Reflections on the Role of Faith in Our Nation's History and Future

ByNewt Gingrich

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent. Incredible book. A must read for every believer and nonbelievers. If we lose the founding vision of this country we will lose the Liberty American has always stood for. Not only believers but eventually non
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie cochran
How very intersting to learn more about our Capital. Faith was what our founding Fathers understood. This is a great book to read with or to your children. Very important in formation of our Nations History.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great quick read! Valuable information. Every American household should have a copy.
It makes you proud to be an American and impressed on how intelligent and passionate
and forward thinking our forefathers were when you read our early history.

Eileen Coolahan
Two Bit: Satan's Fury MC (Book 7) :: Mapleshade's Vengeance (Warriors Novella) :: Vengeance: A Novel :: Duplicity: A Novel (The Major Brooke Grant Series) :: A Novel of December 8th (The Pacific War Series) - Pearl Harbor
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janet logan
Excellent quick read. Puts to rest any misgivings as to what the founding fathers had in mind about God. Not to be confused with religion or religious freedom. (Also a nice tour of our nations' capital.)

Bravo Newt!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sadye chester
Take a walk with Newt Gingrich around Washington and learn just how important our faith in God has been in paying tribute to our history. He did a wonderful job in putting the critics in their place that feel God does not belong in government. I have visited many of the places he writes about in the book. It is a short book but very informative.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy ryan
I really recommend this book to anyone who wants more in depth understanding of our country's foundation. Mr.Gingrich is a very intelligent man, and does a great job of covering our country area to area listing what is so important about our land. Plus its really easy to read and pretty quick as well!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rediscovering God in America is beautiful book which offers a truly a refreshing tour of American history. Newt and Callista have done a wonderful job of reminding us of the central role that faith played in the creation of our country. This is a book that everyone should read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yet another 5 star production from Newt and Callista Gingrich. They love America in a contagious manner. They want all generations to know America as it was originally designed and have produced books and movies to do that in a brilliantly entertaining and fascinating way. Rediscovering God in America does just that. They have hit the ball out of the park once again! This is a book you can’t put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mr puddy
It's a breathtaking walk to rediscover God in America and see, feel, and truly understand the role of faith in our nation. I believe Newt and Callista provide essential knowledge and facts to gain perspective on religious liberty as well as forces that want to drive God out of our public square. All this in a beautifully inspiring cover to cover experience. It's brand new and a perfect gift for graduates, Father's Day, family and friends!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dorian thornley
This book tour of Washington, D.C.s monuments and how they reflect American Judeo-Christian faith and values is a repudiation of the growing secular notion that faith has no place in a mixed public forum. Written by Newt Gingrich, this small collection is a primer for anyone who has never been and probably never will travel to Washington and visit her monuments. Each is given a brief history and comments on its significance with special attention paid to how it reflects the aforementioned faith and values that had defined America at one time. A walking tour suggestion, complete with directions, is also included for anyone how plans to visit D.C., and there are several pictures that populate especially the back of the book. Large, easy to read font and an avoidance of speaking down to the reader (which may surprise some people I suppose given Gingrich’s reputation) makes this book accessible. It’s a dry read to a degree, but valuable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Most of Americans are aware of the battles of expressions of faith and other threats to our Constitutional freedoms. Perhaps for too long we have depended on schools, churches and other institutions to continue teaching as well as promoting citizenship. Times have certainly changed since I grew up when I recited the Pledge of Allegiance or sing our National Anthem before my school day began. Today, most kids don’t.
I believe we as Americans need to take into our hands the task to pass down to the next generation the history of America, both the good and the bad of her history. Here is a book that provides such an aid to teach, talk and remind ourselves and coming generations what the foundations of America are regardless of what learning institutions, church or other social groups we are part of. In fact, this is a book that historians would love and even young children can view the pictures and begin to grow the heart of a strong citizen.
Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice along with many still serving to protect our country from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. If we don’t share our nation’s true history, there is a gap in the heart and minds of Americans that goes unfilled that perhaps makes them unaware of whom, as a nation, we really are and what is at stake if we remain silent.
So I heartily ask that readers obtain a copy for their own personal library and consider giving a copy to friends or other family members as a gift. We can ill afford to not look at what our foundation for this country is and help in whatever way we can to build up that foundation for future generations! People will find it is a quick read, full of information and one that helps us to remember those who have gone before us and left us a rich legacy and nation!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book tour of Washington, D.C.s monuments and how they reflect American Judeo-Christian faith and values is a repudiation of the growing secular notion that faith has no place in a mixed public forum. Written by Newt Gingrich, this small collection is a primer for anyone who has never been and probably never will travel to Washington and visit her monuments. Each is given a brief history and comments on its significance with special attention paid to how it reflects the aforementioned faith and values that had defined America at one time. A walking tour suggestion, complete with directions, is also included for anyone how plans to visit D.C., and there are several pictures that populate especially the back of the book. Large, easy to read font and an avoidance of speaking down to the reader (which may surprise some people I suppose given Gingrich’s reputation) makes this book accessible. It’s a dry read to a degree, but valuable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book tour of Washington, D.C.s monuments and how they reflect American Judeo-Christian faith and values is a repudiation of the growing secular notion that faith has no place in a mixed public forum. Written by Newt Gingrich, this small collection is a primer for anyone who has never been and probably never will travel to Washington and visit her monuments. Each is given a brief history and comments on its significance with special attention paid to how it reflects the aforementioned faith and values that had defined America at one time. A walking tour suggestion, complete with directions, is also included for anyone how plans to visit D.C., and there are several pictures that populate especially the back of the book. Large, easy to read font and an avoidance of speaking down to the reader (which may surprise some people I suppose given Gingrich’s reputation) makes this book accessible. It’s a dry read to a degree, but valuable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert matheson
“That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is the basis of this highly informative and enlightening book by Newt and Callista Gingrich. This book lifts the veil of misinformation regarding our Founding Fathers, and rather, steers readers in the direction of historical truth. A must read. Plus a wonderful gift to pass along to children and grandchildren.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ole nadreas
I received this book (after a snafu that caused a delay, hence the less than timely review) as a review copy from Thomas Nelson booksellers.

