Steal (Seaside Pictures Book 3)

ByRachel Van Dyken

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luke manning
I loved the emotional expression of Ang and Will in this book. It was so pure and meaningful. The author really knew how to hook you in and really feel the emotional battle and pull the main characters had for one another.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ella griffin
Seaside Pictures for the win!! I fell in love with the series from day one and Steal is no exception. The raw emotions that Rachel Van Dyken is able to create using written word is exquisite. Will and Angelica are so dynamic and the layers or issues and history between this is heart pounding. I finished Steal in one sitting and can't wait to go back and read it again. I love how RVD manages to weave characters from her other series together. It pulls you in so much deeper. Please read Steal! If you haven't read the first two Seaside Picture books, no worries you can read Steal all on its own. However, I would suggest grabbing them all up and taking one of the best rides ever!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
moira campion
Rating~ 4 - 4.5 stars

This book had such a hollywood movie vibe to it that I adored!!

At the end of the last book in the series we find out that Will has taken Angelica as his client and with that these two individuals who have so much history and were once in love and now hate each other are together in one place. I hadn't read the other books from the series so I didn't that what role Angelica had played but from what I found out made me cautious that I wouldn't end up liking her but I'm a sucker for hate to love and I really enjoyed Zane's book (Keep) so I had to give this one a try.

Will Sutherland is an agent, working with superstars and keeping them in line is something he can do his sleep. However dealing with his new client is taking all of his attention, not to mention his willpower.

Angelica Greene has made a lot of mistakes. Now after her rehab, she's back in Seaside for filming, this is her come back and really her last shot of showing to the world that she's more than a washed out former drug addict actress.

Will and Angelica have a history, a history filled with love, betrayal,  heartbreak and so much pain. They had known each other since they were casted to be a movie together when they were teenagers and fell in love and that's when everything went wrong. Now years later, Will hates Angelica even though he craves her while Angelica never really got over Will and his presence and his behaviour reminds her everyday of her mistakes  and what she doesn't have.

As I said earlier I hadn't read the other books so I didn't want what exactly Angelica did but seemed like she messed up a lot but had finally gotten her act together now. I really liked her, she was damaged and had serious issues but she was trying. Will had been completely in love with Angelica in the past but he too made mistakes that made everything go down the rails.

I loved hate to love story thrown in with their past and angst ( this however not my favourite thing) made this is a great read. I did love them together and really loved how Rachel Van Dyken incorporated the elements of movie, the band and the flashbacks to give us the whole story of Will and Angelica. I loved those moments when they were just talking, getting to know each other again and seeing the past from the other person's point of view. And as always with Rachel Van Dyken, Will and Angelica had great sparking chemistry.

Quibbles: I wish we had gotten more of how her mother's behaviour effected Angelica, it's touched own but not enough for me because it seemed like it had a huge impact on who Angelica was today but it was never got explored and then there was the fact that we didn't see interacting much with her brother. I mean she interacted with Alec and Dimitri, had more meaningful conversations with them than her brother who again grew up with the same mother should have been able to understand her better?? I would have liked him to pay a bit more attention towards his sister and showed some affection for her. Random but I would have liked a more few years later down the line epilogue for Will and Angelica.

I felt completely immersed in the story and Will and Angelica's feelings and I think that's one of the best things about a book is when you get completely lost in the words. Getting to see Angelica break down and then in the end become stronger and Will seeing realising his mistakes and shedding the agent persona he had taken on was great. Overall, I really enjoyed this one and I loved the couple, this book has such great moments and scenes!
Rip :: Elude (Eagle Elite Book 6) :: The Playboy Bachelor (The Bachelors of Arizona) :: Fraternize (Players Game) :: Co-Ed
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jason kelley
Reviewed by Sharon Thérèse

I was really looking forward to reading this full-length novel and seeing as I’d missed out on the first two in the Seaside Pictures Series and the blurb mentions that this one can be read as a standalone, when it landed on my Kindle, I dived in with gusto. However, I have to confess that I struggled with it. I cannot dispute the writing is excellent. In fact, if I hadn’t felt like I was missing out on the plot half the time, the story per se is super original, the atmosphere in the setting, tense. One of the narrative characteristics which I enjoyed most were the flashbacks told from two perspectives but in the same instance, I couldn’t stop questioning the whys and wherefores of the protagonists’ stances past and present. The pace is well-measured in the respect that all the happenings cover quite a short timespan, so there’s never a dull moment. That being said, from the beginning of the book, confusion set in. Names abound, their stories are very briefly touched on and I got more and more frustrated as the story progressed.

One thing was made very clear from the start, Will Sutherland and Angelica Greene have history. Bravo to the author for getting their animosity across to the reader so quickly. They can’t bear the sight of each other; hence, the story starts off on a harsh tone. A well-known story technique was used by holding back the juiciest and most scandalous parts until later; nonetheless, I would have liked to have learnt more of their backstory sooner. But when everything does come together, it still didn’t seem to be enough. Maybe it was me being greedy or perhaps reading book one and two first would have helped sate my need for more and help me get my bearings.

Will and Angelica fell out of love long ago, or did they? Broken and bitter, they’ve been thrown together in the most unlikely scenario which neither of them have any say in or happy about. It’s made apparent that blame is being thrown around regardless of their inner-feelings; even a whole lot of encouragement from Will’s friends doesn’t seem to be enough. Will’s not the guy he was and his Mr Perfect stance isn’t going to get him anywhere. I appreciated how the secondary characters stepped in here; of course, there’s always someone who’s ready to throw a spanner in the works, the twist being something else.

Angelica’s personality didn’t really work for me until quite well into the book. Will saw a change in her which he tries to ignore; understandably his way of protecting himself, but he’s still hurtful and unforgiving. When what happened to her was revealed and the reasons why she acted as she did explained, my attitude towards her softened. I felt sorry for her; she’d put her trust in the wrong person, the consequences were disastrous and she paid a high price for it.

The banter is off the charts! It flows freely throughout the read along with plenty of angst. As I have already said, I struggled with this book which is shame because I really did like Ms Van Dyken's writing style.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ursula ciller
Steal is the latest installment in Rachel's Seaside Pictures series, a spin-off series from the Seaside series that can be read as standalone novels. Steal is centered around Angelica, a despised character from the original Seaside series, and Will, a new side character we met in the last Seaside Pictures novel as Zane's manager. I must admit, I was skeptical when I realized that the lead female character was Angelica because I have despised her since she was introduced in the Seaside series as a selfish, self absorbed, destructive force to everyone she came in contact with. From the start of the novel, Will is highly hostile toward Angelica. We soon find out that the reason for his hostility is that he gave up his career as the lead singer of the hottest boy band on the planet for Angelica. After initially being given drugs by Will's jealous band mate, Angelica became addicted and ruined her career and, ultimately, her relationship with Will. Will's hostility comes from the animosity and hurt he still feels over losing Angelica. He hates himself for still wanting her and reacting to her when in her presence, so he's taken to being rude and abrasive to try and push her away. Angelica, who is now sober, is trying to pick up the pieces of her life and make the most of her last chance filming in Seaside. She knows that if she screws up this last gig, she'll never work again. Being around Will makes old feelings reemerge, and Angelica has to work overtime to make Will see that she's truly changed and trying to better herself. In the process of showing Will who she's become, we as the reader gain a lot of insight into why Angelica is the way she is. Like most childhood stars, Angelica was deprived of love and genuine human connection. She turned to drugs to numb her pain and learned to lash out and push people away instead of showing her vulnerability. For someone I started out hating, my heart hurt for Angelica. As in life, there's often a reason broken people cause so much damage, and I enjoyed getting to understand her and ultimately root for her redemption. Like all of Rachel's novels, Steal has a ton of heart. This is one redemption story you don't want to miss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Steal is part of the Seaside Pictures series but it can totally be read as a standalone without feeling like you’re missing anything.

