Claimed by a Demon King (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 2)

ByFelicity Heaton

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just read and loved rhe series. I certainly hope there will be more books.
I enjoy this Author a great deal.

I am more into vampire books but was glad to have read these.
I like how all species can rise above their own prejudices for the good of many.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
benjamin dionysus
I really enjoyed Kissed by a Dark Prince and have been looking forward to reading this sequel ever since, Felicity Heaton has certainly got a hit on her hands with her Eternal Mates series and Claimed by a Demon King was just as good as I thought it would be. We already met both Sable and Thorn in the previous book but I really enjoyed getting to know them both better here.

Sable is a demon hunter for Archangel, she has spent years training with the single goal of becoming one of their commanders and now is her chance to prove herself. She has been put in charge of leading a team of hunters to the underworld where they have agreed to help the demon king Thorn protect the Third Realm and win the war against his enemies. She will do whatever it takes to make sure her mission is a success, especially as it almost guarantees her a promotion when she returns home at the end. Thorn's realm has been at war for centuries but with the help of the elves, vampires, werewolves and hunters he hopes to finally bring peace to his people. The first time he saw Sable he knew she was his eternal mate but as much as he wishes to claim her he doesn't want to force her into something she isn't comfortable with, as the danger increases he must decide what is more important though - claiming Sable or protecting his people.

We had already seen Thorn's attraction to Sable in the first book so it was no surprise to discover that he had recognised her as his mate. What did surprise me was that he was so willing to go slowly with Sable and let her take the lead in their relationship. He recognised how special she was and he knew that forcing her into something that she wasn't ready for would just break things between them beyond repair. Sable is a warrior, someone who is fierce and proud and she wouldn't take kindly to being pushed too far. I loved how she is prepared to stand up for herself and for those she cares about, once she realises that she has feelings for Thorn she wants to prove that she is strong enough to be his queen and that she will fight for him just as much as he fights for her. What I love about this series is that although you have soul mates who recognise each other immediately the couples still take time to get to know each other and you get to see them gradually fall in love. There may be instant attraction because of their bond but the respect, friendship and love takes time to grow. Sable and Thorn are both strong characters, they are both fighters and they both like to be in control so it isn't easy for either of them to hand the reins to someone else but in spite of that they learn to trust in each other so they can build something special together.

I said in my review of Kissed by a Dark Prince that I wanted to see more of Loren's right hand elf Bleu and I was granted my wish in this one. He is determined to fight Thorn for Sable's affections and he takes great pleasure in pushing things which drives Thorn crazy. I have to admit that Bleu's attitude had started to annoy me a little here though. I would have respected him more if I'd thought he was crazy in love with Sable but I never felt they were anything more than friends, in fact it was seemed seemed more like Bleu thought she was a challenge than that he wanted to be with her forever. Luckily once Sable has made it perfectly clear she isn't interested in him he backs off a bit and was more like is usual self which made me like him again. I do really hope that we'll get to see his story at some point in the series but I have a feeling it won't be any time soon. It hasn't been announced yet who will be the next couple in the series but I have picked up on at least 2 couples who I think might get their own books and I'm looking forward to seeing if I'm right or not.

Alongside the fabulous romance this story also contains a lot of action and some great battle scenes. While the first book focuses on the elves this one is all about the demons but it also introduces us to other new species who I think we'll be seeing a lot more of in the future (I REALLY want to see more of the dragons!!). We get to catch up with characters from the previous book (there are some lovely scenes with Loren and Olivia along with a reappearance of a wounded warrior who I'm already crazy about!) and if you've read Felicity Heaton's Vampire Erotic Theatre series you'll see some cameos from your favourite old characters too. I can't wait to see where this series goes next and I'm looking forward to seeing if any of my couple predictions come true.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Claimed by a Demon King is Felicity Heaton's second installment in her new Eternal Mates Series. Claimed by a Demon King is full of strong characters and fantastic story telling.

In all honesty Claimed by a Demon King if full of things I typically don't like. I normally shy away from Demon stories because they have a high religious undertone to them and that is not something I enjoy. Claimed by a Demon King also has the whole "fated mate" thing that is in so many paranormal romances. I know many of us get board with this theme. Yet, Heaton is a true master at her craft. I freaking loved this story and am addicted to this series!

Although the demons do exist, I don't feel that the tone is at all religious in any way. The Demons are not inherently good or evil anymore than humans. So far there is no back story about an entity damning them - well - other than a curse that was put upon them by some crazy person. More endearing is the fact that Heaton's alphas are not *** holes. Not that they are perfect, just not the alpha-holes that just make me want to shake some authors. I also loved the imagery of the different types of paranormal beings. Dragon shifters, witches, fae, and more. Every one of them is described with impeccable clarity.

The chemistry between Sable and King Thorne is quite beautiful. I loved the way this Demon King could accept a strong and kick-*** women like Sable and not feel the need to hold her back. He wanted her by his side and not hidden away so he could protect her. What an incredibly refreshing dynamic! The story line beyond the romance is incredibly strong and equal to the romance elements. When you add this all together I come up with nothing but Aces, baby! Felicity Heaton is a self published author that everyone should read and I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book in this series!

I rate Claimed by a Demon King 5 out of 5 Bullets!

I received this title directly from the author in exchange for providing an honest review. All opinions are my own and are not influenced in any way.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ali dastgheib
Bloody hell and hot guys! This book is kinda awesome!

A little warning here: this is the second book in the Eternal Mates Series, and this one needs to be read in order (Not like her other series), so the review may contain spoilers if you haven't read Kissed by a Dark Prince.

Thorne is the Third Demon King, he's been looking for his fated female his entire life and now that he found her he wants her as much as he wants to keep his kingdom safe for the Fifth. King and his army.
Sable is a hunter for Archangel, determined to get a promotion to Comander and her mission to Hell to help the Third King is her only chance. The only problem is that she can't stop thinkinhg about that King.

