Maybe Don't Wanna (The Simple Man Series Book 2)

ByLani Lynn Vale

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
unclepappy wolf
Once again for the millionth time, the brilliant Lani Lynn Vale has entertained me with her newest story Maybe Don't Wanna. There are so many highlights that it's hard to pick out just one as my favorite, and I definitely don't want to put out any spoiler doucher, so I'll try to keep it general. Let's start with Peter Parker Penn, the broody, mysterious hero, who went through things that no man should ever have to experience. He's never tried to defend himself, just let everyone believe that he's no good. Fortunately, there's the crazy, full of chatter heroine, Kayla Nash, who couldn't give a crap about what people say, so can't stay away from Peter Parker Penn, and yes, she loves to keep saying his full name, which still entertains the hell out of me. Their hilarious interactions kept me laughing, and probably will keep be laughing for days to come, as they were that entertaining. In fact, any interactions that Kayla had, kept me laughing, maybe even more so with her bestie. Which leads me to the cast of secondaries that only added to my laughter, so my sides are screaming in agony at this point. And of course it wouldn't be a Lani Lynn Vale story without a f-bomb worthy twist or two included, which there was, and a side of angst for good measure. So at the end of the day, it was another perfect masterpiece that will be often imitated but NEVER DUPLICATED, because this EPIC author ladies & gentlemen is one of a kind! HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO THE MOON & BACK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grace mullen
Lani has done it again! This is another fantastic read. This is the second book in the Simple Man series. It can be read as a stand alone. But, you’ll miss out on all the other great reads!

This is Kayla and Parker’s story.

We first met Kayla back in the Freebirds series. She is Dougie’s daughter. James helped raise her after Dougie’s death, along with all the other members of Free. She’s also bestfriends with Janie.

Peter Parker Penn has always been a mystery, like Rafe and others.

I will warn you now. You will be crying at the very start of the book, in the middle, and at the end. Dougie’s letter. OMG the tears were rolling down my face.

I do hope that Joshua gets a book in the baseball series that Lani has. He deserves some happy after everything that he has gone through.

I loved these characters. They are opposite. Kayla has a fascination with holes. The “glory hole” story was so damn funny. She’s happy all the time. She doesn’t always think before she speaks. She will stand up for those she loves, and she shows it in this book.

I love Carmen, but my heart breaks for her also.

“Here, hold my morals. I have some sketchy s*** to do.” ~Parker, age 15

“When your boss asks what’s wrong, apparently ‘I need a nap and some d***’ isn’t the answer you should reply with. Who knew?” ~text from Kayla to Janie
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Peter Parker Penn sure does punish himself for his past. His mother, his sister, his great-nephew and a childhood friend. He can never seem to shake that guilt from all those years ago. Parker doesn’t believe that he deserves any sort of happiness.

Talking her way into his life, Kayla isn’t having any of that. She knows what she wants (those big arms and tight butt), she knows what Parker needs (love and compassion) and she’s going to make sure that he gets it. Even though she is much younger than him, she makes him feel youthful and he wants more of that positivity in his life.

The way that these two worm themselves into each other’s lives is in my opinion, one of the best parts of this story. Who knew that a paper-thin apartment wall would be the beginning of something beautiful? Everything that Kayla does is heard by Parker and he absolutely loves her weirdo ways.

I love the fact that Lani incorporates previous characters into each book. In this instance … Janie and Rafe. Where there is Janie, there is Kayla and vice versa. They remind me so much of my high school years with my best friend. Maybe Don’t Wanna is a quick and intriguing read. Suspense and romance fill these pages. Make sure to pick up your own copy today!
Execution Style (Code 11- KPD SWAT Book 4) :: Too Bad So Sad (The Simple Man Series Book 5) :: Heroes of Dixie Wardens MC Series - Book 2 - Halligan to My Axe :: I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie (The I Like Big Dragons Series) :: Kinda Don't Care (The Simple Man Series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill shure
I was pulled right into this story. The story has laughs, pain, suspense, secrets, and heartbreak.

Before reading this story please read the below books first:
Kinda Don’t Care (Simple Man #1)

This is Kayla and Parker’s story. If you have read Lani’s other books you met Parker before. If you didn’t what are you waiting for. He has tried to do good but in the end his actions have not always been for good. His life of crazy began early trying to save his sister but to do that he had to hurt someone else. It seems to be a pattern that he has not been able to shake. In order to save one, he has to hurt others. It leaves him a little on the broken side. But inside he wishes things were different. He wishes his life had taken a different path. But one person is about to change all that when she forces him to see her. She wants to save him from his broken self. But will she push him to far and end up hurt in the process? Is he even worth saving in his eyes?

