A Step-by-Step Plan for Baby Sleep Success - Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old

BySuzy Giordano

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
blair wisenbaker
Great book! We started the routine from the book when my som was just 5 weeks old. He is now 9 weeks and has been sleeping in his own crib 7-10 hours a night! It's a great easy to read in a couple hours book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading this book it all clicked for us. The four steps made total sense... we put them to work and our 11 week old was sleeping from 6:30pm to 6:30am. More importantly, when she wakes up at 6:30am, she will play in her crib for 30 min or more without fussing. Our house is always fully rested now!!!
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shyla power
We have triplets and our friend reccomended this book when I was sleep deprived and was at my wits end. I had tried to read others like Baby Wise, Healthy Sleep habits, etc. but when you have babies who have their days and nights mixed up or seem to be hungry all night and you yourself are running on no sleep, the last thing you want to do is read 7 chapters of anything! Rather you just want someone to give you the answer and that is why I LOVE this book! It is short, to the point, explains the basic concept of what the baby needs to be doing (weight, how much formula consumed in 24 hrs,etc) before they can sleep thoroughh the night. She then teaches you how to start weening them off of night feedings one at a time and teaches the basic concept of teaching your kids how to self soothe. No cry out method, just easy steps that truly work. Also the signals and signs she teaches you to look for are right on the money. I can remember being amazed at how well she predicted everything from week to week (like the 8 week storm) and so happy to know what was going on at that point. I recommend this book to anyone with a new baby or babies, especially parents of multiples. I am getting ready to buy 2 more copies for friends right now and decided to write this review. Our girls are now 4 1/2 and have been sleeping 12-13 hours a night since about 15 weeks ( took a little longer with triplets then 12 weeks, but that is ok ) as the outcome is so, so worth it.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teal haviland
I recommend this book to anyone who will listen basically. We are on our second round right now and our first still sleeps nearly 12 hrs at night at 2 1/2 years! We have a 2 month old sleeping 7 hours straight every night. Amazing!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
When my son was about 1 month old someone recommended this book for sleep training. I bought it when he was about 8 weeks old. The first thing it recommends is only feeding the baby every four hours. I tried to implement an every-four-hour schedule. It was miserable. Generally he would eat, play, sleep. At the time he stayed awake for about 1-1.5 hours, so unless he took a 3-hour nap, I had a fussy, hungry baby who I would try to calm and console until the 4-hour mark. In order to make up for not feeding him as often, we fed him more at each feeding, but his little tummy wasn't ready for that much food and ended up spitting up half of what he ate. Eventually, I ditched this book and started feeding him every 2.5-3 hours, which conformed better to his nap schedule. As a result, Mommy and baby were much happier. The only positive thing I have to say is that around the time I tried the methods from this book is when my son started sleeping longer stretches at night (e.g. 6-8 hours). I don't know if it had to do with the four-hour schedule or he was just ready to start sleeping longer. He is now 4 months old and sleeps really well at night (8-10 hours), but his daytime napping is still irregular.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jared currier
I infrequently write reviews, but since my four-month-old has been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks, 5 days, I figure that I owe Suzy Giordano a big thank you. As first time parents, we were shell shocked by the sleep deprivation of a newborn baby. I had read this book while pregnant, and everyone told us that there was no way it would work without being neglectful to our son. We have had so much fun proving them all wrong! Within 5 days, our son was sleeping through the night. We never let him cry for more than a few minutes, and we responded immediately when the crying intensified. I think the key for us was learning that hunger was not always the primary reason he woke up during the night. Learning to stay asleep is a skill (that's where self-soothing comes in), and he learned it quickly! its definitely worth a read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book works! I only wish I had started using it sooner! Within 4 days I had my 3 month old sleeping from 9pm to 9am every night! On top of that he was taking two naps a day! I can't even begin to express how great this has been. I now feel like I have taken back control of my schedule and can get things done. No more living in chaos and wondering when I can sleep! Definitely get this book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily anderson
This book has worked for all three of my children. My first 2 are twins and were born at 37 weeks and my youngest was also born at 37 weeks. My twins were mainly formula fed and my singleton is mostly breastfed. In both cases my children were sleeping 12 hours through the night before 12 weeks using this book. My babies have all been healthy and thriving and I have bonded well with them. I also get a very good night sleep every night which makes me a better parent during the day. I have read the negative reviews and was appalled that they think I am starving my baby by only feeding her 4x a day. I feed her when she cries--which I have trained her to do only 4x a day. She eats all she can and then doesn't cry for food for another 4 hours. My youngest is almost 12 weeks. She has doubled in birth weight and she is a happy baby because she gets her sleep and is well fed. I know that not all babies are the same but this book has worked wonders for my family. My 4 year old twins, who I used this program on, still sleep 12 hours a night and rarely get up in the night. I recommend this book to all new parents. And those people who gave this book a negative review are probably just really sleep deprived. LOL! Me, on the other hand, slept like a baby last night :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Why I recommend this book

· Easy read. I read in a couple of hours with breaks in between to care for the babies.

