Simple Ways to Create a Natural Home - The Made-from-Scratch Life

ByMelissa K. Norris

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dale vidmar
When I started gardening almost three years ago, I also started listening to some podcasts. Those two interests combined when I found Melissa K. Norris ([...]). I learned many gardening tips, food preservation tips and, very importantly, seed-saving tips. I couldn’t have learned to save tomato seeds the right way without her.
When I found out she was writing a book, I added it to my the store cart right away – four months before the release date. I am so glad I did.
The size of the book is deceitful – in less than 200 pages, Melissa shares how to garden, harvest, preserve food, cook from scratch, make natural cleaning products, prepare for tough times and take care of livestock. She also shares family traditions and weaves personal stories throughout the book to show you how her heart is in this lifestyle. She also brings in her faith to the topics with Bible stories and verses that apply either to the stories she is sharing or the topics in general. The combination of faith, personal stories and tips is not awkward, but it told in a natural voice – almost like she is sitting in your kitchen talking to you over a cup of coffee.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in cooking from scratch, gardening, raising animals, preserving food or using natural cleaning and beauty products. It has it all, along with recipes. I have a lot of this information scattered about my house in different books, cookbooks and pinterest pins, and I am so glad now to have it all in one place.
She includes a planting guide, harvesting guide, list of natural pest control, blanching time for freezing vegetables, seasonal guide to produce and so much more.
Enjoy her book, visit her blog, follow her on Facebook, listen to her podcasts and watch her periscopes – you won’t regret it.
But it here:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa b
Melissa K. Norris wrote this book, “The Made-From-Scratch Life: Simple Ways to Create a Natural Home.” It releases today! As I read it, I felt like I’d found the woman friend I’d longed for that could clear up some of the mystery involved in this gardening and canning business. The book doesn’t read as a “how to guide.” It’s a conversation. You get to know her a little better. She shares what insider tips she’s learned along the way. Just the kind of book I’ve been wanting to find.

"Legumes (beans and peas) will put nitrogen back into your soil through their roots, so planting brassicas [broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower] where you had beans or peas the year prior is a good idea."

These tidbits can't be found on the back of the little seed packets. Actually, she advises you about which seed packets to buy! Such good information here. Like getting advice from a good friend.

And recipes. Did I fail to mention she has recipes in here? In her "Old-Fashioned Blackberry Jelly" recipe, she lists 1 gallon ripe blackberries. Then, right after that in parenthesis, she tells you that's 16 cups. This might sound simple to you, but often times the recipes I have handed down to me don't get so specific. I don't have a measuring scale in my kitchen so I have no way of knowing how many blackberries make up a gallon. Also, when I google it, often times the recipes online will say the number might vary depending on the size of the blackberry. Well, duh! Believe me, giving me the estimated 16 cups in parenthesis helps a whole ton.

Even if you don't have plans to start your own garden and do much preserving, Melissa educates you on buying local. She tells you what she's learned after researching some of our grocery store purchases. Also more tips on how long to store items in the pantry, refrigerator and freezer.

"I've often thought life should be like a potluck, where everyone brings their best and shares."

I'm glad you feel that way, Melissa! I couldn't agree more.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
arum silviani
While the cutesy story about the chicken and the bed sheet was a chuckle it wasn't worth the price of the book. More time and effort should have been put in the recipes. Disappointing. Wouldn't recommend it and regret purchasing it. I could go to YouTube for cutesy chicken chasing videos.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brian farnhill
Living in a rural area, author and blogger Melissa Norris lives the more simple, productive, practical, faith-filled way of life. From planting and harvesting her own food, to preserving and baking ingredients and meals, to creating her own care and home products, to raising and sharing livestock, The Made From Scratch Life introduces, encourages and inspires to live a more quiet pace in this often busy way of life.

