
ByRachel Van Dyken

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer carrillo
RIP is a mind blowing experience that will change your perspective. Prepare to be amazed and confused! This book will change your entire mindset and shift your perception into a whole new paradigm.

Nikolai is a different kind of an anti-hero whose the practices and skills will expose you to different perspectives. He is a doctor, extremely intelligent and handsome too, and he is good in cotrolling people's minds and memories. Not simply good, he's the best! He's Russian and he offers his suspicious services to both the Russian and Italian mafia. Maya is the daughter of Petrov, a Russian mob boss. She is a college student and a big admirer of Nikolai's scientific achievements. A pre-arranged interview with him by her father for a research paper of hers is going to unexpectefly end into her entrapment into a pre-signed contract between Nikolai and Petrov. According to this contract, Maya is given to Nikolai for a year by Petrov. She gains internship next to a prestigious doctor but the rules are simple: no questions, dress code: Black, no phone calls-internet, no family, vacation upon approval by Nikolai, no sexual relationships-must stay pure the entire year!

Maya has no choice but to comply with the contract specifications, but she's not aware that Nikolai belongs to her past, he had manipulated her mind when she was young under Petrov's threats, and that he has been secretly in love with her since then. The situation is getting even more perplexed when parts of her erased memories start to come back.

This page-turning tale has surprising depth. This is another very different sort of romantic thriller with unique type of twist that will definitely surprise. It's one of the best psychological suspence romances I 've ever read. The author is playing with your mind with masterful deftness that will still live you thinking. Well written with shades of "Jack the Ripper" and plenty of twists and turns! I highly recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
With Halloween just around the corner it's the perfect time to release a romantic suspense story. RIP is a standalone but does fit into the world of Rachel Van Dyken's Eagle Elite series.

I'm going to call RIP a crossover book because there's lots of drama, murder and action, but also romance. Due to the issues involved in the story, the plot is dark and sinister at times. There may be potential triggers for some, but if you're a fan of grittier and darker romances, then hopefully you'll be as engrossed in getting some answers as I was.

The insights into the Italian and Russian Mafia work well and we get to see some old friends. It is worth noting that I hadn't read Elude before starting RIP. I did manage to spoil certain elements of the plot for myself, so if you're going to be reading the Eagle Elite series I really would read Elude before starting RIP.

There are lots of naughty scenes, so the book isn't for younger readers. I know dark romances aren't for everybody but I wouldn't really class RIP as a dark romance. It's more of a grey-suspense-romance-thriller. I kept changing my mind about whether Nik is hot or kinda creepy. I'm not really sure what this says about me, but I ended up going with intense.

I liked Maya and felt as though she handles what is essentially pretty mixed up circumstances pretty well. I wanted her to demand some answers, but at the same time I understood (thankfully not firsthand) how frustrating it was for her to be in such a tense situation.

In a completely unrelated note, I really want to know if the cover model is Rachel's husband...?

I received a review copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerri stevenson
We are The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club, to know more about this book, go to the post in our website.


Rachel Van Dyken is an auto-buy author for me. I adore her stories and she keeps surprising me. With The Dark Ones she just blew my mind. I'm one of those readers who thought that had had enough of vampires and werewolves, but Rachel's supernatural creatures are as captivating as her stories.

I have to confess that the story, at first, was a bit confusing for me. I think I was as shocked and out of place as the main character, Genesis. And then the story started to make sense and everything fell into place. Genesis ends up in the supernatural world where the monster she's been taught to fear are the ones helping her and all her beliefs end up being a complete lie.

There's a prophecy that will change everything in the supernatural world. Once in a while a human is called to test that theory and that time has come for Genesis. She thinks she's call to be a servant human, but what she's waiting for her is more dangerous than being a human among supernatural creatures.

What I liked about this supernatural story is that the author knew how to put into words the sensations of being around supernatural beings, being in danger and what should feel like being one of them. All characters are well-built and have a role in the story, full of surprises and unexpected turns. In Rachel Van Dyken's story there's no black or white and I liked that she kept surprising us until the very end. So much that nearly the end I have a meltdown crisis when I read a specific scene. You'll understand me once you read the book.

I absolutely adore this story and I'm just waiting for more books to come. Being introduced to Rachel's supernatural world was a unique experience for a reader and I loved every single moment. That's why I highly recommend this read to all romance supernatural lovers. This is definitely a must read book!

The ARC was provided in exchange of an honest review. Participating in this tour does not affect my opinion in any way.
Elude (Eagle Elite Book 6) :: The Playboy Bachelor (The Bachelors of Arizona) :: Fraternize (Players Game) :: Empire (Eagle Elite Book 7) :: Steal (Seaside Pictures Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was nervous going into this book because dark romance is typically not my cup of tea. I was so nervous it took me nearly a week to crack it open to page one. By page ten I was totally sucked in and couldn't stop reading. Yes, RIP is darker than the Eagle Elite series but the darkness isn't overwhelming or depressing. I went into this book with the idea that there was no way I could ever tolerate, much less like, Nik yet by the end I had no negative emotions for him. I actually kind of loved him. :)

I adored Maya, she is every bit the fiesty, strong heroine I hoped she'd be. I had fears before beginning the book that she would be or become a doormat, "I'll do anything, just please love me" kind of woman but she wasn't and didn't. This alone made me love her story.

