaholics. When Becca went to work for Nate, she pushed away any attraction since he was not available. But during that time things changed, and Nate begin to have feelings for Becca. But both being professionals they avoided anything personal between them.

But when Becca is hurt, Nate steps in because he is worried for his friend, nothing else. Right? Next thing you know she is staying with him and seeing the best specialists Nate can find. When one-night changes everything between them. Becca avoids Nate. They are too different and nothing good can come from it, right?

I loved this story so much. I loved the characters and was drawn into their story from start to finish. Brooklynaire was a sweet and charming friends-to-lovers romance that had me laughing and swooning. Nate wore his feelings on his sleeves and was both determined and awkward. I love that about him. Becca had doubts and worries, but after what happened between them, she could not stop thinking about Nate as more than her boss and friend. This was a great read I highly recommend.

4.5 loved it stars! Read and reviewed for Reviews From The Heart!

Happy reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha fabris
Sarina Bowen is easily one of my favorite romance authors. I absolutely loved the Brooklyn Bruisers series and was devastated when I saw Berkley wasn't going to publish any more in that series. I have been dying to read Nate and Becca's story since book one, so I was so excited to finally have them in my hands!

For seven years Nate and Becca have worked together. Becca knows what Nate wants, sometimes before he even knows he wants it. She's the perfect personal assistant and does an amazing job managing Nate's hockey team. When Becca bangs her head and has to recover from a concussion, Nate opens his home to her as a place of peace and quiet. The more time Becca spends around Nate, the more she starts feeling things for her boss that she hasn't felt in a long time. Nate has tried to tamp down his feelings for Becca, but when one night changes everything, he isn't so sure he can ignore his feelings anymore.

Brooklynaire was everything I wanted and more out of Nate and Becca's story. From the beginning, I loved how natural they were with each other and how they got along so well as friends. It was so cute watching them really feel things for each other while trying to ignore them because of their boss/employee relationship. Nate was as adorable as ever and his AI in his house was a character in itself and I loved him!

The pacing of this romance was so perfect and it had me swooning over this relationship. There was so much hesitation on Becca's side and I just wanted to shake her and tell her to run into Nate's arms. It was hard watching Becca feel so helpless after falling and it was cute watching Nate really try to take care of her. Their relationship was just PERFECT and, of course, I loved all of the hockey that they bonded over. We still got our beloved Brooklyn Bruisers and the women from the previous books, so it was like seeing old friends again while reading this book.

Even if you haven't read the rest of this series, you HAVE to read this book! It was the perfect friends-to-lovers, office romance, AND sports romance. Seriously, this book could not have been more perfect. Nate and Becca are my favorite couple ever and I never wanted to put this book down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zainab shibly
I was so glad that this was not another billionaire and office assistant romance. It was so much more. I absolutely loved Nate and Rebecca!

Nate has worked hard to get where he is. The man is a genius and it was fate that brought Rebecca into his life. She had to leave college and return home to work after the death of her father and Nate desperately needed an office manager to keep the everyone on task. For seven years they worked together and the attraction for Rebecca was always there, but it had grown so much that he needed to have less exposure to her or otherwise his attraction for her would be known. When the opportunity came up, he transferred Rebecca to run the office of the hockey team he owns across town. He never told her why and it always nagged at Rebecca why he transferred her.

Rebecca always takes care of everyone else. She works hard, and she is such a sweetheart with a lot of sass. She kept those hockey players in line and they adored her. Rebecca fell in love with Nate from the start. He was nerdy, sweet, protective, loyal, distracted and taken. So, he was safe. Over the years she had kept her attraction for him to herself. She helped him through a terrible breakup with his finance. She never felt like she would be good enough for him. She didn’t finish college and she worried that he would get bored with her and feel that she wasn’t his equal. Even though they worked so well together, and she kept things on task. An unfortunate accident happens to Rebecca, and Nate takes the opportunity to reach out and help Rebecca and hopefully spend some one on one time together to explore their relationship. Maybe take it from friends to lovers. Nate wanted and was ready for more.

This story tugged at my heart! The author did such a good job of developing the characters and emotions that it brought out in me. I felt what they were feeling. I also loved the voice-controlled speaker, Bingly. He was hilarious, especially when he had the British accent like Mr. Darcy! This was one of those books that you can’t put down because you are so into it and emotionally involved.

If you want a great friends to lovers romance, give this wonderful book a try!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nerd Alert- Everyone loves a nerd and Nate is not going to disappoint you in the least. I have been waiting a long time for Nate and Becca's story. There are 4 other books in this series that are all fabulous. Honestly, you don't HAVE to read the rest of the books in the series to read this book and enjoy it. There is plenty of background info on the other couples that you won't fall behind. Although, I don't know why you would want to read out of order....ok I am a bit OCD when it comes to reading series books in order.

I honestly loved Nate and Becca. They are your typical I am in love with my best friend but I can't date them because I love them too much couple. Nate is the owner of the Brooklyn Bruisers, but he started out as your college computer nerd who got his big break and made a whole bunch of money. All the while he was dealing with a fiance who dumped him and the every lasting question "Why did a computer nerd buy a hockey team" You can't help but fall in love with Nate. He is the type of guy who knows who he is and is not afraid to show it, except to profess his love to Becca.
Becca is the office manager that can take care of anything. Whether she is the lady in the office of a start up app company, leading a group of alpha hockey men, or taking care of her sister and her family, she is there. Now don't think that she is going to get walked all over. She is going to tell you how it is and how you are going to do it. Along the way, she may play around with rooming assignments to help those that may need a little shove in the love department.
We see in the other books the chemistry between Nate and Becca and you keep asking "When are they ever going to get their story?" NOW is the answer and to do it before now would not have done them justice. We needed to see them interact with the other characters and situations to get to know them the way that they are- in their element. This is why I loved this book so much. It had the angst that you want and the WTH moments that made you squirm. All in all- one of the best books I have read in awhile and totally worth the wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

*received an arc in exchange for an honest review***


Are you ready for your next must read hockey book! Sarina Bowen yet again delivers a hot, sexy, addictive book to the Brooklyn Bruisers series that takes two friends/boss/employee and spins their worlds upside down. I love that we finally get Nate’s story and see his character fully develop from when he first purchased the team to now. Nate the hunky nerd, will have you wishing for your own Nate in your life. And Rebecca with her determination and her love for her job and family, will make a perfect match for Nate. If only they both could realize it. The attraction and sexual tension between these two is hot enough to melt the ice. You will not want to put this book down!!!

