Tried and True (Wild at Heart Book #1)

ByMary Connealy

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
devy nurmala
I found this book to be very bland, too predictable and unbelievable.
The premise was not believable. The complication at the end was totally unbelievable in the way it was changed in a heart beat rather than resolved over time as it would have to have been. It left the Dev complication unresolved and the injured person without a hint of what the outcome would be. The set up for the next two books is what is obvious.
So many obvious issues left hanging and the abrupt "ending" classifies this as a CLIFF HANGER.
I will not be reading more from this author.
I obtained this book from my local library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an extraordinary tale of three sisters who served in the civil war, cutting their hair short, wearing the uniform with no one the wiser that they weren’t men! After the war, they go west to homestead new land. Since they served time in the military they reduced the number of years before the land deed was in their own name until the land agent Aaron Masterson rode onto Kylie’s land one day and eventually discovered the family secret.
While the three sisters Bailey, Shannon and Kylie dressed and acted as men, it doesn’t take an undistracted man mere seconds before realizing he was looking at women. Their Pa, torn with grief over losing his only son and widowed to boot, had to find a way to begin again and using his daughters was his plan. What their Pa hadn’t counted on was Kylie getting married and giving up her homestead. Since the Civil War ended, most people were working through their shattered lives. One man was determined to find Aaron and take away anything he had and anyone he loved.
I so enjoyed the first installment in this new series by Mary Connealy! There was action, adventure, romance, secrets, faith and family. Each of the three main female was unique and though often at odds with how they viewed life, they were tightly knit together. The choices the characters faced to love not hate, forgive instead of hold on to bitterness caused by the war were profoundly written in the story.
The sequel to Tried & True comes out next year, focusing on one of the other two sisters while having some of the characters from book one continue on in book two, Now and Forever. I look forward to that novel and the third one whenever it is released! Don’t miss these heartfelt and heart-pounding tales!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely LOVED this book. I couldn’t put it down… and literally read it in a day. The story of Kylie and her sisters (Bailey and Shannon) living as boys serving in the Civil War and then as men claiming land out West and homesteading as young men (at the insistence of their father) was pretty fascinating. While this book focuses on Kylie, what I truly loved was seeing how each of the young women handle the situation in their own ways. While Kylie was suffering… Bailey and Shannon seemed much more comfortable… even thriving in their lives. I believe Kylie’s struggle (wanting to be independent… but still wanting to be “girly” and quit having to do “man’s work”) is truly relatable to today’s modern woman. She didn’t want to BE a man… but she also didn’t want to be a woman CONTROLLED by a man. I especially loved Kylie’s reflections on her own behaviors (like noticing that she would fight to protect herself when alone, but find herself relying on Aaron if he was there).

The relationship with Kylie and Aaron? Perfect in my opinion. A great story about truly finding and understanding yourself once you find your perfect match.

Book 2 focuses on Shannon… and I can barely wait to find out more about her story. I can only assume book 3 will then focus on Bailey. Mary Connealy has absolutely won me as a fan for the Wilde sisters.

(I have to say… that while I’m confident there will be 3 books in this series… I truly hope Mary Connealy considers giving Sunshine her own book as well. Even as a novella? As a flashback? Maybe telling her story to a future grandchild? I imagine her story of meeting and marrying would be truly interesting.)
A Guide Through the Trials Young Men Face - Killing Lions :: Now and Forever (Wild at Heart Book #2) :: A Map for the Masculine Journey - The Way of the Wild Heart :: Fire and Ice (Wild at Heart Book #3) :: Extravagant Personality of Jesus - Experiencing the Playful
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Synopsis: Tried and True by Mary Connealy is the first book in the Wild at Heart series. It takes place on the 1860s western frontier and follows the adventures of the Wilde sisters. Each of the women have staked a claim and are homesteading. But while the oldest two are thriving, Kylie the youngest just wants to stay until the land is officially hers, so that she can sell it and move back to civilization. This is not the life Kylie wanted and the sooner she can leave, the better.

The women are using special exemptions to earn their claims-meaning they only have to wait three years to own the land instead of the usual five. They were given the exemptions for serving in the Civil War while disguised as boys. The exemptions are only for men though, so the sisters must keep up the charade that they are men in order to earn their claims as fast as possible. The problem is, that while they were young enough to get away with the disguises in the heat of battle, anyone who took a close look at them now, would clearly know they are women. And, to make matters worse, Kylie dresses like a woman every chance she gets.

Will the local land agent discovers the women’s secret? And, is someone now trying to kill Kylie for her land?

Review: I really enjoyed this book. It has an interesting and unique story line, and plenty of action to keep the plot moving. It is also very well-written and a nice, easy read. I am looking forward to the rest of the series, and would definitely recommend this one as a very good book!

My thanks to Bethany House for providing me with a complimentary copy for my unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I adore this latest book of Mary Connealy’s! What a true pleasure to read this romantic adventure. This is book one of the Wild at Heart Series featuring three Wilde sisters, Kylie, Shannon, and Bailey. Kylie Wilde, the youngest sister, is the star of this show. The setting is directly after the Civil War in which all three sisters disguised themselves as men and fought in the war. Union soldiers received the benefit of a Homesteading exemption for time served in the war. Each year served amounted to a year off the five year homesteading time requirement. So, the three Wilde sisters set off for Colorado each staking a land claim along with their father. However, the exemptions are only for men. This forces the sisters to continue to use their male disguises. Throw into the mix a handsome government land agent, who isn't easily fooled and a land greedy rancher from Texas who has relocated to Colorado, and you have the recipe for a great adventure.

