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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick hershberger
There is nothing better than a fresh busted morning load on our family pan cakes. A rich and creamy additive that is inexpensive to produce and downright delicious. My wife and I don't even need to butter the pan. My kids love it and Aunt Jamima never had it so good!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly jarosinski
Great recipes ! The real secret is in ones diet for the true spunk connesuir and the oh so deliquate taste buds. In the kitchen I learned the sperm and paired rich foods for desired tastes. I can range my jizzisms flavorings and aromas from savory/spicy to sweet/earthy/tart. Science behind producing the textures fitting to that of sugar free tapioca pudding, complimenting a side tamatoe sandwich topped with a dollop of my very own homemade man-naise. (Safe for vegans). Enjoy plentiful recipes your whole family can share. Look at there faces as they unknowingly consume your cum creations. Stare in there eyes when you tell them what the secret ingredient is :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Before you turn away, in some cultures canabalism could be compared to walking on blades of grass, the rush of flavor bursting in your mouth can now be captured in these special recipes. My favorite is the red velvet cheese cake, salty but sweet edition. It has a strange tart, but aftertaste of salt. So delicious! The glazed tilapia is the close second, please keep the head on, while cooking, it only adds to the esquisiteness of this delicacy. Plus you still see the surprise look in the fish's eye! My last favorite is the 3 cheese dish that includes Mozzarella, Swiss and Smegma all bathed in our favorite dressing! If your lucky find some Mexican Smega! The best-So spicy! Ariba! Enjoy!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne brink
How dare you reviewers make light of Fotie Photenhauer's masterpiece with sarcastic comments about homeless people and your grandmothers. Your grandmother would be lucky to receive this as a gift!! This book has changed my life! Prior to reading this book, it was impossible to get my hubbie in the kitchen. Now, we spend all sorts of time together cooking. Not only did we try all of the fabulous recipes in this book- I replaced the eggs in all my favorite recipes with my husband's ropey seed. My cholesterol has since plunged! I served the flan at my eight-year-old's birthday party (sans semen, I'm not a FREAK), and the other parents were so impressed that I served something other than sheet cake. The kids really guzzled that dessert, let me tell you! I therefore believe this book has literally saved my marriage and my life, and that Fotie is a visionary. It pains me that you mean-spirited jokers couldn't open your minds, hearts, and throats to the creamy concoctions in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anita rader
Most of the "gamey" or salty recipes can easily be improved by just adding egg whites and or pineapple. I'm giving it 4 out of 5 because some of the recipes made the back of my throat hurt which really blew. I bought a used version which I would not recommend... although the pages did stand up to the steam in the kitchen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I FINALLY jumped on the semen eating bandwagon, ending the years long debate of spit or swallow. Didn't see this option coming (no pun). I have learned a few things I'd like to pass along, having made all these recipes at least once or twice.
First thing to know is that you need to know your source, unless you also plan to serve your dish with a probiotic drink or a healthy dose of penicillin. No one wants syphyllis tea.
Recipes with heat usually take care of this process.
Second, contrary to popular belief, if you swallow watermelon seeds and then eat raw sperm, you will not in fact become impregnated in your belly with melon baby.
Third, asian semen is to high dollar semen what Boone's Farm is to expensive wine.
Four, through a complete kitchen 'accident' I discovered you can also create a semen scented candle. I now make little semen scent sachets for the glade plug in.
Five, trying to use the freshest samples by adding to the dish directly as it is produced is a wonderful way to really enjoy the THE FRESHEST SEMEN AROUND as well as getting a good calisthenic workout.
Six, I always list semen as 'natures wonder seed' whenever I give someone a recipe.
Seven, if you are on a low sodium diet, try english semen. They prefer EVERYTHING bland.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ian mullet
In this book, the author present the book with recipes considering semen as a food. In my opinion, I don’t think semen should be classified as food. In here, the author is mistakenly comparing semen with other animal based food such as milk, etc but those are of animal origin and not human. Animals can be bred, grown in controlled conditions with proper care and antibiotics to ensure the produced food is not contaminated. On the other hand, human semen can be contaminated by pathogens that can cause diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis since personal hygiene varies with each person. You can take your intimate partner”s semen and cook it if you know him to be clean but from other people it’s a form of cannibalism and risky.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I ordered this book because I was tired of having the same old tasteless meals day in and day out and needed a pick me up in the kitchen. After trying a few of the recipes I realized that this book has something that I had never experienced before when eating food. It contained love. And with every loving bite that went down my throat, I craved more. The only problem I have with the book is that some of the recipes require a few cups and to be quite "frank", I can't manage that much before blue balls start to set in. Luckily, I was able to start up a conversation with some of the neighbor boys about it and they are willing to help out with my dilemma. When I serve these recipes to friends and family now they really notice the difference in my food. And when asked how I manage these culinary masterpieces, I just tell them the secret ingredient is love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The exquisite delicacies presented in this bible of culinary masterpieces have yet to fail my insatiable palate. A documentary into the real-life intricacices of a petite famous sculpture (read: La Petite Marie). Whether or not the expedition is a dependable course to bring the cook's story to life, there is no question that the underlying undertones of punk rock rebellion assuage the motif of violence and carnal desire (lust). Courageous candor can create clashes connecting cosmopolitan cornell cake.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
holly pokorny
I found this book to contain some acceptable recipes, but they were all to complicated for my sophisticated taste. A far more versatile and utilitarian recipe, that is more filling and tasty than those in the books goes as follows:


