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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerry lynn
Sloane is an author I started reading last year, and I am obsessed with her books. So when I saw that she was starting a brand new series, I was beyond excited!

If you’ve read Sloane’s other books you know they can be very angsty. This was less so. It was very emotional, so don’t worry about that. It’s just not on the same level as some of her other books. I won’t say much about the plot, just reading the description is all you need to know going into this.

It’s the characters that make this story so wonderful. Her books are always filled with flawed and well-rounded characters, Locked in Silence was no different. Dallas and Nolan are two very different characters, and each are going through their own set of issues. Individually, they are such interesting people, and together, they make an amazing couple. This is also filled with a lot of secondary characters. They all seem so interesting, I can’t wait to see their stories.

Also, Dallas takes cares of unwanted, exotic animals. So animal lovers out there, there are a lot of cute pets in this story! And Nolan is adorable. I just want to hug him and never let go.

Sloane has this incredible gift of just making you fall in love with her characters. I definitely recommend this one! I can’t wait for the next book in the series. (Each book will follow a different couple.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A heartfelt, exciting story of two men in need ! The Animal Sanctuary is run by Dallas, 28, scarred and mute from the accident that killed his Mom and paralyzed his Dad. Nolan is 28, a First Chair Classical violinist, that had to come home after a theft scandal and his Dad's stroke. Nolan discovers his folks are 4 months behind on the mortgage and bills. He tries to find a job to help out. When he saves a baby raccoon, he delivers it to Dallas at the sanctuary. They had known each other in their young school years. Dallas has a horrendous secret and is hated by the town. Even Nolan's gossiping Mom is judgmental. There are several threads of story line, all fascinating and we want to get to the bottom of it all.
There is Jimmy the tormentor, a bear is attacked at the shelter, the Sheriff is complicit, Dallas's brother, Maddox (military) shows up, a funeral, false accusations come to light, and more. It's marvelously written by Sloane Kennedy. She always manages to grab our hearts and make us feel the gamete of emotions along with her fabulous characters.
Intense sexy times for our men. Deep passion and want. They needed each other desperately.
I highly recommend this amazing tale.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margaret wappler
I love Sloane’s writing and have been reader of her books since picking up ‘Loving Vin’, so I was really excited to start this brand new series. It’s set in Pelican Bay, Minnesota and follows Nolan Grainger, talented violinist and Dallas Kent, budding baseball star and golden boy of the Bay. Fast forward ten years and we find that things don’t always turn out as expected. Nolan returns to the Bay after a scandal and wrongful accusations and Dallas, no longer the golden boy, in fact he’s quite the opposite, shunned by the town, and now mute and scarred due to a horrific crash that also killed his parents. Both men are struggling and fighting their own inner battles, but due to a chance meeting when Nolan turns up at the wildlife center that Dallas now runs, they begin to bond and Dallas offers Nolan a job. A growing attraction begins but memories from the past are revealed and the truth of how they both felt about each other all those years ago comes to the surface, ready to tear them apart. I felt so much for both Dallas and Nolan, it was heartbreaking to see what they had both gone through and were still suffering from the after-effects, but as they started to fall for each other, it was obvious that the only way to find happiness was through each other. This was such a beautiful and heart-felt story and was told in such an honest way by the author. She has the knack of bringing you such damaged and tortured souls that ultimately find their bliss, the road is usually hard, yes, but in the end, the journey is so worth the outcome. I feel wrung out, but that’s the gift of a really good storyteller, I want to be dragged in and feel everything, because for all the pain I feel for the characters, I also feel the euphoric highs aswell and Sloane Kennedy has had me on this roller-coaster yet again and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I loved this story and can’t wait to read more in the series. Another definite hit for me!

Review Copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMG Reads.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
khette cox
Sloane Kennedy is always a must read for me. She makes a departure from her regular series to bring us Locked in Silence. While not a dark as the Protector series, it is full of emotion. No one does characters and how they connect like this author. She has the added challenge of connecting with a character that can't speak, Dallas. She deftly handles his inner dialogue and his connection with other characters. She make the miscommunication that can happen due to Dallas' disability so interesting and not at all tedious. Both main characters have such depth of emotion both in their vulnerability and their strength. Dallas and Nolan are both aching for a connection though each has shut himself off due to the circumstances in their lives. A small town full of bigotry and nepotism only complicates their budding relationship.Family twists, turns and bullies flesh out minor charcters, no character is wasted or flat. Kennedy has clearly done her research on animal rescue and weaves it througout the book expertly. We are introduced to secondary characters that make me want to know their story. As usual the book is edited perfectly. Kennedy always has dialogue with depth, flow and momentum. There is never a stilted passage or slow moving plot in any of her books, including this one. You are sucked into the heads of both Dallas and Nolan and you root for them to figure out how to make things work. You don't want to miss the first book in this exciting new series :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeevan padiyar
Dallas Kent and Nolan Grainger are two of Sloane Kennedy's best characters. I've read many of her novels, and I am leaning toward the notion that this one -- though I love the Protectors and the Barrettis a whole bunch -- may be her best. There is the expected brokenness, of course, but there's also a tenderness right from the start that won me over. Each man is scarred, one physically, as well as by his dead parents and his brother, the other by his living parents, and by a man he had come to trust and love. One man is filled with guilt about his treatment of the other when they were boys together in school. The other is filled with memories of the boy who was and desire for the man he has become. Apparent polar opposites, they are brought together by their common bond with the animals in the shelter and by their beautiful souls. Each man must learn to forgive, either himself or those who have hurt him through neglect and abuse. I could not have asked for a more beautiful story than this one. It is a tale of redemption...each man's good name is restored, and Nolan's mother learns how to show her love for the son she almost loses. And Dallas and his brother begin to heal the wounds that have torn them apart. A brilliant, five-star story!

