Worked Up (Made in Jersey)

ByTessa Bailey

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pragna halder
I now know and love and understand what "PMB" stands for (pouty man bear)! What a great character.

All Duke Crawfod wants from life is to work hard and then relax hard, preferably with a grill out, a cold Budweiser, and a few minutes of uninterrupted Sports Center viewing. But living with your four recently divorced sisters, two newlyweds, and a three-year-old means Duke never really gets what he wants.

So, Duke isn't really looking for anything, but finds himself completely entranced by the new girl in town. Samantha Waverly is his boss's step-sister, a children's illustrator with the biggest, brownest doe eyes he's ever seen, that make him want to protect her, especially once he gets to see her sparkling personality in action. He also wants her, more than he's ever wanted anyone before.

But, there's no way in hell this tiny woman is going to want a dirty, scruffy, hairy, beer bellied-giant is there?

Samantha is such a fun heroine, and I loved her enthusiasm for life, her art, and for Duke. This story was a bit insta-love for me, but I didn't even really care. There is a ton of slamming against the wall sexy-times, and who doesn't love that?! Also, nice to see a hero who doesn't have a perfect six-pack. I sure don't!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah joy
After reading and loving ‘Too close to call’ from this writer, I really wanted to read another one of her books and ‘Worked up’ was another book of her that I had on my TBR pile. And I can honestly say that this book of Tessa Bailey was again a joy to read. Although ‘Worked up’ is the third book in the ‘Made in Jersey’ series you don’t really have to read the other books first to read this one. It can be read as a standalone.

One of the things that I really appreciated in this book was the fact that the man character Duke wasn’t a millionaire or a billionaire. He was also not extremely handsome nor did he have a six pack abs. No, he was just an average guy (well, he was big and had muscular thighs). And that, for me, felt like a breeze of fresh air. And he worked as a mechanic in a factory. I just loved it!

‘Worked up’ isn’t a slow burn story. No! It’s more the opposite, it’s more a fast burn story. But I was just in the mood for one and the intensity and the feel in this story make up for the fast pace. At first Duke seems like a grumpy man but the more you get to know him the more you can see his ‘caring’ heart under that grumpy shield of his. I also liked Samantha very much. I liked the way how she saw the outside world (and Duke), I think that most people would call it naïve but I would call it innocently. The story is told from both POV’s.

If you’re looking for a quick read with an intense, growly man and a sweet woman, who have a great chemistry together, then you have to read this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt reardon
BEST BOOK COUPLE EVER!!! Dear Ms. Tessa Bailey, I would like my very own Duke Crawford please. I probably say this with every review I write for a Tessa Bailey book, but ONCE AGAIN, with WORKED UP, Ms. Bailey brought me to my happy place! And OMG guys…I NEVER wanted to leave! Seriously, I wanted to pick this book right back up and be transported to a world where Duke Crawford existed! THAT MAN…THAT MAN was the death of me in this book! He was just EVERYTHING!!! I don’t care who your current book boyfriend is, but after reading WORKED UP, I can guarantee that the name you will be giving all your book friends is DUUUUUUUUKE!!!!!!

“Someday, when you’re long gone and you’ve forgotten my name, I’ll still be wondering what you’d have felt like. Taking me. Working me up, letting me take you down.”

OMG! I just died! Did you?! OMG! There is so many more of these gems throughout this FANTASTIC book! I can’t wait for you to get your hands on this! Please excuse all of the exclamation marks…I just can’t get over how EXCITED this book made me! Enough about Duke (ok, let’s be real, there will never be enough about Duke) BUT, let’s talk about our heroine, Samantha Waverly. I ADORED her too! She was PERFECT for Duke in every single way! The fact that she was an artist and LOVED to draw just brought me closer to our female lead. I love connecting to characters, it just makes the experience of this book SO MUCH MORE. Duke Crawford has enough estrogen to deal with at home. The last thing he wants to needs is to add to that mix. So when he sets his eyes on the beautiful and alluring Samantha, he is beyond frustrated and irritated. All he wants is to be left alone, but he already knows that Samantha’s presence will not allow him to do that. Stubborn, aroused, and inconvenienced, Duke becomes Sam’s protector…her guardian, and she doesn’t know what do about that. Their connection is instant, but neither of them want a relationship and all of the baggage that comes along with it. They tried to walk away, but that didn’t work. After one taste, Sam and Duke begin a sexy, intense, and emotional journey that brought me to my knees.

“You…see things like an artist. I’m far from a work of art.” Her heart swelled so rapidly, she went lightheaded. “No. You’re much better.”

OMG! Another swoonworthy moment! This book broke me and put me together again. My heart was bursting at the seams with every turn of the page. And the epilogue….JESUS CHRIST! THAT was everything! Another SLAM DUNK in the AMAZING ‘Made In Jersey’ series from one of my GO TO authors!

*Gifted copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
Unfixable :: Too Hot to Handle (Romancing the Clarksons) :: Chase Me: A Broke and Beautiful Novel :: Getaway Girl :: Risking it All (Crossing the Line series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh, Duke Crawford!!!!! Tessa Bailey, you have truly outdone yourself with this sweet, sexy and scorching hot installment of the Made In Jersey Series. Worked Up was a gem of a read. Why? It’s simple. There were no billionaires, actor, athlete, or cocky alpha hero. But there was Duke Crawford, a factory mechanic. Yes, a factory mechanic, a blue collar worker is your leading hero. So thank you, Tessa Bailey for writing a story that is about ordinary and real working class people, who doesn’t need to be dined at five star restaurant but instead a simple egg sandwich can be the food to the heart.

Worked Up is a story of heart, grit, raw emotions, and love. This is a story of two strangers. A girl from Manhattan, New York and a small-town boy from Hook, New Jersey. This is a story where two people who came from two different walks of life but had one thing in common. LOVE. Duke Crawford didn’t need much to impress Samantha because he found a way to win her heart with his Goliath stature and his amazing egg sandwiches. But in all honesty, Duke is the true hero of this story. His kindness, honesty, vulnerability, and unyielding love for Samantha was beautiful. It was real and had me worked up begging and craving for more of Duke Crawford.

Tessa Bailey worked her brazen junkie magic on her readers as she wrote a story that was real, honest, and simple. I love getting lost in a story where the two main characters chemistry are felt throughout the pages. Bailey paints a story where taking chances, hard work, and trust is the fundamental backbone in this love story. And for this Goliath man called Duke Crawford, he was able to win his woman not from brawn but with unyielding raw love. So if you are ready to meet Duke and the people of Hook, New Jersey then I would recommend you to go read and fall in love with a real love story where trust, hard work, and maybe an egg sandwich can be the key to a happily ever after.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dwi rahardiani
What’s it About? Commitment-phobe Duke has his hands and house full with four sisters and people who constantly need his help with something. The poor guy just wants a moment's peace to watch SportsCenter. Meanwhile fellow commitment-phobe Sam needs to get married in order to be able to start her own business, and when she meets Duke the two decide to marry, because Duke can't seem to stop helping people and Sam feels that Duke won't expect anything real from their marriage. Except there's A LOT of physical chemistry between them.

Overall reaction to the story? Worked Up had a number of things going for it, at the top of the list was a hero who *gasp* wasn't chiseled to physical perfection. This modern day take on a marriage of convenience was believable for the most part but at the same time I had a hard time believing the timeline in which all of this takes place. Aaaand there was a few moments where the characters kind of got to me. But in the end, this book wasn't a bad way to spend a few hours.

Describe the hero in five words: Normal. Grouchy. Sweet. Protective. Dedicated.

Did you like him? Yes.

Why? Duke doesn't have six pack abs, he isn't cover model gorgeous, and he isn't a panty dropper. In fact, he's a touch grouchy and will use one word when it would be better to use complete sentences. He's a giant man-bear with a kind heart. He can't help but step in to offer assistance whenever someone needs it which is how he ends up married to Sam. I loved this guy! He was the total package with his gruff exterior and fierce need to protect those he perceives as needing protection. He was a keeper!

Describe the heroine in five words: Funny. Flighty. Smart.

Did you like her? Yes and no.

Why? Sam's best trait in my opinion was her ability to make bad puns and jokes come off as the funniest things ever. I loved that off beat humor that made her special but that was all she had going for her aside from typical traits. She has a good heart and really wants to make her business a success but at the same time she didn't take responsibility for her mistakes in her relationship with Duke. She was flighty and instead of her being an adult and saying "I screwed up now I have to fix it," she let Duke believe that he messed up. Not cool Sam, not cool at all. Aside from her bad puns, she wasn't all that remarkable to me.

Let’s talk about the romance: Insta-lust I can get behind, Duke and Sam had that going for them from the beginning but the insta-love? Nope, it wasn't convincing, I had a hard time believing this relationship was going from fake to real with how unbalanced the pacing was. These two went from fast to slow to fast to almost like a crawl and then bam, it's the end. I wanted a bit more development from them as a couple that didn't involve sex or their instant love. That's where this book really stumbled for me, the lack of believable development from their first meeting to the end when they realize that they love the heck out of each other.

How about that supporting cast? Duke has four sisters, his best friend, his best friend's wife, and their daughter living with him so there is no endless supply of secondary characters. Sam comes with a step-brother that caught a bit of my attention. I'd love to see more of him.

Click It or Skip It? Click It. Worked Up has it's good points but it also has it's "Huh?" moments. I think fans of Tessa Bailey will like this one but while I'd recommend it solely because of Duke, I would say not to expect a great tale of romance either.

* A copy of this book was and provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review. All conclusions are my own responsibility and I was not compensated for this review.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
zachary lainer
Just call me the blacksheep on this one because glancing through ratings it seems I’m the only one who really didn’t enjoy this… that said, I seem to be falling out of love with Tessa Bailey’s writing as of late. I don’t know what it is, I feel like she’s continually trying to out-do the dirty talk from book to book and lately it very often steps over that invisible internal line I have that makes me cringe in uncomfortableness at how unsexy it comes across.


“Can you taste how bad it hurts from being around my little wife? From licking her pussy and wanting to cram itself inside?”

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The summary mentions a “blistering attraction” but I honestly never felt it. I felt the relationship was rushed and honestly I guess I probably have issues with big hulking, super possessive guys, because there was nothing about Duke that I found sexy. Nothing.

I know I mentioned that I’m falling out of love with her writing, but I don’t know if I’m giving up on Tessa Bailey yet… Just because I didn’t like the last few from her, doesn’t mean I don’t like her writing, I think maybe it’s just this series that isn’t working for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ivette rodriguez
Duke Crawford, a factory mechanic, shares his home with his three divorced sisters. He doesn't date, hell he really doesn't have time for women at all. He just wants to sit at home and enjoy SportsCenter in peace. You see Duke is a bit of a commitment phobe. That is until Samantha Waverly walks into Third Shift, and suddenly SportsCenter is overrated. Thing is, Sam is a bit of a commitment phobe herself. Can two people so against "forever" find it in each other?

GAAAAHHH....Where do I even start with this review. This was by FAR my ABSOLUTE favorite of the series. Sam ran circles around the heroines of the first two books. She was FUNNY and ENDEARING and not for even ONE second annoying. I'm straight up in love with Samantha.

Duke..I loved Duke in all his dirty talking, hairy, goliath, glory. He was a PERFECT hero. He was sweet, but still held onto his "alpha-ness" He wasn't a man-whore in the least. He was a gentle giant with a heart of gold.

Watching these two fall in love was EPIC. By FAR and AWAY the best couple of the series so far. I laughed and cried. I wore a smile a mile wide. I was sad when it ended and I wanted more. My curiosity was also piqued by a certain pairing that I hope (Lord do I HOPE) will be coming our way soon. Two HUGE thumbs up for this one from yours truly...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer chau
Duke Crawford doesn’t want for much. The gruff and burly factory mechanic works all day and comes home to the house he shares with his four divorced sisters with the desire to crack open a beer and watch SportsCenter. He has neither the time nor interest for women and romance, and after watching multiple marriages crumble, his simple life suits him just fine. Why he takes a sudden liking to Samantha Waverly one night at a local bar is a complete mystery to the self-proclaimed lifelong bachelor. Something about the newcomer appeals to him, and he soon finds himself coming up with every reason he can think of to cross paths with the attractive young artist.