· It starts with what to do from day 1 to eliminate habits that may be hard to break later down the road. But can also be useful to a mother at any stage of sleep training your children.

· Discusses habits that may lead to a child not sleeping through the night

· Discusses age and weights of when a child is ready to sleep through the night. I really like this since my twins are preemies. It was nice to know when they weigh 10lbs then you can try these methods vs. when they are blank age try these methods.

· Discusses schedules and nap times.

· Lastly, because it works! It has worked great for both of my twins. Both sleep through the night without waking every single night and can sleep for 12 hour stretches. They are happy well rested babies! I have read and heard the horror stories of one baby sleeping through the night and the other baby being a wake the whole night!

As I said earlier you may have to tweak some things (as with any book) to make the "plan" work best for your family. For example: my babies can easily sleep the 12 hours but I wake them after 9 hours of sleep to feed them and put them back down for the other 3. I do this so when the nanny (our moms) walks in the house she will have an easier transition and so I can have some mommy time with them before I go to work.

So we put the babies to bed at 9pm and wake them at 6am to feed them. When they are done feeding we put them back to bed until 9am.

Another tweak to the plan is we feed the babies less and more often this the book's schedule recommends. Right now we are feeding ours twins every 3 hours/ 4oz/6 times a day... the book says 8oz bottles 4 times a day. Our babies can't finish an 8oz bottle in one feeding and if they drink much more than 4oz at time they spit it all up. This is still a total of 24 ounces.

The last tweak ... the book suggests a 1 hour nap in the morning and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. We do three 1 hour naps instead. So they are still having 3 hours of nap time a day. But three 1 hour naps just works better with our feeding schedule and the twins wouldn't nap much longer than 1 hour when we tried to do a 2 hour nap.

So as a wrap up this book is great but you may have to tweak some of the tips for your children! As a first time mom it really helped me to get an idea of schedules, sleeping patterns, and naps.

Again my twins sleep through the night every single night! So I recommend this book!

Hope this book helps someone like it helped me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theo winter
I hope this works.
Super easy read, makes perfect sense in theory. A few things contradict other resources I'm using but I'll combine with our little girl's behaviour and the other sources (our pediatrician, "Happiest Baby on the Block" and Tracey Hogg's Baby Whisperer book).