NOTE: I voluntarily accepted an advanced reader copy of this book in order to leave an unbiased review. It is my pleasure to do so.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This May possibly be my new favorite Sloane Kennedy book! Which is very hard to say, as I've had quite a few of her books that have ranked right up there at the top. Sloane's world building and character development in this one is spot on. I never want to leave her world once I've entered and Locked In Silence was no exception.
I'm not one to rehash and author's work because I personally don't like a lot of details given away in reviews. I will tell you that her character Dallas was mute, but his ''voice" came through loud and clear. And oh what a beautiful voice it was. I fell hard for him, his backstory, his strength and even his weaknesses were written beautifully. Then we have Nolan...a beautiful, giving soul who didn't expect anything from anyone, because he was never given anything. Two broken men- in different ways, that could not have been any more perfect for each other.
The setting of the wildlife sanctuary was such a welcome change to me that I just couldn't get enough of their interactions with all of the critters. The secondary characters were also very well developed and I can't wait to read more on them. This story hooked me from page one and I devoured it, and then I was sad it was over. It stayed with me for days after reading it. I absolutely can not wait for the next one in the series!! Grab this one now and you'll be just as enthralled as I was!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Breathe, just breathe. I need to remember how to breathe, how to think, how to function. Right now I'm a jumble of so many emotions that I'm having a hard time putting together words. It's almost as if the adjectives I can come up with to describe this book - adjectives like stunning, amazing, beautiful - are completely inadequate. I need better words, bigger words, consuming words, all-encompassing words. Dallas and Nolan's story both gutted me and filled me with such hope, with so much love. And not just the the story of the two of them coming together, no, it was their backstories that weaved their way into my heart. It was everything about this emotional story that consumed me. I felt anger at what had been done to both of these men, I felt compassion, I felt hope, I felt warmth, I felt passion, I felt love, I felt.....everything. I mean, how can you not drown in every emotion when you read things like:
Why did the fact that he'd figured out I was purposely ignoring him hurt do damn much?
Maddox's eyes shifted to me. "Because he wanted to protect our mother, despite the fact that she was gone. That's what he does," he said softly.
"He protects those he loves."
You don't read this book because you want to read a love story. You read this book because you want to just.....feel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick mendoza
I absolutely loved this book. What a great start to what is no doubt going to be another fantastic Sloane Kennedy series. This book has it all and will take you on a roller coaster of emotions. I fell so hard for both Dallas and Nolan. These are two incredible men with big hearts and a lot of love to give. They've both had a rough time of it in the past and can't seem to catch a break. And they have some obstacles to climb on the road to their HEA. Be warned: This book will definitely cause you to shed some tears. But that's everything!!
I can't recommend this book enough. It's well written and has fantastic characters (including some amazing animals, the story revolves around a wildlife rescue/sanctuary after all). I loved a few of these secondary characters and am hoping we see books for them in the future. I know we get a Maddox and Isaac book next. I was intrigued by Maddox and loved Isaac in this book, so I can't wait for their story. I know it's going to be another emotional one.
I haven't read a S.K. book I didn't like, and this one is going to the top of my favorites list. Her writing just keeps getting better. Just beautiful!
5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sanaa ansari khan
I loved this story. Sadly, Nolan's life was pretty much ripped away from him by a sneaky, evil ex-boyfriend. He returns to his Minnesota hometown to recover but also help his parents who have fallen on financial difficulty. Dallas never moved any farther than the outskirts of town where he could live in peace with his rescued animals.

This book has sweet romance and hot sexy times. There is an evil villain or two who get what's coming to them (eventually). A couple of twists add some mystery to the story but also set up the next in the series. I have read all of Sloane Kennedy's books after reading "Letting Go" which could be considered a prequel to the Protector's series. (Sloane doesn't label it that way, but when I started the first Protector's book, I hadn't known it was going to be related to the people I met in Letting Go and I just LOVED that.) Sloane is genius in that her series' are intertwined, but that's just fun for readers, you don't have to understand or know the relationships to enjoy every single book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darcy higgins
What an amazing story, I was completely caught off guard with this book! I knew going in hat it will have some drama, and as a Sloan book I was expecting it to be a bit over the top BUT was pleasantly surprised that it really wasn’t!

First, I have to say that it was beautifully balanced, and I loved that it did not revolve around sex, and in fact there were not as many sexual scenes as I was expecting, which might sound disappointing but In reality, it helped set the focus on their relationship. I have read books by Sloan before and while they were very good they were often action packed and full of twists and turns that can sometimes be a bit too much. I liked that in this book she seemed to take a step back and let the characters explore.
I also find it interesting how much Dallas as a character can be honest when he cannot actually speak, there is something about how he communicates and bonds with Nolan that is just so refreshing and without any dramatic evasion and misunderstandings. Their interactions are sweet and funny, and how can ANYONE resist Loki/Tom hiddelston jokes and references?!!! I was laughing my ass off and fangirl-screaming every time his name popped up. Nolan is also a wonderful character, I liked his softness, and that fact he cries a lot, he lets his emotions show and is not afraid of them, without being a Femme character. His music is clearly a part of him and still he does not back down and puts his all into everything he does. It is another refreshing aspect of this wonderful story that really captured my heart.
The animals are described beautifully, it shows research and attention to detail, they were engaging, funny and interesting to read about.

As far as story arcs go, I liked that the last part of the book introduced some new characters that will appear in book 2 (YES please and thank you!!! Waiting for it anxiously). It was a nice change in pace, and I liked that even though ¾ of the book are slow and centered on them the ending is this explosion of new people, the ultimately help them. I also liked that most of the negative characters did not remain that way by the end. M/M books tend to have archetypes like homophobic parents, religious zealous and mean bullies. Sometimes these characters just look bland and get tiresome. Sloan smartly helped some of them develop into more meaningful interesting characters and its part of why I liked this book so much.