This book is a rollercoster of feelings! Sable is torned between what she was taught while working eith Archangel, what she knows and what she wants; while fighting her atraction to Thorne and his restless persuing. There's a part of her that him, wants the connection her friend and her mate have but another part of her is afraid of commitment and forever. To add another problem, there's Bleu.
Thorne is confused by Sable more times than he can understand what she means and what she wants. As a centuries old Demon, he's old fashion, but one thing he knows is that his fated one would never accept a forced bond. So he strugles to learn her ways and show her he's the right one for her.

His ways of winning her heart are really caveman like at some points. He throw her over his shoulder! But then, that's all part of who he is, a demon, a beast possed more often than not by his insticts and thats really sweet.
There were parts that broke my heart, Sable and Thorne are so alike in so many aspects and the reason they were scare were real and relatable, even in the paranormal story.

While at some points I felt the story going a bit slow, it flowed easily and I couldn't wait to see what else happened between Sable and Thorne. The feelings are palpable in the pages and her charactes are flawed and relatable at the same time they are strong and grow along the book.
The battle between the kings didn't dissapoint, I loved the action!

Bleu had a special place in this book and. I would have loved to get insight to his feelings as well. He's my fav character so far since the first book and I can't wait until is his time to go through all of it.

As always, Miss Heaton's word building and writing was excellent. I really feel conected to this world she created. And I love to see characters for her other books in little bits. The cross overs, the same world makes it great for the reader. The way in which each books makes it more three dimensional really adds to the reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lucian barnes
This is book two in the Eternal Mates series. So far this is the only series that I've read by Felicity Heaton, which is a fact that I need to change soon. I've greatly enjoyed reading the first books of this series.

This book starts off pretty much where we left off in book one. There is a war going on in the Third Realm of Hell. Thorne, the demon king of the Third Realm, is ready to go to war with the king of the Fifth Realm. Loren, the elf prince hero from book one, is providing support to Thorne. Archangel is throwing in its support too. They are allowing Sable to lead a team of 50 men and women into help to fight immortals. There is also support from vampires and werewolves, who do not get along on a good day.

Thorne is a complex character. He is a demon who was raised mostly by his mother, as his father was busy being king. He wanted in every way to be the king that his parents would've wanted him to be, but his kingdom has been at war for centuries. This war is taking a toll on the kingdom and the king. Thorne has spent pretty much all his time just trying to be the best king he could be, he has done nothing for himself. To my amazement, he is a virgin. We read a ton of virgin heroines in PNR, not many heroes.

Sable is a warrior. She was an orphan, who knows nothing of her parentage. She has been part of Archangel for most of her life. She fights and fights more. She has no need for relationships or friends mostly. Outside of Olivia, she has no friends. She has always felt "apart" from the group. She is hoping with this trip to Hell, she can prove herself to Archangel that she is the leader and warrior she knows she can be.

This pair are both very alpha in every way. They both have a lot to prove, not to just themselves and each other, but to each of their own people. There is also the issue of Bleu, the elf commander who has his eyes on Sable. There is a large amount of animosity between Bleu and Thorne, which is more than Sable can stand. With a war brewing, it makes things even more difficult. Add a vampire who just likes to cause strife, and you have a ton of chaos.

The world building continues to grow. We meet characters from other series, Vampire Erotic Theatre, which is a series I need to get on my TBR list very soon. I'm hoping to see more of these great characters as they each get their own books. We get a great glimpse of who will be the hero and heroine in book three. I can't wait to get to that book, which comes out soon.

**Book was provided to me by the author. This review is my opinion and was not requested or provoked in anyway by the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nick doty
Sable, an Archangel Hunter, met Thorne, the Third Kingdom Demon king at the end of Kissed By a Dark Prince. He knew, right there and then, she was his Fated Mate. The one to stand by his side while he fights the advances of The Fifth Kingdom inot his own. He just needs her to see it. When she, and an group of soldiers go to the Third Kingdom to assist, he sees his chance. But Bleu, the assistant to Loren, The ELven King, keeps getting in his and making him, quite literally, see red!

This one, I found, was harder to get into, than Dark Prince, it took a longer while to get going, and I even contemplated putting it down, briefly! BUT once it got going, and going it certainly got, it was fab!

I was amused with Thorne and his feelings of heplessness as to how to proceed with Sable. The feast being the best one, followed by his cooking her "hung over" food :-) Sable's reaction to Thorne was intense, and Bleu kept confusing her with his actions. I get the feeling that Bleu was, in all reality, just a weeny bit jealous, although he never made any indication that he wanted Sable for himself. It would have been nice to hear what he was thinking!

its quite a bit more violent than Dark Prince, the battle with the Fifth Kingdom army was bloody! But it has led into several options for future books, a female Archangel hunter was taken by a dragon; Vail appeared and disappeared; the witch, Rosalind, who was helping Thorne has been taken, by whom we know not. Who is next?? Dont rightly care, cos I will be reading it!

given it 4 stars only because it took so long to get going for me!

ps, I've filed this on my paranormal shelf, but NOT vampires. while vampires play a part in this book (OH!! light bulb, maybe Grave will get his book too! sorry, going off at a tangent!) they are not the main characters, so thats why :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
midhun thaduru
My Initial Reaction…
I loved every second of Claimed by a Demon King. The characters were funny and lovable, the plot and action were intense, and the love story worked so well! I can’t wait for more from this series!

The Characters…
As much as I enjoyed Olivia and Loren in Kissed by a Dark Prince, Sable and Thorne blew them out of the water for me. We met Sable and Thorne in Kissed by a Dark Prince and they already shone then, when the limelight wasn’t on them, so I probably should have seen this coming.

Sable is so tough – she’s a hunter for Archangel, a human company that hunts demons that disobey Archangel’s rules, and as Claimed by a Demon King begins, she’s taking on her toughest assignment ever: leading a group of elite human hunters into a demon realm to fight alongside Demons, Elves, Werewolves, and Vampires. She’s not just physically though – she’s also emotionally tough. She’s been through a lot in her life and she’s overcome it marvelously. And, as Claimed by a Demon Kingprogresses, her past starts to rear it’s head – and raise a lot of questions. Questions Sable would rather not face and answers she doesn’t know what to do with. She handles it with such strength and determination. And yet, somehow, she’s so marvelously vulnerable. She’s scared to open up – even to her best friend, Olivia – and to trust in anyone besides herself.