Connealy’s characters are like personal friends. I’m not sure how she does it, but I continue thinking about her characters for weeks after finishing her books and Tried and True is no exception. I tried reading slow, in order to savor each page but finished the book in a day because, well, because that always happens to me with a Connealy book. Any book that draws you in with the characters, scenery, mystery, and romance the way Tried and True does easily earns 5 stars.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, through The Book Club Network ( in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kylie Wilde is the youngest sister of the Wilde family. She has had it with dressing as a boy, wearing britches, short hair, and posing as a man. She has started wearing dresses and has let her hair grow. It is a risk as she and her sisters, also posing as men, are homesteading using their exemption they earned for serving in the Civil War as men. The problem with that is that women were not allowed to serve in the Civil War. So if they were found out they would lose their exemption. Kylie plans on working only as long as she has to on her homestead to have ownership. Then she plans to sell the property and return to the luxuries of life back East.

Aaron Masterson is the local land agent. He is fascinated with Kylie from the moment he rescues her from her roof while she was trying to nail a wood shingle on during a rain storm. Now that he knows she isn’t a man he can’t in good conscious allow the Civil War exemption to stand. Kylie is furious that she will have to work additional time before heading back East. Not only does she have to work her homestead longer, someone is trying to force her off her homestead. Aaron wonders if he will have any luck convincing her to marry him to protect her. His future plans include settling further into the frontier and he knows that Kylie wants to go back East.

Mary Connealy has done it again. This is a great light hearted read with some mystery and romance combined. I would highly recommend this book to all ages. I am anxious for Shannon’s story in the next book in the series.

I was given this book by the publisher for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mary Connealy is back with another runaway hit series -- at least that's what I'm predicting based on the first book, Tried & True. This is classic Connealy, ripe with her trademark wit, snappy dialogue and cutting sarcasm which all combine to provide many laugh-out-loud moments. But there are some poignant scenes as well that bring an added depth and richness to the story.

One of the things I admire most about this author's work is her attention to the little details. Take the Wilde sisters's family name, for instance. Talk about tongue-in-cheek! Once you meet Kylie, Shannon and Bailey you'll understand why.

This is Kylie's story and she's an interesting mix of genteel homebody and homesteading survivalist. I think she's one of the most unique heroines in Connealy's arsenal to date and that's saying something!

Aaron's smitten from the very start and their romance is funny, sweet and even heart-wrenching at times. The fact that both Kylie and Aaron have shared Civil War experiences brings an added intensity to their love story. There are a few stirring scenes between those two that left me feeling raw. And then, on the flip side I'm laughing hysterically over their antics in the very next scene.

Which sums up this book and its author perfectly. Reading Connealy is like taking a roller coaster ride -- there are just as many thrills and chills accompanied by a whole lot of laughter.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
horst walter
Before Tried & True, I had only read the novellas by Mary Connealy in A Bride for All Seasons and Four Weddings & a Kiss. I loved those stories and their Western adventure and romance, and when I picked up Tried & True, I hoped I would find the same enticing elements. I am happy to say I was not disappointed.

Kylie Wilde moves west to homestead with her family after fighting in the Civil War, disguised as a boy. While her sisters enjoy keeping up the male ruse, Kylie longs for the freedom to be female and embrace civilization and typical feminine pastimes. When Aaron Masterson stumbles upon her secret, Kylie finally has the opportunity to live the life she wants – but of course, not without a few challenges. As the action- and romance-filled plot unfolds, Kylie proves herself to be quite a strong female character in a refreshing way. Now, I do love a female character who determines to prove she’s just as tough as any man, can hold her own in a man’s world, etc. – but that character is not Kylie. Kylie is determined, hard-working and capable, but not ashamed to be feminine, show vulnerability and fear, ask for help or love pretty things, and while reading, I found this so refreshing. I loved Kylie’s story and certainly cannot wait to read more of the Wilde family in the future. Tried & True is an entertaining, adventurous read and I recommend it for lovers of Western romance.

