The Sunday Times bestseller everyone is talking about

BySarah Vaughan

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andrew brumbach
This has been one of my most anticipated reads for months, from the minute I saw the title/cover I was interested, scandals, betrayals, lies, and a dash of courtroom drama? Yes please! But while there were many aspects of this one that worked for me, I did have some minor issues that will prevent me from fully endorsing Anatomy of a Scandal.

This is told through multiple perspectives, that of James, his wife Sophie and Kate, the prosecuting attorney and it also flashes back and forth from today to back when they were in college. The plot could’ve been ripped from current headlines, how many times do you watch the news and see a new political sex scandal, too often, right? I definitely liked the juicy storyline and the back and forth wondering if James was guilty or innocent, but for me as much as I enjoyed this at first, I felt like it became pretty long and drawn out by the end. It was also pretty slow as far as pacing goes, which is fine but in the middle I did struggle a bit to stay attentive. The ending wasn’t as resolved as I would’ve liked it to be either so it felt a bit like waiting forever for something that didn’t quite pay off in the end.

While this wasn’t the perfect book for me, it did have many strong points. It was really intelligently written and I liked that it dealt with the issue of consent and how exactly that’s defined. That’s such an important issue and anytime an author is brave enough to tackle something so tricky I have to give them credit. I also have to say that while I found it slow, the fact that it didn’t solely rely on a super fast pacing and crazy plot twists was refreshing. My advice? If the blurb intrigues you, give this a try because you may enjoy it more than I did.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is the story of Kate, Sophie and James... and how their lives collide in a rape trial that will leave all of them marked for life. Ready for a Scandal?

I will make some spoilers with my review, so be advised!
This has been a disturbing read, reading about a rape trial is not easy and the thought of the rapist going free simply for lying is shameful.
Let me explain, the book is very well written, slow paced and with a few surprising twists. Told between the past and the presents of our main characters to put us on scene and that make us understand their story and their thoughts. What I didn't like is how in a moment where the women are trying to stop violence against women and sexual assaults, this book, with simply a lie in the court, the rapist could go free, without any doubt from the jury. Sorry, no rapist should go free, neither in fiction or in reality, a woman that has been assaulted had to suffer the rape and the sadness to repeat the experience in voice a lot of times, so no excuse, no rapist should go free!
What makes me more angry is that the "alleged" rapist, James, is in the politician career, has money and a lot of contacts, and of course he is handsome and perfect to charm everyone. So he knows that no matter what the woman says, he will go free.
Sophie, James wife, is more sad that his husband was cheating on her that the possible rape, and is ready to forgive him for the health of their children! Really? Would you like your kids to grow up with a rapist and a cheater? Sorry, not me.
And the last one, Kate, the glue of the story, the devil's lawyer, a cold woman that just lives to solve cases, is ready to put James in prison... but will she win?
Take a breath and start reading Anatomy Of A Scandal, the controversy is served.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott warheit
This engrossing, masterfully crafted thriller is a story of money, abuse of power, revenge, and the pursuit of justice. The author, Sarah Vaughan, spent eleven years at the Guardian as a news reporter and political correspondent before she began writing fiction. This story feels like it has been ripped from the headlines.

The characters in this book are developed nicely. The main characters are given extra attention and discussion as the reader encounters flashbacks to the college years. The chapters transition between the characters, interspersed with the flashbacks, as the information revealed becomes relevant. There is a huge plot twist about halfway through the book where we learn how the pieces to the puzzled plot fit together. Ghosts of the past are revealed and the suspense ratchets up dramatically.

The trial itself is a classic he said, she said. It will be fought in court, debated in the press, and ultimately left to the jury to decide. However, the actual storyline here goes much, much deeper than that. Allegations of prosecutorial misconduct surface as more ghosts from the past are uncovered. Each character plays an integral part as the story weaves together. The build-up to the conclusion is slow and, while not exactly shocking, leaves the reader fulfilled and satisfied.

I recommend this book to fans of thrillers, suspense, and courtroom dramas. I received this as a free ARC from Emily Bestler Books/Atria Books, Simon & Schuster on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A timely tale that kept me enthralled , the author really has a finger on the pulse of current events. At first glance this is a he said, she said courtroom thriller. Successful barrister Kate is prosecuting a controversial rape case, involving a serving minister for parliament and his former mistress. James, the minister in question is relying on his charisma and public image as a loving father and husband, to show that the allegation is nothing more than an attempt at revenge from a woman scorned. His wife Sophie is devastated as her world comes crashing down around her, but still clings to her belief that the man she knows and loves could never do such a thing.
Though the story is told largely from the perspectives of Kate and Sophie as the trial progresses, the author uses flashbacks to their pasts as a way of showing us how events have shaped these women very differently and shedding light on their respective stances as the trial goes on. Both characters are strongly and believably developed and fleshed out, making it easy to empathize with them and adding to the strength of the emotions portrayed in the book. The pacing throughout is excellent, and the gradual reveal of what really happened is skilfully handled in a way that definitely held my interest as the book twisted and turned. The courtroom setting adds immensely to the drama, and the tension in some of the scenes is palpable. I particularly commend the author for her realistic handling of the often unpleasant way victims in sexual harassment and abuse cases are treated, the hard hitting nature of the testimony scenes had a memorable impact.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Sophie has been married to James for years. He’s a successful public figure. She stays at home and cares for their two children. On the outside, they live a charmed life, as part of Britain’s elite society.

Until James is accused of a horrible crime.

Sophie has protected James since college, and is determined to stand by his side as he faces the lies hurled at him now. Then Sophie realizes James’ story doesn’t quite add up, leaving her to question her husband’s version of the truth.