The audio narration is absolute perfection! Everyone who loves M/M audiobooks has probably heard something narrated by Michael Pauley, he is a very talented emotional narrator that brings any book to life. But he is so popular that after listening to so many books he narrated some of them kind of start to sound the same. His signature voices are very distinct, and while his talent is without question I was expecting this book to be “more of the same” good narration. BUT!!! Michael really surprised me with new depth and voice acting skills, as they cannot be called anything but! One needs to have true talent to bring a unique voice to a character that is essentially mute. His emotional narration drew me in and captured me completely, heart, body and soul. How he rendered Dallas’s struggles to make sounds, his inability to do so, and the level of acting he put into each word is incredible. I would have likely loved this book in e-book format just as much had I read it like that before listening to the audio but, ironically, this story in particular, needed a voice. Michael was the perfect narrator to do just that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Locked in Silence is a cute and emotional Romance novel. With a fast pace and well developed characters, it is easy to get lost in the small town setting and be swept by the relationship between both main characters. There are quite a few dramatic moments, but they are all balanced by the overall sweetness of the plot.

Sloane Kennedy delivers an engaging story about second chances and forgiveness. The backdrop of a wildlife sanctuary is a great addition to the novel and sets up a really fun world for characters to explore. Told in multiple POVs, each character has an unique voice and their own obstacles to face, some more heartbreaking than others.

I took a chance with this novel and I have to admit that I really liked it! The writing is great and super easy to follow, while still translating a lot of emotion to the reader. The fast pace makes this a really quick read, which is cemented by the fact that I pretty much read this all in one sitting. The lovely setting and smooth flow of the plot only contribute to how fun it is to get through this novel.

The characters are also so great! From the main boys, Nolan and Dallas, to the secondary characters, they are all layered and complex and their struggles add depth to the plot. Nolan is a bit dramatic, which kind of disrupts the smooth narrative at times. He’s fast to jump to conclusions during certain moments and that frustrates me as a reader. The introduction of a few names nearing the end of the book are very intriguing, as is the mystery that surrounds them.

The romance between Nolan and Dallas is the right kind of slow burn, although a bit too angsty at times. It’s lovely to read about them together, especially as their relationship grows. There are quite a few steamy scenes as well that manage to be both hot and super sweet. They’re very supportive of each other, even more so during harsh times — that only makes me like them more, really.

Overall, Locked in Silence is a lovely, fun, and quick read. The engrossing narrative, great characters, and adorable romance are wonderful. Definitely recommend this to all Romance fans. And I, personally, can’t wait to see what happens with two particular characters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin cook
This Book... I really think I felt every single emotion while listening to this book. It was an emotional rollercoaster of Happiness, Sadness, Hope, Heartache, Pain, Anger, Outrage, and Love. ALL the Emotions. This book has everything in it, and I was not expecting to feel so much in such a short time. This is also another good example of a book where the Narrator Gives it so much more than when you are just/only reading the book. Michael Pauley does a great job bringing these characters, and their story to life and I really don't think another narrator could have done them justice the way he did.
Both Characters go through so much in their lives. Nolan is a Violinist who goes from being bullied as a teen, to being accused of horrible things as a young adult. Forced to come back home to Pelican Bay to help his parents. He encounters Dallas, Who he knew as a teenager. Dallas had a horrible accident as a late teen, and has been running an animal rescue center alone in seclusion ever since. After the two men meet again, it takes a lot of work, a little drama, and a ton of strength from both men to get them to the point where they trust each other and themselves, as well as others. With the help of some of the characters in the book they get to have the story & love they fully deserve. I cant wait to hear what happens in the next Pelican Bay story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan farndale
A heartfelt, exciting story of two men in need ! The Animal Sanctuary is run by Dallas, 28, scarred and mute from the accident that killed his Mom and paralyzed his Dad. Nolan is 28, a First Chair Classical violinist, that had to come home after a theft scandal and his Dad's stroke. Nolan discovers his folks are 4 months behind on the mortgage and bills. He tries to find a job to help out. When he saves a baby raccoon, he delivers it to Dallas at the sanctuary. They had known each other in their young school years. Dallas has a horrendous secret and is hated by the town. Even Nolan's gossiping Mom is judgmental. There are several threads of story line, all fascinating and we want to get to the bottom of it all.
There is Jimmy the tormentor, a bear is attacked at the shelter, the Sheriff is complicit, Dallas's brother, Maddox (military) shows up, a funeral, false accusations come to light, and more. It's marvelously written by Sloane Kennedy. She always manages to grab our hearts and make us feel the gamete of emotions along with her fabulous characters.
Intense sexy times for our men. Deep passion and want. They needed each other desperately.
I highly recommend this amazing tale.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen hopwood
I loved this story. Sadly, Nolan's life was pretty much ripped away from him by a sneaky, evil ex-boyfriend. He returns to his Minnesota hometown to recover but also help his parents who have fallen on financial difficulty. Dallas never moved any farther than the outskirts of town where he could live in peace with his rescued animals.

This book has sweet romance and hot sexy times. There is an evil villain or two who get what's coming to them (eventually). A couple of twists add some mystery to the story but also set up the next in the series. I have read all of Sloane Kennedy's books after reading "Letting Go" which could be considered a prequel to the Protector's series. (Sloane doesn't label it that way, but when I started the first Protector's book, I hadn't known it was going to be related to the people I met in Letting Go and I just LOVED that.) Sloane is genius in that her series' are intertwined, but that's just fun for readers, you don't have to understand or know the relationships to enjoy every single book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam ford
Every Sloane Kennedy audiobook is an auto-buy for me. Since listening to Redemption – the first book in her Protector series – I have been hooked.