Samantha has traveled to Hook from Manhattan to try and convince her brother, Renner, to provide start-up funds for her children’s mobile art business. Since he’s out of town for a few days, she bides some of her time by accompanying Duke and his friends to Atlantic City for a concert. After Duke learns that marriage is one of Renner’s requirements, he wastes no time in meeting it to help Sam achieve her dream. But the tie that now binds the couple may ultimately tear them apart when Sam’s fear of commitment rears its ugly head and refuses to be ignored.

As with any Tessa Bailey book, this one has a dirty-talking Alpha male who quickly stakes his claim on the heroine. Samantha’s puns made me chuckle, as did her caricatures of Duke. I enjoyed how characters from previous books in this series either had cameos or reappearances. This was a quick and satisfying read, which is the norm for a TB novel. I already look forward to the next installment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Samantha loved drawing. Renner was Samantha’s step brother yet she considered him her closest family member. Samantha was a childhood book illustrator and loved her job. She felt drawing didn’t abandon you like people did when the going got tough. Samantha came to Hook- a sleepy factory town for some adventure. She went into a dive bar called The Third Shift and ordered a martini. Samantha smacked her head on the bar and was having some double vision and at the opposite end of the bar was a guy Sam nicknamed Goliath he was huge and not exactly handsome. Goliath was watching her but didn’t have a smile on his face. Samantha decided she had to draw him- just the bare bones she could fill in the rest when she got back to Renner’s apartment. Goliath’s real name was Duke and told the two guys that offered to buy Sam a drink to get lost. Duke had left his house as he could not get any peace with his four divorced sisters there that he was letting stay with him.Now he felt his only refuge had been invaded by Samantha. All Duke wanted was to watch Sportscenter in peace. He hadn’t got to watch any sporting events lately at home.Duke was not into commitments and neither was Sam. Duke doesn’t talk or date much. Duke works in the factory as a machine mechanic that Renner owns. Sam and Duke has an instant attraction and they end up giving into it. Sam awakes possessiveness and a need to protect Sam in Duke. Sam has a secret passion she wants to make come true and Renner holds the key as her loan contract broker. But Renner threw in Sam had to be married. When Sam was talking to duke about and the part about having to be married Duke offers a marriage of convenience.
I really enjoyed this insta lust/love story. I usually don’t like the insta love stories but this one just seemed to work for Duke and Samantha and didn’t seem to bother me. Duke was so sweet and I want a Duke type man in my life. Anyway I loved how Duke and Sam interacted with each other. Duke’s dirty mouth wasn’t as turn off either. Duke seemed to be protective of Sam right from the start when he told the two other men to get lost while at the bar. Poor Duke taking into his home four divorced sisters. That of course were down talking men. I felt for Duke but he was a good man. I didn’t care for Renner who didn’t really seem to care for Samantha for how she felt he was family. But now she had Duke… Anyway I loved the characters and ins and outs and I recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pallavi tomar
I really enjoy reading Tessa Bailey. I was completely addicted to her Crossing the Lines series and am working my way through the Line of Duty series. This is the third book in a series set in New Jersey. Samantha has a job she enjoys as an illustrator of children's books. She has a dream of using her talent as an outreach, and her brother has agreed to back her...with certain conditions. When Sam feels she has no choice but to violate one of the terms, she heads to Jersey to see her brother in person. Since he is out of town when she arrives, she decides to be a bit adventurous and take in some local color. When she finds herself in a bit of a situation in the town bar, a giant disguised as a man intervenes. Duke is a former military man now working in his hometown at the local factory. He is a fixer and a rescuer at heart. Though he tries not to, he ends up taking Sam under his wing just as he has his a four sisters and his best friend's family. Neither Sam nor Duke want a relationship, quite the opposite actually, so when a quick marriage occurs to Duke as a solution for Sam's problems, he shocks himself by proposing. The question is are they experiencing real feelings for each other or is this just another instance of Duke making a sacrifice to save someone. It takes a dangerously momentous event for them to realize the truth.

Though this wasn't as suspenseful as the Crossing the Line series, it definitely still had that total and completely alpha hero. No one does good bad guys like Tessa Bailey! Duke's sisters were also really interesting over the top characters. I hope one of them gets the next book.

I received an ARC from Net Galley for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Once again Tessa Bailey delivered a wonderful, steamy read with lovable characters and a story that keeps you wanting more. Her books never fail to bring me happiness! And this one was no exception.

Worked Up follows the story of Duke Crawford and Samantha Waverly. Ex-military Duke is a factory machinery mechanic working for Samantha’s stepbrother, Renner. He’s living with his four divorcee sisters and his only guilty pleasure is watching SportsCenter in peace. But taking care of his siblings doesn’t allow him so much peace. There are only a handful of certainties in Duke’s life. One, baseball. Two, his tools, grease and working with his hands. Three, barbecuing on summer Saturdays. Four, He doesn’t have any use for women, romantically speaking. But after meeting Sam at a local bar, there is one more certainty throwing to the mix, this wasn’t going to be the last time he saw her.

Samantha is a children’s book illustrator and lives in Manhattan. Sam loved her job and drawing filled every corner of her life. A broken promise made to her sibling, brought her to the little town of Hook, New Jersey. She’s only there for the week-end to salvage the project she had been working on since college…her passion project. When Sam ventures into The Third Shift bar, she isn’t prepare to catch the attention of a huge, rough and gruff Goliath of a man. She cannot help to draw idea of him, picturing him as a gladiator, a superhero, a warrior or a captain of a ship.

Soon, Duke and Sam are good and stuck. Their insta-attraction is so strong they both can't fight it, making them lose it. Wether he likes it or not, Sam awakes a raw possessiveness in Duke, a desire to protect her, a certified addiction to this woman. For Sam, her personal life had always played second fiddle to her career. She’d never stopped to consider the possibility of having both, without having to commit full time to the former. When Duke finds out the reason why Sam is so reluctant to meet with her brother, he comes up with the perfect solution to her situation. They should get married. Just a simple arrangement, a marriage of convenience with no strings attached between two big commitment phobes.

Duke and Sam’s story was highly enjoyable and I loved them together. Sam is the perfect match for Duke. She’s the yin to his yang. I also liked Samantha a lot. She’s strong yet vulnerable, quirky and sassy all wrapped up in a beautiful package. And the banter between the leads is just delightful.

The chemistry between these two sizzles and burns in the most delicious ways. The sex scenes are flawlessly and tastefully written. Loved Duke and his dirty talking. He’s not your typical sexy book boyfriend, hot but not handsome man, an ordinary blue-collar leaving a simple life. And I did like the alpha-male qualities of this perfect imperfect hero. He’s protective, possessive and ready to claim ownership of the heroine. Duke says and does all the naughty, over the top things I come to love in the world of romance. Each time I read one of Tessa Bailey’s stories I know she’ll make me swoon and lust after her male character.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are looking for a gladiator size, alpha protective, respects all women, modern day knight in shining armor, man of few words, never puts himself first, dirty talking, sweeps the heroine right off her feet and decides never to let her go, Duke Crawford is just the romance book hero you’ve been looking for, folks. I can honestly say it’s been quite a while since this avid, true romantic at heart has seen the likes of him. But, here’s a friendly warning. You also may have never experienced such lusty in love language coming from a massively large, tough guy, who deep down has a teddy bear heart. So, if you’re looking for a steamy read, you won’t be disappointed in that regard here.

At their brief meeting at the local bar, The Third Shift, this handsome, injured Army vet, now factory mechanic lug, whose life pretty much centers around taking care of his family and friends, falls head over heels for the lovely, sweet, quirky joke-telling, everyone instantly likes her heroine, Samantha Waverly and vice versa. This “wants to make the world a better place", children’s book illustrator with abandonment issues has the same instant attraction. She certainly seems to bring Duke’s inner caveman complex to the forefront whenever a guy even looks at her.

So what’s the problem? Well, they both have seen too many happy ever afters go up in smoke to believe in them. Neither think they will ever walk the plank of matrimony, so don’t see the need to kid themselves about a forever commitment. For Duke’s part, he mostly just avoids women. He’s too dang busy fixing everyone else’s problems to have a life of his own. He lives for an occasional beer and screen time watching SportsCenter. But, alas, one “can’t stop myself” kiss the very first night they meet leads to more, then before you know it Duke is ready to duke it out with anyone who stands in his way of holding on to his lady love. Sadly, it takes Samantha a little longer to get over her insecurities and do the same.

With a rather strange contract arrangement/showdown with her manipulative step-brother, Rennar, the main couple’s spur-of-the-moment casino wedding doesn’t seem to stand a chance. It soon appears their self-imposed premonitions regarding marriage are proving to be true. But, fortunately, things are not always as they appear. No, Duke isn’t one to go down for the count. Turns out his romantic heart is as strong/big as the rest of him, and he fights to keep his woman.

Did I have some issues with the story? Well, I prefer my heroines to have more of a backbone than Samantha. She was too quick to give up, in my opinion. Even Duke gave into doubts a time or two, but not for long. He would regroup then take decisive action. I wasn’t overly fond of the ex-fiance scenario further explained below, as well.

I certainly would be remiss if I ended this review without mentioning how much I LOVED Duke’s four divorced sisters, who lived with him. Their finished each other’s sentences/commentary was hilarious. They were just what Samantha and Duke needed to help them see the light.

Thank you Entangled Publishing and Ms. Bailey for giving us this engaging romantic read with a likable couple, even though we sometimes want to shake some sense into them. Sure, though the ending pastor scene felt rather rushed and it was OTT smexy at times, but it was a relief to find it wasn’t just another steamy read, but had romance interwoven into it, as well.

**spoilers possible**

Goodreads Romance Safety Gang: Hudson, Samantha’s recent ex-fiance is mentioned. She was engaged to him for three years, but seldom saw him as he lived overseas while working for her step-brother’s company. He was supposedly a good guy but she pretty much subconsciously agreed to marry mainly to help her brother, who she felt indebted to. This didn’t seem to coincide with her commitment phobia. There is also a strange business deal involving Rennar funding Sam’s art business if she agreed to marry. Since Hudson never makes a cameo, you have no idea how he felt about her. It was briefly mentioned she had been intimate with him during their engagement, but she broke things off.

Title: Worked Up, Series: Made in Jersey (Book 3), Author: Tessa Bailey, Pages: 186, stand-alone but part of a series, alpha good guy hero who respects women, sweet/everyone likes her heroine, A Mr-Fixer type hero who never puts himself first, non manho hero, afraid to love MC, story takes place over a very short period, VERY steamy scenes with lusty language, insta-attraction, determined to get/keep his girl, heroine has abandonment issues, hero at first is also relationship gun shy. WARNING: 18+ mature readers only,

Book 1 - Crashed Out, Pages: 175, 12/7/15 (Jasmine and Sarge)
Book 2 - Thrown Down, Pages: 219, 4/4/16 (River and Vaughn)
Book 3 - Worked Up, Pages: 186, 8/1/16 (Samantha and Duke)
Book 4 - Wound Tight, 12/5/16 - Not Yet Released

(This review is based on ARC ebook received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion. No monetary compensation was made. There is no relationship/affiliation between the reviewer and the author/publisher.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aimee corazzari
HOLY HOTNESS. Tessa Bailey. There are no words with this book! Worked Up is s*xual tension at its hottest! It perfectly worked me up with the characters’ chemistry, their vulnerabilities and their hearts both so huge enough for everyone around them.

Samantha Waverly found her way to the little town of Hook because she needed to come clean to her brother. Her brother who she needed to co-sign to a loan for her passion project, Art on Wheels. She failed him by breaking off her engagement to someone who was barely there for her and only there for business arrangement. A night in The Third Shift with a massive of a human being, Duke Crawford, seeing her alone in the bar somehow changed her course of action. But both of their plates are full. And they don’t commit to relationships. Will they be ready to take the fall in love?