Kate is the lawyer prosecuting James. She knows the only way to win a case is to win the argument. And Kate is determined to win this argument. She believes James is guilty, believes it with knowledge born of experience, and she will stop at nothing to make the truth known.

Anatomy of a Scandal is told in alternating viewpoints and times, with the present-day storyline entwined with the relevant events from college. I have to be honest: while I felt sorry for Sophie and Kate both, I didn’t actually like any of the characters in this novel. James is horrible: elitist, privileged, arrogant. I knew I wouldn’t like him. But I expected to feel more than sympathy for the female characters. The unfolding of the trial and the college-era timeline was very well-done, but my dislike of the characters colored my perceptions of the book. This is definitely a personal preference, and not an indicator of the book itself.

(Galley provided by Atria Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
patrick harding
Anatomy of a Scandal is a very timely courtroom drama. Just a warning, there is going to be a minor spoiler here. I don’t think I can help it.

Handsome, charming James, a Junior Home Office Minister, is accused of rape by an ex-lover. Sophie is his wife who believes, at least at first, that he could never have done such a heinous thing. Kate is the lawyer determined to prove him guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt- and she doesn’t have any doubt.

The story flowed well. It’s not a nail-biting thriller, but it’s tense and emotion-filled. We see James and Sophie in their college days, along with their friends. We know what they were like then and who they became. We learn that some things change, and others don’t.

It’s a story that sucks you in, but I’m not sure I really enjoyed it. First, there’s never any doubt for the reader about James guilt, just whether the jury will believe him or not. He’s a loving father, a loyal friend, but not a “good guy”. So, while in theory the book circles around the idea of consent, of he says/she says, of no one knows what happens behind closed doors, really we do know. None of the main characters was likeable to me. James, obviously, is manipulative and egotistical. Sophie was self-absorbed as a young adult and even though she knows James’ secrets, and there’s at least one biggie, she still deludes herself into believing him and then, when she knows the truth, she stays. Kate has her own back story, which does lend an interesting twist to her prosecution, but she is at the very least acting unethically. I’ll grant you, I understand her reasons, but I still can’t quite sympathize with her.

Sex, power, and scandal are always attention-grabbing, in fiction and real-life. It’s a good book for discussion, I think. It mirrors events that happen every day, on college campuses, in offices, in everyday life, but shouldn’t.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer dopazo
ANATOMY OF A SCANDAL is a fascinating look at the life and actions of an accused rapist and all of the people that his actions affect. James Whitehouse is a respected junior member of Parliament and a very good friend of the Prime Minister. When he is accused of rape, the accusation changes the lives of all around him. His wife Sophie has to make the choice to support him or to leave him. With two children, this is a difficult choice and one that makes the reader think, “What would I do?” The prosecutor has a personal reason to make sure that James is found guilty. The accuser actually loves James, so the time in court in heart-wrenching for her. The author asks the reader to examine the evidence and decide for yourself if James is actually guilty. Did Olivia say “no” and actually mean it? This is a great read that will keep you reading late into the night. And you will be choosing sides: the wife, the prosecutor, or James. Who is your favorite, and who is the most sympathetic and believable?


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Many thanks to the author / Atria Books / Netgalley for the advanced digital copy of this engaging novel. Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.

This is an astonishingly incisive and suspenseful novel about a scandal among Britain’s privileged elite and the women caught up in its wake.

Sophie's husband, James, is a public figure. He's handsome, and charming, and he likes the ladies. He comes home one night to admit that he had been having an affair with his assistant. He's only telling her now because the story is going to be headline news in the morning.

But James isn't telling her everything. The young woman has had him charged with more than having an affair. She says that on their last meeting... in an elevator,no less... he ripped her blouse and forced himself on her.

Sophie swears he is innocent ..... but is he? Is he lying? Is his assistant getting back at him for ending the affair?

Kate Woodcroft is the prosecutor .. and she goes after James with all she's got. Does she know more that she's telling? Why is she so positive that he is guilty?

This story is told from differing perspectives .... Sophie, James, and Kate. It's told from the very beginning .. when Sophie and James were dating in college. It's a slow paced read, slowly building in intensity to the time of the trial ..and after.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mat: Hardcover
I couldn’t wait to read this book and it certainly lived up to expectations. Political intrigue and courtroom drama has to be one of my favourite combinations.

Relevant today to some our political scandals but also relevant to all the current news stories of historic sexual abuse that are emerging at the moment.

The very definition of the word ‘rape’ is brought into question in this intriguing court case, where one of the UK government cabinet ministers is in the dock accused of this most heinous of crimes.

All isn’t as it seems and the background facts of the case and the character of the accused is put in the spotlight.

One of the barristers has a disturbing secret to keep that if it was revealed would have serious implications and impact seriously on the case in question. There are flashbacks to Oxford where the rich and highly privileged youth belonging to such infamous clubs as The Libertines ran riot and thought they could buy anyone’s silence with wads of cash.

Caught in the middle of the scandal and furore surrounding a case that focuses on the extra curricular activities of one of the country’s high powered individuals is the faithful wife. Does she believe her husband and stand by him or should she leave while she can.

An outstanding novel and it’s been a privilege to read it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lindsey culli
A free physical book from BookishFirst in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book. I was entertained throughout and wanted to know more.
The story is told from multiple perspectives and from multiple timelines. This worked for the story and kept it interesting.

There were two big reveals that you knew were driving this story, and one reveal that was needed to kind of tie them together that was not necessarily a given. I really enjoyed the first reveal, it was the last reveal that made this book from four stars to only three. Maybe I do not understand politics enough to know what would count as a huge drama? Or this was just a little to flat for the story and it needed something just a little bit bigger.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Kate Woodcroft is a criminal barrister specialising is sex crimes. She likes to think that she stays detached from the cases that she handles but when she is given the case of a high profile politician accused of rape she cannot help but become totally consumed.