Thanks to LitFuse Publicity Group, I received a copy of Tried & True and the opportunity to provide an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, and all the opinions I have expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
soomin kim
Mary Connealy rocks the first book to her new series. This is certainly worth the buy/read. I really did enjoy this book and it has became a Mary Connealy favorite of mine. The book is a quick but very fun read. It has a bit of mystery/suspense and pulled me in from the start just as most of her books do. Of course it has its funny parts as well. Though not as funny as some of her other books but honestly I liked the more serious side of this one with more serious talk about God. Also, I have to brag just a little bit on the cover of this book, it is absolutely stunning! The scrolling on the sides, top and bottom are beautiful. Not to mention the back of the book with the gorgeous scenery. Whomever designed this cover in my opinion did an amazing job!
Aaron Masterson is the hero in this story. I liked his character very much. He is a kind, caring, strong and a gentle soul. He stood up for those he loved but he was also very scared and feared losing those he cared for as well. His vulnerability was something that drew me to him in a way, you really do not read that many stories where the hero is vulnerable, such as sharing personal hurt and pain with another character. But Aaron did and that was one thing I really loved about him. He of course had his faults, like running away from his hurt, but this displays so much of what we do today when we are hurt from things others do or even our pasts. We tend to run away from everything instead of facing out troubles head on with God's help. Over the course of the book this is what Aaron learned and I loved his journey, I think we can all learn a little bit from him.
Kylie Wilde is the heroine in this story. She fought in the Civil War dressed up as a boy so as you can tell she has spunk. The story-line of her and her sisters fighting in the Civil War was very interesting and I hear this really happened in history many times. So this was a very great book full of riveting historical detail. One thing I liked about Kylie is that even though she may have not been happy about something, for the most part she acted selflessly and went with what others wanted and not what she wanted. To a fault most of the time. But I still loved her giving attitude. Though I did love it when she started standing up for herself and speaking her opinion no matter what others thought. She also had her faults (but I find that the faults are the most beautiful things of the stories) like letting her father guilt her into what he wanted and not listening to her gut feelings. We could all learn a thing or two from Kylie! Another thing I did love about her is that even though she loved the feminine things of life (such as dresses and tea parties) she wasn't afraid to work or just be partly tomboy even though she is a grown woman.
One thing I loved about them both is their walk with God as they both learned to trust Him again and be washed anew.
I highly recommend this well written book for a fast paced western read with its humor and seriousness. All in all I give this book 4 stars!
I received this book from Bethany House Publishers for my honest review, which I have given. I was not required to write a positive review and have not been compensated for it in any way. All opinions expressed are mine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mary Connealy has another hit with this story of romance, love, a dose of laughter, deception, adventure, faith and historical facts. It is a well written heartwarming and fun story to read.
The only son in the Wilde family is killed in the civil war. Forced by their father the Wilde sisters Kylie, Bailey and Shannon dress as men and join the fight. After the war they claim a homestead exemption where if they live on the land for the required number of years the land is their's free and clear. The problem is it only available for men.
Kylie is the youngest. She meets Aaron Masterson when he comes to her rescue while she is trying to make repairs on her home during a bad storm. When he discovers she is a girl he is immediately attracted to Kylie. After the war Aaron has nothing left. He has come to Aspen Ridge, Idaho to accept a job as the land agent. Problem is he knows he cannot let Kylie continue with the deception that she is a man and continue to live on her land. Kylie has a problem with Gage Coulter owner of the C Bar Ranch who claims that all of the land around him is his. Is there hope for a relationship between Kylie and Aaron? He wants to go farther west and settle and she wants to go back east and live in the city.
I love the enter action between all of the characters especially the sisters.
Can't wait to read the next book in this series.

I received a copy of this book from for my honest opinion and review.

Review posted by Donna McGinnis
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gera mcgrath
Mary is absolutely one of my favorite Christian Historical Fiction authors. Her books often make me laugh and cry and entertain me through out. For some reason this one took me a while to get into, but as of last night I couldn't wait to finish it and I'm not sure how I'll wait for Now and Forever, book #2 in the Wilde Sister trilogy. I'm in desperate desire to read about Mountain Man Indian raised Matt Tucker...

While I'm not a fan if anything surrounding the War Between the States which was anything but civil, the entire context of the story and where these characters came from was interesting. I understand the grouchy father and I'm hoping that perhaps he'll get one look at a grandchild and cave into a loving man, but perhaps not. He's obviously just hurt by circumstances he doesn't know how to deal with.

Not for the first time Mary has introduced complex characters that many other stories would just kill off that are in a place if plausible redemption. And it so encourages me. The physiological elements that she touches on really makes the brain wheels turn.

My review is late, but not for a lack of love.

Thanks to Litfuse. Join the Flock! LitFuse Publicity Group blogger

I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael tuszynski
Mary Connealy has such a fresh, writing style. She's funny. She's witty. And she's deep.

I love her cowboy stories set in the Wild West. This story about three Wilde sisters is no different! Kylie Wilde is not too wild to relate to, though. In fact, I loved that she is not so much tomboyish as she is a fan of pretty things.

Still, she lives in Idaho Territory. Pretty things are scarce, so Kylie settles for dreaming of returning to 'civilization' after she homesteads the land her father and sisters need--the whole while masquerading as a man, just as she did serving in the Civil War.

Insert surprised-reader-face here. I love how Mary handles the strangeness of girl soldiers serving in wartime--and the explanation for Kylie pulled it off!

But Kylie can pull it off no longer when Aaron sees right through her (and her sisters, for that matter). In fact, that leaves him in quite the conundrum, which was tied up a tad too simply for me. I was expecting from the back cover a lot more crazy about Kylie and the legality of her homesteading her land. But what this book lacks in that plot direction it makes up for in twists.

Turns out the guy I thought was the antagonist is not only a good guy, I sense he may turn out to be the hero of a future book in this Wilde sister series!

I thoroughly look forward to reading the rest of the books, too, especially after that great sneak peek in the back of this one!