Since I am not exactly a fan of Newt Gingrich's, I approached this book with a bit of caution. Thankfully, the right wing rhetoric mainly takes place in the introduction and conclusion, and I found the rest of the book quite enjoyable and informative.

The main reason I was interested in this book is because we are planning a visit to DC this year, and I thought reading this book beforehand might give us some things to look for and a "plan of attack" in what to see in what order. To this end, the book fulfilled my expectations.

The photographs in the book, by Mr. Gingrich's wife Callista, are quite well done and complement the text. The directions and map to duplicate the tour (in the back of the book) are appreciated.

If you are interested in how America expressed its faith in some of our most public places, then this is a good book to get. While some of the references to the Christian (and in a couple of instances, even non-Christian) faith are well known and obvious, Mr. Gingrich includes some that I would have not known or looked for. I could have done without the "secular left media-intellectual-legal elite" attack talk in the intro, but points like the irony of the Supreme Court starting each session with the words "God save the United States and this honorable Court" while getting within one vote of declaring the phrase "under God" unconstitutional are well taken.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer waye
My daughter has given me this excellent book, for my birthday, so this is why I have taken it off my wish list. It is important for every American to read this book in order to better understand the vision of Nation that the founding fathers had and the importance that they placed on the existence and worshiping of God in every aspect of their lives and also the importance in the developing and progress of the New Nation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy chang
Newt Gringrich has written a book that clearly defines America as a Nation that was founded under God and all the founding documents and monuments and institutions clearly show that the people "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,among these are life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness".Thus they rejected the notion that power came through a monarch,a government to the people;but directly from God.
The point cannot be better made than we see in the words of De Tocqueville ,"Depotism may govern without faith,but liberty cannot.Religion is more needed in democratic societies than in any other."
The Presidents and great leaders have repetedly asked for God's help in prayer and other words throughout America's history at times of strife,peril and jubilation.
Americans are continually reminded that without God,there is no America. That reality is what separates America from all other countries and throughout history.
There have been many countries, before America ,that were not built on the foundation of God as a Supreme Being, and many where God was even outlawed. We have seen such empires as Russia,Germany and Japan and ideologies such as Communism,Marxism,Fascism,as examples;all of which ended on the asheap of history,misery and destruction.
America has faced many challenges in its history,but faith as stated , "In God We Trust" has guided her and made her the greatest nation the world has ever seen.
There are those who would like to see any mention of God banished from schools,government,public spaces,public institutations;and yes even from the currency. To be kind ,one can see these individuals as misguided,but make no mistake,they are very determined ,and their intents and actions can have no other intent than to destroy America.Their numbers are small but their impact has been great and must be resisted .
One might wonder why I as a Canadian ,should be expressing such views and find Gringrich's book so important. Canada has no such Derclaration of Independence,Constitution, Pledge Of Alliegence,concept of unalienable rights endowed by the Creator of life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness,to guide us. Our country was created under the British Crown or Monarchy and governed by the principles of Peace,Order and Good Government.This is totally a top down principle from a self appointed and power from birth sovereign as opposed to the principle of "We The People".Rather than the words Gringrich talks about on America's monuments,we have images of Monarchs instead of our leaders,Royal Crows instead of Eagles,Kings and Queens on our currency instead of Presidents,a flag that carries a maple leaf that was introduced by the government several years ago,and no long history such as with the Stars and Stripes. Even during WWII our flag was basically Britain's Union Jack.