But Thorne, the Demon king, is determined to make Sable trust him. I loved Thorne more than all the characters. He was, for me, like a mix of the Hulk and Shrek – because I picture this big, hulking demon and yet he’s so lovable. To be clear, despite my comparisons, he’s not green. From what I pictured, he mostly looks human, but he has these big horns that grow and curl when he’s angry or aroused. And he has claws and wings that can pop out of his back or retract. So maybe mostly human is an exaggeration. Anyway, Felicity knocked it out of the park with Thorne. He melted my heart so many times over. He knows that Sable isn’t going to be easily won and certainly not in his demon way of force – so he sets out to woo her. And he tries so hard, it’s just so adorable. And he gets that it’s the little things, sometimes. Like coffee in a demon realm where there’s nothing familiar to eat or drink. Oh and did I mention that he has been waiting to find his mate so he’s a virgin? When is the man ever the virgin? Right!?! It was a nice twist. And he lost his parents at a young – for a demon… so like 700 years old I think – age, but still visits there statues regularly to talk to them. He clearly loved them. *Sigh* I fell in love with him and was eager for Sable to love him, too.

The Story…
The story was, in my opinion, also much stronger than in Kissed by a Dark Prince. Thorne has called on all these races – Elves, Weres, Vampires, and even Humans – to help him save his kingdom. These races don’t easily mix, so there’s tension there from the start. The preparations for battle as well as the actual moments of fighting were the perfect balance for the love story that was always at work.

Sable is Thorne’s eternal mate – and as a Demon, he can ONLY have children with his fated, eternal mate. So in a way, this is soul mates and love at first sight. But Felicity does such a good job of making the characters work for that love, that you easily forget that there was any form of insta-love involved. Thorne has to woo Sable, who is determined to fight her feelings for him. And then there’s Bleu – who has been interested in Sable since Kissed by a Dark Prince. There’s the question of whether or not Sable might also be his eternal mate – because that could happen – or does he just want her? Again, even though it’s essentially a love triangle, Felicity wrote it so well, I didn’t hate it. I loved it and I wasn’t left with that icky feeling that love triangles so often leave me with.

Although lots of elements from Kissed by a Dark Prince reappear in Claimed by a Demon King, the book could definitely be read as a stand alone. Personally, I recommend reading both to fully appreciate some of the plot elements and characters, but it would definitely work.

Concluding Sentiments…
A fantastic Paranormal Romance with lovable characters and steamy sex scenes, Claimed by a Demon King was a definite win. But what made it even better, was the incredible plot twists and action sequences to make it more than just a romance. And it ended perfectly – I’m happy with the resolution and yet enough is hanging that I cannot wait to read the next book in the Eternal Mates series!

*This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.*

I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica mckenney
Second in the Eternal Mates Series by Felicity Heaton, Claimed By A Demon King continues to captivate us as we embark on the wonderful thrilling, magical and hot ride this book takes us in. I strongly recommend reading Kissed By A Dark Prince first as it introduces readers to many of the main characters and the phenomenal world Ms. Heaton has built and expands on. KBADP was one of my all time favorite books and as with the first book the author has held nothing back in this second book.
Since so many of the reviews and the summary outline the story I want to describe how amazing this book and series are.
First of all the world building. The realm of the Vampire Erotic Theatre series is where this the series begins and then is expanded upon tenfold. We are mesmerized by the many different levels of these realms by the authors amazing gift to describe and relate not just how they look but also how the "feel." The descriptions entice our imagination and are never overly wordy that we tune out,
Given that we are revisiting these realms, it was a great treat to have some cameos by familiar characters such as Snow and his angel. Many of the main characters that made the first book so incredible are important secondary characters in this story. So thrilled to have Olivia, Loren, Vail and Bleu be an integral part of the story (although I did feel somewhat sad for Bleu being rejected by Sable).
Throne and Sable's story was begun in the first book so we are familiar with them and eager to continue their adventure. They are both awesome characters. Sable is the perfect heroine. A strong and skilled warrior trying to prove her ability to be a leader of her archangel hunters. At the same time Sable is dealing with her growing feelings and attraction to a persistent demon king, as well as dealing with the realization she is a bit more than human. Thorne is the perfect hero to melt Sable's (and our) hearts. He is a strong proud leader who's mission is to fight for and protect his kingdom that is under attack from another demon king. He plays on our heart strings as he struggles to overcome his naivety when it comes to wooing his "mate" and trying to claim her. Learning about the modern world Sable lives in, trying not too look so inexperienced when it comes to women, while defending his kingdom is a lot to handle. Not your typical demon but a hunky, strong hero who's weaknesses make him even more lovable. He is loyal to his people and goes to all lengths to protect and care for them. He is even bringing in modern technology to improve their lives (electricity doesn't just happen in his area of Hell). There is a wonderful build up of the deepening romance between a Throne and Sable with several OMG hot love scenes.
Several new characters are introduced and delightfully no paranormal groups are left out. This story brings them all into play; demons, elves, vampires, angels, witches, were- shifters and even dragon- shifters. Loved how the were-hunters and dragon shifters interacted with Sable's human hunters and Rosalind the witch. Dragonshifters apparently are enthralled by human females and like to abduct them. The females are quite taken with the hunky were -shifters enjoying the show as they are always stripping down when they have to shift. Seriously can't wait to see how these characters and secondary story lines play out in the next books. Hope there will be many upcoming books.
Thrilling action scenes happen throughout the story culminate with an intense battle that brings all the characters together. There are several twists and turns that will delight readers and add even more depth to the story.
This book was hypnotic, mesmerizing, addicting. Didn't want it to end and can't wait for the stories of many of the other characters I have become so attached to.
I am truly awed by how much Felicity Heaton has poured into this series, it has absolutely everything a lover of paranormal, action packed, fantasy, erotic romance novels could wish for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
holly klein
Sable, an Archangel Hunter, met Thorne, the Third Kingdom Demon king at the end of Kissed By a Dark Prince. He knew, right there and then, she was his Fated Mate. The one to stand by his side while he fights the advances of The Fifth Kingdom inot his own. He just needs her to see it. When she, and an group of soldiers go to the Third Kingdom to assist, he sees his chance. But Bleu, the assistant to Loren, The ELven King, keeps getting in his and making him, quite literally, see red!

