Madly Duet Book 1), Darkly (Darkly, Born

ByTrisha Wolfe

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just incredible! I highlighted so much my Kindle is nothing but a blue neon sign at this point. Brilliant read, absolutely brilliant.

Born, Darkly is a dark, twisted, and filthy seduction. A doctor with a secret. A convicted death row patient with tormented answers. Doctor London Nobel and serial killer Grayson Sullivan see things within each other that they shouldn’t: a kindred spirit. What happens between them becomes more than patient-Doctor.

Dr. Nobel lives a life of lonely solitude, for the most part. She’s trying to understand her own demons outside work and looking for answers to unlock her past.

“Were my memories even real anymore, or just fragments of the truth tangled with my nightmares? Like an old cassette tape being recorded over and over, my memories now play back a garbled distorted song.”

Grayson Sullivan has long understood his psychotic predilection. He’s calculated and has motives beyond anything anyone dreamed of. He’s an angel of death for the depraved. The serial killer of killers. He only comes for you if you’ve done very, very bad things. If your heart is pure, you have nothing to fear. He will force a very confused and yet eager doctor to face her fears and do the unthinkable.

“We weren’t born the day we took our first breath. We were born the moment we stole it”

In all honesty, this is not only one of my favorite reads this year, but one of my favorites from author Trisha Wolfe. She has attempted to leave her writing comfort zone and jump into a genre that is more gripping and dark than her previous works. It can be a scary adventure with a precarious outcome when she challenges her fans to come along for the ride. I, for one, found myself hanging onto the bumper by my fingernails; sometimes having to cover my eyes, yet looking through my fingers for what was to come next.

Born, Darkly is a forbidden relationship fraught with a fantastically diabolically twisted plot.

A must read.

“She is my salvation. And I am her long-awaited consequence.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dina begum
'Born, Darkly' by Trisha Wolfe is the First Book in the New Series called "Darkly, Madly Duet". This is the story of London Noble and Grayson Pierce Sullivan. This is a very Dark Romance and will have some trigger / taboo story lines. So please beware of that.
London is a famous psychologist who seems to specialize in Dark and Criminal Psychology. Allot of people seem to hate her for getting off who they feel are murders. London has been working with a correctional establishment to help inmates and just has about a year to go before her commitment is complete. There she is assigned Grayson after another of her inmate patient is sent to another prison. London actually tried to get Grayson as her patient about a year ago but he refused her help. But now it seems he doesn't want to do sessions with her. Grayson was accused of killing 5 people but their bodies where never found. Grayson has another trial coming up that may put him on death row. This does end with a cliffhanger sitting us up for the next installment into their story which is called "Born, Madly" book two.
While London is trying to do these sessions with him, Grayson seems to be trying to learn more about her. London even jokes and calls him Dr. Grayson since he is playing psychologist to her.
Their story doesn't start off as a love story for sure. It seem they are both so smart and looking to figure the other person out and find what makes them both tick.
Their story is very suspenseful and exciting learning about what the other was thinking. This isn't an easy book to put down for sure! Cannot wait for the next installment!
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*Provided with an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

When I read the synopsis of this book my first thought was that it reminded me of the story of Joker and Harley Quinn. He manipulated her and messed with her mind until she was just as nuts as he was. My second thought was that this sounded like a a thrill ride of a book and I knew that once I started reading that I was going to have a hard time putting it down.

I'm happy to say that I was right! This book has got to be one of the best dark romances I have ever read! I loved the dual point of view in this book! It helped me to see how London changed over the course of the book. She begins to question herself as well as others more and more until she pieces all the clues together to figure out the truth. Grayson's point of view made my skin crawl. I loved diving into his twisted head space! If anything, I wanted to hear more from him throughout the book. I loved learning about Grayson and London including their thought processes and how they compensated for their"weaknesses".

I have to say that I did not see any of the twists and turns in Born, Darkly coming. Trisha Wolfe kept surprising me in the best way. Everything in the book made sense and only added to to the suspense and darkness of the story. Grayson and London battled each other until the very end of the book to see who would come out as the alpha. It was a battle of wills and cunning!
A Dark Mafia Captive Romance - Gilded Cage Prequel :: Sergio: a Dark Mafia Romance :: Dark Promises (Montgomery Brothers Book 2) :: His to Take: A Dark Romance :: Nate: A Mafia Romance (Dark Protector Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Born; Darkly has quickly become my favorite book by Trisha Wolfe. Its one of the most all consuming, captivating, dark romances I have read. Grayson and London's chemistry consumes and enthralls you from the start. Its a twisted dark web of haunted pasts, desire, and mind play. Trisha takes you deep into the twisted minds of a psychologist with a haunted past, and a psychopathic murder and its never been more addicting. You will NOT be able to put this book down until you devour every single intense twisted breath taking page! And holy cliffhanger I was not ready for it to end! I'm on pins and needles waiting for Darkly; Madly to release! Hands down one of the best books I've read in 2017! This is not your average love story. Its a unethical obsession between Dr and Patient. It is not for the faint of heart, it will make your deviant black heart bleed.