Canada has been very fortunate to have had America as its friend and neighbour.We have adopted much of America's culture and ideals and America's success has had a great deal to do with Canada's success.We have much the same beliefs as Americans;but many still hold on to ties with Britain and Eutope,thus we tend to be more socialist in our governments and we tend to be more Nationalists than Patriots.
Secularists and Political Correctness are at work in Canada ,even to a greater extent than in America.
So,not only Canadians,but also people throughout the world look to America for ideals of "Life,Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" .They know it is what made America Great and that these unalienable rights come from God.
If America fails,and if God is removed from its foundation,then America will fail;all freedom loving people will lose.
Newt Gringrigh deserves praise for this thoughtful and important book.It needs to be read by all Americans as well as all freedom loving people around the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
m rti
This book written by Newt & Callista Gingrich, gives readers a "walking" tour of Washington, D.C.

This work is a good reminder of just how spiritual and God-fearing our founding fathers were. I enjoyed the quotations as well as the photographs that are a part of this book. The "tour" takes you through The National Archives, The Washington Monument, The Jefferson Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, The Capitol Building, The Supreme Court, The Library of Congress, The Ronald Reagan Building, The White House, The World War II Memorial, and Arlington National Cemetery.

I had the privilege of visiting Washington, D. C. twice as a teenager and enjoyed a refresher of what it was like to see our nation's capitol. Unfortunately, American History is so watered down now in our schools, that it is up to *us* to teach our children why and how America was founded. There is no doubt in my mind that this country was built out of a desire to worship God freely, and this book is good evidence of the spiritual thirst of our forefathers.

Although many public buildings have removed the Ten Commandments from display, it is engraved in bronze on the floor of The National Archives - a very evident reminder of the Christian beliefs that our country was founded upon. This book would make a great gift for the patriotic person on your Christmas list!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh samuelson
This review is for the Rediscovering God in America: Reflections on the Role of Faith in Our Nation's History and Future

I bought the audible version and really enjoy that it is read by the Author Newt Gingrich.

He has a unique grasp of history, and a passion for telling it that comes through in the audio.

Learned lots about where we came from as a country
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The subtitle of the book is "Reflections on the role of faith in our nation's history and future". I felt this summarizes the book quite well. Mr. Gingrich takes us on a tour of Washington, DC and many of the sites there. He shows that religion is at the foundation of our country and should always have a place. His wife, Callista, provides beautiful photography of our nation's capital.

This book was very inspiring and educational. I was reminded how deep rooted our nation is in religion, particularly the Bible. Our founding fathers came to the land now known as the United States of America to have freedom, the source of which was not the state nor themselves - but God. This country was truly founded "under God". Mr Gingrich takes us through each monument, building, and memorial uncovering the meanings behind each of them. The quote I think sums up the book the best is by George Washington, our first President. He said, "It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God and to obey His will."