I loved these characters and the side characters. I felt I could connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I highly recommend this book or really let’s be honest any book this author has written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
drema brewer
Parker believes he is defined by the mistakes of his past. Mistakes that he feels are so devastating that he doesn’t deserve to be happy and that all he is capable of is hurting anyone close to him so he ensures that no one breaks through the walls he has built around himself, at least until Kayla.

Kayla has lived a traumatic life and is trying to find her way. The death of her father changed her life and although she had basically been adopted by the men of Free she has always felt like she was on the outside looking in. She is outgoing and tends to speak without thinking which only makes the reader and Parker love her more.

When Kayla crashes into Parker’s life she won’t accept the distance, he tries to put between them and over time he starts to open up. These two are complete opposites as Parker is dark while Kayla is the sun, but they connect in a way that heals the pain that they both hold deep inside.

This is an emotional story but it still hits the mark with humor, steam and suspense. The characters draw you in and make you invested in their happy ever after and the supporting characters are a hoot. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of the book.

She got me again! At this point, Lani Lynn Vale's books are like crack to me - I know I should probably resist, but I just can't not read them. Her characters and situations never cease to amaze me with their intense histories and issues. In Maybe Don't Wanna, we get an ex-gang member, turned SEAL, turned man with a particular set of skills, turned tow-truck operator and an orphan virgin in her early twenties, struggling with finding a career, and suffering with PTSD after witnessing the aftermath of a serial killer. AND a service dog with PTSD. So needless to say, it was a wild ride and I was on board for every moment of it (except for maybe the first sex scene because it didn't seem entirely reasonable for a virgin but then again, I sort of felt the same in book 1 so at least we've established a certain level of expectation at this point). So... I have mixed feelings? I can't say that I was over the moon about the book, but I was totally absorbed in it while I was reading and I can't wait to read the next book in the series as well as catch up on every book prior to this one because they all seem to be connected in a deliciously convoluted way. 3.5 out of 5 wine glasses.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
afua brown
Only one word can describe this book: PERFECTION!
Perfect storyline!
Perfect Hero: Perfect Peter Parker Penn (see, it even fits his name, lol)!
Perfect Heroine: Kayla was the best!
Perfect hilarious, ROFL moments! Seriously, Kayla and Janie were AWESOME!
Perfect steamy moments: Parker and Kayla’s chemistry was insane!
Most of all, PERFECT emotions and heart touching moments! Yes, Lani Lynn Vale had me once again crying and even sobbing for FOUR freaking times. Sure, one of those was the result of LMAO so hard, but the other three?! She really manages to touch even the coldest of hearts with this beautiful and emotional moments! How could it not? Kayla is Dougie’s orphan baby girl, after all. I soaked up those moments – impossible not to, being LLV fan from the very first series, and where we meet our h, and her background – and memories and every single one of them, I lived right along with her and Parker, that had plenty of his own.
And to top the already perfect story, the PERFECT Epilogue, that left me with a smile on my face and a happy and fuzzy feeling in my heart. It was all just that, PERFECTION!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniel omel
This book was so much. Love. Tears. Heart. Laughs. Anguish.


I loved Kayla. I think she was the perfect match for Parker. She balanced Parker and made him see the person he was today, not the person he used to be.

Parker also showed Kayla that she was worth something. Kayla didn’t have the best childhood and she always felt second-best.

There were multiple times in this book that I hate Lani and once you read this book, you will understand why.

If you have read Lani’s other books, you will find a huge connection in this book and it will be a big part of the story.

I don’t know how she does it. This book touched my soul. My heart ached for the characters when they were sad. My heart was happy for them when they were happy. I think I felt every emotion possible in this book.

It is so hard to say a lot about this book without giving away huge plots but I think this may be my second favorite Lani book, after Ghost’s book.