Anatomy of a Scandal is a character driven story of privilege and power. The story jumps back and forward in time filling in more details as the plot progresses. Told in multiple POV’s the puzzle is slowly pieced together giving more insight into each characters motivations.

My reading time is full of interruption so I found it hard to really get into the story. It focuses heavily on character development and as I guessed the twist quite early in the book I got easily bored and was constantly sidetracked.

Maybe another day, another time I would think this book brilliant and I can see why some gave it great reviews but I couldn’t get into the story. It was difficult to read due to the multiple date changes and the number of POV’s.

Anatomy of a Scandal is powerful and thought provoking; a timely story that I am sure will be a huge success.

Content: frequent coarse language, rape, drug use.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kirsten dunlap
The great thing about a well written suspense novel is that you get into all the twists and turns. This book is broken into different points of view as well as different time frames.

We meet the characters in present day and at college years in the past. We get involved with them and learn all of their secrets that are eeked out, a bit at a time.

The author did a very good job developing her characters and creating personalities that caused us to make a decision whether we like them or not. Whether are they were believable to us or not. Whether other people believe them or not.

I’m not sure what it was about the story, but I was not overly connected to any one character. I was also looking for more to the story, especially surrounding the attorney. I’m not going to give any spoilers here, but I just wanted more.

This is a solid read with a good amount of suspense and a well thought out plot. I love the legal aspect as it was interesting and engaging, but I felt like a great opportunity had been missed as far as turning the tables one or two more times.

This is the first book I have read by Sarah Vaughan and it was quite enjoyable. I would definitely read another by her.

* copy received for review consideration
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ANATOMY OF A SCANDAL certainly comes out at a propitious time. It’s almost like Ms. Vaughan is prescient.

James Whitehouse is a member of the privileged class in England. He’s had a fairly easy life to this point. He’s charming and oozes confidence. How can you not like Me?

Sophie is his wife. They met in Oxford and have 2 children. She’s supported James and his career from the beginning.

Kate is the lawyer attempting to convict James of rape.

ANATOMY OF A SCANDAL bounces between the present, recent past, and Oxford in the early ’90’s. The class divide is sharply presented, especially in the Oxford setting.
Even when we try to relegate the past to the past, it usually stays with us or comes back to haunt us. Ms. Vaughan does an excellent job proving that adage.

The characters are finely drawn, there’re drama and tension-particularly in the courtroom scenes. It’s easy to get caught up in the characters lives, but harder to really like them. Empathize, yes, but I didn’t like any of them.

ANATOMY OF A SCANDAL is a good solid read and it kept my interest. However, it was predictable. No twists or surprises, but still engaging.

Reviewed for Miss Ivy’s Book Nook Take II & Novels Alive TV
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yasser aly
My first thoughts on this novel are what a perfect title and a fitting cover for this superb read! I enjoy both legal and political thrillers as well as family dramas and Sarah Vaughan expertly fuses all these subjects.

I have a fondness for books where the chapters alternatively follow different characters. As I reached the halfway point, the thought - briefly - occurred of where the possible connection would be and then BAM! With perfect timing the author revealed everything I needed to know then and with slick writing continued to keep me hooked. The possible outcomes spread before the reader and I really think the story finished off in the only way it could to maintain our faith in the system whilst also pointing out the flaws.

What a read! The action is continuous and just when you think you know it all and have it sorted out in your head, along comes another piece of the jigsaw which you didn't realise was missing and you have to start moving bits around to fit them all in. Spectacular! I'm so happy to have discovered another author of this calibre and will be looking forward to reading more by Sarah Vaughan.

My thanks to publisher Simon & Schuster UK for approving my copy via NetGalley. This is my honest, original and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Having read a brief synopsis of this book prior to receiving the full novel, I had certain expectations for Anatomy of a Scandal. The court case, although involving many of the pages of the book, was really not the central focus. That honor went to Kate Woodcroft, the prosecuting attorney who is given the task of bringing to justice the accused, James Whitehouse. With the backstories of the characters told through a series of flashbacks to the past, the book has a very disjointed feel.

I really wanted to like Anatomy of a Scandal, but the overall premise was weak and unrealistic. The many twists in the book did not feel genuine, like they were placed in the text with the express purpose of changing the direction of the plot. In the end, I did not feel that the story was all that successful, either as a legal thriller or as a suspense. Readers who do not mind the constant time shifts and changes in perspective may find Anatomy of a Scandal to their liking, but I was disappointed with the book as a whole. The author had some good ideas, but the book never came together in a meaningful way for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberlee holinka
Ohhhkayyyy. I was so interested in reading this book as soon as I got through the first impression here on Bookish First. I was hooked from what little we got to read, so imagine my ecstatic surprise when I won it! Anticipation was killing me, but I devoured this as quickly as I could when I received it.

Being from the United States, I always enjoy thrillers set in the UK. This was one of those; sometimes I felt myself trip up at the word minister and things like that, but I eventually got the hang of it and those things didn't stick out as much as they did in the beginning.

Let me tell you, I was GRIPPED by this story the entire time. I related well to the wife and hated the mistress. I understand the thoughts and struggles the wife had, the love for the husband - the father of your children - and felt for her through and through. This book was certainly a great read that captivated me as soon as I read the first impression, and it did not disappoint when I received it and consumed it in three sittings. HIGHLY recommend picking this up as soon as you can. Don't walk, RUN to the bookstores as soon as January 23rd arrives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
breanne joy
Book Review: Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan

Kate Woodcroft, QC (41) is a barrister with an outstanding record. Kate has devoted herself entirely to her career at The Bar, to the exclusion of husband and children. She is a workhorse, whip-smart, detail-oriented, disciplined, canny, and nearly fanatical in her pursuit of justice. Her clerk brings her a high profile case on December 2, 2016 which literally is life-changing.