This one, I found, was harder to get into, than Dark Prince, it took a longer while to get going, and I even contemplated putting it down, briefly! BUT once it got going, and going it certainly got, it was fab!

I was amused with Thorne and his feelings of heplessness as to how to proceed with Sable. The feast being the best one, followed by his cooking her "hung over" food :-) Sable's reaction to Thorne was intense, and Bleu kept confusing her with his actions. I get the feeling that Bleu was, in all reality, just a weeny bit jealous, although he never made any indication that he wanted Sable for himself. It would have been nice to hear what he was thinking!

its quite a bit more violent than Dark Prince, the battle with the Fifth Kingdom army was bloody! But it has led into several options for future books, a female Archangel hunter was taken by a dragon; Vail appeared and disappeared; the witch, Rosalind, who was helping Thorne has been taken, by whom we know not. Who is next?? Dont rightly care, cos I will be reading it!

given it 4 stars only because it took so long to get going for me!

ps, I've filed this on my paranormal shelf, but NOT vampires. while vampires play a part in this book (OH!! light bulb, maybe Grave will get his book too! sorry, going off at a tangent!) they are not the main characters, so thats why :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My Initial Reaction…
I loved every second of Claimed by a Demon King. The characters were funny and lovable, the plot and action were intense, and the love story worked so well! I can’t wait for more from this series!

The Characters…
As much as I enjoyed Olivia and Loren in Kissed by a Dark Prince, Sable and Thorne blew them out of the water for me. We met Sable and Thorne in Kissed by a Dark Prince and they already shone then, when the limelight wasn’t on them, so I probably should have seen this coming.

Sable is so tough – she’s a hunter for Archangel, a human company that hunts demons that disobey Archangel’s rules, and as Claimed by a Demon King begins, she’s taking on her toughest assignment ever: leading a group of elite human hunters into a demon realm to fight alongside Demons, Elves, Werewolves, and Vampires. She’s not just physically though – she’s also emotionally tough. She’s been through a lot in her life and she’s overcome it marvelously. And, as Claimed by a Demon Kingprogresses, her past starts to rear it’s head – and raise a lot of questions. Questions Sable would rather not face and answers she doesn’t know what to do with. She handles it with such strength and determination. And yet, somehow, she’s so marvelously vulnerable. She’s scared to open up – even to her best friend, Olivia – and to trust in anyone besides herself.

But Thorne, the Demon king, is determined to make Sable trust him. I loved Thorne more than all the characters. He was, for me, like a mix of the Hulk and Shrek – because I picture this big, hulking demon and yet he’s so lovable. To be clear, despite my comparisons, he’s not green. From what I pictured, he mostly looks human, but he has these big horns that grow and curl when he’s angry or aroused. And he has claws and wings that can pop out of his back or retract. So maybe mostly human is an exaggeration. Anyway, Felicity knocked it out of the park with Thorne. He melted my heart so many times over. He knows that Sable isn’t going to be easily won and certainly not in his demon way of force – so he sets out to woo her. And he tries so hard, it’s just so adorable. And he gets that it’s the little things, sometimes. Like coffee in a demon realm where there’s nothing familiar to eat or drink. Oh and did I mention that he has been waiting to find his mate so he’s a virgin? When is the man ever the virgin? Right!?! It was a nice twist. And he lost his parents at a young – for a demon… so like 700 years old I think – age, but still visits there statues regularly to talk to them. He clearly loved them. *Sigh* I fell in love with him and was eager for Sable to love him, too.

The Story…
The story was, in my opinion, also much stronger than in Kissed by a Dark Prince. Thorne has called on all these races – Elves, Weres, Vampires, and even Humans – to help him save his kingdom. These races don’t easily mix, so there’s tension there from the start. The preparations for battle as well as the actual moments of fighting were the perfect balance for the love story that was always at work.

Sable is Thorne’s eternal mate – and as a Demon, he can ONLY have children with his fated, eternal mate. So in a way, this is soul mates and love at first sight. But Felicity does such a good job of making the characters work for that love, that you easily forget that there was any form of insta-love involved. Thorne has to woo Sable, who is determined to fight her feelings for him. And then there’s Bleu – who has been interested in Sable since Kissed by a Dark Prince. There’s the question of whether or not Sable might also be his eternal mate – because that could happen – or does he just want her? Again, even though it’s essentially a love triangle, Felicity wrote it so well, I didn’t hate it. I loved it and I wasn’t left with that icky feeling that love triangles so often leave me with.

Although lots of elements from Kissed by a Dark Prince reappear in Claimed by a Demon King, the book could definitely be read as a stand alone. Personally, I recommend reading both to fully appreciate some of the plot elements and characters, but it would definitely work.

Concluding Sentiments…
A fantastic Paranormal Romance with lovable characters and steamy sex scenes, Claimed by a Demon King was a definite win. But what made it even better, was the incredible plot twists and action sequences to make it more than just a romance. And it ended perfectly – I’m happy with the resolution and yet enough is hanging that I cannot wait to read the next book in the Eternal Mates series!

