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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
claire mcmillan
Nikki Sloane has me completely hooked!

Her books, all the ones I've read have been nothing short of exceptional. She has a great writing sense and they're all good. They don't bore you and the storylines are always interesting.

This one was a little different from what she's written before but it's great nonetheless. I love reading college romances because it takes me to a place that I never got to experience and, of course, never will. So I live vicariously through my books :)

Jay ... oh Jay ... oh Jay! He's a smoking hot football player who happens to meet Kayla at their mutual friends wedding. They hit it off immediately and sparks are definitely in the works since the moment they connected eyes. Jay doesn't give Kayla his full name because he's tired of girls throwing themselves at him due to his popularity. He just wants to meet someone who will like him for him and not because of his stats.

Kayla hasn't had a great track record when it comes to guys. She's too damn competitive and the guys get tired of her seriousness when it comes to sports. Her best friend warned her at the wedding that she needed to leave football out of conversations for once and that's what she did when she met Jay.

But what happens once Kayla and Jay find out they attend school rivals? Will they be able to continue to get to know each other or will their school rivalry get in the way?

Jay is all for it, he doesn't take it too seriously but Kayla sure does. What can the guy do to convince her that he's worth the risk??

This book totally had me hooked, I was unable to unglue myself from my device, THAT'S how good it was.

I loved the characters and I just couldn't get enough. Kayla had a spunk and fierce determination and loyalty for her school and she wasn't going to let anything or anyone get in the way of that. Or will she??

4.5 star read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A well-constructed, sweet but steamy read.
The crux of the issue was that Kayla was a cheerleader for her college football team and Jay was the star player…unfortunately as well suited as you may think that would make them, there was one issue…it wasn’t the same team, heck it wasn’t even the same college!!! He was in Michigan and she was hundreds of miles away in Ohio and there was certainly no love lost between either of the establishments, teams or fans but would that mean the opportunity of love would be lost on Kayla and Jay?
A chance meeting at a wedding brought the two of them together and they hit it off immediately, the banter between them was so engaging that I think it was my favourite part of the book. But there was a spanner read to be dropped into what had the potential to be an awesome relationship and as petty as it may have appeared to those not connected, the angst that it towed along behind it was relentless.
Yes, they were super sexy together and the author didn’t skimp on her descriptions of the time they spent together but the book was so much more than a romp, this pair had chemistry!
I found myself slightly irked with Kayla every now and again, she was hard work and took the whole rivalry thing a little too far at times, (in my opinion) in fact I was beginning to think that she was darn lucky that Jay thought she was worth the fight because had I been him, I don’t know that I would have been quite so accommodating.
Jay was a great guy, I mean it, I really liked him, so much so that when Kayla was being a diva, I just wanted to reach into the book and give him a shake, but this was a guy that knew his own mind and he had made his decision, he wanted her no matter what and he was willing to do whatever it took to get her. Darn it he was nothing if not determined!!
Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara ahmed
I love a good college football rivalry, and while out here it isn't between Ohio State and Michigan I do understand that while you are in college it is a HUGE deal. But I still feel Kayla was a little over the top, and her mom was even worse. As I get older while I always root for my team, I don't HATE the other team like her mom and I wonder why it is so strong this much time later. Kayla had a lot of growth throughout the book though so I Liked that we saw that and while it was a struggle, it is hard to overcome the rivalry feeling especially when you have been fed it your entire life.

Jay though is absolute perfection, but sometimes I wonder why he stuck it out for Kayla...she "tried" to hide things and yet it was obvious that it wasn't working and yet Kayla couldn't resist him. I mean I loved that he knew she liked him for him and that is the major thing that attracted him to her, she liked him DESPITE his football status and where he played. Jay's family is the best also and I loved that they liked Kayla right off the bat.

I liked the pace of the book and since the rivalry is the theme of the book, I get why it took awhile for things to move forward fully for Kayla and Jay. And it was a nice twist on the guy being really into football and the girl knowing nothing, it was clear Kayla was WAY more into football then Jay, that again that was a refreshing thing to see.