Rebecca can’t believe that one trip on the ice has now landed her on the sidelines. After suffering a concussion she can’t work for a couple weeks and she doesn’t know what she is going to do. But when it continues to be a problem she is surprised when Nate steps in and ends up changing everything.

Nate has had feelings for Rebecca for awhile and now that she is hurt he is having a hard time separating those feelings. But she has been with him from the beginning and he just can’t lose her. But he isn’t as good as he thinks keeping those feelings in check because soon those closest to him notice.

And one night will change everything, but while one of them is ready for that change the other isn’t quite onboard.

Rebecca can’t believe she just slept with her boss and friend, but what really scares her is that she liked it and is maybe looking at Nate in a different light. The only problem is he is essentially her boss and she doesn’t know if she can look pass that.

While Nate respects her concern, he isn’t giving up yet. And will slowly show her just how good they are together. But when things begin to become crazy with the team and their personal lives, will Rebecca be willing to let everyone know they are a couple? Or is the pressure and thought of losing a job she loves just too much?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve sarner
Reviewed on behalf of The Book Boyfriend Addict. A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 Stars

'Here sits a big cliché, ladies. I’m just another lonely nerd who’s hopelessly in lust with his assistant. Oldest story in the world.'

I’m a little ashamed to admit that I haven’t read any of the other Brooklyn Bruiser books yet, they’ve been on my TBR for a while but just haven’t gotten around to reading them. My only experience with the series is the True North/Brooklyn Bruiser crossover in Bountiful but now I wish I had read the other books first! And it’s not because I was lost at all while reading this, don’t get me wrong, this book can totally standalone. No, I wish I had read the other books first because I loved Nate and Becca so much that I’m a little sad I didn’t get to experience the buildup and anticipation of waiting for their story!! But you can bet that I am going to find time to go back to the beginning and catch up because even if it’s out of order, I’ll take whatever extra time I can get with these characters. I’m a big fan of the other Sarina Bowen books I’ve read, so it’s not surprising that I thoroughly enjoyed this one, but there was something so addicting about Nate and Becca and I thought their story was the sweetest, sexiest, and most adorable thing!

Nate Kattenberger used his big brain and passion for technology to build a billion-dollar empire and his successes in his business ventures have allowed him to indulge his other passion – hockey. Having bought the Brooklyn Bruiser franchise a few years earlier, he’s put all his extra energy into turning the franchise around and building a winning team. For all his wealth and success, though, his love life hasn’t been quite as successful. The biggest reason being that he’s harboring a crush on his assistant, Rebecca Rowley, who’s been there beside him since the early days when he was just a computer nerd with big ideas. For various reasons, he hasn’t acted on his attraction toward her and has been content just being friends. But when Rebecca suffers an injury, he jumps into action to help her out. One thing leads to another and they end up spending one amazing night together. Nate’s convinced that she’s the one, and while Rebecca totally wants Nate, she’s a little more hesitant. He is her boss after all and despite their intense chemistry, she’s certain that he’s way out of her league. Will Nate be able to convince Rebecca what a catch he is and that what they have together can actually work if she’s only willing to give it a chance?

I love it when the hero is the one to pursue the heroine and Nate was freaking adorable in his (sometimes awkward) pursuit of Rebecca! He may be a billionaire tech mogul but he was the most down to earth guy and he valued his friends and family above most everything else, especially those who have been around since his company’s humble beginning, such as Becca. There were only 3 brief flashbacks to key moments during the early days between Nate and Becca but those little glimpses were enough to paint the picture of what these two meant to one another and how their relationship evolved and grew over the years. They had a really special friendship and Nate was so sweet to her in his concern over her injury. He always treated her so well and it was clear to pretty much everyone how much he liked her, as more than just a friend. If you’re looking for a hero to make you swoon, look no further than Nate Kattenberger! I have a major soft spot for nerds (I happen to be married to one) so that only made me love Nate all the more.

Rebecca was also a pretty terrific heroine, she’s the kind of girl you wish you were friends with. She was a hard worker and, like Nate, dedicated to her friends and family. She was also strong, independent, and spunky. I felt so bad for her having to deal with her injury and seeing how off-kilter it made her. There was definitely angst in this story, but no silly drama. All of Becca’s reactions, doubts, and worries about pursuing a relationship with Nate were warranted and believable. The thing I loved, though, was that, for the most part, they actually communicated with one another. It may not have always been what Nate wanted to hear, but he was always reasonable and considerate of Becca’s hang-ups and I loved how patient he was with her. These two also had amazing chemistry and they were steaming up the pages time and again. I really loved this story and loved these characters. If you’re a fan of office and/or sports romances (because there’s a pretty exciting playoff run going on at the same time) with strong heroines and swoony, endearing heroes then you definitely need to grab a copy of this one!!

“How did we get so complicated?”
“Everything worthwhile is complicated.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dian hartati
Never Odd or Even…

This Palindrome seems a bit contradictory because doesn’t it have to be one or the other? There doesn’t really seem to be a middle ground in this idea, which should illustrate its impossibly but strange enough, this saying seems quite perfect for the hero and heroine of Sarina Bowen’s latest release, Brooklynaire.  

I’m no stranger to Sarina Bowen’s writing, but I am new to her Brooklyn Bruisers series, and I know it might seem odd to jump into it three books in, but I didn’t feel like my lack of insight from the other books deterred my understanding or love of everything hockey, nerdy, and a bit odd. The fact that Book 4 is the Brooklyn Bruisers’ owner’s story may have made the transition easier on me, but it also put me in a conundrum because now I need to find the time to read all about the hockey players’ stories that came before this one!

I’m a huge fan of friends-to-lovers’ stories, especially when everyone around the hero and heroine recognize the attraction and the feelings that seem to be between them while they continue to be oblivious, partly so they can cope being around one another and partly because the main characters just don’t seem to understand how amazing they are despite their insecurities.

I can’t begin to explain just how much Nate Kattenberger is my kind of hero! I mean, come on, a hot brainiac with a magnetic personality and an awkward quirkiness that proves just how normal he is…what’s not to love??? Sarina Bowen easily captures the true personality of this math geek and numbers’ guy, and while Nate struggles with a personal life due to the nature of his work, his bank account, and his cheating ex, it’s clear that Nate has a lot more to offer a woman besides his ability to create palindromes and multi-task like a beast!

Rebecca Rowley is definitely a heroine I can relate to…she’s a girl who always finds a way regardless of the situation or the pressure and she’s strong in a quiet way that sometimes has people wondering just who she is and what she’s had to endure. I truly don’t know how she manages to help run the Brooklyn Bruisers while also keeping her family in check since her sister, her sister’s boyfriend, and her sister’s baby all live with Rebecca in her tiny two-bedroom apartment and let’s not forget that on top of the chaos at home, there’s even more craziness on the job because the team depends on her for everything, which throughout most of the story is a bit difficult due to a rather strange injury and the financial strain of medical bills and therapy appointments.