*This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.*

I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edward butler
Second in the Eternal Mates Series by Felicity Heaton, Claimed By A Demon King continues to captivate us as we embark on the wonderful thrilling, magical and hot ride this book takes us in. I strongly recommend reading Kissed By A Dark Prince first as it introduces readers to many of the main characters and the phenomenal world Ms. Heaton has built and expands on. KBADP was one of my all time favorite books and as with the first book the author has held nothing back in this second book.
Since so many of the reviews and the summary outline the story I want to describe how amazing this book and series are.
First of all the world building. The realm of the Vampire Erotic Theatre series is where this the series begins and then is expanded upon tenfold. We are mesmerized by the many different levels of these realms by the authors amazing gift to describe and relate not just how they look but also how the "feel." The descriptions entice our imagination and are never overly wordy that we tune out,
Given that we are revisiting these realms, it was a great treat to have some cameos by familiar characters such as Snow and his angel. Many of the main characters that made the first book so incredible are important secondary characters in this story. So thrilled to have Olivia, Loren, Vail and Bleu be an integral part of the story (although I did feel somewhat sad for Bleu being rejected by Sable).
Throne and Sable's story was begun in the first book so we are familiar with them and eager to continue their adventure. They are both awesome characters. Sable is the perfect heroine. A strong and skilled warrior trying to prove her ability to be a leader of her archangel hunters. At the same time Sable is dealing with her growing feelings and attraction to a persistent demon king, as well as dealing with the realization she is a bit more than human. Thorne is the perfect hero to melt Sable's (and our) hearts. He is a strong proud leader who's mission is to fight for and protect his kingdom that is under attack from another demon king. He plays on our heart strings as he struggles to overcome his naivety when it comes to wooing his "mate" and trying to claim her. Learning about the modern world Sable lives in, trying not too look so inexperienced when it comes to women, while defending his kingdom is a lot to handle. Not your typical demon but a hunky, strong hero who's weaknesses make him even more lovable. He is loyal to his people and goes to all lengths to protect and care for them. He is even bringing in modern technology to improve their lives (electricity doesn't just happen in his area of Hell). There is a wonderful build up of the deepening romance between a Throne and Sable with several OMG hot love scenes.
Several new characters are introduced and delightfully no paranormal groups are left out. This story brings them all into play; demons, elves, vampires, angels, witches, were- shifters and even dragon- shifters. Loved how the were-hunters and dragon shifters interacted with Sable's human hunters and Rosalind the witch. Dragonshifters apparently are enthralled by human females and like to abduct them. The females are quite taken with the hunky were -shifters enjoying the show as they are always stripping down when they have to shift. Seriously can't wait to see how these characters and secondary story lines play out in the next books. Hope there will be many upcoming books.
Thrilling action scenes happen throughout the story culminate with an intense battle that brings all the characters together. There are several twists and turns that will delight readers and add even more depth to the story.
This book was hypnotic, mesmerizing, addicting. Didn't want it to end and can't wait for the stories of many of the other characters I have become so attached to.
I am truly awed by how much Felicity Heaton has poured into this series, it has absolutely everything a lover of paranormal, action packed, fantasy, erotic romance novels could wish for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz parsons
This series is just getting better. I really enjoyed Kissed by a Dark Prince and book 2 Claimed by a Demon King did not disappoint! I love the fact that Thorne is not confident in his ability to woo and treat Sable the way his fated mate deserves. The fact that Thorne watches how Loren interacts with Olivia as well as how other mated males treat their mates to get an idea of what is appropriate just made me smile. He is often at a loss in the beginning as to how to get and give what he wants when it comes to Sable. However, his ignorance was pure bliss. He figures things out just fine! Thorne has no lack of "alpha-ness" but his lack of hands on experience with females definitely leaves him flummoxed and sure of his ability to make mistakes when it comes to claiming his mate. I love that he wants to please her so badly and not take away from the fact that Sable is a strong fighter in her own right. Never fear! A Demon King with strength of body and heart proves that a determined male will find a way.

Sable's character really grew on me in this book. As Olivia's best friend in book 1 she of course didn't get too much development so it was nice to see who she is and her back story is awesome. I also loved that she didn't play Bleu's affection for her against Thorne. It would have been easy for Sable to use her relationship with Bleu to keep Thorne at arms length. I also loved that Sable's desire for independence and acknowledgement of her own strengths did not keep her from acknowledging the attraction and pull towards Thorne. There is no way that Sable will allow herself to give up all that she has worked for and it makes for nice tension. Sable also has a big change that takes her and everyone else by surprise

One of the things that I enjoyed most about this second installment are the secondary characters. I need to read more about them! I'm sure that everyone will be looking for a book for Bleu, but I would also like to see Vail's story and even a story for Grave Van der Garde. Is it wrong to want to see this dangerous vampire find a mate that will tame all of that hostility and aggressiveness? Oh, werewolves and dragons! Just the idea of bringing in dragon shifters makes me happy, happy, happy! And you can't go wrong with alpha werewolves! You would think that so many creatures would make for confusing and difficult reading, but no, Heaton does this all with finesse. I really liked Kissed by a Dark Prince, but Claimed by a Demon King checked all my boxes and now I can't wait to see what Heaton has in store for us next! It's paranormal goodness overload!

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth pinborough
This is the second book in the Eternal Mates series. I loved it!

Sable is a fantastic character. She is Olivia's (from Eternal Mates #1) best friend and a Hunter; one of the elite warriors working for Archangel, which is an organisation that polices the paranormal citizens living on Earth. I liked this character very much, as she is most definitely feisty! Her "shoot first, take prisoners second" attitude made me smile. She has a tendency to "leap before looking" and can get herself into some awkward situations. However, she is loyal and protective of her friends. I really enjoyed getting to know her better.

Thorne is the Demon King of the Third Realm, and is a most intriguing character. I only got a small glimpse of him near the end of the first book in the series, so was excited to meet him properly in his own story. He is a fierce warrior and leader of his people in his kingdom. He can be a bit arrogant, but he is a fair ruler. However, he also has a tender side that not many people get to see. When he first meets Sable, he realises she is his Eternal Mate, but winning her heart may be one of the hardest battles he has ever fought!