Locked in Silence is the first book in her new Pelican Bay series and I have to admit I’m already hooked.

Ten years have passed since Nolan Grainger and Dallas Kent were in their senior year at the high school in Pelican Bay. Both had secured promising futures and had plans to leave the small town in their rear-view mirrors.

Fast forward ten years and things have not gone well for either man. Nolan has traveled the world as a vaunted violinist, but between his father’s stroke and his own disgrace, he has come home to lick his wounds and help his parents get back on their feet.

A little critter brings him into contact with Dallas most unexpectedly and after another chance encounter, it is Nolan who voluntarily approaches Dallas, the former golden boy. Dallas never bullied Nolan, like most of the other kids in the high school, but neither did he defend the young nerd who was a musical prodigy.

Their relationship as adults is fraught with landmines, but the attraction invades their every interaction.

And, despite Nolan’s desperate situations, at least he hasn’t been locked away for the past 10 years. Dallas has carved out a life for himself, convinced this is as good as it gets. Nolan’s entry into his life, however, shakes him from his torpor.

Both Nolan and Dallas are gentle souls. Dallas’ care of the animals in his sanctuary is poignant as he often takes in and cares for creatures who have been neglected as he has been. Understanding that time is finite, he treasures his interactions as he nurses, rehabilitates, and either releases animals back into the wilderness, or cares for them until the end. Nolan shares that inability to walk away from someone in need. In the end, the town he had always felt was an anvil around his neck, provides him with the man who gives him love like he’s never known. The animals in this book are as alive as the human characters and just as endearing.

Forgiveness is the prevailing theme in this book – from dysfunctional parents, seemingly-cruel siblings, former lovers, or bullies (former and present), a lot of people have hurt Dallas and Nolan. There were times I wondered if they could overcome the pain and grief.

Love can sometimes heal as well as bring joy. People can redeem themselves by changing to become better people and sometimes even evil people get their comeuppance.

This is a beautiful and painful tribute to two beautiful men. Whether by disability or false accusation, they thought they were destined to be alone for life.

I’m so glad they were wrong.

And Michael Pauley? I don’t think I can ever say enough good things about this talented narrator. I love him. He brings Dallas to life even though the man is locked in silence, unable to speak. The emotions evoked by Dallas’ frustration at being unable to communicate like others is heightened by Michael’s ability to give Dallas language and emotions. Great job.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katy johnson
Nolan was a world famous violinist and after a betrayal he comes home to lick his wounds and to help take care of his sick father . Nolan has always be the type that showed his emotions an there never was a closet deep enough to hide in. He saves an injured racoon an takes him to the Wild life rescue center who is ran by his secret crush Dallas. Ten years is a long time to not speak to someone. Life has a way of bringing secrets to light. Dallas was the golden boy in high School with a secret crush on Nolan but he remained hidden in the closet. The sexual tension is still there 10 years later is this finally Thier chance to reconnect? Are they meant to be together or will they be to afraid to try? Pick up this book your in for a treat. Emotions run high an sexual tension is Hotter than fire. I promise this is a book to be devoured an you will not be able to put it down. Will Dallas and Nolan be able to let the past go and move on together? Why don't you hit that one click now you will not regret it!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing story, I was completely caught off guard with this book! I knew going in hat it will have some drama, and as a Sloan book I was expecting it to be a bit over the top BUT was pleasantly surprised that it really wasn’t!

First, I have to say that it was beautifully balanced, and I loved that it did not revolve around sex, and in fact there were not as many sexual scenes as I was expecting, which might sound disappointing but In reality, it helped set the focus on their relationship. I have read books by Sloan before and while they were very good they were often action packed and full of twists and turns that can sometimes be a bit too much. I liked that in this book she seemed to take a step back and let the characters explore.
I also find it interesting how much Dallas as a character can be honest when he cannot actually speak, there is something about how he communicates and bonds with Nolan that is just so refreshing and without any dramatic evasion and misunderstandings. Their interactions are sweet and funny, and how can ANYONE resist Loki/Tom hiddelston jokes and references?!!! I was laughing my ass off and fangirl-screaming every time his name popped up. Nolan is also a wonderful character, I liked his softness, and that fact he cries a lot, he lets his emotions show and is not afraid of them, without being a Femme character. His music is clearly a part of him and still he does not back down and puts his all into everything he does. It is another refreshing aspect of this wonderful story that really captured my heart.
The animals are described beautifully, it shows research and attention to detail, they were engaging, funny and interesting to read about.

As far as story arcs go, I liked that the last part of the book introduced some new characters that will appear in book 2 (YES please and thank you!!! Waiting for it anxiously). It was a nice change in pace, and I liked that even though ¾ of the book are slow and centered on them the ending is this explosion of new people, the ultimately help them. I also liked that most of the negative characters did not remain that way by the end. M/M books tend to have archetypes like homophobic parents, religious zealous and mean bullies. Sometimes these characters just look bland and get tiresome. Sloan smartly helped some of them develop into more meaningful interesting characters and its part of why I liked this book so much.

The audio narration is absolute perfection! Everyone who loves M/M audiobooks has probably heard something narrated by Michael Pauley, he is a very talented emotional narrator that brings any book to life. But he is so popular that after listening to so many books he narrated some of them kind of start to sound the same. His signature voices are very distinct, and while his talent is without question I was expecting this book to be “more of the same” good narration. BUT!!! Michael really surprised me with new depth and voice acting skills, as they cannot be called anything but! One needs to have true talent to bring a unique voice to a character that is essentially mute. His emotional narration drew me in and captured me completely, heart, body and soul. How he rendered Dallas’s struggles to make sounds, his inability to do so, and the level of acting he put into each word is incredible. I would have likely loved this book in e-book format just as much had I read it like that before listening to the audio but, ironically, this story in particular, needed a voice. Michael was the perfect narrator to do just that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
annie claude
Locked in Silence is a cute and emotional Romance novel. With a fast pace and well developed characters, it is easy to get lost in the small town setting and be swept by the relationship between both main characters. There are quite a few dramatic moments, but they are all balanced by the overall sweetness of the plot.