I have to admit that I really didn’t understand Rebecca’s hesitation when Nate finally acts on his feelings for her; she really puts him through the ringer, at times, with her hot/cold demeanor, and while I understood the whole ‘awkward work thing,’ Nate being Becca’s ‘dirty little secret’ really didn’t sit well with me. BUT… Bowen does provide readers with significant insight into Becca’s ‘running scared’ conflict, and once Nate and she are honest with each other and the expectations seem to be spelled out and a plan gets put into place, it eases the tension between them, for the most part, which made me a much happier fan of things working out between this adorably awkward pair.

Never Odd or Even…even though this palindrome leads me to believe that it is either one way or the other, Nate and Becca figure out a way that works for both of them and allows them to keep the work that they love and the person who has become EVERYTHING to them, and that’s all anyone could ask for!

4.5 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brooklynaire is a standalone read within the Brooklyn Bruisers Series. The Brooklyn Bruiser series is about the hockey players but Brooklynaire story is about the owner, Nate and his assistant Rebecca.

Rebecca joined Nate's team seven years ago working as his assistant while his Tech company was taking off. Nate and Rebecca quickly formed a great friendship. Even though both had underlining feelings for each other they never told or acted on them. Each with the same thought of not wanting to ruin their work place but especially their friendship.

Rebecca always thought her feelings were one sided. This thought was strengthened when Nate ship's her off to run the Ice Hockey team he purchased. What she never new was that having her so close. Nate was struggling to keep his feelings for her in check.

But when Rebecca has a serious accident on the ice while at work, Nate wants nothing more than to be the one to help her heal. That task turns out not to be as easy as he thought it would be. See Rebecca is stubborn, independent, and not used to needing or accepting help. She lacks confidence and self worth and really can't understand why Nate is going out of his way to help her. Yes they are friend's but that's all they are right, Right!!

"Whenever Nate decides he wants something - a Fortune 500 deal, a hockey win, a late-night pizza - he goes full steam ahead. And suddenly all of that attention is focused on me."

Nate has been unlucky in love in the past with a cheating Ex fiancée. He is a tech genius, handsome, rich, and charming. But he can also be easily distracted, socially inept, awkward, and he's also a work-a-holic. Which leaves him never knowing if people really like him or his bank account. He could probably have any woman he wants, except he has not been able to get over his feelings for Rebecca. When she gets hurt nothing will stop him being there for her. Even knowing that being around her more will make it even harder to resist laying it all out to her.

"Here sits a big cliche, ladies. I'm just another lonely nerd who's hopelessly in lust with his assistant. Oldest story in the world."

But when feelings are that strong lines will inevitably be crossed. Its how we act when that happens, it shows who we truly are. And if taking the risk out ways never knowing the risk will always be worth it.

I loved that Rebecca and Nate's romance was built on friendship, trust and palindromes!!
Nate was everything i wanted, he may have been a techie nerd. But what a sexy nerd he was his adorable awkwardness made me love him more. Rebecca was a beautiful sweet soul and although i hated that she thought she was less than other people. It was that that made her shine. She never judged others it didn't matter how rich or poor you were if you were in her life she cared.

Sarina Bowen will always be a MUST read author for me. I just adore her style of writing and the feelings and passion involved with all of her books always draw me in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Nate and Becca - FINALLY!! A coupling a long time in the making is what makes Brooklynaire an especially exciting read and one that I've been waiting for all this time. We've always gotten a hint of what lay simmering underneath in the previous Brooklyn Bruisers books and Brooklynaire delivers the goods!

The wrench thrown at this highly anticipated union is that this is a blossoming romance between a boss and his employee. Even though they go way back to when Nate hired Becca and they've become good friends since, it's still a precarious line to cross. It's a crucial fact neither of them can afford to ignore though they both come at it differently. Not going to lie, when they first hook up it is hot. But it's the aftermath that leaves everyone unsettled.

Once again Sarina Bowen does what I love best about her: she brings the hard realities, allowing her characters to fumble their way through. For Becca, it's the horror of being a cliché that holds her back from going further with Nate. "Secretary gets it on with owner" is not the headline she wants broadcast and neither does she want to deal with the inevitable rumours and gossip. Nate is also aware that he has to be mindful of the current climate and how he woos Becca. It's nice that Bowen brought these two perspectives here where the woman has to worry about her reputation (personally and professionally) and the man has to be concerned with how his actions are viewed. There's also that cynicism that comes with being rich: does she like me for me or for my money? And speaking of the man, there's something different about how Bowen has crafted Nate. He's gentler, he reveres Becca and it's never more apparent that during their first love scene. There's no vulgarity, no overabundance of testosterone, just pure, simple adoration and pleasure. I was so charmed by it that I read it again before continuing on. Also, it was scorching hot. Did I mention that already?

Bowen is an auto-buy for me. She has never let me down and I've read a lot of her stuff. She continues to write amazing stories that are sometimes punctuated by current hot topics and she does so in a lowkey way. Brooklynaire's added charm is Nate and Becca's connection. Friends-to-lovers is always a fun trope and here their penchant for palindromes is hilarious showing how well they get each other. They're creative and saucy with them, too. The ending, while fantastical from a real-life perspective truly works for them in the Brooklyn Bruisers universe. If you're a Sarina Bowen fan like I am, you'll need to get on this immediately!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen

Oh my GOD.

You know how you occasionally read a series and there’s a particular couple who *need* to get together and the author takes their sweet time making it happen and YOU READ EVERY SINGLE BOOK in the meantime for just a glimpse of the two characters, fully aware you won’t get their story for a good while?? Well, surprise! That was me with Nate, Becca, and Brooklynaire. I don’t think I have ever been so eager for a couple to get together as I was for these two!

Becca has been working for Nate for seven long years and they’ve built a great friendship. While there’s been a secret attraction at some point on both their parts, they’ve both managed to keep it locked down and professional and no one was any the wiser. Don’t get me wrong, there was none of this longing from afar business. No no, they were both happy and fulfilled with their lives. Things change when Becca is injured and Nate takes it upon himself to look after her and ensure she’s getting the help she needs, insisting that she move in with him to get some proper rest. I want to make a sleazy remark here, but honestly, Nate was just so adorable and caring that it was a genuine offer on his part!