I LOVE how Rachel doesn’t shy away from controversial topics like addiction and instead tackles them head on, I’ve read all the Seaside series and the Seaside Pictures series so I know the public parts of Angelica’s story and I didn’t just hate Angelica Greene, I loathed her... I didn’t see why she behaved the way she did or why these characters even put up with her, but I can say with confidence that Steal has changed that, reading Angelica and Will’s story has opened my eyes and forced me to see the girl behind the sneer and I like that girl, I like her a lot! Will is pretty incredible too, if anything he is more flawed in some ways than she is. As the story progressed I really was getting to know these characters, it felt like I was witnessing Angelica and Will grow into the people they should have always been with the help of a few familiar faces ;), one of the things I love about this series is that it’s a spin off of the Seaside series, that means you get all the awesomeness of Seaside and because they’re such a tight knit group you get to see all the guys and their other halves a lot which I loved, nothing brightens up a chapter more than Demetri and his quirkiness, and while I’m talking about other characters.... THAT cameo from the Eagle Elite series at the end of the book was perfection and not just because he’s my favourite!

Steal isn’t just a story about love, it’s about forgiveness of others and yourself, redemption, finding and learning to love yourself and a big part of it is about friendship, I truly believe we could all learn a thing or two from Angelica and Will’s story and if I’m honest it could even end up giving you your own closure. There aren’t enough words in the human language to explain how much I enjoyed this book, I adore Angelica and Will to another level I can definitely see myself rereading this in the future!

**I submitted a request to the publisher/author to read and voluntarily review an uncorrected advance reader’s copy of this book**
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dave heisley
Reviewed by Sharon Thérèse

I was really looking forward to reading this full-length novel and seeing as I’d missed out on the first two in the Seaside Pictures Series and the blurb mentions that this one can be read as a standalone, when it landed on my Kindle, I dived in with gusto. However, I have to confess that I struggled with it. I cannot dispute the writing is excellent. In fact, if I hadn’t felt like I was missing out on the plot half the time, the story per se is super original, the atmosphere in the setting, tense. One of the narrative characteristics which I enjoyed most were the flashbacks told from two perspectives but in the same instance, I couldn’t stop questioning the whys and wherefores of the protagonists’ stances past and present. The pace is well-measured in the respect that all the happenings cover quite a short timespan, so there’s never a dull moment. That being said, from the beginning of the book, confusion set in. Names abound, their stories are very briefly touched on and I got more and more frustrated as the story progressed.

One thing was made very clear from the start, Will Sutherland and Angelica Greene have history. Bravo to the author for getting their animosity across to the reader so quickly. They can’t bear the sight of each other; hence, the story starts off on a harsh tone. A well-known story technique was used by holding back the juiciest and most scandalous parts until later; nonetheless, I would have liked to have learnt more of their backstory sooner. But when everything does come together, it still didn’t seem to be enough. Maybe it was me being greedy or perhaps reading book one and two first would have helped sate my need for more and help me get my bearings.

Will and Angelica fell out of love long ago, or did they? Broken and bitter, they’ve been thrown together in the most unlikely scenario which neither of them have any say in or happy about. It’s made apparent that blame is being thrown around regardless of their inner-feelings; even a whole lot of encouragement from Will’s friends doesn’t seem to be enough. Will’s not the guy he was and his Mr Perfect stance isn’t going to get him anywhere. I appreciated how the secondary characters stepped in here; of course, there’s always someone who’s ready to throw a spanner in the works, the twist being something else.

Angelica’s personality didn’t really work for me until quite well into the book. Will saw a change in her which he tries to ignore; understandably his way of protecting himself, but he’s still hurtful and unforgiving. When what happened to her was revealed and the reasons why she acted as she did explained, my attitude towards her softened. I felt sorry for her; she’d put her trust in the wrong person, the consequences were disastrous and she paid a high price for it.

The banter is off the charts! It flows freely throughout the read along with plenty of angst. As I have already said, I struggled with this book which is shame because I really did like Ms Van Dyken's writing style.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura thompson
Steal is the latest installment in Rachel's Seaside Pictures series, a spin-off series from the Seaside series that can be read as standalone novels. Steal is centered around Angelica, a despised character from the original Seaside series, and Will, a new side character we met in the last Seaside Pictures novel as Zane's manager. I must admit, I was skeptical when I realized that the lead female character was Angelica because I have despised her since she was introduced in the Seaside series as a selfish, self absorbed, destructive force to everyone she came in contact with. From the start of the novel, Will is highly hostile toward Angelica. We soon find out that the reason for his hostility is that he gave up his career as the lead singer of the hottest boy band on the planet for Angelica. After initially being given drugs by Will's jealous band mate, Angelica became addicted and ruined her career and, ultimately, her relationship with Will. Will's hostility comes from the animosity and hurt he still feels over losing Angelica. He hates himself for still wanting her and reacting to her when in her presence, so he's taken to being rude and abrasive to try and push her away. Angelica, who is now sober, is trying to pick up the pieces of her life and make the most of her last chance filming in Seaside. She knows that if she screws up this last gig, she'll never work again. Being around Will makes old feelings reemerge, and Angelica has to work overtime to make Will see that she's truly changed and trying to better herself. In the process of showing Will who she's become, we as the reader gain a lot of insight into why Angelica is the way she is. Like most childhood stars, Angelica was deprived of love and genuine human connection. She turned to drugs to numb her pain and learned to lash out and push people away instead of showing her vulnerability. For someone I started out hating, my heart hurt for Angelica. As in life, there's often a reason broken people cause so much damage, and I enjoyed getting to understand her and ultimately root for her redemption. Like all of Rachel's novels, Steal has a ton of heart. This is one redemption story you don't want to miss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Steal is part of the Seaside Pictures series but it can totally be read as a standalone without feeling like you’re missing anything.

I LOVE how Rachel doesn’t shy away from controversial topics like addiction and instead tackles them head on, I’ve read all the Seaside series and the Seaside Pictures series so I know the public parts of Angelica’s story and I didn’t just hate Angelica Greene, I loathed her... I didn’t see why she behaved the way she did or why these characters even put up with her, but I can say with confidence that Steal has changed that, reading Angelica and Will’s story has opened my eyes and forced me to see the girl behind the sneer and I like that girl, I like her a lot! Will is pretty incredible too, if anything he is more flawed in some ways than she is. As the story progressed I really was getting to know these characters, it felt like I was witnessing Angelica and Will grow into the people they should have always been with the help of a few familiar faces ;), one of the things I love about this series is that it’s a spin off of the Seaside series, that means you get all the awesomeness of Seaside and because they’re such a tight knit group you get to see all the guys and their other halves a lot which I loved, nothing brightens up a chapter more than Demetri and his quirkiness, and while I’m talking about other characters.... THAT cameo from the Eagle Elite series at the end of the book was perfection and not just because he’s my favourite!

Steal isn’t just a story about love, it’s about forgiveness of others and yourself, redemption, finding and learning to love yourself and a big part of it is about friendship, I truly believe we could all learn a thing or two from Angelica and Will’s story and if I’m honest it could even end up giving you your own closure. There aren’t enough words in the human language to explain how much I enjoyed this book, I adore Angelica and Will to another level I can definitely see myself rereading this in the future!