London and Grayson are absolutely delicious together. No characters have consumed me quite like these two. The intelligence, manipulation and obsession between them was off the charts. The depth and betrayal coursing between these characters leaves you feeling satisfied in the most twisted ways!

Bravo Trisha Wolfe on blowing my mind with this twisted story. I wish I could rate this 10 stars because 5 doesn't do this mind blowing book justice.

*I voluntarily read a advanced copy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina ripley
Just wow! This book is ahhhhmazing!!! It's thrilling, captivating, and very well written. This is the best book I have read all year and I can't wait for the next book!

Dr. London Noble is a psychologist with a dark past. She focuses on criminals and whether or not rehabilitation is a possibility for them. Little does she know, her therapy sessions have done a lot of damage to her patients. Until she meets Grayson Sullivan. He opens her eyes to all the lies she's told and lived and how to move forward from them but his methods to do so are extreme.

Grayson Sullivan is known as The Angel of Maine. He delivers punishment to those that the justice system didn't convict and he is now facing lethal injection. He's had time to research and study London before he begins therapy with her. He pieces together what he can of her past and has a plan on how to get her to give him the rest of the puzzle. It won't be easy and the timing has to be right for his plans to work. Grayson just wants London to tell the truth and what a dark truth it is.

I HIGHLY recommend this book! It deserves every star I gave it and then some. The story consumed me from beginning to end. Pages and pages of dark perfection!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
graham irwin
Oh my, Trisha has just stolen another day from me. Not that I'm complaining about or anything. The story of London and Grayson is not for the fragile, faint of heart, or anyone looking for a contemporary romance. No, this is a twisted, demented, journey into the mind of psychopaths. Can they even love? Do they ever truly feel guilt or shame?? Some would say no, to all the above. I'm not sure what I think. Grayson seems to have the ability to free London, but is that a good thing?
Regardless of your opinion, to those questions, one can't deny that Trisha pulls you in, keeps you enraptured with each soul seering page, then ties you up into one big ball; twisting and conforming your mind to accept that which you have previously denied. As a serial killer, Grey's on should be shunned by society...but should he really? Should London be prosecuted for that which she has done to others? Questions that will continue to plague me, for days now, after I've finished this story. Well done Mrs. Wolfe! Kudos on another 5 star read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
devy nurmala
This has to be the most intelligently written book with exceptionally smart characters that did not make me feel dumb once.

Haven't you read a smart book that makes you feel dumb or look up words every other paragraph? Kinda takes away from the enjoyment, no? Well Trisha Wolfe has mastered blending the two.

Grayson and London are each forces to be reckoned with. Their psyches play with your brain, constantly making you second guess every move, assumption, and possible outcome.

Now, G is a little ... how should I say this ... freaking crazy. But he fascinates me. His thought process tricks you with logic. Logic can be dangerous. London, she's a whole ball of yarn on her own. The two together is explosive. Powerful. Sometimes frightening. And occasionally icky.

I'm going to say that unless something else of this magnitude hits my kindle (which is doubtful) Born, Darkly will be my top read of 2017.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How far would you go for the possibility of love? Well your version of love. When your heart and soul is so black what do you know of love?

Get ready everybody, because you are about to take a ride of a lifetime. This dark, brain twist is going to leave you with so many reactions. Hopefully your brain cells are firing off while reading. You're going to need to pay attention. Trisha has blown away my opinion on dark. This read had me staying up all night and yelling at my kindle non-stop. Charge up those devices, kick back and take notes like the good little detectives you are. I myself would not pass the test, but isn't that part of the fun? The not knowing. It's a world of devious mind play. I've warned you. Be prepared. I wasn't and I'm left reeling for more. The ending is by far one amazing visual.
Wanna play a game?
One of my fave reads this year!!!