You may think it is cliché to have a football player and a cheerleader and yet, while it is about that, it is about so much more. And at the end of the day it really is JUST football and not the end of the world. I am glad later we did see the change in Kayla otherwise honestly Jay could have done better, when she is in a certain situation, I am glad she made the right choice, it was then that I knew they were perfect together.
Rounding Third :: One Call Away :: Living Out Loud :: Rammel Hawking 1 (Knights of Black Swan Book 8) - VAMPIRE HUNTER :: Dirty Bet
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andy hoke
After giving this time to settle, I still have some ambiguous feelings about this book. I liked the idea of the book - there's no better set up for conflict than a little bit of rivalry - but this book takes it to an extreme that is almost over the top. And mostly one-sided. On the one side, you have Jay, who plays college football, so he's all about the competitive nature of the game - on the field.. Off the field, he's a lot more tolerant of other people and more open-minded. Certainly more open-minded than Kayla, who is on the other side. And makes no bones about stating her opinion of her rivals. In fact, she's very obnoxious and in-your-face about it and let me tell you, a little of that goes a long way. There are times where it's so overbearing that I kept asking Jay, "Come on, why the heck are you putting up with this crap?" In fact, she's kind of a bitch about it. And she does little to redeem herself before the end of the book, which still left me wondering what he saw in her. Let's just say she wasn't one of my favorite characters, so there wasn't a real payoff for me in the end. The only thing that kept this book from being a total bummer for me was Jay. He was such a good character, I read to the end for his happy-ending and nothing else. Everything about him was just perfect, right down to his family - who didn't have the same rabid feelings about "the big rivalry" as did Kayla's family. And the rivalry itself, I thought was a little extreme. Do fans really act like that - especially at a college level? Who knows, maybe they do. Despite these things, though not a total winner with me, I did enjoy reading the book.

*ARC provided for an honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been 'over the moon' excited for this book and I was so excited to see the paperback ARC in the mail. You can bet I did a happy dance and it was probably one of the most exciting book mail I've ever received.
So this book.... I'm a sucker for sports romance! I absolutely eat it up. This was my first time reading one of Nikki's books and now I just want to read everything she has published! I love that this was vollege football rivals! I've yet to come across a sports book that featured football team rivals and guys... I was so nervous because this could have taken so many different paths. My mind was all over the place coming up with different "end games" or things that could possibly happen. I couldn't stop reading Kayla and Jay's story; I was hooked from the prologue. Which, let me point out, hooks you from the start! I absolutely loved the prologue!!
Seriously, I loved all the humor throughout the book. The majority of tabs on this book are funny scenes I didn't want to forget because they were hilarious!
Honestly, I don't know what else to say othet than I absolutely loved this book! Such a fun and crazy read! Amazing sports romance! Definitely recommend for any sports romance fan! LOVED!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What happens when you meet a guy you really, really like and then you find out he’s playing for your team’s biggest rival? Can you just ignore it and behave as if it doesn’t exist? Will your relationship survive the differences.
This is Kayla and Jay’s problem. They met by chance at the wedding of their best friends and hit it off right away. The banter between them was sweet and sexy. The chemistry was immediate and hot. Kayla was all for having a good time with Jay, but then he disappeared. When she finally gets ahold of his best friend to get his phone number, she’s told he can’t give it out, but tells Kayla where Jay hangs out.
It’s not what she was expecting.
At all!!
Jay goes to school at the University of Michigan, Ohio State’s arch rival and this is Kayla’s school where she is the captain of the cheerleading squad. Even worse in Kayla’s eyes Jay is their star player. It’s not exactly a match made in heaven as far as their teams are concerned.
Kayla tries to play off her attraction to Jay at the beginning, in fact she’s downright hostile and it’s amazing how he even bothered to persevere with her. But as we know, especially in our book worlds, in not in real life, when you know that you’ve found the right one, you’ll do damn near anything to win their love.
That’s Jay all over. Kayla, not so much.
So, will Jay get what he wants or will he fumble the ball.
Can Kayla let go of her reservations and take their relationship to the Rose Bowl.
Will there be a last second touchdown for the win?
Tackle you copy now and discover the truth of The Rivalry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott johnson
Kayla McCarthy's life is football. She grew up rooting for Ohio State, and is now their head cheerleader. She may be a little... intense... when it comes to football. When she meets Jay, all she can see is a sexy and fun guy that she couldn't be more into... and she misses some major warning bells...
Jay Harris is a star player for Michigan. Yeah, rival to Ohio State, Michigan. He meets Kayla and is immediately intrigued by this tiny, gorgeous and refreshing woman. She seems to be clueless about his football career, where so many others only want to be around him because of it.
Once the truth comes out, Kayla is ready to cut her losses... but Jay is used to working for what he wants... and Kayla is one challenge he isn't ready to back down from...
This was so a fantastic read! Kayla and her family's obsession with Ohio State is hilarious. Seriously, I think her mother is just about the best thing ever. Kayla is a strong and successful woman who really doesn't want to be attracted to Jay... but when she is around him she has a nonexistent willpower. Jay doesn't see the big deal in their rivalry status. They're both seniors, love football, and they have a unmistakable connection. Kayla is different than any other woman he has ever met, and he doesn't want something so trivial to get between them.
This book was cute, funny and highly entertaining. Even with their rivalry struggles, Kayla and Jay have a sexy and authentic relationship that was a delight to read.
I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tessa srebro
Football, fanatics, rivalry and romance. Kayla and Jay meet when they are both in the same bridal party. Kayla has been dared to not talk football for the night and Jay just wants to be a regular guy and not a star football player. They meet and sparks fly. They can’t deny the attraction. When Kayla (a die hard, born and bred OSU fan) goes searching for Jay and find him in a Michigan bar a different kind of fireworks fly. Kayla is torn between her loyalty to OSU and the chemistry she has with Jay. Jay is determined to prove the romance is more important than the rivalry.

