Catching Cassidy (Harborside Nights - Book One) Contemporary Romance

ByMelissa Foster

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andi domeier
First in the harborside series. Wyatt and Cassidy has been friends Since childhood. After Cassidy fines out her boyfriend is cheating on her she goes with Wyatt and his sister Delilah to their summer home, as she is adjusting to singlehood Wyatt finds out his parents dies in an accident. As time goes on Wyatt and Cassidy realizes their feelings for each has changed for each other from friendship to wanting to be more though Wyatt tries to fight it because he is afraid of losing their friendship but then they decided to give it a try. There's a lot of backstory we are introduced to their friends and the people who work in Wyatt parents bar. Wonderful read and look forward to some of the other characters storyline.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lee drake
It started off great! I liked that Wyatt and Cassidy were so close, esp with Delilah. But then it turned into this teen hirmone thing with all the cliché “i love you but you dont love me back so ill suffer in silence but then well get together and it turns out perfect” crap. She even basically defies her mother to be with Wyatt. I didnt want a cookie cutter romance but thats what it was. I dont think ill be reading Delilah‘s book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tim lee
Being a fan of friends becoming lovers stories I was excited to read this title. From the moment I started reading I knew that this would be an emotional ride. The fact that it was written by Melissa Foster cemented that thought deeper in my mind. This title is slightly different from her other series as it is geared towards college kids. However, this was where the difference ended. Like her other books Catching Cassidy tugs on your emotions and leave you wanting more. It was a pleasant surprise to see characters from her other series being included in this title.

As usual Melissa knows how to make her characters come alive. This ability enables readers to be able to relate to the characters. I enjoyed reading Wyatt’s and Cassidy’s story, although there were times when they both caused me no ends of frustration. Wyatt dealing with his parents’ loss brought back some painful memories for me. I understood the pain he was going through and could also relate to the regrets he was experiencing. This story reminded me that life goes on even after we have lost someone close and dear to us. I loved that Wyatt was able to recognize this. In the process, we see him growing from an irresponsible college kid into a mature young adult.

What frustrated me about the story was the interaction between Cassidy and Wyatt. These two have been friends for seventeen years. Cassidy has been in love with Wyatt for some time now, but she hid her feelings. Lately, Wyatt discovered that his feelings for Cassidy went beyond the realms of friendship. Cassidy is willing to take the risk to move from being just friends. Wyatt, however, is afraid to do so. He was not willing to risk losing his best friend. I understood why he felt this way. It was a huge risk because if things did not work out he stood to lose his best friend. However, life is all about risks. There are times when we have to take risks that we may not be comfortable with; failing to do so could result in one missing out on great opportunities. Now just when he finally acknowledges how he feels, Cassidy allows her insecurities, as it relates to her parents, to intrude on their newfound happiness.

The story is told from the POV of Cassidy and Wyatt. This was ok for me as it allowed me to have insight into their thoughts and emotions. However, the problem I had was there was no indication when POVs were being switched, as such there were moments when it took me some time to figure out which character was speaking.

As one would come to expect from Melissa Foster, Catching Cassidy is a beautifully written story of loss, friendships, love and growing up. This story speaks to the emotional journey that the leading characters were forced to undertake and how the bonds of friendship helped them to move beyond the pain and discover that loss is inevitable but life goes on no matter what.
I enjoyed this story immensely. It was believable and the character’s actions were relatable. It tugged at my heartstrings. There were times it made me cry and there were some laugh out loud moments and most of all it was very romantic.

I highly recommend reading this book.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It’s the familiar classic plot between friends to lovers – Wyatt and Cassidy have been friends since they were kids. They didn’t realize that graduating from college would change everything. Cassidy suffered from betrayal from the person she cared about and Wyatt is dealing with the death of their parents.

Wyatt was the type of person who didn’t think about the future. He was a happy-go-lucky guy who didn’t have a penchant for relationship. Then again, the death of his parents forced him to make difficult decisions that propelled his ‘growing-up’. Soon he has a lot to deal with: his grief, his sister’s grief, the bar that was left to them and that feeling that have been nagging him about Cassidy.

He didn’t want to ruin his friendship with her, so he tries to keep that feelings reign in that ultimately breaks Cassidy’s heart. Good thing Cassidy knows how to fight for him… But Cassidy has a serious job coming up after summer. She needs something more from Wyatt. Would their love be strong enough for this?

It’s a story of love, dealing with grief, and most especially friendship in a beautiful setting. Nothing beats grief and heartaches than support from people who cares about you. They balm those wounds and make sure you have everything you need. It’s what I like about this series, this is something different from the family-oriented Remingtons and Bradens. Their families aren’t perfect, but they had each other to rely on.

What I love about Melissa Foster is the fact that she has something new to offer every time she has a new book out. You will never get tired of the stories she writes. She makes sure her readers are between contented and asking for more from her.

I have read almost all her series and I couldn’t pick a favorite among them (although I have some personal favorites among the books in the series). This time, she offers the perfect summer read that will melt hearts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe morrow
***I was given an ARC (Advance Readers copy) in exchange for an honest review***

This is the first book I've read from this author and that alone surprises me. The author's writing style is beautiful and engaging and I'm hooked. I've read all types of books, from Sylvia Day to Colleen Hoover to Nicolas Sparks, and this book, in my opinion, is right up there with them. From the first page I was intrigued with the characters and the plot. Rarely do I get sucked into a book within the first few pages. And when I finished the book, early in the morning, since I stayed up all night to finish reading it, I was obsessing over when the next book in this series was coming out!!

By the way, there will be eight books in this series, each book about different couples and the cool thing? The series will follow a group of friends/relationships that include gay, lesbian, and heterosexual couples! I personally can't wait to read about Delilah, the main character of this book's twin sister, and a possible love interest. She's been hiding who she really is for a long time and I think it's time she found love like her brother.

I can't wait to learn more about these characters and read the rest of the books in this series!

Wyatt Armstrong has always thought he'll have time to grow up and never planned past tomorrow. But when his parents pass in a tragic accident, making him grow up faster than he expected, he will have to face the harsh realities of his new life. With his twin sister, Delilah, and his best friend since forever, Cassidy, Wyatt journeys to Harborside, Massachusetts, a place where has always been home to him, his friends, and his family. Now, with a heavy heart and multiple questions in his head, Wyatt will have to, for the first time in his life, plan for the future instead of one day at a time. And when he realizes that there's more to life than partying, relaxing, and having a good time, he'll realize that what's important to him, and the people that will help him along the way, have been there in front of him all along.