What did I love about this book? ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! I adored both Becca and Nate so very much. Their romance is built on friendship and trust and palindromes. Nate is everything you could possible want in a hero: he’s smart, savvy, not a nasty bone in his body (but man, his body!!), has a huge bank account and an even huger heart. And let’s not forget his adorable awkwardness! And Becca was just awesome as well: she had a few hang-ups about being less than in comparison to Nate’s intellect and money, but her gorgeous personality never failed to come through. I love that she wasn’t willing to risk everything she’d worked so hard for, for a little affair and I appreciate that she took the time to think things through.

I love Nate and Becca so so much that I’m going to shamelessly beg for a novella. I *need* more of them! In case my review is vague I’ll reiterate, is my absolute favorite book of the series (possibly fave of Bowen’s) and I am so thankful that it delivered on everything I was hoping for. This entire series is a must read.

*arc received in exchange for honest review.

**Reviewed by Melinda for Joandisalovebooks Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colby westerfield
IT’S NATE and BECCA’S BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been dying to read their story since book one, Rookie Move, and now that we finally have it, I can tell you that their story was well worth the wait!

I don’t know if it was because of the time in between books or simply because I haven’t really been reading lately but it took me a chapter or so to remember where we last left off with the Brooklyn Brusiers hockey team. Once I was able to get my mind back into the world of the Bruisers, I remembered just how much I’ve loved this entire series. Each of the books in this series has it’s own unique characters and love story, but they all have this feeling of simpatico that I would imagine comes with being a part of a team.

I love slow burn reads. The delicious anticipation of the will-they-won’t-they is possibly my favorite type of romance. Nate and Becca kept us waiting through 3 previous books to finally find out it they would and once that question was answered it gave me the most amazing feeling of satisfaction.

Author Sarina Bowen has perfect intuition to know just when to stretch out the burn and when to finally give us our answer. She’s a slow burn master if you ask me.

Brooklynaire can totally be read as a standalone but I highly suggest you start with book one, Rookie Move. Nate and Becca are seen throughout the series so if you skip the beginning of the series, you’re cheating yourself out of the full extent of the delicious burn.

If you insist on reading this book before the others however, I don’t think you’ll be terribly disappointed. Much of Nate and Becca’s backstory is given in the chapters of Brooklynaire so I doubt you’ll have any issues following along with their story.

I give Brooklynaire 5 out of 5 Krissy’s Stars!


*I was generously given an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Stars
I have been waiting seems like forever to read Nate and Becca’s story. Their romance developed throughout the Brooklyn Bruisers series and sort of in the background. In fact, in the last book we knew something was going on but weren’t privvy to the information. We finally get their story and.. Nate and Becca are so worth the wait!

First of all, I loved the fact that we go back in time to when Nate and Becca first met each other. Becca has been working for Nate for many years by the time book one starts and we’ve only known him as a super successful billionaire. But there was something special and endearing about seeing Nate for the smart and driven geek that he was. It made me appreciate all the more the fact that he hasn’t really let success change him fundamentally and to understand how his feelings for Becca developed. Basically… I just fell HARD for Nate.

This is more than an office romance, it’s also a friends to lovers. These two were close and cared for each other before any sexual attraction got in the way. They’ve been there for each other through some ups and downs. It was so rewarding to see them finally act on long buried feelings and then when that seal is broken all bets are off.

It’s never easy to read a story that is so highly anticipated because there’s always some apprehension whether the author will meet everyone’s expectations. And everyone probably has different ones. But I think Ms. Bowen managed to deliver the perfect story for the characters and it was so satisfying in the end. I loved every second of it.

Brooklynaire is fun, sexy and even a little humorous. This is my favorite in the series just as I was expecting it to be. Nate can beat all those sexy hockey players in my book any day, whether he’s wearing a suit or jeans and hoodie. What are you waiting for? You need this story in your life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike welch
I’m pretty sure my Sarina Bowen love is established for all here in the blog so I won’t bother reiterating it and boring all of you yet again…but I love her writing. Brooklynaire is loosely attached to her Brooklyn Bruiser series – in that it’s connected to the series and those who’ve read the previous books have been wanting this book BUT if you picked this book up cold, never having read the earlier ones you would be completely fine. I think that is incredibly smart and must have been so hard to do! This couple wasn’t so established that fans were dying for them, but just teased enough that we wondered. I love that a new reader could pick this up and not really be missing anything. I know that is a constant question, at least in the romance community, and here is a deft way to answer that.

This book breaks one of the rules that I’m generally not a fan of – it jumps around in time from the present to past, the present to less recent past, the present to more recent past, and so on. But here it works and works really, really well. Because we haven’t been told their story in previous books we have no idea what has taken place between Becca and Nate. The way the story unfolds made me even more interested rather than a linear progression from point A to point B. Their past was kind of interspersed throughout the present story, which made everything so much more clear as events progressed. The storytelling was quirky and worked really well with this particular couple – I’m not so sure it would have worked with just anyone!

Becca has been by Nate’s side almost since the beginning of his company and definitely since before he became a billionaire. She’s been by his side throughout heartache and has helped him organize his whole life – so when he moved her to a different company of his a few years ago it left her questioning what she did wrong. When she gets an injury and Nate steps in to try to take care of her things just kind of progress in ways she didn’t intend them to and she’s left with more questions.

“I’m the quirky fun girl at the office who knows what time the cars are coming and can always find you a dinner reservation. I’m never the one the reservation is for.”

Becca is independent and fierce, and Nate is overprotective and used to getting everything he wants. I really enjoyed that combination and watching them try to find a perfect balance of the two. They both love their jobs and the organization and I thought the tension of them trying to walk the fine line of everything was done really well. This book hit every beat I needed it to. The chemistry between Nate and Becca was intense and this couple was sweet at the same time.

I really loved this book! I have a feeling loyal Sarina Bowen fans will love it and new readers will find it and love it too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caitlin emily
Sarina Bowen is a relatively newer to me author and I am so glad I found her books. Brooklynaire was charming, romantic and so damn sweet with very light angst. It had amazing characters and a story I devoured. I laughed and swooned so much!

You want a woman that can get stuff done and is always in control? Well Rebecca, Becca, Rowley is that woman. For seven years she has worked in Nate Kattenberger’s world and has kept things running for him. But when Becca is hurt and out of commission, Nate steps in to help. Like any friend would do, right?

Nate was once the young man working to build a dream. Seven years ago, he hired Becca to manage his office when nobody knew who he was. Now he is a billionaire running a very successful company and the proud owner of a hockey team with everything he ever dreamed off at the tip of his fingers. That is everything but the woman who has captivated his mind and heart for more years than he can admit.