And when you get to the end of the book, just have your tissues ready!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ms Vale offers up another wonderful read that stays true to her sarcastic and somewhat irrelevant style of writing. So plan for several chuckle out loud moments with this book. Kayla and Parker take the lead in a story that induces a variety of emotions. Parker is an amazing bad boy who excels at defending the innocence. As his story unfolds, my heart breaks for all he has lost. Kayla cracks me up. Her quirkiness and quick whit are highly entertaining. Yes she has experience loss as well but she also has been blessed with a self made family which comprises of her hilarious best friend and her dad’s army buddies. Umm you also won’t be disappointed when the heat gets kicked up a notch. Holy hotness plan for some fan yourself moments between Kayla and Parker (wink wink). I will admit it took me a little bit to get into this story initially but once I did OMG, so worth it. By the end of this book I was a blubbering mess. SO TOUCHING. Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I Voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book

For me this author can do no wrong and this book and this series, I FREAKING LOVE IT.

I loved Parker and Kayla. Kayla was a feisty little thing. She had me LOL in this book and she has no filter, just says whatever comes to mind. And Parker oh man my kind of hero. Broken and all alpha. Kayla was the light to Parker's darkness. Even though he thought that he wasn't the right one for her he became obsessed with her laughter with her sweetness and with her being so irresistible.

This book was full of laughter, fun, seriousness, action and suspense and so freaking sweet at times. I loved everything about this book and I really can't wait for more in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nathan francis
I always, always, always enjoy Lani Lynn Vale's books! She never fails to keep the story moving and keep me turning pages. Relatable characters with real situations. I smile, I laugh, I cry and sometimes get mad. She pulls the emotions out of me with her words.
This one was no different. An age difference, a crazy girl and a stubborn man wasnt going to stop a love from forming. Not even a serial killer or a people hating dog with PTSD could stop them. I loved watching this big strong man fall and learn to love when he didnt think he was worth it. She knew!! His violent past didnt scare her away!
The Epilogue tore me up!!! I was a mess. But it soon turned to smiles with a glance into the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott wells
Kayla captured my heart in Boomtown, and never really let go. I thought of her often, while reading the other books, the other series, and knew, when LLV started writing the Free Kids' stories, that this one would tear me apart. And I was right. This book ripped me up and put me back together!

Kayla is a young woman, who just doesn't know who she is, or who she wants to be. Unlike a lot of girls her age, she is out there searching, for her place, her niche. She hasn't quite found it yet, but she has found what it isn't!

Parker is a man with a tragic past. Some of that past is his own fault, but some of that tragedy isn't. One thing is for sure, its enough that it would pull a lesser man down and not let go. And he knows that its too much for Kayla, and he should stay away from her. He just can't.

I love how amazing this story is! Two people, whose lives are full of tragedy that most people wouldn't be able to live through, come together. It's so beautiful! There were plenty of tears in this story, as well as lots of laughs. As always, family plays a huge part in this story, and there is plenty of action, as well as heat, to keep you hooked! I enjoyed visits with previous characters, from several other LLV series, and catching up with their lives. I have to say it, I think this just might be one of my favorite LLV books so far!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beverly rogers revo
OMG was this book freaking hilarious at times! Both Kayla and Parker were awesome. The one liners and interactions were heartwarming between the two of them and between the other characters of the story.

Suspense? Some
Family Drama? Heck yes!
Passionate? OMG yes!
Funny? Absolutely!

I remember Kayla from BOOMTOWN and reading about her in other books has really endeared her to me, like Janie. These two lovely ladies are my favorites of all the books (sorry Sawyer!). But what I really liked about Kayla, other than her obsession with holes (too freaking funny!!) was how her mind worked and the fact that her filter was definitely off kilter! She made me smile and laugh countless times.

And Peter?? Good lord above! Mr. Peter Parker Penn has hands down taken over as my favorite (sorry Silas!). His story brought me to tears and broke my heart, but he kept putting it back together again. He is funny and totally irreverent at times, but he is always there when needed. He has proven that he is definitely deserving of Kayla.

Out of all of LLV’s books, COUNTER TO MY INTELLIGENCE has been my favorite. But MAYBE DON’T WANNA has knocked it out of the park. I have read this book numerous times and still find it hilarious (Roomba!!). Awesome job LLV!

eARC through Enticing Journey Book Promotions
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noah levenson
Peter Parker Penn sure does punish himself for his past. His mother, his sister, his great-nephew and a childhood friend. He can never seem to shake that guilt from all those years ago. Parker doesn’t believe that he deserves any sort of happiness.