Wyatt has been Cassidy's friend since forever. There's no Cassidy without Wyatt, which Cassidy loves. Having parents who aren't focused on their only daughter and always take off without her, Cassidy has found a best friend and family in Wyatt and his family. So when Wyatt faces the death of his parents, she knows she's going with him to Harborside to help him pick up the pieces of his life. What she doesn't expect is the sizzling chemistry she's starting to feel for her best friend. Sure, she's always been attracted to Wyatt and wished she could have been the object of his affection, but never in all their years of being friends did she get the vibe he felt the same about her...until now. But Cassidy knows Wyatt is a sure thing for the summer, but what about the future? He's never had a real girlfriend, so what does this mean for them and their friendship? That, plus she has a job in the fall and she needs to be sure that what they're feeling goes beyond chemistry and that they can last.

For the first time in Wyatt's life, he will have to plan for the future if he wants to keep Cassidy. Can their love last? Or will they part once the fall comes?

I'm bouncing in my seat, anxious for the next book in this series! I like books where the other minor characters will get their own book, but they don't usually excite me to a point where I have to get that next book immediately. But this book has me excited for each and every characters book. I don't remember a time where I loved all the characters in the book, both minor and major, so I'm really looking forward to reading about each and every couple because I know it's going to be great!

This is one of my favorite books of this year so I highly, highly recommend it! I loved it and I know all readers who are fans of romance novels will enjoy it as well.

My favorite quotes:

"And when you graduate and get a job and find the one woman who finally stays--who you want to stay--she won't care that there's not a chance in hell you'll ever figure her out."

"Hearts aren't as smart as heads."

"I know, but it's you who sees a risk. I see the only man I want to be with. Ever."

"First person who means so much to me that I want to be a better man for her."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Welcome to Harbourside Nights, Melissa Foster's new series! And what a series it is going to b!.

We meet Wyatt, his twin Delilah, and best his friend Cassidy. they have just graduated and are getting ready for Summer when Wyatt receives a devastating phone call, His parents have dies in a car crash, not only that Cassidy caught her boyfriend of 2 years cheating on her.

They all decided to head to Habourside for the summer and this is where Wyatt and Cass fight their feelings for one another. They have known each other since they were 5 years old and Wyatt is slowly pusing her away for fear of getting hurt if she lands a job in New York.

They are right for each other and once they both realised that the sparks fly!

I did struggle with the syle of writing, as in I sometimes didn't know what character wast talking. It would be Wyatt one minute then jump to Cassidy the next, It would have been better to have some kind of heading as to who it was to make it easier to read. A few times I had to go back a few paragraphs to get it.

Apart from that I loved the book, the characters and I cant wait to read Delilah's story next. So glad to be starting a Melissa Foster series from the very beginning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Catching Cassidy

This is my first book by Melissa Foster and I am so excited now. I love the whole concept that Ms. Foster is going to explore with this series. I think its great to incorporate all the types of relationships in love and having one complete series with it all is going to be great. I really am glad I had the opportunity to start this series from the beginning and am looking forward to meeting all the upcoming characters.

Cassidy is the best friend of Wyatt. They have been thick as thieves and she has always been there for him and his sister, Delilah. Cassidy has just ended her relationship with a total douche bag guy. Just when life is suppose to be starting for these young college graduates everything gets chaotic when Wyatt and Delilah loose both of their parents. Cassidy knows she has to support them both and being there for Wyatt is just what she needs to help her deal with her own lose. Wyatt is struggling with the weight of trying to be there for his sister and taking over the family business has him growing up way too fast. What was great is that while Wyatt is forced to mature it also makes him realize that life is short and Cassidy may be the one he has been looking for. The friendship that these two characters is fantastic. So I can understand the hesitation to just dive in and call it love. Do these characters seem to skate around their feelings? Absolutely, they do but it just made me fall in love with them more because of it. I know people think …”oh gosh just say it” but in life it doesn’t really happen like that. These young adults are frustrating at times but to read their growth was the best part. I honestly enjoyed it so much.

This book is a friends to lovers read with tragic life changing adversity being a major obstacle to get to love. Its a very sweet read that will take you on a roller coaster of emotions and end with a smile on your face. I will tell you i wanted to totally punch a wall and beat the hell out of but Wyatt took care of that for me. I totally bawled and needed Kleenex. I laughed out loud. I fell in love. So for me this was a great read. I loved getting to see these two fall in love and meeting Delilah and knowing what she is dealing with has me sitting on pins and needle for the next book. If your looking for a great read then jump on this for sure. I think you will love it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Can friends become more than just friends without ruining the relationship? That's what the question between Wyatt Armstrong and Cassidy Lowell. They've always been there for each other, through rough times and all the good , there's never any doubt that they would be there for each other whenever it's needed and a trip to Wyatt's summer home to deal with his parents passing, it's nothing different than before. Or is it?

Wyatt cannot deny his feelings for Cassidy any longer, but he doesn't want to ruin things between them in anyway. Between dealing with his own grief and loss, things being tossed at him to pick up he's forced to look at the furture more and that's not something he's used to doing.

Cassidy is aiming for a serious job she's been after, and plans for the furture. Big plans coming up but first she needs to help Wyatt pick up the pieces after his parents death. There's no question that she'll be by his side when he needs her, and she'll always be there for him. Problem is , Wyatt is short term. He's known for one night stands and nothing serious, so why is she suddenly looking at him as a possible future? Has she been blind all those years to what's heating up between them? Or is it just a step in the grieving cycle? The closer they get, the more Cassidy is wishing Wyatt wanted a future and something more than short term .

With some broken hearts and a mending pasts a strong friendship is tested in Catching Cassidy. Can they come out stronger than they started out to be? Or will the heat sizzle out and make them part ways forever? You'll have to find out and pick up a copy to find out!

I love all Melissa Foster's books, each one seems to be better than the last and I was so excited to see she started a new series! I needed new books you see, just when I think she's pouring them out too fast, I'm left waiting for that next page turner to enjoy. Catching Cassidy happens to be one of them as well. Wonderful story, loved that they were true close friends that actaully still had room to grow! They seemed so close, knew everything and yet, Foster was able to have them each grow throughout the story. It was a wonderful read!
*I received the following product(s) to review. I was not required to write a positive review no other monetary compensation was given . Any and all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Cassidy has been friends with twins Wyatt and Delilah since she met them at age five. Fast forward seventeen years later and they've just graduated from the same college. At least Wyatt and Delilah's parents attended the ceremony, Cassidy's folks are as usual away on some trip. When Cassidy discovers her boyfriend's infidelity and then tragedy befalls the twins later that same evening, their future plans all change. Gone are visions of taking it easy during the lazy days of summer. For these three friends, there's a lot of growing up, the taking on of sudden responsibilities, and a change in relationship status for two.