I absolutely loved Nate and Kate. They were great characters. Both were strong, determined and perfectionist workaholics. When Becca went to work for Nate, she pushed away any attraction since he was not available. But during that time things changed, and Nate begin to have feelings for Becca. But both being professionals they avoided anything personal between them.

But when Becca is hurt, Nate steps in because he is worried for his friend, nothing else. Right? Next thing you know she is staying with him and seeing the best specialists Nate can find. When one-night changes everything between them. Becca avoids Nate. They are too different and nothing good can come from it, right?

I loved this story so much. I loved the characters and was drawn into their story from start to finish. Brooklynaire was a sweet and charming friends-to-lovers romance that had me laughing and swooning. Nate wore his feelings on his sleeves and was both determined and awkward. I love that about him. Becca had doubts and worries, but after what happened between them, she could not stop thinking about Nate as more than her boss and friend. This was a great read I highly recommend.

4.5 loved it stars! Read and reviewed for Reviews From The Heart!

Happy reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarina Bowen is easily one of my favorite romance authors. I absolutely loved the Brooklyn Bruisers series and was devastated when I saw Berkley wasn't going to publish any more in that series. I have been dying to read Nate and Becca's story since book one, so I was so excited to finally have them in my hands!

For seven years Nate and Becca have worked together. Becca knows what Nate wants, sometimes before he even knows he wants it. She's the perfect personal assistant and does an amazing job managing Nate's hockey team. When Becca bangs her head and has to recover from a concussion, Nate opens his home to her as a place of peace and quiet. The more time Becca spends around Nate, the more she starts feeling things for her boss that she hasn't felt in a long time. Nate has tried to tamp down his feelings for Becca, but when one night changes everything, he isn't so sure he can ignore his feelings anymore.

Brooklynaire was everything I wanted and more out of Nate and Becca's story. From the beginning, I loved how natural they were with each other and how they got along so well as friends. It was so cute watching them really feel things for each other while trying to ignore them because of their boss/employee relationship. Nate was as adorable as ever and his AI in his house was a character in itself and I loved him!

The pacing of this romance was so perfect and it had me swooning over this relationship. There was so much hesitation on Becca's side and I just wanted to shake her and tell her to run into Nate's arms. It was hard watching Becca feel so helpless after falling and it was cute watching Nate really try to take care of her. Their relationship was just PERFECT and, of course, I loved all of the hockey that they bonded over. We still got our beloved Brooklyn Bruisers and the women from the previous books, so it was like seeing old friends again while reading this book.

Even if you haven't read the rest of this series, you HAVE to read this book! It was the perfect friends-to-lovers, office romance, AND sports romance. Seriously, this book could not have been more perfect. Nate and Becca are my favorite couple ever and I never wanted to put this book down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was so glad that this was not another billionaire and office assistant romance. It was so much more. I absolutely loved Nate and Rebecca!

Nate has worked hard to get where he is. The man is a genius and it was fate that brought Rebecca into his life. She had to leave college and return home to work after the death of her father and Nate desperately needed an office manager to keep the everyone on task. For seven years they worked together and the attraction for Rebecca was always there, but it had grown so much that he needed to have less exposure to her or otherwise his attraction for her would be known. When the opportunity came up, he transferred Rebecca to run the office of the hockey team he owns across town. He never told her why and it always nagged at Rebecca why he transferred her.

Rebecca always takes care of everyone else. She works hard, and she is such a sweetheart with a lot of sass. She kept those hockey players in line and they adored her. Rebecca fell in love with Nate from the start. He was nerdy, sweet, protective, loyal, distracted and taken. So, he was safe. Over the years she had kept her attraction for him to herself. She helped him through a terrible breakup with his finance. She never felt like she would be good enough for him. She didn’t finish college and she worried that he would get bored with her and feel that she wasn’t his equal. Even though they worked so well together, and she kept things on task. An unfortunate accident happens to Rebecca, and Nate takes the opportunity to reach out and help Rebecca and hopefully spend some one on one time together to explore their relationship. Maybe take it from friends to lovers. Nate wanted and was ready for more.

This story tugged at my heart! The author did such a good job of developing the characters and emotions that it brought out in me. I felt what they were feeling. I also loved the voice-controlled speaker, Bingly. He was hilarious, especially when he had the British accent like Mr. Darcy! This was one of those books that you can’t put down because you are so into it and emotionally involved.

If you want a great friends to lovers romance, give this wonderful book a try!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jake goretzki
Nerd Alert- Everyone loves a nerd and Nate is not going to disappoint you in the least. I have been waiting a long time for Nate and Becca's story. There are 4 other books in this series that are all fabulous. Honestly, you don't HAVE to read the rest of the books in the series to read this book and enjoy it. There is plenty of background info on the other couples that you won't fall behind. Although, I don't know why you would want to read out of order....ok I am a bit OCD when it comes to reading series books in order.

I honestly loved Nate and Becca. They are your typical I am in love with my best friend but I can't date them because I love them too much couple. Nate is the owner of the Brooklyn Bruisers, but he started out as your college computer nerd who got his big break and made a whole bunch of money. All the while he was dealing with a fiance who dumped him and the every lasting question "Why did a computer nerd buy a hockey team" You can't help but fall in love with Nate. He is the type of guy who knows who he is and is not afraid to show it, except to profess his love to Becca.
Becca is the office manager that can take care of anything. Whether she is the lady in the office of a start up app company, leading a group of alpha hockey men, or taking care of her sister and her family, she is there. Now don't think that she is going to get walked all over. She is going to tell you how it is and how you are going to do it. Along the way, she may play around with rooming assignments to help those that may need a little shove in the love department.
We see in the other books the chemistry between Nate and Becca and you keep asking "When are they ever going to get their story?" NOW is the answer and to do it before now would not have done them justice. We needed to see them interact with the other characters and situations to get to know them the way that they are- in their element. This is why I loved this book so much. It had the angst that you want and the WTH moments that made you squirm. All in all- one of the best books I have read in awhile and totally worth the wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

*received an arc in exchange for an honest review***


Are you ready for your next must read hockey book! Sarina Bowen yet again delivers a hot, sexy, addictive book to the Brooklyn Bruisers series that takes two friends/boss/employee and spins their worlds upside down. I love that we finally get Nate’s story and see his character fully develop from when he first purchased the team to now. Nate the hunky nerd, will have you wishing for your own Nate in your life. And Rebecca with her determination and her love for her job and family, will make a perfect match for Nate. If only they both could realize it. The attraction and sexual tension between these two is hot enough to melt the ice. You will not want to put this book down!!!