This is a great book. I am normally hesitant to read New Adult romances, but this one is written in such a mature way. If you are not a football fan or a sports fan you may struggle with the push and pull of being loyal to your team. I love that this book accurately describes how fanatic people can get over their teams. I know people just like the characters in this book. I’m a die hard fan of my college team too! There is something very swoon-worthy about how Jay won’t let the rivalry get in his way with Kayla. Kayla is a spitfire. I love how she goes toe-to-toe with anyone when it comes to football, and many times she knows more about the game. Despite struggles (family, friends, school, pranks, etc) they find a way to win. If you like a good sports romance, then definitely check this out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book
OMG I LOVED this story,
Kayla McCarthy lives and breathes everything Ohio State football.
Being their cheerleading captain, it’s not only her job but her passion.
Her father was a coach for Ohio State her mom is obsessed with Ohio State
When she goes to her best friends wedding she meets a gorgeous guy.
Jay, is at his best friends wedding and is instantly attracted to the beautiful
petite woman Kayla, They hit it off amazingly, When one of the younger attendees
of the wedding gets drunk he is asked to take him home. Jay doesnt get a chance
to talk to Kayla before leaving and the number he put in her phone was missing a digit
(He has VERY big hands) Kayla's best friend wont tell her who he is so she feels like
she truly missed out. When Jay and Kayla finally meet back up she is stunned when
she walks into the bar he suggested, OMG there is nothing but Michigan paraphernalia all around
even a freakin stuffed wolverine. That is when Kayla realizes who Jay actually is, Jay Harris
the player who scored the winning touchdown last year against her team in "The Game"
this was such a great read, and WOW Jay was such a great and wonderful character I LOVED it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Rivalry is very different from Nikki Sloane's previous books but I loved it just the same. It's a sexy, star-crossed lovers sports romance.

Kayla McCarthy is a bridesmaid at her friends wedding when she meets the very sexy, irresistible Jay. What she doesn't know at the time is the Jay is Jay Harris, number eight-eighThank t from Michigan, her colleges football rival.

Kayla lives and breathes OSU (Ohio State University). Her father was a coach at OSU, her mother went into labor at a game and Kayla is the cheerleader captain. Their family bleeds OSU red. So when Kayla discovers Jay is from Michigan she's out of there.

Jay could care less about the rivalry, unless he's on the football field. He's attracted to Kayla. He likes knowing that Kayla likes him for him and not is football number. He's ready for the to chase after her. Oh boy does he have a chase ahead of him.

The story is a whirlwind of conflicts. It's Kayla and Jay's attraction and growing feelings that finds a way to move past the rivalry. Now if only Kayla's parents can accept their relationship.
I loved the crazy chemistry between Kayla and Jay. They faced unexpected challenges that solidified their relationship in the end. Love this story! 5 Playbook Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa rueschaw
I went into The Rivalry knowing nothing about it. I requested the ARC because it was a sports romance, and I liked the cover. So imagine my surprise when within the first few pages, I realized this book was about an OSU cheerleader and a Michigan football player. For those of you that don’t know, I’m a born and bred Ohio girl and we bleed scarlet and gray, and we loathe Michigan fans. This rivalry is cultivated in us from the time we are little, and heaven forbid we ever cross into the dark side and like anything from Michigan!

This book was so much fun! Nikki Sloane did a great job of getting the emotions right between the two schools, and did it in a way that was both funny and refreshing. There were several moments between Jay and Kayla that had me laughing out loud. The banter between these two characters was really well written and kept the story moving at a really good pace.