Okay, this is my first Melissa Foster book and since she's so popular I'm glad I was able to grab one of her books to read. Or should I say devour? I began reading it this morning and a few hours later I had finished. Talk about addicting! Cassidy and Wyatt are the best of friends. Wyatt is very protective of her and doesn't like Kyle, her boyfriend of two years. Even Cassidy has some misgivings about the guy from the way he treats her and takes away her house key. All I can is wtf? But then again, Cassidy doesn't have the greatest of role models with her selfish parents who have missed more of her milestone events than she cares to remember. It's a good thing she has the twins' parents who treat her like one of their own. Until an accident claims them. Summer plans are changed.

The trio find themselves in the charming seaside town of Harborside, Mass. The twins have returned to their summer getaway and to their parents' restaurant, the Taproom. Surrounded by friends who care for them, Wyatt and Delilah try to grieve and make decisions while Wyatt also needs to grasp his changing feelings for Cassidy. Delilah has to deal with her own identity problems as well.

I really enjoyed Catching Cassidy. It was great to see so much character development, witness Wyatt fumbling with his emotions as he realizes he loves his best friend, while Cassidy wonders if she should accept a job in New York City. Delilah has a lot to handle too but she does a good portion of hers off the page. She is the focus of the second book in this series which I really want to read since I liked her character. The main focus of this novel is all about the love, the chemistry, and the acceptance of love between two incredible friends. Narrated by both Cassidy and Wyatt (I would have appreciated some notification or header when the points-of-view shifted in the beginning so I could adjust), we get to see what each character goes through from being confused to sexually frustrated to elated and so forth.

There's a charming group of secondary characters from the lovable Jesse to the musician Brandon and cafe owner Brooke and more. They provide the family for this trio of friends. Harborside seems like a great place to vacation or live in year-round. The romance in Catching Cassidy is heart-pounding, toe-curling and downright sexy. Ms. Foster knows how to write a gripping love story. And then there are the raw emotions, the confessions, heartbreaks and breakdowns of these characters. Whoa, the feelies in here! This may be my first read by this talented author but it sure won't be the last. I'm booking my next stay at Harborside for July 9 when book two, Discovering Delilah, is released. I can't wait!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
i in
Catching Cassidy is a great introductory story to the Harborside Nights series, seeing as it introduces the characters that will have their own story later on in the series. Catching Cassidy introduces us to our first couple: Cassidy and Wyatt, two best friends that have known each other since they were five-years-old and have kept their feelings hidden towards one another.

Cassidy, Wyatt and Wyatt’s twin sister Delilah have just graduated college and each one of them is about to embark on their own journey but tragedy strikes Wyatt and Delilah when their parents die in a car accident and Cassidy is dealing with her own bad break up. All of them escape to Wyatt’s and Delilah’s summer home to escape reality for a while and just relax with their friends.

I have mixed feelings with Wyatt and Cassidy. The reason being that… I tried liking their romance. Hell, I loved it at the beginning but it got to a point where I felt like it kept being dragged on and on. In the end, I know I loved their story but there is a long time while reading the book that had me really thinking if they should be together or not. I’m glad that I learned to love and accept them because they are honestly cute together. I didn’t really like Waytt’s over-protectiveness over Cassidy and how he kept thinking it would be a major risk if he decided to give himself and Cassidy a chance. I wanted to slap his face but, of course, he realized it was better to give it a try to have Cassidy in his life.

“I was wrong. There is no me without you.”

I really liked the secondary characters! I really loved Brandon and Tristan! Brandon is a… well, he is a complex character, I would say. He has sex with both women and men. He doesn’t know what he likes more. What he does know for sure is his love for music and his guitar. Tristan is a funny character that I LOVED!!! He is a great friend to Cassidy and Wyatt. He puts his problems aside to be there for his friends. One of my favorite quotes by him is:

“We all feel like sluts sometimes. We’re supposed to feel like sluts. God gave us lust, right? Well, we’re only human, so we take that word and we mix up the letters.”

Delilah is learning to deal with who she is, a closeted lesbian. No one but Cassidy and Wyatt know about her feelings and her deceased parents. Delilah is another character that I liked but felt like the author was pushing her story too much, which made me dislike it a bit but learned to deal with.

While I rate this book 3 stars, I really recommend it to readers. Melissa is a great author. I have enjoyed her previous work quite a lot. She always knows how to engage the reader and she brings on all the feels. This book is no exception when it comes to bringing the emotions to life. Even though this is a story that deals with loss, I found it to be a fun story nonetheless and quite enjoyable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz r
Catching Cassidy was frustratingly good. Melissa Foster, as usual, did a wonderful job in this book. The way she describes the setting of Harborside makes it seem so welcoming, calming, and like home. As if anyone who goes there can find a place where they belong and people who will welcome them with open arms and care about them. Harborside sounds like it has beautiful landscapes and a great place to spend the summer.

The way Melissa makes the characters come alive makes the reader fall in love with them. Each character, even the secondary characters, have traits that makes their personality shine through and make them likable. I kept finding myself wanting to know more about the characters and what would happen next with them. I loved how close their friendships seemed.
The reason I found the book frustrating was because of the main characters, Wyatt and Cassidy. They had known each other for years, back from when they were kids. They were best friends and buried the feelings they had for each other deep down. Neither wanted to ruin the friendship they had spent so many years forming.

The summer of Wyatt and Cassidy's college graduation several events happen that cause them to spend the summer together. Those events have the capability of making each person fall apart. They stand by each other's side to try to make it through together.

Feelings that they had buried down start to rise. Now they find an attraction to each other that both characters try to hide and ignore. It's like they're skirting around each other out of desire and fear of what acting on those feelings could happen. I kept wanting Wyatt and Cassidy to get together or admit their feelings.

It drove me nuts each time they hide it or ignored their feelings. I was kept on the edge of my seat waiting for them to acknowledge their feelings. I'll admit, when they finally opened up to each other, I squealed. I can't wait to see how the series grows!

I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie brennan
4.5 / 5 stars

Received a review copy from Tasty Book Tours in exchange for an honest review; original post can be found at --

If you're a Jill Shalvis or contemporary Catherine Anderson fan, Melissa's style of writing is definitely for you.

I have enjoyed a few of Melissa's LOVE IN BLOOM series and love that her books are essentially one giant series with sub-series in them. That's my kind of writing! Which brings us to this newest endeavour of hers, the Harborside Nights series. Where the others are an adult, contemporary romance style, this is very much a New Adult series -- but no worries, it's still connected to her larger series.