I’ve always been a fan of Tessa Bailey’s works, Worked Up is definitely not an exception and here’s why:

1. Tessa comes up with really unique storyline with narration so excellent, pacing so perfect and very real characters.

2. Case in point, Duke being a mechanic and retired military man. (Translation: not an a-hole.) And a pouty man bear which was portrayed wonderfully. He’s not perfect physically, he even believes he’s emotionally impaired—that is until Sam, has four sisters who live with him (all divorced by the way). Tessa’s talent in portraying a character like Duke shone out because even when the imperfections he sees in himself, Duke is such a real man with a real heart. The one you can trust with everything—even with your own life. So yeah, he’s pretty much normal—only he’s so much more than that. And I couldn’t love him enough. He’s now included in my Top Tessa Bailey Heroes along with Troy and Brent and Russell.

3. And of course there’s Samantha. Samantha who has a soft heart for kids, for illustration. I’m so glad that even when she had her own hangups to deal with, she didn’t appear to be a weak character at all. If anything, the woman can stand on her own feet and go her merry way as long as she has her sketchpad. She knows when to let Duke get his way with her and other things. Gosh, I can’t stop loving all these characters!

4. Let’s not even start with the amazing banter and a lot of puns thrown throughout the story because OH. MY. GOSH, they were really funny and I couldn’t stop the grin on my face even if I tried. I was looking like a lunatic already but #sorrynotsorry! Haha! Also, Duke and Samantha fused together is like a live electric current, personified. The chemistry and tension of them together is THAT good, I tell you! !@#$%^&*() GET THE FAN, PREPARE ICE or better yet, STAY IN THE FREAKING FREEZER because Tessa Bailey never EVER failed to get the job done flawlessly in the scorching hot department.

This book just made it to my favorites this year because I love how it does make me smile so wide even after finishing it. (I’m still smiling like an idiot while doing this review.) Confession: I didn’t want it to end because it’s so good, so fun, so hot and just… so perfect!

There’s insta-love but with believable build-up, no cheating and a solid HEA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sweet Baby Jesus I want Tessa Bailey to "Weird Science" me a Hero of my own!!! I do love her Dirty Talking Alpha Men Heroes and "Worked Up" gives up one of the sexiest beasts yet! Tessa Bailey never disappoints if you want to read a Super Racy Romance with colorful characters and a storyline that's as smooth as an inner tube ride in a creek. The Hero, Duke Crawford, is the beleaguered single male in a household of four divorced sisters who all run their hair dryers at the same time, blowing fuses, and complain about their exes. All he wants to do is sit in his own living room and watch ESPN's Sports Center but he's "forced" out of his home to watch the ball games at the local dive bar. Since he's gotten back from Afghanistan he's been working as the head factory mechanic at the city's main industry, he's the lynchpin, making sure that the facility runs whether the administration acknowledges it or not. The Heroine, Samantha Waverly, is an unusually introverted and down-to-earth Manhattan-ite who has grown up knowing everything comes with strings attached - even among family members - that and everyone eventually abandons you. She's a children's book illustrator with a borderline unhealthy attachment to her sketchbook that actually unlocks her timid nature drawing (no pun intended) people to her. Samantha also has an addiction to bad jokes and puns. She's come across the bridge to Hook, New Jersey to meet with her brother to negotiate an agreement they had so she can get the loan she needs for her dream business. The hero and heroine are both commitment phobic however their sexual chemistry is off the chart from the moment their eyes meet a head banging local bar meet cute. The story line doesn't have an urgent conflict, however it is powerful enough that it razes so many dreams and trusts. As in most all Tessa Bailey books the sex scenes are insanely Hot and Spicy Erotic.
A dirty talking Goliath, Warrior, Pirate Captain, Super Hero #PoutyBear of an Alpha Hero is the star of this novel. "Worked Up" is a Steamy late Summer read that is hands down an incredibly fantastic book. It's undeniably Hot. Duke is definitely one of my fantasy Heroes. Sam is a perfectly quirky Heroine - with her adorable bad jokes, klutziness, and the way she has no idea she drives Duke insane. I'm a character-driven reader and that's what this book is - the conflict is more mental, preying on insecurities and guilt. I'm also a lover of no-holds-barred sex and boy howdy this book has it by the bushel. If you like your Heroes fluent in Dirty Talk and your Sex rough enough to knock pictures off the wall and neighbor call the cops then buy this book!!!
To read the entire review please visit: [...]
This novel was provided in exchange for an unbiased review
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amy elizabeth
***I received this book for free from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review, which was first published on book blog Will Read for Feels.

The queen of dirty talk does it again with the third installation of her Made in Jersey series, set in Hook, New Jersey. Worked Up charts the story (or perhaps I should say “conflagration”) of factory mechanic Duke and Samantha Waverly, artist and stepsister to said factory’s owner.

First off, I have to say that Duke was a love interest I just totally bought while reading this story. From his first act of cavalier chivalry to his delicious dad bod, I believed him as a character, and honestly, he was just adorbz, especially when I factored in how he took care of his sisters even if he grumbled about it and his ongoing if little-indulged love affair with SportsCenter (which I’m assuming is kind of like ESPN).

Samantha, in contrast was… Well, she was all right. I mean, she didn’t annoy me as a character, but she didn’t really stand out for me either apart from being the object of Duke’s considerable attraction and affection. I mean, I had a bit of fun with her compulsive artistry, but outside of that and her need to appease her brother, I didn’t really get a sense of who she was. I have this thing sometimes while reading books where even weeks, months, years after reading a book, I’ll think about a main character much in the same way I’d think about a friend I haven’t seen in a while. Unfortunately, I have a distinct feeling that if Sam ever came up in conversation with a fellow reader, I’d probably go, “Who? Oh, her.” Which is not great, but, to be honest, given I read about two to three hundred books a year, isn’t that bad either, personally speaking. I just didn’t really connect with her.

I think part of it was that I felt like this novel outpaced itself at times. It was as if the level of intimacy in the first half of the book was disproportionate to what might be believably achieved, given that they first set eyes on each other in the first chapter. Not that I’m a prude or that I don’t believe in instantaneous attraction, but at point I had to step back from their bantering when they were together and pining when they were apart and think, “Woah, they just met.”

That being said, the dirty talk and the actual sexy scenes were as hot as you would expect a book by Tessa Bailey to be, especially when worked into the story in tandem. So you might want to think twice about reading this in public, especially if you’ve got a tendency to blush when things get hot and heavy. This, plus love of Duke and hints at a Renner story in the works (please, please) made sure I enjoyed Worked Up. It might not be my favorite in the series, but I’m definitely looking forward to whatever Bailey and Entangled publish next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Is caveman romance a thing? Because if it isn’t, it should be, and this book would be the star of the show. You’ve got a big bear of a man, a hands-on mechanic who wants only one thing – to have a few hours of peace to watch Sportscenter. Well, until Samantha ends up at the bar where Duke is relaxing, and the caveman gene takes over. Protect! Possess! All that and more as Duke takes Samantha in hand and proceeds to show the equally commitment-phobic woman that he is in fact, the man of her dreams (and if she didn’t know they involved large, manly men, well they do now).

Duke has his hands full with his job at the local factory, and with his 4 divorced sisters who live with him. He’s a fixer – whatever the problem, he’ll take it in hand and meeting Sam brings out all those feelings with a side of lust for good measure. She’s a petite thing and all he can think about is picking her up with one hand and showing her all the good things in life. But she’s his boss’s little sister, which means hands off -until she shares her problem with him, and it’s one he’s able to work with. But insta-lust will only get you so far, and they have to decide whether they might be willing to go the distance together, no matter the fallout.

I was pretty prepared for what to expect with this story and it didn’t disappoint. A funny, charismatic heroine, a dirty talking, alpha male hero with a heart of gold – these are par for the course in a Tessa Bailey novel. If I had an issue with Duke’s character it’s that his possessive nature and obvious jealousy of other men interacting with Samantha was borderline comfort level for me. He almost tipped over into the ‘this guy is going to be trouble’ category though he does realize that his actions and attitude are over the top and this saves him from exiting hero status. His heart’s in the right place, he just sometimes needs to think before he says things out loud. It’s one thing to have a possessive hero (every woman wants to feel that they are the only one for their man) but jealousy can be destructive to a relationship so it’s always interesting to see how an author who writes alpha male characters is able to balance these ideas.

Samantha is a real sweetheart. She’s a talented artist, friendly, especially good with children, cracks puns on an hourly basis, and dreams of using art to bring joy to others. Her traveling art program is one she’s devoted a great deal of time and energy too, and only needs the financial support of her step-brother to make it a reality. Therein lies the rub, as her step-brother Renner, factory owner, and arrogant businessman had a plan in mind to have Sam marry someone he had chosen who would be an asset to his business. While Sam hadn’t minded the long distance relationship with Hunter, when it’s time for him to come back home and them to actually get married she’d panicked and broken things off – then shown up in Hook to break the news to Renner and beg for another chance at the money (hence her visit, and meeting Duke). I really liked her character – she is a strong female with a bit of sass and she’s going to challenge Duke to be on his toes with her all the time.

As for Duke and Sam together – well, there is that insta-lust thing I mentioned and one thing leads to another very quickly. They share some steamy scenes together, a quick marriage of convenience neither really wants to get out of after the fact and some emotional scenes as Sam shows Duke that it’s okay for someone to take care of him too. Fans of this series are going to definitely enjoy this story and cheer for Duke finding a woman who will appreciate him for who he is and not expect him to change. The secondary characters make for some fun and light hearted scenes, and the series gives hints of a male/male romance coming up for Samantha’s step-brother. I can’t wait for that one! Overall this was a fun and steamy romance with a delightful down to earth couple.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are looking for a gladiator size, alpha protective, respects all women, modern day knight in shining armor, man of few words, never puts himself first, dirty talking, sweeps the heroine right off her feet and decides never to let her go, Duke Crawford is just the romance book hero you’ve been looking for, folks. I can honestly say it’s been quite a while since this avid, true romantic at heart has seen the likes of him. But, here’s a friendly warning. You also may have never experienced such lusty in love language coming from a massively large, tough guy, who deep down has a teddy bear heart. So, if you’re looking for a steamy read, you won’t be disappointed in that regard here.

At their brief meeting at the local bar, The Third Shift, this handsome, injured Army vet, now factory mechanic lug, whose life pretty much centers around taking care of his family and friends, falls head over heels for the lovely, sweet, quirky joke-telling, everyone instantly likes her heroine, Samantha Waverly and vice versa. This “wants to make the world a better place", children’s book illustrator with abandonment issues has the same instant attraction. She certainly seems to bring Duke’s inner caveman complex to the forefront whenever a guy even looks at her.

So what’s the problem? Well, they both have seen too many happy ever afters go up in smoke to believe in them. Neither think they will ever walk the plank of matrimony, so don’t see the need to kid themselves about a forever commitment. For Duke’s part, he mostly just avoids women. He’s too dang busy fixing everyone else’s problems to have a life of his own. He lives for an occasional beer and screen time watching SportsCenter. But, alas, one “can’t stop myself” kiss the very first night they meet leads to more, then before you know it Duke is ready to duke it out with anyone who stands in his way of holding on to his lady love. Sadly, it takes Samantha a little longer to get over her insecurities and do the same.

With a rather strange contract arrangement/showdown with her manipulative step-brother, Rennar, the main couple’s spur-of-the-moment casino wedding doesn’t seem to stand a chance. It soon appears their self-imposed premonitions regarding marriage are proving to be true. But, fortunately, things are not always as they appear. No, Duke isn’t one to go down for the count. Turns out his romantic heart is as strong/big as the rest of him, and he fights to keep his woman.

Did I have some issues with the story? Well, I prefer my heroines to have more of a backbone than Samantha. She was too quick to give up, in my opinion. Even Duke gave into doubts a time or two, but not for long. He would regroup then take decisive action. I wasn’t overly fond of the ex-fiance scenario further explained below, as well.

I certainly would be remiss if I ended this review without mentioning how much I LOVED Duke’s four divorced sisters, who lived with him. Their finished each other’s sentences/commentary was hilarious. They were just what Samantha and Duke needed to help them see the light.

Thank you Entangled Publishing and Ms. Bailey for giving us this engaging romantic read with a likable couple, even though we sometimes want to shake some sense into them. Sure, though the ending pastor scene felt rather rushed and it was OTT smexy at times, but it was a relief to find it wasn’t just another steamy read, but had romance interwoven into it, as well.