Talking her way into his life, Kayla isn’t having any of that. She knows what she wants (those big arms and tight butt), she knows what Parker needs (love and compassion) and she’s going to make sure that he gets it. Even though she is much younger than him, she makes him feel youthful and he wants more of that positivity in his life.

The way that these two worm themselves into each other’s lives is in my opinion, one of the best parts of this story. Who knew that a paper-thin apartment wall would be the beginning of something beautiful? Everything that Kayla does is heard by Parker and he absolutely loves her weirdo ways.

I love the fact that Lani incorporates previous characters into each book. In this instance … Janie and Rafe. Where there is Janie, there is Kayla and vice versa. They remind me so much of my high school years with my best friend. Maybe Don’t Wanna is a quick and intriguing read. Suspense and romance fill these pages. Make sure to pick up your own copy today!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsay robinson
I was pulled right into this story. The story has laughs, pain, suspense, secrets, and heartbreak.

Before reading this story please read the below books first:
Kinda Don’t Care (Simple Man #1)

This is Kayla and Parker’s story. If you have read Lani’s other books you met Parker before. If you didn’t what are you waiting for. He has tried to do good but in the end his actions have not always been for good. His life of crazy began early trying to save his sister but to do that he had to hurt someone else. It seems to be a pattern that he has not been able to shake. In order to save one, he has to hurt others. It leaves him a little on the broken side. But inside he wishes things were different. He wishes his life had taken a different path. But one person is about to change all that when she forces him to see her. She wants to save him from his broken self. But will she push him to far and end up hurt in the process? Is he even worth saving in his eyes?

I loved these characters and the side characters. I felt I could connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I highly recommend this book or really let’s be honest any book this author has written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael taylor
Parker believes he is defined by the mistakes of his past. Mistakes that he feels are so devastating that he doesn’t deserve to be happy and that all he is capable of is hurting anyone close to him so he ensures that no one breaks through the walls he has built around himself, at least until Kayla.

Kayla has lived a traumatic life and is trying to find her way. The death of her father changed her life and although she had basically been adopted by the men of Free she has always felt like she was on the outside looking in. She is outgoing and tends to speak without thinking which only makes the reader and Parker love her more.

When Kayla crashes into Parker’s life she won’t accept the distance, he tries to put between them and over time he starts to open up. These two are complete opposites as Parker is dark while Kayla is the sun, but they connect in a way that heals the pain that they both hold deep inside.

This is an emotional story but it still hits the mark with humor, steam and suspense. The characters draw you in and make you invested in their happy ever after and the supporting characters are a hoot. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy richard
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of the book.

She got me again! At this point, Lani Lynn Vale's books are like crack to me - I know I should probably resist, but I just can't not read them. Her characters and situations never cease to amaze me with their intense histories and issues. In Maybe Don't Wanna, we get an ex-gang member, turned SEAL, turned man with a particular set of skills, turned tow-truck operator and an orphan virgin in her early twenties, struggling with finding a career, and suffering with PTSD after witnessing the aftermath of a serial killer. AND a service dog with PTSD. So needless to say, it was a wild ride and I was on board for every moment of it (except for maybe the first sex scene because it didn't seem entirely reasonable for a virgin but then again, I sort of felt the same in book 1 so at least we've established a certain level of expectation at this point). So... I have mixed feelings? I can't say that I was over the moon about the book, but I was totally absorbed in it while I was reading and I can't wait to read the next book in the series as well as catch up on every book prior to this one because they all seem to be connected in a deliciously convoluted way. 3.5 out of 5 wine glasses.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
“Another age gap, 4 stars”

Kayla has no family of her own and its left her floating for the lack of a better word. Yeah, she has her best friend Janie and her dad but no one who feels obligated to be beside her. When she meets Parker he’s everything she normally goes after only a little older. But Kayla doesn’t know if she can heal the jaded man.

Parker has hurt all those close to him without trying. Leaving him to live a life as close to solitude as he can get and still use his skills. Then he meets Kayla and something draws him to her. When he catches a glimpse of her secrets he cannot help but want to lend a hand.

Parker and Kayla were perfect together. They both got each other and their struggles. The story didn’t hold all the suspense to the extent of the first in the series did but it held its own mysteries. You get a little bit of Janie and Rafe as well. Also, I loved how Parkers dog transitioned in the story.

If you take a chance on Maybe Don’t Wanna you’ll go through lots of emotions. You won’t regret it.