I've rather loved this new New Adult sub-genre that recently came about. Where contemporary romance used to encompass all adult ages, the New Adult sub-genre came about to deal with issues that your young twenty-somethings are dealing with and for the most part, I've found all of the books to be done wonderfully.

This Harborside Nights series will deal with a group of friends that have known each other for years, but now that they're adults in the 'real' world, they're coming together and starting their forever lives around one another. While we're introduced to the crew in this book, our key players that we will get to know are Wyatt and his sister, Delilah, and his best friend, Cassidy.

Wyatt (and Delilah, for that matter) has struggles to overcome, but his one solid force through it all has been his best friend, Cassidy. Like with most friends-to-lovers stories, Cassidy and Wyatt struggle with the thought of being one another's more -- when the last thing either wants to lose is the stability they have as really good friends.

This book was full of emotion -- I found myself tearing up a few times. Between teary eyes and heart clenches... well, those are my personal signs of a well-written romance. I wasn't so sure I'd be interested in reading DISCOVERING DELILAH as I'm not too super big on M/M or F/F or any sort of ménage stories, but I found myself extremely drawn into this group of friends and wanting to root them on to their happily ever afters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
s awek karwasz
I love that Cassidy's friendship with the Armstrongs isn't just given to one or the other. She was friends with both Wyatt and his twin Delilah, though she was best friends with Wyatt. Cassidy and Wyatt's relationship spans years. They know pretty much all there is to know about one another, except how to deal with the change of feelings they have for each other while coming to terms with the sudden death of Wyatt's parents.
College graduation brings a ton of new things with it. It's time to spread your wings, time to explore the world, time to make your mark on it, time to find your place in it. On the rare occasion is it followed by loss and devastation. On those occasions, life changes instantly. You grow up faster out of necessity. Such was the case for Wyatt and Delilah.

Losing their parents hit them hard. They struggled to find their footing in a world they suddenly inherited. The people they depended on the most, the ones who gave them advice for nearly everything they faced, weren't there. Everything that needed a decision made now rested on their shoulders. It was such a huge responsibility for them to bear as they grieved for their parents at the same time. But the one thing that really shined through was how they leaned on each other and on Cassidy and on their other friends to make it through.

Cassidy wasn't without her own problems. Doubts about a profession she no longer feels passion for follows her from college to Harborside. Her growing feelings for Wyatt add and her parents' persistence that she move to New York for that profession only add to her confusion. How can she leave Wyatt when she feels so much for him? How can she do a job she's not passionate about after she discovered a new passion in Harborside?

I've read several of Ms. Foster's adult romances and I've enjoyed each of them very much. She has this insane ability to write a story that is, to me, very well balanced. There's the right amount of lust and sex, uncertainty and reassurances, love and friendship. *grins* I'm not sure why I was expecting her new adult story to be any different. Perfect for new adult genre lovers. Perfect for contemporary romance lovers. Actually, it's perfect for anyone needing a romance that touches your heart and speaks to your soul. Oh, and makes you smile. This will definitely make you smile.

(Received from Tasty Book Tours for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wyatt and Cassidy have been best friends for as long as either of them can remember. He's always looked out for her. Despite the revolving door in Wyatt's love life, Cassidy's loved him for years. When Wyatt catches Cassidy's boyfriend Kyle cheating on her, it triggers a chain reaction. Suddenly, Wyatt doesn't just think of Cassidy as his best friend. He notices how she looks, what she wears...the physical attraction is off the charts. The situation is exacerbated following the death of Wyatt's parents and he and his twin sister Delilah are thrown into a tail-spin.

Cassidy stays with Wyatt and Delilah, following them to Haborside. As Wyatt deals with all of the changes in his life including taking over management of his parents' bar, the Taproom, family secrets rise to the surface. Wyatt will soon discover that the time has come for him to think past "today." Neither Wy or Cassidy want to risk their friendship, but how can they walk away from a chance at something--especially when it feels so right?

This story world drew me in from the first page. What got me immediately is how Foster shines when writing from a male point of view. Wyatt is a guy's guy. I love that about him. He was completely believable as a character and I wanted to know what would happen to him. At first I couldn't get a read on Cassidy, but I grew to love her quirky nature. Plus, who among us hasn't been turned around about what we really want in our lives? The cast of characters in Catching Cassidy is rich, complex, and interesting. I loved that there are gay, straight, and bi characters--everyone is welcome. That made it even more real for me, because we are not "one size fits all" in real life, so why should we be in books?

Everything combined to form a well-written, page-turner in a format that had me sticking a Netflix marathon on for the kids just so I could finish the last chapter. Oh, and the heat factor? I had to go and grab and ice tea after a kissing scene. Enough said.
Posted from
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashlee hyatt
I received a copy in exchange for a honest review.

Wow... Another Melissa Foster book that I absolutely loved, but with a twist this time. I have a blossoming love for new adult romances. I don't know what it is about them that I devour, but I can't seem to get enough of them. Is it the angst? What about the raw emotion? Or maybe it is just being able to follow characters that are still trying to figure out life. Now add my love for NA to my love for Melissa Foster and, holy cow, I was in romance heaven, The emotional ride Melissa took me on during Catching Cassidy was unbelievable. The new group of characters that are introduced in this series are lovable, each of them trying to find their way. I fell in love with both Wyatt and Cassidy from the moment I met them. After the death of his parents, Wyatt is left stunned. Suddenly, he's forced to grow up and take over his father's bar. If that wasn't enough, he has also discovered new feelings towards Cassidy, his best friend who might be leaving him at the end of the summer. Not able to deal with losing another person in his life, Wyatt stumbles more times then he probably cares to remember. Cassidy is just as lost as Wyatt. Her heart is leading her one way, but her parents are forcing her in another. It is only when they stop and take a few moments of just being with each other do they find the bravery needed to make their own path in life.

I am so excited to see how Melissa mores forward with the Harborside Nights series. It is quite a departure from her much loved Bradens series, but it is still the same Melissa Foster style that I love. I have a feeling that the next book in the series is going to be a little bit of a challenge for me to read just because it has an element that I've never read in a book, but I am looking forward to seeing Melissa's take on it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cesare grava
Best friends Wyatt, commonly referred to as Army, and Cassidy have just graduated

from college and is now faced with the journey to adulthood; deciding where to live and what to do.

The same night of their graduation Wyatt and his twin sister, Delilah, are hit with the

tragic news that their parents were killed in an accident. Not only does Wyatt have to

face with dealing with this emotional news, he is faced with being responsible for his

sister and dealing with and deciding what to do with the family business.