**spoilers possible**

Goodreads Romance Safety Gang: Hudson, Samantha’s recent ex-fiance is mentioned. She was engaged to him for three years, but seldom saw him as he lived overseas while working for her step-brother’s company. He was supposedly a good guy but she pretty much subconsciously agreed to marry mainly to help her brother, who she felt indebted to. This didn’t seem to coincide with her commitment phobia. There is also a strange business deal involving Rennar funding Sam’s art business if she agreed to marry. Since Hudson never makes a cameo, you have no idea how he felt about her. It was briefly mentioned she had been intimate with him during their engagement, but she broke things off.

Title: Worked Up, Series: Made in Jersey (Book 3), Author: Tessa Bailey, Pages: 186, stand-alone but part of a series, alpha good guy hero who respects women, sweet/everyone likes her heroine, A Mr-Fixer type hero who never puts himself first, non manho hero, afraid to love MC, story takes place over a very short period, VERY steamy scenes with lusty language, insta-attraction, determined to get/keep his girl, heroine has abandonment issues, hero at first is also relationship gun shy. WARNING: 18+ mature readers only,

Book 1 - Crashed Out, Pages: 175, 12/7/15 (Jasmine and Sarge)
Book 2 - Thrown Down, Pages: 219, 4/4/16 (River and Vaughn)
Book 3 - Worked Up, Pages: 186, 8/1/16 (Samantha and Duke)
Book 4 - Wound Tight, 12/5/16 - Not Yet Released

(This review is based on ARC ebook received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion. No monetary compensation was made. There is no relationship/affiliation between the reviewer and the author/publisher.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate ck
HOLY HOTNESS. Tessa Bailey. There are no words with this book! Worked Up is s*xual tension at its hottest! It perfectly worked me up with the characters’ chemistry, their vulnerabilities and their hearts both so huge enough for everyone around them.

Samantha Waverly found her way to the little town of Hook because she needed to come clean to her brother. Her brother who she needed to co-sign to a loan for her passion project, Art on Wheels. She failed him by breaking off her engagement to someone who was barely there for her and only there for business arrangement. A night in The Third Shift with a massive of a human being, Duke Crawford, seeing her alone in the bar somehow changed her course of action. But both of their plates are full. And they don’t commit to relationships. Will they be ready to take the fall in love?

I’ve always been a fan of Tessa Bailey’s works, Worked Up is definitely not an exception and here’s why:

1. Tessa comes up with really unique storyline with narration so excellent, pacing so perfect and very real characters.

2. Case in point, Duke being a mechanic and retired military man. (Translation: not an a-hole.) And a pouty man bear which was portrayed wonderfully. He’s not perfect physically, he even believes he’s emotionally impaired—that is until Sam, has four sisters who live with him (all divorced by the way). Tessa’s talent in portraying a character like Duke shone out because even when the imperfections he sees in himself, Duke is such a real man with a real heart. The one you can trust with everything—even with your own life. So yeah, he’s pretty much normal—only he’s so much more than that. And I couldn’t love him enough. He’s now included in my Top Tessa Bailey Heroes along with Troy and Brent and Russell.

3. And of course there’s Samantha. Samantha who has a soft heart for kids, for illustration. I’m so glad that even when she had her own hangups to deal with, she didn’t appear to be a weak character at all. If anything, the woman can stand on her own feet and go her merry way as long as she has her sketchpad. She knows when to let Duke get his way with her and other things. Gosh, I can’t stop loving all these characters!

4. Let’s not even start with the amazing banter and a lot of puns thrown throughout the story because OH. MY. GOSH, they were really funny and I couldn’t stop the grin on my face even if I tried. I was looking like a lunatic already but #sorrynotsorry! Haha! Also, Duke and Samantha fused together is like a live electric current, personified. The chemistry and tension of them together is THAT good, I tell you! !@#$%^&*() GET THE FAN, PREPARE ICE or better yet, STAY IN THE FREAKING FREEZER because Tessa Bailey never EVER failed to get the job done flawlessly in the scorching hot department.

This book just made it to my favorites this year because I love how it does make me smile so wide even after finishing it. (I’m still smiling like an idiot while doing this review.) Confession: I didn’t want it to end because it’s so good, so fun, so hot and just… so perfect!

There’s insta-love but with believable build-up, no cheating and a solid HEA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lesley heffel mcguirk
Sweet Baby Jesus I want Tessa Bailey to "Weird Science" me a Hero of my own!!! I do love her Dirty Talking Alpha Men Heroes and "Worked Up" gives up one of the sexiest beasts yet! Tessa Bailey never disappoints if you want to read a Super Racy Romance with colorful characters and a storyline that's as smooth as an inner tube ride in a creek. The Hero, Duke Crawford, is the beleaguered single male in a household of four divorced sisters who all run their hair dryers at the same time, blowing fuses, and complain about their exes. All he wants to do is sit in his own living room and watch ESPN's Sports Center but he's "forced" out of his home to watch the ball games at the local dive bar. Since he's gotten back from Afghanistan he's been working as the head factory mechanic at the city's main industry, he's the lynchpin, making sure that the facility runs whether the administration acknowledges it or not. The Heroine, Samantha Waverly, is an unusually introverted and down-to-earth Manhattan-ite who has grown up knowing everything comes with strings attached - even among family members - that and everyone eventually abandons you. She's a children's book illustrator with a borderline unhealthy attachment to her sketchbook that actually unlocks her timid nature drawing (no pun intended) people to her. Samantha also has an addiction to bad jokes and puns. She's come across the bridge to Hook, New Jersey to meet with her brother to negotiate an agreement they had so she can get the loan she needs for her dream business. The hero and heroine are both commitment phobic however their sexual chemistry is off the chart from the moment their eyes meet a head banging local bar meet cute. The story line doesn't have an urgent conflict, however it is powerful enough that it razes so many dreams and trusts. As in most all Tessa Bailey books the sex scenes are insanely Hot and Spicy Erotic.
A dirty talking Goliath, Warrior, Pirate Captain, Super Hero #PoutyBear of an Alpha Hero is the star of this novel. "Worked Up" is a Steamy late Summer read that is hands down an incredibly fantastic book. It's undeniably Hot. Duke is definitely one of my fantasy Heroes. Sam is a perfectly quirky Heroine - with her adorable bad jokes, klutziness, and the way she has no idea she drives Duke insane. I'm a character-driven reader and that's what this book is - the conflict is more mental, preying on insecurities and guilt. I'm also a lover of no-holds-barred sex and boy howdy this book has it by the bushel. If you like your Heroes fluent in Dirty Talk and your Sex rough enough to knock pictures off the wall and neighbor call the cops then buy this book!!!
To read the entire review please visit: [...]
This novel was provided in exchange for an unbiased review
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
david bennett
***I received this book for free from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review, which was first published on book blog Will Read for Feels.

The queen of dirty talk does it again with the third installation of her Made in Jersey series, set in Hook, New Jersey. Worked Up charts the story (or perhaps I should say “conflagration”) of factory mechanic Duke and Samantha Waverly, artist and stepsister to said factory’s owner.

First off, I have to say that Duke was a love interest I just totally bought while reading this story. From his first act of cavalier chivalry to his delicious dad bod, I believed him as a character, and honestly, he was just adorbz, especially when I factored in how he took care of his sisters even if he grumbled about it and his ongoing if little-indulged love affair with SportsCenter (which I’m assuming is kind of like ESPN).

Samantha, in contrast was… Well, she was all right. I mean, she didn’t annoy me as a character, but she didn’t really stand out for me either apart from being the object of Duke’s considerable attraction and affection. I mean, I had a bit of fun with her compulsive artistry, but outside of that and her need to appease her brother, I didn’t really get a sense of who she was. I have this thing sometimes while reading books where even weeks, months, years after reading a book, I’ll think about a main character much in the same way I’d think about a friend I haven’t seen in a while. Unfortunately, I have a distinct feeling that if Sam ever came up in conversation with a fellow reader, I’d probably go, “Who? Oh, her.” Which is not great, but, to be honest, given I read about two to three hundred books a year, isn’t that bad either, personally speaking. I just didn’t really connect with her.

I think part of it was that I felt like this novel outpaced itself at times. It was as if the level of intimacy in the first half of the book was disproportionate to what might be believably achieved, given that they first set eyes on each other in the first chapter. Not that I’m a prude or that I don’t believe in instantaneous attraction, but at point I had to step back from their bantering when they were together and pining when they were apart and think, “Woah, they just met.”

That being said, the dirty talk and the actual sexy scenes were as hot as you would expect a book by Tessa Bailey to be, especially when worked into the story in tandem. So you might want to think twice about reading this in public, especially if you’ve got a tendency to blush when things get hot and heavy. This, plus love of Duke and hints at a Renner story in the works (please, please) made sure I enjoyed Worked Up. It might not be my favorite in the series, but I’m definitely looking forward to whatever Bailey and Entangled publish next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david jelinek
Is caveman romance a thing? Because if it isn’t, it should be, and this book would be the star of the show. You’ve got a big bear of a man, a hands-on mechanic who wants only one thing – to have a few hours of peace to watch Sportscenter. Well, until Samantha ends up at the bar where Duke is relaxing, and the caveman gene takes over. Protect! Possess! All that and more as Duke takes Samantha in hand and proceeds to show the equally commitment-phobic woman that he is in fact, the man of her dreams (and if she didn’t know they involved large, manly men, well they do now).

Duke has his hands full with his job at the local factory, and with his 4 divorced sisters who live with him. He’s a fixer – whatever the problem, he’ll take it in hand and meeting Sam brings out all those feelings with a side of lust for good measure. She’s a petite thing and all he can think about is picking her up with one hand and showing her all the good things in life. But she’s his boss’s little sister, which means hands off -until she shares her problem with him, and it’s one he’s able to work with. But insta-lust will only get you so far, and they have to decide whether they might be willing to go the distance together, no matter the fallout.

I was pretty prepared for what to expect with this story and it didn’t disappoint. A funny, charismatic heroine, a dirty talking, alpha male hero with a heart of gold – these are par for the course in a Tessa Bailey novel. If I had an issue with Duke’s character it’s that his possessive nature and obvious jealousy of other men interacting with Samantha was borderline comfort level for me. He almost tipped over into the ‘this guy is going to be trouble’ category though he does realize that his actions and attitude are over the top and this saves him from exiting hero status. His heart’s in the right place, he just sometimes needs to think before he says things out loud. It’s one thing to have a possessive hero (every woman wants to feel that they are the only one for their man) but jealousy can be destructive to a relationship so it’s always interesting to see how an author who writes alpha male characters is able to balance these ideas.

Samantha is a real sweetheart. She’s a talented artist, friendly, especially good with children, cracks puns on an hourly basis, and dreams of using art to bring joy to others. Her traveling art program is one she’s devoted a great deal of time and energy too, and only needs the financial support of her step-brother to make it a reality. Therein lies the rub, as her step-brother Renner, factory owner, and arrogant businessman had a plan in mind to have Sam marry someone he had chosen who would be an asset to his business. While Sam hadn’t minded the long distance relationship with Hunter, when it’s time for him to come back home and them to actually get married she’d panicked and broken things off – then shown up in Hook to break the news to Renner and beg for another chance at the money (hence her visit, and meeting Duke). I really liked her character – she is a strong female with a bit of sass and she’s going to challenge Duke to be on his toes with her all the time.

As for Duke and Sam together – well, there is that insta-lust thing I mentioned and one thing leads to another very quickly. They share some steamy scenes together, a quick marriage of convenience neither really wants to get out of after the fact and some emotional scenes as Sam shows Duke that it’s okay for someone to take care of him too. Fans of this series are going to definitely enjoy this story and cheer for Duke finding a woman who will appreciate him for who he is and not expect him to change. The secondary characters make for some fun and light hearted scenes, and the series gives hints of a male/male romance coming up for Samantha’s step-brother. I can’t wait for that one! Overall this was a fun and steamy romance with a delightful down to earth couple.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With the overwhelming number of romance I read throughout the years, honestly, reading sex scenes can sometimes be a chore *gasp*, they can be so methodical, or they just sorta blend together like any Tom, Dick and Harry. But in Worked Up, I am thoroughly worked up. Forget wet panties, I'm so fre@king aroused and horny that I want to jump my husband who is snoring away next to me.