Iloved this book from the very first page, all the way to the epilogue. I smiled. I laughed. And if I’m being completely honest, I might have gotten a little weepy at one point. This book just had everything I love about a sports romance. I got swept up into the emotions of the game, and felt like I was right there in the stands watching!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cherie bruce
Kayla & Jay form an instant connection at a friends wedding. The witty conversation and mind blowing kiss they share, both can't wait to explore what is between them a little bit more. But when Kayla founds out who Jay really is, it may just all be over before it could begin. See Kayla goes to Ohio State, she's the captain of the cheer squad, she bleeds red. And Jay well Jay goes to the University of Michigan, that blue and yellow he wears is against everything she believes in when it comes to football. The rivalry runs deep between the two schools. Kayla could never date a guy from Michigan, it wouldn't go over well with her family, team or school. And Kayla can't see herself been able to look past it. But Jay's smile, sweet and sexy attitude, and the way he kisses her, makes her want to forget about this long rivalry.

The Rivalry was great, funny, sexy and full of all things football. Jay and Kayla were such a fun couple, the banter was funny and the heat between them off the charts. This was my first Nikki Sloane book, and I cant wait to read more. If you love football, swoon-worthy football players, and sassy cheerleaders, than this sweet and fun romance, is just what you need.

·I was provided a ARC by the author·
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
himani patel
I have read several Nikki Sloane books to-date and have loved them. The Rivalry is a bit different than some of the other books of her I have read, but loved it just as much. But I am also a huge fan of sport romances, so that was an added plus for me.

When Jay and Kayla meet, they have no idea where the other goes to school. But once they do, they realize they attend rival schools and the rivalry is intense. For some this may seem over the top, but as a Chicago born-and-raised girl, I totally understand rivalries. Friendships are made and die based on what team you root for. It is no laughing matter!

I loved this story and the intensity and chemistry between Kayla and Jay. And I absolutely loved how Kayla gave as good as she got. She loved her school and team hard. Starting a new relationship can be hard in any situation, imagine adding this on top of all that!

I loved The Rivalry! It was sexy, charming and funny at times. A bit different than other Nikki Sloane books, but just as good! I loved that we got both characters point-of-views. This was a great, fun and sexy read!

Happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this book! It is different than what I have read from this author in the past, but it was just as great as her other books. This book had everything that I love in a book: a strong female lead and a swoon-worthy male lead with awesome chemistry and witty back and forth banter between the two that had me laughing out loud at times. Jay was awesome as the male lead, very likable. I loved that Nikki made him a respectful, stand-up guy and not the awful jerk, manwhore he very well could have been. I get so tired of books where the H is a A-hole but still gets the girl. And Kayla! She was awesome!! I really enjoyed how devoted she was to her school, almost to the point of rabid. The back and forth, the "yes, I want you but shouldn't", her unexplainable attraction to Jay, her inner turmoil over having this attraction to Jay (who is from the rival school) all made for a great book. I loved how they were so attracted to each other even though they had so many differences that would have normally kept them apart.
I loved every minute of this book, and highly recommend it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katlyn conklin
The Rivalry is my first read from Nikki Sloane and I loved it. It was funny, hot and hella sexy.

Kayla is the head cheerleader for Ohio State and lives for football. At her friends wedding, she makes a promise to not talk football as she gets a little to into it. And then she meets Jay and can’t figure out why her friends never introduced them. And the she finds out he’s the starting tight end for the rival team.
Omg I loved Jay, he was funny and so damn charming. I loved that he didn’t give up on Kayla when at times I wouldn’t of blamed him. These two were made for each other.
The connection between these was so hot and so strong. I loved Jay’s persistence and sometimes got a little annoyed at Kayla who was really hung up on the rivalry between their schools, but she was so damn cute that I couldn’t stay mad for long.
Loved this story, It was a fun and quick read. Jay and Kayla will put a smile on your face throughout their story. Love when I find a new to me author! Can’t wait to read more of Nikki Sloane’s work!!
The Rivalry is a definite one click!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john appel
4.5 Stars

The Rivlary is a fun, sexy, passionate, and above all engaging sports romance with a unique and original plot.

From the moment I picked up this title, I didn't want to put it down. I was captivated by Kayla's opinionated, sassy, stubborn, borderline obsessive and kinda crazy personality. Whilst on the other hand I found Jay to be incredibly sweet, charming, determined and persistent in going after his goals.

The chemistry between Kayla and Jay is intense and undeniable, and the sexual tension just oozes off the page. Their banter is fun, witty, flirtatious, and argumentative with moments that are full of heat, heart and humor. Their interactions had a natural and believable quality and I loved that their story was told in a dual point of view.

Although The Rivalry does have an angsty plot, its well balanced with light hearted moments full of humor that had me laughing out loud.