Sophie Whitehouse (42) is happily married to James Whitehouse, a politician, a junior Home Office minister, who is a very close friend of the Prime Minister Tom Southern. Sophie and James have two children, Emily (9) and Toby (6), and the family resides in tony North Kensington. Sophie feels fortunate to be married to James, who owes much of his success to his beauty and charisma. Their life is idyllic--until James is accused of a crime.

Sarah Vaughan's debut thriller is brilliant on every level. Vaughan's talented writing resounds on every page. The story is enthralling, both classic and timely as it hinges on politics and sexual misconduct, men and women, marriage, choices and privilege. The plot revelations occur at exactly the perfect points and not easily sussed out. The pace is perfection. With a vast gift for depicting both the fallibility and the strength of her characters, Vaughan brings them to life. The dialogue and the interior monologues are authentic. Characters experience trauma and behave in its aftermath in ways which are genuine and believable.

The book is written with multiple points of view with chapters from different characters' perspectives. Only Kate's are written in the first person. The story switches seamlessly back and forth from the present (2016/2017) and the past (1992/1993). The author offers us a look into the world of English privilege by following a few young students at Oxford. Some first year students are from generation after generation of upper class breeding and old money. Others are making their way to a better life obtaining that place at Oxford. No student is immune from the pleasures there, whether scholarly, social, athletic, sexual or bacchanalian. Youthful "indiscretions" sow the seeds for present-day impropriety, disgrace, and revenge.

Anatomy of a Scandal is the genuine article, a page-turner which will take you on an incredible, emotionally wrought, and satisfying journey. You will be entertained and you will think about your own suppositions about power, privilege, sexual abuse and justice. This novel already is a bestseller in the U.K., and certainly shall be in the U.S. (and worldwide). The question of a screen adaptation is a "when" not an "if." Kate, Sophie and James each are characters which would showcase actors to their best advantage. I look forward to reading Sarah Vaughan's next thriller with great excitement and anticipation

.Anatomy of a Scandal: A Novel
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy wilson
I read a preview of this one through the BookishFirst site, and requested a copy. Imagine my surprise when I realized that this author also wrote one of my previous 5 star reads The Art of Baking Blind! I say that I was surprised because this book did not seem like the same sort of genre, but it was obvious when I finished this one that Sarah Vaughan can write a fantastic story no matter the subject matter! Even though this is a thriller, it's definitely a slow burn type (generally my favorite). I like to have more character driven than plot driven thrillers. That's not to say that this one doesn't have plenty of twists and turns, but the characters are very well fleshed out and made the story just that much more enjoyable for me. I particularly liked Sophie, who I thought was very believable as she grapples with what to do about her marriage, and how she lost sight of herself through the years. Part of the novel takes place in a courtroom, which I am also usually intrigued with. The writing was sharp, the characters were well done, and the story after a bit of a slow start, was fast paced and engaging. While not the ending exactly as I had hoped, I was satisfied and felt it was tied up nicely.

After a bit of a slow start while the characters are introduced, this book is a fabulous character study of the people involved in a scandal. Well worth the read, especially if you like a bit of substance rather than just twists with your thrillers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mzayan awad
Anatomy of a Scandal comes in a time where Hollywood is being scrutinized by sexual harassment. The book settlement is a little bit different as it takes place in the political environment. But the impact of the sexual misconduct is as powerful. Right in the beginning of the book we learn about the scandal, and as the story unfolds we end up reading about how the scandal took place and some other things that happened in a not so distant past involving the main characters. While I really liked to read about the scandal and all narrative in the present, I didn’t really like the pace of the 1993 narrative. I felt something odd about it, and was always hoping to get back to 2017 stories. The story is told in the perspective of more than one narrator, which helps shedding light on what exactly happened and how each character felt about it. The ending leaves room for a possible second book in the future. I received an ARC copy from the editor via BookishFirst.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abo abdellah
This story slowly unfolded as layers were revealed. Rather than having large unexpected plot twists, this one smoothly uncovered information so that the reader generally becomes aware of things slightly before a character, and then has the vantage point of experiencing how the character absorbs the information or situation. The psychological thrills in this book are driven by characters and their responses rather than by riveting bombshells thrown at the reader.

This book has chapters that alternate between the present and 25 years in the past, as well as alternating among the perspective of three different characters. This format really worked and added much to the tension and plot movement. I appreciated the writing style that generally immersed me in the story. There were some references to the British legal system that I was not familiar with that caused some lack of fluidity at times for me. I would give this 4.5 out of 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paul schnitz
I picked up this book after reading a blurb about Anatomy of a Scandal about how it's a fun summer read. I like thrillers/dramas and hoped this book would keep me engrossed.

I didn't have much expectations, usually I don't have much expectations of books I pick up to read. At first, this book a was bit slow because it started out with Kate, the lawyer and then it introduced James and Sophie. At first I wasn't sure where this was going but as the book progressed I begin to see where the book was slowly going and trying to figure out the twists and turn.

I don't want to give much away but the two women in this book, Sophie and Kate are sympathetic characters and James, could use some help in developing good morals.

I like this book, it's a good read and not a book to you want to put down after you get through the initial portion.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
James is the perfect husband; he's a loving father, caring husband, and has a successful career in the government. However, when he is accused of a heinous crime, Sophie is determined that James is innocent and she will protect her family at any cost. Kate is the lawyer prosecuting the case and she is determined that James is guilty and will stop at nothing to bring him down. Is James innocent or is something larger at play?