I am a member of Thomas Nelson's Book Review Blogger program. If you'd like to receive books to review go to [...].
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The latest book by former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is not immediately what you would expect from the outspoken, oft-controversial, conservative intellectual. It's kind of a coffee table book, to be honest, that Gingrich offers up as a "rebuttal to those who seek to write God out of American history." While Rediscovering God In America is assuredly right-leaning in terms of rhetoric it is an easy and informative read, filled with beautiful photographs taken by Gingrich's wife, Callista. The book takes a brief "walking tour" through some of Washington D.C.'s most famous landmarks and memorials for the purpose of telling their stories, revealing their spiritual side, and demonstrating how God has had God's hand in the American public square since it's inception. There is no mistaking the role that religion and faith have played and continue to play in American history, and Gingrich's points are well made. I do believe that Gingrich could have left the more partisan and divisive rhetoric (he calls the nameless, faceless Left that opposes his views as a "media-academic-legal elite" bent on imposing a "radically secularist vision," for example) to his news interviews, and Rediscovering God would have been all the more convincing. Still, it is a surprising and interesting book from a still-surprising very public figure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andri agassi
In Rediscovering God in America: Reflections on the Role of Faith in our Nation's History and Future, Newt and Callista Gingrich take the reader on a "walking tour" of Washington D.C. According to Speaker Gingrich, "There is no attack on American culture more destructive and more historically dishonest than the secular left's relentless effort to drive God out of America's public square." This book is a defense against that attack.

There are thirteen stops on the walking tour. Each features the photography of Mrs. Gingrich, while Mr. Gingrich gives proof that the founding fathers did not intend for the separation of church and state to be a prohibition of religious expression. From the engraved quotation of Scripture in the reading room of the Library of Congress to the statue of Moses in the Supreme Court building, Washington is a perpetual reminder that the earliest Americans knew that "the blessings of God are the basis of our liberty, prosperity, and survival as a unique country."

Like many apologetic works, this book does not promote any particular religion. That is not the author's purpose. Mr. Gingrich aims to protect the nation's freedom of (and diversity of) religious expression, as did the authors of the Bill of Rights.

Rediscovering God in America was originally published in 2006 and was a New York Times best seller. The Thomas Nelson version was just released (October 2009). I missed the first one but am glad to have read this one. It is both enjoyable and educational, and it's just long enough to make you want to learn more. It will make a good addition to our home-school library and will be useful in teaching history and government.

I received this book through the Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger Program.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, takes us on a walking tour of the nation's capitol - Washington, DC. The touch begins with The National Archives, Washington Monument, the Memorials of Jefferson, Lincoln, Vietnam Veterans, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Capitol Building, Supreme Court, Library of Congress, Ronald Reagan Building, The White House, World War II Memorial, and last but now least, Arlington Cemetery and the grave of President Kennedy with the eternal flame. Gingrich give a small dissertation of the history of each and the trials and tribulations encountered in the building of these historical buildings.

This book, in part, is a history lesson of America. Gingrich clearly describes our founding father's faith in God. From our first president, George Washington through George Bush II, God has played a mayor role in decisions made by these men, Washington at Valley Forge, Roosevelt's "fire side chats", Eisenhower's prayer on the beaches of Normandy on D-day, Kennedy's famous speech -"ask not what you country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".

Our country is founded on the principle that "all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights..." The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights all stress the importance of the invisible hand of Almighty God. The novel is not written as political, but spiritual. Gingrich points out that our founding fathers knew that power came from God and that a nation cannot survive without God. Faith of our presidents and their devotion to God is clearly depicted in their speech3es, scriptures carved in and on all the monuments and buildings that make up our nation's capital. He also points out that our founding founders established our nation to be a nation "under God".

The secular Left's relentless effort to drive God out of America is succeeding at an alarming rate. The Supreme Court ruled we can no longer say "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. The writer points out that we are allowing five people to completely change the structure of America.

The book is not intended to be political, acknowledge any particular religion, but is spiritual in context. Ir clearly warns us that we must stand up for God and our believes or lose our rights as a nation under God.

Callista Gingrich's photography throughout the novel are outstanding.

