Lucca (Made Men Book 4)

BySarah Brianne

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
umar rana
I was very pleased by how this specific story line was brought together. I'm excited to see what happens with Maria and what was alluded to near the end when Lucca met with Nero, Vincent, and Maria. I also see the Angel Luciano storyline going somewhere so I'm intrigued. I really did enjoy the book and if you liked the other three I would expect you'd like this one too. Someone posted that Lucca sounded like a boy. I don't think so. I think he finally sounded like a person. Like someone who finally found their heart, that had been there all along, he just didn't know how to love. Nero will always be my favorite but I really do love Lucca and am SO glad the storyline went this direction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarah Brianne, you redeem yourself so beautifully. Worth the wait. Chloe and Lucca were perfect for each other. Love how you were able to capture their fears, insecurities and loyalty. Lucca was really a boogieman, that we would love to have. Hopefully Maria will marry Dominic and Amo will marry a woman from the Luciano's family... I really really couldn't put the book down. Well done. Can't wait for more.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sam mahler
Nero was a great book...
Vincent was a good book...
Chloe was a waste of time...
Lucca was a crime...of epic proportions.

-Writing is an art and I respect anyone with the courage to expose their art to the world, however; The disappointment is real. Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised after the disastrous waste of time that was Chloe, but I had hope... that was very quickly shot down.
-Everybody is entitled to their opinion but I don't, for one second, believe all these 5, 4, & 3 star reviews, but instead think people were just so caught up in the hope and anticipation of this book they mistook it for being worthy of praise.
-Lucca was built up to be this dangerous, sexy, possessive, enigmatic man. In reality, he seemed like a boy (yes boy, not man), a boy with an infatuation with a troubled girl. There wasn't anything intriguing or even attractive about his character. His dialogue was like watered down Nero. We barely learned anything about him because there was no actual development of his character!
-Chloe, I understood that she was a very fearful and timid girl but do you understand how annoying it is to READ stuttering dialogue for an entire story? It s-s-sucks.
-Throughout this book were given repetitious words/descriptions of things without any real detail of their meaning or purpose within the story. We're given more than enough flashbacks of the most insignificant scenes we're already aware of that offer nothing to the story but words on a page.
-Ultimately I was rooting for Lucca and Chloe and I'm happy they got their happy ending/ fresh start, no matter how poorly written their story was. I'm happy Elle and Nero and Vincent and Lake are doing great.
-As of right now, I honestly have no intention of purchasing another book by this author. I don't feel like she takes her craft seriously anymore because this book didn't feel like any work or detail went into it. It was about as insulting as this review.

I'll be returning the book.
Perfect Opposite Series (Mafia Bodyguards Book 1) :: Vincent (Made Men Book 2) :: A DeLuca Family Novel (The DeLuca Family Book 1) :: Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series) :: SAINT (Boston Underworld Book 4)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ember kae
Oh Sarah what a Magnificent Baby you gave us. Lucca from the start was from first seeing Chloe with the starting of the chains that bind them. Lucca was so surprising with his love so powerful, Chloe feeling something but was afraid and the depths that Lucca goes to keep Chloe safe, the slow of feeling be safe with Lucca that Chloe finally knows and the chains of the devil breaking away. I hurt for Amo but Lucca did right in what he said to him. I loved loved Lucca the good and the bad and loved Chloe for knowing the chains of Lucca love, I don't want to say much because want everyone to read it, but every page I turned got closer to the end i just didn't want it to end, Sarah you should be proud of your baby, I know I would thank you!?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kyle buckley
Wow, just wow. Lucca proves to be the most devoted and loyal to Chloe. His faith in Chloe builds her up and helps her heal. I want to say so much but don't want to spoil it for others. Truths are revealed and even Lucca learns he didn't fool everyone. The stage is set for a few possible future storylines and some things not completely answered either.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steven prather
Spoilers included in this review for this book as well as minor ones from Nero.

Nero is one of my favorite reads and while Lucca isn't, it comes close. Lucca is everything I want in a alpha hero - possessive, jealous, protective and faithful. He sees Chloe and falls hard and fast. No other woman would do. He is celibate for 8 months, waiting for her to be ready and for the time to be right. He knows that she is his soulmate.

Lucca is also damaged. He is a Made Man, second in command after his father and the man most people fear. It is ironic that the fearful and damaged Chloe is the one who is able to bring him peace, to help him fight his darkness.

The book fit in well with the series, continuing the build up of it. Unlike with the book Chloe there were very few scenes that were repeated and the ones that were added to the story as opposed to acting like filler. While I liked the suspense or action part of the story, I liked the buildup of Lucca's and Chloe's relationship the best. The author did a good job of letting the readers know them better so that they became more than just the Boogie Man and the Scar Girl.