Sloane Kennedy delivers an engaging story about second chances and forgiveness. The backdrop of a wildlife sanctuary is a great addition to the novel and sets up a really fun world for characters to explore. Told in multiple POVs, each character has an unique voice and their own obstacles to face, some more heartbreaking than others.

I took a chance with this novel and I have to admit that I really liked it! The writing is great and super easy to follow, while still translating a lot of emotion to the reader. The fast pace makes this a really quick read, which is cemented by the fact that I pretty much read this all in one sitting. The lovely setting and smooth flow of the plot only contribute to how fun it is to get through this novel.

The characters are also so great! From the main boys, Nolan and Dallas, to the secondary characters, they are all layered and complex and their struggles add depth to the plot. Nolan is a bit dramatic, which kind of disrupts the smooth narrative at times. He’s fast to jump to conclusions during certain moments and that frustrates me as a reader. The introduction of a few names nearing the end of the book are very intriguing, as is the mystery that surrounds them.

The romance between Nolan and Dallas is the right kind of slow burn, although a bit too angsty at times. It’s lovely to read about them together, especially as their relationship grows. There are quite a few steamy scenes as well that manage to be both hot and super sweet. They’re very supportive of each other, even more so during harsh times — that only makes me like them more, really.

Overall, Locked in Silence is a lovely, fun, and quick read. The engrossing narrative, great characters, and adorable romance are wonderful. Definitely recommend this to all Romance fans. And I, personally, can’t wait to see what happens with two particular characters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon stanley
This Book... I really think I felt every single emotion while listening to this book. It was an emotional rollercoaster of Happiness, Sadness, Hope, Heartache, Pain, Anger, Outrage, and Love. ALL the Emotions. This book has everything in it, and I was not expecting to feel so much in such a short time. This is also another good example of a book where the Narrator Gives it so much more than when you are just/only reading the book. Michael Pauley does a great job bringing these characters, and their story to life and I really don't think another narrator could have done them justice the way he did.
Both Characters go through so much in their lives. Nolan is a Violinist who goes from being bullied as a teen, to being accused of horrible things as a young adult. Forced to come back home to Pelican Bay to help his parents. He encounters Dallas, Who he knew as a teenager. Dallas had a horrible accident as a late teen, and has been running an animal rescue center alone in seclusion ever since. After the two men meet again, it takes a lot of work, a little drama, and a ton of strength from both men to get them to the point where they trust each other and themselves, as well as others. With the help of some of the characters in the book they get to have the story & love they fully deserve. I cant wait to hear what happens in the next Pelican Bay story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marallyn ben moshe
Locked In Silence by Sloane Kennedy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the beginning of what I hope will become another readers favourite series and a completely different storyline for the Author of the bestselling, Protectors Series.
It fell so wonderfully new and refreshing and I can't wait to read the next in the series. As with her other books, Sloane always leaves us with a sense of expectation for the next book. She gradually introduces her upcoming characters and by the end we can't wait to beg for the next instalment (sorry we are a pain, I know, but we love your books SO MUCH!!) .

I approached the book with no reservations and without lingering in the protectors story line (which by the way I completely adore), and boy was I blown away. I was immediately transfixed and lost in the story, in the plot and lost in the characters beautiful dialogues. I think Sloane likes to push the WOW factor and always goes the extra mile, never leaves things simple thus hitting up a notch in my admiration-meter. When you read the book you will understand what it is I am talking about, so don't hate me if this doesn't make sense and just ONE CLICK THIS BEAUTY!.

Dallas and Nolan grew up in the small town of Pelican Bay. Both were very different. One was popular, sporty and always surrounded by friends.The other was the outcast, the nerdy, the one people used to make fun of. Nolan always sought solace in his music, desperate to leave all the humiliation and constant bullying drove him to a prestigious music school far away from his hometown. His life, once seemingly ideal, gets turned upside down when he's framed of a crime. With his reputation and musical career in the gutter and an unexpected call from home, he drives back to the place he once sworn never to return.
Dallas had the best opportunity to leave the town which never truly saw beyond his golden boy exterior. He hated following the crowd and hurting those weak and defenceless, particularly boys like Nolan. His plans for a better future are put on a permanent hold when he is involved in a accident that kills his mother, leaves his father crippled and leaves him without a voice. The town is quick to take one side of the story, pushing his only surviving relative and those around him to turn their backs on Dallas.
After years of being cast away on the outskirts of town, used to his solitary existence, Dallas never imagines that he is about to have a second chance to make things right for and with Nolan. Sometimes things happen for a reason. The universe has an ulterior motive to put these two unlikely characters in their orbits. For Nolan is the opportunity to know the person he grew up pining after, to hear him but also to find a purpose in his life.

Once again each chapter was incredibly emotional. I loved the connection between the leads. So many raw and powerful scenes and Sloane delivers them all in perfect form. With a flowing grace and unwavering perfection.

5 SHOUTY STARS. Joandisalovebooks Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brooke mckenna
​​5 Stars!

As always,finishing a Sloane Kennedy book has me longing for the next book in the series. I loved Nolan and Dallas and​ ​I'm just not ready to let them go yet. Locked in Silence is the beginning of what will be a wonderful series by an author that continues to create emotionally charged stories I never want to put down. With two characters that had my stomach in knots and my heart aching for how they were treated, I found that I wanted to climb into my Kindle and bring hellfire down on all that wronged them. Of course,one of the best parts of a Sloane story is the fact that our couple always gets their HEA even if it's hard won.

