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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lawrence ampofo
Deviant blew my damn mind. Fractured is due to be released I believe in 5 days and Im sitting on a bed of nails waiting. Callie Hart is a genius. Explosive emotions, raw chemistry and an absolute fantastic story. This series is going to be huge. If you have not read Deviant do it now. Unlike me you wont have to wait for the next book very long. Zeth is something else. I dont want to say too much about the characters as I dont want to shed light on anything concerning the story. I can tell you, my mouth was left gapping open, my heart was left exposed and I couldnt put the book down. I have read Deviant three times now ..... and its still not enough.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
george heller
After reading this first book of the series, I was left confused because some of the things were a little disturbing and dark, and could not get over the fact that I found it interesting and wanting more, I was so intrigued. I was even mad at myself for finding some of the sexual encounters arousing. First, I thought ok, no more just pick another book, forget about what you just read too dark and forbidden, move on, but then I found myself wanting more, the intrigue, the sex and the domination was so hot, I ended up purchasing the rest of the series could not wait to have more. Love this series and found a wild side to me, never felt that side of me before and it's not bad.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lyndsay gillen davis
What did I just read?! That cliffhanger was insane! This story was insane. Oh my goodness what a ride! Callie Hart has completely made me feel all sorts of things in just a few hours. I hated and loved and feared Zeth all at once. I also was able to fully connect with everything that Sloan was experiencing. She's willing to do so many things to help her find her sister including those that would entail giving up a part of herself he will never recover. Will it all be worth it?
Teddy and Me: Confessions of a Service Human :: Desertion (A Knights Rebels MC Book 3) :: Affliction (A Knights Rebels MC Book 2) :: Reclaimed (A Knights Rebels MC Book 3) :: Ravage Me (Ravage MC#1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindi jo ammeen
Callie Hart ruined it for all my future books. Let me begin with, I don't like to read novellas. Too short and I am really getting tired of this new trend. So what does the clever author do? Offer the first novella for free. Ah, so wise. Just like the drug dealer giving out a free hit. Damn! I just became that crack whore itching for my next fix.
Trent, yummy! He exudes confidence, which makes him so damn sexy. I think I am in love. Would I like someone like him in the real world? Hell no! But wow, I am enjoying being in his head. The author does an incredible job with his POV. Typically not a fan of dual POV, however, talented author pulls it off beautifully. Sloane, what can I write? A heroine that isn't whinnying! Finally! Loved her too.
The plot? Amazing! What a different book. I am not here to rewrite the book blurb. All I will write is Hart can sure craft an incredible story.
This author is extremely talented. I hope she recognizes it and doesn't turn into those authors that milk their readers for more money. Well done Hart, well done!
Trent, yummy! He exudes confidence, which makes him so damn sexy. I think I am in love. Would I like someone like him in the real world? Hell no! But wow, I am enjoying being in his head. The author does an incredible job with his POV. Typically not a fan of dual POV, however, talented author pulls it off beautifully. Sloane, what can I write? A heroine that isn't whinnying! Finally! Loved her too.
The plot? Amazing! What a different book. I am not here to rewrite the book blurb. All I will write is Hart can sure craft an incredible story.
This author is extremely talented. I hope she recognizes it and doesn't turn into those authors that milk their readers for more money. Well done Hart, well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen kane
I decided to reread FSOG recently and posted it on FB. A fellow friend saw the post and said I should check out this author and her series Blood & Roses. She also said the first book in the series is FREE, which I thought sure why not. No money lost if I don't like It. So not the case! I ended up buying the other books in the series just now. Total of five books in this one and they are $2.99 each. Zeth is all alpha. Sloane is well, not really sure where to class her but I like her. Lacey, again not really sure where she fits in all this but she is a nutcase and has issues. Zeth on the other hand just makes me want to drop my panties and say I will be yours!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
AH, bad boy wants needs good girl. Good girl hunts ghost. Good girl needs wants bad boy to help find ghost. Bad boy tantalizes, titilates and tempts good girl. Good Girl takes a dip into bad boy world, she doesn't feel like she's drowning, she feels like she's flying…
"I feel stripped bare. It's like Zeth has somehow found away inside my mind and read all of my most personal thoughts."
