
ByRachel Van Dyken

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arun tejasvi
This is a stand alone even though it mentions Wingman, Inc. Shawn (boys spelling) is a transfer athlete playing softball, tall and beautiful. She transferred in the middle of term and the school placed her in a co-ed dorm with a male roommate (school thought she was a boy). Slater, male roommate, is good looking but there is not a touch of attraction (he is a little bit OCD). Protective of Shawn. By chance she is introduced to the men of Wingman, Inc. Who do everything for their female clients, except have sex with them. Finn, Leo and Knox, the new men of Wingman, Inc. There is a history between the three and Slater and Shawn is now caught in the middle. But who is she attracted too? As her attraction grows for Knox and his for her, a jealous stalker is now in the picture. Shawn is smart and sassy, just what a guy who has it all needs. Not going to give away any spoilers. Love the story line that men and women can be friends/pals without any sexual involvement. Rachel Van Dyken did it again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A new romance comedy from Rachel Van Dyken called Co-Ed.  This is a spin off book to the Wingman Inc series. When I started reading this book I thought I knew what was going to happen but Rachel has a way of switching up the story line.  The story includes four hot guys and  a college athlete that transferred from a previous college.  Shawn was placed in the guy's dorm just because her name was spelled like a boy's, thanks to her parents. While Shawn was settling in with her new roommate Slater, across the hall was Leo, Finn, and Knox. Things were going on over there but what?  When she ask Slater the only explanation was "Pleasure Ponies" and stay away for your own good.  I found the story had many humorous parts but also some seriousness, covering subjects that are common to college students and living on campus.  I enjoyed the book, loved the fun with the guys and friendships that developed and understood the hatred that occurred.  Rachel's brings it all together in the end.  #knox
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
virginia olive
***ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.***

I did not know what to expect with this novel! I heard "Reverse Harem" and thought, hmm several guys hitting on the same girl? No thanks. Too sleazy. But I was so happy to find that this book is so much more than that! I enjoyed every word of this book. By the end of it, I wanted to be part of the gang. They have each other's backs and only want what's best for the other. Amidst the strong friendship in this story, there's also the romance. The heated, sexy romance between Shawn and Knox. There's fire between them from the moment they meet, and the flames only grow stronger by the end. I enjoyed watching their relationship grow with every turn of the page and how they deal with their secrets. All in all, this is a light and sexy read with the right amount of heavy drama in the mix-the perfect recipe for a good romance novel.
Steal (Seaside Pictures Book 3) :: Rip :: Elude (Eagle Elite Book 6) :: The Playboy Bachelor (The Bachelors of Arizona) :: The Matchmaker's Playbook (Wingmen Inc.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david dobson
Woohoo for some more Wingmen Inc.!

Shawn transfers colleges and because of the abrupt change they never find out that she's a girl, and subsequently is housed with boys. Her roommate seems decent until she hears the going-ons from her suite mates.

Her roommate warns her to stay away and she is determined to do so. But they like a challenge and go out of their way to draw her in. They are equally gorgeous and have these amazing enigmas but Knox shines just a little brighter for her. He is deemed the "bad boy" of the bunch with his leather jacket and long hair.

But there is something underneath their façade. And the more she gets to know them, the more the past starts to rise to the surface.

What happens? You definitely need to one click.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert russin
Omg! What an amazing spinoff to the other series! These characters are just as amazing and brought us a story full of shenanigans, pain, loss and finding peace.
Shawn got stuck in an all boy dorm due to a mixup and is unsure how to handle all these men surrounding her. She is definitely not prepared for the 4 other suite mates and is having a hard time thinking properly around them. What starts off as the most unusual friendship ends up having the potential to be the love story of her life. It will not come easy though, there will be mind games, secrets and regrets along the way. Will she be able to work it all out before it is to late?
This book...just...ah so amazing! I was sucked in and couldn’t put it down. I highly recommend that you pick up this book today and get started!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another cute light-hearted read from RVD.

After seeing the synopsis, I admit to being a little apprehension. I've read harem books in the past and was always left heartbroken. Rest assured, the heroine, Shawn only has one love interest. The other guys in the book are friendly in nature, although I didn't quite grasp some aspects of their relationships with Shawn. Knox was more of a grouchy bear, but I enjoyed the chemistry between he and Shawn. There is plenty of banter and silly antics this author is know for. If you enjoy her comedic books, this one will be another one to read.

