Move the Stars (Something in the Way Book 3)

ByJessica Hawkins

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is probably one of the most bittersweet reviews I’ve ever written. The highs and lows I’ve gone through with this series have been crazy, and Move The Stars was THE ONE I was waiting for. These characters have forever cemented a place in my heart, and I will never forget them. EVER.

From the very first page I had my heart in my throat, and even though I was prepared for whatever might happen, I was so anxious turning those pages. I had been waiting for this book to come along and when it finally hit my Kindle I was almost afraid to open it! There’s not really too much I can say, because everything is a spoiler but, it completely took my breath away. It was sublime and euphoric and agonizing at times, it was all the things that an epic love story should be.

Throughout the series there has been an undeniable connection between Manning and Lake, and that only intensifies in this book. I can’t say how, or which direction their relationship goes, but hold on tight because it’s not what you think, or maybe it is! I’ve speculated SO many different scenarios these past few months, and I still didn’t get it right! And that’s a huge testament to Jessica Hawkins and her fabulous writing. Nothing about this book is predictable, and you might as well erase any preconceived notions you may have had because you’re probably wrong. I was crying, and gasping, and ohhhhing and ahhhhhing the whole way through. And every chapter was like a reminder to breath because I felt exhausted from the anticipation alone!

I really wish I could talk about Corbin and Tiffany because I WANT TO, they are unfortunately THERE in the story, which is no surprise because they’ve always been there. In what capacity, I won’t say. I wish I could just word vomit this whole book because I have SO much to say but, once again I CANNOT. And I will not! The agony.

All I really have left to say is to Jessica. Thank you for writing these characters and this story. Thank you for taking a chance on a forbidden journey and trusting your readers enough to love and grow right along with it. I know my fellow readers are just as passionate as I am about this series and hope everyone will give it a chance and read it, because it means so much to me and I just want everyone to have that same feeling!
My favorite series this year!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an emotional trilogy. I wanted to savor each line but at the same time couldn’t wait to see if Manning and Lake got their HEA. I was right a long with them on their journey, caught up in emotions as if I were going through them for real. Jessica is an amazing storyteller and everything she writes is perfection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love these book in the series, Felt like forever for the last one to get here. I’m the beginning the first in the series Manning and Lake’s story was so engaging. You felt their connection deep in your soul, understood their conflict, and burned in their passion. I have to say I was a little disappointed not seeing this delve into Lake’s family drama more, I think it could’ve made for a more compelling ending or added to the story a bit more. I would’ve loved to see either reconciliation And even then going there separate ways while Manning and Lake Finally had their chance. But believe me the story is still well worth the read.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lindsey schroeder
I just thought after the other books to this story and the attention to detail they had I would enjoy this book. Unfortunately the attention to detail was lacking and things were brought up but to never to be mentioned again. Never felt the connection to this book or characters and would have like to have had more of an ending it just seems rushed and incomplete. I have given it 3 stars because I like the books at a whole and believe she is a talented writer i just wanted more of the outcome of situations and their life in general.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
First let me say that Jessica is an amazing writer and I have nothing but respect for her work. This series captivated me from the beginning and I fell in loved with Lake and Manning. That being said, I hate to admit I was disappointed with the second part of this book. SPOILERS.........