I adored this title and cannot recommend it enough to anyone who enjoys a sports romance, or young adult collage romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marita anderson
Fantastic freaking book. That was the first thoughts that came to mind when I finished this story. It was an amazing sports romance, especially for a football fan like myself. The details given throughout made everything more realistic and drew me in to the storyline.

The premise was interesting with two people from rivaling colleges meeting and being mentally, emotionally, and physically attracted to each other. Their many interactions with each other as well as friends and family while trying to navigate the new relationship and individual responsibilities were sometimes funny, very often steamy, and sometimes emotional. But it was always good. Really really good. Kayla was so relatable as I can hear some of her same thoughts and phrases passing through my mind as I watch football. Jay was pretty much perfection. And his few moments of imperfection were just part of the overall loveable package.

I can't wait to get my hands on more books by Nikki Sloane because if they are any near as good as this one, she's got a new auto buy fan in me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
celina aghabekian
The Rivalry is an engaging, witty and sexy romance that is set in the spirited world of college football, and you’ll love this rivals-to-lovers story. Kayla and Jay have an instant connection from the moment they meet that makes both of them feel a little punch drunk, but neither realizes at the time that they’re archenemies due to the colleges they attend. She’s high-spirited, serious about team loyalty and doesn’t think she and Jay can overcome their rivalry, so Jay has to convince her to give him a chance. He’s absolutely delectable as he makes a play for her heart and persuades her to ignore their difference, if only for secret, stolen moments. Their attraction is searing, their developing feelings are exhilarating, and the sex is hot and emotional, and The Rivalry is a must-read for anyone who loves football or anyone just looking for a feel-good, epic love story.

Recommendation appeared on Heroes & Heartbreakers as a November Best Bets.
ARC provided, but this review was voluntarily and honestly written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
irma arricivita
Kayla was raised to love Ohio State’s football team and with her family she comes by it honestly. She is the head cheerleader and her loyalty to her team is unquestionable. The one thing you can count on is her hate for their rivals Ohio State.

Jay is the start tight end for Ohio State with dreams of becoming a professional after college. In the past he had fully appreciated the perks of being a star but now he wants to be liked for something other than what he can do on the field.

They meet at a wedding and their connection is instant and intense until she realizes he is the star player of the team she loves to hate. Jay realizes that she is special and although she doesn’t want to take it any further because of the rivalry Jay is not about to be deterred.

I loved the characters as Jay doesn’t care who she cheers for as all he wants is her and Kayla is feisty and determined which only makes the chemistry and banter more intense. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book! Rivalry sports stories can be good, but throw in a beyond hot tight end and a sassy, knows her football cheerleader, and you have a wonderful story. Jay and Kayla meet at a wedding, and sparks fly almost immediately. Little do they know they’re mortal enemies—Michigan and Ohio State University. Jay doesn’t really care about the rivalry—he really likes Kayla. Try as she might, Kayla just can’t seem to get past that damn hatred of Wolverines. Their chemistry is just too strong to ignore, and that’s where the fun—and smokin’ hot action—takes over. I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Having lived in Indiana for almost 25 years, I’m well-versed in all universities mentioned (Boiler Up!). Also being a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan, my girlfriends and I used to joke about falling for a guy from any other team in the NFC East, so I definitely understood and sympathized w/Kayla. I loved Kayla’s parents and her brother, Cooper. Jay’s family was interesting, as well. Enjoyed this funny, hot, frustrating, sweet, dirty tale.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grace lucas
This book cured my bookslump & bookhangover... So that should say enough! It is filled with constant action, great banter, sexy times and characters that you can't get enough of. This story is entertaining and unputdownable. Jay & Kayla have such sweet chemistry and their overall funny banter is spectacular. Nikki Sloan really surprised me with this lighthearted read. The level of writing is so well thought out... You can see how her careful crafting of the story showed in the many ways that scenarios could have become cliches, but she steered away from any expected outcomes and gave me a ride into a reading experience that I am glad to have been able to go through. You can't help but just cheer for Jay & Kayla, you can't help but smile along with her crazy & sassy attitude and even more so, you can't help but just fall head over heals for Jay. I am such a fan of swoony moments and he totally nailed it in his nod to "Love Actually". I trully loved this read!! Looking forward to more great reads by Nikki in a near future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jonathan weiss
Shel: Fans of college football are going to love The Rivalry, and if you don't love football you may not quite get how or why people (families) get so rabid-dog-like crazy about certain match ups but you'll definitely find this novel entertaining. As someone who lives in SEC country and more notably LSU land, I'm very much aware of how crazy people can get when it comes to their teams (hello #bamahateweek ) and yet I've never seen it quite as bad as Kayla and her family (which made it that more interesting and entertaining).