First of all Duke Crawford is the man. I'm sure he is not everyone cup of beverage, but he is totally mine. He isn't the stereotypical hero with the chiseled jaw, hair shorter at the side, longer on top, six pack abs, filthy rich, manwh0re with a tortured past. Yawn. Duke is normal. He is a small town factory mechanic who live with his five divorced sisters. His appearance was described as something resembling a grizzly bear and he don't bother with hook up. He sounds like a total unicorn in the romance world.

Duke is a self proclaimed commitment phobic, but full of commitment, to his job, his sisters and his friend. Ironic, isn't he? He also has this white knight complex that he can't help himself but to save the damsel in distress, or in this case, help out the new in town, Samantha, even if to get her a late night sandwich.

Samantha Waverly only plan to make a pit stop at the small town in New Jersey to meet up with her stepbrother to discuss on her business plan and broken engagement. What she didn't plan is to meet up with the big and gruff Duke, who was set on to hover over her every step. The man is annoying and adorable at the same time.

I love love Duke and Samantha together and I would totally plan a threesome together with them. Duke is super cute with his manly appearance, gruff attitude, a total alpha male in the bedroom but with hint of vulnerability towards his own status. He is such a good man at heart that he find fault in himself even before he do anything wrong.

Truthfully, this should feel very insta-love when I think about the length of the time they spent together. But when I was reading it, I don't feel it at all. Even during their first day of meeting, I'm dying for their first kiss. I'm so aroused by their simmering sexual tension that I wanted them to go horizontal or vertical asap. And on their next day, I'm rooting for them to get married and start making babies together. That's how invested I am with their whirlwind romance.

Despite the short page length, things doesn't feel easy or simply. In fact, there is a good character development, a little angst, a lot of love and hotness in one short book. I'm totally sold.

p/s: Is it me or is Tessa Bailey planning a M/M for Renner and Milo. I think I might self combust thinking about the possibilities.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joy lister harrell
Worked Up proves that two wrongs most definitely can make a right. Not that Duke and Samantha were “wrong” or anything, but their views on relationships and commitments were a bit skewed. If you put two commitment-phobes together, you would expect a whole lot of wham-bam-thank-you-maam, but Duke would never presume to be so predictable. And, thank goodness for that.

Samantha’s only supposed to be in town for a short while. Her overbearing brother delivered an ultimatum that gave me all kinds of rage tendencies – he would fund her children’s art project if she married. Have I mentioned Samantha’s aversion to commitment? So, she ran and ended up in Hooks, New Jersey in the same bar that Duke goes to to escape from his sisters.

Duke is a fixer. He fixes machines at the factory in town, but he also can’t help but help people when he sees a need. So, when he meets Samantha, initially he sees another project, and maybe a hot piece on the side. But, between her job as a children’s book illustrator and her ridiculous tendency to insert corny puns into conversation at every turn, she ends up getting under his skin in only one night. She’s no longer someone he feels compelled to fix out of a misplaced sense of duty, but rather, someone he wants to help simply because it would make her happier. Duke’s transformation is the best part of Worked Up.

Admittedly, Samantha was much more difficult to bring to his way of thinking. Duke enjoyed trying to convince her, though. As I’ve come to expect and LOVE from Tessa Bailey, that man has one heck of a dirty mouth on him, and he uses it in so many delicious ways. I loved that Duke was imperfectly perfect. He wasn’t all washboard abs and slick skin. He’s a beast of a man with hair on his chest and face and a trim, but not quite perfect body. I loved seeing him through Samantha’s artistic and quirky eyes.

There are quite a few surprising twists and turns in Samantha and Duke’s story, and of course, things don’t always go smoothly for them. But, as they work through their differences, they get help from Duke’s crazy sisters, as well as River and Vaughn and their adorable daughter. Things are set up toward the end for the next Made in Jersey book, and – brace yourself. Because it’s between Samantha’s brother Renner and his factory security officer Milo.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
francesca mulazzi
4 Stars, 3 Flames
As a self-proclaimed commitment-phobe, Samantha doesn't do messy emotions. She's been let down one time to many which explains why she called off her engagement of four years. She just wants to spend her few days, before her dreams get crushed, having fun and doing what she loves, art. However, Duke has other plans, those of which include less clothing and a flat surface.

I have been waiting for this PMB for what seems like forever. Those of you who do not follow Tessa Bailey she has this amazing thread for those big burly men in our lives who we love and adore.. PMB= Pouty Man Bear. Yes, we all know at least one. Well, this is Duke's story, our resident PMB, that I devoured in just a few short hours!!

A good book is one that is hard to put down but you got to when faced with everyday life. A great book, you ignore life and submerge yourself into the world the author has created. A good book, you can hide your emotions as you read but feel them deeply; a great book you wear those emotions all over your face. Worked Up for me, was that book. Samantha is a master at bad jokes and puns that you cannot help but laugh. I could not stop snickering or smiling while reading this novel. Duke is such a bear-rough around the edges but sweet and cuddly all in the center.

If you are not a fan of lust to love at first sight, then I would not recommend this book to you. They literally fall in love within about two weeks- basically lust came first, then marriage, then love. This was a bit hard to get past but I love whirlwind romances but I did not like the condition in which they felt they had to get married. It really set up a dislike for Renner for what he did to his stepsister Sam; especially since I was so looking forward to his story, Wound Tight.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story as we go to know more about Duke from the previous book, Thrown Down. He was a perfect combination of rough, demanding, sweet, and dirty whereas Sam is funny, caring, loving, and sassy that makes for a awesome contemporary romance,

I was gifted a copy of this novel from the JeepDiva/Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions and ratings are solely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vickie jager
From the moment I picked up my first Tessa Bailey book I have adored her. She has such a knack for combining sexy and sweet. As of late though I have to admit sometimes the balance has changed to more sex than sweet which loses some of the essence of the story. However, with Worked up the balance is back with the very sweet Duke Crawford and the quirky Samantha Waverly.

Worked Up is the third part in the Made in Jersey series but it could be read as a standalone. However, if you read Thrown Down first your crush on Duke would have already started. From the beginning Duke has been a sweetheart. At first it was for his four divorced sisters, then to his friends Vaughn and River and now to Samantha.

After taking care of everyone in his life all Duke wants is SportsCenter and a beer. The last thing he wants is a commitment because he knows how terribly they turn out, and he never wants to let anyone down. Samantha has a dream but after always been let down by others, the only one who can help is her brother, Renner. Her and Renner had a deal but she couldn't go through with it, which is why she finds herself at the Third Shift in Hook.

The minute she walked into the bar everyone knew she wasn't from there but for Duke it was so much more.

"Why did you immediately start calling me Sam? You didn't even take a warm-up lap with Samantha."
"This isn't a three syllable establishment."

Duke tries to fight the instant attraction because he doesn't do relationships but he also can't stay away from Sam either. He tries to do the right thing the first time he sees her but when he runs into her the next day he brings her home like a stray.

"Who's the girl, you big, dirty tomcat?"

I loved the quirky banter between these two characters. They seem polar opposites but really they just fit perfectly together. The attraction is so strong they both can't fight it, but they also have to overcome their fears if they want any kind of future.

What starts as a bit unconventional between them turns into fire between the sheets.

Even though these two can heat things up, there was still that quirky charm that kept it light.

"Holy . . . Is this thing registered as a weapon?"

For two commitment phobe people they sure jumped on the at first lust band wagon and totally pulled it off. Lust or love at first sight can either flourish or flail in romance books but here it totally flourished. You felt their instant connection and their continuous draw to one another. I loved these two together, but as we all know in the romance genre things don't always go according to plan causing some angst.

The moment things are put on the line, Samantha's insecurities get the best of her but good ol' Duke has to make it right and oh boy did he do it.

"Hey, I can find another job. But I can't find another Samantha. All right?"

I loved that Duke was a big giant but when it came to Samantha it immediately softened him causing him to be even sweeter than he always was. I adored Duke so much he will be making an appearance on one of By Book Boyfriend Mondays as one of my gruffly, sexy sweet faves.

I adored this book! Duke and Samantha brightened my day. This series started at bit slow for me but after this book I'm completely hooked and I can't wait for more from this series and this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
deborah camp
Worked Up is a fast paced insta-attraction/love romance that throws in a marriage of convenience between two very realistic but opposite characters. As a new reader to this series and this author I was pleasantly surprised by this book and I can reassure others you don’t need to have read any other books in this series to follow as you don’t feel confused at any point and can truly be read as a standalone. Obviously, I can imagine for fans who have read the previous books it will add to the story with the characters but it isn’t essential.

Told from dual points of views, we first meet Samantha who is a unique female lead with bad puns that just added that extra touch to her personality and I loved the role of her art throughout the book to showcase her character. Duke, in comparison, is a strong male lead who is compelling with his realistic features (including a small beer belly and living with his four divorced sisters!) and so hot with his slightly dirty talking mouth. You just can’t help but take to Duke. The chemistry between Sam and Duke is there from the very moment they meet and continues to build at a fast pace, even though both are not actually looking for a romance in their lives at present for very different reasons and both have a phobia of commitment.

The book is set only over a few days and you do have to be open to insta-love/attraction romances as things occur at a very fast pace. Even though I wasn’t sure about how quick everything played out at first, there was a clear attraction and chemistry with both characters and the way in which the book was written with a maturity for both Sam and Duke made it easier to accept things moving as quick as they were. Obviously the short period of time only allows for so much development of the characters and their relationship together but I thought the author did a good job overall with it.

Worked Up is well written with a fast flowing pace that worked well. The realism to both characters adds that bit extra I believe to the reader because they could be just like you and I, not some impossible to imagine and know billionaire or famous star. It makes for such a refreshing read. While the book has plenty of steamy action, there are good amounts of humour and light hearted moments between the two characters too. There is some drama that builds with a surprising twist thrown in towards the end of the book giving one last bit of action before we finally get a HEA to round off the story of Duke and Samantha.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a fast paced steamy romance with down to earth characters.

*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review via NetGalley from Entangled Publishing. I was not compensated for my review, and I was not required to write a positive review. The opinion expressed here is my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
corey howe
3.75 stars--WORKED UP is the third installment in Tessa Bailey’s contemporary, adut MADE IN JERSEY erotic, romance series. This is factory mechanic Duke Crawford, and artist / children’s book illustrator Samantha Waverly’s story line. WORKED UP can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any information from previous story line is revealed where necessary. The reader was first introduced to Duke and his four ‘divorced’ sisters in book two-THROWN DOWN.

Told from dual third person perspectives WORKED UP focuses on the marriage of convenience between two commitment phobes -artist Samantha Waverly, and Duke Crawford. To appease her brother Renner, the owner of the factory where most of the town of Jersey is employed, Samantha needs to get married to present a unified front to the board of directors. When Samantha’s ‘fiance’ of three years has yet to return home from his trip abroad, Duke Crawford offers Samantha his hand in marriage for all the wrong reasons, and in doing so finds himself falling in love with the spunky artist who is his perfect match both in and out of the bedroom.

Duke Crawford is a bear of a man: he is tall, dark and brooding with a need to help those in trouble. Samantha is a woman torn between what it is she wants to do and the contract that ties her future to that of a promise made to her brother. What ensues is the quick building relationship between Duke and Samantha that ends disastrously when Samantha’s brother adds another caveat to his contract with his sister. The $ex scenes are erotic, intense and aggressive. Duke is a dirty talker in the bedroom ; the sexual chemistry is hot and heavy.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including River and Vaughn (Thrown Down), Duke’s four divorced sisters who all live with their brother, and Samantha’s brother and factory owner Renner who is one of the most despised men in the town. The world building continues to look at the blue-collar town, and the people who work at the local factory in Hook, New Jersey.

WORKED UP is a fast paced story of insta-lust between two unlikely people in a town where everybody knows your name. The premise is enjoyable and fun; the characters are spirited and heartwarming; the romance is passionate and a quick build to forever with a couple of bumps along the way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda wager
The queen's reign continues!!!! Tessa Bailey and her dirty talking ways have struck gold yet again!!!! I cannot get enough of this lady!!