As always, Rachel delivered an intriguing and emotion filled story. The blend of suspense, romance and humor is superbly done and the HEA is perfect. I'm thrilled that I experienced this book and am excited to delve into Empire when it is released!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
anne dodge
i enjoyed the Dark Ones series by this author and when i read the description for this book it sounded interesting. The sample was intriguing - mafia references, a sexy mentalist doctor guy named Nicolai and secrets about Maya's father -Why he would he sell / promise her to Nicolai? Why would it destroy them if Nik made love to her? Who was killkng prostitutes and why? I was willing to overlook a few cheesey lines in Nics inner monologue and dig in. But it went downhill fast - the seriel killer is obvious and plot ridiculous - withlut giving a spoiler let me say that there is a descendent from Jack the Ripper which makes no sense since he was British and everyone is either Italian or Russian. And its clear the author did no research on the mafia. The five families dont live in Chicago! And they dont refer to themselves as Mafia, didnt you at least watch Goodfellas? Chicagos crime families are different from the New York families, the Italians and Russian families dont intermarry or get on a plane to commit multiple murders for their rivals,i could go on and on here but no matter, because those characters are flatter than paper anyways - but if you promise a book about the mob you shoud get the main facts straight. And while you are at it, take a stab at getting some research on medicine when your main character is And again,without being a spoiler let me say the sex taboo is never really explained and flies out the window quickly anyways. Nik is the only character that is interesting but his endess inner dialouge of self loathing becomes corny and boring. And the intriguing start with Maya (who is vapid and actually signs a contract promising herself to Nik at her first meeting because he tells her that her horrid fathed sold her) withers away. I ended the book still not understanding why there had been a contract ( that basically was forgotten two chapters later). But I no longer cared. The plot fell apart, the characters were totally one dimensional and the whole mob description inaccurate and incredulous. I only wish I could get Nik over to my house to brainwash me into forgetting I ever read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
april pope
RIP by Rachel Van Dyken
Purchased: Kindle - $2.99 [Received as gift from author]
My Rating: 4 of 5 Stars


What’s It All About:
Maya has been broken her whole life, and Nikolai is the one who broke her. Her darkness was her savior and the memories that he granted her were what kept her alive, but then why does he feel so guilty for being the man that haunts her dreams as her memories begin to resurface. Nik knows he needs to protect Maya, but once she realizes who he is, will he still be there to save her or will she finally run from the man in the mask?

The Best Parts:
This is a dark story in the sense that Maya is in the dark about what is really going on. It makes the reader see into things more than they should, but when revealed we get to see the light at the end of the tunnel that Maya is not privy to see. The story line between Maya and Nik is a fun one to read as she pushes all of his buttons, and he just seems to play along. It is great to be able to go back and forth between the characters so that we are not fully in the dark with what is happening.

I also love that even though Maya is having these horrible nightmares Nik is there for her, and pushes her to the brink but doesn’t destroy her, he helps heal her and bring her back to the reality that she should have never been deprived of.

The Worst Parts:
The story definitely starts off a little weird. It’s slow then fast pace and all at once, then it gets into the steady pace between both characters. The tid bits at the beginning of the chapters are really good. Love the Russian proverbs, but the parts about the serial killer in Seattle throws another wrench into the book that isn’t told right until the end. It makes for a good suspense, but it would have been just as good if we didn’t know what was happening, and had this whole revelation at the end when Maya gets kidnapped.

That whole scene just kind of threw me for a loop as it was great to see Nik go after Maya, but then again it felt weird for him to break character of protecting her and letting her leave the apartment period when he knew a crazy woman was on the loose. Just saying.

Final Thoughts:
I was lucky enough to be given a copy of this by Rachel herself as I’m going through some financial problems, and hope once my husband and I are good I will be able to give the love back to some other readers. Never the less, it was an amazing book that takes you out of this crazy world we live in and brings you into the wonderful world of the Russian Mafia. Also, can’t wait to read more about the Eagle Elite men and women who make an appearance in this novel!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cheryl napoli
In this twisted, darker romance tale of the prey falling in love with the predator, we delve further into the mafia world. Meeting a few Italians we’ve come across before, we watch as a convoluted scheme unravels in devastating fashion for the daughter of a Russian mobster who has no idea the things she’s hidden in the recesses of her mind.