I am reminded of Jefferson's immortal words in the Declaration of Independence that all " are men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..." and the inescapable truth that freedom is strictly from God's grace. Don't let it slip away

Good read - will renew your faith in God. Gingrich did an excellent job.

This book was provided by the publisher as a review copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
naomi sweo
In his introduction, Newt attests that this book is intended as a rebuttal to those seeking to write God out of our American history, and he successfully provides-during this vivid photographic walking tour- not only the history of the monuments and buildings of Washington, but also details of the writings and activities of our past presidents, referring to their religious beliefs and their related feelings on our rights as American citizens in a nation predominantly believing in a creator God.

I found the photography to be beautiful, the facts about the monuments to be interesting, and the overall discussion of our presidential past to be awe inspiring. Reading it inspired a feeling of pride in my country, and in the great leaders that we have been blessed to have in our nation's short history. It is obvious that former Speaker Gingrich is concerned this religious heritage will be lost. If a noisy minority would have their way - it would not only be disallowed in schools, but in other ways as well. He fears what will happen if we do not fully understand from what mindset our nation was started.

"It is important to understand what makes America so unique and why generations upon generations of diverse peoples immigrated to this great land for freedom and opportunity. If Americans do not appreciate America, and that for which it stands, then how can Americans be ready and willing to defend her? As Jefferson noted, Americans need to know where this country came from in order to know where it should go."

Reading this book encourages you to be proud of your American heritage, and your right to practice your religion freely. Not to encourage you to be 'in-your-face' about it necessarily, but to defend your right to not have to hide it under a bushel basket for fear of persecution either. That's why people fled TO this country.

Reading it also made me realize that I REALLY need to brush the dust off of my history books!

A beautiful and inspiring book, filled with little-known facts about the monuments, buildings and presidents that make it interesting to read.

* This book was provided by Thomas Nelson publishers for review via the BookSneeze program.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rediscovering God in America, by Newt Gingrich and featuring the photography of Callista Gingrich was an interesting look into the faith of our founding fathers. The book is a "walking tour" of thirteen buildings and memorials of our nation's capital. Each of these buildings, Mr. Gingrich points out, have references to God or quotes from the Bible, indicating the importance of faith in the founding of our Nation. In a day where every effort is being made to strip God and faith from America, it was refreshing to read quotes from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams,and Abraham Lincoln, to name just a few, and see evidence of the role God played in our country's history. The amazing photography captured the spirit of America and was "proof" of the things described in words. The photos added to the overall appeal of the book.

Though I have visited Washington, D.C. in years past, and noticed many references to God as I visited the Memorials and Historic Buildings, this book renewed my desire to revisit these sites, with even more awareness of the implications of the role of God in the hearts of our founding fathers. The book was beautifully designed and small enough to pack in a tote bag and use as a guide book if you visit our Nation's Capitol.

After reading this book, one realizes how difficult it would be to erase the evidence of God without totally defacing these buildings which have become symbols of our nation and it's history. So, until you can take a walking tour of Washington, D.C. in person, enjoy the tour in word and picture through this wonderful little book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
natalie taylor
In Rediscovering God in America, Newt Gingrich provides an overview of historical evidence in Washington, D.C. that shows America was founded by people with a strong belief in God. He gives a brief account of some of the most famous landmarks, including the National Archives, the Capitol Building, and several memorials to former presidents, all of which contain plaques, paintings, or documents that clearly express this nation's legacy of faith.

This book gives us a history lesson supplemented by personal insights and supported by quotations from many prominent, respected individuals. While there are some pictures, the majority of the book focuses on how the faith of our former presidents and leaders is shown by their speeches and policies. The landmarks we treasure as part of our heritage reflect that faith. Mr. Gingrich warns of the danger inherent in letting extremists prohibit the freedom of religious expression that our nation has historically held dear.

Many of the monuments described in this book are ones I was blessed to see in person when I visited Washington, D.C. in July 2001. My favorites were the Viet Nam Memorial and the Lincoln Monument. A book can't convey the overwhelming emotional impact that those monuments make when you stand in front of them, but it does a good job of describing the meaning behind them.