Reading the first and second book was such an emotional ride for me and I desperately waited for Manning and Lake to finally have their turn for love. I guess in a way they did but I almost feel as though "for me" Manning and Lake ended in part 1. Part 1 was amazing and had me all in the feels like the previous 2 books but then something happened. I can't quite put my finger on it but I felt like I was reading about 2 different people and I guess in a way I was. They had grown but not really. I wanted Manning to finally fight for Lake like he did when he first got to New York. He promised he would fight for her no matter what and even I believed him. And then he didn't, he was gone for four years! Drinking and having random sex with a woman from town was not fighting for her. Randomly running into her and inviting her to dinner was just not the epic ending I expected for them. I didn't feel the love for them that I had in part 1. Lake made me feel sad that after all these years of her dying devotion that she settled for that ending. Manning really never did anything to truly redeem himself for being gone for 4 years. Had they not saw each other that day on set would he have ever come for her? It was just sad and not at all what I expected. I would still read all 3 books again because I truly did love this ride, but I would probably just stop at the end of part 1.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sheetal patel
OMG!!! I loved this series. I have been waiting for a long time for this book to come out and it didn't disappoint me at all. I'm totally in a major book hangover now. Just keep running through all the emotions right now after finishing this book. This is a series that I will be rereading over and over again. Love Manning & Lake. Thank you Jessica for an awesome series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james falcetti
First after this truly gut wrenching love story, there should have been an epilogue!! I'm not a super fan of them, but some stories simply require them. This was one. After all that heartache give us a little glimpse of the happily ever after. These books were amazing, the destroyed me so deeply I'd have to put it down for a bit just to recover from Lake's heartache. Thank goodness love always prevails, but the journey was hard on the couple. However you seen individual growth that made every disappointment worth it. Truly an epic romance.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
First let me say that Jessica is an amazing writer and I have nothing but respect for her work. This series captivated me from the beginning and I fell in loved with Lake and Manning. That being said, I hate to admit I was disappointed with the second part of this book. SPOILERS.........

Reading the first and second book was such an emotional ride for me and I desperately waited for Manning and Lake to finally have their turn for love. I guess in a way they did but I almost feel as though "for me" Manning and Lake ended in part 1. Part 1 was amazing and had me all in the feels like the previous 2 books but then something happened. I can't quite put my finger on it but I felt like I was reading about 2 different people and I guess in a way I was. They had grown but not really. I wanted Manning to finally fight for Lake like he did when he first got to New York. He promised he would fight for her no matter what and even I believed him. And then he didn't, he was gone for four years! Drinking and having random sex with a woman from town was not fighting for her. Randomly running into her and inviting her to dinner was just not the epic ending I expected for them. I didn't feel the love for them that I had in part 1. Lake made me feel sad that after all these years of her dying devotion that she settled for that ending. Manning really never did anything to truly redeem himself for being gone for 4 years. Had they not saw each other that day on set would he have ever come for her? It was just sad and not at all what I expected. I would still read all 3 books again because I truly did love this ride, but I would probably just stop at the end of part 1.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krissy schultz
OMG!!! I loved this series. I have been waiting for a long time for this book to come out and it didn't disappoint me at all. I'm totally in a major book hangover now. Just keep running through all the emotions right now after finishing this book. This is a series that I will be rereading over and over again. Love Manning & Lake. Thank you Jessica for an awesome series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert fairhurst
First after this truly gut wrenching love story, there should have been an epilogue!! I'm not a super fan of them, but some stories simply require them. This was one. After all that heartache give us a little glimpse of the happily ever after. These books were amazing, the destroyed me so deeply I'd have to put it down for a bit just to recover from Lake's heartache. Thank goodness love always prevails, but the journey was hard on the couple. However you seen individual growth that made every disappointment worth it. Truly an epic romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series gutted me. Lake and Manning's story was so captivating, emotional, riveting. I could not put these books down. In fact, I waited until Move the Stars came out so I could read all three books back to back. I'm impatient and I don't like waiting to find out what happens next. So, I read all three books within a few days because, like I said, I could NOT STOP READING.