Duke. Oooooohhhhh Duke!! How could this man avoid relationships and relations with women when he is the walking talking god of sex and sex talk. His filthy mouth had me flipping pages so quickly I had no idea I could read that fast!! Whoooooeeee!! Duke was the ultimate high for me. He was a man's man. Fixed s***, kept his word, sexed like a rock star and had a body like one too. Men like Duke are a rarity. A true rare gem. I honestly couldn't get enough of him and his possessive ways.

Duke was the hard working man that took in his four divorcee sisters and a best friend and his wife and child without expecting anything in return. All he wanted to do was have some peace and quiet and SportsCenter; the two things he always wanted but never really received. Duke was a commitment-phobe to the fullest and he tended to stay away from relationships because he felt that he was no better than his sisters exes or his douchebag of a father. It was disheartening for me to see Duke put himself in this category because he seemed so much more than that. He was reliable and trustworthy but sensitive to others and - for godsake - he listened!!

Samantha was the stepsister to the new factory owner in town. She is another commitment-phobe but hates breaking her promises. She made a promise to her stepbrother in return for him funding her dream. Now that she's broken her promise, she's in town to explain to her brother why she broke her promise and hope to the gods that he doesn't take away her dream. I loved Sam's uniqueness. She was quirky and a little silly with all her little lame jokes but she was oh-so-relatable.

This guy and this girl could have been anyone. You or me or someone we know. This book was perfection. Everything about it drew me in. But I have to say the thing that kept me there was Duke. *swoon* He will have you Worked Up in no time!!

Happy Reading!!
*Reviewer for Country Gals Sexy Reads*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a cute couple! I loved Duke and Samantha. They were each so quirky, and it made the story fun and heartwarming. The main obstacle to overcome between them is their commitment phobia. However, Duke gets over it pretty quickly, and Samantha comes around too...eventually.

Samantha is in Hook to meet her brother - a meeting she has been dreading ever since her ex-fiance announced he was returning after a three year absence. When she arrives, she goes to a local dive, and she is instantly hit on by a few guys. To her rescue comes Duke, a mountain of a man with a quiet yet strong demeanor. He can't help himself when it comes to Sam, and he soon finds himself giving her a ride to a local eatery and then her apartment, where some hot and heavy smooching leaves them both feeling breathless. As they get to know each other, Duke find outs out why Sam is reluctant to meet with her brother, and he comes up with the perfect solution to her predicament: marriage. To him. A marriage of convenience mostly, with no-strings-attached sex and an agreement that they could live apart later. Neither realizes how hard that will be until their love is tested by Sam's past. Sam must decide if love is worth the risk.

Duke is such a love bug! He is this giant of a man, hairy and tall with lots of muscles. Underneath, though, he is a teddy bear with a chivalrous heart, and he only wants to make Sam happy. Sam is a cute artist, who loves children and enjoys making characters out of the people she meets. She puns and makes bad jokes when she's nervous, and that's pretty much all the time when Duke is around. They both fall head over heels. The sex is very graphic, but it is sexy and powerful. Duke and Sam get to experience love on a deep level, even if neither realizes what it is right away. It was lovely watching them fall in love.

This is the second book I have read by Tessa Bailey, and thus far, both have been 5 STARS for me. She has a way with creating characters you love and want to be friends with. You want to finish the book in one sitting, and then you're sad when the book comes to an end. I look forward to reading more of her books!

**I received a free copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ancient weaver
Worked Up is a sweet and spicy romance with endearing characters. Commitment-phobes and quickie marriages that become all-too-real aren’t new to romance, but author Tessa Bailey makes this story stand apart from the rest with her unique characters.

Sam is an artist with a big heart and a sunny disposition. She’s the queen of bad puns (which I adored) and is desperate to make her vision of Art on Wheels – a program that would benefit children – a reality. How could you not root for a heroine like her? Duke, in turn, is a giant pouty man bear who acts like all he wants to do with his free time is watch SportsCenter, when really he’s an incredibly generous, giving soul who worries about everyone. Both of them have hearts as big as Texas (or Jersey, as it were), so even though they may seem like an odd couple at first, Duke and Samantha work really well together. When Worked Up focuses on the characters, the humor, the romance, and the obstacles that threaten to derail Samantha and Duke’s burgeoning relationship, the story is really strong. For me, the story takes a bit of a hit when it comes to the erotic scenes. Duke’s a fan of dirty talk, and though I’m all for that in my romance, his brand of dirty talk felt awkward and pulled me out of the story. In general, there was something stilted about the sex scenes that took away from an otherwise solid (if lighting quick) romance. Chalk it up to personal preference, I suppose.

Worked Up is the third Made in Jersey book, and as I have not read Crashed Out or Thrown Down, I can safely say Duke and Samantha’s book can be read as a standalone. The world of Ms. Bailey’s Hook, New Jersey is appealing and its residents lively; the secondary characters added charm to the story. Yet for all the likeable characters there are in the story, it’s the one not-so-charming character – Samantha’s brother, Renner – who grabbed my attention. By the time I was finished with Worked Up, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Renner’s book. Even though there were a couple of elements to Samantha and Duke’s romance that didn’t appeal to me, I still enjoyed the story overall, so it’s safe to say I’ll be returning to Hook, New Jersey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean richards
Samantha Waverly, a children’s books illustrator, is in Hook, New Jersey, for an unexpected weekend. Her brother Renner is tied down and won’t be able to meet with her before Monday, a meeting Sam dreads. Meanwhile the petite Manhattanite intends to experience what nightlife there is in the small factory town. She’s barely settled in the town’s dilapidated bar, The Third Shift, when she spots Goliath, Duke Crawford, a machinery mechanic. He is so unlike the men she usually meets: huge, unrefined, but he stands up for her when she is harassed by some patrons, and her bad puns seem to amuse him! Sam doesn’t do relationships and neither does Duke, so why not enjoy a few moments of sexy entertainment!

And if you think you know how WORKED UP will unfold, you will probably be wrong. Tessa Bailey demonstrates once again why she is the queen of urban romance! WORKED UP is fast-paced, the dialogues brilliantly witty, and I laughed myself silly at the wedgie episode; that one is a classic! I will not go into specific details about the romance, because the whole thing would be a spoiler. Duke and Sam are some of the most fascinating characters I have ever read, and simply getting to know them was an unforgettable experience; Tessa Bailey doesn’t do clichés! Sam and Duke’s chemistry is off the charts, the sex scenes are scorching, raw, and passionate, and their personal interactions are filled with heartwrenching moments. Duke’s decision to avoid commitments is such a breath of fresh air, and Sam’s is all too painfully understandable.

The writing is seamless, beautiful and to the point, very humorous as well, and Ms. Bailey’s succinct and laser-sharp descriptions paint vibrant images of the characters and the environment. Sam’s sisters are a hoot! WORKED UP is a book to be experienced, and a phenomenal tour de force by the inimitable and ever so talented Tessa Bailey. WORKED UP is one contemporary romance that begs to be read!

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cora mae follero
Two commitment-phobes who may have just met their match and been hit with a healthy dose of lust. Two average every day people and an extraordinary whirlwind romance that'll leave you hot and bothered and in a damn near swoon. Worked Up was classic Bailey. Deliciously sex and make-you-pant hot.

These two were excellent.

Duke's so not your typical hero. He doesn't rock a six pack...but a little beer belly. His face isn't handsome and he's definitely not a pretty boy...nope. He's all scruff, craggy pirate. Basically he's a man-bear. I loved that. It was nice seeing a hero that's just your average guy. He's still rocking the sex appeal, is a fixer, and under the gruff exterior he's got such a good heart and loves his family something fierce. And Samantha..she's a children's book illustrator, has a heart of gold, and is kinda floundering on the personal front. I really liked both of them and seeing their status quo rocked just a bit when hey met.

If ever two people were perfect for each other it's these two. I thought their anti-relationship stance was pretty funny and loved that they got each other in that regard.

And the heat! Yeah. These two may be commitment phobes but they aren't immune to good old fashioned lust. And they had it in spades. It was pretty instantaneous and the relationship as a whole was a whirlwind which usually isn't my favorite but they so worked for me. It was like they just clicked. There's a lot of filthy, delicious dirty talking (though some of it was a bit off to me) and, whew boy, yeah, they were hot together as they resisted and then were like pffft screw it! Lets go. Woohoo! lol

All in all, Bailey is one you just can't miss if you love a sexy hot read with heart. Great every-day characters, scorching sex and bits that'll have your hand flying up to cover your mouth because omg the sweet! It'll have you blinking back tears and grinning big time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
neil mcgarry
I love Tessa Bailey's books because she always has fun characters that pull you in to the story and make you feel like a part of their circle. Worked Up is no exception, Samantha and Duke are amazing characters that grabbed my attention and held on.

Samantha arrives in Hook to meet up with her step-brother, but he's not going to be in town for a few days, so she's left on her own. Right away there's a lot you can tell about her character, she is an artist, an illustrator for children's books, but someone who doesn't stop drawing just because its not for work. She's been hurt in the past, feels let down by her inability to complete her goals as she wants. She's against relationships, but that doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate the male form or what it can do. She's funny, and witty, and really makes you feel like you could be best friends.

Duke is a good guy, he's sort of grumpy and hard, but that's not the full depth of him and his marshmallow center. He's in a hard situation, living with his four sisters, all of whom have divorced, leaving him more bitter on relationships in general but also wanting to hurt those who have hurt his siblings. He doesn't want much in life, but some quiet to watch his sports, to be able to drink a little, and just be.

When Samantha and Duke meet, there's an instant connection of sorts, they are drawn to each other and even though to both of them it means nothing, it keeps pulling them closer. When these two make an agreement, a marriage of convenience sort of situation, they never intended anything to change, but you know what they say about good intentions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
helen crow
Yowza. WORKED UP is, again, another hit out of the park for Tessa Bailey. Bailey wrote a scrumptious hero with Duke because he's the definition of a PMB (Pouty Man Bear). He's big, stocky, a bit brutal, and super pouty. This commitment-phobe, tough guy absolutely falls apart when he crosses paths with Samantha. And forget about Samantha's aversions, too, because something about Duke just erases all of her subconscious. How could it not, considering the sexual attraction is a giant ball of fire that will snare you in with it. I mean, dang Tessa!

I love what Tessa did with Samantha's character with the element of her drawing capability and the dream she was trying to achieve. It really added an extra level to the connection between her and Duke, and the mind of a creative visionary was fascinating. I really felt her itch to draw and the things she was able to see out of everyday situations or people. And man, I loved Duke. He had such a big presence, not only because of his size, but because of his caring personality. I mean, the guy is taking care of his sisters and has an instant knee-jerk reaction to do the same with Sam. Even if she really doesn't want it. But that fight between the two, how they can't resist but also can't stop, was off-the-charts great.

Tessa Bailey has a unique writing style that I'll never tire of. Her male characters will never fail to enrapture me either. Duke and Samantha's story was intensely captivating, and it filled the ache that I suffer between Tessa Bailey releases, which now I'll suffer through again until the next book. But what makes her books great is the fact that I can keep coming back to them, rereading when I have a hankering, and they never disappoint the second, third, tenth time around. WORKED UP will work you up in the best way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nils samuels
Tessa Bailey, the Queen of Dirty Talking Alphaholes, has a new boytoy that blows away the alphahole mold: Duke Crawford. Duke is that rare breed- a guy who cares every bit as much as he lusts - who literally lives for his woman's happiness in and out of bed. But even though she upped the emotional quotient by a thousand, the author still crammed this one full with her trademark steamy scenes.

I barely remembered Duke from the last Made in Jersey, Thrown Down, but now, to me, he is one of the most memorable over-the-top lust-crazed, love-dazed teddy bear protector heroes ever. Duke works at the factory owned by Samantha's overly protective brother and is used to taking care of everyone in his life, from his four divorced sisters to his buddy's little girl to all of the factory workers. When he meets Sam, Duke's caring nature and sex drive go on high alert.