In order to get some emotional distance from the recent tragedy, Wyatt takes his sister and Cassidy to

Harborisde, their summer vacation home. In the company of his summer friends, Wyatt begins to battle his own demons; learning how to become a responsible man, be a support system to his sister, and taking over the family business. Overburdened with his emotions and confusion over his apparent growing feelings for Cassidy, Wyatt begins to spiral, losing control. Cassidy and Wyatt's friends try to reach out to him before he self-destructs.

Wyatt learns that he has a strong support system and that he doesn't have to do it all alone. They say the best relationships begin with friendship. Learning about each other before love blooms or becomes apparent to you. However there is the fear that once you cross the line and it doesn't work out, you can never go back to being just friends. Wyatt slowly comes to terms with the fact that he does not have to be perfect to be deserving of love. Melissa Foster delivers another true to life story about love finding you when you least expect it and how love can break barriers once you are open to love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen connolly
We already know I love anything by Melissa Foster and Catching Cassidy is no different in that I love it as well, BUT, it was definitely different than what I am used to in a Melissa Foster romance.

I feel that the romance stories that I read by Melissa are usually fantasy like. Hot men. Hot sex. Beautiful women. Dreamy. Definitely hot romances, but not something I feel is realistic, whereas Chasing Cassidy was unbelievably realistic and relateable.

Wyatt and Cassidy have been best friends for 17 years. Cassidy is best friends with Wyatt’s sister too and Wyatt’s parents took care of Cassidy as if she was one of the family.

During a break up with her boyfriend and Wyatt’s parents death, Cassidy and Wyatt are realizing their true feelings for one another and trying to fight them.

I love the friends that surround everyone and how they just move in and stay whenever they want. Everyone should have friends like that when they are fresh out of college (and high school, and junior high, and even adulthood!)

I can relate to Cassidy and her parents; I can relate to Wyatt and Cassidy together.

You feel the emotion (and heat) between Cassidy and Wyatt. You feel the emotion off loss from Wyatt and his sister. You see Wyatt grow up before our eyes as he has to face being adult and taking over the family business.

I love Wyatt, his sister, Cassidy and all their friends as if they were my own and I cannot wait to continue this series and follow along with all the others!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melissa ruelas
Welcome to Harbourside Nights, Melissa Foster's new series! And what a series it is going to b!.

We meet Wyatt, his twin Delilah, and best his friend Cassidy. they have just graduated and are getting ready for Summer when Wyatt receives a devastating phone call, His parents have dies in a car crash, not only that Cassidy caught her boyfriend of 2 years cheating on her.

They all decided to head to Habourside for the summer and this is where Wyatt and Cass fight their feelings for one another. They have known each other since they were 5 years old and Wyatt is slowly pusing her away for fear of getting hurt if she lands a job in New York.

They are right for each other and once they both realised that the sparks fly!

I did struggle with the syle of writing, as in I sometimes didn't know what character wast talking. It would be Wyatt one minute then jump to Cassidy the next, It would have been better to have some kind of heading as to who it was to make it easier to read. A few times I had to go back a few paragraphs to get it.

Apart from that I loved the book, the characters and I cant wait to read Delilah's story next. So glad to be starting a Melissa Foster series from the very beginning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Catching Cassidy

This is my first book by Melissa Foster and I am so excited now. I love the whole concept that Ms. Foster is going to explore with this series. I think its great to incorporate all the types of relationships in love and having one complete series with it all is going to be great. I really am glad I had the opportunity to start this series from the beginning and am looking forward to meeting all the upcoming characters.

Cassidy is the best friend of Wyatt. They have been thick as thieves and she has always been there for him and his sister, Delilah. Cassidy has just ended her relationship with a total douche bag guy. Just when life is suppose to be starting for these young college graduates everything gets chaotic when Wyatt and Delilah loose both of their parents. Cassidy knows she has to support them both and being there for Wyatt is just what she needs to help her deal with her own lose. Wyatt is struggling with the weight of trying to be there for his sister and taking over the family business has him growing up way too fast. What was great is that while Wyatt is forced to mature it also makes him realize that life is short and Cassidy may be the one he has been looking for. The friendship that these two characters is fantastic. So I can understand the hesitation to just dive in and call it love. Do these characters seem to skate around their feelings? Absolutely, they do but it just made me fall in love with them more because of it. I know people think …”oh gosh just say it” but in life it doesn’t really happen like that. These young adults are frustrating at times but to read their growth was the best part. I honestly enjoyed it so much.

This book is a friends to lovers read with tragic life changing adversity being a major obstacle to get to love. Its a very sweet read that will take you on a roller coaster of emotions and end with a smile on your face. I will tell you i wanted to totally punch a wall and beat the hell out of but Wyatt took care of that for me. I totally bawled and needed Kleenex. I laughed out loud. I fell in love. So for me this was a great read. I loved getting to see these two fall in love and meeting Delilah and knowing what she is dealing with has me sitting on pins and needle for the next book. If your looking for a great read then jump on this for sure. I think you will love it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa schmidt
Can friends become more than just friends without ruining the relationship? That's what the question between Wyatt Armstrong and Cassidy Lowell. They've always been there for each other, through rough times and all the good , there's never any doubt that they would be there for each other whenever it's needed and a trip to Wyatt's summer home to deal with his parents passing, it's nothing different than before. Or is it?

Wyatt cannot deny his feelings for Cassidy any longer, but he doesn't want to ruin things between them in anyway. Between dealing with his own grief and loss, things being tossed at him to pick up he's forced to look at the furture more and that's not something he's used to doing.

Cassidy is aiming for a serious job she's been after, and plans for the furture. Big plans coming up but first she needs to help Wyatt pick up the pieces after his parents death. There's no question that she'll be by his side when he needs her, and she'll always be there for him. Problem is , Wyatt is short term. He's known for one night stands and nothing serious, so why is she suddenly looking at him as a possible future? Has she been blind all those years to what's heating up between them? Or is it just a step in the grieving cycle? The closer they get, the more Cassidy is wishing Wyatt wanted a future and something more than short term .

With some broken hearts and a mending pasts a strong friendship is tested in Catching Cassidy. Can they come out stronger than they started out to be? Or will the heat sizzle out and make them part ways forever? You'll have to find out and pick up a copy to find out!