Moving on toFracture (Blood & Roses, #2)
"I feel stripped bare. It's like Zeth has somehow found away inside my mind and read all of my most personal thoughts."
Moving on toFracture (Blood & Roses, #2)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
luis sim es pereira
It was an okay read. With the title being “Deviant,” I kept expecting something darker but it never really happened, it never got there. It’s a very mildly dark romance and it was cut short - which I hate. But I guess the author wants to keep you on the hook to buy another book. I’m not going to be that one. I just felt ho-hum about this one. The expectation from the title was never realized.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dory anne
As a recommendation from a friend I started this series, this book is crazy, honestly I am still a little confused on the book. Sloann to s a woman who wants to find her sister. A private investigator tells her he will help her if she sleeps with a guy. However come to find out the private investigator wanted to pimp her out. Zeta doubles the money so this won't happens. Hear me when I say this book is crazy! But it's good, now I need the rest of the books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
milad ghezellu
At first I was skeptical about this book, but then OMG Sloane finds herself in a pitch black hotel room with a SMOLDERING HOT MAN she cannot see and he does things to her body she will never forget. Then what happens, 2 years later at her job she hears a man's voice she recognizes and Holy Crap it's him the man in the dark hotel room that drove her crazy with want. I am with Sloane on this fact, when a man whispers naughty things in my ear and breathes, I am out of control, legs go weak and I could write a bad check. JUST SAYING THIS BOOK IS SCRUMPTIOUS!!! Onto the next one in series!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
stan mitchell
This was a pretty good read. I was thoroughly enjoying the chemistry between Solone and Zeth. I didn't fine the storyline so farfetched that I couldn't believe it. Zeth is everything the tittle of this book indicates. He is very intense, very dark and he has very deviant ways. Solone has just enough attitude that makes her likeable. Gave this book 2stars because it was too short and it end so abruptly. I Wish these authors would stop breaking their books into these short series and trilogies. Just write a decent complete story. Put a decent price on it and let the story sale itself. Yes I liked the story . Yes I will by the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie catherine
Fanfreaking fantastic. That may be a made up word. I don't care this is going to be one hell of a ride ladies and gentlemen. This book is exciting in a very good way. Original story line. Love the characters. Zeth is one dangerous animal. I picked this book up on a free read did not really expect to like it. But omfg it is super hot. But not offensive I absolutely loved this story. Do yourselves a huge favor. Bring some time because once I started I did not stop reading until the end. CALLIE HART a fantastic job. Can't wait to read more. Highly recommended to readers over 18' hurry start reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The sex scenes thus far have been excellent. Zeth is an excellent alpha, Sloane is a pretty good heroine, and I like the elements of crime and violence to make the story more urgent. Two things-- numerous typos that distract and could be eliminated just with a fresh reader like I am AND the medical references show lack of research. A fifth year resident is NOT a medical student, and a psychiatrist has a medical degree and can prescribe, where a psychologist has a doctorate and most don't prescribe. These may seem like little criticisms, but the details are crucial for credibility. I'm looking forward to #2....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I totally went into this series not knowing what is was about, and completely falling in love with. A five star and more read that will keep you on the edge of your seat and a complete page turner that you never won't to end., Action that keeps your focus, Drama that keeps you interest, Hot & Steamy that keeps your heart pumping., & Emotional that has you taken one hell of a roll-coaster ride of highs and lows., And above all it has Love that will make any girl swoom. Take all that and wrap it up altogether and you have yourself one hellva of slamming read :) I highly highly recommend this series
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chrissie smith
I liked this book. I was hooked while reading it. Sloane will do anything to find out where her sister is and who kidnapped her. Zeth is, well, yummmy. He's deadly and hot and alpha. This book is somewhat, a little, dark. But I like the dark romance books. It's an interesting story line that makes me want to get the next one to read it.
"The darkness we create ourselves is better than the darkness waiting for us with our eyes open, because we're in control if it that way at least."
"The darkness we create ourselves is better than the darkness waiting for us with our eyes open, because we're in control if it that way at least."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dorothy downing
I started this book because there was a contest that one of my other favorite Authors was in. It was a battle of the Dominants. So my interest was piqued. I genuinely needed something better than Fifty Shades in my library. I didn't realize I was hitting that nail on the head when I picked this up.