2 tbsp semen


Place the semen into a cup.

The total preparation time for this is no more than 15 minutes, sometimes shorter or longer depending on the individual acting as the provider of ingredients.

The delicate aroma and flavorful essence of this imbibation allows for true understanding of what natural recipes can be. I urge you to try this rather than the recipes in the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I cannot stress how enthusiastic I am about these recipes! The light touch and gentle stroke of the wooden spoon as one caresses ingredients together results in an explosion of taste!

While many of the hip new cookbooks require expensive and hard to find ingredients, this one does not. The elixir that need not speak its name is easy to come by and it's one chore that the man of the house will finally enjoy helping with when it comes to the kitchen!

Since getting this book, I cannot quit cooking! I've never had such enthusiasm for the culinary arts. I'm not just beating around the bush saying that.

At first taste, the bouquet, texture and flavor are unmistakable. These dishes are the stuff of life! I recommend you put aside the pulled pork sandwich and those dull old hot dogs and rush to begin using this book.

Each of these recipes pairs well with sparkling water, wine (white or red) or beer (micro-brews with a robust head are best).

I prepared an entire dinner party for my family using these recipes and didn't tell them what was in the "secret sauce." After dinner, as we were all sitting around the table basking in the afterglow of a good meal (several of us were smoking cigarettes) I sprang the surprise on them! Well they just sat up erect and couldn't believe it! Sadly, everyone had to leave the party rather quickly after that.

Buy this book and start enjoying it now!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
matt cegielka
As a pro-life person who believes that life begins before conception, I take offence at this onanistic travesty! This is just another stab in the back of the people that make up the real America by liberal elites pushing their gay agenda on our children. What's next? Dog semen? Pony semen? Where do you draw the line? And while I found the recipe for Tiramusu Surprise to be quite tasty, I fail to see how the inclusion of future Christians adds to the taste or texture. I will be re-gifting this at the next office CHRISTMAS (not holiday) party.

Good day to you sir!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky keeler
This cookbook is an excellent choice for a bachelor on a budget. It is amazing that no matter how hungry my houseguests are, when they see my Natural Harvest cookbook open on the counter, they realize what a tight grasp I have on my wallet, and decide to eat elsewhere.
Several friends were over this weekend and I surprised them with a few choice recipes from this culinary masterpiece. While my friends were eager to learn more about my secret ingredient (a few made guesses since they were sure they had had it before) I just smiled and let them know that my kitchen door has a lock for a reason: loose lips sink ships.

I can't believe I beat George Takei to this.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
alison zammit
Not to mention that supposedly, it has a different 'flavor' depending on what is eaten beforehand. How do you plan to address that?

What's next, cooking with our own blood? Urine? Feces? Just yuck.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy rios
Fortunately, the author, Paul Photenhauer, strongly urged his readers never to use semen in any recipe without the prior consent of the individual who is consuming prepared dish. Having said that, I found this cookbook to be very interesting. It is not as surprising as one might think especially seeing that semen has the consistency of egg whites. He also points to the unique flavors like cheese, wine, caviar that are also considered acquired tastes.

I found the recipes interesting. I also found the informational material regarding health benefits, ingredients, calorie count and nutritional facts to be also fascinating. Paul Photenhauer is very correct when he refers to semen as a 'neglected' food. He also is correct when he stated: “We eat milk (cow secretions, eggs (chicken menstruation), so why all the fuss about semen's inappropriateness as a food.” Equally true is it when he discusses the foods that people consume abroad can equally be considered “disgusting” yet prized as delicacies in their countries of origin.

People consume dishes prepared with animal blood, rotten fish or fertilized eggs. In some countries cook with insects from grasshoppers, to tarantulas to bees and ants. Why not? Vive la différence In the words of Mame, from the play Auntie Mame: "Life is a banquet, and most poor sons-of-bitches are starving to death!" All one needs is an open mind and a curious spirit and two or more consenting adults.
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