Interesting as a different way of living, though not entirely possible for me, I did learn quite a few ideas around planting, recipes, natural cleaners and living at a slower pace. Well-written with sections of suggestions sprinkled throughout, I did appreciate some of the items (7 ways to preserve pumpkin, homemade refried beans, strawberry jam, 6 ways to plant green beans) and plan on giving them a try. Complete with charts for planting, preserving and cooking, there are definitely some simple ways to include in a more natural home and lifestyle. Absolutely a book to share or give to someone able/ willing to commit to that more raw lifestyle, I am glad I was given the chance to visit this book.

4 (out of 5) pennies

*I received a complimentary copy of The Made From Scratch Life from Harvest House Publishers for my honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karin reffner
I've been enjoying Melissa Norris' book, Made from Scratch Life, because she shares some very helpful parts of her own journey toward health and healing. I had no idea the simplicity of making my own apple cider vinegar. So cool and now in the works at my house! I've been on a journey to eat less sugar and white flour while working toward eating more healthful choices. It's a journey. Reading the food, canning, and recipe tips throughout the book is really helping me take another look at some of the things that have held me back. I think it's important to begin, and stay on, the journey. The writing is insightful, genuine, and kind. Kind because there's no sense of guilt. Rather the book empowers me to continue striving toward my healthy/happy goal while giving me some great ideas for managing my meals for less cost and stress without judging where I'm at right now

I was given a copy of The Made for Scratch Life with no expectation of review. I loved it so much that I chose to write a review because this book is touching my life in very positive ways.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Made-from-Scratch Life is a book that prescribes living a simple life, moving from store-bought products to healthy and homemade versions and provides practical tips for gardening, canning, raising livestock, and preparing for tough financial times. Along with plenty of homey advice, Melissa includes some of the simplest and most delicious recipes you'll find. Her ham and bean soup with parsnips is one of my favorites.

Melissa shares stories of how she learned to make the transition to a simpler life herself, with plenty of mistakes along the way. She shares Bible verses, inspiring quotes, recipes, a planting chart, and plenty of recipes. She's convinced that a simple, back-to-basics life is soothing to the soul and this guide is her way of walking side by side with you as you, too, take the road less traveled to a made-from-scratch life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie layton
I really enjoyed reading Melissa's newest book 'The Made From Scratch Life'. Not only does it have some wonderful country-style recipes, but also ways to keep your home clean without chemicals, care for livestock, perserving food, and how to be prepared in your larder for the unexpected crisis. We all know the joke how people run to the grocery store for bread, milk, and toilet paper when there is a big snow storm in the forecast. Melissa shows, there is no need to panic or follow the crowd. Make as much as you can from scratch. She helps readers live a healthier life and save money through her tested tips. Another thing I love about this book is how Melissa shares her experiences that led to her knowledge of living a life made from scratch. I recommend this book for anyone seeking a better way of living, instead of from a can or package.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Made-From-Scratch Life: Simple Ways to Create a Natural Home is chocked full of tips on the homestead life including gardening, raising livestock, preserving foods and cooking. I have followed Melissa's blog for a couple of years and always learn something from what she posts on her blog. She also does podcasts and persiscope and those have been enjoyable also.

If you enjoy the homestead life you will definitely learn from this book; however if you are not a believer in Christ you may be put off reading how her faith works in her everyday homestead life. I am a believer in Christ so this was a great inspiration to me.