I'm not going to give a typical synopsis of Locked in Silence because honestly, I'm not sure I can do it justice. The blurb does a wonderful job describing the story of Nolan and Dallas and how both men found themselves in a town that they so desperately wanted to escape as teenagers. Dallas having never left and Nolan suddenly forced to return. Pelican Bay holds nothing more than heartache, cruelty and memories of a past neither man wants to think about.

While it took me a few minutes to warm up to Nolan, I instantly fell for Dallas. There was something about him that I honestly felt jumping from the pages. His vulnerability mixed with his determination and gentle heart had me tearing up on more than one occasion. His story is so sad but at the same time, I loved that this man was so strong. He had such a good heart that I couldn't find a single thing I didn't like about him.

Nolan quickly grew on me and I found myself wanting desperately for him to just find a place to belong. He needed safety and comfort but most importantly he needed someone to be proud of him, to show him he mattered. Not only is he able to get those things from Dallas but also from the many animals that surround them.

I loved the men together, they had amazing chemistry and a perfect connection. They were just so natural together and their relationship seemed so effortless.

Unlike many of Sloane's books, this one doesn't get very dark and angsty. Now​,​ that's not to say it's a sweet romantic fairytale either. There are heavy issues both men face and their pasts aren't pretty. Bullying, emotional abuse, betrayal and a whole lot of parental neglect. The town is full of bigotry and some of the worst people around. However​,​ it's not as dark as what we see in the Protectors series and while I absolutely love the Protectors and will keep reading them over and over, this was a refreshing story of second chances, love and redemption.

Locked in Silence is beautifully written and so easy to get lost in. I highly recommend it, not only to Sloane's current fans but also to her future ones, because once you read this book​, I doubt it will be your last. I can't wait to see what else is in store for Pelican Bay, we have a great little group of men I can't wait to see get their HEA and to​,​ of course​,​ have the opportunity to see more of Dallas and Nolan, Loki (lovable Wolf hybrid), Gentry (beautifully broken bear) and Jerry (Zebra Menace).

**Copy provided to Me by the author/publisher for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason schneeberger
5+ stars

Sloane's writing is the ultimate for me. I one click anything she writes and you will too once you read this latest book from her. Now she is giving us a new series called Pelican Bay. I can tell from this first story that this might be her best yet. The emotions you will feel while reading this will make her a favorite author of yours as well.
This story was amazing for me. It had everything you want in a book. She has love, second chances, forgiveness and so much more.
Nolan was tormented when he was younger and left his home town as soon as he could for Julliard. He became a famous violist and never looked back. He is called home to help his mother take care of his father. Their relationship was really never a good one and Nolan has never felt loved. Nolan was accused of a crime he didn't do so all his money is gone and he has to get a job to help his parents pay for their bills. So when he finds an animal on the side of the road he takes him to a sanctuary and the owner is no other than Dallas, the boy he crushed on in High School.
Dallas's story is so sad. He was the golden boy at school and could do no wrong but his home life was anything but perfect. His family gets into a car accident which leaves his mom dead and his dad paralyzed. Even though his mother was driving, Dallas takes the blame and becomes the town's most hated person. Dallas decides to open a place where the unwanted and unloved can live. The animal sanctuary he created leaves him lonely but he loves the work. Since the accident left Dallas mute he doesn't worry about people coming around because even when he could speak no one ever listened to him anyway.
When Dallas sees Nolan for the first time all the bad things from years ago come back and he feel horrible. Now Dallas never did anything mean to Nolan but he never stood up for him as well. Dallas knew that if he did, the kids would turn on him too so he did nothing.
Nolan is desperate for work and he asks Dallas for a job. Against his better judgement Dallas says yes. Nolan starts working for him and their chemistry is great to read. Both these men need to forgive each other and move on with their lives and boy when that happens the sparks fly. The pain Dallas and Nolan have been in their whole lives, is so hard to read but Sloane's writing will take you through their journey and they come out growing closer. The relationship they start isn't easy but they really listen to each other even if Dallas can's speak. The love they have for each other is heart warming. Sloane knows how to write and every character she does is original and needs their story to be told.
I am trying not to give the whole story away but things happen to both men and they come out of it stronger than ever.
They learn that forgiveness is the key to happiness and all your dreams can come true.
Nolan grows closer to his mother and Dallas forgives his brother and they make the sanctuary a home for some other new characters.
Sloan lets us know we will be getting Maddox's story next and for one can't wait.......Reviewed for Alpha Book Club.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elissa hall
Oh, how I loved this book…Dallas and Nolan were two special characters—but then again, I hadn’t expected anything else from Sloane Kennedy. Still, I loved to see a main character with a serious handicap, since it’s such a rare thing. And of course, combining the man who can’t speak with the man who feels like no one hears him was incredibly powerful.

I’ve read Sloane’s books for a while now, but it’s amazing to see her still grow as a writer, both in skills and in emotional depth. Her stories have always been hard on the heartstrings, though in the best way, but this one felt perfectly balanced in terms of emotional depth, baggage, love, and redemption. It was one hell of a ride, but man, what a satisfying one. It definitely felt less angsty than some her other books, but for me that was a good thing.

Dallas and Nolan are both ‘damaged’, carrying some kind of baggage, but together they work. I love that it was not insta-live here, but a true working-though-problems type of thing, I can appreciate instalove at times, but it wouldn’t have made sense here.

Sloane’s writing is impeccable in the sense that it just flows fuidly, never yanking you out of your fictional dream with weird words, too-obvious transitions, clunky sentences, or typos and grammar mistakes. Here, too, you can see how much she’s grown in her skills.