Why not a 5 star rating? The hotness was lacking. I could feel the love between them but not their passion. Their was so much potential for it that showed in certain interactions including the garden scene from the prior books that was repeated in this one. Lucca the bad boy dressed in black flickering his lighter, calling her Darling and blocking her exit from the garden while verbally fencing with her gave me chills. Also I liked the scenes where Lucca reacted with jealousy when other men paid attention to her especially Amo.

We are told that Lucca had been badly wanting Chloe for eight months to the point that he has to restrain himself and went without sex during that entire time. I thought when they gave into their desires it would be scorching. Sadly to me it wasn't. It was more telling than showing. I did not feel it but rather felt like smex by numbers with the exception of a scene with his lighter and that to me was wierd as opposed to hot. No pun intended.

I am glad that Lucca did not abuse Chloe in anyway but felt like since he was a bad boy he could have been a little commanding towards Chloe in a sexual way. I am surprised to say this but Nero was more commanding with his woman than Lucca was with Chloe. For example in Nero, the locker room scene where Nero tells Elle to make him want to not go kill somebody was sexually charged. For a short time she puts aside her inhibitions and attempts to please him. It was hot. I wanted scenes like that in this book, where Lucca's alphaness results in sexy times and that did not happen.

IMO thus is the second best story in the series, right after Nero. Lucca is worth both the price and the additional wait time that it took to publish it. I am glad that I read it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Honestly I've waited so long, and with the DISASTER of the Chloe book this book just fell flat....Out of the 4 NERO still reigns supreme. the author had A lot to set up in Nero and managed it MUCH better than in this book.. Lucca was supposed to be one of the stories to end all stories... but he really fell flat. It was a good book BUT it was not a great book and too closely mirrored her mothers book Shade with changes here and there. I wanted to be captivated by this world again the way I was when I read Nero and instead am left with a book that really just sets up future books while wrapping up Chloe's story... so much more could have been explained...nothing about why all the crap in High School happened or why and how her fear of touch developed..I get it she was tortured, but frankly the reasons still fell flat for me... God I wanted to love this book. This is the book that should have made her whole series...and was the book I was sure would PULL me back to her like Nero did in the beginning.. It failed, fell flat and seemed like the characters were NOT really speaking to her but the deadline was. i may check back for the countless stories she set up with this book ( it seemed a quarter of the book was setting up future romances with more added characters) but i wish Chloe and Lucca had been given more emotion and depth...i see all the 4-5 star reviews and i kinda understand we were all STARVED for this book...their story has been going on for 2 years now...but if we are honest (like Lucca would insist on us being) we would all admit this was NOT 4-5 stars....the excitement and build up was but the end result was NOT. I went back and read the other three books loving Nero, understanding Vincent, HATING the repeat and BS that was book three (Chloe ALSO has 4-5 star reviews from whom I can only assume are die hard fangirls) and finally just understanding the Lucca is only giving me a novella of the Chloe Lucca Romance...the passion and emotion in Nero is missing and this BOOK SHOULD HAVE UPPED THOSE qualities by 100! WE understand NOTHING of her parents, their apathy towards her ect...just a throw away scene with the hero giving them hell for the way they treated spoilers on how... I wanted to love it, I wanted to come back and back to read it again and again the way I do Kristin Ashleys Dream Man series....but it fell flat, it gave me resolution that lacked passion, I wasn't cheering for them crying with them, laughing with them, I was just like OK...and then it was over...i kept waiting for the punch to hit me that a great book packs and this lacked in so many areas... Their relationship could have been an entire SERIES on it own thats how invested the fans are...but in 407 pages it was just lack luster. Sorry but average is a compliment for what I read, and that caused me to question everything i liked about the other ones. Obvioulsy i still would tell someone to read it, but I would always direct them to nero FIRST, and tell them she hasnt hit that peak since. The author is young so I will read the next book and see if its better but that's all I have left in me to invest more book, if it too has changing deadlines and hype that doesnt match the product then Im done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I must say I was disappointed when Chloe came out. And I was a little skeptical regarding this book. I was afraid I was going to be disappointed. I had high hopes for this. Sarah Brianne did not let me down. She surprised me with Lucca. Who knew he had it in him. I hope this is not the last we see of him. I felt bad for Amo. (Lucca rips him to shreds.) I hope we get to see more of this couple. Thank you Sarah!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon anderson
Thank you so much for this unbelievably beautiful read. I couldn't put this book down for a split second without my heart beating so fast to get to the next word. I'm going to reread right now to enjoy every moment again for seeing Chloe and Lucca grow into who they are meant to be..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This author has grown tremendously with each book but this one is incredible. Ms. Brianne gives each of the characters the depth they deserve. She did an unbelievable job of ensuring readers really understood Chloe and Lucca. This is truly a love story that walks you through all of the emotions and makes you feel it every step. If this book doesn't become one of the top ten, something is wrong!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anca haiduc
Lucca is the youngest most lethal underboss in the Kansas City mafia and rarely shows emotion towards anything including his family. Now Lucca has obsession in the form of a severely damaged woman who's situation will have you on the edge of your seat. This is the best of the series and extremely intense. If you enjoy mafia books you will truly appreciate this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jemz thomson
I myself loved the book, the characters and feel since they are Sarah's characters, she wrote them just the way they should be. Lucca is the boogie man and yes a bad boy! But to someone you really love. You shouldn't be like that and his sweet gentle ways with Chloe were what made me let go of my annoyance mad me understand the book Chloe and why Sarah wrote it the way she did. Loved the story and will read on!! Well done Sarah, well done!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This long awaited 4th book in the made men series was the best and worth the wait. Beautifully done and well placed. A most romantic and unconditional love story. Sarah B. left openings for other stories: Sal, Maria, Amo, Draco, the Luccianos and even papa Dante to fall in love. Did not disappoint and read it in one day. ???
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lucca is still my favorite character! I loved what he was willing to go through for Chloe, I love the cooking and the gardening scenes. I wish this book had more "heat" between the two, but knowing what she went through he could not simply "pounce" on her! I cannot wait for future books from Sarah!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dorsa tajaddod
BRAVO BRAVO FREAKIN BRAVO....I LOVED this book...Lucca and his darkness with Chloe with her fears...WOW.. he saved her..set her free