The doctor, as he’s known, has quite the chilling ability. Besides the brilliant brain, precision with a scalpel, and ties with the underground, he also has the ability to affect your mind. And the past has quickly caught up with him. He was torn, then, between doing the job he had to do or helping the young woman whose mere presence enraptured him. His choices lead him to now. His choices will affect his future. The splattered soul he carries within, the one yearning for her, can’t help what it wants any more. And if that makes him a sick bastard, well, he can’t even begin to care if it gets him her.

She’s lived the life of a mobster’s daughter. Lack of affection has worn on her over the years, but she’s more determined than ever to make something of herself starting with her thesis. Finally, after months of begging, she’s booked an interview with the brilliant doctor. But this meeting turns out to be anything but an interview. Coming across him will be the turning point in her life. The outstandingly gorgeous and magnetic man, who seems cold and standoffish, will also be her captor. However, he becomes something much, much more.

I loved the plotline of this novel. RVD has a way with creating the darker mob character and the intricate storylines that surround them. The only thing that could have been better, for me, was if I could have connected with their connection a bit more. There were sparks, yes, but it didn’t consume me like I would have loved. Aside from that, it was great. It had twists and turns I wasn’t expecting, and a man who you could feel was incredibly intelligent. It came across in his words, thoughts, and mannerisms. He was very fleshed out, and I would have loved for her to be a bit more (which, in reality, might have given too much away…but you know). This standalone romance will fascinate you and take you on quite the journey.

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bruce jensen
Nikolai Blavik wonders whether he's a sociopath.

As one of the world's most prominent doctors & businessmen, brilliant, gifted, genius are all adjectives that he's used to having applied to him, but what bothers him is how little many of the things he's done over the years actually bother him.

You see, when he's not being the fine upstanding citizen the world sees, he uses his medical skills and knowledge in much more ... unorthodox ways. Brainwashing people who are too valuable to simply take for a walk in the desert, and after hours, his own personal 'research' involving girls with questionable backgrounds and, all too often, very little future.

The only real bright shining spark in his universe is the girl he just bought from her Russian mob boss father, Maya.

This isn't his first encounter with her though, he's met her once years before, though thanks to his skills, she's no conscious memory of that meeting.He remembers though. He remembers that in that meeting she sparked feelings in him that he's had neither before, nor since. Until now.

Now Maya, his one proof that he's not a sociopath, is back in his life, and this time she's here to stay, regardless of whether she has any feelings on the subject or not.

In this novel, Nikolai, Maya, and the reader are constantly left wondering if he really is the monster he appears to be. Is he some kind of Jekyll and Hyde character with good living side by side with true evil? Is he simply just misunderstood? Or is he perhaps just all evil?

These are the questions that ran through my head as I, like Maya, came to find things about him that we liked. All sorts of scenarios crossed my mind as I read. The Incredible Hulk, Dexter, just a fascinating anti-hero.

There's so much I could say about this book, but much would require revealing plot twist after plot twist and secret after secret, and trust me, Rip is full of them.

Once again Rachel Van Dyken​ has shown herself to be a masterful storyteller, excelling in the realm of the Interconnected Standalone. This book is somewhat tightly related to, without being part of, Rachel's Eagle Elite series of novels which focus on the Italian Mob families of Chicago, and not a few characters from that series make appearances, some contribute significantly to the overall story line, not least of all because Maya's sister married one of them.

That said, none of those stories are necessary pre-requisites for reading Rip.It stands on its own, and is, in many ways darker and more serious than the series its related to.

A thoroughly engrossing tale of love, lust betrayal and revenge with a side serving of intrigue murder and some really hot sex. I completely loved it, even if parts of it made me cry all over again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
audriane sani
Fans of Rachel Van Dyken's, Eagle Elite series, will be in romantic suspense heaven when they get their hands on Rip. I have read and loved the Eagle Elite series and I could not wait to read this spin off. If you love your romance with a good dose of suspense this is the book you are looking for! Like always, Rachel Van Dyken delivers an intense, passionate and unforgettable reading journey!

From the moment Russian mafia princess, Maya Petrov, meets Dr. Nikolai Blazik she knows she's in trouble. He's mysterious, arrogant and sexy. Maya's world is turned upside down when Nikolai delivers the news that for the next 365 days she will be his. Her father as sent her straight into the arms of a dangerous man or did he? The more time she spends with Nikolai, the more she realizes that he's not the monster she thought he was. Secrets will be revealed and lives will be changed forever. Will Nikolai break all his rules and fall for the Russian Mafia princess or will his secrets destroy any chance of happiness he has with her?

Maya and Nikolai were a great couple to follow. I could feel their chemistry from the moment that they met. While Nikolai knows everything about Maya, she's in the dark about why he feels so familiar. I loved the mystery revolving around what happened to Maya. I kept on creating scenarios in my head of what would have happened to her in the past. Boy was I wrong! The twists and turns kept on coming and the more secrets were revealed, the more I was left speechless.

