Seduction Game (An I-Team Novel)

ByPamela Clare

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reviewed by Annie and posted at Under The Covers Book Blog

For what feels like years ago now, the I-Team series was my top favorite Romantic Suspense series for a long time. I remembered readers begging Pamela Clare for horny Holly’s book for years but the time has come to have her story told. When I realized that SEDUCTION GAME was Holly’s book my expectations sky-rocketed and I went into this book hoping to be blown away. And I was.

For the most part.

Pamela Clare’s action sequences are money. From the very first page, the action and suspense pulls this book forward. It reminded me a lot of what I loved about the earlier books. Scene after scene grips you and it’s impossible to put the book down.

However, as I mentioned, I think I was more critical about this book more because it’s one of my favorites and I really wanted Holly’s book to shine. That being said, Nick Andris turned out to the perfect hero for her. Although Nick is a bit cold in the beginning as he is driven by his dark need for revenge, his hang-ups are pushed aside as the true romance begins. I would have loved to get more out of Nick’s character since the story starts out with him being very wary of everyone. I didn’t feel like we knew him well before the action started. And then there was no time after.

One thing I loved about Clare’s writing was the attention to detail. In all honestly, I felt like some of that was missing from this book. Some scenes were highly detailed and others seemed to gloss over things that I would have loved to explore some more. As a result, I didn’t think it was all very consistent. I also do wonder if that’s just because I wanted more from this book and wanted to like it a lot.

So despite those minor things, SEDUCTION GAME is still a wonderful installment to the series. While it doesn’t match the first few books that I hold above all others, it is one of my favorite stories that Clare has put out recently.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
betsy brooks
4.5 stars

Previous books in Pamela Clare’s I-Team romantic suspense series are fast-moving, full of action with unexpected twists and turns, and her latest release, Seduction Game, is no different. It was everything we know and love, and over the years have come to expect from this gifted storyteller. This is a story of deceit, regained trust, ultimate sacrifice, and of course, love.

I love when an author takes a character and completely changes everything you thought you knew about them. Holly is that character. Although she’s a great friend, loyal and always there when you need her, she also comes across as shallow, materialistic, and tries to live up to her Horny Holly nickname.

However, things are not always as they seem. On the surface, she is fun and care-free, but once we delve into this seemingly artificial bombshell we find a complicated and multilayered woman. There are secrets about her I did not see coming. She is my favorite type of heroine, a fearless kick-ass woman with lots of spunk, confidence, sex appeal, and intelligence.

Nick is someone the fans have not met until this book. He’s not exactly in a good place, driven by revenge after his girlfriend and fellow agent was killed in a CIA mission gone badly. Now Nick is on his own mission with an agenda to kill the man responsible for her death. Nick is a conflicted guy and even as the story intensifies he can’t decide if Holly is who his agency says she is. The fact that she turns him on and inside out with her wit and beauty isn’t helping matters either.

Hold on for a wild ride while Nick and Holly butt heads, heat up the sheets, and do everything in their power to stay one step ahead of the bad guys who just so happen to be on both sides of the law. It’s a keep you on the edge of your seat kind of read, a real page turner. Not only do I highly recommend this book, I recommend the entire series.

I can honestly and without hesitation say, I’ve never read a Pamela Clare book that I didn’t like. She is a hardworking, true professional, and I’m thrilled to have her well and writing again. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us next.

Review copy provided for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david gilbey
There are bad Romantic Suspense novels. There are good Romantic Suspense novels. And then... there are Pamela Clare's I-Team novels. They deserve a whole category for themselves. They are not bad. They are not good. They are FANTASTIC. She's become the canon with which I judge all the others. Honestly, no one else manages to combine all the elements in such a harmonious way. Smart, strong, loveable heroines. Protective, funny and yet vulnerable alpha heroes. All wrapped in great research, a fantastic storyline and so many twists and action packed scenes you're left breathless.

Holly's book wasn't easy. We all had huge expectatives since she's been a part of the series for so long. We all thought we knew who Holly Bradshaw was. WE. HAD. NO. FREAKING. CLUE.

All the I-Team books are fantastic, and sometimes before this book was published I worried about how she could pull off another one without it feeling repetitive. Pppftt, I shouldn't have worried. Ms. Clare knows what she is doing.

Nick and Holly were an amazing couple. Their journey was NOT easy. At times, though I understood his reasoning, I hated Nick. But I grew to love him just as Holly did. He was great, protective, strong, smart, he never dimished Holly, he never put her down, he pulled her up. And as alpha as he was, he was also wonderfully vulnerable. You can see they were just perfect for each other. Holly, I absolutely adored from beginning to end. There wasn't a thing I would have changed about her. I also loved Ms. Clare didn't do those character changes that some authors do when they present you a character a certain way during the series and then when they are the hero or heroine, they change their personalities to suit a preconceived mold. No, Holly was Holly. no apologies needed and I LOVED her libido. And the shoes. I love her shoes. She was not perfect, but she was real and strong.

One thing I have always admired in this series and still do is that she brings back the characters from the other books without making it pointless. It's not just a random cameo that makes no sense, no, she wovens them into the story. And once again, I have to say, Julian Darcangelo is the love of my life.

Also if you think it was all drama and bullets, it wasn't. It was funny, emotional, steamy and just an amazing read all around.

Ms. Clare has hit the nail right on the head.