When I was offered the opportunity to read this book, I grabbed it with both hands! I am glad I did, because it is a fantastic continuation of the series. This book is full of danger, action and romance, coupled with two strong characters, which kept me hooked from start to finish! The story is told from mainly Sable's and Thorne's point of view, which gives the reader an opportunity to understand their thoughts and feelings. However, there is a fly in the ointment, and he's called Bleu. I liked Bleu's character in Kissed by a Dark Prince, but he hasn't won any points with me in this book! I am not overly fond of love triangles, and this Elfin warrior muddies up the waters quite nicely. However, that being said, this doesn't mean that it wasn't entertaining to watch the drama unfold! It was also a pleasant surprise to meet some of the characters from the Vampire Erotic Theatre series again! I must admit that I rather miss those vampires (not to mention the other paranormal characters in the series.), especially Snow and Antoine; that scene was rather intense, to say the least! And speaking of intense, there is a HUGE battle scene that was described in such a way that I felt I was actually there! In fact, the characters came alive for me too, and I felt that Thorne and Sable could walk through my door at any moment! There are a few twists and turns that surprised me and kept me guessing. I can't wait to see what surprises the next book in the series has to hold! This book could be read on it's own, but some of the story could be confusing to a few readers, if they haven't read the first book in the series.

Felicity Heaton has written another fast paced, sexy paranormal romance that I thoroughly enjoyed! I love her writing style, which flows effortlessly from scene to scene. She is number one on my favourite authors list!

I do not recommend this book to younger readers due to the extremely HOT and explicit sexual scenes. However, I highly recommend this book (and series) if you love sexy paranormal romances full of vampires, elves, werewolves, succubi, incubi, angels, dragons and demons. - Lynn Worton
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole dennison
Let me just say Felicity you should consider a title change to Claimed by a Hot, Demon God. This book is an amazing I would like to proclaim my love for all things Thorne and Lord Van der Garde, but I do like my men dark and brooding, I know his (Lord Van der Garde’s) story will be great, but I digress.

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I have been a bad reviewer because I meant to have this up over a week ago and other than illness of a co-worker, whom I had to fill in for and some weather I really have no great excuse. I just hope I didn’t spoil a chance to review any other of her books. Speaking of spoilers:

I will not right a review that spoils the storyline but I do want you to be enticed into reading it. I don't know where Felicity comes up with her storylines, and she just writes them with some much effort into character building and fantastic plots.
Thorne is a Demon king in need of help from others who live in different realms in hell, but he also obtains help from his human nemesis, at least that's how the humans see (saw) all demons from hell. Sounds a little like judging a book by it cover. Thorne wants to improve his world make it better for his people and he truly cares, yep a Demon with a big heart, about the families whose husbands have fought by his side in all this war.
Sable is a Human from Archangel, which is a group of warriors who try to protect their world from evil/bad. Since Sable's first met Thorne she has dreamed of him, hot erotic dreams that she can’t seem to shake and vice versa. Sable can't help who she is attracted to and frankly who can fight chemistry, not to mention a hot Demon who knows what he wants and isn‘t afraid to get it.
I love this book it has war it has hot males all around even if they are vampires, elves and demons, frankly I would rather have a bad boy any day then a guy who has no idea how to get what he wants. I truly smoked a few cigarettes during this book and its winter right now so I opted to just stepped outside when things got a little to warm. I am so excited by the possibilities of this series and can't wait for any new book by the Fan-F&#@kin-Tastic Felicity keep the hot and great plots coming.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
martha karran
I really enjoyed Kissed by a Dark Prince and have been looking forward to reading this sequel ever since, Felicity Heaton has certainly got a hit on her hands with her Eternal Mates series and Claimed by a Demon King was just as good as I thought it would be. We already met both Sable and Thorn in the previous book but I really enjoyed getting to know them both better here.

Sable is a demon hunter for Archangel, she has spent years training with the single goal of becoming one of their commanders and now is her chance to prove herself. She has been put in charge of leading a team of hunters to the underworld where they have agreed to help the demon king Thorn protect the Third Realm and win the war against his enemies. She will do whatever it takes to make sure her mission is a success, especially as it almost guarantees her a promotion when she returns home at the end. Thorn's realm has been at war for centuries but with the help of the elves, vampires, werewolves and hunters he hopes to finally bring peace to his people. The first time he saw Sable he knew she was his eternal mate but as much as he wishes to claim her he doesn't want to force her into something she isn't comfortable with, as the danger increases he must decide what is more important though - claiming Sable or protecting his people.

We had already seen Thorn's attraction to Sable in the first book so it was no surprise to discover that he had recognised her as his mate. What did surprise me was that he was so willing to go slowly with Sable and let her take the lead in their relationship. He recognised how special she was and he knew that forcing her into something that she wasn't ready for would just break things between them beyond repair. Sable is a warrior, someone who is fierce and proud and she wouldn't take kindly to being pushed too far. I loved how she is prepared to stand up for herself and for those she cares about, once she realises that she has feelings for Thorn she wants to prove that she is strong enough to be his queen and that she will fight for him just as much as he fights for her. What I love about this series is that although you have soul mates who recognise each other immediately the couples still take time to get to know each other and you get to see them gradually fall in love. There may be instant attraction because of their bond but the respect, friendship and love takes time to grow. Sable and Thorn are both strong characters, they are both fighters and they both like to be in control so it isn't easy for either of them to hand the reins to someone else but in spite of that they learn to trust in each other so they can build something special together.

I said in my review of Kissed by a Dark Prince that I wanted to see more of Loren's right hand elf Bleu and I was granted my wish in this one. He is determined to fight Thorn for Sable's affections and he takes great pleasure in pushing things which drives Thorn crazy. I have to admit that Bleu's attitude had started to annoy me a little here though. I would have respected him more if I'd thought he was crazy in love with Sable but I never felt they were anything more than friends, in fact it was seemed seemed more like Bleu thought she was a challenge than that he wanted to be with her forever. Luckily once Sable has made it perfectly clear she isn't interested in him he backs off a bit and was more like is usual self which made me like him again. I do really hope that we'll get to see his story at some point in the series but I have a feeling it won't be any time soon. It hasn't been announced yet who will be the next couple in the series but I have picked up on at least 2 couples who I think might get their own books and I'm looking forward to seeing if I'm right or not.