Now just to wait that long until I get to read about cowboys and craziness in enchanting Connealy style...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I now have a new favorite Mary Connealy book. Tried and True captured my heart in a way I didn’t expect. Kylie was such an innocent, even after all she’d been through and the unspeakable things she’d witnessed. Family was everything, even in a family where many essential elements seemed to be lacking. I wanted her to win from the beginning, to be feminine if she wanted to, earn a homestead if that was her goal, and be loved by her family for who she was, not what they thought she should be.
I fell head over heels in love with Aaron from the very beginning. His ability to see through Kylie’s façade into her heart and soul made him the perfect man to woo her from her manly ways. The decision he makes at the end to choose love and forgiveness endeared him to me all the more. Aaron deserves some happiness in his life and Kylie is just the one to give it to him.
In her unique and heartwarming style, Mary has blended cowboys, romance, humor, and the enticement of the old west to give us another Connealy story to love and reread many times over. I am so looking forward to the future books in this series. What lies ahead for Bailey and Shannon? Will Cudgel ever repent of his ways and accept his daughters as the beautiful women they are? Whatever the continuing adventures of the Wilde family, I am ready to ride that trail with Mary Connealy!
I received this book from in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jina bacarr
As is always the case with Mary Connealy, I absolutely loved this book! I have been excited to meet the Wilde sisters for awhile now and I am happy to announce that they lived up to my expectations! I loved how very different they all were and they reminded me a bit of the McClellan sisters from Mary's Sophie's Daughters series.
Kylie was such fun. I loved how determined she was to dress and act like a woman after fighting as a man in the war. She was a great mix of strong, able to handle almost anything, and feminine that made her a fantastic heroine.
Adam was also was great. I absolutely loved his reactions to discovering that Kylie and her sisters were masquerading as men and his complete disbelief that they had managed to deceive their fellow soldiers for several years.
Bailey and Shannon were entertaining and I can't wait to read their stories since I have an idea of who they'll end up with and I know their relationships are going to be hysterical!
I wanted to smack the girls' father since he was a disgrace to the title, making them dress as men, fight, and homestead all because he lost his only son. He didn't even show affection for them!
This was another fantastic book by one of my favorite authors and I am now anxiously awaiting the next two books!
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
KYLIE WILDE IS THE YOUNGEST SISTER — and the most civilized. Hey older sisters might be happy dressing in trousers and posing as men, but Kylie has grown her hair long and wears skirts every chance she gets. It's a risk—they are homesteading using the special exemptions they earned serving in the Civil War as "boys"—but Kylie plans to make the most of the years before she can sell her property and return to the luxuries of life back East.

LOCAL LAND AGENT AARON MASTERSON is fascinated with Kylie from the moment her long hair falls from her cap. But now that he knows her secret, can he in good conscience defraud the U.S. government? And when someone tries to force Kylie off her land, does he have any of convincing her that marrying him and settling on the frontier is the better option for her future?

This is the first book in the Wild at Heart series written by Mary Connealy. This is the first book I have read by Mary Connealy. I enjoyed it very much I can't wait to read the next one. It did seem very unrealistic at times but that didn't bother me to much for the most part. I loved this book it was such a fun read! This story has it all: delightful characters, a twisting plot with great romance and flashes of mystery, all tie up with a bow of hiker that leaves me itching to get my hands on the next book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Tried & True by Mary Connealy is a book about three sisters and their father who have moved out west following the Civil War to homestead land and gain property. The twist is that the three grown girls are pretending to be men, they are ex-soldiers (fought in the Civil War disguised as men) and are using an exemption for fighting in the war to cut down their required years of living on the land in order to claim it as their own. It's a little bit of a romance, a little bit of a western story, and a little bit. . .boring.

It was a fine book, kind of a weird premise, especially that three women could have lived as soldiers for a few years without their identities as females being discovered (one was in the hospital for awhile even. . .???. . .must've been some unobservant doctor!!) and also kind of weird that as grown women they were happy to pretend to be men just to obey their father's wishes. I didn't think there were any inappropriate parts, just that it was kind of boring and disjointed. There's a teeny bit of Christian-ness in it, but not too much -- mostly nearer to the end.

I don't know, it just didn't grab my attention. I'm sure it'll be of interest to some, but for me--I could take it or leave it. Would I recommend it? Probably not. There are lots more interesting books :)

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sean conner
If you have been following this blog for long, you know that I am a total Mary Connealy fan. Like, every time she releases a book, I get it. Never fails. She has a way of making stories set in another time seem some how . . . relevant. I already have a thing for cowboys, but her stories just seem to amplify that. I usually can't think of a single bad thing to say about any of her books, but sadly, this time I can. "Tried & True" just wasn't the same quality as some of her other work. I mean, it wasn't BAD, it was, in fact, good, but it wasn't GREAT. I was a little disappointed in it, if I'm being completely honest. I have come to expect more from such a well known Christian author. It just wasn't as suspenseful as I was expecting. There were times when it could be somewhat predictable, and it started to seem like all the other western fiction out there. There was nothing really to make it stick out. Now, that being said, it still had the professional style about it that I've come to love. It was a good, one time read, and I enjoyed it, but it is not exactly a new favorite.

D I S C L A I M E R: I was provided with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not further compensated to review this product and all thoughts/sentiments expressed above are completely my own and unbiased.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
birgit j geva
A humorous look at life, homesteading in Idaho Territory.

Kylie Wilde fought the Civil War disguised as a man, so when she files a for a claim in Idaho Territory she does so under the name she fought under. But when Aaron comes poking around, and Kylie falls off the roof into his waiting arms, it is only a matter of moments before he discovers her secret.

Kylie is glad that her secret is out, but on the other hand someone is trying to scare her off her claim.

This book is a fun western adventure full of action, interaction, and stellar characters. Including Kylie's two sisters Bailey and Shannon who also fought in the war at the urging of their father Cudgel Wilde.

Aaron Masterson, is the Idaho land agent, in charge of expediting the claims. A hero who is more than a bit clueless about women, and though he bungles things more than a few times, he learns from his mistakes and tries his best to protect Kylie and help her achieve her dreams, even though they are very different from his own.

Overall, this was a fast paced read, with plenty of great side characters who are sure to be featured in future books! A great book that I found impossible to put down! A fun read that put a smile on my face!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan lundstedt
5 stars ***** out of 5
Historical Fiction

This novel is going down as my favorite novel by Mary Connealy up to this point. She takes the reader to Aspen Ridge, Idaho Territory, 1866. The Civil War is over, technically (though as wars do, they live on) I could not understand the father's obsession with giving tribute to his only son, but could, through the expert and impelling writing, empathize in a way with the way he treated his family, and for sure their reaction to him. I rejoiced with Kylie as she stood up for herself and what she wanted, I chuckled when others saw through disguises. The ruggedness of the country, seen clearly through their eyes appeals to me. And then, when I thought the important strings were all nightly tied together and we were headed to happily ever after, out pops a thread, that was there from the first, but seemingly just there, and the conflict heads to new heights! Through vivid imagery, a dose of humor and well defined characters, Mary takes the reader into the story.