Characters- 4/5


Writing style-4/5

Overall- 4/5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaela higbee
5 Stars

I am totally digging this new series from Lani Lynn Vale! Peter Parker Penn sees himself as a bad man. He is the epitome of a broken character. Broken to the point that you just can’t stop your heart from bleeding for him. The first part of this book will hit you in all your feels, but it helps to understand why Parker is the way he is. I absolutely adore Kayla! She is my favorite kind of heroine. She’s smart, sexy, and a whole lotta sassy. Her friendship with Janie is one that everyone strives to have. #goals. These two will have you laughing so hard. And poor Rafe. He never knows what to expect from these two lol.

As with all Lani Lynn Vale books, it’s part of a series that is intertwined with all of her others. Is it totally worth going back and reading ALL of her books? You bet your holy jeans it is. It has the perfect amount of angst and heartbreak, laughter and healing. I feel as if all my reviews for her books tend to run together, but they are all fantastic so…<shrugs> Pick up a copy of Maybe Don’t Wanna today. I personally can’t wait for Johnny’s book!

Angela - Alpha Do It Better Book Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Only one word can describe this book: PERFECTION!
Perfect storyline!
Perfect Hero: Perfect Peter Parker Penn (see, it even fits his name, lol)!
Perfect Heroine: Kayla was the best!
Perfect hilarious, ROFL moments! Seriously, Kayla and Janie were AWESOME!
Perfect steamy moments: Parker and Kayla’s chemistry was insane!
Most of all, PERFECT emotions and heart touching moments! Yes, Lani Lynn Vale had me once again crying and even sobbing for FOUR freaking times. Sure, one of those was the result of LMAO so hard, but the other three?! She really manages to touch even the coldest of hearts with this beautiful and emotional moments! How could it not? Kayla is Dougie’s orphan baby girl, after all. I soaked up those moments – impossible not to, being LLV fan from the very first series, and where we meet our h, and her background – and memories and every single one of them, I lived right along with her and Parker, that had plenty of his own.
And to top the already perfect story, the PERFECT Epilogue, that left me with a smile on my face and a happy and fuzzy feeling in my heart. It was all just that, PERFECTION!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was so much. Love. Tears. Heart. Laughs. Anguish.


I loved Kayla. I think she was the perfect match for Parker. She balanced Parker and made him see the person he was today, not the person he used to be.

Parker also showed Kayla that she was worth something. Kayla didn’t have the best childhood and she always felt second-best.

There were multiple times in this book that I hate Lani and once you read this book, you will understand why.

If you have read Lani’s other books, you will find a huge connection in this book and it will be a big part of the story.

I don’t know how she does it. This book touched my soul. My heart ached for the characters when they were sad. My heart was happy for them when they were happy. I think I felt every emotion possible in this book.

It is so hard to say a lot about this book without giving away huge plots but I think this may be my second favorite Lani book, after Ghost’s book.

And when you get to the end of the book, just have your tissues ready!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ms Vale offers up another wonderful read that stays true to her sarcastic and somewhat irrelevant style of writing. So plan for several chuckle out loud moments with this book. Kayla and Parker take the lead in a story that induces a variety of emotions. Parker is an amazing bad boy who excels at defending the innocence. As his story unfolds, my heart breaks for all he has lost. Kayla cracks me up. Her quirkiness and quick whit are highly entertaining. Yes she has experience loss as well but she also has been blessed with a self made family which comprises of her hilarious best friend and her dad’s army buddies. Umm you also won’t be disappointed when the heat gets kicked up a notch. Holy hotness plan for some fan yourself moments between Kayla and Parker (wink wink). I will admit it took me a little bit to get into this story initially but once I did OMG, so worth it. By the end of this book I was a blubbering mess. SO TOUCHING. Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I Voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book

For me this author can do no wrong and this book and this series, I FREAKING LOVE IT.

I loved Parker and Kayla. Kayla was a feisty little thing. She had me LOL in this book and she has no filter, just says whatever comes to mind. And Parker oh man my kind of hero. Broken and all alpha. Kayla was the light to Parker's darkness. Even though he thought that he wasn't the right one for her he became obsessed with her laughter with her sweetness and with her being so irresistible.