I loved this story and how it was written, but I have to admit that my favorite part of this book was when I got to reunite with the crew of the Eagle Elite series. I miss them so much!!! Each of these characters have a special place in my heart and I was so happy to get a check-in with them. If you have not read the Eagle Elite series, I highly recommend reading the complete series. It's phenomenal!!!! Rip can be read as a standalone and it will deliver all feels you are looking for when reading a mafia romance.

I give Rip, by Rachel Van Dyken, 4 intriguing, intense, dark past, passionate, suspenseful stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lance morcan
“One of the greatest lies you will ever believe is that you can sin in silence and get away with it. Because most of the time silence is the loudest, it demands to be known, to be heard.”

I am addicted. I mean completely addicted to the mafia books Rachel Van Dyken writes. With each new book, I find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with the characters and their stories. This book was no exception. RIP is a spin off from the Eagle Elite series, but can be read as a standalone. However, I do recommend reading the others books as I think you will enjoy this book more, knowing the full history.

RIP pulled me in from the very first page and held me captive the entire time. This story is well written and I think I has a little bit darker tone to it, than the other books in the Eagle Elite series. I loved the mystery and intrigue. I had so much fun trying to figure out exactly what was the connection between Nikolai and Maya. Nikolai both scared and terrified me, but there was so much more to him than meets the eye. And Maya, well, let’s just say she has been through a lot and even though Nikolai is terrifying, he might just be exactly what Maya needs.

The minute I step into the mafia world that Rachel Van Dyken has created, I don’t want to leave. I want to live there forever and become a part of the story. It is so easy to get lost in the characters and their story. Even though this story is a bit darker, there is no shortage of romance and drama. I loved all the action and suspense. There certainly was never a dull moment. And this book was filled with lots of delicious twists that kept you guessing right until the very end.

RIP is one of those stories that just consumes you and doesn’t want to let you go. By the time you are finished, you are wishing that there was another book to read. You don’t want the story to ever end. Rachel Van Dyken has knocked it out of the park with this book and I can’t wait to see where she will take me next!

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book via InkSlinger PR, in exchange for an honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
evelyn meneghin
“One of the greatest lies you will ever believe is that you can sin in silence and get away with it. Because most of the time silence is the loudest; it demands to be known, to be heard.”

I have been anticipating this release for a very long time. When Rachel Van Dyken shared the idea she had floating around in her head about the dark and mysterious doctor, Nikolai Blazik, I was immediately cheering on her writing passion. And, oh man, did she deliver. Once again, Rachel has built a very well crafted, suspenseful mafia romance that pulls readers in from the beginning.

In this tale, Rachel carefully guides the readers through the twists and turns of the past and present that have lead to Nikolai to take Maya as his captive—to bind her to him in a contract that has her both fearing for her life and craving his presence. Will the silence he keeps be his undoing? And will the memories that slowly come to light put them in greater danger from the threat that promises to destroy their lives?

Rip is a bit of a dark, suspenseful, and gritty look at the world of the mafia. It is filled with more angst, torment, and bloodshed—exactly what I would expect when thinking about the mafia. So welcome to the darker side—welcome to the Russian Mafia!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ali dastgheib
Rip is another great addition to Rachel Van Dyken's mafia series - it's more of a stand alone/spin off so if you haven't read the other books you won't be lost. This book takes us inside the Russian mafia (while the other books have focused on the Italians) and lives up to the emotional and intense experience readers has come to expect from Ms Van Dyken's work.

Nikolai Blazik, known as "the Doctor," has been working for Russian mafia lord Petrov. His specialty is hypnotherapy - some might call it brainwashing - but he has a little side job where he is researching STDs.

Maya, the only living child of Petrov, is working on her doctorate and has been begging her father to help her gain an interview with Blazik since her thesis is on STDs and he's the leading reasearcher. She finally gains an audience, but is unprepared for being presented with a contract showing her father basically sold her to Blazik for the next year.

What follows is a story of love, hate, fear, secrets, revenge, and family. Because that's what the mafia is all about, right? Family.

FYI - content warnings: violence, language, intimate scenes, mature topics
Honest Disclosure - I received a review copy from the author
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margie cox
This book just kept getting better and better ..... one evil (or so we believe) Russian mafia dude and a strong willed young girl contracted to stay together for a year..... I couldn't understand at first how someone could sign a contract to be "owned" by someone without a fight ... no screaming no crying even no swearing.... it baffled me .... but as I read on I got more hooked with each page I turned .... so well written (even if I did get the unedited version I could still follow and enjoy)... I love her style of writing ... during times of stress ... for characters, not me.... she likes to throw in a bit of humour ... which is something I find makes a dramatic story even better
Maya being young I found was strong sarcastic and humorous .... I did enjoy evil Nik but I did love Maya more

I must say I was sceptical at first due to the fact that it is a Mafia story and even though you didn't have to read her other mafia series they did make an appearance ( don't crucify me ... but I truthfully have not read the Elite series )
but after reading RIP ... I'll have to get myself the Elite series ... especially if they are as good as RIP
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee cate
Rachel Van Dyken has an impressive range of unique style ability and I am always curious what she will think up next. Her mafia romances are definitely some of my favorites. RIP is explosive, angsty, dramatic, and extremely compelling from beginning to end. This is definitely a novel you do not want to miss.