**I submitted a request to the publisher/author to read and voluntarily review an uncorrected advance reader’s copy of this book**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ivan goldman
STEAL by Rachel Van Dyken is the third installment in the Seaside Series and while it can be read as a standalone, I highly encourage and recommend you to read the previous books since there are lots of returning characters that plays an integral part in this book. As you may know, I am a huge fan of this series but STEAL didn’t steal my heart as the first two books did. Don’t get me wrong this book was well-written but the hero didn’t pull me in as I hoped.

"I didn’t waver. Didn’t blink. Just stared her down like the stranger she was. No longer was she the girl I loved. The girl I broke up my freaking band for. The girl I swore I’d marry and move mountains for. That girl had never existed. The b&^ Ch in front of me? My client? My freaking reality.”

Redemption. I am one of those readers who loves a good redemption story especially when it comes to a heroine that was complicated like Angelica Greene. Angelica was a child actress who grew up too fast. With fame, popularity, and constant pressure, Angelica was like any rising starlet that fell victim to drugs and alcohol. It was her downfall when it ruined the best thing in her life....Will.

"I might have used drugs just as badly as they used me. I was a lot of things. But I’d never used people the way Will had just used me. And suddenly I felt like that dirty drug addict all over again. But worse. Because this time it wasn’t drugs staring at me in the face, judging me, making me feel dirty. It was the man I used to love.”

Now fast forward to several years later, Angelica has one more chance to redeem her life and career in a movie where she will play herself. This job should be easy right,well except the fact that she has to see Will everyday and the way he looks at her has changed. No longer with love and adoration but with judgement. She is well aware of the mistakes she had made, but how long will she be tormented and punished?

Will wants to hate her but he can’t. She was his drug. His salvation. His missing piece. His love. As much as he tries to push her away, he is bombarded with the memories of Angelica and him. Can Will forgive Angelica? And can Angelica forgive herself and win back Will’s love?

STEAL had many great emotional push and pull moment that will capture your attention. Rachel Van Dyken as always did an excellent job showcasing Angelica and Will’s point of view when it came to the past and present. I honestly loved Angelica’s character because she was so emotionally vulnerable and in such made her journey of redemption more meaningful. I liked Will but didn’t love him. Overall, this book was a sweet emotional second chance journey of love, forgiveness, and trust.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Coming full circle…..Angelica Greene was a child star whose life escalated up the Hollywood charts. With fame and fortune comes the constant pressure to try to top the last ‘big thing’. The continuous fast paced lifestyle was more than Angelica could handle. The sirens song of drugs and alcohol pulled Angelica within its grasp. Resulting in a downward spiral that was out of control for Angelica, and ruined the relationships in her life. The worst pain of all came with the destruction of her future with Will.

Mistakes are a hard thing to live down, and Angelica knows that some things will never be as they once were. As a last ditch effort to save her career, Angelica agreed to play a role that will have her diving into the pain from the past. The character she will play IS Angelica. Should be an easy assignment…right? Nope…nothing is that easy.

The role that Angelica is playing will land her face to face with the biggest regret of her life. Angelica hasn’t seen Will since the tragic end of their relationship. Now - her career is balanced within his hands. A true testament to reaping what you sow. Will still harbors so much pain where Angelica is concerned. The constant jabs and commentary give Will some semblance of revenge. The only thing that seems to trouble Will is the lack of retaliation on Angelica’s part.

Angelica was the fuel for the fire in Will’s soul. The constant peace to the chaos of his career. Then she blew his love out of the water with a betrayal that still hurts today. Time should heal all wounds…shouldn’t it? Will finds himself unable to keep Angelica at arms length. Something that is crucial to their working relationship and surviving the haunting memories from the past. As the two begin to spend more time together, it becomes harder and harder to ignore all of the bad memories. Shouldn’t the pain keep you from getting burned again? Will these former flames find a way to extinguish the fire? Will they make the same mistakes that will only result in another explosion?

Steal is the latest standalone in the Seaside Pictures series. You do not have to read the rest of the series to understand the plot of this book. However - it definitely adds more depth to the novel if you know the history to all of the characters. This story revolves around redemption and trying to recover from the mistakes of the past. Angelica and Will certainly have quite the history, and it comes full circle with this last ditch effort to save Angelica’s career.

Love is messy. It isn’t always sunshine and roses. Will and Angelica certainly know this. It’s a journey that comes full circle, and doesn’t allow anyone an easy escape.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren roy
Another AMAZING book by Rachel Van Dyken!!! I absolutely LOVE this group of characters and meeting new ones to add into the crazy yet lovable mix!!

I didn't like Angelica; yes, she went through some hard times and her self esteem was just horrible that stems from wanting to please her mother and have her mother's acceptance, but still, I just couldn't love her character. My heart did go out to the little girl that just wanted her mother to love her unconditionally, but at the same time, as she grew up, she made her own decisions.

With all of that said, I LOVED how Rachel Van Dyken took Angelica's character from villain to someone who I can tolerate to read about. I will say, her transformation and growth in this book was very humbling. She didn't have it easy and sometimes, she just didn't know what to do or how to feel. I think everyone has that one character that you just can't like, even if they are redeemed, but like I said, Angelica was made into a character that I can actually tolerate to read now.

Will, he was a sexy, broody, @$$hole...that last part, especially towards Angelica. His heartbreak was very real and my heart broke with him. He had a right to be mad and angry, but sometimes, I wanted to smack him upside the head and tell him to ease up and maybe try talking to Angelica, instead of getting angry or just flat out ignoring her. Will has to face the demons that are buried so deep, that sometimes, he fools himself to thinking that he is fine. He still felt a connection and a pull towards Angelica and vice versa,

The growth that these two characters go through together and as individuals was really emotional and sometimes heartbreaking, but it was also a chance at a new beginning and redemption. Rachel Van Dyken is one of my favorite authors and this book is one of the reasons why. This book will make you want to punch something, it will make you grab a box of tissues for all of your tears and it will make you laugh and have you fall in love with falling in love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Your first choice in armor was your first mistake,” I said. She locked eyes with me. “The most favorite mistake I’ve ever made.”

I just LOVED this book so much. Steal is about second chances love. Will and Angelica were in love once, until Will’s career as a lead singer took off and Angelica turned to a dark path to cope with life. I fell hard for Will Sutherland- he is a broken man and has stopped to live his life. I loved interaction with his friends – the texts were hilarious but so honest and endearing.

“There’s a reason that they called his smile the Sutherland Sunset, it made you feel warm, protected, sexy.”

Their love was so strong, so powerful that when their past collide with their present, it is explosive.

“Because in life, thinking leads to thoughts, and naturally those thoughts led to dreams, possibilities. And then, when those come crashing down, what do you have left?”

The story is beautifully written and heart wrenching. It was an emotional roll coaster but I fell in love with both characters who are the perfect definition of true love, soulmate and more.
Their story is full of passion, tears, love and raw emotion. The story sucked me in and I had to read it in one go.
“My first heartache. My only forever.”

I really liked all of the characters in these books. Their friendship feels real, and I love the way they interact. Zane’s love for marshmallows had me LOL !
It is the first book that I read in the series and I have already one clicked the others!

Angelica’s heart never let go of Will, but admitting that is hard for her. It is exactly the same for Will and admitting that means that like Angelica, he has to accept what he did.

“We used to be great.” “No.” I swallowed. “We used to be a lie.”

You live through their pain. You also feel every heart flutter and stomach dips when they find each other again and slowly begin to try to mend their broken hearts.
Rachel Van Dyken told a great story of love, forgiveness and acceptance.