Although this is loosely connected to the Wingman Series, this book can be read as a complete standalone. Thank you to the author for my advanced review copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ooh I enjoyed this latest offering from RVD. It was a real page turner and had me hooked from the very first page. Yes, there is a male and female lead, that I loved, but given that this is RVD's take on a Reverse Harem storyline, then this book has some really well fleshed out supporting characters.

For me Co-Ed was packed full with wit and humor which had me smiling and chuckling throughout but it also had an edge of intrigue running through it that kept me on the edge of my seat all the way through.

Another really enjoyable read from RVD that I would happily recommend.

I was provided with a copy of this book from the Publisher; there was no inducement or obligation and I have opted to to leave a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
martha cranford
Rachel Van Dyken delivers a fast paced, new adult romance with lovable characters and experiences and that ring true for the reader.

Know, our hero, is sexy, broody, and restless, so the kind of hero that speaks to my soul. He spends a good portion of the novel running from past demons and fighting his attraction for Shawn, which only adds to the chemistry between the two.

Shawn is the perfect heroine. She is strong and funny, and although she initially distrusts the men of this reverse harem, she quickly falls under their charm.  Who could really blame her with the attention they give?

The pacing is great for a rom-com NA romance.  There are lots of moments of great chemistry between Knox and Shawn, and then there is the mystery between the roommate and Knox.  All of these make for an interesting read. My only real issue with the plot was the supernatural aspect at the end.  It just seems to be thrown in at the end as a way to tie up the plot of the story.  If it would have been woven throughout the story, I would have had a different reaction, but it wasn't.

NA romance lovers will love this new world created by Rachel Van Dyken. I know that I was caught up in it, and I'm excited to read the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan schwake
I’ve never heard of a reverse harem before, but once I heard this mentioned, I was immediately intrigued. I mean, four guys looking out for you? What’s so bad about that? To be honest, I think I like this spin off more than the original Wingman books. Not sure why. Just a feeling I have.

Having the “boy” spelling of her name has Shawn rooming with four guys. But what happens in the room across from hers leaves her feeling a bit off. She’s been told to stay away from the “Pleasure Ponies” but somehow they pull her in. Especially Knox.

Watching Knox and Shawn was super fun. Due to a horrible situation, Knox has been holding a part of himself back for the past few years. He doesn’t want to get close to any girl, at the risk to his heart. But there’s just something about Shawn that he can’t stop wanting. And Shawn feels the same way.

Now, having four guys all up in your space can be a bit daunting and quite uncomfortable at times. I may have cringed a time or two myself. It sounds like it would be fabulous, but when one guy feels a bit more than the rest, things can get a little crazy.

I am really looking forward to see what happens to the rest of the guys. I wanna see them all fall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda bella
Where do I begin with this book? I freaking loved it!!! It was a great read and it isn’t anything like what you’re thinking. It’s so much better!

If you loved the Matchmakers books you’ll love this series! Who wouldn’t love 4 hot guys attention?

You will fall in love with Shawn, Knox, Lex, Finn and Slater! I cannot wait to read more about these guys! College just heated up!

This book will have you laughing in places and swooning in others and wanting to comfort these amazing characters at other times!

Amazing series Rachel! I love this series and love that it’s different than anything I’ve read before! Thank you for giving us this!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eva townsend
Written wonderfully, the story followed and getting into the heads of the next lot of Wingman was great.

I loved how Shawn got to be in the boys dorm room and how protective they become of her. Who wouldn’t want four of the hottest guys in school to be by your side? If only…

Each character was so different from the next but somehow you can see how they just make the best of friends. Each bringing out the best and completing each other. RVD has witty banter down to a T again. I found myself smiling a lot and wishing I was in the book with these guys. The nicknames, the one-liners, and the comebacks just made this book.

Having said that, there was also depth to this story. It contained heartbreak and loss, which just captivated me. When I read about this book I wasn’t expecting that. My heart broke at least three times and the way it was written you could feel the pain and also the happiness.. amazing.

The only downside was I wished the book was five times longer. I wasn’t ready to give up on Co-Ed, I could have continually read about these guys and I cannot wait for more, because there has to be more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robbie bashore
Knox and Shawn, oh my goodness. What a book. Such a fantastic story. It ranks right up there with Ruin for my favorite Rachel Van Dyken book!! This book has it all, drama, heartbreak, comedy. It’s a great read. Don’t let the fact that it takes place in college deter you. This book is steamy!! The chemistry between Knox and Shawn is perfect. The supporting characters are fantastic, I can’t wait to read their stories, they will have their own books, right Rachel? I read this book in 2 sittings, it would have been done in one if things like work didn’t get in the way. This story gets 5 hugely fantastic stars. I loved everything about this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashley varney
So many thoughts after only just finishing this.