I received this book free from Bethany House and Emily Davies-Robinson through their Nuts About Books program in exchange for and honest review. A positive critique was not required. The opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having read a couple of Mary Connealy’s book before, I was excited to get this one in the mail. Mary has become my favorite author for comedic western romance. All the characters were likable and I really enjoyed ‘getting to know’ all of the sisters in the Wilde family.

This book was really well written and the plot was thought out perfectly. It’s now one of my favorite books that have been published this year and I can’t wait for the rest of series. I couldn’t put it down and finished it within a couple of hours after I started reading.

I like a good mystery involved with my romance and this book delivered. Just pure romance is just not for me, but throw in some action and adventure then I’ll be sure to read it.

I’ve got to say my favorite character would have to be Aaron and then Kylie. They were so likable and characters that a person could relate to. I would definitely recommend this book and author to anyone that enjoys a good Christian novel that has clean and pure romance.

“Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group”.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Mary Connealy's latest book is unique. The storyline of women living as men to homestead property is one I've not encountered before. I like how she answers the questions about how they keep the townspeople from finding out. She doesn't do it all at one time but answers them little by little throughout the story. I also liked how Aaron tries to work out the details of Kylie's unique situation so he doesn't have to lie to the U.S. government but where the Wilde sisters keep their lands. I also loved Sunrise, the Indian woman who helps Kylie. She is a woman to be reckoned with who teaches Kylie a thing or two or ten about men, living in the wild, living off the land, and protecting herself.
While I didn't have all the details figured out, I guessed quite a bit of the storyline before the events happened. I also see the potential for future romances and storylines for Kylie's sisters, Shannon and Bailey, and some local menfolk.
All in all, this was an enjoyable book and I look forward to reading the rest of the Wilde sisters adventures.

This book was provided by Litfuse Publicity Group and Bethany House for review without compensation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Saddle up for the latest ride by Mary Connealy through the Wild West. This time, the western adventure involves the three Wilde sisters who, due to pressure from their father, posed as men to join in the fighting during the Civil War. When the war was over, they were pressured to continue posing as men to claim the special veterans’ exemption to homestead in the West. Land agent, Aaron Masterson, immediately recognizes their secret and changes their application to reflect the fact that they are women. That is not the end of their trouble. Someone is trying to get their land and the youngest sister, Kylie, finds her life threatened. Aaron also finds that the bitterness and hatred that he thought he had left behind in Virginia may also be in Idaho Territory.
This is a signature Mary Connealy novel: wild west, interesting heroines , brave heroes, and a supporting cast of colorful characters. This is the first novel in the series, so readers can look forward to the further adventures of the Wilde sisters.
I received this from The Book Club Network in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brooke dragston
Tried and True is Mary Connealy’s first book in the series Wild at Heart. This is a whimsical cowboy, romance, comedy truly good book. The Wilde brothers, um, sisters along with their grumpy Pa are braving the wild Idaho territory as homesteaders.

Kylie Wilde served in the Civil War and with her service is able to subtract a couple years off her homesteader time. She’d rather be back east enjoying a more feminine life with bonnets and tea parties. Her curmudgeon of a father has guilted her and her brothers, uh, sisters into staking a claim on Gage Coulter’s land. Aaron Masterson, local land agent, finds out Kylie’s secret and changes her stake on the land. Coulter is not happy about this land claim and wants it back as it has a good source of water for his herd. Both of the men would like to stake a claim on Kylie’s heart. Someone wants Kylie off the land for a much different reason.

This book reads smoothly and the depth of characters is very good. This is the first book of Mary Connealy’s I’ve read. I can’t wait until the next episode of the Wilde’s come out. I’d happily recommend this book to anyone who wants to fall in love with the Wild West.

I received this book from Bethany House Publishers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie steyn
Tired of living as a man, Kylie Wilde dreams of being a true woman (elegant dresses and all). Though she earned her exemption as a “boy” in the Civil War, she cannot wait to sell her land to move out East as a lady…until land agent Aaron Masterson discovers her secret…

Stetsons, horses and cowboys…the makings of a fun story! Three sisters homesteading in the West provide an entertaining notion for a book which reads quickly, easily and wildly. With a bit of a mystery and quite the romance brewing, Tried and True is a playful read which includes a piece of history in the exemption offered to men of the Civil War in homesteading (each year served in the War counted as a year off the five-year land period). As a fan of Mary Connealy’s humorous writing, I was not disappointed in this novel and already am looking forward to her next ones in the Wild at Heart series. Ride em’ cowboy (er, cowgirl)!

4.5 (out of 5) pennies

*I received a complimentary copy of Tried and True from Bethany House Publishers for my honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren acampora
Mary Connealy's latest book is unique. The storyline of women living as men to homestead property is one I've not encountered before. I like how she answers the questions about how they keep the townspeople from finding out. She doesn't do it all at one time but answers them little by little throughout the story. I also liked how Aaron tries to work out the details of Kylie's unique situation so he doesn't have to lie to the U.S. government but where the Wilde sisters keep their lands. I also loved Sunrise, the Indian woman who helps Kylie. She is a woman to be reckoned with who teaches Kylie a thing or two or ten about men, living in the wild, living off the land, and protecting herself.
While I didn't have all the details figured out, I guessed quite a bit of the storyline before the events happened. I also see the potential for future romances and storylines for Kylie's sisters, Shannon and Bailey, and some local menfolk.
All in all, this was an enjoyable book and I look forward to reading the rest of the Wilde sisters adventures.