I was immediately intrigued by Nikolai’s character because he is mysterious and detached. There are so many complex layers to this man and I was ready to peel them all away. The connection between Nikolai and Maya was so interesting. The slow release of information from the past fed my interest-flames like wild fire and I couldn’t get enough. The dynamic and chemistry between these two was spectacular. Page after page revealed a new piece to this very complicated puzzle.

I think the constant balance of unknown factors is what drove me to devour this book as fast as I did. The way this author built up this story was brilliant because there was never a dull moment. I am still mulling over the web of events that took place within this this epic adventure. Make sure to check this one out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane mcgann
RIP is another amazing book in Rachel Van Dyken's arsenal of outstanding storylines. No-one quite writes Mafia like her and in this stand-alone book we are treated to Nikolai and Maya, two Russians who set about to save each other's souls, with the help of some Italian favourites along the way!

I was initially torn about this book. It didn’t start in the same vein as other Rachel Van Dyken books but instead had a slow and deliberate feel to it. Despite that, it did keep my attention, albeit tentatively, until I realised that this was going to be a side-story to the Eagle Elite series and once that happened *BANG* the story picked up and pulled me in at an alarming rate. Irrespective of how the story initially started though, I loved the characters right from the beginning. Nikolai was a dream of man with his mysterious, dark and Jekyll/Hyde ways which were complemented beautifully by Maya’s innocence and locked away secrets.

Overall, this story had an altogether darker feel and intensity to it than the Eagle Elite series which, despite it’s Mafia theme still maintained a light-hearted feel to it. RIP, by comparison was more blatantly gruesome and bloody and until the Italians arrived, had me wondering if I was reading a horror story!

Nik’s character was a complex mess and I loved him. He was initially cold and calculating but then an altogether softer side appeared as you began to see how his connection with Maya wasn’t completely new. Maya, is bewildered as to why Nik has singled her out and despite not trusting him, starts to push his buttons and slowly but surely breaks down the wall he has firmly placed around him.

So yes, for me, the Italians added an altogether unexpected, but wonderful, element to the book and in that light, did draw my opinion of the story into a more positive direction. I would have liked to have made an independent judgement of the book without their influence in order to see how Nik and Maya and their twisted and deep-rooted connection panned out without being distracted with Tex, Nixon, Phoenix, Chase and Sergio! For me, the Italians took the story from a 4 Star to a 5 Star read and, in some respects, I would have loved to have been able to score the book based on Nik and Maya’s story alone.

Phoenix played an unexpected part in this story, as did Sergio, as the Russian and Italian lives crossed paths and I loved their connection despite the obvious mistrust in each other. If you haven’t read the Eagle Elite series before reading RIP, I highly recommend it. You will get to see the Italian characters in a different light and in a lot more delicious detail!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"What did you think?"

What did I think?! Which time???? This story was like a puzzle! You know, if the puzzle had fifty billion pieces and none of them could fit together without having to seriously twist them, because HOLY MOTHER RUSSIA all the twists!
RIP is one of Rachel's most darkest stories, but if you're a fan of her Eagle Elite series, then you know how our boys can be, and they never fail at getting a laugh out of me. Yes, that's right, you get the pleasure of more Phoenix ;)
But back on track.
From the start you find out that Nikolai and Maya have history (only she doesn't know it), but it's the journey of getting into Nik's mind as he slowly unravels what he had once locked away that had me continuously turning the pages. The more this story started to unfold, the more my fingers tightened around my Kindle! It was like BAM! plot twist. BAM! secret. BAM! yelled at my Kindle.

RIP is gripping. It's heart racing. It's history. It's intense. It's enthralling. It's's Mafia.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian byars
Although not technically part of the Eagle Elite series, this book is closely tied to the series. As the title eludes to, this book immediately heads down a very dark path. Maya's life has never been one she wanted, but just when she's finally making her own way and hoping for a more independent future, once again her life is not her own, it's Nikolai's. It's not fair that the daughter has to pay for the sins of her father...and what did that mean?! As the reader, I didn't know who to trust or where the story was going to go...being kept on my toes is an understatement. So many secrets, so many lies, so many memories, so much blood, and so much love!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamie baker
This book is an excellent addition to Rachel's yummy mafia male god collection! If you have read and enjoyed the numerous books in the RVD mafia collection, you will absolutely love this one also!

There are several twists and turns in this book. Some of those will leave you wondering if this author jumped on the fifty shades bandwagon but met up with Ted Bundy, instead of a sexual dominant with control issues.

You will also wonder who the good guy is, and if you should really like (love) them.. How can one ever be sure?!?

You will get a cameo from all your favorites and as always anxiously await to hear more about them.