Shawn transfers in and get pairs in a suite with 4 guys. She thinks it is because of her guy sounding name. When she hears moaning night after night, she realizes that 3 of her roommates are running some sort of need fulfillment service. Not sex, but clearly sexy. Adding to her confusion, her other room, Slater seems to hate these guys.

But these guys are like the sun, pulling Shawn further and further in, especially Knox. He clearly has demons to conquer, butShawn can't stay away.

This book sucked me in and made me want more from the very beginning. Steamy hot and great plot!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a crazy and unique story! Not to mention holy hotness! I go into every book blind and I am having a hard time reviewing this because it was such a different type of story I dont want to give anything away.

The story is intriguing and sinfully strange. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the concept but couldn’t look away. The more i read the deeper I was sucked into their bizarre world. By the end i was sad it was over.

I loved Shawn and the guys but this book is 100% driven by Knox. He will be my book boyfriend hangover for quite some time. .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arwa al dossari
Rachel really did an amazing job...AGAIN!!!' It really seems everytime a new book comes out it's better then one before, and believe that is saying something
In Co-Ed we meet 4 very handsome guys who just so happens to work for Wing man's INC. Now Enters Shawn is their new roommate, the problem with this is Shawn is a very beautiful girl with a name spelled like a guy. She's a transfer student from LSU and I truly like her Very strong woman, my heart broke for because Shawn is the product of a biracial couple and people judge a book by it's cover.
Know, Finn Slater and Leo do find her beautiful as well and this is another problem because Slater no longer trusts his roommates and demands they stay away from her. if yopu want to know why...READ THIS BOOK... Once again Rachel takes taboo subjects and truly gets it. This book really got to me on a personal level
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shawn has recently transferred to the University of Washington for a new start but due to a mistake with her name she ends up in the male dorm. If it isn’t bad enough to have a male roommate Slater she also shares a suite with three other men Leo, Finn and Knox.

Slater is quick to warn her to stay away from the other men and although they seem to have women entering their rooms at all times she is like a moth to a flame and she can’t stay away. The men are very different but they all make her feel special and protected in their own way however there is something about Knox she can’t resist. The only problem is that he has secrets and the person he most wants to protect her from is himself.

I loved all the characters and the humor, heat, twists and emotions make this a story you won’t soon forget. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
drew kunz
Reverse Harem. Sounds risqué? Kinky? Maybe a bit out of your comfort zone? So you’re not sure if you can read Co-Ed… but… you’re tempted.

C’mon… it’s a story written by Rachel Van Dyken! Of course you can read it! You really shouldn’t doubt her. Ever.

So, if you’ve followed my reviews on the blog even a little bit, you’ll know I’m a pretty die-hard Rachel fan. So even when the titles, or blurbs, or rumors about her books have made me nervous, I’ve taken a chance, jumped in… and never once regretted it. Suffice it to say, Co-Ed was pretty much the same for me. Actually… there was a lot more to the story than your average, everyday reverse harem, new adult romance.

Shawn transfers to the University of Washington in the middle of the semester and, due to a major snafu on the University’s part, ends up living in a suite with 4 guys. She’s feisty, mostly secure in her own skin, and takes no bull because she’s done with that.

Slater is her roommate who has a past with her other three suitemates, Leo, Finn, and Knox. Slater wants to protect her. Leo and Finn want to be her best friends. And Knox? Well… Knox just wants her. Period. But he’s not happy that she’s getting under his skin. There’s something they aren’t telling Shawn. In fact, they are doing the best they can to keep her in the dark. Will the past stay where it belongs, or is the past destined to repeat itself?

Rachel’s mind is a fascinating thing. She develops plots that tend to start out familiar, then she whacks you over the head with a complete surprise (you can practically hear her laughter over that at times). Especially in her mafia and paranormal romance books. Which is why they are still my favorite of all of the subgenres that she writes. But in Co-Ed, she manages to combine new adult romance with a twist of suspense that definitely follows along similar plot lines as her mafia and paranormal books. While most of the subject matter in Co-Ed is heavy with themes of discrimination, hate, and how rumors can tear anyone down, there is, as always, a bit of Rachel’s own brand of sarcasm and sarcastic humor scattered about to lighten the mood, even in the midst of the heavy. And bonus: Co-Ed brings us a small taste of what some of our favorite Wingmen are up to these days.