This book was provided by Litfuse Publicity Group and Bethany House for review without compensation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
soomin kim
Saddle up for the latest ride by Mary Connealy through the Wild West. This time, the western adventure involves the three Wilde sisters who, due to pressure from their father, posed as men to join in the fighting during the Civil War. When the war was over, they were pressured to continue posing as men to claim the special veterans’ exemption to homestead in the West. Land agent, Aaron Masterson, immediately recognizes their secret and changes their application to reflect the fact that they are women. That is not the end of their trouble. Someone is trying to get their land and the youngest sister, Kylie, finds her life threatened. Aaron also finds that the bitterness and hatred that he thought he had left behind in Virginia may also be in Idaho Territory.
This is a signature Mary Connealy novel: wild west, interesting heroines , brave heroes, and a supporting cast of colorful characters. This is the first novel in the series, so readers can look forward to the further adventures of the Wilde sisters.
I received this from The Book Club Network in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt mishkoff
Tried and True is Mary Connealy’s first book in the series Wild at Heart. This is a whimsical cowboy, romance, comedy truly good book. The Wilde brothers, um, sisters along with their grumpy Pa are braving the wild Idaho territory as homesteaders.

Kylie Wilde served in the Civil War and with her service is able to subtract a couple years off her homesteader time. She’d rather be back east enjoying a more feminine life with bonnets and tea parties. Her curmudgeon of a father has guilted her and her brothers, uh, sisters into staking a claim on Gage Coulter’s land. Aaron Masterson, local land agent, finds out Kylie’s secret and changes her stake on the land. Coulter is not happy about this land claim and wants it back as it has a good source of water for his herd. Both of the men would like to stake a claim on Kylie’s heart. Someone wants Kylie off the land for a much different reason.

This book reads smoothly and the depth of characters is very good. This is the first book of Mary Connealy’s I’ve read. I can’t wait until the next episode of the Wilde’s come out. I’d happily recommend this book to anyone who wants to fall in love with the Wild West.

I received this book from Bethany House Publishers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tired of living as a man, Kylie Wilde dreams of being a true woman (elegant dresses and all). Though she earned her exemption as a “boy” in the Civil War, she cannot wait to sell her land to move out East as a lady…until land agent Aaron Masterson discovers her secret…

Stetsons, horses and cowboys…the makings of a fun story! Three sisters homesteading in the West provide an entertaining notion for a book which reads quickly, easily and wildly. With a bit of a mystery and quite the romance brewing, Tried and True is a playful read which includes a piece of history in the exemption offered to men of the Civil War in homesteading (each year served in the War counted as a year off the five-year land period). As a fan of Mary Connealy’s humorous writing, I was not disappointed in this novel and already am looking forward to her next ones in the Wild at Heart series. Ride em’ cowboy (er, cowgirl)!

4.5 (out of 5) pennies

*I received a complimentary copy of Tried and True from Bethany House Publishers for my honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
evan beazley
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It got my attention from the first line where Kylie is on the roof lamenting that she has to be there at all and act like a man. Enter Aaron--who just conveniently happens to be at the house at the exact moment she falls and catches her. There is a lot of predictability, but it is a fun story.

I loved Kylie's self-sufficient sisters and Kylie's realization that though she's not a great man, she has talents and traits that make her a very sufficient woman. We see her falling apart in several places only to pull herself together again using skills she learned in the war. There are several things that I didn't think were super believable--how horrible her father is, the fact that she was in a war with how girly she is, the horrible things another woman does to her on the off chance that it will make a man marry her, but overall it's well worth reading.

I really liked the plot twist at the end and how that relationship develops between Aaron and the person seeking to harm him. I also look forward to reading future books about Kylie's sisters Shannon and Bailey!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber dixon
I was first introduced to Mary Connealy's books when I read The Kincaid Brides series and I became an instant fan. Her next series was The Trouble in Texas series and I was a little disappointed with that series. Now I just finished the first book in her new series Wild at Heart and let me tell you, she has captivated me again! I absolutely LOVED this book and I cannot wait for the next book to come out. From the very first page to the last I was intrigued with this well written and highly entertaining novel.

Mary Connealy has a unique writing style. Her books are all westerns and she has a lighthearted, comedic way of writing her stories. There is also a lot of romance in them. If there is such a thing as a wild west fairy tail then that is how I would describe the way she weaves her stories. I loved all of the characters in this novel and there was plenty of page turning action and suspense! This is surely a series you don't want to miss!

***Thanks to Bethany House Publishing for providing this book to me in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samir samy
Excellent story, well written. This is a western romance set in the 1800's shortly after the Civil War. I don't normally read the genre romance but this book had a ton of exciting action and suspense which captured my attention and made it enjoyable for me. The characters of the strong women portrayed in this book were also attractive to me as they weren't all simpering females waiting for their knight to rescue them. No explicit sex scenes but by the creative wording you know what went on between the newly married couple. Be prepared to set aside some time when you begin this book as you won't want to easily put it down once you've started it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kylie Wilde is the youngest of 3 sisters all masquerading as men. They served in the civil war as men and their father insists they continue to do so to receive land grants out west. Kylie is not as excited about remaining a man, she likes pretty bonnets, tea parties and SKIRTS! She does not have the flair or ability to be a rancher in the west, she wants to go back east as soon as she stays the 3 years for the land. But she meets Aaron Masterson and all bets are off, Kylie likes being a girl and advises her sisters to do the same. Someone is trying to scare Kylie off her land and Aaron becomes her "cowboy on a white horse. It is a delightful tale of family, romance, faith & suspense. I can't wait to read the next books in the series!