When I first came across this book, it reminded me of the TV show, "How to Get Away with Murder". The book was interesting for the first few chapters when we were being introduced to the characters and their backstory. However, the plot seem was a bit predictable and was filled with filler. An interesting story, but I wish more was done with it, but I would be opened to reading more novels by the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alison stewart
I received this book free in from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This took awhile for me to get into but once I did it unfolded beautifully. It read more like a mystery to me. The plot was well developed as were the characters although I admit I was not overly fond of them. I loved to hate some of the characters in this book. I did have a hard time getting through some parts of this book but it was a solid read for me. It really brings into question how much would you cover up and or stand by your spouse if you think or know that they are guilty of an awful crime.

James was not one of my favorite characters and I thought Sophie needed a backbone at times. The writing was superb, the plot did keep me interested and on my toes. I look forward to this authors next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christina burlison
A married politician is accused of rape by a woman he recently terminated an affair with. He says it was consensual sex. Each chapter is told from a different characters viewpoint and also the chapters can be from different eras (current or 20 or so years ago during college). There are 3 main characters - James, the politician, Sophie, his wife, and Kate, the prosecutor.

There are British references that may be confusing but that can be looked up on Google (which I did on occasion). This does not detract from the books enjoyment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bridget burke
I really appreciated the reality that this book presents. It is highly believable that this how this sort of conversation would happen. I liked that the main character appears to be strong, however her inner dialogue displays appropriate anxiety. I think a lot of people will draw terror from this premise and it will appeal to their innermost fears. Affairs are really difficult to live through however very common in today's world. It is even more terrifying for those who live life in the limelight. It will be interesting to see what is written about the two people involved and how this will involve the family relationships and careers. I would love the opportunity to review this book and to find out what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
suzie homemaker
"It is hardwired into us that we should placate and mollify: bend our will to that of men."

Sarah's Anatomy of a Scandal was very well done. The story told mostly from Kate and Sophie's point of view, kept me engaged and wanting more. As it moves from past to present, I was surely surprised at just how intertwined all their lives were. One cliffhanger I hadn't expected and one I knew was coming. I found myself a little disappointed in the outcome of the trial. There were questions I felt Kate should've asked and witnesses she should've called to the stand but I guess that's not the point. I think deep down I knew exactly what was going to be the outcome of the trial because how could it really be anything other?! Sarah's character revelations and feelings post trial were on point. The only thing that made this a 3 star instead of a 4 star was the ending. I really wanted more... There was so much heartache and anger as a result of the trail that I felt like I was still owed some justice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This novel, that I received for review from Bookish, comes at a perfect place in time. The author’s story fits well into the conversation now happening in the public arena. Abuse of power dynamics that are the centerpiece of the book are being displayed front and center everyday at present. This is a long time coming.

That being said, “Anatomy Of A Scandal” at about 400 pages could have told the story with much more impact using fewer pages. I relish detail that fleshes out the story but too much will slow the narrative to a grind. A bit of surgical excision by the writer would have served the book and the reader well.

I applaud Sarah Vaughan for taking on this very topical subject. I wonder if she had any idea of it’s impending particular relevance when writing her book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sarah rzewski
James is the perfect husband; he's a loving father, caring husband, and has a successful career in the government. However, when he is accused of a heinous crime, Sophie is determined that James is innocent and she will protect her family at any cost. Kate is the lawyer prosecuting the case and she is determined that James is guilty and will stop at nothing to bring him down. Is James innocent or is something larger at play?

When I first came across this book, it reminded me of the TV show, "How to Get Away with Murder". The book was interesting for the first few chapters when we were being introduced to the characters and their backstory. However, the plot seem was a bit predictable and was filled with filler. An interesting story, but I wish more was done with it, but I would be opened to reading more novels by the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received this book free in from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This took awhile for me to get into but once I did it unfolded beautifully. It read more like a mystery to me. The plot was well developed as were the characters although I admit I was not overly fond of them. I loved to hate some of the characters in this book. I did have a hard time getting through some parts of this book but it was a solid read for me. It really brings into question how much would you cover up and or stand by your spouse if you think or know that they are guilty of an awful crime.

James was not one of my favorite characters and I thought Sophie needed a backbone at times. The writing was superb, the plot did keep me interested and on my toes. I look forward to this authors next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A married politician is accused of rape by a woman he recently terminated an affair with. He says it was consensual sex. Each chapter is told from a different characters viewpoint and also the chapters can be from different eras (current or 20 or so years ago during college). There are 3 main characters - James, the politician, Sophie, his wife, and Kate, the prosecutor.

There are British references that may be confusing but that can be looked up on Google (which I did on occasion). This does not detract from the books enjoyment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juanmi grau
I’d heard so many great things before starting this novel, and really hoped it would live up to the hype.

It definitely did!

This is a novel that manages to combine sensitive (and very topical) issues with a gripping, scandalous storyline, all without being too over-dramatic, glib or thoughtless. The balance is just right and the writing itself is brilliant.

There are plenty of very convincing-feeling characters who I hugely enjoyed reading about, even though I didn’t necessarily like all of them. The themes are very pertinent to today’s issues and it’s quite hard to read at times, but I loved the way Sarah Vaughan has you questioning right from the off who is telling the truth, making me as the reader swing between believing one side or the other, between anger towards certain characters and the world they live in, and sympathy for others. It’s also interesting to read about someone married to the accused, as you don’t always see things from their point of view and understand how very confusing and hard that must be. I loved both Kate and Sophie, though neither were perfect people, and found myself rooting for them at different times and for different things.