“I’ll always be your lighthouse. I’ll always lead you back home.” “Be my lighthouse —lead the way —wherever your light shines, I’ll forever stay.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Steal is a second chance romance with Hollywood flare. This love story plays out like a Rom-Com movie complete with a super twisty surprise ending.

This book is a part of the Seaside Pictures series by author Rachel Van Dyken. I’m a bookish rebel and read books in the middle of a series so although I’ve not read any of the previous books, I was able to follow (and enjoy) the story and it can totally be read as a standalone.

*Take that Jenn! :P*

Our main characters are former lovers with a dark and twisty past but due to their Hollywood careers they try to put the past behind them and work on a movie together.

Will is a former boy-band heart throb turned Hollywood Agent and Angelica is a recovering addict/ child actress trying to mend the fences she broke and resume her acting career. Apparently she did quite a bit of damage to pretty much the entire cast of characters in this series during her drug filled past. The most damage having been done to her ex love, Will. (Angie reminded me a lot of a certain real Hollywood child actress that also lost her way…)

I found some of the scenes in this book a little too melodramatic for my own personal taste but since this book (and series) is based around over-the-top Hollywood-type characters it still worked. I was able to imagine this story being a movie within a movie and then the scenes made more sense to me. (I mean, the director just out of the blue casting one of the minor role actresses’ agent in the film and then giving him no lines was really hard to imagine. lol)

Melodrama aside, Steal is a fun and sexy read. Despite not having read any of the previous books in the series I was able to fully enjoy the story and fall in love with it’s characters.

I give STEAL 4 out of 5 Krissy’s Stars!

I’m thinking I need to read Zane’s story now because…Mallows!


*I was generously given an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy shive
“Thinking never did me any good–thinking was what got me into this mess. Because in life, thinking leads to thoughts, and naturally those thoughts led to dreams, possibilities. And then, when those come crashing down, what do you have left? Sadness and jack s**t. That’s what you have left.”

“That’s the thing about love. It doesn’t give a sh** how uncomfortable. How angry. How sad. How disappointed you are. It still demands to be felt. And no matter how much history I had with Will–I always felt him it was my cross to bear. My curse to carry.”

“How could a man look both so beautiful and so evil at the same time? Sinner and saint. Savior and killer.”

Wow! Wow! Wow! What a terrific read! I live and breathe for books like this! Steal has stolen my heart and has given me all the feels!!

Steal is told from dual points of view and is the third book in the Seaside Pictures Series. It can be read as a stand-alone novel and follows the story of Will and Angelica. Will and Angelica’s story stole my heart from the very first page. From the very first encounter, I just knew this story was going to take my emotions on one he** of a ride. The tension. The history. The angst. It all made my heart ache and I couldn’t get enough of it. The push and pull, the pain and the chemistry between Will and Angelica had me quickly turning the pages and I was unable to put this book down.

Steal is incredibly well written and is an amazing second chance romance. The road to happily ever after for Will and Angelica is not an easy one. There is an incredible amount of hurt, history and pain that they will have to work through. They will have to learn to listen and to trust again. It won’t be an easy journey, but when it comes to Will and Angelica, you just can’t help but find yourself rooting for them. Hoping that they can find a way to move past their past. And if they can do that, they have a chance at something truly amazing.

Steal was a fantastic read from beginning to end. I easily got swept away in the story that Rachel Van Dyken weaved and could not stop myself from devouring every single word. Steal is one beautiful second chance romance that speaks of forgiveness, growing up, admitting your mistakes and fighting for the love that you so desperately want. This book gave me everything I could possibly want, and left me with all the feels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rachel Van Dyken never disappoints, and Steal is a sexy and fun second-chance romance with a lot of heart and a touch of angst. Angelica and Will have a complicated history. They were both child stars - he was in a mega-successful boy band, and she was an actress and starlet. They met and fell in love hard. They were both passionate about spending their lives together, but they were also still kids. Angelica developed an addition to drugs, which ultimately tore them apart and also damaged her career.

Five years later, Will is no longer singing and is now a Hollywood agent. He agrees to take on Angelica as a client when no one else will, and she gets a career-saving part in a mutual friend’s film. But Will doesn’t trust her. He doesn’t trust that she is clean or that she will behave; therefore, he becomes a pseudo-guard/handler during the filming in Seaside, Oregon, forcing her to live with him so he can monitor her every move. These two have a lot of hurt and anger to muddle through, and they are both damaged from their relationship and their fame. Being together again allows them to reconsider everything that happened in the past and contemplate what they want in their future - including each other.

Angelica loathes herself for her past choices and her behavior, and this is gut-wrenching to read. I wanted to hug her, and Will has no compassion for her through most of the book. She is on her own in many ways dealing with a very heavy emotional burden. She and Will have a bittersweet dynamic, and the love they shared in the past simmers beneath the surface. This happiy-ever-after is definitely hard fought and very satisfying. While this is a stand-alone, the secondary characters from the first two Seaside Pictures books are a large part of Steal’s story; therefore, it does help if you have read those books first. Rachel Van Dyken delivers again. Don’t miss Steal.

ARC provided, but this review was voluntarily and honestly written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Let me begin by saying that even though this says it is book #3 in a series, they do NOT have to be read in order for you to understand and enjoy this story.

Now. Where to begin? I've been with the Seaside guys and gals since the beginning. I know their stories, I know their secrets, and I have seen enough of Angelica Greene to know that I do not like her, and she has no redeeming qualities.

Until I did like her. And I saw the struggles of someone who had made nothing but bad choices, who had been so deep in their addiction that they hurt everyone that ever could have cared about them. And who then decided to get clean, and stay clean - and was left with the aftermath of what they had done. Addiction is NEVER an easy topic to address, nor do you usually find an addict achieving forgiveness, love, and most importantly - redemption. However, Rachel has managed to do just this in a way that is not only believable, but that has you actually rooting for someone that you have until this point, pegged as a villain.

It was this quest for redemption on Angelica's part that kept me glued to this story. The fact that some were so ready and willing to forgive her while the one person whose forgiveness she craved the most held her at arms length drove home that point that while people can be deserving of second chances, they do have to work for it.

Overall, this is a series that is worth reading from the beginning, just to have that much more time with the characters. I would definitely recommend this series to those who enjoy heartwarming stories of love, overcoming fears and redemption. I would definitely read more from this author.

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All of our Seaside favorites make an appearance in the newest stand-alone from Rachel Van Dyken. STEAL is Will and Angelica’s story and is extremely emotional. So much has happened in the past between the two main characters, and the fact that Ang caused a ton of issues with the other characters when she was younger makes the struggle even more real. Now, this is a stand-alone and you don’t have to worry about not understanding what’s going on if you haven’t read any of the other Seaside books. But, seriously, what are you waiting for? Go, read the other RVD books!

Will, the uptight manager to all of the Seaside gang and former Adrenaline frontman. What happened to the carefree guy and what made him the way that he is now? Angelica is the fallen star looking to make her comeback. What happens when first loves and broken hearts come back together? GAH! RVD kills me with these stories. So much heart infused in the characters that I feel like I’m sitting at the bonfire, eating a marshmallow.

RVD’s signature humor is present throughout the book, but there are some more serious moments and forgiveness seems to be a big topic in STEAL. I’ve always wanted Will’s story and I’m so freaking happy that he finally finds peace, both with himself and his past. Some of the issues between Will and Ang were difficult for my heart, but RVD knows when to add just the right amount of levity to keep us hooked.