Honest review for unedited copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james townsend
This book had my interest from the first page ! London is a very interesting woman. Her job and court appearances intrigued me as much as they intrigue her. It's fascinating to delve into someone's mind and see how they work. Grayson is an intense man. He turns the tables on London and forces her to learn more about herself. Grayson may be a killer but you can't help but root for him sometimes. Their chemistry is off the charts, especially when London lets go.

Besides the gritty hot romance this book is suspenseful. As I'm reading and information is uncovered my mind is racing to put the pieces together. That's what I love most about this book. The reader is able to be engaged in the story as well as enjoy it.

Plus if you've read the broken bonds series you'll be happy to see Sadie once again ! Highly recommend this series and cannot wait for book two. This does end on a cliffhanger.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diesel pfingsten
Clarrisa meets Dexter - A Psychological Thriller

This is a tale of a Vigilante and a Dr. -
One rights the wrongs- passing sentence and judgment upon the tainted- giving the victims of a failed judicial system Justice
One studies the tainted, attempts to dig out their darkness exposing it to the light, helping them grow -rehabilitating them -giving them a second chance at life -

Both are justified in their actions- Ultimately they both achieve the same end results- but only one can see the truth -only one accepts it is their own darkness they feed.

What happens when these two come together both in the belief the other is misguided?
Both believing the other needs "rehabilitation"? Who is truly correct and who is truly corrupt?
A beautifully choreographed dance of macabre steps that will lead to the ultimate reveal
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Born Darkly is another read that is definitely going to the top of my 2017 list! I am a huge fan or dark reads and I especially love the kind that f around with your mind. In Born, Darkly, Trisha Wolfe tales us into the mind of a serial killer and I loved every sick and twisted minute of it! Also, I need to mention this is one of my favorite book covers I have seen this year.

London is a brilliant criminal psychologist. She is most renowned for how she can get into the mind of the killers she works with. Her professional life serves as a distraction from the darkness in her personal life she has been trying to make sense of for years. She had decided to move away from working with killers, but agrees to take on one lady case, a case and man that will make her question all of her beliefs and change her life in ways she could never imagine.

Grayson is not a good man. He is an unrepentant serial killer, but, to his mind, he is doing the world a service. The people he kills deserve everything they get, but the world doesn't allow the kind of vigilante justice he thrives on. He is also a genius who gets off on mind games and London will become his most favorite new game.

The chemistry between London and Grayson is explosive and though you know their crazy dark love story is all kinds of wrong, you just cannot help getting drawn right in. There are twists within twists as you read and the multilevel mind games played are intense and will leave you breathless. I cannot recommend this story enough and am on pins and needles waiting for the conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin ruff
*Provided with an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

When I read the synopsis of this book my first thought was that it reminded me of the story of Joker and Harley Quinn. He manipulated her and messed with her mind until she was just as nuts as he was. My second thought was that this sounded like a a thrill ride of a book and I knew that once I started reading that I was going to have a hard time putting it down.

I'm happy to say that I was right! This book has got to be one of the best dark romances I have ever read! I loved the dual point of view in this book! It helped me to see how London changed over the course of the book. She begins to question herself as well as others more and more until she pieces all the clues together to figure out the truth. Grayson's point of view made my skin crawl. I loved diving into his twisted head space! If anything, I wanted to hear more from him throughout the book. I loved learning about Grayson and London including their thought processes and how they compensated for their"weaknesses".

I have to say that I did not see any of the twists and turns in Born, Darkly coming. Trisha Wolfe kept surprising me in the best way. Everything in the book made sense and only added to to the suspense and darkness of the story. Grayson and London battled each other until the very end of the book to see who would come out as the alpha. It was a battle of wills and cunning!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Born; Darkly has quickly become my favorite book by Trisha Wolfe. Its one of the most all consuming, captivating, dark romances I have read. Grayson and London's chemistry consumes and enthralls you from the start. Its a twisted dark web of haunted pasts, desire, and mind play. Trisha takes you deep into the twisted minds of a psychologist with a haunted past, and a psychopathic murder and its never been more addicting. You will NOT be able to put this book down until you devour every single intense twisted breath taking page! And holy cliffhanger I was not ready for it to end! I'm on pins and needles waiting for Darkly; Madly to release! Hands down one of the best books I've read in 2017! This is not your average love story. Its a unethical obsession between Dr and Patient. It is not for the faint of heart, it will make your deviant black heart bleed.

London and Grayson are absolutely delicious together. No characters have consumed me quite like these two. The intelligence, manipulation and obsession between them was off the charts. The depth and betrayal coursing between these characters leaves you feeling satisfied in the most twisted ways!

