The Right Way to Feed Your Baby for Optimal Health

ByKatherine Erlich

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Overall I think the information about baby nutrition is good, but I didn't find the recipes helpful. They were complex and required much more time/energy than a new mom can invest. I barely looked at the book again after reading the nutrition basics (most of which I already knew).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee spero
I recently purchased this book to inform myself on the basis of great nutrition for toddlers. Although I already knew I was not supplying my young one with the proper amount of nutrients, he is a picky eater, I wanted to discover new ways to improve this process.

This book was very informative and taught me things behind my wildest belief! I have learned the importance of digesting raw milk, eating beets, and making my own whey. I find myself improving my own personal diet, as a vegetarian.

This is a must read for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wonderful book. Very educational on the what's and WHY to feed your baby proper nutrition. Not as easy to apply if you don't live where you have easy access to affordable, pasteured organic products...but every parent should read, so that maybe they'll make some "better" choices for their babies rather than just giving them anything thats labeled "baby food".
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
madeleine dodge
Love, love, love this book! If you're looking for better nutrition for your child, this is it. With proper investigation and reading, you will get over the look most people give you when they raise an eyebrow at "no they won't be eating cereal..." Worth every penny!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
judith kirscht
Some interesting info here. A bit controversial and I'm not convinced about the raw milk thing (safety for pregnant mama and baby) but I'm on board with some of the nutritional advice, some of which is doable. I didn't love the way the recipes were written, a bit unclear.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Item arrived in new condition and in a very timely manner. Given as a gift to someone who has a newborn, and they were very pleased with all of the great information and ideas they're getting for feeding the child in a healthy way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really like alot of the information this book gives, but somethings, like liver being a first food is questionable to me. Liver is an organ that filters toxins from the body of the animal..i just can't see giving my son liver so early in life. Very informative though.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristen mangewala
I have returned this book. I was searching for alternatives to rice cereal for my baby's first food...I appreciate all the information that was available in this book, but don't think I will be offering my baby shaved frozen liver, bone broth, or fish roe at ANY time. A little extreme! (And that's coming from someone who eats paleo!)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Okay, I really struggled with giving this book two or three stars, but settled on two because I just can't get over my criticisms of the book.
First- the good:
--I really liked the sweet photos of vintage baby food ads
--Some of the recipes are very good and easy to make. I have bone broth in my freezer as I type.
--I believe the avoidance of simple carbohydrates benefits baby (as well as everyone else.)

Now to the not so good:
--This book is a total plug for the Weston A. Price Foundation and its zealous endorsement of Raw Milk.
If you want to give your baby raw milk, please read the reason why it was pasteurized in the first place. It seems like every pro raw milk reference or website I read is somehow connected to this organization. Makes you wonder why?

--More bothersome to me is the constant use of the annoyingly nebulous term "TOXINS." There are so many things deemed "toxins" in this book it is hard not to get paranoid. Where are the citations to backup these claims? I found them lacking.

-- This book makes it seem like every problem a child can get can be solved from raw milk and pastured meats. This adds to the anxiety and guilt a mother already has for the care of her child.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Although this book does have good information, some of the foods were out of the question. I'm not interested in feeding my baby liver of any kind and I don't feel it's necessary to reach optimal health either. I was expecting something different. Unfortunately I haven't opened the book since the day I received it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is great in many ways. First, the author teaches parents the optimal foods to feed their babies for a strong immune system and healthy gene expression. She also outlines what foods are best at which stages. But my favorite thing about the book is the collection of old photographs of baby food ads. In the past, feeding babies meat was revered - now if you don't feed your baby rice cereal, you are looked upon with skepticism. But cereal is not healthy food for a baby! Real food that real people eat is what babies need to be eating and Katherine shows you how to do it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
facundo ozino caligaris
I purchased this book after speaking to the author on the phone regarding my son's chronic cough issues (she happens to live in the area). In passing almost, she recommended I get her book. Wow and I glad she did! My son was a little over a year at the time I purchased it so I had already somewhat missed the boat for him but learned SO much that confirmed all my gut instincts already- no juice, sweets, fat is good, etc. My daughter who is now 9 months is getting a very different diet now because of this book's extremely valuable advice. She is not getting any cereals until she is at least one- hoping to go gluten-free at that point, she gets as close to raw dairy products as I can get, lacto-fermented veggies, egg yolks, NO snacks, pastured meats including beef liver which I never would have touched with my son. I refer to this book weekly and have incorporated a lot of it into the diet of the whole family as well by not doing low fat dairy, soaking beans and nuts, buying better quality ingredients all around. This book has definitely fueled a food revolution around here.
Can be a bit overwhelming at first but I've had to remind myself that baby steps are OK! Would love to see the authors put out an accompanying cookbook with more recipes. Very trustworthy stuff and well explained too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Backed by science and time-honored wisdom, Erlich and Genzlinger offer parents a priceless baby shower gift in Super Nutrition for Babies. Basic to understand, yet a wealth of invaluable information, this book is a foundational resource for expectant parents and anyone who has children of any age for that matter. These nutritional guidelines surpass infancy and should be adopted into the lives of anyone seeking optimal health.