Mr. Gingrich has a distinctive way of speaking that is reflected in the way he writes. If you are interested in history, or in learning about some of the most famous buildings and memorials in Washington, D.C., you will enjoy this book.

The publisher, Thomas Nelson, provided this book for me to review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mona bacon
Author Newt Gingrich has played many roles in his life including Speaker of the House in the United States House of Representatives and political analyst for Fox News. His beautiful wife has earned accolades herself as President of her own production company, photographer and President of her charitable organization, the Gingrich Foundation. Their experiences living in Waschington, D.C. qualify them to produce this book that focuses on the evidence of God's Providence in the founding of the United States of America.

The pictures in this book are lovely, but I was disappointed there weren't more of them. They are taken by Callista herself and there are a few shots of some monuments I hadn't seen before. I do wish there had been more photos and examples used.

The book is small, and it's not exhaustive. It's a simple overview and would make a great resource for students and first-time tourists of the United States capitol. I heartily recommend it for a short study of our nation's capital's most popular monuments. It makes a nice gift book for any American History buff.

I used this book in a presentation I did for the Frances Slocum Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in North Manchester, Indiana. The members enjoyed it and had a difficult time passing it on and putting it down!

As long as one keeps in mind that there are more examples of historical Christian roots in our nation's capital (that aren't included in this book), this is a nice addition to any library. But if you want an exhaustive encyclopedia of America's Christian Roots that includes photos, you'll need to look elsewhere.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Like it or not, America has a spiritual heritage. It's written clearly all over our documents and all over our federal buildings. And yet many are trying to strip that heritage from the history books and from the social fabric of our country. In this book Newt Gingrich refutes the claims that America is and should be secular with photographic evidence to the contrary.

I am a big fan of David Barton . If you've never heard of him and this title interests you, you should look up David also. I bring him up because if you have heard him speak or read his stuff you are going to have a really strong basis of belief for what Mr. Gingrich writes...and likely know much of what is presented. This is good, because there are no footnotes to back up what Gingrich writes. Aside from photographic evidence proving that someone at sometime believed God was a part of this country when they built structures, anything written could be discarded as hearsay to the disbeliever. I think this is the strongest negative I have about this book (which I really did enjoy).

Though the information that Mr. Gingrich put forth is correct to the best of my knowledge, I would have liked for him to take a stronger stance. However his final chapter, and his best chapter of the book, gave a call to action that more than compensated for what was otherwise very neutral on the "religious" aspects.

So, if you're looking for a brief synopsis of religion in America, particularly in regard to her national monuments and federal buildings, this well could be the book for you. If you looking for a book to use in your research papers and in debates defending religion in America...not so much. It is a good, brief, read, but it is far from comprehensive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris art
I recently read Newt Gingrich's book, "Rediscovering God in America - Reflections on the role of faith in our Nation's history and future." Let me tell you, I was completely inspired! In an age of political correctness and keeping God out of everything, this book goes against the mainstream and actually HIGHLIGHTS God throughout our Nation's history.

Each chapter contains either a monument, memorial, or building in Washington, D.C. and then proceeds to explain the history of the structure. I was blown away by all the detail that went into the "why" things were built the way they were and all the thought that was put into the buildings by the creators. Complete with pictures taken by his wife, you get an actual visual of the quotations, verses, and memorials.

One of my favorite chapters was on the Library of Congress. Did you know that out of the over one hundred thirty million items, only two are on permanent display? The first one is the Giant Bible of Mainz, which is a "handwritten and illustrated version of the Bible considered to be one of the most beautiful ever created." The second one is the Gutenburg Bible, which is the first mass printed book.

Whether you are a history buff or not, you will love learning about our heritage as a Christian nation. It is a quick read and a great reminder to us all that our Nation is still "One Nation Under God."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rediscovering God in America is a beautiful and highly-informative book by Newt Gingrich and featuring the photography of his wife Callista Gingrich. It is a "walking" tour of Washington, DC with stunning photos of various places and Newt offering insightful commentary, historical information, quotes from the Founding Fathers, and Scriptural references. The book is almost seems to be a gift book with high-quality paper and its richly textured cover. It is extremely well done, full of fascinating information, captivating and interesting, and an easy read.