Rebecca can’t believe that one trip on the ice has now landed her on the sidelines. After suffering a concussion she can’t work for a couple weeks and she doesn’t know what she is going to do. But when it continues to be a problem she is surprised when Nate steps in and ends up changing everything.

Nate has had feelings for Rebecca for awhile and now that she is hurt he is having a hard time separating those feelings. But she has been with him from the beginning and he just can’t lose her. But he isn’t as good as he thinks keeping those feelings in check because soon those closest to him notice.

And one night will change everything, but while one of them is ready for that change the other isn’t quite onboard.

Rebecca can’t believe she just slept with her boss and friend, but what really scares her is that she liked it and is maybe looking at Nate in a different light. The only problem is he is essentially her boss and she doesn’t know if she can look pass that.

While Nate respects her concern, he isn’t giving up yet. And will slowly show her just how good they are together. But when things begin to become crazy with the team and their personal lives, will Rebecca be willing to let everyone know they are a couple? Or is the pressure and thought of losing a job she loves just too much?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brooklynaire is a sure treat for avid Sarina Bowen readers, especially those who love the Brooklyn Bruisers series. I recently binge-read the whole series, which has left me incredibly hungover and praying for this series to never end... and for Sarina Bowen to never stop writing.

In Brooklynaire, Sarina Bowen finally gives her readers what they've been screaming for: Nate and Rebecca's happy ever after.

This fourth Brooklyn Bruisers novel can be read as a standalone, but I advice reading the previous books, especially Pipe Dreams (book three) because they're both set in the same timeline--just based off different couples.

In the previous books, Sarina Bowen has teased her readers with glimpses of a possible budding romance between Nate--tech tycoon and owner of the Brooklyn Bruisers hockey team--and Rebecca--his assistant and the team's office manager. Fair warning; lots and lots of pining involved in this friends to lovers romance. It's so good, it just hurts so bad. Like a LANY song.

While these two aren't my favourite couple (Patrick and Ari all the way!), falling in love with Nate and Rebecca as individuals and as a couple are just too easy. Funnily enough, they're quite the definition of opposites attract. With Nate being the nerdy tech genius, who mostly likes to keep to himself and often gets lost in his own thought bubble, it's just so hard not to want to keep him in my pocket forever. Becca, on the other hand, is such a relatable character. Despite being quite the klutz, she's really good with looking after people and putting others' needs first, especially with Nate and her freeloading family.

The slow burn is real. First of all, Nate has been pining for Becca for seven years ever since she started working for him as his assistant, while she just has. No. Idea. It's such a struggle watching Nate pine for Becca because all you just want is to pray for Nate to finally confess his feelings. An opportunity arises when Becca injures herself quite seriously and Nate steps up to make sure she gets the best possible care i.e. making her stay in his mansion and getting checked by a head injury specialist. If that's not romantic, I don't know what is.

Brooklynaire will make you ooh and ahh over lots of witty banter, sweet stolen kisses, steamy hotel room romps... and hockey, of course. Meeting Bingley, the Siri-like robot system created by Nate (think Iron Man--Jarvis!), is also a treat! Everyone from the previous books makes a regular appearance too.

If you're a romance reader and haven't read this series, you're totally missing out. The Brooklyn Bruises series is incredibly addicting and unputdownable. Personally, I'd never want this series to end but Sarina Bowen does seem like she's got more tricks up her sleeve. All we gotta do is just... wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen~ 4.5 Stars

EKKK! I have been waiting for the broody Nate to make an appearance since forever and boy, he does not disappoint. We met Nate from the previous Brooklyn Bruiser book – he is a professional hockey team owner. Obviously major wealthy, handsome and sexy but he is a bit brooding and commanding … at least to his players. Rebecca has been working for Nate since she dropped out of college 7 years prior. Nate was just a nerdy tech guy back then but he was smart and always dreamed of better and bigger things. So, when the opportunity came up, Nate bought the Bruisers, gave it a face lift and made it into a very successful team. Rebecca had a crush on Nate from the start but he was engaged at that time so she settled for a strictly boss/employee relationship … until now … Nate is no longer engaged and lately he has been giving Rebecca dopey eyes. The sexual chemistry is simmering between them but neither wants to act on it. Rebecca suffered a concussion from falling on the ice and Nate came to the rescue in a form of commanding Rebecca to move in with him so she could rest and be cared for What happens after one wild night together? Will Nate and Rebecca risk their friendship to explore more?

I love Rebecca – she is witty, sweet and fun. I understand her reluctance to date Nate. She does not want to be the gossip at the rink – the assistant who sacked her boss to get ahead. Nate does not think that way – he adores Rebecca but she is stubborn, so it will take some patience (which Nate has an abundance of). I love the slowly burning romance between Nate and Rebecca. You can really feel the steamy chemistry and attraction between them. The flirty banters is one of my favorite parts of this book. Overall, Brooklynaire is a cute, sweet, sexy, swoony, entertaining, and feel good story. This can be read as a standalone. LOVED IT!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amelinda b rub
4.5 Win Win Win stars

Brooklynaire is a standalone and is part of the Brooklyn Bruisers series, well sort of. The Brookyn Bruiser series is about the hockey players and Brooklynaire is about the owner, Nate.

I have to say, I really enjoyed Brooklynaire, I think the cover is adorable, the storyline was super cute and it was a treat to read from start to finish. I gobbled the pages up like a starved woman. The book just had great flow and perfect balance of tension. Oh and Nate, don’t even get me started on him. He was just PERFECT. If I could ever have a techy nerdy billionaire, please sign me up for him.

Rebecca has worked for Nate for seven years. Nate and Rebecca have formed this nice work / friendship. But after a recent accident that has left Rebecca out of commission for a few days, Nate has kind of stepped in to make sure Rebecca is doing alright.

I really enjoyed the premise of the book and I love love love the relationship between Rebecca and Nate. It’s just overall cute and you can’t help but to root for them to get together.

Nate cares for Rebecca and you soon realize he has had a crush on her for years. For years! How adorable is that. I always love it when the Hero chases after the Heroine. On top of being worried for his employee, Rebecca he is trying to get his hockey team to the playoffs and win.

Rebecca is independent, sassy and full of life. She loves her job and will do anything for her job so when she has to skip work because of her injury, she’s not a happy camper. I loved Rebecca at times and at times she frustrated me to the point where I wanted to slap it. It did add nice tension to the story. Rebecca cares for Nate but she doesn’t want to date the boss you know?