I really appreciated this book, and I looked forward to the next installment in this series, especially with the new characters introduced near the end of this book. Curious minds want to know more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer kelley
I can't even begin to describe the intensely emotional journey this story takes you on. I was beyond thrilled to hear that Sloane Kennedy was beggining another new series that I knew was going to be absolutely amazing and I could wait to read the stories of these fantastic new friends...And OH.MY.GOD did she deliver!

Nolan was an amazing man so strong and even though most would have been shattered beyond belief he grew and the strength of self that lies within him was moving to watch. He was so kind and just radiated light from within him even after everything he had been through.
Dallas, man oh man, I just wanted to wrap him up and smother him with love...But I'll leave that to someone else. He was also a man with strength within him. To rise above what people thought of him, to never being heard, to have become the amazing man that he was is incredible. I loved how he found peace and love and acceptance with his animals and how they allowed him to just be was beautiful.

I love the relationship between Nolan and Dallas and how it evolves. This is no insta-love romance but a realistic one...One with trials and pitfalls one that's nowhere near perfect in perfection but messy and emotional and REAL!
It was beautifully written but, for anyone who has ever read Sloane's work before, we already knew it would be. This is a journey that takes you from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs but NEVER let's you forget that somewhere out there is someone who HEARS you when even you no longer do.
I ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY RECOMMEND THIS STORY!! I am eagerly awaiting Maddox and Isaac's story next and I can't wait to see what else is in store for this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dina begum
Locked in silence was such a beautiful story I loved it

Dallas and Nolan's journey my emotions were everywhere I loved it so much it was sweet beautiful heartbreaking heartwarming it was really amazing

I was hooked on Dallas and Nolan from beginning to end I couldn't put the book down their storyline and relationship was so wonderfully intense

I really connected with Dallas and Nolan

I was so proud of these two amazing broken men watching how they came back from personal problems that had happened in their life's was so amazing Dallas and Nolan have stolen my heart and will remain there for a long time

We meet some amazing characters too locked in silence was a wonderful way to start a new series Im so looking forward to seeing what's next
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maureen rice
¸.•'¸.•*'¨)✯ ¸.•*¨)
✮ (¸.•'✶A Tale of two men.

Sloane Kennedy does raw, emotionally gritty stories. Her "Protectors" series remains my favorite of her books, but this new series threatens to have me seeking out more of the realistic, heart-wrenching, delightful tale.

Anticipation was real and now reading the end, I am glad I was able to seek refuge in the sanctuary that is Pelican Bay. "Locked in Silence" introduces characters who will change the minds of the somewhat prejudiced residents and give the readers a taste of a different Sloane Kennedy. Yes we have angst, we have defiance, and and even redemption. But we also take a look at what it is to never be heard even when you are yelling. To offer solace and love when it is not expected.

Nolan and Dallas spent two years on the outside of each other's orbit, skirting their planets. Yet, it took an unfortunate incident to bring them together years later. The pariah of their community, they were determined to stand up for themselves despite the backlash. Both needed forgiveness, and even through silence, they were able to relay that.

There was so much going on in this book that it hurt to even blink. I enjoy Ms. Kennedy's writing style and her ability to seamlessly merge the past with the present. Her characters are often times flawed, but in true realistic style, they are able to redeem themselves. I can never get enough of her books. I love a good story and am a sucker for happy ever afters, and I know when I pick up a S.K. book, all the feels and ugly cries are worth it. One click and be amazed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura ives
The plot is straight forward. Characters are well introduced and realistic. We are introduced to Nolan who due to circumstances is forced to return to a town he thought he would never see again. And then Dallas,the towns Golden boy who due to an accident lost his family and voice. Who find that they aren't so different after all.

Main characters are Nolan Grainger who left 10 years before for a future as a classical musician.who is forced to return home due to betrayal and his father's having suffered a stroke.
Dallas Kent was the towns Golden boy until a fatal accident that took his mother and his voice.

Secondary characters are Nolan parents and dallas' brother and an unexpected Allie from Nolan's past. And the brother and Allie are the lead ins to the next book.

The story flows evenly with twists and turns and keeps the pages turning. And as it builds you get more into the story and characters. It's easily read with no confusion as to who is speaking.

The story builds evenly so as the main characters relationship builds so does the circumstances around them and they get thru it together with help of their support system. As tension builds everyone comes together and old issues is resolved.

This was a great read,Sloane built a world and characters that are vivid and comes to life. This is a good start to a new series,and I'm looking forward to reading more. You will get the feels especially if you love people coming together to right wrongs and embrace others. I give it a 10 out of 10
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nour a rahman
Sloane Kennedy consistently gives us beautiful, well written stories and this is another. Two men, both with tragic events in their pasts,and families that aren't as good as they seem. Both men knew each other in school. One a gifted violinist and the other was supposed to be a professional ball player. Both dreams were destroyed by the acts of others.
It is interesting that Nolan never knew why his parents were so cold and unfeeling towards him or the family history that had left both parents with emotion and psychological scars. Dallas grew up with parents who wanted the publicity and moved constantly trying to get better churches and more adoration from the public to his mother who had been an actress. The way children are treated as they grow molds their behaviour and thought process. Both men were able to heal each other.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan grundy
Poor Nolan, he's in a sucky situation, being called home by his mother to help care for his father. The relationship he has with them is not what you would call loving. I wanted him to walk away from them at the beginning & not subject himself to them. He's heartbreaking...
He slowly builds a relationship with Dallas, a guy he knew in high school, now running an animal rescue centre. There is a history between them & it's not great..
Dallas has his own problems. He is now a loner & ostracized by the town. His circumstances broke my heart a little too..

This book has everything. Such a great story with so many feels about love, family, redemption, second chances, guilt, pain & a shared history.
I look forward to the next book in the series.