Bravo Trisha Wolfe on blowing my mind with this twisted story. I wish I could rate this 10 stars because 5 doesn't do this mind blowing book justice.

*I voluntarily read a advanced copy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just wow! This book is ahhhhmazing!!! It's thrilling, captivating, and very well written. This is the best book I have read all year and I can't wait for the next book!

Dr. London Noble is a psychologist with a dark past. She focuses on criminals and whether or not rehabilitation is a possibility for them. Little does she know, her therapy sessions have done a lot of damage to her patients. Until she meets Grayson Sullivan. He opens her eyes to all the lies she's told and lived and how to move forward from them but his methods to do so are extreme.

Grayson Sullivan is known as The Angel of Maine. He delivers punishment to those that the justice system didn't convict and he is now facing lethal injection. He's had time to research and study London before he begins therapy with her. He pieces together what he can of her past and has a plan on how to get her to give him the rest of the puzzle. It won't be easy and the timing has to be right for his plans to work. Grayson just wants London to tell the truth and what a dark truth it is.

I HIGHLY recommend this book! It deserves every star I gave it and then some. The story consumed me from beginning to end. Pages and pages of dark perfection!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy hosman
If your looking for a fantastic, dark, edge of your seat read look no further, because this book I first started reading it in the afternoon and pretty soon this book had me and didn't let go until that night, because I was sucked into the darkness of this amazing book.
Wow is all I can say I've never read a book quiet like this the intense emotions you feel as your reading this story thinking did he really do that or just what the hell is going on. I tell you Grayson is my kind of crazy and London? I'm still trying to figure her out although in the story you find out what happened to her to explain some thing's. I had figured it out before I finished it, but I still had my doubts about just what was going on.
Now I have to wait for book 2 to find out what will happen next and all I have to say is "Damn" this book was absolutely phenomenal. This is my first book by Trisha Wolfe and I have no idea how I made it this far without reading one of her book's, but I can fix that. I most definitely absolutely recommend this book. It's dark and yes there are triggers just so you know.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom hunt
Oh my, Trisha has just stolen another day from me. Not that I'm complaining about or anything. The story of London and Grayson is not for the fragile, faint of heart, or anyone looking for a contemporary romance. No, this is a twisted, demented, journey into the mind of psychopaths. Can they even love? Do they ever truly feel guilt or shame?? Some would say no, to all the above. I'm not sure what I think. Grayson seems to have the ability to free London, but is that a good thing?
Regardless of your opinion, to those questions, one can't deny that Trisha pulls you in, keeps you enraptured with each soul seering page, then ties you up into one big ball; twisting and conforming your mind to accept that which you have previously denied. As a serial killer, Grey's on should be shunned by society...but should he really? Should London be prosecuted for that which she has done to others? Questions that will continue to plague me, for days now, after I've finished this story. Well done Mrs. Wolfe! Kudos on another 5 star read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
inger hanson
Overall rating: 4.5
While there is an erotic element to this story, it is primarily a psychological thriller with some gruesome scenes. Both the main characters, London and Grayson, had horrific childhoods that have twisted their psyches. Grayson has killed eleven persons, all of whom committed horrible crimes against multiple innocents and is awaiting trial as the story begins. London has been the criminal psychologist treating him for the past three months, during which time Grayson has become obsessed with her, convinced they are really alike and made for each other. The problem being that unless London recommends clemency at his trial, he is apt to get the death sentence.
The story is very well written and pulls the reader quickly into the workings of a criminal mind.
The characters are well developed, although very flawed. The story is disturbing and really makes one think.
Story: 4.5
Writing: 5
Characters: 4.5
Editing: 4
Heat index: 4.5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tino paz
This has to be the most intelligently written book with exceptionally smart characters that did not make me feel dumb once.

Haven't you read a smart book that makes you feel dumb or look up words every other paragraph? Kinda takes away from the enjoyment, no? Well Trisha Wolfe has mastered blending the two.

Grayson and London are each forces to be reckoned with. Their psyches play with your brain, constantly making you second guess every move, assumption, and possible outcome.

Now, G is a little ... how should I say this ... freaking crazy. But he fascinates me. His thought process tricks you with logic. Logic can be dangerous. London, she's a whole ball of yarn on her own. The two together is explosive. Powerful. Sometimes frightening. And occasionally icky.

I'm going to say that unless something else of this magnitude hits my kindle (which is doubtful) Born, Darkly will be my top read of 2017.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy heeter
How far would you go for the possibility of love? Well your version of love. When your heart and soul is so black what do you know of love?