NICUnurse’s Rating: I give Co-Ed a solid 4.5 stars. The characters are rich and have characteristics you’ll love… then some you’ll love to hate. There’s heavy subject matter tempered with humor. And even when you want to hate them, of course, you fall in love with all of Shawn’s suitemates. But… the plot twist at the end was what stuck with me for a while, though. And how Shawn chooses to show grace and mercy in the wake of overwhelming hatred and evil is refreshing. So don’t let all the talk about Co-Ed being a reverse harem book scare you away. Really… I’m fairly conservative, and if I read this book and liked it, it is NOT what you’re thinking it will be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Get ready for a wild run with the Pleasure Ponies……

Transferring colleges can always be a bit taxing and nerve wrecking. Imagine finding out that you were placed in a dorm of nothing but men because your name is Shawn!! With a masculine name, Shawn finds that no one looked to see she was a female and all the dorms are now assigned. As an athlete, Shawn knows that she will have to suck it up and make the most of her living situation. Not really a hardship until all of the noise from the suite next door began to keep Shawn from garnering any sleep.

Shawn is about to get her first introduction to the Pleasure Ponies and nothing in her life will be the same!! Knox, Finn, and Leo are a walking orgasm. Each eliciting moans of pure enjoyment from the revolving door of ladies that are seen exiting their room. What exactly goes on behind those closed doors? Shawn is about to find out in the most unexpected of ways!!

Talk about a juicy YA story!! If you have never enjoyed a Rachel Van Dyken novel, you should really tap into her Wingmen series!! Co-Ed is a spinoff of that wildly popular and entertaining series! Shawn was the ideal love interest, bringing maturity and grace to the story. Those Pleasure Ponies…..well….life will never be the same after you dip your toes into their world. An often times hilarious group of guys that entertain with their unique flair for their livelihood.

My only issue with this book was the classification of ‘reverse harem’. While I appreciate classifications that set a book apart, this novel was definitely NOT a reverse harem!! That label from the author and blurb made me pause while reading. Asking myself where the elements of a reverse harem were present in this creative story. Then I went so far as to look up several definitions of what a reverse harem entails….thinking possibly there was an element that I wasn’t picking up on. Based on that knowledge, I can safely say this was not a reverse harem. It WAS an creative collaboration that was full of wit, romance, and a unique perspective on a gaggle of guys and their relationships with others.

Don’t skip out on this story due to that ‘quirk’. Everyone will love this tale of a gal that has the ‘joy’ of crossing paths with the Pleasure Ponies of the campus!! You will not regret it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
belinda roberts
Co-Ed by Rachel Van Dyken
Reviewed by Christina Linton
#CO-ED #RVD #Stand-A-Lone! 

You’ll definitely will enjoy this story, who wouldn’t, Four insanely HOT guys at your fingertip!! ;-)
Co-Ed is a stand alone title, you Do Not need to read the Matchmakers Playbook to enjoy this story.
Co-Ed takes you on one hell of a joy ride with Four insanely gorgeous guys, who calls themselves the “Pleasure Ponies” ;-)

You’ll fall in love with this crew like any of Rachel Van Dyken’s characters in past stories.
Lets see, the female character, Shawn was definitely one of my favorite heroine in this story. She’s strong, funny, gorgeous and top it off, she has to share a dorm with four guys! Life can not get any better, right?? ;-)

Until she meets KNOX…

Now as for most novels, you’ll get just a hero and heroine but in Co-Ed you get Four heroes in this book.
Knox being the leader of the group.
Then you have, Leo and Finn who are definitely laugh-out-loud hilarious. They like yin and yang, they keep the group balanced.
Lastly you have Slater, the unicorn loving Slater , LOL!

One thing I love about this story was Rachel Van Dyken’s take on a reverse harem. You’ll probably thinking WHAT!! Right? Just wait in see, you’ll definitely enjoy this.
There’s so much more to say about Co-Ed, Shawn, the four guys but I don’t want to ruin this for anyone. I want everyone to enjoy this story as much as I did.