Thank you to the author, the publisher and Book Club Network for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I received this book free of charge from Book Club Network in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kylie Wilde is the youngest of three sisters who are trying to use the special exemptions they earned during the Civil War to make their way in the world. That means the girls actually fought in the war, but they were dressed as men, so in all honesty, the girls did in fact earn their special exemptions, except the law does not view it that way, because they are women and for women to fight it was forbidden. I loved this story, stories where women achieve much more than some of their male counterparts, but it's also disheartening to realize that what some should be proud of, others consider a penalty. Mary Connealy does a great job of depicting what it was like in an era when women could not vote, women could not fight and women had no voice, except what was given to them by men. I can't wait to read about the other sisters in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this fun and exciting story about three sisters who live by their own rules! The characters of Kylie and Aaron were interesting and very likeable, along with Kylie's sisters. The romance was great, if fast, as they fall for each other quickly, but fight it since they want opposite lives. There's a lot of adventure and excitement, as someone is trying to get rid of Kylie and it's unclear who. I liked a couple of the other characters, too, an Indian woman who helps Kylie and her adopted white son, who will feature prominently in the next book about one of Kylie's sisters. It's amazing how much work it took to homestead and create a life in the untamed West. I liked that the gospel message was presented clearly and that forgiveness and moving on were shown as very important. I highly recommend this book if you like amusing historical romance!

I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean kinney
I’m so excited about Mary Connealy’s latest series, Wild at Heart! The story revolves around the three daughters of Cudgel Wilde, who, at their Pa’s insistence, are masquerading as men to stake homestead claims. All three women fought in the Civil War after their only brother died in the fight, and now they keep up the charade to honor their brother’s memory.
Unfortunately, Kylie Wilde is sick and tired of being a man. She wants to dress and act like a lady–and marry a man of her own. When land agent Aaron Masterson saves her from falling off her roof during a storm and uncovers her deception, she has a chance at both.
This is a funny story with all the sass and comedy you’d expect from Mary Connealy’s. I’m looking forward to reading the next books in the series!!
Disclaimer–I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
- See more at:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan oleksiw
Reviewing TRIED & TRUE by Mary Connealy

This is Book One of a new series which is called Wild at Heart... and it lives up to the author's humor in previous novels. It is hard to put down as you follow the three 'sisters' as they attempt to 'pass as men' in the 1860's... What the author says in the beginning sounded very much like someone I know... she is afraid of heights, gets out of work by "not knowing how" or being too slow, and no good at crafts. Hmmm ... but as you follow the characters through the story, you will catch yourself smiling often. The set-up is good for books to follow in the series, and you'll look forward to them as well.

I received this book free for review from Bethany-Baker Publishing without any restrictions as to my opinion. I would highly recommend this book for all ages.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brad l
Mary Connealy's books always have plenty of humor and hilarity, and in this one with a bunch of girls mingling with the boys undetected, there was bound to be plenty of that! Such a fun book! If you are a fan of very strong female characters then this book (and most by this author) is for you. Although she maintains some traditional values of the time period, Connealy's female characters are always very strong and capable women.

Aaron is a great hero for Kylie, and it is fun to see the conflict between them work out. This story is a beautiful love story, but so much more than that! It is fun, and has such a sweet story of faith as well. If you enjoy historical Christian romance with a lot of personality, you won't be disappointed.

Note: I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I received no other compensation for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matthew scott
Tried and True
by Mary Connealy

This book drew me in right away! Kylie’s determination and spunk was loveable, and her counter-part, Aaron Masterson was a dream, in all sense of the word. Their relationship was really fun to read about. All characters in this book were amazing, and I couldn’t help but fall in love with them. I especially enjoyed Kylie’s hilarious sisters, Tucker and Sunrise. I could easily tell where the next book in the series was picking up by the storyline and I was excited to read it! Those crazy Wilde sisters are so intriguing!

That being said, I kind of lost interest halfway through, when the plot between Gage Coulter became resolved much earlier than I had thought. I had expected that to be the climax, but I continued reading, and the tension did pick up again, but after my expectations in the beginning, it was a bit less than I had hoped for in the ending.
BUT overall it was a wonderful book, so encouraging and charming. And wonderful, wonderful writing! I can’t wait to dive into the next Wilde at Heart book.

Written as a part of the Bethany House Review program
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved the beginning of this book! It was spunky and fun! The first part of the book I just loved and rate that part 5 stars. The second part of the book really slowed down for me and just didn't seem to quite fit. The second part was okay for me at 3 stars, so I'm averaging the two for a 4 star rating from me. I've definitely loved some of her other books more, but I still recommend this book and many will love it. I really loved the strong female characters and how different they were from each other and how different they had to act to please their father than their true personalities. I am looking forward to the stories of the sisters that will come next in this series!

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

I received this book in digital format in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tried & True by Mary Connealy is yet another amazing comical historical romance. Like with all of the other books I have read by Mary Connealy, the moment I picked up this book I was caught. I didn't put Tried & True down until I had finished the whole thing. I don't know if Kylie Wilde and Aaron Masterson are my favorite characters of Mary's but the come real close. :) I loved everything about the Wilde sisters and I can't wait to read Shannon's story! If you have ever read a Mary Connealy book and loved it then this one will not disappoint. And if you haven't read one of her books before then
what are you waiting for?!?!?