Then again, I didn't expect any different.
Hot Mess (Into The Fire Series Book 4) :: Striking Distance (An I-Team Novel Book 6) :: Set the Night on Fire (Jupiter Point Book 1) :: Delta: Redemption :: Take A Chance On Me (A NOLA Heart Novel Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria dozeman
✦SPOTLIGHT, Review & Giveaway: Seduction Game (I-Team Series) by Pamela Clare
Print Paperback Release: January 5, 2016 | EBOOK Release: October 20, 2015
Genre: Romantic Suspense/ Contemporary Romance
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated: 5 Stars

This was a fun, exciting espionage story that kept me in its grips. I felt a connection with Holly right away. She was smart, easy going, resourceful but real. I love when their actions are believable so that you are right there with them every step of the way. And of course Nick had me clutched in his sexy strong hands from the start. Their romance progressed great and was sexy hot. This was one of those books that you can’t help but think would make a great exciting movie with all the international angles, false accusations and life on the run. I am also glad the author had them surrounded by fun people that accentuated the lead character’s personalities. I enjoyed this and look forward to more.

*Review copy provided by Penguin in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
deepak mehta
Nick Andris and Holly Bradshaw didn't work for me as a couple. I really wanted to like this book but felt no chemistry. Holly has been around for most of this series, as a reporter and friend to I-team ladies. It pains to me say this but I feel like Pamela Clare did Holly a disservice. It's hard to build a character as as a cute little shoe loving bimbo who was constantly with lots of guys, and then to flip her into Wonder Woman. Plus, I think Kaleo Griffith's voice for Holly was awful. I couldn't stop picturing a mixture of Pamela Anderson Lee and Carrie Bradshaw every time he spoke in his Holly voice.

But then the author continued to portray Holly (at least through eyes of almost every man in this book) as a sexpot. It would have been nice if the story led Holly executing a mission before introducing that some of those "guys" she slept with were her marks. We all know undercover agents have to do things, but leading off with her as a sex-for-information specialist for the CIA took away from her expertise as an agent. She clearly had expertise, so why not showcase that here?
Nick was the most underdeveloped male lead we have had in this series in a long time as well. I felt that he loved his fiancee, but Nick's thing with Holly felt like good sex mixed with adrenaline from being on the run. In the movie Speed, Annie Porter to Special Agent Jack" "You know relationships that start under intense circumstances, they never last!" That's what I feel about Nick and Holly. I didn't buy them as a forever couple.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna armstrong
I will start by saying Seduction Game - is the seventh in the I-Team Series, however it reads well on it's own but now I want to read the entire series!

Holly is an entertainment reporter, or is she? Nick is CIA and has been assigned to watch Holly as she is supposed to be a spy. He doesn't understand why he is stalking what he thinks is an air head, who is in over her head dating the Russian mob leader who killed his girlfriend on a mission that went to crap.

When the story gets going you don't know who is setting whom up, who the good guys are and who the bad guys are! Then throw in the steam when Holly and Nick get together and baboom!

If you are in the market for a hot thriller-romance - this one is highly recommended and I can't wait to read the beginning of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pamela Clare is a master at her craft.

Seduction Game continues her fabulous I-Team series and introduces us to Holly and Nick. Both have secrets and when the two collide it's sizzling! We get a chance to learn more about our favorite I-Team Heroes and Heroines but Seduction game takes us even further throwing what we bought we knew about them out the window. The twists and turns of this book will keep you laughing, screaming and guessing!

Fans of the I-Team series have been waiting a long time for Holly's Story and Pamela does not disappoint. She introduces us to a whole new side of Holly that is absolutely fantastic. Her characters come alive in the story and you find yourself drawn in, anticipating every page turn.

Nick is a fabulous. He isn't the cut and dry hero we often see with romantic suspense and he plays by his own set of rules. When he and holly collide the result is EPIC!
Pamela Clare has outdone herself and if you love romantic suspense this book is a must read

side effects include but are not limited to: feeling shocked, amazed, entranced. A desire to jump your significant other, purchase sexy shoes and a gun and/or reread the Entire I-Team series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie angermeier haab
Pamela Clare has exceeded all of my expectations with Seduction Game. Awesome storyline, fun, sexy, exciting, love love love Holly! She's as tough and loyal as any of the Iteam heroes. One of her best books yet, Great Job.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janene aka ms palumbo
Another great story in the I-Team series. This one was intense; had to walk away from it at times to regroup before picking it up again. Loved the characters, especially our dear Holly and many old friends throughout the series. I also love the details Pamela Clare puts into every book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean murphy
Pamela Clare's I-Team is one of favorite romantic suspense series ever, and Seduction Game is the best yet. Holly does NOT disappoint, and Nicke is the perfect man for her. We get our favorite witty, clever and girly-girl Holly, but she has depth the likes of which you never knew! But this book NOW, and make room in your schedule to read because you will NOT want to put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Romantic suspense at its best! Nick works for the CIA and he's been tasked with spying on Holly. Is she what he's been told she is or is she an innocent bystander? Holly's anything but innocent but she's taken in by Nick's red hot charms. Together they have to figure out who the bad guys are and if they can trust each other. Sexy spy games and intrigue galore
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sage rachel
I'm continually amazed at the plot development and character chemistry in Pamela Clare's books. Nick and Holly have more layers than an onion and yet their story makes sense, conveys incredible story-crafting, and still steams up my glasses.
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