Shel: Not only did I enjoy the story of Kayla and Jay and their unlikely pairing, the humor, and their struggle, I also enjoyed that this gave me a new type of read from Nikki Sloane. I've known her to have these passionate, tense stand offs between her couples and this was more humorous and light.

Shel: If your team has a bye week or you're just hungry for a college cheerleader/football player romance, you're going to enjoy this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
olivia audoma
This sports romance takes on a star-crossed lovers of sorts. Kayla cheers for Ohio State and Jay plays for Michigan. They go to rival schools, but their hearts and bodies want each other regardless.

This book was hot with really great chemistry and sexual tension between the hero and heroine. The banter was incredibly entertaining and showcased their personalities. Kayla’s endearing and fun, though she had her moments. There are a few times where her behavior is annoying, but she redeems herself. Jay is so charming and sweet. I love when the hero is determined and fights for the heroine’s attention.

The secondary characters are fantastic additions to the story that really give the story a well-rounded feeling. The book had good, steady pacing and a well-written storyline, although the over-the-top moments took me out of the story at times. This was quite different from Nikki Sloane’s usual books with its lighter tone and college setting, but it still contained passion and steam.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky page
I absolutely adored The Rivalry by Nikki Sloane! I must say, I was a little hesitant about it since it’s a sports romance, and the genre. I love all of Nikki’s previous books so that’s why I decided to take a chance on something new from her, and I’m so glad I did! I fell in love instantly with the storyline, the characters, and believe it or not I really enjoyed those football scenes.
Not only that, but I felt as though Nikki put me right there with the characters. It was so realistic and easy to follow. The banter between Kayla and Jay was super hilarious at times, and oh boy how I just loved them! They’re both so passionate about football and it really shows in this one.
I will say The Rivalry has made my top read for this year. I just couldn’t stop reading once I started. Nikki Sloane has definitely upped her game with writing this one, and it really shows how talented she is as a writer.
Highly recommend checking this one out, and I can’t wait to see what Nikki does next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david niose
I have read a few college sports romances before but, holy cow, what Nikki did with this story was brilliantly accomplished. The enjoyment I felt reading this was indescribable. I felt like I was witnessing, the sweat and tears myself; as if I could just smell the rivalry of these football teams. You just get transported into the thick of it and well I quiet enjoyed that adrenaline rush.

The connection between Jay and Kayla is phenomenal. Their obsessive personalities are just perfect for one another, which is what made their relationship work so well; even though Kayla did put poor Jay through the ringer. However, I guess you need to read this to find out what I mean.

I’m not usually a fan of sport romances but Nikki has an amazing way of putting you in the thick of it. It’s a lighter read on the sports side of football but it’s full of angst and a sweet charming love story that everyone can enjoy. This is one book you must read.

A Book Lovers Emporium
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The prologue of this book had me completely hooked! I wanted to love the mother in this story because of her fierce loyalty and hard core determination. I quickly discovered that I don't understand her at all! I love angst and drama in my romance as much as the next person, but the attitude of hating someone based on the team they support or the school they attend is completely foreign to me. Then add in teaching your kids to have the same intense feelings of disgust and its just too strange. I was afraid for a lot of this book I wouldn't ever like the heroine.

Disclaimer: Please understand that where I enjoy sports and LOVE sports romance, I am NOT a sports fan nor do I completely understand the 'rivalry' aspect of team sports.

After a while, she begins to see outside of her bubble and make more big picture type decisions. This is a really great guy and once she finally lets herself (and her parents) realize it, the book really comes together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOW!!! I was completely engrossed in this book I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.
It was so good I really hope to see it on TV sooner or later.

I can easily relate to our heroine's doubts about starting a relationship with the "enemy" but I can also understand that a person who wasn't born and raised into a rivalry couldn't realize the extent of it.
I loved the chemistry that Kayla and Jay have from their first encounter and how their relationship is hot,funny and also easy when they don't talk about football.

This was my first Nikki Sloane's book but her writing is so good I can't wait to get to read her other works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathryn chellis
When I started The Rivalry I hadn't read anything good for some time. I just couldn't get into any book I've read. But The Rivalry totally put me under a spell. I am so in love with this book! Nikki Sloane outdid herself with this one.