This series will take you on an emotional roller coaster that will have you smiling, laughing, crying, angry, frustrated, turned on, etc.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dr sara2
Well that was an intense and immensely satisfying conclusion to Lake's story. My need for Lake to find happiness kept me tethered to this series through all the emotions Hawkins forced me to endure. I enjoyed every blessed minute of the turmoil, the heartbreak, the tears, the uncertainty, the loneliness and the great love. Bravo!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allie marie
this book was too hard to put down.....lost sleep....didn't want to go to work....just wanted to read this book......things just kept progressing and the ups and downs.....even cried during some of the scenes.....this book will stay with you long after you read the last only negative was that I thought there should be more of an ending....maybe an epilogue......just did not want to see these characters and their story this author and will read some of her other stories.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexander bark
I absolutely loved this series! I’m not usually a fan of angst...or such diverse plot twists. But this worked. The author is brilliant. If she can get me to like Manning again? Then, yes...brilliant. I know that was the intention, but I’ve never disliked a main character I knew I was supposed to love so much....ever. Only to love by the end. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to book 4, just so he can hopefully “polish” up my opinion! Haha
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I chose to start reading this series I never thought that I would fall in love with these characters but I have Jessica Hawkins writes with such dedication and devotion that with the first page I was captured into the series. This is one of the best series I have ever read. I only wish their was more..Thank you Jessica Hawkins...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just WOW! Very few stories have devastated my heart as much as this series has. It demolished my soul and then attempted to put it back together with flimsy tape just to smash it to bits all over again. Beautifully haunting story with words that will replay over and over long after you finish. Amazing just AMAZING
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harriet segal
Omg, I had bought this Book Sunday and unfortunately life gets In the way so I just finished 3 days later. The Angst I felt in this series and this Book OMG I wanted these two together from the start. The love, passion & hurt of the whole thing was heartbreaking. Thank you Jessica Hawkins for a great read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absoulety loved this series so much that I actually waited MONTHS for the 3rd book to come out. Usually I do not wait, or I just don't read the series til they are all out. Well I waited and waited and was soooooo excited for this.. and I am so sad that it ended how it did! I needed, wanted more! At least an epilogue or something. Other than me just wanting more and sad side the ending, it was a great book!!!!!!!!! And I can't wait to read for from this author!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sonam mishra
I was anticipating this book, I loved the characters Manning and Lake but I was disappointed that I only got to read about 5, wait 6 days total regarding them together. I felt J Hawkins spent too much time with the 5 days and he technically cheated which was a bummer and what happened next was too predictable. Wait and why did it take him years to decide to go get the girl???? I still like the premise which is why I gave it 4 stars but it was too quick of an ending for how much time it took to get to that point. I’d like to have had more about their lives together
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
l t getty
Loved this entire series! All the feels. This series follows the epic love story of Manning and Lake. It is forbidden, angsty, heartbreaking, sexy and intense. A beautifully written love story with fabulous character development. One of my all time favorite series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I waited what seemed like forever for this book to come out and it was beautiful. My heart broke and I cried alot as well as fell more in love with Manning and Lake's character. I will say the only thing that I was disappointed in was there was no epilogue... I just wanted to continue being in their lives just a little longer?❤
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristin kelsey
I loved this series but unfortunately the 3rd and final part fell a bit flat for me. I can't exactly pinpoint why. I think a lot of it had to to with the fact that Lake's relationship with her parents was never resolved. Also, everything moved very quickly in the beginning ... so much so that it almost felt unbelievable and rushed. I didn't like after so many years of Manning saying no to Lake that suddenly he was cheating on his wife with her....regardless of how they felt for each other. I still loved the series overall and this author and look forward to more books by Jessica.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melissa mcallister
I patiently waited. I kept an open mind.
The writing is good. For me isn’t deliver. I expected so much more that it makes sense it all wouldn’t fit in a third book. In books 1 and 2 we saw and felt every bit of angst and got really deep into their reasoning. I feel like this really glossed over all that and Lake was still very naive and way too easily forgiving. My two cents anyway.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
court carney