Add STEAL to the list of Rachel Van Dyken winners as it’s bound to be a favorite. Friends, love, bonfires, and so much heart make STEAL a must-read!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars

Will as a BBF: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hotness Level: ★ ★ 1/2
Swoon Level: ★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly vasquez
Angelica Greene is working hard at digging herself out of rock bottom. Recently completing rehab, she is taking a leap at restarting her career. Now starring in a film, based on what actually happened in her own life... and playing the role of the villain that she was.

Will Sutherland, former lead singer of a popular boy band, current agent to the stars, and ex-boyfriend of Angelica Greene. When Will decides to take on Angelica as a client, he will stop at nothing to ensure that she doesn't mess up this movie. But, what happens when living in close quarters, where the past (and their meddling friends) won't let them  screw up what was always meant to be.

This is another fantastic book set in Seaside, Oregon. I always enjoy a revisit of all of these characters, and I was pleasantly surprised by Will and Angelica's story. Will has been the wounded, wronged party and is holding on to some serious anger about how things ended with Angelica. While Angelica has accepted what she did wrong in the past and has chosen to move on in her life and to do things differently.

I love a redeemable character and even more, a story where the characters are open and forgiving when someone is working on bettering themselves. I was fully prepared to read a book about how awful of a person Angelica is, but Rachel Van Dyken writes some amazing, kindhearted characters who are all welcoming and a part of an inclusive group of hilarious friends.

While a complete standalone, if you are a Rachel Van Dyken reader, you will enjoy so many of the characters that pop up in this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathleen machose
This will steal the very air from your lungs before slowly breathing life back into you!
I felt as if the author was drawing every ounce of emotion from me and while I was beginning to struggle with the level of hate and despair I tried to hold on to the hope that somewhere down the line it was going to turn a corner.
Will was a tortured soul, so full to the brim with a hatred that as I read, I couldn’t help but feel as if his emotions were suffocating him. I got the impression that while he was harbouring a darkness and anger that was in some respects understandable, I just wanted him to take a deep breath and let some of it go…not only for him but also for Angelika because his attitude towards her was hostile to say the very least at first.
Angelika on the other hand was dealing with her own issues, mired in a level of despair that seemed to know no bounds…so I couldn’t help but wonder what these two intrinsically damaged people would bring to each other?
Well that was the question and to be honest I wasn’t initially sure that they could possibly have anything to bring to the table but I was happy to be proven wrong. Although it was a far from easy path that they were on and they had a mountain of hurdles to overcome, I had fingers crossed on both hands that they had what it would take to come out the other side together!
There were moments peppered throughout the book that I struggled to keep the tears at bay, emotionally it wasn’t an easy read but that doesn’t mean that it didn’t have any humour or frivolity…it did and I found myself unwittingly chuckling when I least expected it.
Well written this is more than the blurb lets on …a great read
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christine mccann
If you love second chance romance - this is the book for you.

If you love emotionally charged novels filled with sexual tension and angst - you'll love STEAL.

Steal, was the third book in the Seaside Pictures Series, and for fans of this series, reading Steal will be like visiting friends and family. Beloved characters are saying hello. The support Will and Angelica received from this group of people was incredibly touching.

Will and Angelica had so much history. There was just no easy way to bring these two people back together. The pain that both felt was palpable. Even though there was this all consuming chemistry between them, their history threatened every chance they might have had.

I have a soft spot for second chance romance. Because, of the never-ending forgiveness that people have for each other. Will and Angelica's story was painful, emotional, and deeply moving. Their journey was meaningful not only because they had to forgive each other to move on, but also in admitting their mistakes and wrong-doings. After some initial struggling Will and Angelica decided to fight for their love. Even though history was a painful reminder, moving forward was the only solution.

The truth was, Will and Angelica were far from indifferent towards each other. They might have thought denying feelings and holding on to the pain was the easier path - it's never the right one.

For me, Steal was all about redemption. Will and Angelica had to save each other. Neither were happy without the other, and only together they would achieve happiness. Steal was quite the rollercoaster ride. Emotionally charged, gripping, with a good amount of angst. It had everything that makes a great compelling and captivating novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeanne covert
This is the third book in the Seaside Pictures series. It is a spinoff of the Seaside series. This can be read as a standalone. But, with that being said, if you read the Seaside series first, you will see Angelica before rehab. You will see why I really didn’t like her much at all.

I’ll be honest here, I didn’t think Angelica could be redeemed. Before this book, I could not stand her. I actually thought Zane should call his cousin, Nixon, to “fix” her.

I was curious about Will after reading Capture.

A lot of hard truths come out during this read. Some major realizations from both Angelica and Will.

Will and Angelica owe Jaymeson. Without his pushing, there would still be so much anger and they wouldn’t have gotten to where they did by the end of the book.

I loved how Jaymeson gave Will scripts without anything written for him.

This is a great second chance love story. I do like Angelica now.

I am curious about Andrew now!

And I may have been a little excited when Nixon and Trace showed up for a paragraph.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meaghan enright
Well holy crap! This story!!! Where to even start with this one? Angelica comes off as someone you just really don't want to have much to do with unless she's really changed from how she was before. She's trying to prove that she's changed, that she's not that person from before.

Will sees what he wants to see until she shows him that she's not that person anymore. They both have so much to work through but they're scared, angry, heartbroken and don't want to admit the truth.

The emotions of this book will definitely pull at your heartstrings. Also, let me just say that Jamie is just a freaking genius!!! It's his movie that she's working on and he makes magic happen. He knows what needs to happen, so he puts plans into motion to make it work.

I found myself rooting for this couple more than most, they've been through so much and there was even one part that I gasped at. Well technically there was 2 parts that I gasped at. I totally didn't see that coming moments that my mouth dropped open.

This book covers just about every feel that there is. Feels that you'll feel long after you've read the book. Can't wait for the next book in this series!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mahmoud sherif
5 Megawatt Stars

Sighhhhhhhhhh Rachel Van Dyken has once again melted my heart with this new instalment in the Seaside series. I love all these characters so much and just can't get enough.

This is a second chance romance where we see and even feel the broken hearts that destruction and wrong decisions can leave behind. I'm not going to go into the blurb because it's one of those books where you need to let the story lead you into the past and present of the characters involved.

Throughout the book Will and Angelica have demons that have been and still are controlling their emotions and we see how they learn from it and grow into 2 amazingly different people. We also catch up with the rest of the gang from Seaside and get plenty of their witty banter and escapades which makes it a whole lot of fun too.

I need to say that although this book can be read as a standalone without getting lost I really urge you to read the whole seaside series because its extremely well written, it's witty, fun and it's so easy to read. I can't wait to read Alexanders book and I hope it's sooner rather than later.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the third book in the Seaside Pictures series. It is a spinoff of the Seaside series. This can be read as a standalone. But, with that being said, if you read the Seaside series first, you will see Angelica before rehab. You will see why I really didn’t like her much at all.

I’ll be honest here, I didn’t think Angelica could be redeemed. Before this book, I could not stand her. I actually thought Zane should call his cousin, Nixon, to “fix” her.

I was curious about Will after reading Capture.

A lot of hard truths come out during this read. Some major realizations from both Angelica and Will.

Will and Angelica owe Jaymeson. Without his pushing, there would still be so much anger and they wouldn’t have gotten to where they did by the end of the book.

I loved how Jaymeson gave Will scripts without anything written for him.

This is a great second chance love story. I do like Angelica now.

I am curious about Andrew now!