You really get the sense that this man would tear down brick walls with his bare hands just to put a smile on his woman's face. This is a rough-and-tumble blue-collar guy who makes egg sandwiches seem romantic. Unfortunately, I was let down by Samantha. She's supposed to be this sweet, caring artist but I got more of a wishy-washy Snow White-singing-to-the-birds vibe from her. The way she handled the confrontation between Duke and her brother was hugely disappointing.

SPOILER: Also, I have to add that another tidbit kept me from fully loving this book: Atlantic City is not like Las Vegas - you can't get married on the spur of the moment. There is a 3 day waiting period, yet Duke and Samantha are hitched faster than you can make a Jersey egg sandwich.

Note: I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie metsch
Review Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads.

There are some things that are just certainties in life. Me loving a Tessa Bailey book is one of them.

Duke Crawford isn't like most of the men you read about it romance books and I think that endeared him to me all the more. He's not the hard-bodied, smooth man I'm used to reading about. He's a bigger guy and he's hairy. (Which never used to be a turn on for me, but I've clearly grown up.) He's a total blue collar guy, which you know I find appealing. He has no use for relationships. He's protective of his sisters. He's borderline grumpy, yet vulnerable. And, as is the case with Tessa's men, he's got a dirty damn mouth. Rawr. I was down for Duke from the very beginning.

Samantha was no slouch either. I loved her corny jokes. I liked her spirit. She was a great match for Duke, even though they were totally different. Or maybe because they were totally different. Either way, their chemistry was wonderful. His devotion to her and need to protect her, yet dirty her up, was hot and definitely tipped the swoony scales. You know I'm a sucker for the "fake" relationship and "forbidden" romance tropes. This book had a little of both – even though "forbidden" might not be the right word. (Though it would be if you asked Sam's brother, Renner, he'd probably disagree with me.) This book was hot as hell and not without some feels.

I'm loving each new book in the Made in Jersey series. The next one can't come soon enough. Tessa does a M/M novel? It just might be enough to finally kill me... but I'll go out with a smile on my face!

I received a copy of this book from the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Let's start with how unbelievably HAWT Duke is for being a not so typical hero. He's a terse, mountain of a man who isn't built or handsome in the traditional hero way (he's even hairy with a bit of a paunch), but there's just something about him. For all his gruffness, he's protective, hard working and dedicated to his friends and family. And he's got a mouth on him ... oh, man, does he know how to speak the dirty talk! Knows how to back it up too - whew, baby!

I think that some may find his high-handedness a little off-putting but it works for him and Samantha, which is all that matters. The insta-attraction might also be a no-no but I think that Bailey makes it work. While the timeline is very short, there's something really believable about their interactions, developing feelings and motivations.

The other thing that definitely works is how absolutely adorable Samantha is. She's quirky, funny and, while she's distrustful of relationships, she had a huge heart that yearns for family. Meeting big softy Duke, who would do just about anything for his sisters and who takes her under his wing, has her conflicted on getting involved.

While they get together under unusual circumstances, Duke and Samantha quickly find themselves in a situation that is not what they expected ... and maybe more they can handle. Funny, touching, sexy and sweet, Worked Up is a fantastically fun read that had me by the heart from the very first and never let go.

(Complimentary copy provided in exchange for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emma cheng
Holy. Moly. Guys, this is my first Tessa Bailey book, and I am a convert! As soon as this review is written, I'm off to one-click the first two books in this series—Crashed Out and Thrown Down—and get a little more familiar with this author and the Made in Jersey crew. Because DAYUM, Worked Up pressed all my buttons, and left me a heaving, heated, hopeless(ly in love) mess.

Shout out to the pouty man bears everywhere. I think Ms. Bailey is on to something with them, if Duke is the example. The rule. The—ugh, whatever. HE'S THE MAN. He was gruff and grouchy and grumpy and craggy and oof, the softest, most lovable ever. Forgive my fangirly-ness but this guy has just quietly become one of my all-time book boyfriends. He's demanding and commandeering. He situates, he pouts and he saves. He's a caveman that's oh, so swoony, and sweet baby Jesus in a basket, he had my heart pounding and my thighs clenching.

I didn't know what to expect when I opened Worked Up but I can tell you what I got. Wonderful banter, a slew of AMAZING puns (FYI, punning is a surefire way to make me grin), a fun story, an adorable, artistic heroine (I LOVED the way Samantha saw the world, and Duke—it was a great little quirk), a 'villain' I'd love to see redeemed, excellent secondary characters (the sisters! River and Vaughan!), and a connection between the two leads that was electric.

Oh, and a giant smile that I can't seem to wipe off my face. This book made me so happy, and it was impossible to put down. And now that I am a convert, and this review is done, I'm off to give my one-click finger a workout. ~ Beth, 5 Presumptuous stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine feeley
Tessa Bailey does it yet again. I absolutely loved this book. We meet Sam in Hook, NJ waiting for her brother who is out of town and wanders into a neighborhood bar, where she meets the "larger than life" Duke. Duke, oh dear Lord, the man was over the top, even when he didn't know what to say or how to say it, he just emanated that sexy steam that only Tessa can breathe into her characters. Sam is an illustrator, carries a sketchbook everywhere, and when Duke catches her eye in the bar, she draws him. When Sam draws a little unwanted attention in the bar, it's Duke who shoo's them away. Duke is a machinery mechanic and works for Sam's brother's company, the towns largest employer. Sam withholds that initially, but Duke figures it out. Duke is straight up with her, doesn't do relationships, women (his 4 divorced sisters live with him) and is happy with weekend BBQing and watching Sportscenter. Duke does allow himself to become attracted to her, both physically and emotionally and Sam to him. The sexy mouth on that man is sheer hotness. These two have sexual chemistry as well as emotional and at times it seems as though he can read her mind. There was a couple of well placed tiny twisters in the story and the story flips when he brother returns. He's a real piece of work. That's all I am going to say about that one... and the rest of the story ensues. Winding into a wonderful end game. Tessa wrote a great story, plot was great, backstory complete, the characters are developed and we can see them each grow in the story. She writes a great book. I highly recommend this read.

**arc from Publisher and NetGalley** in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nathaniel dean
I love Tessa Bailey books ! Her Made In Jersey Series is so so good so you can just imagine that I was counting down the day until Worked Up By Tessa Bailey came out ,so when I got the opportunity to read Worked Up I dived into the story as soon as I possibly could .I loved it !! Worked Up has to be my favorite book in the Made In Jersey series .

In this book we follow Duke and Samantha I love these two together they are such interesting characters .When I found out that this was Duke book I got so excited! He is like this huge alpha man bear ( also know as a Pouty Man Bear lol) . From there very first interaction I shipped Duke and Samantha together. I needed them to be together !they were perfect for each other , they just clicked ! so watching them fall in love and get there own version of happily ever after was just wonderful .The romance in this was steaming hot ! but again this is a Tessa Bailey book so I have come to expect amazing romance with scorching hot sexy times .I loved that we got to see familiar faces from the other books in the made in jersey It was so fun getting to see what everyone was up to .Between the sizzling hot romance , the fantastic cast of characters and setting of Hook Tessa bailey has created another fantastic story with Worked up .

Worked Up is a sexy ( seriously this book is steamy time central you might need fan lol) , funny , emotional , heartwarming and just a pleasure to read .I cannot wait to get my hands on the next Made In Jersey book!.If you love all these things in your books I suggest you pick up a copy
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
becky lee
I really loved Duke Crawford in Thrown Down. He was such a good friend to Vaughn and to River and their daughter Marcy. I was so excited to find out that he was getting his own book. This big bear of a man deserved love, even if he didn’t seem to want it. Once I started reading this book I totally understood where his hang ups about relationships came from. He needed to meet the right woman to make himself realized that loving someone and being with them was better than living his life alone.

Sam was great. She’s a little quirky, she’s an artist after all, and a whole lot of fun. She gives Duke a run for his money. He wants to ignore her, but she draws him in like a moth to a flame. Her bad jokes were hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud at how lamely awesome they were. These two were combustible together…he’s a dirty talker if there ever was one. But they were also really sweet together. Duke may not have a six pack or the killer body that most romance heroes have, but he is a swoonworthy book boyfriend that deserves love and attention.

This is a great addition to the Made in Jersey series. I really enjoyed it and it was great to see Duke’s sisters again. Those four are freaking hilarious and I still would love them to have their own books but I’m guessing that won’t happen any time soon, if at all. It was also great getting to see River, Vaughn and Marcy again.

Arc provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vijayan prabhakaran
This is actually the first Tessa Bailey book I've ever read, and I am very happy to say it won't be the last! I absolutely loved this one! Worked Up is the third book of Tessa Bailey's Made In Jersey series. It can be read as a stand alone but you do see characters from the first two books. After reading this one, I am definitely going to go back and read the other two, while anxiously awaiting the next in the series.

Samantha is a commitment-phobe that has some emotional baggage from her past. She is awkwardly adorable at times and has a habit of trying to break the ice with really cheesy jokes. Sam is also an artist, so the artist in me was really excited to read about her art.

Duke is seriously swoon worthy and so perfect. He is the perfect mixture of gruff dirty talker and sweet caretaker. I'm pretty sure he is my new book crush. I really loved that he wasn't described as this perfectly chiseled model type. He was the average looking guy with the beginnings of a beer gut, which I thought made it even better.

The chemistry between the two of them was off the charts! Tessa Bailey definitely knows how to write sizzling sex scene. I also LOVED Duke's speech towards the end. It. was. SO. Good! I can't say enough good things about this one.

**I was given a free copy of this title via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. **
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kim scarborough
Hmm, what to say about this one? As always, Tessa writes sex so steamy your hair frizzes. Holy smokes. Author and model BT Urruela recently did a live reading of a chapter of this book on Facebook and he was blushing his way through - it was fantastic!

My problem is Bailey's trend to write the whole I can't breathe without you thing. The insta-love so strong that you feel like you'll wither and die without the other person. It's disturbing to me. I know some of you love it and it doesn't keep me from reading the books, so I will shut up about it now. :-)

All that said, I think it's hilarious that Tessa wrote a book about one of her PMBs (Pouty Man Bear for those unfamiliar with Tessa). And it's great that there's some variation o the standard muscley gorgeous hero we usually find in romance and erotica. Duke is not your standard hero. He's a big, brush, evil gladiator.

If you love the big, bad, bearded guys, Worked Up is definitely for you. If you like sex so hot you need a walk-in freezer, check out any Tessa Bailey book. She generally writes 'em as bossy, demanding, dirty talkers, so if those are your fantasies, check her out. If those are your triggers, stay away.

Bottom Line? Tessa Bailey. Read her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris richards

Title: Worked Up
Series: (Made in Jersey, #3)
Author: Tessa Bailey
Genre: Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance
Rating: 5-Stars *favorite*


(Made in Jersey, #1) Crashed Out
(Made in Jersey, #1.5) Rough Rhythm
(Made in Jersey, #2) Thrown Down
(Made in Jersey, #3) Worked Up
(Made in Jersey, #4) Wound Tight

Each book in the series can be read as a standalone.


Small-town factory mechanic, Duke Crawford, is a simple guy . Living in a house full of heartbroken divorcee sisters, he just wants to watch SportsCenter and drink his beer in peace—without the distraction of women or the heartbreak that comes along with them.

Big-city children's illustrator, Samantha Waverly, is a simple woman. With a heart already broken from childhood, she just wants to explore her dreams as an artist—but can only do that with the help of her brother, who will only be inclined to help Samantha if she's under a certain...status.

Except when Samantha breaks that...engagement...she has to travel to the little town of Hook, New Jersey, to convince her brother to still help fund her life-long dream.

But it's when Samantha stumbles into Duke's life that they both become tangled in each others dreams. Because commitment-phoebes or not, both Samantha and Duke feel the instant, all-consuming attraction to one another—and they can't leave the other alone, both in between-the-sheets and out of them.

And why would they, when they got each other all worked up?

Words can't really express how much I enjoyed Worked Up. It was extremely well-written, with humor and sass that had me smiling and swooning throughout the book.

I've never read any books by Tessa Bailey before, so I was new to both her writing (boy, have I been missing out!) and the Made in Jersey series (#TBR, #TBR!).