This book was full of laughter, fun, seriousness, action and suspense and so freaking sweet at times. I loved everything about this book and I really can't wait for more in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I always, always, always enjoy Lani Lynn Vale's books! She never fails to keep the story moving and keep me turning pages. Relatable characters with real situations. I smile, I laugh, I cry and sometimes get mad. She pulls the emotions out of me with her words.
This one was no different. An age difference, a crazy girl and a stubborn man wasnt going to stop a love from forming. Not even a serial killer or a people hating dog with PTSD could stop them. I loved watching this big strong man fall and learn to love when he didnt think he was worth it. She knew!! His violent past didnt scare her away!
The Epilogue tore me up!!! I was a mess. But it soon turned to smiles with a glance into the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
richard owens
Book Review : Book 2 of the Simple man series. And it’s Jamie’s best friend Kayla book with Peter Parker Penn as leading man. Peter Parker may be named after a hero but he doesn’t feel that way. He’s damaged and hurting but trying to be the man Kayla needs. Kayla has been raised at Free her Dad was a solider who died in battle- but she still trying to find herself . But these two damaged people find love in the newest book in this series which is a spin off from her Freebird series. This book should be read after book one but its a book filled with hot men with heart , humor & suspense. Not one to be missed if you are a fan of the authors book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was.... amazing, there are no other words that can be said. Sobbing, and I'm talking ugly cry, one minute and laughing the next. Lani can spin a story that has you hanging on the edge of your seat and you will gladly hang there as long as it takes to get more. Yeah, there are some plot holes and a few issues, thats normal for her books, but TBH the story pulls you in and has you watching this movie in your head and you just don't give a damn. Danger, sexy times, heartbreak, sexy times, violence, laughter, did I mention amazing sexy times (like AMAZING). 5 stars isn't enough for this, but it's all I can give.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clara baker baldwin
This book gave me all the feels~ Angst, suspense, hope, longing, laughter and love! Elizabeth @ White Hot Reads

Peter Parker is not one to let anyone into his life. he is a damaged man and does not have the capacity for it. He's sort of a Anti-hero.. for each step that he moves in the right direction, he feels his soul move in the other direction.

Kayla Nash suffers from PTSD, the more that she suffers in silence the more exposed she becomes to Peter Parker.

I seriously could not put down this story and loved each written word! More Please!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved loved loved this book!
Parker thinks he is a bad man and everyone around him seems to thinks so to..but to me he is not a bad man..he just made bad choices for the right
Kayla is obsessed with the first glance she was a goner..and no matter what she stands by him.
The story wasn't all unicorns and rainbows, yet I smiled a lot. Kayla is hilarious. Parker showed a softer side with her and I liked it a lot.
If you add suspense to an already charged story ..boom..hooked!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG, this series is FAN-TAB-ULOUS!!! I totally love the fact that characters from previous series are included, and that the story continues on. When the superhero is not super at all, and has this very dark side, it makes it all the more exciting. Especially, when he has to keep away from the one thing that actually makes him ‘feel’ again. But, what happens is nothing short of True Love and war.

Ten stars if I could give them. Loved every word. Cannot wait to see what Lani comes up with in the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
l layale
I have always wondered about Parker and what his story was but never thought it was what I read this is his story and it will pull you in .

Kayla we met in Boomtown the very first book and her story was sad, but the men and women of Free had her back and she never felt unloved,

These two are perfect in how they both know loss and they know they want more in life.
Lani Lynn Vale knows just how to make you root for the characters and makes them feel like someone you know on a personal level.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yol jamendang
This author books are always a roller coaster of emotions. Peter Parker Penn thinks he's the anti hero but I'm reality he definitely a hero. He has had horrible things happen to him and he feels everything he touches goes to crap. Until Kayla. Kayla is everything you want a heroine to be funny sweet and a lil bit bad. This book is a suspense filled ride I didn't want to end. I need the next book in this great series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lani Lynn Vale give us another standout book. I immediately fell in love with Peter Parker Penn and Kayla! Hold on to your emotions because Maybe Don't Wanna will take them from one extreme to another! The chemistry between these two lights up the pages and the storyline makes this book impossible to put down. Loved every minute of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cassandra van snick
I am absolutely loving this series, these men with their bad attitudes and brokenness are just big teddy bears on the inside. Parker was awesome, Kayla had me cracking up the whole time. I loved these two together, they were perfect. I can't wait for the next one.
Please RateMaybe Don't Wanna (The Simple Man Series Book 2)
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