The whole book is something different. It is unique and gives you something new and exciting to read. And I just loved everything about this book, even though I'm someone who doesn't like football at all and I don’t really understand it properly... This book just made me fall in love with the characters, their story and just everything. It was so sexy and emotional, and it made me FEEL!! Such a beautiful book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It really pulls you in by hitting all the emotional roller coaster, which is Nikki Sloane's writing style and didn't disappoint!! Loved Jay and Kayla's instant attraction, banter and steamy hotness as they negotiated their way through dealing with their colleges Rivalry. It being more of Kayla's hang up and Jay's determination to get her beyond it. Oh and let's not forget the humor when a book can literally make you laugh out loud!! Psssst.... also I'm not much of a football fan either, but it didn't matter, with the way this book is written I wasn't lost in the football scenes.... so for me that's a good thing!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 incredible stars! The Rivalry is a wonderful, funny sexy read. Even though I am not a huge sports fan I love sports related books. And this one is fantastic. The characters Jay and Kayla are so easy to fall in love with. Kayla is hilarious, she had me rolling with her come backs and Jay well he's sexy as sin. I was really in need of a lighthearted read and this absolutely did it for me. Nikki is a wonderful author and I love how she can write everything. I honestly don't think 5 stars is enough for this book it's fabulous.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jay tries to have best intentions, he really does, “tell me anything.” His voice was low. “I’d planned on talking first. I wasn’t supposed to jump right on you, but you’re kind of hard to keep my hands off of.” Jay says the nicest things to his girl, “I want to see you, not just through a computer screen. I want to touch you. Kiss you.”Her eyes hooded, and I could see her weaken. It told me to keep going. “I want to put my tongue in you. Get you to come all over me.” I loved this book, Jay was such a lovable guy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin noack
What a phenomenal read from Nikki Sloane!

I completely fell in love with The Rivalry, and I already want to go back and read it again. Any novel that involves sports is one that I definitely want to pick up and read. This was one of those novels. The characters oozed charm and sexiness, while appealing to emotions and heartstrings as well.

I highly recommend everyone go and pick up this amazing novel by Nikki Sloan today!

5/5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katie konrad
I voluntarily received an advance review copy of this book and chose to review it.

I really enjoyed this book! I loved the college atmosphere, as well as the action from the football and cheerleading, it was pretty great!
I wish it would’ve been a bit longer though, the tension stretched out a little more, more time spent with Jay and Kayla as a couple but it was a really enjoyable read, I’d highly recommend it to all sports/college romance lovers!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shai stanton
Sports romance at its best!
Super hot, fast paced and with a lot of heart. College football player has no idea what he's getting into when he meets Kayla. She too loves I mean loves football. Touchdown right? Not when she's falling for the star player from the opponent team.
The characters were developed beautifully and their chemistry was off the charts. Their banter was steamy sassy and funny, and the end result made this story a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matthew ebert
As someone who doesn’t follow sports and the whole rivalry thing just goes over the top of my head so this was a fun read to me.

Kayla and Jay were such a fun feisty couple to read they made me roll my eyes in despair, giggle uncontrollably and swoon at their chemistry.

If you like your sports romances then I’m sure you will enjoy this fun story.

reviewed by Sweet Spot Sisterhood
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chase graham
I would forever associate the word "Rivalry" to Jay and Kayla, with their teams' rivalry so deeply ingrained, it runs in their blood!

Their story is not just nail-bitingly thrilling, it's also so fun and swoon-inducing! I really couldn't put it down, I was walking and climbing up and down the stairs with my ebook in front of me! I was kinda sad when it ended, I want more of these hilarious duo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received for an honest review and absolutely loved it I read it in one setting I just devoured it. It truly shows the heart wants what the heart wants and nothing will stand in the way. I totally loved the football aspect too because I am a huge huge huge football fan so I just adored this story. The couple had amazing chemistry. I so very highly recommend it you will not regret it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber rodriguez
Fantastic book! Quite the tight end I might add! I enjoyed this story from beginning to end & all I have to say is, I can't resist this tight end! This Story grabbed my attention & this is one of Nikki's best books yet! Congrats on a fantastic story! The cover isn't too bad to look at either! I highly recommend this book! One click it today! If you're a football fan, even better!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For a person who watches college football every weekend all weekend. I have to say this book is phenomenal! The romance between these two characters is written perfectly. It has you on the edge of your seat wondering how they are going to get over something so sacred as a college rivalry! Can't say enough good things about this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill yarrow
WOW!!! I was completely engrossed in this book I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.
It was so good I really hope to see it on TV sooner or later.

I can easily relate to our heroine's doubts about starting a relationship with the "enemy" but I can also understand that a person who wasn't born and raised into a rivalry couldn't realize the extent of it.
I loved the chemistry that Kayla and Jay have from their first encounter and how their relationship is hot,funny and also easy when they don't talk about football.