I was given an early copy of this book in exchange of a honest and non-biased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom doyle
Umm... just wow! What an amazing book and these guys let me tell you I felt like I really had some best friends while I only reading it ,only to be disappointed when it was over and realize they were just characters in a book. I cannot get enough of them I'm really hoping I get to read more of them soon. Definitely don't miss out on this book and then sit down and hold on for the ride it'll suck you in so completely you won't know what's going on around you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom hunt
Right from the start, Co-ed hooked and entangled me in an addictive story! Not once did I put it down since starting, and that's a real inconvenience when you decide to do that at 11pm.
Reverse harem... I'm so obsessed, especially when RVD weaves her own style through it, and most of the time left me wanting and breathless and absolutely giddy.
There's depth to this fun and steamy read, and I absolutely loved it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rachel has a way of bringing you in and surprising you. This new book is just as amazing as anything else she has wrote. We get to meet the new faces of Wingman Inc and get a glimpse into someone's struggle. Even though there is very real problems in this story Rachel brings it to light in a lighthearted way. It's not too heavy and the book still has her signature humor. I loved this book and I'm sad I finished it already.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth edwards
This book was great! Leo, Finn, Knox and Slater are the ultimate hot guys. Shawn finds herself sharing a dorm with these “passion ponies” and oh what an interesting mess to find herself in. Knox is the hottest of the hot and best of all a hottie with a heart of gold. There is instant chemistry between Shawn and Knox but their relationship begins as a friendship. I think my favorite part of this book was the friendships that Shawn shared with each of the guys in the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juli crow
Of course this book is awesome, it is RVD!!!!!! I have to say I wasn’t a fan of Knox at the Beginnings bring. Not my type in looks or personality but he definitely grew on me. Now Shawn was kick ass from the start. Her attitude and whole demeanor was just perfect!!!! They Had great chemistry and there was enough action and humor to make it an RVD caliber story!!!! Loved the co characters so much I can’t wait for more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
benjamin reeves
Another great one!! This one was fun and sexy, but also had some crazy twists and turns with some darkness thrown in. It has great characters, and as always with RVD, the supporting cast is phenomenal!! I can’t wait for more!! I loved Shawn, she was smart and sassy, but had a vulnerable side and i loved her immediately!! And Knox was sexy and broody
Another great read and i highly recommend it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shawn is my new favorite person and before you get it wrong Shawn is a chick who has 4 awesome guys all wanting to be her friend. RVD rocked this reverse harem style book there was some funny, serious, sad and just fun moments. The silent battle between Knox and Slater through most of the book was shocking at the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
supriyo chaudhuri
5 Stars

Rachel you have done again. I throughly enjoyed this book from start to finish. I couldn’t put it down. I loved everything about it. I’ve never read “reversed harem” before and if all books are like this one then it won’t be the last. I enjoyed each and every character and I really do hope there is a sorry for each of them! Hint, hint ;) they are too good not too.
A must read! You won’t be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Spin-off from the matchmakers playbook. This is a standalone book. I really did like this book. The story is about Shawn, a transfer student, athlete, and female that is placed into a suite on campus with all guys thanks to her name. These guys are trainees for wingman inc. And have the moves to prove it. Shawn tries to assert herself against their tactics. Gaining a harem of her own. Twists and turns, and deadly secrets await. Read the story you won't be disappointed
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a fast paced romantic comedy that will suck you in from the very beginning and keep you hooked through the very last word. And man, I wanna meet these pleasure ponies!!! They sound like a fun loving group of guys that would keep anyone laughing for days.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel woodward
What a fabulous read. Not only that, but this book was original to me. There were so many characters that I enjoyed getting to know and I hope she'll eventually write their stories as well. This was a quick read for me and I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashley berg
Rachel Van Dyken does it again when she brings in a new generation of the Wingmen Inc crew. This time the 3 Wingmen live on campus and share a suite with someone who can't stand them and with a woman who was accidentally placed in a male suite.
The characters are funny and smart and the interaction is delicious to read. Another point in RVD's favor is the subtle message that drug addiction is dangerous and friends should watch out for each other.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So, this book wasn't exactly about what I thought it was going to be about, but it was a good surprise! There was some suspense and mystery to it, which was my pleasant surprise! There wasn't as much sex in it as I had assumed either, but what was in it was good! I thought this was going to be more of an erotic read, but there was a lot more story to it than I thought. It was a good book and I would recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather rowland
I found myself chuckling, giggling, and surprised with this story. I didn't know what to expect when I started it but I'm glad I read it. I was a little bothered by the fact that the cover photo didn't match the main character but I got over it. It was a wonderful story that I found myself wanting to return to and didn't to see end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aimee christian
Hilarious, entertaining, and fun are 3 words that best describes Co-Ed by Rachel Van Dyken.

Rachel always takes a story and twist it until it is unique and unlike anything else out there. Her books are refreshing and always beautifully written.

Co-Ed kept me hooked and literally up all night reading. I adored Shawn. She was sassy and amazing. Knox, Finn, Leo, and Slater kept me laughing and stole my heart at the same time.

Rachel has created something unique, but with the Rachel Van Dyken style that I love about all of her books. She has nailed this, and now I want more like it!
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