I really enjoyed Brookynaire, it just had everything I enjoyed in a sweet, light and fun read. Nate was the star of the book and you can never go wrong with a Sarina Bowen read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael berger
"Brooklynaire", the fourth installment in Sarina Bowen's Brooklyn Bruisers series, features team owner Nate Kattenberger and long-term employee Rebecca Rowley. Rebecca started working as Nate's assistant when KTeck only had 17 employees; now there're 200. However for some reason Nate moved Rebecca over to manage the Brooklyn Bruisers office two years ago. The change felt abrupt to Rebecca and being replace by the gorgeous and put-together Lauren stung. This has bothered but she never asked Nate why he made the decision he did. "Brooklynaire" is told in alternating Point-of-View as well as flashbacks to when Nate and Rebecca first met at KTech's beginnings. Nate has an extremely intriguing backstory that, after three books in took me by surprise.
Sarina Bowen packs in the humor, sweet romance, and sexy times into "Brooklynaire" making it a perfect Hat Trick. Flashbacks showing the crappy office where a younger Nate and company started out writing code was fun and intriguing. The dynamic and magic between a young and hungry Rebecca and Super Geeky Nate was there from the start. Their easy banter and sexual tension is lovely and delicious. Nate is wonderfully decadent; a Dirty Nerd. Then there's Rebecca, the perfect mix of confidence and uncertainty. Cynic and Romantic. We get a new character; Rebecca's intern Heidi Jo Pepper, Bryn Mawr drop-out and NHL league commissioner's daughter. She's a hoot-and-a-half and loves the Bruiser's eye candy; especially Silas and Castro. "Brooklynaire" is a fabulous addition to the Brooklyn Bruisers line-up and worth the wait!
This novel was provided, voluntarily read, and honestly reviewed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather rutowicz
I have been waiting -- I mean, dying a little bit, if I'm being honest -- for Nate and Becca's story. If you've been along for the ride since the beginning of this series, you know there's always been something there and that Nate is...intriguing. So, Brooklynaire was one of my most anticipated releases of 2018 and - EEEEEPPPP!!! You guys, it did NOT disappoint!

Nate and Becca drove me absolutely crazy! Their chemistry was incredible - tangible, sensual, visceral - but their burn was slow, marked by occasional explosions, but taking a while to really get off the ground. And it was sort of delicious torture. These two are amazing - individually and together. I adored them. I loved their playful banter, their easy friendship, and the sparks that continually flew between them, even when they had no idea what to do about it.

This book sucked me in immediately and I read it greedily - I felt like I would never get enough Becca and Nate. I have a special place in my heart for nerdy heroes, and it's safe to say that it has now attached itself permanently to Nate and all his geeky, bumbling quirks. And Becca's spirit is impossible to resist. These two are opposites on paper but their chemistry was absolutely perfect and a delight to read.

I literally could not get enough. My heart was so happy and satisfied with the ending, but I still want more. I feel like I might be a little bit addicted to this couple, but it's probably more true that I'm addicted to this series (because honestly, the secondary character love is strong - and I was so happy to re-visit some of my old favorites), and most accurately: this author. The magic is in the writing, the storytelling, and the brilliant way these characters have been brought to life. I'm in this for the long-haul, I cannot wait for more! And in case all this shameless gushing wasn't clear enough for you? This book is a MUST READ.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
victoria p
Like every other Sarina Bowen fan out there, I have been waiting for Nate and Becca’s story since we met them in the very first Brooklyn Bruisers book, ROOKIE MOVE back in September 2016.

Nate and Becca are both very easy characters to like. Becca is sweet, loyal, friendly, fun-loving, outgoing, giving and hardworking. She’s very well respected by everyone in the Bruisers organization, from the players to the office staff. Nate is intelligent and generous, but also a little socially awkward, which is absolutely adorable. Although, I will say he seemed more take-charge and less socially awkward in this book than I remember him being in the previous books.

After trying to ignore their attraction to each other for the past seven years, you will definitely be rooting for them to finally get their happily ever after. But therein also lies some frustration, because a lot of this book involves watching them circle around each other as they try not to cross that line, and then circle around each other again after they do finally cross that line. Which I understand. I really do. Because Nate is Becca’s boss, so not only does she have to deal with a power imbalance, she also has to worry about how her co-workers will see her if she starts sleeping with the boss.

BROOKLYNAIRE is told in dual POVs and while some of the events in this story take place in PIPE DREAMS—the previous book in the series—it can be read as a stand-alone. It also includes flashback chapters that give us glimpses into how Becca came to work for Nate, and how they became friends before he was rich and famous, which I really enjoyed. I especially liked the way those chapters were written, as though the characters were speaking in a slightly medieval tongue. Overall, Nate and Becca’s story is a slow build, friends-to-lovers romance, that is a wonderful addition to the Brooklyn Bruisers series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaylynn johnsen
4.5 stars for - Brooklynaire - book four in the Brooklyn Bruisers series by Sarina Bowen. This book can be read as a complete stand-alone to the series as it features the team owner and the woman he loves. These two have been circling each other for quite a while now and leaving us wanting more. This is their entire story told in both the past and present in alternating POVs.
Rebecca Rowley was in college when her father passed away. She chose to leave school and get a job to help provide for her family. When she got a tip from a friend about a new company looking for a office manager all she could do was apply and that led her to Kattenberger Technologies. Now seven years later the company has taken off more so than anyone has ever dreamed it could and the cute, but sexy tech geek she interviewed with is one of her closest friends. Rebecca worked with Nate side by side and helped him grow his company into the industry giant that it is today, so no one was more shocked when he transferred her to Brooklyn to run his newly acquired hockey team than she was.
Nate Kattenberger has calculations for everything and with his team - The Brooklyn Bruisers - playing as well as they are this year, the Stanley Cup has a real chance to be brought home to Brooklyn , despite what all the naysayers that wanted him to fail have said. Nate can predict the outcome for most things in his life with simple calculations and prefers it that way. The only thing that consistently throws him off kilter is his beautiful assistant, but he is so tired of fighting his feelings for her and decides to finally make her his.
This was a sexy, sweet and even a bit angsty friends to lover romance that's set in a hockey world so how can you possibly go wrong! With quick check-in's from previous couples too this is one series I just love to read. Can't wait for the next season of Bruiser's hockey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ann m
“Yesterday I thought my biggest problem was sharing an overcrowded apartment with my sister and her family. Oh, and the fact that I haven’t had sex in eleven months and three days. That used to seem like a big problem. But now I know better.”

Sarina Bowen writes a mean office/sports romance! You do not need to have read this series to enjoy Nate and Rebecca’s book but some of my favorite characters make an appearance.