This was my first Nikki Sloane's book but her writing is so good I can't wait to get to read her other works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer shepherd
When I started The Rivalry I hadn't read anything good for some time. I just couldn't get into any book I've read. But The Rivalry totally put me under a spell. I am so in love with this book! Nikki Sloane outdid herself with this one.

The whole book is something different. It is unique and gives you something new and exciting to read. And I just loved everything about this book, even though I'm someone who doesn't like football at all and I don’t really understand it properly... This book just made me fall in love with the characters, their story and just everything. It was so sexy and emotional, and it made me FEEL!! Such a beautiful book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monica boehle
It really pulls you in by hitting all the emotional roller coaster, which is Nikki Sloane's writing style and didn't disappoint!! Loved Jay and Kayla's instant attraction, banter and steamy hotness as they negotiated their way through dealing with their colleges Rivalry. It being more of Kayla's hang up and Jay's determination to get her beyond it. Oh and let's not forget the humor when a book can literally make you laugh out loud!! Psssst.... also I'm not much of a football fan either, but it didn't matter, with the way this book is written I wasn't lost in the football scenes.... so for me that's a good thing!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I freaking loved this book!!! I don't normally read books about sports romance, but I took a chance with this one and it was amazing!! This story was not only funny, but it was also very romantic!!! I never knew schools could have such hatred for one another until I read this story and my hubby told me that people actually feel like this about certain schools/teams, etc....Kayla and Jay are amazing and they make you believe that anything is possible when it comes to love!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carol evans
5 incredible stars! The Rivalry is a wonderful, funny sexy read. Even though I am not a huge sports fan I love sports related books. And this one is fantastic. The characters Jay and Kayla are so easy to fall in love with. Kayla is hilarious, she had me rolling with her come backs and Jay well he's sexy as sin. I was really in need of a lighthearted read and this absolutely did it for me. Nikki is a wonderful author and I love how she can write everything. I honestly don't think 5 stars is enough for this book it's fabulous.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sally epp
Jay tries to have best intentions, he really does, “tell me anything.” His voice was low. “I’d planned on talking first. I wasn’t supposed to jump right on you, but you’re kind of hard to keep my hands off of.” Jay says the nicest things to his girl, “I want to see you, not just through a computer screen. I want to touch you. Kiss you.”Her eyes hooded, and I could see her weaken. It told me to keep going. “I want to put my tongue in you. Get you to come all over me.” I loved this book, Jay was such a lovable guy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian isaro
What a phenomenal read from Nikki Sloane!

I completely fell in love with The Rivalry, and I already want to go back and read it again. Any novel that involves sports is one that I definitely want to pick up and read. This was one of those novels. The characters oozed charm and sexiness, while appealing to emotions and heartstrings as well.

I highly recommend everyone go and pick up this amazing novel by Nikki Sloan today!

5/5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james murphy
I voluntarily received an advance review copy of this book and chose to review it.

I really enjoyed this book! I loved the college atmosphere, as well as the action from the football and cheerleading, it was pretty great!
I wish it would’ve been a bit longer though, the tension stretched out a little more, more time spent with Jay and Kayla as a couple but it was a really enjoyable read, I’d highly recommend it to all sports/college romance lovers!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jane haase
Sports romance at its best!
Super hot, fast paced and with a lot of heart. College football player has no idea what he's getting into when he meets Kayla. She too loves I mean loves football. Touchdown right? Not when she's falling for the star player from the opponent team.
The characters were developed beautifully and their chemistry was off the charts. Their banter was steamy sassy and funny, and the end result made this story a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As someone who doesn’t follow sports and the whole rivalry thing just goes over the top of my head so this was a fun read to me.

Kayla and Jay were such a fun feisty couple to read they made me roll my eyes in despair, giggle uncontrollably and swoon at their chemistry.

If you like your sports romances then I’m sure you will enjoy this fun story.

reviewed by Sweet Spot Sisterhood
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meredith monke
I would forever associate the word "Rivalry" to Jay and Kayla, with their teams' rivalry so deeply ingrained, it runs in their blood!

Their story is not just nail-bitingly thrilling, it's also so fun and swoon-inducing! I really couldn't put it down, I was walking and climbing up and down the stairs with my ebook in front of me! I was kinda sad when it ended, I want more of these hilarious duo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annabel schnitzer
I received for an honest review and absolutely loved it I read it in one setting I just devoured it. It truly shows the heart wants what the heart wants and nothing will stand in the way. I totally loved the football aspect too because I am a huge huge huge football fan so I just adored this story. The couple had amazing chemistry. I so very highly recommend it you will not regret it!!
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