Get ready everybody, because you are about to take a ride of a lifetime. This dark, brain twist is going to leave you with so many reactions. Hopefully your brain cells are firing off while reading. You're going to need to pay attention. Trisha has blown away my opinion on dark. This read had me staying up all night and yelling at my kindle non-stop. Charge up those devices, kick back and take notes like the good little detectives you are. I myself would not pass the test, but isn't that part of the fun? The not knowing. It's a world of devious mind play. I've warned you. Be prepared. I wasn't and I'm left reeling for more. The ending is by far one amazing visual.
Wanna play a game?
One of my fave reads this year!!!

Honest review for unedited copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shalini batra
This book had my interest from the first page ! London is a very interesting woman. Her job and court appearances intrigued me as much as they intrigue her. It's fascinating to delve into someone's mind and see how they work. Grayson is an intense man. He turns the tables on London and forces her to learn more about herself. Grayson may be a killer but you can't help but root for him sometimes. Their chemistry is off the charts, especially when London lets go.

Besides the gritty hot romance this book is suspenseful. As I'm reading and information is uncovered my mind is racing to put the pieces together. That's what I love most about this book. The reader is able to be engaged in the story as well as enjoy it.

Plus if you've read the broken bonds series you'll be happy to see Sadie once again ! Highly recommend this series and cannot wait for book two. This does end on a cliffhanger.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellen chow yan yi
Wow, what did I just read?? Dark? Check. Twisted? Check. Psychological suspense? Check. Sexual tension? Check and double check!

I think it takes an awfully good writer to turn a serial killer into a sexy book boyfriend. To make you kind of understand why he does what he does, and still sympathize with him! Plus, he's a genius who is on a mission to challenge Dr London Noble at every turn! By the time he's done, you don't know who the psychologist is and who the patient is! London has just as many dark secrets in her past as Grayson does...and he wants her to admit to and confront all of them!

It was absolutely fascinating watching the back and forth between these two...and the sexual tension just kept climbing. It was a slow, sexy build up, that was worth the wait! I can't wait for the next book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy jones
Clarrisa meets Dexter - A Psychological Thriller

This is a tale of a Vigilante and a Dr. -
One rights the wrongs- passing sentence and judgment upon the tainted- giving the victims of a failed judicial system Justice
One studies the tainted, attempts to dig out their darkness exposing it to the light, helping them grow -rehabilitating them -giving them a second chance at life -

Both are justified in their actions- Ultimately they both achieve the same end results- but only one can see the truth -only one accepts it is their own darkness they feed.

What happens when these two come together both in the belief the other is misguided?
Both believing the other needs "rehabilitation"? Who is truly correct and who is truly corrupt?
A beautifully choreographed dance of macabre steps that will lead to the ultimate reveal
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rick hockman
Wow! This book is intense and captivating and consuming! This is by far my favorite book by Trisha Wolfe, she really outdid herself with this one! When I started this book I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into, and yes, I did read they synopsis. I was so surprised with the twists and turns of the story, with London and Grayson personal character development, and especially their relationship development.

London is sneaky and smart. She’s hiding something and as the reader you cannot wait to find out. Grayson is intense in every possible way and so magnetic he draws you in whether you like it or not. This book will have you hanging on the edge of the page, waiting to see who telling the truth and wondering how it will all play out. I, for one, cannot wait for the next book!

Warning! Your moral compass may give you a stern look while reading this book and I guarantee you will never look at keys the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elysia garcia
Firstly, I need more stars because 5 definitely doesn't cut it! WOW!

I'm not sure I can find words to give this roller coaster justice. Trisha Wolfe has completely and utterly blown me away, left me speechless, and in NEED of the next book!!!

London and Grayson are not only characters with depth, they also ignite the pages of Born, Darkly in such a way I was constantly holding my breath to see what would happen next. Trisha's words grip you from the first page, holding you tight throughout each explosive session and spitting you out at the end in an emotional mess.

