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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
seline pierson
This book seemed promising for the beginning of a new ice rescue diver seemed like a new enough concept for a leading man. Unfortunately, not much time was given to developing characters, backgrounds or the story. Even for a short story it felt rushed and unsatisfying.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
steven jamal
3.5 Stars - 1.5 Flames

Suspense doesn't even begin to describe the tension you'll experience in this short read. You get about 8 pages of humor and set-up before you're thrust into a non-stop suspense that will have you flipping the pages so fast, you'll feel like you're actually a part of the search and rescue.

While Derek, an ice diver, is demonstrating his job to a group of elementary school kids, an accident happens that turns his demonstration in to real life action. Artie is one of the school teachers at the field trip. Yep, you guessed it. Derek and Artie have some history and it's a little uncomfortable in the beginning. But it's amazing what a traumatic incident will do that brings people back together.

Don't get caught up in the romance side of this read though. Besides a little kissing, this is truly as story about search and rescue and all that comes along with it. It took me a moment to get a rhythm with this one, only because my brain needed to catch up to the fact that it's written by multiple POVs. Besides Derek and Artie's POV, you'll get the "missing person's" POV as well. Which only adds to the suspense, in my opinion.

* I was given this book by the Jeep Diva in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
3.5 - "I've missed this." Stars.

The first novella in Katie Ruggles’ new Search and Rescue series gives us a quick introduction to some of the Rocky Mountain rescue teams main players. It also give us the reconnection story of Ice Rescue Diver; Derek Warner and Artemis Rey, the woman he loved and left 4 years previously.

”Nothing’s ever easy is it?”

In the process of searching for two missing children one snowy windy evening, Derek and Artie also rediscover their feelings for each other, newly divorced Artie is the one woman Derek has always wanted, but never felt he was good enough for. But while getting themselves into scrapes and two children out of danger they both realize that the past and their mistakes with each other from then mean absolutely nothing when their feelings are still so strong for each other.

”If I get another chance with you… I’m never letting you go.”

This was a really quick read, it wasn’t too heavy going even though there were quite a few things happening plot-wise. Katie is an author new to me, and this novella was a great way to discover that her writing style and story-telling are things that I would like to experience more of in the future.

Hold Your Breath the next book in the series is due for release in April, and I look forward to reading more from this author.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, and it was my pleasure to provide the above honest review.
Red Stone Security Series Box Set: Volume 2 :: Red Stone Security Series Box Set: Volume 1 :: No One to Trust (Red Stone Security Series) (Volume 1) :: Dangerous Witness (Redemption Harbor Series) (Volume 3) :: Beyond the Darkness (Dragon Shifter Romance) (Darkness Series Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pat hendrickson
Don’t ever assume that great things can’t come in small packages. On His Watch proves that a short introductory novella can pack a serious story punch.

Derek and Artemis are reunited once again in a most awkward way – he’s part of the Search and Rescue team that Artemis has brought her class of young students to see how the rescue teams save lives. Once upon a time, they were a couple deeply in love with a future ahead of them. Right up until Derek pulls a stupid stunt that lands them both in trouble. He declares himself not good enough for the young woman he loves, and in the male logic breaks up with her.

Today will be their second chance – one day that will see one child fall through the ice, two little girls running away into the forest – and a danger lurking just out of sight that will follow the Search and Rescue team members throughout the series.

Couples don’t always get a “do over” once they’ve split up. Even though they still have strong feelings for each other, Derek and Artemis must first find two missing little girls before a winter storm arrives. And perhaps along the way rediscover a love that never truly left them.

I enjoyed On His Watch very much. I love when a prequel is strong enough to give me a taste of what is to come, holds my attention and makes me look forward to the release of the rest of the series. If you love mystery, suspense and romance all bundled together in good solid love stories, then this is a series you’ll want to put on your reading list…now.

*I received an e-ARC of On His Watch from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. That does not change what I think of this novel.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
darlene comeaux
Pretty good prequel to this new romantic suspense series... this is currently a free download. :)
It's really hard to review novellas because they are so short but, I love the author's writing style and it gave me a good taste of the characters that I will be meeting in the rest of the series.
I liked the suspense level even though I think that there was a bit too much squeezed into this installment. This would have been more enjoyable if the number of incidents had been cut down a little. One near drowning, two lost girls, one couple stranded in a snow storm plus a near animal attack... way too much to properly develop in such a short time. Despite that... I was engaged from start to finish and enough so that I really want to continue on with the series.
So, yeah... sign me up for more of these hunky police officers, firefighters and divers! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Two little girls have gone missing and ice rescue diver Derek Warner is the first in line to bring them home even if it means working side by side with the woman he once loved and lost in this exciting contemporary romance.

Artemis Rey has never stopped wanting Derek and the reader can’t help but get caught up in the charged atmosphere as the flames between Artemis and Derek rekindle. The chemistry is hot enough the melt the snow and the emotions flow from the pages as these strong, compelling characters draw readers into their story with adrenaline pumping excitement building as the dangerous situation escalates in this well written, fast paced and smooth flowing plot that thrills readers with lots of suspense, excitement and romance.