I absolutely loved the structure of this novel, with its combination of courtroom drama and homelife of the various characters, as well as jumping backwards in time to certain character’s younger years. I don’t want to give too much away but everything comes together so brilliantly, and though at times I felt real anger that things progressed as they did and cursed the British justice system, other parts made me feel very satisfied.

Anatomy of a Scandal is a rollercoaster of a read at times, but one I hugely enjoyed, already making me desperate to read Sarah’s future novels!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julia gorski
I really appreciated the reality that this book presents. It is highly believable that this how this sort of conversation would happen. I liked that the main character appears to be strong, however her inner dialogue displays appropriate anxiety. I think a lot of people will draw terror from this premise and it will appeal to their innermost fears. Affairs are really difficult to live through however very common in today's world. It is even more terrifying for those who live life in the limelight. It will be interesting to see what is written about the two people involved and how this will involve the family relationships and careers. I would love the opportunity to review this book and to find out what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
gwen hill
"It is hardwired into us that we should placate and mollify: bend our will to that of men."

Sarah's Anatomy of a Scandal was very well done. The story told mostly from Kate and Sophie's point of view, kept me engaged and wanting more. As it moves from past to present, I was surely surprised at just how intertwined all their lives were. One cliffhanger I hadn't expected and one I knew was coming. I found myself a little disappointed in the outcome of the trial. There were questions I felt Kate should've asked and witnesses she should've called to the stand but I guess that's not the point. I think deep down I knew exactly what was going to be the outcome of the trial because how could it really be anything other?! Sarah's character revelations and feelings post trial were on point. The only thing that made this a 3 star instead of a 4 star was the ending. I really wanted more... There was so much heartache and anger as a result of the trail that I felt like I was still owed some justice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve keane
Anatomy of a Scandal is definitely a thriller, but not in a tearing-through-the-pages, sudden-shock-every-other-chapter kind of way. Just like a lawyer in a courtroom, it carefully builds its case, provides background and context, pleads its case with you, until the conclusion. My favorite part is that you get the opportunity to develop your own theories as the story progresses, as you get to know the key players, and learn about the secrets that they keep.

This book was released at the opportune moment, given the recent publicity of the Me, Too initiative and the world’s decision to finally start prosecuting sexual-assaults, even when they involve reputable people of great power. It was also so incredibly difficult to read, not for lack of writing skill, but for the fact that this story seemed as if it were on the cover of a newspaper and not a work of fiction. As Vaughan clearly says, cases like these are often “he said, she said,” and everything from your past sexual encounters to your wardrobe can be reasons used for excusing inappropriate behavior. It absolutely crushed me because my thoughts immediately drifted to current headlines.

If you’re looking for your next selection for your book club and really want to get in depth into the discussion, I highly recommend Anatomy of a Scandal. It’s thrilling, it’s complex, and it’s SO RELEVANT for this day and age.

Thank you so much to the publisher for providing my copy. It truly is a pleasure to provide my honest thoughts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alain masse
This novel, that I received for review from Bookish, comes at a perfect place in time. The author’s story fits well into the conversation now happening in the public arena. Abuse of power dynamics that are the centerpiece of the book are being displayed front and center everyday at present. This is a long time coming.

That being said, “Anatomy Of A Scandal” at about 400 pages could have told the story with much more impact using fewer pages. I relish detail that fleshes out the story but too much will slow the narrative to a grind. A bit of surgical excision by the writer would have served the book and the reader well.

I applaud Sarah Vaughan for taking on this very topical subject. I wonder if she had any idea of it’s impending particular relevance when writing her book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Blowing Up Class & Male Privilege

Can there be justice for those who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth?

What constitutes rape?

At first blush Anatomy of a Scandal presents as a simple case of he said/she said in an office affair gone wrong for a British politician. Woven into the proceedings is the story of young men of privilege sowing their wild oats at a prestigious university, the impact of the young men's thoughtlessness in the college days, and the imprint of these men 20 years later after having honed their privilege in their wealth and in their political power.

The most interesting character for me was the wife of the accused politician, Sophie Whitehouse. It was the development of Sophie that reconciled the norms of sex and drugs at university to the realization of the truth that took 20 years to learn. "The blurring of consent in Sophie's days of sixth-form parties when boys would try anything and sometimes it was easier just to acquiesce. She is not saying those those boys were in the right, but these days she could accuse them of rape, or at least sexual assault, when what they were guilty of was a selfish exuberance and what she was guilty of-for she was complicit in this, too-was a lack of communication."

Enjoy the court room drama, but just know that you will be taken down the path of enlightenment and will examine your own thoughts on class privilege and male privilege.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer whitcher
I started hearing rumblings about this book nearly a year before it came out.  I had no real idea what the plot was about or what any of the main points were.  All I knew is that everyone who read this book was very impressed and recommended it highly.  I was super excited when I won an advance copy through an online giveaway (I believe it was on Goodreads).  Like so many others, I was obsessed with Anatomy of a Scandal.  And for good reason. 

Anatomy of a Scandal centers around a high-profile court case.  The trial at the heart of this book is a sexual assault perpetrated by a well known, trusted MP (Member of Parliament) that takes place in the Houses of Parliament.  Vaughan paints the attack as a gray scenario that, at points, almost made me go wishy-washy on how I felt about the case.  This is not a comfortable book.  It makes you question your own beliefs and examine how you quantify rape and assault.

I think what I appreciated the most about the novel was that it wasn't gratuitous or sensationalist, despite the twist towards the end.  The assaults, there are more than one, aren't sensationalist or particularly detailed or vulgar. Conversely, Vaughan's scene setting and character development are so in-depth and descriptive that you feel as if you've walked those roped off passages in Parliament.