Office romances can be tricky because, well, they just are. But Sarina Bowen has an intelligent, funny and very sexy style that works perfectly here. Becca was Nate’s assistant for years – since when he was just starting out in business and before he purchased the Brooklyn Bruisers hockey team. She eventually was moved from his company to the back office of the hockey team, something that she always was confused about. She was a little jealous of the woman who took her place but accepted her new position with the team. Of course, little did she know that Nate moved her because he was attracted to her.

Becca injures herself and Nate comes to her aid. These two are so adorable and geeky together! Becca and Nate are close friends so she does not want to ruin their relationship over her insanely hot fantasies of him.

There is not too much drama here, just a snappy, fast-paced story with relatable and likable characters. And a super-hot, rich boss named Nate who also happens to be a nice guy!

“Everything okay?” he asks.

“Yes and no,” I whisper. “I just want to do the smart thing. And sometimes it’s not easy to know what that is.” Nate probably won’t understand, though. Everything he does is smart.

“You think I’m a bad idea. You’re right.”

I enjoyed this sexy and witty sports romance and the palindromes were a PLUS. You’ll just have to read ‘Brooklynaire’ to see!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bo white
Author Sarina Bowen is one of my auto-buy authors. If she has a new book coming out, I can guarantee that I either have pre-ordered it or have it on my to buy list for payday. Not only does she have some of the best writing in contemporary romance, but she has the most drool worthy covers as well! I honestly stared at “Nate” for longer than what is appropriate when getting ready to read a book.

Nate and Rebecca have been friends and coworkers for 7 years. Nate hired her as an assistant when he was just breaking out into the tech industry. Fast forward and you have Nate a billionaire who also happens to own the Brooklyn Bruisers hockey team.

When Rebecca has a fall on the ice, she is put on leave to see a doctor. After the concussion time frame has dwindled down, Rebecca is still having trouble with balance and not feeling much better. Nate decides to send her to a specialist to have this figured out. Such a nice boss to do this, but we soon find out he also has a huge crush on Rebecca.

All through the book we are treated to flashbacks of the seven years that they have worked together. We read through relationships, the business skyrocketing, and the evolving crush they both develop for each other.

I have to say that I wasn’t huge fan of the ending of this book. While it finishes with a sweet happily ever after, I felt it was a bit rushed. The conflict that was introduced for the couple was also kind of “eh”. It didn’t bring much conflict to the relationship.

Even with the ending being a little wah-wah, The slow building romance was amazing. Let us just say that Nate may be the sweet and laid back boss you would love to work for, but the sexy and oh so demanding man in bed is hotter!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shelia hall
From start to finish and with every little detail in between I was in love with Nate and Rebecca and and their story. Absolutely fantastic. I think this is Sarina Bowen’s best work to date!

Nate and Rebecca were wonderful characters. I knew I would love them but they were just so much more than I thought they would be. Getting to know them, learning their histories, and the details of their lives was incredible. I really liked getting to know Nate, he’s socially awkward and sweet and I found his personality really endearing. Rebecca was tough and determined and so there for her family, a total caregiver. I loved their awkwardness as they fight their feelings, I really enjoyed their playfulness and internal dialogue as well. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I laughed out loud. They had this amazing friendship that grew and grew into so much more and it was a wonderful ride.

The writing was excellent. The attention to detail was awesome with all these different characters, some old, some new, just pulling me in. The pace was spot on and I liked the transitions between the chapters and their POVs. There were ups and downs, I cheered for them, wanted to smack for them, and rooted for them as they worked it all out. I was just so into everything, eating up all the details and anticipating those special moments. It's pretty light drama but there were quite a few chapters that had me stressing out. I also adored that this story overlaps with the previous book, Pipe Dreams, and how we see those small connections.

This was an excellent addition to the Brooklyn Bruisers series. I feel like each one just gets and better. I've been wanting Nate and Rebecca together since the very first book so to finally get their story and to be so blown away by it makes me crazy happy. This one is going to stick with me for a while! Amazing story!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
was super excited to receive and early copy of Brooklynaire, i have loved Sarina Books for a long time and this is the first book i have got early. I was also excited as this was one of the books out of the Brusier Series that i had been hanging out for. If anything this one one of my most anticipated reads for 2018 and it is already one of my favourites I’ve read this year.

We had read about Bec and Nate through the other books and for me there was just something about these two and i couldn’t wait to get there story and i was not disappointed this would have to be one of my favourites from this series but i knew it would be. I love Sarina Bowen’s writing it just flows and so easy i love it.

Nate was such an enigma being the teams owner but we didn’t know too much about him and he was more than i ever expected i absolutely loved him, he was so clueless but so sweet and one of my favourite book boyfriends of Sarina Bowen. He was such a determined successful guy and just had a big heart.

I felt sorry for Bec it seemed like she took care of everyone else and no one was looking out for her, but when an injury comes into play she has to learn to be looked after and for her to find out she is not alone. It takes her a lot to accept help and that someone could actually love her. It was such a good story for Bec.

I absolutely loved this book, if your looking for something sweet, sexy and a fantastic read then this is what you need to be reading, this whole series is fantastic and this book just blew me away i read it in one sitting and wish it never ended.

Massive 5+++++++ Stars from me loved loved loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pat mccoy
Highly anticipated doesn't even begin to cover just how badly I wanted this story to be told! When Brooklynaire was announced, I legit squealed with joy! I couldn't have been happier with Sarina Bowen in that moment... and believe me, she has made me happy many times over. LOL! Seriously though... Nate's book? YES, PLEASE! From the get go with Rookie Move, Nate Kattenberger was an enigma. The HOT, young, SEXY, billionaire owner of the Brooklyn Bruisers was just begging for all of us to wonder about him. To want to know every single thing about him. To need to know what made him tick. And finally, with ALL of the teasing that Sarina gave us about him and Becca, especially, in Pipe Dreams, the anticipation was at an ALL TIME high! 

So FINALLY, and I mean finally, we get Nate's story! Now, I can't fully say that I loved the story, because I think my expectations were set too high, however, I can say that I LOVED Nate with every fiber of my being. Getting inside his head was amazing. Getting inside Becca's, not so much. While I loved everything about Nate, his sensitive side, his caring heart, and his sexy, I'm going after my girl moves, I fell hard for him. Becca on the otherhand came off as immature and indecisive and all wanted to do was shake some sense in to her. Nate clearly was the man for her.

With all of that being said, I truly enjoyed my time spent reading this story. I was fully invested from the very beginning and Sarina Bowen gave us an incredible man to love. Brooklynaire is a must read for all fans for the quintessential friends-to-lovers story. 
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