Thanks to Harvest House and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book to review. This book is due to be released on February 1, 2016.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean whelan
So many wonderful tips that can be implemented right away. From homemade mixes to make it yourself cleaning supplies. Great food recipes to make-it-yourself beauty products. And everything was simply explained using a lot of ingredients I already have around the house. Peppered with personal stories, frugal tips and wonderful testimonies of faith, I found it hard to put down. This is one of those books you will use time and time again. A must buy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeffrey robbins
When I moved off-grid, it was overnight. I would have loved a sister in Christ to help me learn all this skills I needed to make the most of this life as quickly as possible. Too bad I didn't have this book then! This book covers growing, harvesting, preserving, cooking, animal husbandry, traditions and more. She doesn't stuff her book with rare plants or hard-to-learn techniques. This is the basics that everyone will be able to identify with.
There are large sections where Melissa talks about her Christian faith and how it anchors her to the land, so if that offends you then you will likely not enjoy this book. But if you enjoy listening to the testimony of others, then this will be a perfect fit for the beginning of your back to basics journey.
*I was provided a free copy in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shimaa samir
The Made from Scratch Life is a heartwarming book that is informative, comforting and a wealth of knowledge on back to scratch homemaking and living. It's as if a good friend is sitting at your kitchen table sharing a wealth of experience and wisdom over a good cup of coffee!

This book is full of warm life stories, great recipes, tips on gardening and cleaning the natural way. A really good go to book on how to get back to the basics and be self-sufficient.

All in all... a wonderful go to book ~ I highly recommend it! 5 Stars!

Thank you to Harvest House Publishers and Netgalley for a gift of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
go ben
I have enjoyed Melissa’s “Pioneering Today” podcast for well over a year and knew this book would be a great addition to my library. She has so much knowledge about living simply and within ones means and in this book “The Made From Scratch Life”, you can see how she makes it easy for the rest of us to do the same. I have made many of the recipes in this book and I must say her pie crust recipe is delicious!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book! Well written with a lot of information. I have only had it for a couple of days, but have already used some of the tips and ideas. This book has helped me focus on what we want to accomplish in our home and, hopefully, in our community.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
umesh kesavan
This book has a huge amount of information, tips and tricks and recipes to start or go deeper into making more things directly in your home. And those parts I really loved.
Not necessarily because they where completely new information about how much better some things can be if you make them yourself from scratch. There really weren't that many new things in this book that I didn't already know p, but it was still informative to read about and a few of the recipes are definelty getting tried out to see if they might become a stable in my home.
Overall the concept of telling people and showing them that it really is possible for everyone to start doing more things in their own homes and that homemade doesn't only save money but is actually better overall for you is fantastic in this book! I also loved that the author said herself that somethings just don't work for you personally even if others have the easiest time with that one thing and that is fine. You don't have to do everything p, you can either still buy or try to find another way to get what you need if you can't produce it yourself. I love that because somethings things just are not possible for you and reading about it makes it a bit easier to accept for many people.

What I did not love about this book is how extremely religious this book was. There was a constant talk about Jesus and God and all that. And while I don't have a problem with that generally, and I do understand that the author shared personal stories and experiences in this book and religion is clearly a big part of her life, I honestly felt that it was not something that was necessary or helpful in this book. And without the many religious moments the book would have been one that I would buy for everyone, so that they can read about how easy it is to start making things frimscratch instead of buying it. But because of all the religious moments I know that a lot of people I would recommend this book to, would become frustrated because they are either not religious, have a different religion or are just not interested in reading how God credit it all in every chapter.

So while this book is a great resource for starting out or getting deeper into homemaking, the religious parts are not easily ignore able so be aware of that and if you like reading about God in every chapter or not. If that is something that you can ignore or prefer in your books, perfect this is the right books for you and will over you lots of tips and tricks and recipes that will make your life better.

*i recieved a free copy in exchange for a honest review from the author via NetGalley *
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book! Personal stories, tasty recipes, tips on growing, harvesting & preserving your own foods, raising livestock and more...and the author has beautifully woven her faith & love of God through it all. A lovely read
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Most definitely a lesson in making sure you have the correct title/book before ordering.
This book is basically a journal of bible quotes and religious life as related to gardening. So much so, that one can barely get any useful information out of it.
Utter disappointment in this guide.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sandra holladay
Most definitely a lesson in making sure you have the correct title/book before ordering.
This book is basically a journal of bible quotes and religious life as related to gardening. So much so, that one can barely get any useful information out of it.
Utter disappointment in this guide.
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