And I may have been a little excited when Nixon and Trace showed up for a paragraph.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Review for Steal

Steal is the third book in the Seaside Pictures series. It focuses on Will, the agent and former boy band hottie and Angelica, bad girl and trouble maker. Angelica comes back to Seaside to revamp her career by starring in the latest Seaside Picture and Will has been tasked to help her do so. But there is always a catch. Will and Angelica used to be an item many years back and things with them ended on a sour note. So sour in fact that the hostility that Will had toward Angelica was palpable. The book focuses on love lost, or still simmering below the surface, old hurts, forgiveness and redemption.

I really enjoyed this book. I read it in one sitting. It was easy to stay engaged. There were some parts that were a little quirky but overall it flowed well. I definitely loved the surprise guest at the end.

Steal was probably my favorite of the three. Probably because I identify with Angelica most out of all the girls. I am looking forward to Andrew’s story next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
candy parm
This is the third installment of the Seaside series and it seems like we've been waiting forever for this one. We've seen and known that Will had a story so I was quite anxious to get to it. He's a steady friend for all the guys, even if they're his clients. But watching then get their HEAs was taking its toll on him. And when he decides to take on Angelica, a past love who destroyed him, he tries to maintain a distance but the heart wants what the heart wants.

I was so hoping that Angelica would be more than what she shows on the outside. It's what most people do. And Rachel didn't disappoint. She actually had my heart twisted and I didn't think I'd care that much for her. I was so wrong.

I love all the secondary characters. They brought so much to this story. They've been a part and know how to be sneaky and help things move along in the right direction. I love their antics!

If you're looking for an easy read with some humor feels tossed in, then I recommend you grab this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn jenkins
Only Rachel Van Dyken can write such a complex and intriguing character like Angelica. In the previous novels of the Seaside series I wasn't a fan of Angelica, but after reading Steal Angelica may just one of my favourite female characters of all time. Steal is the beautiful and emotional story of Will and Angelica, and their journey from lovers to enemies to agent and client. After breaking Will's heart Angelica is back in his life but not as his girlfriend but as his client. After cleaning up her act and getting her life on track Angelica has no one left to turn to build her career back up except Will. Their emotional tale will leave you grabbing for the Kleenex box one second while laughing out loud the next. Steal is the perfect read, an emotional roller coaster dealing the effects of addiction and forgiveness. In true Rachel Van Dyken fashion there is always the perfect touch of comedy and smoking hot romance. I LOVED Steal and you will too!! This is a MUST read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abigail thomas king
This is the third book in the Seaside Pictures series, it can be read as a standalone, and that's what I did but I wish I'd read the others first. I felt I was missing some details with not having previously met the characters.

This is Will and Angelicas story, Will is an ex band member and now agent, and Ang is a movie star trying to revamp her career after being in rehab. The pair have a bad history and now Will is her agent.

I really enjoyed this story and was constantly trying to guess exactly what had gone on in the pairs past. I loved Wills friends, and now I need to go back and read the rest of the series to get to know all their stories. I loved how Rachel wrote in characters from the Eagle Elite series that was a nice touch. This was a really sweet romance story with a lot of angst, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I definitely recommend reading the rest of the series before this. Four stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Steal was a wonderful second chances romance that while is noted as book 3 in the series can be comfortably read as a stand alone.

I loved this book and devoured it in one sitting. It was touching and emotional and broke my heart and had me in tears more than one once but of course it wouldn't be an RVD book without great splashes of light and humour to cut through the angst and drama. We have met Angelica in previous Seaside books and going into this book I had some set thoughts (not pleasant) about her but boy right from the get go, I really felt for her and was absolutely routing for her. RVD is always is very clever taking the unlikeable characters and turning everything you thought you knew and felt right on its head.

This was a lovely story of love, forgiveness and second chances and I would happily recommend this book!

Verified Purchase via the store UK
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lana shaw
4 of 5 Stars

The Seaside Pictures series by Rachel Van Dyken is a spinoff of the Seaside series. If you haven't read them from the beginning, I highly recommend you do! I know this is a standalone but honestly, I feel like you miss out on connecting with the secondary characters so much if you start with this book and they all have such wonderful stories why not start with the originals?!?!

We met Angelica Greene in Tear (Seaside #1) and to say I couldn't stand her would be an understatement. She was rich, famous, entitled and a straight up bitch. I was really unsure I would ever sympathize with her or want to read her story. But, I should never underestimate Rachel Van Dyken! The Angelica in Steal is broken. She is post drug rehab and finally wants to make amends for her mistakes. As a last ditch effort to save her career, Jay gives her a part in his movie filming in Seaside.

The only manager willing to take on Angelica as a client? Will Sutherland, former lead singer of Adrenaline and ex-boyfriend/love of her life. Will is extremely bitter of Angelica and can't seem to forgive her for her role in destroying their relationship and completely shredding his heart. Honestly, he's never been the same post Angelica and as much as he wants to hate everything about her, he can't deny the attraction he still has for her either. How long will they be able to avoid the demons chasing them from their past?

I definitely enjoyed this installment and as always I love how Rachel weaves characters from the other books into her new releases and how important of a role those characters play with each new release. It's like the best part of a "family reunion." Without a doubt watching their meddling was probably my most favorite part of Steal. At certain points of the book felt connected to Angelica and Will, but I also had a hard time feeling their passion at times and the pace of this story felt a little rushed. Regardless, this is still a really fun read and fans of this series definitely don't want to pass on this story. Take it from me you're definitely going to want to know what makes Angelica tick, how the past has shaped her, what the driving force behind her struggles and cry for attention is, and in the end you will find yourself rooting for this "villain" to get her very own happily ever after!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trey kennedy
Steal by Rachel Van Dyken review

Steal is the next installment of the Seaside Pictures saga (going to skip calling it a series because when it’s about famous people, it’s chock full of drama!). And drama abounds because this is Angelica and Will’s story. While technically this is a standalone book, I always like to know as much about all the characters I can, especially in a series. So if you’re like me in that aspect, I would whole heartedly recommend the entire Seaside saga prior to reading this book. And they are all worth it, especially if you like young adult books. In the Seaside and Seaside Pictures books you get to watch these dramatic, complex and quirky characters grow up and learn to navigate as young/new adults.

We first met Angelica (very briefly) in “Tear” but she’s a major character in “Shatter” and that’s where we first learned to really hate her. Despite all the witchiness, by the end of that story we start to see that there’s a lot more to Angelica Greene. She’s a LOT more complex than she wants people to believe. So, I’ve totally been waiting a LONG time for her back story. And it was worth the wait! Steal takes us back to the great love these two shared as adolescents. We all know that even the greatest love at that age is going to grow and change. Sometimes it does so in positive ways and then sometimes it doesn’t. Theirs didn’t. There was a massive amount of trouble with her drug addiction. And then some other things that were just as huge thrown in. So, in the end, there was a huge hurt (and a HUGE misunderstanding) that these two just couldn’t get over and it kind of ruins them, emotionally, in the process. And this is where Steal picks up.

Through the filming of the movie that is Angelica’s last chance to restore her career, we see a huge amount of emotional and psychological growth in her. She literally is growing up before our eyes. And while it’s quite painful for her, it’s so very necessary. And then there’s Will. We think he’s already grown up (and chronologically he has), but there’s a lot we don’t really understand about Will until near the end. Sometimes things don’t always happen the way we think we remember them happening. And did I mention that the whole gang is in this one?! Awesome to catch up with everyone, as well.

In true Rachel form, she totally plays with your emotions while giving you plenty of sarcastic humor to make you not hate her for it. She’s yet to publish a book I wouldn’t recommend and that still holds true with this book. I’m going to give it 5 stars because while the other books in this saga are great, the twists and emotions in this one are more along the lines of epic!