But as always you will love the new people and their stories as much as you've loved everyone else and in the end you will see how it all fits and love this authors ability to suck you into the story and keep you until the very last page!

Nikolai - Russian Doctor - Mafia mind man
Maya - Petrov's Daughter ( Russian Mafia mob boss) or is she?!?!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Received a copy in exchange for an honest review

“I opened my mouth to start the trance, when her mouth suddenly pressed against mine, hot, hungry, open. Her hands intertwined with my hair, as her fingers dug into my skull. With an aggressive tug, she nearly pulled us both out of the chair and onto the plane floor.”

5 deeply, dark stars!!! Wow that book was so dark, but I loved every single page of it!! Rachel really outdid herself on this one!!!

This book was so deeply dark and not at all what I was expecting, but that’s not a bad thing at all!! I love a good dark book and this book was absolutely dark!! I loved the characters and I loved the storyline. I always love what Rachel writes and this book has proven why I think she’s such an amazing author. I won’t be giving anything away with this review, except to say that you need to read this book….NOW!!!!!

**Received a copy in exchange for an honest review. Read and reviewed by Melissa for an Alpha Book Club**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda young
Rachel Van Dyken does it again!!! I love these types of books!!! The type of book that captures you right fro the start.... If you never have read a gangster/romance novel this one would be a pace to start... It has it all!!! Guns, humor, violence, secrets, twists and turns... I loved it all!! I am never disappointed when it comes to Rachel and her books!!

Nikolai is mysterious and creepy at first. You don't know what kind of mood he is going to be in. I fee like he was giving me whiplash the first part of the book. But as time went on I realized that he was only doing things to protect his families secrets and the one person he allowed himself to love for so long, but could never have. He had more secrets than he would like to have and kept them to keep Maya safe from them.

Maya was only going in for an interview with one of Seattle's leading researcher on diseases and what she got was a contract to bind her to the one man she feared.... Or so she thought. I don't want to spoil it too much for you.... But Maya becomes intrigued with her new boss and discovers something more about the man.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a book that was incredibly difficult to put down! If you have read the Eagle Elite series then you know what you are getting into in this story! As it's a spin off! Can be read as a standalone!
Intense, secretive, with an interesting storyline! 
I absolutely loved it! Rachel has such a way with words that draw you into her books, make you love the characters and empathize with them.
Maya was a rather tough girl, who learns some new things from her new boss Nikolai! Not everything is what is seems though! Oh no! 
I have to also mention that I totally love the hot cover! Especially since its Rachel's husband on it!! Lucky lady!!! He he!
Anyway, what I loved most about this story was the banter, the mafia, the secrets unearthed and the ending! Who is really related to who was insane! I was shocked!! 
Mind blowingly gripping!! Add it to your TBR list! It's a definite must read for me!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick grady
Another AMAZING book by Rachel Van Dyken!! This book was dark, gritty, sensual, all consuming & hear pounding. From the beginning to the end I was absolutely hooked and I didn't want it to end. Nikolai & Maya were fantastic characters that you couldn't help but fall in love with. Maya was just thrown into a world that she didn't know or understand at first, but her strength came out and she was ready. I loved how she got under Nikolai's skin. She was witty & charming but also innocent & vulnerable. Nikolai, he was sexy, broody & bossy. He was so confident and in control. I loved that he had a conscience especially when it came to Maya. Their attraction towards each other was strong and their love for each other was true. I definitely cried especially towards the end but that just made me love the book more. This is definitely one of my favorite reads of 2015!! Great job Rachel Van Dyken!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Five stars doesn't give this book justice. It was absolutely amazing!!! Holy Wow!! It was just incredible!!! I usually don't like mafia books but this one was great.

Nikolai is dark and mysterious and oh so sexy. I mean who doesn't dream about a doctor who's in he mafia. Who buys you from your father and basically keeps you captive. Did I mention he's trying to save the world one prostitute at a time. So he's a monster and a humanitarian.

Maya is so sweet and innocent but oh so sassy. She's trapped in her fathers horrible and dangerous life.

I wanted to hate Nikolai but he made me fall in love with him. He's a monster that wants to be good. Nikolai and Maya truly belong together.

Rip was absolutely perfect!!! It gives you everything. It's raw and gritty...extremely dark. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. This book just totally blew my mind. I promise it's like nothing I've ever read. Rachel rocks!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scot nourok
Rip is another great mafia book by Rachel Van Dyken. This book does not focus on the Italians like the Eagle Elite Series, although they do make a few appearances in it.
Rip is about Nikolai, a Doctor of many talents. He works for the Russian Mafia to protect his family, who has their own dark secrets. And Maya the beautiful and intelligent daughter of Petrov, the Russian mafia boss.
Petrov sold his daughter Maya to Dr. Nikolai Blazik, to be his intern for a year. Maya shows up to interview Nikolai, and nothing is the same after that.
This is a wonderful story, with a crazy old lady, a bit of the hot Italians, some sexy Russians, some hypnotizing, lots of action, and lots of romance. I love how everything seems so real. It was a little more intense than her other mafia books, but overall an amazing read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate keita
A standalone novel related to Rachel van Dyken's Eagle Elite series, RIP tells the story of Maya and Nikolai. They both have horrific pasts and in order to be together, they will have to reveal and overcome their past. Maya, a damaged yet strong willed woman, and Nikolai, a genius with a spotty family history, are bound together by so much more than their eventual love for each other.