Alongside the fabulous romance this story also contains a lot of action and some great battle scenes. While the first book focuses on the elves this one is all about the demons but it also introduces us to other new species who I think we'll be seeing a lot more of in the future (I REALLY want to see more of the dragons!!). We get to catch up with characters from the previous book (there are some lovely scenes with Loren and Olivia along with a reappearance of a wounded warrior who I'm already crazy about!) and if you've read Felicity Heaton's Vampire Erotic Theatre series you'll see some cameos from your favourite old characters too. I can't wait to see where this series goes next and I'm looking forward to seeing if any of my couple predictions come true.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the second book in Ms Heatons Eternal Mates series and it's pretty clear that she's got yet another hit series on her hands. Lovers of paranormal romance have ached for her angels , fallen for her vampires and now will grow desperate for her demons! These books are everything her fans are used to and more besides. When you pick up this book you are taking a ride to the dark side and it's a hot and steamy place to be!
Sable hunts demons! She's a trained warrior working to keep the paranormals on earth in line. All she has ever dreamed of is commanding her own elite unit and now finally it looks like it's within her grasp. War is coming and Sable is sent to aid the demon king Thorne and defeat his enemies. It's a new departure for Sable as she usually hunts all the creatures that nightmares are made of but this time she will fight at their side. Unfortunately Thorne is the most arrogant and seductive male that Sable has ever met! He seems determined to win her over but there's no way Sable is going to fall for his charms . She has a job to do and it most certainly doesn't include time for romance!
Thorne has his work cut out defending his people from enemies but he knows that Sable is destined to be right by his side. Thorne is more than happy to allow Sable time to get to know him but what he won't do is let her go! Sable is his eternal mate and somehow he will convince her that her place is with him.
We first got a glimpse of these two characters in the previous book Kissed By A Dark Prince and this sequel does not disappoint. The heroine Sable is most decidedly feisty and kick ass and really makes the hero Thorne work for his reward! She is used to a tough life and prepared to fight for what she believes right and I loved that about her. Sable is most definitely not a pushover and she deserves a male who will stand by her side proudly. .Thorne is a complex character and it's an absolute joy to peel back his layers. Whilst he's prepared to bide his time he refuses to lose sight of his goals and the love and respect of Sable is paramount to him. Two very well matched characters that truly set the page on fire!
This is a wonderful romance to lose yourself in but it's also filled with action. Ms Heaton has certainly penned an adventure for her characters to undertake and her world building is such a delight. This book is filled with characters to excite and interest the reader and fans of her Vampire series will get a pleasant surprise too, if you want a fast paced paranormal romance filled with emotion and heart then look no further because this book has it all. A joy to read and not to be missed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
reham elgammal
The Demon King knew that Sable, a huntress with Archangel, was his fated one when he laid eyes on her. He felt the overwhelming need to claim her and make her his for eternity. Sable is a fiercely independent huntress. She can admit to the fact that Thorne, the Demon King, makes her temperature rise; but love and claiming are a whole different thing altogether. Now it is up to Thorne to change her mind and make her his queen.

Thorne is the ultimate alpha male! It is quite apparent that he is not accustomed to being told no and he doesn’t like it! There is not a more compatible match for Thorne than Sable. She is a true warrior and a bit rough around the edges. Neither Thorne nor Sable know a lot about love or relationships, and have had more than a few amusing stumbles along the way.

I loved the first book in the series called Kissed by a Dark Prince, but Heaton outdid herself with Claimed by a Demon King! The novel showcases Heaton’s gift of creating unique worlds and describing them in such a way that they paint a vivid picture for her readers. The sex scenes are beyond hot and will leave you wanting more!

Claimed by a Demon King is the second book in the Eternal Mates series. I have to recommend reading book one first so that you have background on the characters and be up to speed with the story thus far. If you are a fan of Felicity Heaton and are familiar with her other series you just may be in for a surprise! After just two books I am hooked on Eternal Mates!

*Reviewed by Teresa D. for*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tony latham
4.5 stars

Although it's recommended that you read Kissed by a Dark Prince (EM #1) before Claimed by a Demon King, I - however - had not (shame on me!). Yes, sometimes I felt confused/curious - which was completely my own fault - when the characters mentioned some early events happened in the previous book, but I didn't feel that my lack of reading 'Kissed by a Dark Prince' impacted my reading and enjoyment of 'Claimed by a Demon King' (other than I wanted to know more about Loren and Vail, so I'm going to read the first book ASAP).

Felicity's PNR books and me have a constant war, so to speak. Some of them really amazed me and became my favorites, some of them just didn't do it for Me. I always bitching about the lack of action, even though I know it's PNR not an UF (can't help it, sorry!!) and I kind of just jumped into the middle of this new series, not knowing exactly what to expect this time. I WAS IMMEDIATELY SUCKED IN! Truth to be told, It still has more lovemaking than fighting, but I really enjoyed it.

I don't know what I loved most: the characters/their relationships or the world building. Granted, I rolled my eyes at the heroine, Sable sometimes (she was a bit whiny), but she was okay most of the time. In fight? She is Badass!

Thorne, THE Demon King, on the other hand is soooooo freaking entertaining. He's possessive as hell - duh! -, but when he figures out he can't win the lady by acting as a caveman, his attempts to learn/understand human behavior, emotions and customs are sweet and usually really funny. He has more humanity than the other demons/creatures.

But Thorne isn't the only one who wants our girlfriend. Nope, here comes a love triangle! Well, sort of. Add Legolas err. I mean Bleu - a HOT elf warrior to that pile of hot mess and you got yourself a crazy entertaining ménage à trois. Okay, not really, these men are too stubborn and possessive to share anything, and Sable wants only Thorne. Which always leads to bloodshed. But they're sweet when trying to outdo the other.