Tour stops include: The National Archives, The Washington Monument, The Jefferson Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, The Capitol Building, The Supreme Court, The Library of Congress, The Ronald Reagan Building, The White House, The World War II Memorial, and Arlington National Cemetary.

Rediscovering God in America would be an asset to any library. It would please any history lover. It would be a strong resource for learning and teaching about amazing Washington, DC. And it would be the perfect addition to any visit to our Nation's Capital, offering a different perspective on the sites toured. This book is a must-have for anyone who considers themselves to be both a Christian and a Patriot.

This book was provided to me for review by Thomas Nelson Publishers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
danielle vosburg
Rediscovering God in America
Reflections on the Roll of Faith in Our Nation's History and Future
by Newt Gingrich featuring the Photography of Callista Gingrich

As a reviewer for Thomas Nelson, I was given a copy of this enlightening book. Newt and Callista Gingrich have taken me on a walking tour I have yet to experience in real life. They have taken me from building to monument in and around Washington D.C. I have seen, through the beautiful photographs, intimate historical details of many of our Nation's treasures. This book was my own personal tour by two who are very familiar with the landscape of the Nations' Capitol. By all modern accounts, it would seem our country was founded on what we have become. The various inscriptions on national monuments, statues and art, depict a different story.

I was completely surprised at each stop on the photographic tour to see so many references to God; beginning in the National Archives. On the first stop of the tour, you literally walk on the foundation of all Christian belief when you enter the building, the Ten Commandments. The religious imagery, the idyllic words of our Founding Fathers, all point to the One Supreme Being of God Almighty.

True Religion affords to government its surest support. George Washington.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Rediscovering God in America by Newt Gingrich, with appropriate credit to Callista Gingrich for the photography work.

What do I think of this book? Well, I think it's really 2 separate works. So, let's look at each work.

The first work is the combined photo layouts of memorials, architecture, and artwork around Washington D.C. and an explanation of the history and meaning of the symbolism behind them. It's based on a walking tour of D.C., and covers some well-known buildings, like the Washington Monument and the Capitol, and some that I wouldn't have thought of, like the Roosevelt Memorial or the Reagan Building.

Each stop is photographed, and various highlights also well photographed. The history and explanations are well written. I found it interesting to read the story behind the acquisition of Arlington Cemetery from the family of General Lee. I am also glad to have the photographs and walkthrough of the US Capitol, now that security concerns prevent Americans from visiting their own Capitol building.

The other part of the book, the second work under the same cover and title, is the former Speaker's personal opinions on the current political and anti-Christian leanings. These opinions are well stated. I struggle with listening to someone who paid one of the largest ethics fines in Congressional history express frustration about our lack of national morality. I also wonder where these expressions and sentiments were for the last 8 years. For example, Speaker Gingrich expresses that the National World War Two Memorial, as the newest memorial, is also the most secular. He's right, but the memorial is 5 years old at the time of writing!

Why was this book not written in 2006? While I find myself in agreement with many of the opinions expressed, they were just as true of the country and government then. It seems too much like the former Speaker is trying to connect America's departure from our heritage as a Christian nation with his opposition to the current President.

This book had the potential to be a good explanation of the Christian heritage of America, to show how the very buildings of our government cry out that our heritage is in the Lord. I think it would have been better had the weight of history been allowed to speak for itself, rather than having a currently politically active person use the information as an opportunity to advance his own opinions.

3 stars out of 5. The photography and history rates 4. The Newt Gingrich political rhetoric gets a 2. Averages at 3.

Doug (Booksneeze from Thomas Nelson Publishers was the source of my free copy of this book.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren tracey wright
Rediscovering God in America was written by Newt Gingrich and features the photography of his wife, Callista Gingrich. This team successfully attempts to showcase some of the major displays of Christian belief engraved in our nation's capital, Washington D.C. They cover many major landmarks as well as some not so well known. Not only do they talk about how our founding father's faith is displayed, but they give the history behind the landmark as well.
I found this to be an interesting read. I learned things about our capital that I never knew. It has only fueled my desire to someday visit. As if the beautiful pictures and generous insights were not enough, the last chapter of the book is an excellent read. Gingrich highlights the reasons why this information is important, not just from a religious perspective, but historical as well. I think this book is useful and interesting to many different audiences; travelers, historians, homeschoolers, religious studies and more. If you get the change to read and/or browse this book, I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth dillon
Growing up only 30 minutes outside of the DC area allowed me to see all the wonderful monuments, historical buildings, and government offices in our nations capital. Looking back now, I can say that I really took them for granted.