I love all Melissa Foster's books, each one seems to be better than the last and I was so excited to see she started a new series! I needed new books you see, just when I think she's pouring them out too fast, I'm left waiting for that next page turner to enjoy. Catching Cassidy happens to be one of them as well. Wonderful story, loved that they were true close friends that actaully still had room to grow! They seemed so close, knew everything and yet, Foster was able to have them each grow throughout the story. It was a wonderful read!
*I received the following product(s) to review. I was not required to write a positive review no other monetary compensation was given . Any and all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Cassidy has been friends with twins Wyatt and Delilah since she met them at age five. Fast forward seventeen years later and they've just graduated from the same college. At least Wyatt and Delilah's parents attended the ceremony, Cassidy's folks are as usual away on some trip. When Cassidy discovers her boyfriend's infidelity and then tragedy befalls the twins later that same evening, their future plans all change. Gone are visions of taking it easy during the lazy days of summer. For these three friends, there's a lot of growing up, the taking on of sudden responsibilities, and a change in relationship status for two.

Okay, this is my first Melissa Foster book and since she's so popular I'm glad I was able to grab one of her books to read. Or should I say devour? I began reading it this morning and a few hours later I had finished. Talk about addicting! Cassidy and Wyatt are the best of friends. Wyatt is very protective of her and doesn't like Kyle, her boyfriend of two years. Even Cassidy has some misgivings about the guy from the way he treats her and takes away her house key. All I can is wtf? But then again, Cassidy doesn't have the greatest of role models with her selfish parents who have missed more of her milestone events than she cares to remember. It's a good thing she has the twins' parents who treat her like one of their own. Until an accident claims them. Summer plans are changed.

The trio find themselves in the charming seaside town of Harborside, Mass. The twins have returned to their summer getaway and to their parents' restaurant, the Taproom. Surrounded by friends who care for them, Wyatt and Delilah try to grieve and make decisions while Wyatt also needs to grasp his changing feelings for Cassidy. Delilah has to deal with her own identity problems as well.

I really enjoyed Catching Cassidy. It was great to see so much character development, witness Wyatt fumbling with his emotions as he realizes he loves his best friend, while Cassidy wonders if she should accept a job in New York City. Delilah has a lot to handle too but she does a good portion of hers off the page. She is the focus of the second book in this series which I really want to read since I liked her character. The main focus of this novel is all about the love, the chemistry, and the acceptance of love between two incredible friends. Narrated by both Cassidy and Wyatt (I would have appreciated some notification or header when the points-of-view shifted in the beginning so I could adjust), we get to see what each character goes through from being confused to sexually frustrated to elated and so forth.

There's a charming group of secondary characters from the lovable Jesse to the musician Brandon and cafe owner Brooke and more. They provide the family for this trio of friends. Harborside seems like a great place to vacation or live in year-round. The romance in Catching Cassidy is heart-pounding, toe-curling and downright sexy. Ms. Foster knows how to write a gripping love story. And then there are the raw emotions, the confessions, heartbreaks and breakdowns of these characters. Whoa, the feelies in here! This may be my first read by this talented author but it sure won't be the last. I'm booking my next stay at Harborside for July 9 when book two, Discovering Delilah, is released. I can't wait!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Catching Cassidy is a great introductory story to the Harborside Nights series, seeing as it introduces the characters that will have their own story later on in the series. Catching Cassidy introduces us to our first couple: Cassidy and Wyatt, two best friends that have known each other since they were five-years-old and have kept their feelings hidden towards one another.

Cassidy, Wyatt and Wyatt’s twin sister Delilah have just graduated college and each one of them is about to embark on their own journey but tragedy strikes Wyatt and Delilah when their parents die in a car accident and Cassidy is dealing with her own bad break up. All of them escape to Wyatt’s and Delilah’s summer home to escape reality for a while and just relax with their friends.

I have mixed feelings with Wyatt and Cassidy. The reason being that… I tried liking their romance. Hell, I loved it at the beginning but it got to a point where I felt like it kept being dragged on and on. In the end, I know I loved their story but there is a long time while reading the book that had me really thinking if they should be together or not. I’m glad that I learned to love and accept them because they are honestly cute together. I didn’t really like Waytt’s over-protectiveness over Cassidy and how he kept thinking it would be a major risk if he decided to give himself and Cassidy a chance. I wanted to slap his face but, of course, he realized it was better to give it a try to have Cassidy in his life.

“I was wrong. There is no me without you.”

I really liked the secondary characters! I really loved Brandon and Tristan! Brandon is a… well, he is a complex character, I would say. He has sex with both women and men. He doesn’t know what he likes more. What he does know for sure is his love for music and his guitar. Tristan is a funny character that I LOVED!!! He is a great friend to Cassidy and Wyatt. He puts his problems aside to be there for his friends. One of my favorite quotes by him is:

“We all feel like sluts sometimes. We’re supposed to feel like sluts. God gave us lust, right? Well, we’re only human, so we take that word and we mix up the letters.”

Delilah is learning to deal with who she is, a closeted lesbian. No one but Cassidy and Wyatt know about her feelings and her deceased parents. Delilah is another character that I liked but felt like the author was pushing her story too much, which made me dislike it a bit but learned to deal with.

While I rate this book 3 stars, I really recommend it to readers. Melissa is a great author. I have enjoyed her previous work quite a lot. She always knows how to engage the reader and she brings on all the feels. This book is no exception when it comes to bringing the emotions to life. Even though this is a story that deals with loss, I found it to be a fun story nonetheless and quite enjoyable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raffi bagdasarian
Catching Cassidy was frustratingly good. Melissa Foster, as usual, did a wonderful job in this book. The way she describes the setting of Harborside makes it seem so welcoming, calming, and like home. As if anyone who goes there can find a place where they belong and people who will welcome them with open arms and care about them. Harborside sounds like it has beautiful landscapes and a great place to spend the summer.

The way Melissa makes the characters come alive makes the reader fall in love with them. Each character, even the secondary characters, have traits that makes their personality shine through and make them likable. I kept finding myself wanting to know more about the characters and what would happen next with them. I loved how close their friendships seemed.
The reason I found the book frustrating was because of the main characters, Wyatt and Cassidy. They had known each other for years, back from when they were kids. They were best friends and buried the feelings they had for each other deep down. Neither wanted to ruin the friendship they had spent so many years forming.

The summer of Wyatt and Cassidy's college graduation several events happen that cause them to spend the summer together. Those events have the capability of making each person fall apart. They stand by each other's side to try to make it through together.

Feelings that they had buried down start to rise. Now they find an attraction to each other that both characters try to hide and ignore. It's like they're skirting around each other out of desire and fear of what acting on those feelings could happen. I kept wanting Wyatt and Cassidy to get together or admit their feelings.