I'll try to remember in my new mom delirium to post back after I'm able to put these theories into practice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My pediatrician urged me several times to read this, and im soooo glad I did. Every baby is different and you will need to adjust to your family needs, but I really believe that starting off with a good plan is so helpful and this book really sets you up for success. I recommend it to all my friends and will buy it again for baby shower gifts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fantastic read! Much of it is common sense but sometimes you need to hear it. I few of my friends read this book and it worked. I haven't tried any of the steps for training because my baby is not born yet, but I am preparing for her arrival. I think it is important to try each step as it is in the book and not deviate to really see if the sleep training works! Good luck! This seller had quick delivery and promised the book would be in good condition, and I am one satisfied customer!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brijesh kartha
I was recommended this book from a friend. I already had a toddler but could not figure out my daughters sleeping habits and had to get her to sleep better as it was almost 5 months. All I did was follow the first half of the book and TA DA we had a sleeper! This book is SUPER easy to read through in about 2 hours and so helpful and easy. Just by feeding our daughter more ounces per bottle and making her wait 4 hrs between each feeding did the trick. Whatever you get out of this book it will be something wonderful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
renee sharkey
Her approach makes logical sense, however, it does not tell me how to get my child to eat 24 ounces (one of the factors before you should start her method). I break the seal to have my daughter keep eating, but we are at 12 weeks old and still not eating 24 ounces. So we are trying to get our daughter on a schedule but we still have nightly feedings because she is not eating 24 ounces total including the night time feedings. It is promising but I don't have results yet. Oh her website that she says to visit for more information is worthless unless you want to pay her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Easy read. I haven't stuck to it religiously and am not in a hurry to get my child to sleep twelve hours but the book does contain many helpful tips. The plan seems to make a lot of sense for formula-fed babies. With breastfed babies it's a little harder to stick to her "baby boot camp". Does not address milk supply issues in great depth. It does help us keep a basic schedule during the day so that we can reliably plan our days without worrying about when baby has to eat/sleep. I'd recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tj tunnington
I was recommended this book from a friend. I already had a toddler but could not figure out my daughters sleeping habits and had to get her to sleep better as it was almost 5 months. All I did was follow the first half of the book and TA DA we had a sleeper! This book is SUPER easy to read through in about 2 hours and so helpful and easy. Just by feeding our daughter more ounces per bottle and making her wait 4 hrs between each feeding did the trick. Whatever you get out of this book it will be something wonderful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
disha sharma
Her approach makes logical sense, however, it does not tell me how to get my child to eat 24 ounces (one of the factors before you should start her method). I break the seal to have my daughter keep eating, but we are at 12 weeks old and still not eating 24 ounces. So we are trying to get our daughter on a schedule but we still have nightly feedings because she is not eating 24 ounces total including the night time feedings. It is promising but I don't have results yet. Oh her website that she says to visit for more information is worthless unless you want to pay her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephan esterhuizen
Easy read. I haven't stuck to it religiously and am not in a hurry to get my child to sleep twelve hours but the book does contain many helpful tips. The plan seems to make a lot of sense for formula-fed babies. With breastfed babies it's a little harder to stick to her "baby boot camp". Does not address milk supply issues in great depth. It does help us keep a basic schedule during the day so that we can reliably plan our days without worrying about when baby has to eat/sleep. I'd recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabriel chirila
This book is geared towards multiples, so when we used the method on our singleton it only took about 7 weeks to get her sleeping 12 hours a night. It's not just night time sleep though that makes our lives easier, she teaches you how to get your baby on a daytime schedule too. Imagine how easy our lives are knowing when our baby will be tired and hungry. She's the happiest baby I know. We don't even follow half of Susie's instructions and our little one is on a perfect yet flexible schedule. I buy it for every pregnant person I know now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sirena bellman
Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old: A Step-by-Step Plan for Baby Sleep SuccessThis book was quick and easy to read. My 7 week daughter was sleeping 10 hours in 3 days of following the plan.
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david wilber
I started reading this book after my baby was born and thought I would at least try it out. Well, it took about 16 weeks (not 12), but my boy started to sleep from 7pm to 7am almost every night. All of my friends with babies are amazed. The book is a very easy read, even for the most sleep deprived new mom. The philosophy is very simple... give your baby enough food during the day so he will sleep all night. It all really came together for us at 16 weeks, which I am very happy about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This method worked great for my twins. The only thing my kids couldn't handle was the stretch until bedtime. If I pushed them through it, then they would be too exhausted to even eat. I modified by giving each 20ish min nap 1.5- 2 hours after their 3rd feed. Just enough to tied them over until starting bedtime routine. This made everyone more happy and they still slept throw the night no problem.