Please please read this book. If you were upset with Chloe's book this book right here will make you fall in love all over again.. Sarah this book is PERFECTION!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria ella
Lucca and Chloe were so worth the wait! The anticipation, suspense, and the growth of the character's trust, passion, and forever connection and love was dynamic and so fun to read. This definitely leaves me wanting more from the series and will be in my re-read pile!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So Chloe wasn't my favorite,mainly because it left so many burning questions. Lucca explained everything and was wonderfully done. Chloe actually made me like her by the end. This book made me super curious about Maria. Bravo and can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
timothy knickerbocker
I love this author. Really brings the characters to you. Whether you like the, hate them, or you are annoyed by them, you find yourself turning the page. It it interesting to see the growth of the characters as the story continues for each main character
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yet another amazing book! The intensity of Lucca was everything I had hoped and imagined! Sarah brought the series full circle with this awesome story! I can gladly say it was worth the wait. The chemistry between Chloe and Lucca was perfect! I cannot wait to see what you put out next and I look forward to reading yet another stunning book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All those questions we had after Chloe were answered in a brilliant way..... Leaving you feeling heart broken for poor Amo....... Lucca definitely needed Chloe as much as she needed him...... Well done Sarah
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel taylor
written beautifully the epic conclusion to a great and powerful romance between close Masters an Lucca my only wish is if we got a Little of Maria and I do hope Amo it's his HOA soon but I can't wait to here more for them in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sigrid van de ven
Thank you Sarah Brianne for writing Lucca's story. You stayed true to the boogieman's character but brought him to his knees for love. One could only wish to be loved as strongly as Chloe was by Lucca.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing ride. Seeing these two heal eachother and become who they are ment to be is beautiful. Sarah doesn't hold back and she doesn't shy away from reality either. This is by far one of my favorite books to date and you should definitely read it. As always it's best to start at the begining so look at Nero first. Trust me you will not be disappointed in any way. Well done Ms. Brianne!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paige davis
What a thrill! After the slight disappointment of Book 3, this was FANTASTIC! I'm super excited to see whether we see Maria or Amo next. I'm also really excited with the introduction of other possible major characters who could have a book of their own as well!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seyhun aky rek
I was really disappointed with the last book so I wasn't so sure about getting this one but I am SOOOOO glad I did. It was well written and I finished the book in one sitting. It's a little different then the other three but it is still a really great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gerald kinro
Love her unique writing style. And LOVE LOVE LOVE Lucca. Nothwithstanding Chloe's issues-- he saw through them and she is good for him.

I was a little hesitant after Chloe because I didn't love book three. BUT I LOVE LOVE book 4. Perfect book good combination and Lucca doesn't ever pretend to be someone he is not.

Mr. Brianne's prose is sometimes difficult to follow but she is briliant. Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book...this d*mn book.

I just finished reading and I feel like my heart is going to beat right out of my chest. This is one of the most beautifully written books I have ever read.The characters are so well developed, the book moves at a great pace, and the writing - HOLY CRAP. Sarah B. has a way with words that speaks directly to my heart.

I have read every book in the Made Men Series & loved them all. This book, however, totally takes the cake. I can't get enough of Lucca and Chloe is one of my favorite heroines. I don't want to post any spoilers but I will tell you this - I read A LOT of books (and I mean a lot), and this one is easily in my top three of all time. IT'S THAT GOOD!

Can't wait to see who the next book is about!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Love this author. Loved Nero. If you liked Shade by Jamie Begley this a less hot version with a slightly more violent hero, less developed story and with similar themes. Just not with the character development and hotness factor. I liked Lucca. It was a good read.
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