I am a HUGE fan of Rachel's books. RIP is no different. She pulled me in from the very beginning and kept me hooked until the last page. Her writing has the ability to capture you and pull you into her books without warning. With all of the twists and turns that she throws at you in this book, she will make you become addicted to her books.

An ARC of this book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!!!! I was a little worried at first when we were warned that this book was darker than most, but since it is Rachel writing it I knew I had to read it. Oh boy, I was not disappointed. This book hooks you right from the start and pulls you in to this dark world of secrets, lies, and deceit. Both of the characters, Nik and Maya, are hard not to love. Even though at the beginning Nik comes off as a complete jerk and cold-hearted, his reasons were valid. Nik and Maya were destined to cross paths after their VERY rocky start, but fate has a funny way of throwing people for a loop. My favorite part, as usual, was when we got to see my favorite mafia characters come back. It is just so amazing how Rachel can weave all of these stories together.

Even though this book does have some very dark scenes, I think they were needed to show the growth of characters. I would recommend this book to anyone!!! Amazing job again Rachel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
RIP is a stand-alone novel with appearances of beloved characters from the Elite Mafia series.
The hunky Russian Nikolai is a world renowned Doctor who works on the side for the Mafia. In a deal with Petrov, head of a Russian Crime Family, he wins Petrov’s daughter, Maya, for a year on the condition Nik does not touch Maya. If he does, Petrov will kill him. Can Nik keep his hands off the beautiful, feisty Maya? You’ll have to read it to find out!
Rachel Dyken sucked me in with the Prologue and had me sitting on the edge of my seat for the entire book. This is the most suspenseful book I’ve read of RVD and I loved every minute of it. Although there is violence, it’s the Russian Mafia, it’s not gory.
What I like best about RVD’s writing style is that it’s not overly detailed and there is no internal character dialogue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
papa tony
Talk about intense!!! I was majorly stressing here. I thought the Italian mafia was scary, but it's NOTHING like the Russians.

Nikolai was such a twisted soul. He has done very bad things. Things he's not proud of. But he is trying to work past them and trying to make them better. He is determined to help Maya not matter what happens to him, he wants her safe.

This book was way more dark than the Eagle Elite series, but I loved it. I was so very happy to have the EE boy and girls join in the fun. Their comedic additions was a nice break from all the seriousness swirling around them. In fact seeing them here, kinda makes me want to reread their series now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren kosasa
Wow! Really should not be surprised but Rachel Van Dyken blew me away yet again. This book was seriously amazing from beginning to end. This is a spin-off of the eagle elite series, which definitely doesn't need to be read first but that series is seriously amazing so you should probably read them anyways. I love Nixon and Phoenix from the eagle elite series and Nik definitely gives them a run for top favorite mafia character. This book was beautifully written and deserves way more than 5 stars.

This is a bit darker than the other series yet I think it really only added to the story.

Received a copy from the author for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy rollo
This book keeps you on your toes. The suspense is times perfectly, keeping you enthralled throughout. I love Nik's unusuall skill set and the research that Rachel put into all of the small details of the story. She has an amazing way of building stories where the dark mysterious guys fall for the unsuspecting girl, my favorite type of stories to read. And if you think think the Italians in this book sound like a bag of fun, you are right, they are, and they all have their own book in the Eagle Elite series. The dark histories the characters have and the deep emotions they carry from it are easy to feel yourself when you read all of Rachel's books and this one definitely not the exception.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! Really should not be surprised but Rachel Van Dyken blew me away yet again. This book was seriously amazing from beginning to end. This is a spin-off of the eagle elite series, which definitely doesn't need to be read first but that series is seriously amazing so you should probably read them anyways. I love Nixon and Phoenix from the eagle elite series and Nik definitely gives them a run for top favorite mafia character. This book was beautifully written and deserves way more than 5 stars.

This is a bit darker than the other series yet I think it really only added to the story.

Received a copy from the author for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book keeps you on your toes. The suspense is times perfectly, keeping you enthralled throughout. I love Nik's unusuall skill set and the research that Rachel put into all of the small details of the story. She has an amazing way of building stories where the dark mysterious guys fall for the unsuspecting girl, my favorite type of stories to read. And if you think think the Italians in this book sound like a bag of fun, you are right, they are, and they all have their own book in the Eagle Elite series. The dark histories the characters have and the deep emotions they carry from it are easy to feel yourself when you read all of Rachel's books and this one definitely not the exception.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darcy meade
The title of Nikolai and Maya's book holds multiple meanings for both of them, and it also represents what could become of them if Nik doesn't figure out a way to protect Maya from her monstrous father and his end game if Maya's memories resurface.