Overall, it is a great reference and recommend using!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j reed rich
Worked for us! I started training my bottle fed baby at 9 weeks and she slept 12 hours by 12 weeks. As with all baby books, take some things with a grain of salt, but the overall suggestion of getting in the calories during the daytime hours worked. We tweaked things a little bit, she eats 5 times a day instead of 4, and takes 3 naps instead of 2, but she's down from 8pm-8am. As a first time mom I appreciated the approach to sleep training with limited crying (I would never last in a "cry it out" situation). "I can't do this for you, but I'll go through it with you" is something I repeated to myself often during sleep training to stop myself from picking her up. She took to it really quickly and is a very happy baby, especially first thing in the morning. Thank you Suzy!
I read through many of the negative reviews and it seemed like a lot of people didn't even try it before bashing it. It's not child abuse, it's not neglect, and you aren't starving your baby. It's a gradual training process meant to last 4 weeks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Started implementing the schedule at 9 weeks, and by 12 weeks on the dot... Our daughter was sleeping 12 hours every night. It was the best thing we have ever done. She is the happiest baby (non-biases non-family members even comment on this when we are out) and thrives on the schedule. I have bought this book for multiple friends who are now pregnant. It is such a great gift to have that time with my hubby after she goes to bed at night. It took a little longer for the napping to get good, but within a couple months after sleeping through the night she was taking 2 naps at the same every day (and still does). Thank you, Suzy!!! I used to read these reviews in the middle of the night after pumping when she was too young to start the book's ideas and it have me such encouragement!! So if you are one of those moms reading this when your baby doesn't sleep... Buy it now... You won't be sorry!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was recommended to me by a colleague, who swore by the author's method. She had 3 months off for maternity leave from her counseling job, and by the time she returned, her daughter was sleeping 12 hours per night per the training regimen presented. I started Suzy's regimen later than recommended with my son, but to be sure, it is working, despite the colic and indigestion he acquired around 8 weeks of age. Now in our 4th week of training, my son is down to 1 feeding per night from 3 feedings, and is on his way to sleeping 12 hours, as the book promises. My only complaint is with the customer service side. The author offers to reply with assistance via email; however, though I emailed her over 3 weeks ago, she has yet to reply. As the training is designed to move quickly, she and her assistants have been zero help to me in this process. They should not offer help if they cannot provide it in a timely fashion. Otherwise, the book is well worth the investment and an easy read and guide to follow for sleep training with infants.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lou davanzo
First off, every baby is different! Some babies might nurse for half an hour and only get a few ounces, and some babies might eat 6-8 ounces in 10 minutes or less. Every baby is different and that's why the reviews all over the place with this book. HOWEVER, it is NOT unsafe for breastfeeding mothers. My baby started sleeping through the night at only 6 weeks old, all on her own (about 9 hours). She is exclusively breast fed and still is. I would wake up very engorged and would pump immediately but after about a week my supply adjusted to the new schedule. And no, my supply has not dwindled at all - I just make more milk for her during the day now. Our bodies are very smart! When she started sleeping through the night, she would nurse all day long and it was driving me crazy having her attached to my breast all day long. I bought this book and it helped me schedule her feedings. It takes her about 30-45 minutes for her to get what she needs with four feedings a day. So I didn't follow the books guidelines exactly, and that's because every baby is different. This book is GREAT guidance for parents and like all things, use what works for you and your baby and use it to your advantage. But I will back up this book and let others reading these reviews that it's not dangerous to have a baby sleep through the night. Again, my baby started all on her own at six weeks. Thank you to this book for helping us get her day feedings and naps more on a schedule an extending her sleep schedule!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A must read!! We just began sleep training our son who is 4.5 months old about 7 days ago and it's made a world of difference already. I wish that we'd read this book earlier!! The structure provided has made life much more manageable for him -- babies require this kind of repeatable structure on a day-to-day basis. It is challenging at first - to stick to the feeding and sleep schedule is an adjustment but it does not take long for baby and parents to quickly adjust! We were anticipating having to have our son "cry it out" per many friends recommendations and our pediatrician's. With this book, hours of crying with the potential ramifications for baby (and certainly for mom and dad!) are not necessary! The maximum time we've had to hear him upset in the middle of the night is for 5 minutes... and this has become not a hysterical cry but more of a whimper as he puts himself to sleep. The promises of this book have proven to be true and I find him awake quietly playing in his crib at 8 am after 12 hours of sleep. Mind you we are still in early days and had to go in twice last night to give him his pacifier as he's teething -- a drastic improvement from the 5-7 times we were up before implementing this training! I can't recommend it enough -- if your baby is sufficiently big and healthy, this is absolutely worth a try!
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kamlapati khalsa
We followed this book, along with tips from babywise. We were pretty structured with the schedule, started the 4 hr schedule at 6 weeks and baby was sleeping through the night at 9 1/2 weeks. As a first time mom i found that helping my baby develop a "schedule" made the days go by much more smoothly. I do think this was much easier to achieve by exclusively pumping/bottle feeding to make sure my baby was eating enough throughout the day, but that is just my personal preference.
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raej jackson
Very helpful. although Sara is 3 months old, I have during day & MOM & DAD have her at night, there are still great plans for helping to get her to sleep through the night. But it looks like it will take a while longer than 12 weeks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Giordano gets straight to the point; I don't suggest following it like an instruction manual as some babies should probably get to eat more often at 2 months old than just once every 4 hours. It's not as helpful for breastfeeding moms because you can't measure ounces, but it's a much better guidebook than most out there in terms managing parental expectations and teaching the parents to encourage good feeding/sleeping habits. We ended up letting baby feed every 3-4 hours during the day by 12 weeks and baby wakes up once at night, which is completely reasonable for a 12 lb infant. The one really solid takeaway is to use a night diaper and don't change unless there's a poop!
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lilian vrabely
After a couple months of trouble putting my daughter to sleep I was desperate to find a solution. I researched night after night (awake due to my daughter) to find the best solution to give me relief. I gave this book a try as a result of the reviews. I read the entire book, thought about for a few nights and decided the philosophy was not for me. I understood it, it made sense, it sounded great, but just wasn't for us. I have tried to put my daughter down while awake, let her cry and it never got better. Once she was 3 months putting her down got easier, but with my method, not this one. This just wasn't something I could stomach after the first try, and I'm not one of those moms that's overly sensitive to jumping at every cry. So am I in a position to recommend, not really, but I can tell you I was desperate and in need of a good nights sleep and I still could not do this.
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