Besides these three, we have a quite powerful line of side characters. Readers can meet Loren, Olivia and Vail again. An entire werewolf pack, and a vampire clan with a jackass, but fun leader, some human warriors, witches - good and evil -, even dragon shifters. Plus we meet some of the VET crew (Snow <3). I loved how all these different creatures got together to stop the big bad wolf -err Demon King. I loved their interactions, even their fights. We lose some of them along the way, and it hurts! So there is love, hate, friendship, alliance, betrayal, mystery and death. The world building is absolutely phenomenal!! The different realms, different races with their own unique features and abilities and hierarchy. Again I was mind-blown by Felicity's ability to describe so vividly and powerfully everything. Of course my favorite parts were the two fight scenes (including the childish fights between Thorne and Bleu :)), but I instantly felt the chemistry between the characters, so the romance was great, too.

Overall I think, this must be one of Felicity's best PNR books to date. There are a bunch of cliches, but honestly? I don't give a rat's ass about cliches. I enjoyed it, even loved it and it definitely become my favorite. The next book is gonna be Vail's, Loren's brother and I'm pretty sure he's gonna get into trouble with a certain witch. It should be fun!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
~ 5 Demon King Stars ~

ARC Review

Felicity Heaton knows how to pull an audience in. Every book I pick up from her I don't want to put down. Claimed by a Demon King is book two in the new Eternal Mates series. I enjoyed the first book, Kissed by a Dark Prince, but I absolutely LOVED the following book, Claimed by a Demon King.

We get lots of action, fantasticily written fight scenes, wonderful character development, virgin hero, kick ass heroine and hot hot sex. I enjoy how distributive the author is in describing the sex scene’s as well as the action. It makes it easy to imagine and believe in the world, characters and plot.

Sable is a great kick ass heroine and complemented King Thorne. Thorne needs a strong battle ready women at his side and Sable fits that part. I enjoyed the relationship development as well as a few surprises along the way like learning about Sable’s parent and discovering that she is more then just a human. (No I won’t tell you. You will have to read the book to find out) We also get great sexual tension and some fantastic shared sex dreams. I also enjoyed the cameo appearance at the Vampire Theater. I was unsure in the last book if it was set in the same world/time as her other books and now I know.

If you have not picked up this series, I highly recommend you do! I also suggest checking out her other works! Felicity Heaton is a master at drawing us in, building our imagination and taking us on a kick ass adventure with the right amount of hot sex and romance.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from Felicity Heaton in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine dundas
Felicity Heaton has done it again! Claimed by a Demon King is a delicious paranormal romance that hits all my sweet tooth book cravings. Under this oh so yummy cover you will find an assortment of fascinating characters, unexpected twist, an epic battle and rich hot passion enough to melt chocolate.

I’m normally not a fan of demon characters. They are usually written as harsh, self-serving monsters bent on destruction. That is sooo not Thorne. The complexity and depth of his character is so rich, if he didn’t have horns, I wouldn’t have known he wasn’t human. Sable is a awesome leader and still very womanly. Lips are zipped on anything else about her because I don’t want to spoil the story. The passion they both feel for their separate duties and responsibilities are out-weighed by how they feel for each other. The progression of the story has a nice steady flow and has all these great-unexpected surprises that I have come to love in PNRs. One of my favorite parts is all the characters. Ms. Heaton has done the one thing I absolutely LOVE about series books. She has carried over the MC from the first book and has them as secondary characters. I fell in love with Olivia and Loren in Kissed by a Dark Prince and was so happy to see them in this book. I really hope she keeps up this pattern thorough the series.

I do feel each book in the Eternal Mates series can work as a stand-alone story but why read only one fabulous book when you can read two! I adore author Felicity Heaton’s characters and stories. Read Claimed by a Demon King and I’m sure you will, too.

I received this book from JeepDiva for the express purposes of an honest review. The opinions and rating of this review are solely mine and in no way was I compensated.

Stars– 4.5, Flames – 3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tasia johnson
*This is book 2 in the Eternal Mates series. This one can be read as a standalone novel but I highly recommed reading book 1, Kissed by a Dark Prince!*

I thought Kissed by a Dark Prince was amazing - this one was even more-so! First of all, I'm so thrilled to be able to read more of Olivia and Loren, I fell in love with them in the first book so it was wonderful to be able to follow their story.

Felicity Heaton has such a way with her words that she pulls you into this mystical world and makes it seem as if you're right there with all of the characters, living their lives with them.

In a world of vampires, elves, demons, werewolves, and other mythical creatures, we follow Thorne, the demon king, and Sable - a demon hunter on their journey to fight evil as well as follow their "eternal mate" pull to one another.

Thorne's character was so amusing. He had a way of putting his foot in his mouth more than once when it came to wooing Sable. He had no idea the ways of the mortals and often had no idea how to communicate let alone convince her that he was her mate.

Bleu - poor Bleu! I love his character and I cannot wait to read what happens to him.

This is a series I will follow until its end. The characters are great and once again, Felicity Heaton's writing is one that promises intrigue, fantasy, and hot passion between the characters!

5/5 stars without a doubt - I can't wait to see what Felicity comes up with next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bruna mori
This book was amazing i loved every minute and just couldn't put it down, it is full of amazing characters who each have their own story to tell and together make a formidable force to wreak-end with. King Thorne is not only trying to protect and stop an invasion of his lands he is also trying to discover the way to his beloved mate's heart, Sable is sassy tough and a force of nature finally given a commander role of her human squad sent to hell to aid King Thorne in his battle she is out to prove herself to everyone which becomes difficult when the bond starts to grow between her and Thorne, their consuming passions ignite but it is terror heartache and fear of losing each other that finally bring the pair together in a united front to fight their common enemies.

I loved every bit of this book and so looking forward to more, all the characters are amazing, and when the beautiful Snow made an appearance i was practically jumping up and down, to combine those 2 amazing bunch of characters is amazing and I so hope they all combine together again as that would be a truly epic book. There is everything to keep you glued action, betrayal, true love, mass emotions, fights galore, hot hot steamy sex scenes as well as a truly moving and dynamic live story.

I thoroughly recommend this series and many of Felicity's other series they are a work of art and amazing stories of wonder in all different worlds of imagination xxxx
Please RateClaimed by a Demon King (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 2)
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