It drove me nuts each time they hide it or ignored their feelings. I was kept on the edge of my seat waiting for them to acknowledge their feelings. I'll admit, when they finally opened up to each other, I squealed. I can't wait to see how the series grows!

I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna l
4.5 / 5 stars

Received a review copy from Tasty Book Tours in exchange for an honest review; original post can be found at --

If you're a Jill Shalvis or contemporary Catherine Anderson fan, Melissa's style of writing is definitely for you.

I have enjoyed a few of Melissa's LOVE IN BLOOM series and love that her books are essentially one giant series with sub-series in them. That's my kind of writing! Which brings us to this newest endeavour of hers, the Harborside Nights series. Where the others are an adult, contemporary romance style, this is very much a New Adult series -- but no worries, it's still connected to her larger series.

I've rather loved this new New Adult sub-genre that recently came about. Where contemporary romance used to encompass all adult ages, the New Adult sub-genre came about to deal with issues that your young twenty-somethings are dealing with and for the most part, I've found all of the books to be done wonderfully.

This Harborside Nights series will deal with a group of friends that have known each other for years, but now that they're adults in the 'real' world, they're coming together and starting their forever lives around one another. While we're introduced to the crew in this book, our key players that we will get to know are Wyatt and his sister, Delilah, and his best friend, Cassidy.

Wyatt (and Delilah, for that matter) has struggles to overcome, but his one solid force through it all has been his best friend, Cassidy. Like with most friends-to-lovers stories, Cassidy and Wyatt struggle with the thought of being one another's more -- when the last thing either wants to lose is the stability they have as really good friends.

This book was full of emotion -- I found myself tearing up a few times. Between teary eyes and heart clenches... well, those are my personal signs of a well-written romance. I wasn't so sure I'd be interested in reading DISCOVERING DELILAH as I'm not too super big on M/M or F/F or any sort of ménage stories, but I found myself extremely drawn into this group of friends and wanting to root them on to their happily ever afters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love that Cassidy's friendship with the Armstrongs isn't just given to one or the other. She was friends with both Wyatt and his twin Delilah, though she was best friends with Wyatt. Cassidy and Wyatt's relationship spans years. They know pretty much all there is to know about one another, except how to deal with the change of feelings they have for each other while coming to terms with the sudden death of Wyatt's parents.
College graduation brings a ton of new things with it. It's time to spread your wings, time to explore the world, time to make your mark on it, time to find your place in it. On the rare occasion is it followed by loss and devastation. On those occasions, life changes instantly. You grow up faster out of necessity. Such was the case for Wyatt and Delilah.

Losing their parents hit them hard. They struggled to find their footing in a world they suddenly inherited. The people they depended on the most, the ones who gave them advice for nearly everything they faced, weren't there. Everything that needed a decision made now rested on their shoulders. It was such a huge responsibility for them to bear as they grieved for their parents at the same time. But the one thing that really shined through was how they leaned on each other and on Cassidy and on their other friends to make it through.

Cassidy wasn't without her own problems. Doubts about a profession she no longer feels passion for follows her from college to Harborside. Her growing feelings for Wyatt add and her parents' persistence that she move to New York for that profession only add to her confusion. How can she leave Wyatt when she feels so much for him? How can she do a job she's not passionate about after she discovered a new passion in Harborside?

I've read several of Ms. Foster's adult romances and I've enjoyed each of them very much. She has this insane ability to write a story that is, to me, very well balanced. There's the right amount of lust and sex, uncertainty and reassurances, love and friendship. *grins* I'm not sure why I was expecting her new adult story to be any different. Perfect for new adult genre lovers. Perfect for contemporary romance lovers. Actually, it's perfect for anyone needing a romance that touches your heart and speaks to your soul. Oh, and makes you smile. This will definitely make you smile.

(Received from Tasty Book Tours for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah price soucek
Wyatt and Cassidy have been best friends for as long as either of them can remember. He's always looked out for her. Despite the revolving door in Wyatt's love life, Cassidy's loved him for years. When Wyatt catches Cassidy's boyfriend Kyle cheating on her, it triggers a chain reaction. Suddenly, Wyatt doesn't just think of Cassidy as his best friend. He notices how she looks, what she wears...the physical attraction is off the charts. The situation is exacerbated following the death of Wyatt's parents and he and his twin sister Delilah are thrown into a tail-spin.

Cassidy stays with Wyatt and Delilah, following them to Haborside. As Wyatt deals with all of the changes in his life including taking over management of his parents' bar, the Taproom, family secrets rise to the surface. Wyatt will soon discover that the time has come for him to think past "today." Neither Wy or Cassidy want to risk their friendship, but how can they walk away from a chance at something--especially when it feels so right?

This story world drew me in from the first page. What got me immediately is how Foster shines when writing from a male point of view. Wyatt is a guy's guy. I love that about him. He was completely believable as a character and I wanted to know what would happen to him. At first I couldn't get a read on Cassidy, but I grew to love her quirky nature. Plus, who among us hasn't been turned around about what we really want in our lives? The cast of characters in Catching Cassidy is rich, complex, and interesting. I loved that there are gay, straight, and bi characters--everyone is welcome. That made it even more real for me, because we are not "one size fits all" in real life, so why should we be in books?

Everything combined to form a well-written, page-turner in a format that had me sticking a Netflix marathon on for the kids just so I could finish the last chapter. Oh, and the heat factor? I had to go and grab and ice tea after a kissing scene. Enough said.
Posted from
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luana fortes miranda
I received a copy in exchange for a honest review.

Wow... Another Melissa Foster book that I absolutely loved, but with a twist this time. I have a blossoming love for new adult romances. I don't know what it is about them that I devour, but I can't seem to get enough of them. Is it the angst? What about the raw emotion? Or maybe it is just being able to follow characters that are still trying to figure out life. Now add my love for NA to my love for Melissa Foster and, holy cow, I was in romance heaven, The emotional ride Melissa took me on during Catching Cassidy was unbelievable. The new group of characters that are introduced in this series are lovable, each of them trying to find their way. I fell in love with both Wyatt and Cassidy from the moment I met them. After the death of his parents, Wyatt is left stunned. Suddenly, he's forced to grow up and take over his father's bar. If that wasn't enough, he has also discovered new feelings towards Cassidy, his best friend who might be leaving him at the end of the summer. Not able to deal with losing another person in his life, Wyatt stumbles more times then he probably cares to remember. Cassidy is just as lost as Wyatt. Her heart is leading her one way, but her parents are forcing her in another. It is only when they stop and take a few moments of just being with each other do they find the bravery needed to make their own path in life.