If this story is anything to go by, then the series should be sexy and exhilarating. The author brought the characters and the situation to life with pulse-pounding vivid details that made it easy for me to get completely immersed in the excitement and to easily identify with the characters with the only drawback being that the story was too short, so I can’t wait to read Hold Your Breath which is the first full length novel in this thrilling new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nick schmuck
This story is a novella prequel to a series which will be releasing pretty close together in 2016. I had never read this author before nor had I read about ice rescue divers. I thought the story was interesting and had some suspenseful moments. The couple already had a history, so the relationship developed fairly quickly over some extreme circumstances. Basically, as one child falls through the ice on a school field trip and is being rescued, two others disappear. Artemis, their teacher, is desperate to find them. She teams up with her former lover and rescue diver, Derek, to search the frozen who's for the missing girls. As the temperatures drop, Derek is determined to heat things up between himself and Artie.

The story is pretty short but introduces some interesting characters which will be featured in the upcoming series. It has a definite conclusion, but also leaves a few mysterious threads out there to trail into the other stories. The short preview of the next book at the end was pretty intriguing.

I received an ARC for review from Net Galley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
On His Watch, the prequel to Katie Ruggle's Search & Rescue series, like the description says, really was a pulse-pounding read. Derek and Artie's story hooked me from the very first page and I couldn't put the book down until I was finished because I needed to know how everything was going to play out.

The romance in this book was really good. I really liked Artie and Derek. They had excellent chemistry and while it is kind of weird that the two of them would reconnect while searching for two missing girls in the woods in the snow, it actually really worked for this book. And in all honesty the only thing I was disappointed about with this story was that Derek and Artie are only getting a novella because I really wanted to see more of them.

Overall, I really liked this book. It was really good introduction to this new series by Katie Ruggle and it has left me anxious for what's to come next. I'm sure it's going to be good.

*Review originally posted on my book blog The Rambling Book Junkie on Dec. 4, 2015.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was definitely and interesting start to a new series. I’m a big fan of second chance romances, so I enjoyed that a lot, but there were times that I wish the history between Derek and Artemis (Artie) had been explored more. In the beginning, I thought that Derek was going to end up with Lou as there seemed to be some flirtation there, but then Artie was introduced and we’re told that they know each other. I could feel the tension between them, so it was clear once Artie was introduced that there was unfinished business between them. This short novella was pretty intense, which made it really interesting. I would have enjoyed it even more if the romance aspect of it didn’t feel so rushed.

As a novella, it set up the impending series well and I find myself really interested in the arsonist that was hinted at and how that will tie in with the rescue dive team. I look forward to reading more in the series and seeing Callum and Lou again.

Arc provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The story felt rushed and underdeveloped. I wanted more background on Artie and Derek’s history and how they got to their current lives. I found the reason given for their break up a little hard to believe, especially since they‘d been childhood friends. After not speaking for 4 years, they fell back together rather easily.

I felt it ended abruptly. It definitely gave the lead into Callum and Lou for the next book, as well as the arsonist. I wanted more background info on what appears to be continuing characters, i.e. Steve and his girls, Sheriff Rob.

This book was ok for the beginning of the series. It does make me want to read the next book to see if there is a more developed story and more fill in to the novella characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sujith prathap
On His Watch is a good introduction to Katie Ruggle's Search and Rescue series. It's short, fast paced, and whilst it doesn't give you much time to become invested in the characters, it does introduce you to several whilst giving us a taster of what we can expect from the series.

"I owe Derek one happy ending."

With action created by 2 missing little girls and mild heat courtesy of the couple at the heart of this novella searching for them--teacher, Artemis (Artie) and rescue diver, Derek, the story flowed and was held together reasonably well. And with hints given as to a possible future romance and and unsolved mystery in the mountains, I'll certainly be reading the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A nicely balanced introductory novella, On His Watch is a second chance at love story that establishes the setting and background for a new series. I appreciated the pacing of the book, which was fast and the wit and humor with which Katie Ruggle writes. I especially liked the dynamics and exchanges between the male characters, I think it bodes well for the series. The novella format is difficult, and this one seems a little hectic and character crowded, but I was still able to get a good sense of the characters and their actions/reactions. I'll be reading the next one, for sure.
*I received my copy through in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
r hollis
I really enjoyed this short novella that introduced the characters and heroes of the Search and Rescue team.

Ice rescue diver Derek Warner never meant to be a hero as he was "just doing his job", but when he saves a young boy from the icy waters and then scouts the wilderness for two missing girls, he becomes one to his ex-lover Artemis Rey. It was fun to see these two finally open up and communicate about their past differences.

I received a copy from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ismail elmeligy
Enjoyed this novella featuring Artemis & Derek. This was a great introduction to the series. Action, suspense and sweet love! Derek & Artie were young and fell in love then an argument broke them up. Thanks to a field trip turn search & rescue they were able to rekindle the love that never died and have their HEA! Filled with funny moments and tender moments this was a really great read! I'm on to the next book featuring Lou and Calllum! Loved it! 3.5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael e
I got this book in parts. The publisher (I think) was sending parts of this story to the emails of some readers and I was lucky to be one of them. I didn't knew that this is a debut novella by the author and I found out after I read it. It was good, but I would have liked a little more backstory to the characters. The story, though short, manages to deliver romance and adventure in a satisfictionary level. There is a little tease about the couple in the next book and I am quite intrigued.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book was a novella. The book was okay nothing amazing happened. It makes sense why this was a novella and not a full length book as the two main characters already had a past. The book was quick read but it doesn't make me want to read more in this series. I wish it did as I like to read new authors.

*Gifted copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read a serialized version that was delivered to my email inbox each morning. The two main characters are fairly well developed and I felt as though I knew them even though the book is quite short.

The plot starts out simple, but a twist does get added that Im' sure will peek up in future books in the series,

This is a good introduction to the series.
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