Very well recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This badly needed book provides a blueprint for feeding your baby based squarely in the principles of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Cod liver oil, liver and other organ meats, raw dairy, pastured animal fats and butter, bone broths, free-range eggs, lacto-fermented condiments and beverages and unrefined salt - all figure large in these pages. The authors stress the need for animal fats for neurological development, and warn against popular empty food for babies like juice and cereals. There are chapters devoted to our raw milk baby formula and to nutrient-dense diets for pregnant mothers.

In addition to all this wonderful information, the authors have amassed an interesting collection of antique ads for canned baby food - not because they recommend canned baby food but because these ads all tout the benefits of animal foods like meat and liver for growing babies. Nowadays you can hardly find baby food meat in jars - it is all just vegetables and water. How would you feel if you were just fed vegetables and water? No wonder our babies are cranky and have trouble sleeping through the night!

The authors have worked hard to get all the details in line with the principles of traditional diets; this book is highly recommended for anyone with a baby, or planning to have a baby. A big Thumbs UP. (Review by Sally Fallon Morell)"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Really valuable information - I've been looking for a long time for a plan how to introduce solids that actually makes logical sense in terms of what babies need and what they can actually digest. Would highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jean mcd
This is a wonderful book loaded with valuable information you won't get anywhere else! It tells you what your baby should be eating (not what your pediatrician says he should be eating) at each stage starting at 6 months. I got it as a gift, and I'm very thankful I did!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The recipes in the book are great, but the amount of utter bs that you have to sift through to get them is ridiculous. Be prepared for every nutritional buzzword out there, oh and my personal favorite claim "toxins in food causes autism." I'm sure vaccines do that too. Don't eat sugar, Mom, otherwise the Candida in your gut will flare up and SOMEHOW find its way to your vagina. While I appreciate the book trying to promote healthy eating and healthy lifestyle, there are just too many bogus claims littered throughout to give the authors any validity. And FOR THE LOVE OF GOD do not give your baby raw unpasteurized cow's milk. Seriously.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily karr
This book changed my babies lives. My twins are happier and much healthier on homemade formula. It feels good to know why I am feeding my baby the food I am and why it is good for them. Good food makes happy babies! We're so grateful to have found this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has completely changed my thinking on how to feed our baby. I knew babies and toddlers needed a high fat diet, but I didn't realize the types of foods that should be included (and avoided). I also assumed they needed rice cereal, but what nutritional value is there in rice? This book is full of enlightening facts, and the scientific and historical explanations are very helpful in validating the concepts.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
robyn en
This book has some good concepts. However, I am taking stars off for a few reasons -- the recipes are GOD AWFUL (better visit nom nom paleo for tasty traditional recipes) and I mean TERRIBLE. index is useless. When I try to look up specfic things listed in book, it is not found in the index.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I bought this book after it was recommended from a trusted friend, someone who is knowledgeable about food and nutrition. Living in Vermont, I have access to organic, local eggs and meat, and the authors' recommendations made sense to me. Unfortunately, after about the 4th time I fed my 6.5-month-old daughter soft-boiled egg yolk and also after about the 4th time I fed her avocado, she vomited repeatedly for hours. This happened twice with the egg yolks; clearly she was not able to digest these foods yet. There was, however, NO information in the book about the fact that: a) some babies may get sick from eating certain of their recommended foods and b) what to do if this happens. Instead, the book provided one-sided information about how traditionally recommended first foods (like grain cereals) are bad, while others are the best first foods for ALL babies. Now I don't trust the authors' advice and I am skeptical about following the book's recommendations.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have found this problem with the store before and I dont return the books. Not this one in particular, but several books or cds that I have ordered, no where in the description say that they are a "Christian" religious book. And then it turns out to be so.
This particular book had an agenda and it wasnt about babies.
they were pushing meat, meat, meat for the 1st year of life. The nutritionist was a member of some society that is off the deep end and again I wasted good money. Unless you have stock in the red meat industry, dont buy this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
david jaffe
This book has some of the most terrible advice and writing I've seen in a long time. The science in the book, specifically in recommending what it qualifies as a "toxin", is completely wrong and shows a basic misunderstanding by the author of both how the human body and sterilization techniques work. There is a failure of critical thinking and basic reasoning in many of the arguments presented; I'm embarrassed that this can even get published.

May I suggest that the author take a secondary school health class to learn how neurotransmitters work, since according to the poor science in this book, giving your kid sugar is the equivalent of giving them heroin, morphine, cocaine and alcohol.

May I also suggest the the author learn how to spell since she seems to not know the difference between "inhibit" and "inhabit".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Really valuable information - I've been looking for a long time for a plan how to introduce solids that actually makes logical sense in terms of what babies need and what they can actually digest. Would highly recommend!
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