I am so excited to see how Melissa mores forward with the Harborside Nights series. It is quite a departure from her much loved Bradens series, but it is still the same Melissa Foster style that I love. I have a feeling that the next book in the series is going to be a little bit of a challenge for me to read just because it has an element that I've never read in a book, but I am looking forward to seeing Melissa's take on it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohamed azzam
Best friends Wyatt, commonly referred to as Army, and Cassidy have just graduated

from college and is now faced with the journey to adulthood; deciding where to live and what to do.

The same night of their graduation Wyatt and his twin sister, Delilah, are hit with the

tragic news that their parents were killed in an accident. Not only does Wyatt have to

face with dealing with this emotional news, he is faced with being responsible for his

sister and dealing with and deciding what to do with the family business.

In order to get some emotional distance from the recent tragedy, Wyatt takes his sister and Cassidy to

Harborisde, their summer vacation home. In the company of his summer friends, Wyatt begins to battle his own demons; learning how to become a responsible man, be a support system to his sister, and taking over the family business. Overburdened with his emotions and confusion over his apparent growing feelings for Cassidy, Wyatt begins to spiral, losing control. Cassidy and Wyatt's friends try to reach out to him before he self-destructs.

Wyatt learns that he has a strong support system and that he doesn't have to do it all alone. They say the best relationships begin with friendship. Learning about each other before love blooms or becomes apparent to you. However there is the fear that once you cross the line and it doesn't work out, you can never go back to being just friends. Wyatt slowly comes to terms with the fact that he does not have to be perfect to be deserving of love. Melissa Foster delivers another true to life story about love finding you when you least expect it and how love can break barriers once you are open to love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
reney suwarna
We already know I love anything by Melissa Foster and Catching Cassidy is no different in that I love it as well, BUT, it was definitely different than what I am used to in a Melissa Foster romance.

I feel that the romance stories that I read by Melissa are usually fantasy like. Hot men. Hot sex. Beautiful women. Dreamy. Definitely hot romances, but not something I feel is realistic, whereas Chasing Cassidy was unbelievably realistic and relateable.

Wyatt and Cassidy have been best friends for 17 years. Cassidy is best friends with Wyatt’s sister too and Wyatt’s parents took care of Cassidy as if she was one of the family.

During a break up with her boyfriend and Wyatt’s parents death, Cassidy and Wyatt are realizing their true feelings for one another and trying to fight them.

I love the friends that surround everyone and how they just move in and stay whenever they want. Everyone should have friends like that when they are fresh out of college (and high school, and junior high, and even adulthood!)

I can relate to Cassidy and her parents; I can relate to Wyatt and Cassidy together.

You feel the emotion (and heat) between Cassidy and Wyatt. You feel the emotion off loss from Wyatt and his sister. You see Wyatt grow up before our eyes as he has to face being adult and taking over the family business.

I love Wyatt, his sister, Cassidy and all their friends as if they were my own and I cannot wait to continue this series and follow along with all the others!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patricia carroll
I received an ARC of this book from Brook Cottage Books in exchange for an honest review and as part of the book's blog tour promotions.

I loved this book. It was too cute for words. Cassidy and Wyatt were two of the most likable characters I've ever read. I think they are my favorite couple from Melissa Foster. I can't get over how much they had to work through to get their relationship in the best place possible.

I liked Cassidy. She was loyal, thoughtful, and carefree. Even with absent parents who were always away and too busy for her, she still grew up to be a loving person who always thought of other people before herself. Wyatt was a great guy. He took care of his twin well, even if they always described him as someone who never took things seriously.

I liked the fact that Wyatt fought the relationship at the beginning. I mean, it's so realistic. When men fall in love, they don't think about forever right away. The first thing that comes to their mind is all those women they now have to give up, whether they will screw things up or not, and whether things will change for the worse.

I've always liked Melissa Foster's books, but this has got to be my favorite so far. I will highly recommend this book to her fans as well as anybody who's followed or read any book from the author's Love In Bloom series. This book as the same vibe, but it comes with a whole new set of characters you will soon fall in love with.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan grimshaw
Catching Cassidy is the first book in the Harborside Nights NA Series (part of the Love in Bloom series by Melissa Foster). Twins Wyatt & Delilah Armstrong (cousins of Treat Braden's wife Max: Lovers at Heart, The Bradens of Weston, CO book 1) and their friend Cassidy Lowell graduate. At a party that evening Wyatt texts Cassidy and as she's been let down by her boyfriend Wyatt & Delilah go to pick her up. She hasn't got her key so goes to her boyfriend Kyle's workplace...only to find him cheating.
Wyatt takes her home with him and Dee but their evening is spoilt by a phone call with tragic news. This causes them to leave Connecticut and go to their family beach house in Harborside.
Wyatt and Cassidy have been friends for years, but the heartache each is dealing with brings them closer and they both realise that they are in love with the other...but due to friendship it takes a lot of angst for them to get together. Meanwhile, Delilah is having trouble coping with her parents deaths as she came out to them at her graduation so now blames herself for the accident.
At the house in Harborside we get to meet all the gang and they are very close friends and help each other through life's difficulties.
I am intrigued by them all, especially Tristan, he has such a big heart and deserves his HEA.
Melissa Foster has written a new genre with New Adult (which includes heterosexual, lesbian, gay and bisexual relationships) but it still has all the great characters, story line, angst, romance and a HEA that we all know and love. Plus we have characters that we recognise from other books popping in: Dane & Lacey (Sea of Love) appear in Catching Cassidy and in future books we have Evan Grant (Caden's son from Seaside Dreams) and Livi (Olivia from Megan's Way). Another great series to get immersed in...and now I want to go to Harborside. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Copy of book was gifted by author in exchange for an honest review.

Catching Cassidy is a wonderful coming of age story involving friends to lovers scenario. Wyatt Armstrong just graduated from college. What should have been a time for celebration turned about to be time of mourning instead. Wyatt and his twin sister have to deal with the untimely loss of their parents. In an attempt to get over their loss he takes their ashes to spread at their summer home in Harborside. He brings his sidekick and best friend Cassidy along. They've been there for each other since they were kids. As they get closer over the summer, they find a spark, but is it real? Or is this just a heated summer romance that will have them part ways at the end?

I really enjoyed this book. Melissa Foster's writing flows easily and I found that I was able to be completely engulfed in the story. Her description of Harborside was so well written, I really felt like I was there. I like the classic friends to lovers plot and I'm excited to read what else she has in store for us in her series.
Please RateCatching Cassidy (Harborside Nights - Book One) Contemporary Romance
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