To see all the books Rachel has currently published, and to find the correct reading order to each of her books in any series, check out her website at
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nahid khassi
Steal stole my heart, stomped on it, shattered it and crushed it to bits of pieces but in the end healed it in the most heart warming and fulfilling way possible. Ahhhh Rachel Van Dyken, how can I love you even more? You woman rocks always! You rocked my world with this beautiful story of Will and Angelica.

Ask me again why I love Rachel Van Dyken and I will tell you over and over that it's always her words that got me, Steal included. First word and I was drawn and hooked with the story. It was addicting, mind numbing and heart wrenching. The fact that it's a second chance romance seal the deal. And she nailed it with flying colors. Will and Angelica's story is not something you just can forget in a matter of days. It will stay in your heart and mind for a matter of time because aside from the beautiful plot, it will give you all the feels. And it's what I love the story most. I was not just given something to read, I was given a book I could savor, ponder and made me feel. I read it with my mind and heart at stake. I have Kleenex in handy the moment the first tear was shed and even then I wasn't prepared for what awaits me.

Will and Angelica are two broken souls that owned my heart the moment I met them. Broken and in need of love, these two made me fell in love with them even more. I was pained with them, hurt to the core yet I have rooted on them because honestly, their chemistry is just intense and more than anybody else, they needed each other. I must say that the issue was kinda heavy-ish but it did not deter me from loving the two of them especially Angelica. In fact, I love this woman's guts and strong nature. She owned her past no matter how it pained her and made her longed to be love even more. Will, is another story. Driven by his hate and sadness, it's undeniable that his love for Angelica is as strong as it was before. He's may be hurt but Ang is his weakness. I could feel his longing and love for her but just like anybody else, He was just afraid to be burned again. Will love conquer all for this two? Will they be able to trust each other again? Is forgiveness enough for a HEA? Well, It's for you to find out. Read this book with an open heart willing to accept the flaws of each of the characters. In the end, it was their flaws that made them imperfectly perfect.

Overall, I will definitely recommend this book. Steal is the reason why I love second chance love story. Steal is also the reason why I love RVD's writing. It's more a reason why right now, even hours after reading the book I am excited to reread it. It's just so beautiful and angsty and it has all the feels. With the gang present? Laughters and tears shed? And a love so deep left with me? How could I not love and recommend it? Yes. Read this book and enjoy the beautiful ride of Will and Angelica's story. It's raw, it's deep and it's addicting. They could be your brother and sister. They could even be you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karla bailey
Steal is the 3rd book in the Seaside Pictures series, but can be read as a standalone novel. This was my first in this series and I can attest that it, indeed, can be read by itself, but I do think it’s best to read the series as a whole. I always felt kind of left out when the other characters made an appearance.

With that said, I loved every character in this book. You could really tell they were a family and Rachel created their lives in a way that made you want to be a part of that. Even though life wasn’t rough and every single one of these characters had a past, they were still around for each other and stuck it out. This is what really made this book work for me. I loved it…I was jealous…and I definitely wanted more.

In Steal you follow Will and Angelica and their twisted and messed up road to redemption. Both have made mistakes and both have lived some pretty brutal situations and at times it was hard to watch. We get their past and their present with this story; RVD pulled me instantly and I was hooked. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion…you want to look away but you just can’t and in the end you’re happy you stayed through the tragedy because you feel as if you come out stronger for it.

I believe if I would have read the others in this series then I probably would have started off hating Angelica more than I did. I actually didn’t hate her at all…instead I felt sorry for her. My heart broke for this shell of a woman trying to pull her life back together from an addiction that caused so much pain for not only her but for the people around her. I know Will was justified in his hurt and in his anger, but at times I wanted to shake him and make him see that she was trying. Heck….everyone seemed to have forgiven her, but he just couldn’t. That showed just how shattered his heart was, but it hurt to watch at times. Again, I’m sure my viewpoint would have been totally different if I would have read the previous novels.

I’ve read a lot of second-chance romance novels this year, but this one was really amazing; one of the best. The romance was there, the history was off the charts crazy, and their little family made you feel right at home. RVD definitely did not disappoint with Steal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
debrah davidson
I have mixed feelings about this book. I loved the secondary characters. They were perfect and I fell in love with them. I have the previous two books waiting on my kindle and I will definitely begin reading them as soon as I can. For me, they managed to make the book good. There wasn't a single secondary character I didn't like. They were fun with colorful personalities and I simply loved them. The hero is the next book is a surprise, but I am definitely going to read his story and every other book the author decides to publish in the series.

I wasn't a fan of Will and Ang. Since I haven't read the previous books, I didn't know exactly what was going on, but the flashbacks helped a lot. I wasn't charmed by Will and Ang was able to get sympathy from me and to be honest I was rooting for her. It was clear that she is not a bad person, but someone who has been hurt and regrets what she did. It killed me to read about her wanting some kind of comfort when a person touched her. She has the best character development in the book. That twist, in the end, gave me a better understanding of not only her character and actions, but it also shed some light on the story which made me look at things in a different way. I wish the author had expanded more that part of the story.

I don't feel like Will and Ang's story has ended. I feel like there more things to say and do. They spend so much time fighting and letting the past get between them instead of trying to mend their broken relationship and move on from their past. I would have loved it if we had spent more seeing them happy instead of Ang's tears. She cries a lot in the book. but it's understandable.

Steal might not be my favorite book in the series, but it reminded me in some ways why I love so much Rachel's books. I was originally going to give 3 stars to the book, but as I was typing the review I decided that the good outweighted the bad and I even if I wasn;t able to get 100% satisfied with the story, I liked it. Zane and Demitri were awesome and my favorite man aka Nixon made an appearance in this book with his lady. That was the best surprise I got in quite some time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy Mother of all things Rachel Van Dyken. She has done it again. She has created another fantastic stand alone story as a part of her Seaside Pictures series, with Steal. If you are a fan of her work, you will be delighted to know that all of her amazing Seaside characters are united, both from her Pictures series as well as her Seaside Novel series. They are back to carry on a brilliant redemption story, involving the infamous Angelica Green. Rachel has worked her magic to weave snippets of this past, future and present story lines into this magnificent book, creating a world I never want to leave.

At one point, Will Sutherland was on top of the charts. He was breaking out into a solo career, then his world came crashing down as he knew it. He still has it though, but now he is behind the scenes as an agent. He has all the A-list clients and everything was going fairly well, until he took on his latest client. The one who would cause him the most grief, because after all, she was his nemesis. Angelica Green. Of all people, it was she who he was now representing. He would not fail. It was not in his vocabulary At least the majority of his clients would all be in one place on location for their most recent project; Seaside, Oregon. Now, if only she would cooperate, they will have another hit on their hands.

You do not have to read the other books in this incredible series to understand what is happening in Steal, but I would highly recommend them all. Each new tale that Rachel Van Dyken brilliantly weaves into these books, creates an amazing world for which these characters to live. She effortlessly takes her readers into the small coastal town on Seaside, Oregon and she makes them want to stay there eternally. I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john greenup
If you love second chance romance - this is the book for you.

If you love emotionally charged novels filled with sexual tension and angst - you'll love STEAL.

Steal, was the third book in the Seaside Pictures Series, and for fans of this series, reading Steal will be like visiting friends and family. Beloved characters are saying hello. The support Will and Angelica received from this group of people was incredibly touching.

Will and Angelica had so much history. There was just no easy way to bring these two people back together. The pain that both felt was palpable. Even though there was this all consuming chemistry between them, their history threatened every chance they might have had.