But Tessa managed to make me fall in love with a quirky heroine, totally lovable yet unique to what I've read before, and a real-to-life but amazing-as-dreams Hero.

Ah, yes—DUKE! *kicks feet, scream-cries, throws tantrum* He felt so reallll, so why isn't he!?!? My life will never be complete without my own personal #PMB in it now. Thanks a lot, Tessa. Now I have impossible-to-meet #relationshipgoals.

And Duke was so different from the average book Hero, too! But I think that's what made me love him more. Because all his little differences (the manly-man attitude, the gruffy beard, the strong-and-silent affection, the hairy chest, mountain-man physique, even the little beer-belly) made him memorable and absolutely scream-worthy for wanting. I mean...

"Mother Mary. There were men. And then there was Duke Crawford. He wasn’t pretty or sculpted. Didn’t have the kind of physique that would land him on the pages of a calendar or on a “hot bodies” board on Pinterest. No no. Duke was husky and covered in hair. A bear among mere cubs."

You see? You kind of want him too, don't you? Well, too bad. He's mine. And I'm his. Or, I would be, if he wasn't so obsessed with Samantha (dang her!). I never thought the day I'd be envious of a fictional character...

Because not only is Duke a protective, possessive, dirty-talking, sensually rugged Alpha-Male, he's also tender-hearted and adorable in his bumbling attempts at love. With all his man-handling (in the most lip-biting ways!) and growling, he seems so big and intimidating, but really he's just so sweet and charming and cherishes and loves like no one else.

*le sigh*

I just want to cuddle up to him and stroke his beard.

Wait. Is that weird?


Hero: 5-Stars
Heroine: 5-Stars
Romance: 5-Stars
S*x: 5-Stars
Plot: 5-Stars
Dialogue: 5-Stars
Writing: 5-Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An illustrating beauty with a penchant for misusing puns and a veritable bear of a man meet in a bar… yeah I wish i knew a good bartender joke… but I don’t. What I do know is that Worked Up is no joke. This is a sexy, funny, raw story that all begins with the above encounter and continues right through to the epilogue. A fast paced read, Worked Up by Tessa Bailey follows the love story of Sam and Duke. They are both commitment phobes. Yet, all they seem to want to do is crawl inside each other and never leave.

While I’m not a believer of love at first sight, Worked Up transports you instantly into a mindset of its possibility. The author uses easy dialogue and funny situations to make it happen. I absolutely loved Duke’s sisters and their love for their brother. They added the softness to Duke that seemed to be missing when you first meet him. Another brilliant move is the plot line of Samantha’s lofty goal. Can I just say as a lover of art, I would totally support her program if there was one like it in reality. With a couple of twists, a dialogue that doesn’t quit and a whole lot of heat, Worked Up delivers a sweet love story.

This was a sweet, easy read and 4 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
florence phillips
Oh, my Duke!

If you think slim, muscled playboys are where it's at, then you haven't met a hot, intense "pouty man bear" yet.

Tessa kicks it up a notch with Duke and Sam's story. Their relationship is intense, quick, and adorable. I absolutely loved it. Samantha is so the kind of girl I want as a friend. She's awkward, funny, cares about kids, and views the world with a different and endearing mindset. She definitely didn't know what hit her when it came to Duke. As for the man bear, he was quite a character. I loved how caring he was with everyone in his life. Doing his best to prove that not all men are jerks, even without realizing it himself, he's a caretaker. He looks out for everyone in his town and I loved the relationship he had with his sisters. I really wanted to see more of it actually.

The story flies by pretty quickly and most of it takes place within a few days. The lust is instantaneous, but you can also see the creepings of love in there as well. These two have a lot to learn about each other, but I liked them together right from the start and Tessa does not disappoint. I need Renner and Milo's story NOW!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If erotica can be classified adorable as well, then Worked Up by Tessa Bailey is it. The third standalone book in the Made in Jersey series puts together Samantha, a children's book illustrator and Duke, a machine operator from the town of Hook, New Jersey, in a marriage of convenience trope that is as quirky as the heroine's sense of humor (and yet the hero gets her!) The sexual attraction was instantaneous, in fact calling the fire brigade may not be enough to douse the flames. But its the way Sam and Duke interact with each other that has me turning the pages and smiling while reading it that makes me love this book. Their inner thoughts as the struggle to make sense of their attraction to each other just make you adore these characters even more. I picture this two as those old fashioned cartoons that manages to ooze lots of lust in one look despite being oh so prim and proper. The plot device is probably more as an afterthought to add to the series because the romance development of these two is more than enough to get the readers going. Adorable, quirky and hot, Worked Up is definitely a page turner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john sklar
Five Amazing Stars! Duke is a mechanic working in a small town and living with four sisters who are divorced. He does not believe in relationships that is until he meets Samantha and things begin to change. Samantha breaks off her engagement because she barely saw her fiance, which messes up her plans to start her own business. Her brother-in-law was due to cosign a loan with her but only if she was married. Samantha determined to get her loan comes up with a plan that involves Duke. Will Duke agree to her plan and will things between them change? I thoroughly enjoyed this book and was hooked from the first chapter. Ms. Bailey writes a well written story that was a sweet, fun, and romantic. This is the third book in the Made in Jersey Series and can be read as a stand-alone novel. Looking forward to more from Ms. Bailey! Highly recommend!

I received this book as an ARC for an honest review. This book was read and reviewed by Annamaria for Alpha Book Club.

Plot: 5
Chemistry: 5
Pacing: 5
Character Development: 5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann kulbeckas
Yowsa!! This book is hot, hot, HOT!!! Duke Crawford doesn't need any more women in his life. He lives with and takes care of his 4 divorced sisters. He also has his friend Vaughn and his wife River and their daughter Marcy living in his guest house. Duke is a provider and a protector. He's rough around the edges and grumbly and I just want to hug him. The second Samantha Waverly enters the bar Third Shift in Hook New Jersey, Duke feels the instinct to protect her. He's not even sure what she needs, but he just wants to be around her. He feels that pull drawing him towards her, and he can't understand why. Both Duke and Sam are out and proud commitment-phobes, but they can't stay away from-or off of-each other. These two need to navigate around their tendency to avoid relationships. As they build a trust in each other they discover that maybe meeting the right person is what could bring them out of their desire to be alone. This was an amazing read. I love Tessa's way with words. So much heat and heart in this one. Absolutely fabulous.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kira von
Duke! Duke! Duke!

Duke Crawford is my new book boyfriend. Yep, I didn’t know it but I needed a man that wasn’t physically perfect or obscenely rich or famous. A man that’s a big ole bear with hair on his chest, a limp and rough hands. A veteran that works a blue collar job and takes care of everyone around him. A man that can talk dirty, fix things and cook. Oh my!

He’s like a palate cleanser and reality check all rolled into one sexy beast of a man. So much better than a billionaire, rock star, vampire, MC guy, professional athlete or cowboy. Sometimes you need a break from the fantasy and need a dose of reality. Duke is a fantasy guy that could actually be reality and that’s just hot.

His romantic interest is the sweet and quirky Samantha. My favorite thing about Samantha is the way she sees the world. She looks at Duke and sees a gladiator not a working class guy. His house isn’t a house to Sam it’s a ship created by the lines of the architecture and her imagination. Her view is optimistic and sees the potential in people and places that others do not.

Together Duke and Sam are incredibly well suited for one another in all those small ways that make a relationship special. Duke may be gruff but the man communicates the important things and doesn’t dance around the issues. Sam for her part gets Duke from the beginning and doesn’t bother trying to change him, she actually likes it. Me too, Sam.

Worked Up was sweet, endearing and sexy. It’s going onto my re-read list because I know I’m going to miss Duke, his growly voice and rough hands.

An ARC was provided by NetGalley, Entangled Publishing and the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lorenzo berardi
Pouty Man Bear factory mechanic Duke is a simple man who wants the simple things in life, but when Samantha walks into The Third Shift everything in his world changes. She is cute, she is saucy and she has a knack for bad puns and drawing, oh and she is also the boss's sister. Now that could be a problem! But, their chemistry cannot be denied! One marriage of convenience later and they both are rethinking their situation. Can two commitment phobes really make a go of it? Read and see!

I absolutely loved these characters! Duke is not you normal romance hero, he is not perfect or rich, he is a working class man with a heart of gold. Samantha is funny in an introverted and awkward artist kind of way. Even though they come from two different worlds, these two are just made for each other. I thoroughly enjoyed this story! I also love the supporting cast of characters. All four of Duke's sisters need their own spin off book. Get on that Tessa!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Thanks to Entangled Publishing LLC (Brazen) via NetGalley for a copy of this book!

Duke is a mechanic at the local factory and lives with his four divorcee sisters (poor guy)! All he wants is to watch SportsCenter in peace. Because of his sisters he has issues with commitment. All that works nicely until he's minding his own business at the bar and Samantha is being bugged by a couple of mechanics. Duke can't sit back and watch this happen any longer and steps in.

Samantha, like Duke, has issues with commitment. Her brother puts her in a situation where she feels her only way out is to marry Duke...for show only. Well, that's great in theory, but what happens when there are "sparks" between them?

Loved this book!! The characters were well written and had personalities that were realistic, which made for "I don't want to stop reading until I'm done"!! It was a hot book, too which is always a good thing!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
william fanning
Insta-love (and lust), and at least one major plot point that made no sense to me (why, exactly does Samantha have to marry someone to help her brother's business? No matter how many times it came up, I still didn't get it. Okay, he's gay--so...?) but somehow, I. Didn't. Care.

I couldn't put this one down--I loved Sam and Duke together (the puns! The bad jokes! and OMG, the sex...), and have been dying for Duke to find an HEA since we met the poor guy and his hundreds of sisters (okay, four. But it felt like more to me, and they're not even my sisters!) in the last book ( Thrown Down ).

So much fun to read--definitely my favorite of the series so far! I don't know how Ms. Bailey made me disregard things that are normally my triggers, but holy schmoly, did she ever!

Renner and Milo are next--yeeeeeeessssss! :)

Rating: 4 stars / B+
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Duke, Duke, Duke....

This dirty talking bear has stalkerish tendencies and control issues that just won't quit. With the gift of gab from growing up with four sisters, this dude knows how to handle women and that is just what he does with Sam.

She comes off ditzy in many ways and her dorky sense of humor comes out when she is uncomfortable. But that what makes her more endearing to Duke. His protective, all consuming nature is screaming out loud and she doesn't know what hit her when he ramps it up.

I have not had the pleasure of reading any of the other books in the series, but this read is a scorcher! You can read it as a stand alone without many issues, but I know for one, I am checking out the others in the series!

Tessa Bailey brings the heat in this one and personally, I cannot wait to read the next installment that is set up in this book! Wowza!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

From the first moment Duke stepped into the picture, I was done for him. He has this growling big man's man persona that you just wanna climb! Add into the picture that Sam finds herself in a stressful situation and him jumping to the rescue...heck yeah!

They both are such opposites and seem so unlikely to make a couple. But as the story goes one, they both have to learn a lot about themselves. Things aren't always as they seem and sometimes you need a stranger to look at yourself differently. Put in a brother CEO who thinks he knows best and is obviously in a very foul mood and things are meant to end in drama.

Tessa Bailey knows how to create some very interesting characters and match them with their crazy opposites. Add in the off-the-charts-freaking-chemistry and HELLO! Welcome to the world of Tessa Bailey!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Samantha Waverly arrives in Hook, New Jersey to have a conversation with her brother she would rather be anywhere else though. Deciding to stop for a drink, she catches the eye of Duke Crawford. Not because he wants a woman, because he is curious about the bad jokes and puns she freely spouts.

Duke just wants to take care of his sisters, watch SportsCenter and be left alone. However, Samantha pushes all the right buttons and he decides he doesn't want her left alone. A singular moment changes everything and both are questioning why fellow commitment phobes are wondering if they have found their happily ever after.

Truly enjoyable. This was the type of story that brings a smile to your face while reading. Duke is pure alpha male, he is gruff, craggy, and oh so dirty. Loved this story, it was a humorous read from beginning to end. Well done Tessa Bailey.
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