Anatomy of a Scandal is so very timely, particularly as stories of Spacey, Weinstein and others have hit mainstream media and the #metoo movement has spanned worldwide. I highly recommend it.  
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
evan allen
What could possibly be better than a scandal? This was a great debut by Sarah Vaughan and I will be looking for her future work. This was a bit of a slow burner with a nice twist about half way through. I thoroughly enjoyed it and reading about the British legal system. I love courtroom drama which this book has plenty of. A British politician accused of rape, but was it actually rape? When does consensual sex cross the line into rape? Kate Woodcroft, the barrister is determined to prosecute this man and get justice for the victim. I loved Kate's character and rooted for her until the end.

I recommend this book to fans of thrillers, suspense, and courtroom dramas!
Thank you to Atria Books, Sarah Vaughan and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris doyle
Scandals at its finest. How well do you actually know your husband? The man you pledged your life to before man and God? Sophie’s husband appears to be everything he portrays. But digging deep under the service things start to fall apart. Accused of a terrible crime Sophie proclaims his innocence. They have the wrong man! How can he possibly be capable of the crime? Along the way, she feels everything is not as it appears. Finding the answers will rip her world apart as her world slowly dissolves with each truth that is finally revealed. An Anatomy of a Scandal is a moving story about finding the trust you believed you had and living in a world of make believe. Strong character development and compelling mystery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david meldrum
Anatomy of a Scandal was a crafty, scandalous, courtroom drama that I was completely engrossed in. I felt like I was watching Law & Order or something of the likes. Just when I thought I knew, the author always ends up making me doubt myself.

I started second-guessing all the characters including the ones I was rooting for from the first page. As we all know money, power, and the sense of losing control can turn people against or towards each other.

The plot was well thought out and the delivery was perfect. I don’t say this often when I read a thriller but I was completely satisfied with how it all wrapped up.

Politics, power, control and a scandal that lead to a courtroom – what more can you ask for?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Anatomy of a Scandal is a well written psychological drama which is difficult to put down. Sophie’s husband, James, a successful, charismatic politician and a loving husband and father, is accused of a heinous crime. Sophie wants to believe he’s innocent. She tries desperately to push away the haunting memories of events which occurred years before during their student days and which, so far, have been successfully buried.

Kate, the lawyer hired to prosecute James, is also haunted by her own memories of past events and is convinced of James' guilt. She is determined to make him pay for his crime.

The story unfolds into an engrossing courtroom drama and a reminder that past events, no matter how deeply buried, can come back to bite us.

Highly recommended. Thanks to Simon & Schuster (Australia) and NetGalley for the ARC.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brian glendenning
The book follows the trial of Sophie's husband Jake. He is being tried for rape. Sophie does not believe he could do such a thing. Kate is the lawyer prosecuting the case. She is determined to see that he pays for his crimes. I do not usually read courtroom dramas. I found the book to be a little slow in some areas. it seemed that once the main secret of the book is revealed, the rest just kind of drags. It did however keep my attention enough that I wanted to continue reading to see how it ended. The book had a couple interesting twists. If you enjoy courtroom dramas you may enjoy this book. I receive d this book from Bookishfirst for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gerald kinro
Sarah Vaughan’s Anatomy of a Scandal certainly pulls no punches. The book delves deep into dark, uncomfortable places: infidelity, allegations of rape, and the justice system. Anatomy of a Scandal also feels eerily timely in a #MeToo world where the abuse of power has been rampant and unchecked for so long. Vaughan’s novel will no doubt strike a nerve in many of its readers, who will find themselves questioning the truth of the matter until it’s finally revealed. These characters are wealthy, privileged, seemingly without reproach; but ultimately, the truth will always come to light.

I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Police arrest James charge him with rape. The standard of proof is high in the court. Secure in his place in the House of Commons, testifies to his version of the truth. His wife, Sophie, is supposed to just grin and bear it but the cheating and questionable manner of it eats away at her. This story looks at rape and infidelity from several angles. There is an underling thread of justice or injustice woven throughout. Given the situation, it is easy to predict the outcome.

Goodreads Giveaway randomly chose me to receive this book. Although encouraged, I was under no obligation to write a review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
metta d evandari
When does consensual sex cross the line into rape? This is the question at the heart of this breathtaking novel. When Sophie's husband, James is accused of rape by the aide with whom he was having an affair, she is confident he is innocent and vows to stand by him. The prosecuting barrister, Kate is determined to prove his guilt but what makes her so sure he actually committed the crime? Secrets from the past are slowly revealed as past and present come together. Raising several moral dilemmas, the novel will make you question what you know and believe about the people you love. Lovely prose with a raw and poignant tone made this a one-sitting read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon tuttle
Anatomy of a Scandal is incredible. It begins with a confession— a scandal. James, a member of government, confesses to an affair he had because the story is about to go public.

Suddenly the secrets of a marriage and of an affair become public fodder. James is accused of rape and Vaughan catapults you into a gripping story. Did he or didn’t he? Who is telling the truth?

Anatomy of a Scandal is about the effects and fallout of lies and secrets. Vaughan looks at consent and force and more importantly how the justice system and society empowers aggressors and still blames the victim.

Highly recommend
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris francis
So the most important part of this review is that I knew nothing about the book before I read it. No plot points, etc. Had I, to be honest, I wouldn't have read it this week. Anatomy is too real, too raw, and simply too much for the week Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed.

Attempting to put that aside.

Read this book. Seriously, it's that good.