I have a soft spot for second chance romance. Because, of the never-ending forgiveness that people have for each other. Will and Angelica's story was painful, emotional, and deeply moving. Their journey was meaningful not only because they had to forgive each other to move on, but also in admitting their mistakes and wrong-doings. After some initial struggling Will and Angelica decided to fight for their love. Even though history was a painful reminder, moving forward was the only solution.

The truth was, Will and Angelica were far from indifferent towards each other. They might have thought denying feelings and holding on to the pain was the easier path - it's never the right one.

For me, Steal was all about redemption. Will and Angelica had to save each other. Neither were happy without the other, and only together they would achieve happiness. Steal was quite the rollercoaster ride. Emotionally charged, gripping, with a good amount of angst. It had everything that makes a great compelling and captivating novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Will and Angelica have known each other for a long time, they went out together until Angelica falls hard in the drug and Will entrust her to Demetri and Alec.

Will has become another man, he no longer laughs, he’s serious and strict, Angelica changed his life and hatred prevailed over the love he had for her.

Angelica is broken, she’s recovering but her career as an actress is not the best. When Jaymeson suggests playing her own role in his film, she agrees but will face all her bad choices again.

I know that I am sensitive, often crying by reading books or watching TV but there the story made me cry a lot, I was totally in Angelica’s character, I suffered for her. Will is trying to pass Angelica for a monster while the truth is very different, she has flaws, certainly, she also made very bad choices but she regrets them and has to pay dearly for her mistakes. She has lost the one whom she considered the man of her life, she must live with and especially bear that he looks at her with hatred.

I really liked the fact that Jaymeson tries to fix things between Will and Angelica, he incorporates Will into the film so that Angelica can express and be forgiven. Even if in the end it is not the only one to have explanations to provide.

It was a real pleasure to meet the other characters in the series, such as Alec, Demetri, Pris, Lincoln, Dani, Zane and Fallon.

I still love Rachel Van Dyken's style, even if there are not really any surprises in the story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
c bell
This book was really challenging for me, there were aspects I loved and aspects I hated. So, I spent about 82% of the book hating Angelica, meaning I honestly wanted her to be killed off. She was a parasite and a horrible person because to me, what she did was unforgivable. Her addiction was a flaw that I refused to accept or forgive and Will could have done so much better. Then, at 82%, this plot twist occurs that melts my froze heart towards Angelica a fraction...I wasn't on her team but maybe my loathing of her lessened. She was now tolerable and I would deal with her existence in a semi-civilized manner.

Now lets talk about Will, I think I have always had a soft spot for Will. I don't know what it is about him but I was captivated by what was under all the suit-ties-grumpy exterior. You look up male in the dictionary and their is a picture of Will. What truly made the story was the 'family' and all the secondary characters. I loved Jay's meddlesome ways, Zane's impulsive yet supportive attitude, Will healing himself...but most of all, I loved all the mafia references!!!! I could not get enough and had the biggest sh*t eating grin on my face every time Zane references them. It brought me so much joy and I loved it and want a merge story. Can Nixon invite them all out for a family Thanksgiving or something?!

Moving along because I could probably write several pages about my cameo love of the mafia...I liked the story, I didn't fall in love with it and that was because I couldn't fall in love with Angelica but all the other characters made it hard for me not to smile, giggle, and just enjoy reading it. Is it my favorite Rachel Van Dyken book, no. Would I read it again or recommend it to a friend, yes. I also have my fingers crossed that another one in this series will come!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
claudia douris
​What an emotional ride! With so much history between Will and Angelica, it's hard not to be invested in them from the very beginning. No matter how much you want to hate Angelica, you can't. There's no denying how much she wanted to change for the better. Will is a jerk for the way he treated her at times and even though he was hurting just as much as she was, that didn't make it right. I did admire however the way he opened his eyes to his faults. He knew when he was at fault and he took ownership and apologized for his actions. I loved how supportive their friends were. You could tell that they just wanted to see Will and Angelica happy even if they had to meddle a bit. Their story really showed how much your life can truly change when you decide to forgive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Being an adolescent and dealing with fame is soul destroying. Will, Andrew and his band are rising to the top. Angelica is the child actress who has never had a child’s life. With Will, she feels like somebody for the first time. When Will’s career starts to take off, Angelica feels left behind and she makes some horrendous mistakes. Years later their worlds collide and hate is far easy than loving. They have history full of betrayal and lust. Loving each other was easy, hating one another is exhausting. Is it time to walk away or time to revisit the past as adults and learn to forgive? The story is full of deep emotions. The character development was great and there was plenty of building climax as well as suspense. I had not read the previous books and I think, if I had, I would have loved the secondary characters even more. The book was written that you could jump in and read without having read the previous books. Overall I found myself spellbound by this book and loved how the author played with my emotions. One moment I was team Will, the next I was team Angelica. After all the angst you felt, the conclusion was invariably correct. I would definitely recommend this one.
Reviewed for Hot books and Sassy Girls book blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris han
I was blessed with this baby sooner rather than later and to be honest I felt like I had been waiting for it for forever!! It wasn't too long but it felt like it! Anyways when I dived in too it I literally couldn't stop even tho I had to pee so bad about 1/2 way into it and I kept telling myself finish this baby to see how it ends because I wanted slap Angelica for most of the book but I couldn't bring my self to really to it because she was growing on me!! Ahhh it drove me crazy! I am in Aww with how this ended and I am super stoked Rachel put the gang all in this one they cracked me up!
All I have to say is what was Rachel thinking driving me mad with Angelica I wasn't supposed to like her for Will but now I think they go together so perfect!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
s wright
Steal..... What can I say other than it was AMAZING! It was the story I didn't know I needed until I Started it. This book is Brilliantly written.
It's full of Desperation, Angst, Humor, and Raw Vulnrability.
This Book Gutted me. I usually deal with my emotion through music so I went to RVD's spotify and found the soundract to Steal. As I listened to the music while reading, I quickly found that it made this book SO MUCH MORE of EVERYTHING. *If you haven't read this while listening to the soundract GO Back and DO it. Seriously, DO IT. You'll thank me after*

Ang was a character that I immediately Villanized. I was sceptical about this book because I wasn't sure it was possible to redeem her. I clearly underestimated RVD. *first mistake right?*
Ang.... she will awaken every part of you that you try to hide. She is insecure, raw, vulnerable. A girl with a hurtful past. Someone who I could easily identify with.

Her chemistry with Will was sizzling of the pages and yet at times it was softened and Raw.

When I finished this book I was left with the question of HOW? How does she make book after book come alive and feel like you're coming home with each word you read. I fully expect the Winchesters to come knocking on RVD's front door one day.

This story fit beautifully with our Seaside group. It had some references of other books and one part made me smile so hard my injured lip split open again.

This Book is a Must. Don't hesitate to one click. Put on your comfy clothes, grab some chocolate, wine, headphones and get ready to be transported to Seaside.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOW!!! This is the perfect book for all the Seaside lovers out there. Angelica and Will will worm their way into your heart. All previously conceived ideas that you had about these two characters will be thrown out the window. I absolutely loved everything about this book. Even though it is a standalone, I loved reading about the other couples that we all fell in love with in previous books. The characters in this book were so well developed. The storyline so beautifully written. This story evokes all the feels that Ms Van Dyken so beautifully delivers in all of her books. You will laugh, you will cry, you will feel like your heart is broken, and then it will all be nicely pieced back together. Loved everything about this story.
Please RateSteal (Seaside Pictures Book 3)
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