This isn't a typical love story. It's a whole new ball game and I commend Callie Hart for knocking 'er out of the park here!!
You meet Sloane, poor girl lost her sister and she does EVERYTHING she can to try to find her. Enter Zeth. He can help in ways she doesn't even know. (Motel scene... HOTTT!! I needed a fan after that one!)
You catch glimpses of both Zeth and Sloane's lifestyles throughout the first installment in the series and they are so opposite you would think she'd run screaming for the hills when she gets to know him. The best part in the story is that she doesn't.
Being able to take an innocent person and introduce them into a darker scene without it looking unbelievable is a great accomplishment for an author. There's a fine line between it could happen and now you're just faking it. She pulled this one off beautifully!
This isn't a typical love story. It's a whole new ball game and I commend Callie Hart for knocking 'er out of the park here!!
You meet Sloane, poor girl lost her sister and she does EVERYTHING she can to try to find her. Enter Zeth. He can help in ways she doesn't even know. (Motel scene... HOTTT!! I needed a fan after that one!)
You catch glimpses of both Zeth and Sloane's lifestyles throughout the first installment in the series and they are so opposite you would think she'd run screaming for the hills when she gets to know him. The best part in the story is that she doesn't.
Being able to take an innocent person and introduce them into a darker scene without it looking unbelievable is a great accomplishment for an author. There's a fine line between it could happen and now you're just faking it. She pulled this one off beautifully!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angi m
talk about a scorching hot read!! I'm still reeling inside from the intense reactions I felt from reading this book!! What a shocking turn on and such amazing writing by Callie Hart!! I got to the last page and instantly bought the rest of the books!! I just gotta have more Zeth!! What a deliciously screwed up man and boy do I want to own him and be owned by him!! If you haven't read this book than you are seriously missing out!! Now that I've had a taste of Zeth I crave more of his wicked, naughty, messed up and deliciously sinful dirty hands!! A MUST READ!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really got into the story and characters. Unfortunately this is just a third of the story, so when you get to the end - it just stops... and now you have to go get the next book. To me, a book has a beginning, middle and end. So this book is only the beginning. I don't know why is isn't put out as one book instead of three pieces, but I find this annoying. This is not a stand alone story. I wish the author would have made just one book instead of cutting it up, cause it is a good story.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kim hibbert
A woman whose sister has disappeared hires a private investigator (Eli). He then turns around and uses the information he has to blackmail the woman into banging strangers. Of course Sloan, who hired the PI, is too stupid to turn the guy in and then falls for an abusive john. Not an interesting or well written story
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy strauss
Such a good read.... Sloane is looking for her sister who was kidnapped. She will do anything to find her. That is how she meets Zeth!! This book kept my attention I read it in one afternoon and quickly bought the next book! There is a mystery to the characters that are slowly revealed! Sloane has wants and needs that she struggles with!
Zeth has wants and needs he doesn't want to give into.... Does he know about her sister? Will he help her!! This is a must read!!
"A deviant spark flares in his eyes, daring me to deny him"
Zeth has wants and needs he doesn't want to give into.... Does he know about her sister? Will he help her!! This is a must read!!
"A deviant spark flares in his eyes, daring me to deny him"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy lee
Dark, exciting, dangerous are only a few words to describe Zeth.
Sloane is innocent, desperate and will do almost anything to find her sister Alexis.
If you have a thing for bad boys and like a little bit of danger, fear and more then this might just be up your alley. Toss in a little bondage, knife play, Dominate Alpha male and settle in for a hot night that will leave you wanting more.
I got this as a freebie from the store and wow! I can't wait for the complete bundle. I didn't want to stop reading.
Sloane is innocent, desperate and will do almost anything to find her sister Alexis.
If you have a thing for bad boys and like a little bit of danger, fear and more then this might just be up your alley. Toss in a little bondage, knife play, Dominate Alpha male and settle in for a hot night that will leave you wanting more.