* I was gifted an ARC from the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Nolan and Dallas's story basically had me hooked from the first chapter. I couldn't put this book down. The story-line was just so compelling. I felt all kinds of emotions while reading their story. The chemistry between Nolan and Dallas is amazing, and deep. I couldn't help but fall in love with the characters, and the animals. Basically I loved this book!

This is an amazing start to a new series for Sloane Kennedy, and I can't wait to read the second book Sanctuary Found next! If you are a lover of M/M reads, and looking for something emotional and different, I highly recommend picking this amazing book up! So glad I did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martin cid
This book deserves awards including a Pulitzer, it
should also be made into a movie it was that good. I was always reading books how great small town living was, but reading this, I found that I would not want to live where everyone knew my business and judged me because some people are like sheep, and they listen to whoever talks the loudest. This is a very tender story of two men who were judged as "bad" and they all accepted it. This book once read will teach everyone that love, compassion and trust goes a long way, and not to accept anyone's opinions, but that they should form their own and only after that- they should accept or not.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elizabeth brookbank
Nolan’s came home to Pelican Bay because his mother need help with his father. Not out of love for his parents but with a sense of obligation and a Little’s escape from the scandal of stealing a Violin from a benefactor. Nolan was a bullied child growing up in Pelican Bay. He had no friends or family to defend him.

Golden boy and town favorite, Kent lost his reputation because of a horrific car accident where he supposedly was drunk and killed instantly his mother, maimed his father, and himself suffered an injury that rendered him speechless.

Nolan and Kent cross paths and they find solace in each other.

Good build up, well written. Get it and enjoy it yourself!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
scott carmichael
The story is ok and the characters are intense but all this drama is just a bit too much sometimes and not completely convincing. Some situations are just unrealistic and at some point the story seems to stretch itself just for the sake of it. Too much drama and not enough words between all the characters. In real life people tend to talk more to solve tense situations. Here they seem to bottle everything up just because otherwise we won't have the drama. The "supporting characters" are intriguing but a little bit forced too. I liked it but read it slowly with no rush and not much excitement. But I'm a big fan of The Protectors and Sloane's work and I'm definitely going to give this series one more chance by purchasing Maddox and Isaac's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy louise
This book was f-a duckling amazing! (Thanks Newt for reminding me to watch my language) - I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this read. I read it in less that a day and the emotions that the author made me convey with laughter, tears, and joy was profound. It was a beautiful story and I will remember it for a long time. The supporting characters were real and brought to life - the trials that Dallas and Nolan had to face and overcome were real and expertly handled. At times in the beginning I felt Nolan was a little too whiny, but I got over that quick when his character grew into a man as the story progressed. Thank you Sloane - at a time in my life when I needed an escape from the real world you came through for me. ENCORE!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again, Sloane has captured our hearts with another AMAZING book. So different from the Protectors series she takes us on an emotional journey. This book has it all. Nolan and Dallas are perfect together both needing something only the other is able to give. Its an emotional read but you easily fall in love with the main characters. Five stars! Cannot wait for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has earned a place on the most exclusive shelf on my goodreads, “This-One-Broke-Me”

That might sound like a bad thing but I promise you, it’s not. That shelf is reserved for only the few book in my life that have made me fall so deeply in love with the characters that I laugh out loud when then laugh and I cry real tears when they hurt. This book now shares a place with some of my all time favorite authors including JK Rowling, Kim Harrison, JR Ward, and Quinn Loftis.

Bravo and well done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie dobbins
When families are dysfunctional they can ruin lives for decades. Having the opportunity to build a life with someone who truly hears you, speaks to you and loves you is a gift. Passing on the chance to someone else spreads the love even more.
If you love romances you'll fall in love with this book from the first chapter and wish you could plan a trip to Pelican Bay!
Once again Sloane Kennedy gives us a story to cherish and the promise of a better world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharona arbeit
This book was beautiful. The characters were amazing and so well-developed. The story line was fantastic. There were so many feels all over the place that I seriously just wanted to reach inside the book and grab the characters into a hug. I loved every single thing about it. So well done. Seriously, if you're thinking about reading it, just do yourself a favor and do it. Add this to the top of your TBR pile and start it as soon as you can. Just simply beautiful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily smith
I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book the two main characters were very relatable and likable . Even your secondary characters where likable and relatable . The ups and downs the deep love that the main characters felt for each other was truly special and the proposal at the end just tied everything together beautifully thanks for sharing such a great story .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara chebahtah
Sloane Kennedy does it again by bringing us another fascinating storyline full of lovable characters. Nolan and Dallas' stories flow naturally from the beginning where each has suffered greatly through no fault of their own. I am grateful there was minimal angst on the way to the always welcome HEA. In addition, I very much enjoyed how both characters unfortunate situations resolved during which they flourished individually and as a couple. Can't wait for their story to continue in the next book while getting to see how Maddox and Isaac fit together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sloane Kennedy is one of my favorite authors in this genre. She always seems to get a great balance of love, sex and storyline. This story was particularly painful with such messed up parents and bullying but I knew there was a happily ever after. And I really enjoyed Nolan's character so I wanted to see him get what he deserved. I wasnt disappointed. Thank you, Ms. Kennedy, for putting into words feelings that are sometimes hard for some of us to come up with.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I always love to read anything this author wrote herself or had a collaborative hand in writing, and this is no exception! Dallas and Nolan are two sweet beautiful broken souls. Coming together made them whole. Loved the inert Zebra Jerry too! Yea, you'll have to read to find out what that's about. Another excellent read by Sloane. I've been in serious love with the Protectors series, but this book just nudged its way to being my favorite now
Please RateBook 1), Locked in Silence (Pelican Bay
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