It has an unreliable narrator or two, multiple POVs (but not in a way that detracts from the reading experience), and tells a compelling, difficult tale with honesty and tact.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Do you like fast-moving plots? Dimensional characters burdened with secrets? Legal procedurals with sharp dialogue and end-of-your-seat testimonies? Anatomy of a Scandal is the book for you. Kate Woodcroft is a barrister (posh London-speak for “lawyer”) for the prosecution of sex crimes, and her latest case involves prosecuting James Whitehouse, a Junior Minister (posh London-speak again, this time for “Congressman”) who is accused of sexually assaulting a young intern. Kate is not perfect; she is a workaholic who is accustomed to winning and, fresh off the loss of a difficult case, Kate prosecutes James with a zeal that leaves the reader wondering if her motivation is professional or personal. James’s wife, Sophie, is oddly accepting of her husband’s infidelity (he confesses the affair, although denies the assault), suggesting she may have guilty secrets of her own. And repulsive James toggles remorselessly between his job, his family and his trial, leaving the reader wondering why anyone would vie for the affection of such a boob. There are many layers to these character and as the story unfolds in the courtroom, the author flashes back to the past, piecing together a puzzle and an ending that packs a satisfying punch.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was only when this book appeared on the Richard and Judy list for Autumn that I thought about reading it and I’m so glad I did. This very much has the feel of a good BBC drama with a top class cast. From the synopsis I had expected more of a political drama which is probably why I didn’t rush to read it. It is a courtroom drama with flashbacks to students at Oxford. There is a great set of characters including a ‘boo hiss’ baddie or two. I thoroughly enjoyed this and highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It was very predictable, but still kept my interest. It was a little slow at first, but written well enough that I had to keep going. I feel that it was thoroughly thought out and researched. I would've preferred something a little different at the end. I think the ending would've been better with a little more story. It was more like the conclusion was kind just quickly told instead of played out. I'm sorry, I can't find the right words to describe what I mean. I just felt it needed something more. Overall, it was a great story and I did enjoy it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marylee young
Sarah Vaughan’s latest, Anatomy of a Scandal, explores secrets at the highest pinnacle of British government when one man’s extramarital affair becomes more sinister than mere media fodder. James Whitehouse, junior Home Office minister, had a lurid affair with his parliamentary researcher, Olivia Lytton. Sophie, James wife, and their two young children are able to weather the media frenzy over the affair until media focus changes to another explosive scandal and minimizes James’ infidelity.

But the brief respite from media scrutiny is short-lived as Sophie never expected the criminal charges that followed the revelation of the affair.

James is charged with Olivia’s rape, a charge that he vehemently denies. As Sophie has decided to support her husband at his trial, she is forced to listen to the lurid details of the affair and the sexual encounter which James asserts was not rape. Sophie desperately wants to believe James when he says that Olivia never denied him sex or asked him to stop at any point, but there is niggling doubt in the back of her mind that just won’t go away.

The prosecuting barrister is Kate Woodcroft, a woman who is ruthlessly devoted to her career and very eager to prosecute the case against James. Though she realizes that the chances of winning are slim at best since the evidence primarily amounts to the Olivia’s word against James’, Kate is determined to give this case her full effort.

Vaughan alternates her focus from the present day trial of the very charismatic James to the past when James and Sophie met at Oxford. Their past and present become inextricably entwined in a plot twist that will leave readers breathless.

Stunning, very current, and ever suspenseful, Ms Vaughan’s latest is a read that is almost impossible to put down from the very first page until its explosive conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna lena
Sarah Vaughan's novel is one I thoroughly enjoyed. Although I don't think the plot is entirely original, I loved how it was written and couldn't put this book down.

James Whitehouse is a man who seems to have it all. He's a graduate of Eton and Oxford, has a career in politics and is married to his college girlfriend, Sophie, with whom he has two children. He can even call the Prime Minister his friend. And then he is accused of raping a co-worker, Olivia, in an elevator at work after he tries to call of their affair.

Kate Woodcroft is the woman who is appointed to prosecute James for rape. Everything in her life is very controlled, but as the story moves between 1993 and the present, we see why Kate is now the way she is.

And we learn of secrets that have been buried.

The idea of successful men getting away with things while people turn a blind eye is nothing new, and neither are sex scandals. However, the way Vaughan weaves the past and present together, allows different characters to narrate the story, and gradually reveals the secrets from the past which impact the present make this a superb read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Anatomy of a Scandal was a tale of justice, denial, self-preservation, vindication, and a journey to find the truth. As I read through the pages, gathering information from each angle, I was probed to determine my own definition of justice and truth. I found this book to be a little slow-going at first but was pulled in by Vaughan's ability to display multiple character viewpoints and perspectives that aren't always shown in many mysteries of this type.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Anatomy of a Scandal" follows the scandal of James, a married junior minister in the British parliament and a close friend of the Prime MInister, whose political career is put in jeopardy when his co-worker accuses him of rape. From there, the victim brings forth a case that is prosecuted by Kate, a barrister with her own secrets. The books jumps back and forth in time between James's wife Sophie, who had first become aware of his womanizing ways during their time in Oxford together, Kate, who is bent on winning the case against him, and a former student at Oxford who was a victim of James during his time there.

As someone who has an interest in British politics (their "Labour" is like the Democratic party and "Tories" are like Republicans), I was curious about how this book, authored by a British journalist, might shed light on their political environment. There is some delving into politics, but the book is not about politics. Rather, the main focus is the spoiled upper class who can get away with anything because of their prestigious background or connections and gender inequality. It seems like the male characters are the only ones who get to have it all, while the female characters are either married well and with family but unemployed (Sophie) or with a great career but "old maids" (Kate), though in Kate's case there's more than meets the eye.

While the idea of the story was interesting, I found it a slow read at times. It's not all straightforward and there's a big twist, though once the reveal happened, I thought it was not that surprising. Overall, an interesting story but one that's dark throughout.
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