We would often take the Metro into DC for day trips and just walk around admiring all the history. But never once did I take the time to really see how the role of Faith was woven through out our capital.

Looking through this Rediscovering God in America, I truly felt like I was seeing our Nation's Capital for the first time. Mr. Gingrich takes you on a tour that is beyond just the architectual and beauty of the capital, but takes you on a tour of history. Not just any history, but the history that was built upon genuine Faith in God.

Filled with amazing facts, quotations from Founding Fathers, and beautiful photography, this book will not only deepen your faith, but if possible, allow you to love your country even more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While this version of "Rediscovering God in America" is a couple of dollars more than the earlier edition, it is the one to purchase. Why? For several reasons. First, the beautiful color photos of these buildings and symbols by Callista Gingrich are completely integrated in the text where the earlier edition just stuck black and white photos at the end. Second, the larger format and beautiful paper make reading it a more pleasing aesthetic experience. And third, the text has been slightly edited to make it tighter. The text of the chapter on the Capitol building has been expanded to include statures the states sent of their important citizens including religious figures while the chapter on the White House took out the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. The material on the actual walking tour has also been removed. I suspect they figure you can find your way around these important buildings quite easily.

After a couple of years with the different versions of this book, I think it is more important than ever and I hope that you not only get a copy to read for yourself but that you get copies to share with your children, friends, and anyone you think can be benefited from learning about the true history of religion and faith in our public square.

Here is my (slightly edited) version of the original edition:

While many people will rail against Newt Gingrich and this book without ever bothering to read it, I recommend that every American read this short, easy-to-read, and very informative book. The authors are not advocating a theocracy in any way. What Speaker Gingrich is warning against is that banning any possible mention of God from public life and education is a great distortion and a misunderstanding of our history.

He says of this book, "Its purpose is neither theological, nor an effort to proselytize on behalf of any religious worldview. All Americans - both those who believe in Go and those who do not share this belief - are equal in rights and duties under our Constitution and equal in deserving the respect of their fellow citizens." (page 130)

Gingrich goes on, "Instead, the purpose of this book is to rediscover the historic source of American liberty and to rediscover the founding generation's understanding of what is required to sustain liberty in a free society. And to do this is to truly discover anew the centrality of God in American history and in the ongoing story of American liberty." (page 113)

The author simply takes us on a walking tour of some major monuments around the National Mall in Washington D. C. and around Arlington National Cemetery. He gives us a little background on the man being memorialized including his statements about God, faith, and religion. The article also gives us some information about the monument, how it came to be and what we see when we visit there. We learn that even those that are often cited as not being religious did attend church services, and in the case of Jefferson, IN THE CAPITOL!

Speaker Gingrich opens the book with a good article about the work by a minority to sterilize the public square of all references to God as if the discussion of religion, God, and faith were not a part of the very fabric of our nation. While it would be easy to believe that their efforts are ridiculous and could never result in the re-writing of history and the sandblasting of our monuments, some have already expressed a desire to do so. And the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has already ruled that "UNDER GOD" cannot be said in the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools (although, I believe, that ruling is currently enjoined while under appeal).

This is a very good book to read and think about. More important, it is a good book to share, give as a gift, and to talk about. Since the vast majority of us want to be able to talk about what matters to us and how we make our decisions about important matters, which may very well include our faith, we cannot let a small minority of self-appointed censors restrict us. Certainly, we must remain tolerant of all faiths and even the lack of faith (which is often a faith of sorts), but we must also assert our right to speak and pray and teach as we see fit. To pretend that our founders did not talk about God or pray or read the Bible is to pervert and distort history. And this constitutes a miseducation of our young people. We need to stand up to this and make sure it is corrected.

Reviewed by Craig Matteson, Ann Arbor, MI
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