I got this as a freebie from the store and wow! I can't wait for the complete bundle. I didn't want to stop reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I had no clue before downloading this book it was going to be so rough! The mystery and the bang at the beginning pulled me in. I liked the strange dynamic with Sloane and zeth ((even before we got to know him)). Callie Hart has skills but I wish the twists and turns with eli weren't so dark. Some of it was a little over the top. I will be reading more from this writer and hope the next book isn't an emotional overlode! I like lighter dark and vengeance and I'm not sure where this series is going.....the romance is very good though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lindsey kramer
Damn hot sexy serioulsy bad boy really bad boy Zeth he is HOT! Sloane good girl trying to find her sister welcome to the Dark side Sloane dont worry abut her people she really is enjoying it. I enjoyed the story and liked the brutal honesty of Zeth. did i mention HOT? Watching Sloane succumb to Zeth was great and well done. Dark,sexy and keeps you engaged. 4 stars because im a selfish girl and hate waiting for the next book ! Would rather have a big fat novel all at once and pay more. Hate the waiting.......yet thats what i do
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsey kramer
This book starts off really dark but it is definitely a good read. I am reading the second book now, "Fracture", and I am so hooked. There is romance, really steamy scenes, and the book keeps you guessing as to what will hapen next. If you are not into bondage and the darker side of things this series is not for you. If you are looking for something different to read I absolutely recommend this series. And, in my opinion, the second book is even better than the first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aris azhari
Intense. Erotic. Riveting. I can't believe I have to wait for the next installment of this story! Thank goodness it's coming out soon. Most of the books I get from the store are free but I will pay whatever it costs for part 2 of this series. That's how much I want to know what happens next. I imagine it won't stop with one more book either because it feels like there is a lot of story left to tell. As much as I dislike getting it piecemeal, if the story quality remains as high, I will buy each book as it comes out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barbara mccallum
This is a darker romance, but the story is intriguing and pulls you into Sloane's story. It begins with how her and Zeth's paths cross. She is searching for her sister and is following a lead given to her by the investigator she hired who has forced her into the meeting with Zeth and the thing she has to do. No spoilers! I liked the plot of the story and will definitely read the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenni robinson
I loved Zeth! Awesome start to this amazing series. Zeth is dark, daring, demanding and broken. He takes what he wants and does as he pleases. Only answering to one person, his boss. When he sets his sites on Sloane again, a few years after their first encounter, he realizes that he has to have her, even though he knows it is not smart. She is an "Angry Girl" as he calls her and she fights him at every turn, yet she bends to him in the end. Do not miss out on this book!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patricia carroll
This book has everything. Freaky hot sex, drama, mystery, angst, and suspense with some witty dialogue. Disturbed but super hot alpha male and sexy smart but slightly flawed female both on a mission. Their behavior although questionable becomes intoxicating to each other and the reader. I could not stop reading. There is so many WTF moments. Well done Ms. Hart, I'm onto the next book because I'm so addicted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is not your typical cutesy love story. It's dark, gritty and raw. And I loved it!!! I was a little confused in the beginning, trying to work out what was happening and why. And a little nervous as it went straight into a very dark sex scene. So I was worried I wouldn't be able to get through it, but I DID!! And I was captivated!! I needed to know more.
The story is well written and interesting.
Would not suggest this for the faint of heart though.
The story is well written and interesting.
Would not suggest this for the faint of heart though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my first time reading this author's book, I can definitely say that as I read this book it got more intriguing the more I read. I like the character Seth he is truly a bad boy with a unique sexual appetite. And Sloane has know clue what she's in for with Seth. I can't wait to read the next installment. I definitely recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Argh, major cliffhanger and I see that there isn't even a "book 2" listed on the author's goodreads page so who knows HOW long it'll be!!!
The author did a great job of letting us get to know the characters and hinting at things going on with them but not revealing anything. It was a short book (just over 100 pages) but seemed a lot longer because I got so caught up in the story. Zeth was smoking hot, just saying! ; )
I can't wait for book 2!!!
The author did a great job of letting us get to know the characters and hinting at things going on with them but not revealing anything. It was a short book (just over 100 pages) but seemed a lot longer because I got so caught up in the story. Zeth was smoking hot, just saying! ; )
I can't wait for book 2!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amy bennett
This story begins with woman having sex with a man (she is blindfolded) in order to get information about her missing sister. They end up meeting up again and she figures out who he is - and they start some sort of relationship. I just couldn't get into this story - that doesn't mean it is BAD. If like confusing emotional plots - you might try this. For some reason this reminded me of Crossfire - which I couldn't get into either.
Please RateDeviant (Blood & Roses series Book 1)