Readers first met Nikolai in Elude, and we could tell from his first appearance that he was harboring a multitude of secrets and walking a fine line between what he's supposed to do and what he wants to do. This idea is expounded on in Rip and the many layers of Nik's personality are peeled away little by little with his interaction with Maya and his realization about what it will take to free himself and Maya from her father.

Nik may be a master manipulator and pride himself on his control and ability to keep people at a distance, but Maya's a game changer for his purpose, his family’s legacy, and his identity; in fact, their first encounter when she was 16 solidified what she would come to mean to him, and there was really nothing he could do to prevent her from either destroying or redeeming him.

Maya’s in a precarious situation not of her own doing, and so as her conflicted feelings for Nikoali lead to rash actions and unlocked memories, she’s even more confused about Nik’s position with her father and if he’s truly a monster who means her harm or the only person who can save her from the danger that’s coming at her from multiple sides.

Like all of Rachel Van Dyken’s mafia books, Nikoali and Maya’s story is consumed with mysteries and unanswered questions, and they are slowly revealed and answered throughout the course of the text, keeping readers caught up in the manipulation, seduction, and destruction that threatens everything that’s building between Nik and Maya and everything Nik’s been working to tirelessly to protect.

I absolutely loved RIP; Van Dyken continues to dazzle me with her dark, dangerous, and deadly Mafia men – guys who will do anything to protect those they love and those who have their backs. The Russian/Italian connection in the book although tenuous leads me to believe that that alliance will come into play some time in the future in the Eagle Elite series, and I can’t wait to see how Van Dyken incorporates it.

A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this story. Which is not surprising because I love all of RVD's stories. We met Nikolai in Sergios book, and I wasn't really sure how I felt about him. And also for a good portion of this book, I was pretty sure I hated him and they was not a good guy. But as RVD always does, she turned it around and I fell l in love with him. I loved Maya and I felt sorry for her at the same time. There was some crazy twists and turns that I didn't see coming, I was really glad we got some of the characters from other books in this series!! Another win for sure!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Maya Petrov is the daughter to one of the sickest Russian Mob bosses. After over a year she finally gets an interview with Nikolai a doctor that is well known for his research. That is when her world turns upside down and Nik and Maya have to overcome their past in order to get their future. I liked the author’s take on the inside of the Russian Mafia and all the crazy crap that actually goes on.

“He was brilliant, he was rich, and something about him was clearly…off.”

“Mentalist. “Bee offered.” Hypnotist…brainwasher extraodinaire… Though my money’s on alien. He’s a master manipulator.”

The story was a bit confusing to me and this could be a case of it was me and not you. The book flowed really well but I had a hard time connecting with the characters but really enjoyed the unique storyline. The author threw several plot twists and I honestly didn’t know what was going to happen next. This is what you would consider a dark read with some romance and lots of suspense. I loved some of the secondary characters, especially the Italian Mafia characters.

I loved the unique storyline that was filled with suspense, heartbreak and humor. Some parts of this book had me at the edge of my seat. I just felt like some parts of the book there was so much going on that it got a little confusing.
This is the first book that I have read by this author but since her plot was so unique I am sure it will not be the last.

3 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben roth
With very little to go on before reading this book, I was apprehensive, but as usual with one of her books, Rachel drew me in within the first few pages. The characters were well defined and easy to love and hate them at the same time. Bringing in the mafia boys made this book even more enjoyable. Maya being from the Russian side of the mafia has strength but also has secrets that are hidden, where Nikolai comes off of as an evil dirt bag. Many twists and turns can be found within the pages of RIP and will keep you guessing until the very last page. This is definitely a must read.
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. (Here it is)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wait…what!?!?!?!?! This book had me saying that about a thousand times. This is a little darker, and a whole lot bloodier than what I’m used to from Rachel Van Dyken, and I gotta say… I LOVED IT!!! And of course my favorite Chicago Mafia family’s making an appearance made me even happier. This can be read as a standalone but I highly suggest you pick up all of the Eagle Elite books and fall in love with some hot as sin Italian’s to go along with the new found obsession I now have with a certain Russian doctor. I really hope that we get to see more of Nikolai and Maya in future books.
****I was given an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.****
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris whitebell
The million dollar question... what did I think? If there's one thing Rachel can do its The Mafia. This standalone book with ties to the Eagle Elite series did not disappoint. This dark and suspenseful work of art is just one more reason to love Rachel Van Dyken's writing and the Mafia world she has created for us. All of my boys from the Eagle Elite are in this book as well as new characters. I don't think this book deserves 5 stars. I only gave it 5 because it was the most stars I could give :) 10 out of 10 Rachel Well Done!
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