Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers - Breastfeeding Made Simple

ByNancy Mohrbacher

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
randall david cook
Very easy reading, has some technicals points that can get a little tedious at points but repetition is the best way to learn. Wish I would have read this with my first born and so happy that I read it before the second one gets here. It really helped me to understand the 'nursing system' and how you and your baby work together. I feel really confident to nurse with the second and hope to go longer then 7months like I did with my first. The best part is, the book has an index to help reference for when the new baby arrives and a website with Q&A and how to videos and slides! Would recommend this book to anyone!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kara harper
While reading I thought the book was interesting but I don't think that it really helped me when it came down to breastfeeding. I had more luck meeting with a lactation consultant once my son was born.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I LOVE this book. This is the best researched book on breastfeeding I have ever read. It's got the best information on how to get a good latch and make breastfeeding comfortable, the best information on newborn behavior, the best information on how breastfeeding changes over time, AND (drum roll, please) the best information on MILK STORAGE CAPACITY! I finally, finally understand the biology of why women have such wildly different breastfeeding experiences and why there are some women whose baby's do great on schedules like Babywise, and other women whose babies wind up in the hospital or weaned at four months because of schedules.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful book! Received in 2 days of ordering in perfect condition!! Ordered for my expecting daughter...very useful information in this book. Would have love to have had it when I was having my babies and breastfeeding!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie rasmussen
This was recommended to me by a friend and lactation consultant. Very thorough and informative book! Read it while I was pregnant and it definitely helped me to quickly realize when I was having problems with breastfeeding (improper latch, engorged, etc). The nurse in the hospital told me breastfeeding would hurt, but because of reading this book I felt empowered and knew that the kind of hurt I was feeling wasn't normal (and I was right). Definitely recommend reading this!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lech jankovski
Great resource that goes beyond the basics of the typical breastfeeding class offered by many health plans. I gained a better understanding of the physiology of breastfeeding, milk supply etc enabling facts to support my success rather than the basic advice to "drink plenty of water & get rest" for a good supply. Highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My lactation consultant recommended this book. I'm a first time mom & my mother did not successfully breastfeed so there was no wisdom to be passed down to me. Very informative book. I recommend it for anyone who wants to breastfeed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I thought the organizing principle of having "seven laws" would make this a nice, straight-forward read. Instead it seemed to amble and digress a lot. I had trouble following it and felt like it became very repetitive after awhile. I was looking for a practical guide to breast-feeding success and instead felt like I had to wade through a lot of excess to get to the practical bits. The excess included a lot of "this is why Americans stink at breast-feeding" discussion. I appreciated the perspective of other cultures and while I might not disagree that we've lost a bit of the art of breast feeding in the U.S., I felt like the authors could have made the point and moved on. That being said, when I did finally find the practical bits, they were helpful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are planning to breast feed, buy this book. It is the only breastfeeding book I read, and I successfully breastfed my daughter for 10 months. When you are pregnant with your first child it seems like there are so many books, and it can become overwhelming. This book simplifies breastfeeding, it is the only book you will need.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renatka reme ov
Best breastfeeding book I’ve found. Explains the process and troubleshooting in simple terms. I like that it doesn’t come across as snobbish and self righteous. Many of the other breastfeeding books I looked at basically said, “This is the only right way to feed your baby and if you don’t do this you are a horrible excuse of a parent.” I was unable to breastfeed my first child, but with the help of this book I am five months in and going strong with my second. Even with support from lactation consultants with the first, I still wouldn’t have been able to do it this time around without this book. It may be a natural process, but we have really lost that knowledge as a society.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great for those who want to breastfeed and just need a little more reason to get it done. This book includes lots of info about why breastfeeding is better than formula- totally had me convinced to exclusively breastfeed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the best book on breastfeeding I've read (and I've read at least 4 or 5 different books)! I've learned so much and I should be an expert already as I nursed my son until 27 months. With my son we had a rough beginning and had to supplement a little for a short time to get him to gain weight. Now I'm pregnant with my 2nd and looking forward to using the advice in this book to give us a great start with breastfeeding. They do give such simple advice that I wonder why 3 different lactation consultants and all the other books I read never recommended like the laid back nursing position. I can't wait to try it! My other advice to anyone besides reading this book is at the first sign of trouble rent a hospital grade pump (I'll have one before I deliver as it saved our nursing relationship with my son by increasing my supply) and call a highly recommended lactation consultant. Both will be worth every penny!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah hunt
Here's my impression of negative reviews of this book: "I got this book about breastfeeding because I am intent on breastfeeding and now I'm upset and offended because this book about breastfeeding presents evidence-based and well-founded research and facts about breastfeeding."

Yawn. If you're the type to get your feelings hurt at the dreaded 3-word cliche (breast is best), this book may not be for you. Ok, it's definitely not for you. The first chapter alone shares studies and research that I assumed were intended to encourage you in your determination to breastfeed, but for some women it apparently alternately offends and insults.

I'll give you a piece of advice, from one mom to another:
This book has some REALLY interesting information. I'm currently breastfeeding my second baby, reading this book for a workshop, and I have been just bursting at the seams to talk about what I'm learning while reading. The "left vs. right brain" analogies in the first chapter were so cool that I called my husband into the room to chat his head off about it (he was thrilled). So if you want to try this book but you're sensitive, do this: completely blow past the introduction and go straight to the "laws" of breastfeeding. The information presented is just too valuable to skip because of a 10-page introduction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was so great. Obviously not the "end all be all" of breastfeeding knowledge, but it's close. I would definitely suggest reading before baby and would definitely encourage owning the book for reference once baby is here. Great resource to have for yourself and for other moms who are considering breastfeeding their little one(s).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The author advocates a lying down position that theoretically makes a lot of sense to me (I'm still pregnant) -- lying down on your back with your baby on your stomach. However, I couldn't find any other guide that suggests this opinion. The closest is the side-lying position. Has anyone tried the belly to belly position?

Also, this book has zero advice for bf twins. I think I can adapt her methods for tandem feeding though. We will see.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen slater
This book really answered all of my questions about breastfeeding. Before reading this, I was nervous that I would have no idea what to do, and had been warned numerous time about nipple pain, so I knew I needed to learn more. I haven't had the chance to put all the information to use yet, but now I'm very excited to get started!
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