This series has had me on an emotional rollercoaster. I have waited so long for Lake and Manning to get their happy ending but it was cut way too short for me. I wish there had been at least a part 3 or a long epilogue for them. Its like you said it was just the beginning. I want to see where life takes them. Marriage, kids, fights, makeups, every thing. It felt unfinished for me. Will Lake's father ever step up and want to be apart of their life? What about Tiffany? How will she handle Lake and Manning finally being out in the open with their love? There is so much more you can do with these characters and so many questions left unanswered. Please I beg you to at least write one more book for this series. You are amazing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly mccubbin
I was anticipating this book, I loved the characters Manning and Lake but I was disappointed that I only got to read about 5, wait 6 days total regarding them together. I felt J Hawkins spent too much time with the 5 days and he technically cheated which was a bummer and what happened next was too predictable. Wait and why did it take him years to decide to go get the girl???? I still like the premise which is why I gave it 4 stars but it was too quick of an ending for how much time it took to get to that point. I’d like to have had more about their lives together
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an awesome ending to an incredible series. I laughed, cried, gasped, wanted to throat punch.. every possible emotion as felt as I flew through Move the Stars. I am truly sad to see it end. I felt such an emotional attachment to Lake. She was written to perfection.. this is a must read!!!!! Thank you Jessica!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this entire series! All the feels. This series follows the epic love story of Manning and Lake. It is forbidden, angsty, heartbreaking, sexy and intense. A beautifully written love story with fabulous character development. One of my all time favorite series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I waited what seemed like forever for this book to come out and it was beautiful. My heart broke and I cried alot as well as fell more in love with Manning and Lake's character. I will say the only thing that I was disappointed in was there was no epilogue... I just wanted to continue being in their lives just a little longer?❤
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved this series but unfortunately the 3rd and final part fell a bit flat for me. I can't exactly pinpoint why. I think a lot of it had to to with the fact that Lake's relationship with her parents was never resolved. Also, everything moved very quickly in the beginning ... so much so that it almost felt unbelievable and rushed. I didn't like after so many years of Manning saying no to Lake that suddenly he was cheating on his wife with her....regardless of how they felt for each other. I still loved the series overall and this author and look forward to more books by Jessica.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It was OK. Expected more. Wish we got an epilogue where a few years later they got married with children . Also wish there was closure to her dad relationship, they should have at least been on speaking terms. Didn't feel like it was a real end. Need another book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I patiently waited. I kept an open mind.
The writing is good. For me isn’t deliver. I expected so much more that it makes sense it all wouldn’t fit in a third book. In books 1 and 2 we saw and felt every bit of angst and got really deep into their reasoning. I feel like this really glossed over all that and Lake was still very naive and way too easily forgiving. My two cents anyway.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniel miller
This series has had me on an emotional rollercoaster. I have waited so long for Lake and Manning to get their happy ending but it was cut way too short for me. I wish there had been at least a part 3 or a long epilogue for them. Its like you said it was just the beginning. I want to see where life takes them. Marriage, kids, fights, makeups, every thing. It felt unfinished for me. Will Lake's father ever step up and want to be apart of their life? What about Tiffany? How will she handle Lake and Manning finally being out in the open with their love? There is so much more you can do with these characters and so many questions left unanswered. Please I beg you to at least write one more book for this series. You are amazing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa somerton
It's about time! Finally, Lake and Manning get their happily ever after. I'm so glad Corbin found someone, I was hoping it was Val. I think Tiffany needs a wake up call, she's such a b***h. The dad needs one too. Anyway, I would love to hear more about Birdy and her bear and what happens with them in the future. Great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daphne cheong
This was an amazing story. From the first book to this third one (there is one more) you truly feel the emotion, love, and dynamic of not just the main characters. Even the side or supporting characters are rounded enough that you can understand why they react as they do or what they may do next. Everyone knows that most of the time love is messy, intense, and this is an amazing example of love in a complicated, but complete way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lyric agent
Sorry it’s almost over. What a great story; their lives playing out and enveloping events which shaped their destiny. These books were hard to put down, the writer held my interest all the way through. The characters make you happy, sad and then mad but they always leave you wanting more.
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