5 out of 5. One really amazing Afternoon Snack!!

I got a free review copy of Tried & True from Bethany House Publishers in return for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vicki cohen
Kylie Wilde is a young girl living on the frontier, homesteading land as a tribute to a brother her family lost in the Civil War. She's not cut out to live alone though, as her older sisters and father continue to point out. All four girls served their country after their brother's death disguised as men. When the local land agent shows up and discovers that Kylie and her three sisters are women, he finds a fierce need to protect her while trying to honor his job. As the story progresses and someone tries to force Kylie off her land I found it hard to put the book down! It did take me a while to get used to the author's writing. It seems like there is an excessive use of commas. Other than that I loved the story and look forward to the next in the series.

Thanks to Bethany House publishers who sent me a free copy. It is not required that I give a positive review, but to express my own opinions of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kylie and her sisters, through their father pushing them, have lived a lie for many years, in a time when it is almost considered a crime for women to wear britches. As the youngest and most feminine Kylie finds her family frowning upon the life she wants to live. Can she really become the woman she wants to be or will she find herself continuing to live her fathers dream?

Mary is still on her pedestal as a writer as far as I'm concerned. She has turned out yet another entertaining book for me, which means I'm looking forward to the rest of the series, "Now & Forever" and "Fire & Ice" both due out in 2015. I think I have read almost every one of her books and never been disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexander feldman
Tried and True by Mary Connealy is a beautiful novel about Kylie Wilde and Aaron Masterson. The time is Post civil war and they are trying to make a life out of this area. Unfortunately, this time and place are hard for women and Kylie is not going to take it sitting down so she grabs the bull by the horns and does what she has to to get what she needs to live. And I love that about Kylie and more to the point I love that Connealy writes strong women who can make men run for the hills from their strength and wittiness. I can always count on Connealy to give me a story full of laughter, wit, action, and romance which all make for an exciting and fast read. I was given a copy from Bethany House for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bogdan rackow
The Civil War messed everyone up. Kylie and her sisters fought in the war disguised as boys after their brother died. Now their father has convinced them to honor their brother by homesteading. Which is fine and dandy until the land office manager figures out the Kylie is a girl. Then he quickly discovers the same of her sisters. But then he has his work cut out for him when he realizes that someone is trying to run Kylie off her place. And he has to help her because he's fallen in love with her.

Great new series by Mary Connealy. Looking forward to the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gerald haley
UPS: Tried and True opens with a great scene that grabs your attention from the get-go and keeps it until the last page! I enjoyed this new twist of a western and loved reading about the characters. Kylie (I love this name!) was a very neat character and greatly developed, as was Aaron. Though a few scenes were entirely predictable, a few others were not and that was nice.

DOWNS (Need to change this section to something like You Will Want to Know or something…): There is a little bit of action and some kissing. But not overly detailed.

OVERALL: This was a very good book and anyone who likes Westerns and Historical Romance, I recommend! 5 out of 5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john ryan
Mary Connealy's books always make me laugh out loud while reading them. The Wilde sisters are irresistible. They dress as men to gain their military exemption from the Civil War to claim land during the land rush. They had all pretended to be men during the Civil War and carried their disguises out west with them. Kylie Wilde meets Aaron Masterson the land agent and this is their story. I can't wait to read the stories of the other two "brothers" who both met men in this book that make them want to be the women God made them to be. There is also a touch of suspense in this book with someone trying to run Kylie off her land.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this book. I laughed often; the author did a great job combining humor, romance, and suspense. I loved the interaction of all the main characters. This was good enough that I went on to read the other 2 books in the series. I highly recommend the entire series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leonard kaufmann
First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Mary Connealy and her publisher for sending me a copy of "Tried and True" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me.

“Tried and True” by Mary Connealy is the first wonderful offering in her brand new Wild at Heart series. The Wilde sisters are not your average Colorado homesteaders. Each of these women has taken up arms in the Civil War, and they dress like men in order to avoid harassment and qualify for the service exemption that will allow them to own their land faster. But Kylie doesn’t really like dressing like a man. She likes pretty things, dresses, long hair.

When Aaron Masterson, the new land agent, comes to check on Kylie’s claim, he is overcome by her beauty. So, when she tells Aaron that her brother, Kyle, is the actual homesteader, Aaron is thrilled that he will have to return to the cabin to see Kylie again. As the story unfolds and a plot to drive Kylie off her land is revealed, Connealy reveals that she has a knack for suspense and mystery as well as comedy and romance!

This amazing novel has all the complexities of a Shakespearean comedy, complete with mistaken identities and twisting plots. This is a fast-paced read that entertains and feeds the soul as her characters deal with regret, confession and restoration to wholeness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love a good clean historical fiction novel that I can lose myself in. Mary Connealy scored with this novel - creative, adventuresome, and enjoyable all in one. Set in the wild west in the post civil war era, it's labeled as a romantic comedy or a cowboy comedy, but it also has good messages on self identity, family relationships, and community. I enjoyed reading every page and I've already passed it along to a friend to read. I would recommend this to any female reader age 15+. I received this book as a gift from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pooja kobawala
I enjoyed Connealy’s trademark humor in this book. Her characters always employ a witty sense of sarcasm that makes the story more entertaining. The plot itself was interesting, although the events seemed to be stretched to fill pages in several cases. It was tempting to just pass off on a few chapters because the same predictable ideas were presented time and again. The comic relief kept things going, though. Saddle up and take a ride in this lighthearted Christian romance! I received this book to review. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.
Please RateTried and True (Wild at Heart Book #1)
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