This is one serial killer you WANT to meet! Bring on Born, Madly immediately because I HAVE to know what happens next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda boulanger
I have been looking for a new and inventive author for a long time. The market has become inundated with wannabe 50 Shades of Grey and "bad boy" romances that are so cliched and done to death that I was losing hope to find someone with originality. First I happened upon Trisha's Derision and devoured that book and then at the end of that book was a teaser to what seemed to be a crime thriller, but I was hooked from the writing alone. Now Trisha Wolfe's books have become my number one read. This book truly captured my attention, especially since it dealt with my field of study in college. This book truly deals with deep dark subjects that most have considered at some point watching the evil in the world getting away with their dastardly deeds. This book Is about Greyson and London. Greyson knows that deep down inside that London is like him and because of that they are meant to be together. How he goes about getting her to that point is a rollercoaster ride of twist and turns and traveling backward pushing her to the breaking point, pushing her to remember her dark and sorted past that she buried through locks and barriers in her mind so many years ago.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants something outside the norm and outside of their comfort zone. However, if Charles Manson makes you squeamish, this book is definitely not for you. Otherwise, enjoy the ride!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Trisha Wolfe weaves yet another dark tale that had me gripped from the beginning. This book, however, had me questioning my sanity and morals. I was so engrossed in the concept of the main character falling in love with a serial killer - and found that I actually enjoyed this twisted sense of romance. I am all about dark books, but I think this is the darkest one I have read yet! After reading Born, Darkly I had to collect myself and basically search myself to make sure I wasn't some messed up human being for enjoying such a sordid book. I loved it. I can't wait for the second book. I can't wait to see what comes of London and Grayson. I can't wait to see what Wolfe comes up with next. She has a way of bringing the darkness out of me every time I read her books. I can't put them down - I don't ever want to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hold on to your sanity with an iron grip. Seriously hold on. Trisha Wolfe is going to rip it away from you in the best way possible. Not only is this book going to be the best kind of forbidden but it's going to get very hot. I swear this woman has the power to make you question your morals and your mind while twisting everything you thought you knew was right in the world. Which is fitting for the psychological mind f*** she plays on you along the way. I wish I could give her 10 stars for this one. It truest is hard to find the right kind of twisted to even tame my warped mind but she has a way of doing it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With beautiful imagery and an incredible take on the mind of a psychopath works, I was thrust into the lives of London and Grayson and understood them on a much deeper level. The masks they hide behind and the freedoms they felt upon giving into the truest nature. The similarities in their lives led to a connection that ran much deeper than the physical.

“We weren’t born the day we took our first breath. We were born the moment we stole it.” -Grayson

These characters were soulmates forged from darkness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tin wahyuni
I voulintarly received an ARC in exchange for a honest review.

Warning this is a dark psychological thriller and that's exactly what you get. London is a criminal phsycologist who not only deals with the physical and mental issues of criminals she is also dealing with her own issues. She takes on Graysons case and is immediately drawn to him. He may be a killer but he gets rid of the sun of the earth and he accepts that. What insues is a game of cat and mouse and with Grayson pushing London will she figure out her own issues?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
afsane rezaei
Utter genius. With each book she writes, Wolfe seems to dig a little deeper, pushes us a little further, has us questioning ourselves a little more. It's hard not to feel a bit twisted and perverse when you find yourself falling for these characters, for smiling at their depravity, rooting for their madness. But that's what Wolfe does so well, she creates a world so vivid and seductive, we can't help but find ourselves happily lost within it.
A psychological thriller in the truest sense, Born, Darkly is perfection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was so INCREDIBLE that I'm SPEECHLESS as I try to write this review!! Seriously this book blew my mind the twisted darkness that is Grayson is so beautifully written and then London is so tragic in her own right and when they collide sparks fly and the world around them burns. Is the psychologist smart enough to know that she's being played by the manipulative sociopath? You HAVE TO READ this BOOK to see what happens. I CAN'T WAIT for the next book in this Series!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah mashek
This book felt like riding a speeding trian into a burning ravine. Intense, fast and out of control. It was masterfully done and keenly maneuvered. I'm not even sure what I'm feeling after reading it. It was very well done. A captivatingly dark read for sure. The chemistry and tension between Grayson and London was electric. Their journey was brutal, but riveting. I will definitely need a few days to process this book and I will definitely be buying the sequel!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dark, twisty,heavy, seductive. As I turned each page those for words just kept getting more amped up. I love the back and forth p.o.v. between the male and female leads. You saw his clear sighted no regrets and no shame Psychosis and her slow decent into madness, only to come out the other side still breathing. It is dark, erotic and almost painfully good to read. I never thought a simple brush of a hand could mean so much. So good!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book reminded me today the reason why I love to read. The way that the story completely captured my attention and told me this story in incredible detail is the reasons why I love read. This story was one that I haven't read anything similar to before and i loved it. It was an amazing read that completely shocked me in parts. I can't wait to read what happens next in the duet
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